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The importance of characterizing the site effects in urban areas, especially Mumbai, the commercial capital of India, with a quarter of land below sea level, is well realized. Mumbai is built on a cluster of seven basaltic islands that were merged together through reclamation of land from the Arabian Sea. Due to rapid urbanization, the demarcation between reclaimed areas and original islands is blurred. A pilot study is undertaken to investigate and characterize the local site effects at 27 locations in Mumbai. The Nakamura technique is used to estimate the fundamental frequency of soft soils at each site, characterized by the ratio (H/V) of the Fourier spectra of the horizontal and vertical components of ambient noise measurements made with a 3-component short period (1 Hz) seismograph. Validation of peak frequency was done using both pre-event and event data. The peak amplification was also validated through measurements at a 10-m exposed soil section and over a soil dump. Overall, the site responses correlate well with the local geology and the lithologs obtained at 40 boreholes at 8 locations The reclaimed areas are characterized by resonance frequencies ranging from 3.3 to 4.6 Hz with significant peak amplification (>4) in contrast to hard rock sites that do not exhibit peak amplification. The hard rock sites with soil cover exhibit peak amplification in the frequency range 3.3–10.5 Hz indicating large variations in soil thickness. The H/V curves at most sites exhibit clear single peaks with large amplitude, which could be associated with sharp discontinuities corresponding to a uni-model of a single layer with large velocity contrast overlying the basement. The low resonance frequencies together with large amplification of site responses enable identifying and demarcating reclaimed areas that form important inputs in the seismic microzonation of Mumbai.  相似文献   

孙巧银  李成柱  方磊 《中国地质》2019,46(S1):32-38
本数据集是作者2017年在银川盆地平罗站幅施工的14个工程地质钻孔岩心中采集的234个岩土样品,经过测试分析后所得的共2 602组测试数据。这些数据主要体现了土体的抗剪强度、压缩模量、颗粒成分等。图幅内第四系分布广泛,厚度大,为区内主要的工程地质岩组,且成因多样,从西到东主要包括:上更新统洪积层,岩性主要为砾石、砂砾石;全新统灵武组细砂土;全新统湖沼积层,岩性主要为淤泥、砂质粘土及粉砂;全新统风积层,岩性主要为土黄色中-细砂、粉砂。其中,全新统灵武组占据了图幅大部分区域,岩性主要为细砂、粉砂、砂质粘土等。钻孔揭示,银川平原区地层纵向上以河湖相细砂、粉砂为主,夹粉质粘土,局部钻孔含卵砾石层。样品测试数据分析显示,图幅区内碎石土、冲积砂土、粘性土具较高的抗剪强度,工程地质条件较好;而图幅西北部砂岩、泥岩由于中等到强风化程度,且有软弱夹层,工程地质条件较差。湖沼积成因的淤泥、砂质粘土及粉砂工程地质性质亦较差。本次图幅区内的工程地质钻探工作施工规范,测试分析均由具备国家资质的实验室承担,得到的数据质量可靠,真实反映了该区域内地层信息及岩土物理力学性质。  相似文献   

籍烨  张朝晖 《中国岩溶》2015,34(6):599-606
文章对贵州省清镇市站街镇林歹二矿铝土矿区的四种不同生态环境下的藓类植物生物多样性及其生态分布特征进行研究。结果表明,共有藓类植物10科22属37种,其中丛藓科(Pottiaceae)、青藓科(Brachytheciaceae)和灰藓科(Hypnaceae)为本矿区的优势科,真藓属(Bryum)、曲柄藓属(Campyloopus)、毛口藓属(Trichostomum)和青藓属(Brachythecium)为优势属。黄牛毛藓(Ditrichum pallidum)、疣肋曲柄藓(Campylopus schwarzii)、日本大丛藓(Molendoa japonica)等为优势种;铝土矿区苔藓植物生活型以矮丛集型居多;单一物种群落在这一矿区的苔藓植物群落中占有一定优势。苔藓植物的Shannon-Wiener指数和丰富度指数均表现为油菜种植区多样性指数最高,其次为矿区树林区,废石堆积区和细小矿石及矿土堆积恢复区这类受人类活动影响较大的地区苔藓植物多样性指数较小;Pielous均匀度指数表现为矿区树林区(0.8525)>废石堆积区(0.8327)>矿区油菜种植区(0.7650)>细小矿石及矿土堆积恢复区(0.6229); β多样性指数表现为细小矿石及矿土堆积恢复区—废石堆积区(0.5000)最高,最低为细小矿石及矿土堆积恢复区—矿区树林区(0.1538)。主成分分析(PCA)结果显示出细小矿石及矿土堆积恢复区和废石堆积区中的苔藓植物组成有较大差异性,小曲尾藓(Dicranella grevilleana) 和长尖扭口藓(Barbula ditrichoides)分别是矿土堆积恢复区和废石堆积区的特征种。相关性较高的苔藓植物种类在岩溶型铝土矿区环境中经常伴随生长。   相似文献   

张锡贵 《地质与勘探》2021,57(3):544-553
通过贵州省玉屏县耕地质量地球化学调查评价工作,发现该县部分区域耕地土壤中Hg、Cd元素含量超过国家土壤环境质量三级标准值,达到严格管控范围,出现高值异常,分别形成汞、镉两个异常区。进一步查清异常区特征及其异常源,对该区土壤质量的评价和农业种植结构调整具有实际指导意义。本文采用横向剖面法、垂向剖面法、地质剖面法等三种方法相结合开展异常查证及成因分析。经综合分析得知:汞异常区位于北东向新晃-玉屏深大断裂带上及其附近,异常源为区内的汞矿化点,其经强风化成土后残留原地或有较小的迁移而形成汞异常。镉异常区位于近东西向太阳山断层附近,其异常源为寒武系下统"黑色岩系"地层和区内铅锌矿化点,其"黑色岩系"地层中富含Cd元素和铅锌矿化点中伴生的镉矿物是引起镉异常的直接因素。  相似文献   

露天煤矿生态地质环境系统恢复过程中,排于地表的不同年代地质层组的岩土剥离物都有可能成为复垦土壤母质。为科学合理利用矿区岩土剥离物,重构高质量复垦土壤,并指导后期分类排放,以平朔露天矿区黄土母质作为对照,评价不同类型岩土理化性状差异,从复垦土壤母质来源进行造地的源头控制,为露天煤矿土地复垦与生态修复提供依据。结合单项养分含量及有益微量元素含量分析结果,借助修正的内梅罗综合指数法,评价各岩土层肥力质量;借助单因子质量指数法,评价各岩土层环境质量。结果表明:各岩土层综合肥力系数位于0.40~1.26范围内,属贫瘠或一般水平;安家岭矿中2个煤矸石层的有机质或全氮含量、上部页岩层的全钾含量,以及东露天矿中炭质泥岩层的全磷含量丰富,显著高于黄土母质层;东露天矿底部细砂岩层及安家岭矿中泥灰岩层硫含量过高;东露天矿镉元素环境质量指数为1.05,属轻微污染等级;安家岭矿底部细砂岩层pH值低至4.25,酸度过大。平朔露天矿大多岩土层环境质量较好,但综合肥力质量较差,其中单项养分含量丰富,环境质量安全且易于风化的岩土层,适宜作为重构复垦土壤的备选材料。  相似文献   

Construction of the Chhibro—Khodri Tunnel of the Yamuna Hydroelectric Scheme near Dehradun in the lower Himalayan region has been delayed by over six years due to problems associated with highly squeezing rock masses encountered unexpectedly in recurring faulted zones.

Attempts to measure tectonic slip along a fault zone running across the tunnel have been reviewed. The suitability of a “flexible lining” provided in this zone has been evaluated in view of the region being seismically active.

A tunnel instrumentation programme was implemented to evolve a flexible support system capable of reducing rock loads to manageable levels in highly squeezing rock conditions. Use of “loose” backfill with steel-arch supports has shown promise in this direction.

Observed support pressures have been compared with the estimated values for evaluating the empirical and theoretical approaches of rock-load assessment in the squeezing rock conditions. The elasto-plastic theory has yielded reliable estimates of rock pressures.  相似文献   

碳酸盐岩差异性风化成土特征及其对石漠化形成的影响   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
碳酸盐岩极低的酸不溶物含量使岩石风化产生的残积土壤物质数量极少,并产生巨大的体积缩小,促使早期形成的残积土在重力作用下不断向下塌陷。显著的差异性风化使基岩面强烈起伏,甚至形成大量的岩溶尘洼地、裂隙、地下管道、洞穴系统等。在重力和水的作用下,土粒沿垂直和水平方向上经微距离或短距离搬运到上述低洼或地下空间中,甚至由地下河带到更远的地方,这是碳酸盐岩地区土壤丢失的重要方式,也是形成石漠化最主要的地质因素。土壤在地表分布高度不均匀,是碳酸盐岩地区的地表少土的重要原因。对于酸不溶物含量相当的石灰岩和白云岩而言,由于白云岩的差异性风化明显弱于石灰岩,以及受各种应力作用后,白云岩形成的节理及裂隙密集而均匀,从而提高了近地表白云岩的含水能力,延长了风化过程中的水-岩反应时间,使风化作用可以相对集中于地表或近地表进行,有利于岩石的整体风化作用的进行,同时使白云岩风化壳基岩面起伏相对较小,风化残积形成的土壤分布也相对均匀。因此,白云岩区地表土层较厚,石漠化程度也稍弱于灰岩区。  相似文献   

以陕西潼关、大柳塔及辽宁阜新矿区为例,采用对比分析的方法研究矿产资源开发中矿山地质环境问题差异性响应的主要因素。上述3个矿区矿产资源开发中矿山地质环境问题主要包括:20世纪90年代以前,陕西潼关金矿区是中国矿产资源开发秩序十分混乱的矿区之一,地下开采的采矿废石随意堆排导致了极为严重的矿山泥石流地质灾害及其隐患,"三废"无序排放导致土壤、河水及其底泥的重金属及氰化物污染严重,严重影响人体健康;地处生态环境脆弱带的陕西大柳塔煤矿区,20年大型机械化地下煤炭资源开采导致大面积地面塌陷及其链生的地下水含水层破坏严重,但矿区土地沙漠化程度总体没有呈现加重的趋势,水土环境重金属呈轻度污染;具有百年开发历史的辽宁阜新煤矿区,露天开采使土地生态破坏严重、边坡滑坡灾害频发、土地压占与破坏突出,地下开采引起的地面塌陷对地表建筑物及人居安全影响严重,但相对于金属矿区,该矿区水土环境重金属污染相对轻得多。对比上述3个矿区矿山地质环境问题,得到其差异性响应主要因素:矿产资源种类、原生地质环境条件、开采方式及矿山环境保护意识等。  相似文献   

An ideal engineered soil cover can mitigate acid rock drainage (ARD) by limiting water and gaseous O2 ingress into an underlying waste rock pile. However, the barrier layer in the soil cover almost invariably tends to develop cracks or fractures after placement. These cracks may change water flow and O2 transport in the soil cover and decrease performance in the long run. The present study employed a 10-cm-wide sand-filled channel installed in a soil barrier layer (silty clay) to model the aggregate of cracks or fractures that may be present in the cover. The soil cover had a slope of 20%. Oxygen transport through the soil cover and oxidation of the underlying waste rock were investigated and compared to a controlled column test with bare waste rock (without soil cover). Moreover, gaseous O2 transport in the soil cover with channel and its sensitivity to channel location as well as the influence of the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the channel material were modeled using the commercial software VADOSE/W. The results indicted that the waste rock underlying the soil cover with channel had a lower oxidation rate than the waste rock without cover because of reduced O2 ingress and water flushing in the soil cover with channel, which meant a partial soil cover might still be effective to some extent in reducing ARD generation. Gaseous O2 ingress into the covered waste rock was more sensitive to the channel location than to the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the material filling the channel. Aqueous equilibrium speciation modeling and scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray analysis indicated that secondary minerals formed as a result of the oxidation of the waste rock included gypsum and goethite in the covered waste rock and schwertmannite and other Fe oxides in the uncovered waste rock. The findings of the study provided insight into the effect of channel flow on O2 transport and oxidation of the covered waste rock, which may help to improve soil cover design and construction to minimise the generation of preferential flow in the barrier layer.  相似文献   

当前的岩土分类方案存在碎片化问题,各种岩土类型之间存在大量的模糊过渡地带。岩土通用分类方案宜基于岩土的基本物质组成,即固体、液体和气体,一般情况下,可采用特殊组分+颗粒大小+孔隙率+饱和度的组合方案。本文中的特殊组分包括特殊矿物和有机质,特殊矿物是指以蒙脱石族为代表的片状矿物、易溶盐和碳酸盐类矿物。通用分类的评价指标应适用于各类岩土,仅适合某些岩土的指标可作为次一级的分类指标。本文采用岩土颗粒大小和特殊组分进行岩土颗粒的通用分类,采用孔隙率衡量岩土颗粒之间的绝对紧密程度,采用饱和度衡量岩土的含水状态。单个岩土地层定义为具有相同的地质时代成因及相同的特殊组分、岩土颗粒大小、致密度和饱和度的地层,标准岩土地层序列定义为一个地区内某个地质时代、某种成因类型的完整岩土地层序列。建立一个地区、国家乃至全球范围内各时代成因的标准岩土地层序列是岩土地层大数据库的重要基础。  相似文献   

This study reports on the transfer of contaminants from waste rock dumps and mineralised ground into soils, sediments, waters and plants at the rehabilitated Mary Kathleen uranium mine in semi-arid northwest Queensland. Numerous waste rock dumps were partly covered with benign soil and the open pit mine was allowed to flood. The mineralised and waste calc-silicate rock in the open pit and dumps has major (>1 wt%) Ca, Fe and Mg, minor (>1,000 ppm) Ce, La, Mn, P and S, subminor (>100 ppm) Ba, Cu, Th and U, and trace (<100 ppm) As, Ni, Pb, Y and Zn values. Consequently, chemical and physical weathering processes have acted on waste rock and on rock faces within the open pit, mobilising many elements and leading to their dispersion into soils, stream sediments, pit water and several plant species. Chemical dispersion is initiated by sulfide mineral breakdown, generation of sulfuric acid and formation of several soluble, transient sulfate minerals as evaporative efflorescent precipitates. Radiation doses associated with the open pit average 5.65 mSv year−1; waste dumps commonly have lower values, especially where soil-covered. Surface pit water is slightly acid, with high sulfate values accompanied by levels of U, Cu and Ni close to or above Australian water guideline values for livestock. Dispersion of U and related elements into soils and stream sediments occurs by physical (erosional) processes and from chemical precipitation. Plants growing in the mine void, on waste dumps and contaminated soil display evidence of biological uptake of U, LREE, Cu and Th and to a lesser degree of As, Ni, Pb, Y and Zn, with values being up to 1–2 orders of magnitude above background sites for the same species. Although rehabilitation procedures have been partly successful in reducing dispersion of U and related elements into the surrounding environment, it is apparent that 20 years after rehabilitation, there is significant physical and chemical mobility, including transfer into plants.  相似文献   

Earthwork and surface excavation activities play an important role in construction projects. Selecting the best technique to loosen the overburden material within the surface excavation in open mining and geotechnical projects is of great importance from economical and technical viewpoints. Surface excavation includes direct digging, ripping and blasting. To select the most effective method and plan for excavation, geotechnical investigation is very important. It is also a big help in avoiding conflict between contractors and clients when they do not reach mutual agreement regarding the price of rock and soil excavation. There are many engineering classification systems used to assess rock masses for excavation purposes. All of these systems consider several geotechnical parameters to assess the earth masses. This study reviews these systems and then offers a new categorization based on the Rock Mass index (RMi) classification system and block volume to assess excavation in rock masses. The original dataset was obtained from the literature review as well as the surface excavation in Upper Gotvand dam and Hydro Power Plant (HPP). The offered system was also validated through the data extracted from the surface excavation in Sardasht dam and HPP in Iran.  相似文献   

Soil and stream sediment sampling have been the primary geochemical exploration tools in the Appalachian piedmont to date. However, the great thicknesses of soil and saprolite found in the region coupled with the dense vegetation frequently encountered favor biogeochemistry as an alternative or supplemental method since deep-rooted plants sample closer to bedrock. To evaluate this method, an orientation survey was performed in which soils and vegetation at 17 sites north of Mineral, Virginia, were sampled and analyzed for Ag, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn. The traverse included stations over the host rocks of massive sulfide mineralization, as well as over apparent “barren” country rock. Samples were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry using standard digestion and analytical techniques.Both A- and B-horizon soil metals generally appear to be reliable indicators of mineralization, with soils developed over sulfides showing up to three-fold enrichment in metal content relative to the average soils developed on the country rock. Correlation of metal concentrations in vegetation to soil metal concentrations reveal plant concentrations expressed on a dry-weight basis correlate stronger and more frequently to soil metals than do ash-weight concentrations. Copper shows some promise in selected organs and species, Ag appears fair but data are limited to one organ of one species, and plant Pb seems totally unresponsive to soil metal concentrations perhaps because foliar absorption is an important plant uptake mechanism here. However, Zn and Cd in organs of the oak group, especially mature leaves and twigs of the current year's growth show the greatest promise as prospecting tools. They correlate well with soil metals and when compared directly to the geology they reliably reflect mineralization. Although results using White oak were slightly less profound than those obtained from the Black-Red oak group, White oak may be preferred as it is a single, more widespread, easily-identifiable species. Copper and especially Zn although essential elements to plants, do not appear to be “difficult” elements for biogeochemical prospecting in the Appalachian piedmont.  相似文献   

华北平原典型地段地面沉降演化特征与机理研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
华北平原是世界上最大的地下水系统之一,地面沉降问题突出。由于沉积环境变化多样、地质条件差异性显著和人类开采活动强烈,使得该地区地面沉降成因机理复杂。本文采用卫星对地观测技术与传统手段相结合,监测地面沉降灾变过程,分析华北平原地面沉降发展历史和现状。结合应力-应变图解法及土工实验研究地面沉降差异性特征及滞后变形成因机理。取得了以下关键认识:(1)华北平原地面沉降空间分布差异性明显,沉降主要分布在平原区第四纪沉积凹陷,呈现东西分带、南北分段特点。地面沉降空间发展部分受到北东向和北西向构造控制。在沧县隆起区,地面沉降也比较发育,主要原因是沧县隆起在第四纪时期构造运动相对不活跃,沉积了较厚的第四系;存在与构造走向一致的3期古河道,该地区赋存丰富的地下水资源并被大量开采。(2)地面沉降发生发展与地下水开采历史密切相关,沉降主要压缩贡献层随地下水开采层位变化而变化。北京平原100 m以深地层对地面沉降贡献呈增加趋势。天津平原目前地面沉降的主要贡献层来自300 m以下地层。(3)气候干旱导致地下水补给量减少,同时增加了地下水的开采,因而是引起地面沉降的重要间接驱动因素。高层建筑荷载、基坑降排水、地热开采对地面沉降的影响应引起足够重视。(4)地面沉降具有很强的滞后性,最大滞后时间可达25年。除了渗透固结成因以外,土体蠕变是另外一个重要原因。更新世地层在不同荷载下,蠕变特征明显。沧县隆起晚更新世地层次固结可达到总变形28.3%。(5)土的物理性质、地下水位变化模式对土层变形特征具有重要影响。不同埋深地层在地下水位变化条件下的变形特征存在较大的差异(弹性、黏弹性、黏弹塑性)。浅部含水组呈现以弹性为主的变形特征。  相似文献   

依据镇远县耕地质量地球化学调查成果,对全县耕地表层土壤硒分布特征和控制因素进行了分析。结果显示:镇远县耕地土壤硒含量平均值为(0.64±0.56) mg/kg,富硒耕地硒含量平均值为(0.72±0.42) mg/kg,富硒耕地面积占总耕地面积的82.71%。全县耕地土壤硒含量受pH值、海拔、地形地貌、成土母岩、土壤类型和土地利用类型的影响,统计发现:偏酸性耕地、海拔800 m以下耕地、分布在槽沟和谷地的耕地、碳质岩系地层分布区耕地、粗骨土和红壤分布区、茶园和水田表层土壤均具有相对较高的硒含量。分析认为成土母岩是土壤硒的最重要来源,其对土壤中硒元素含量具有控制作用,尤以含碳硅质岩系最为明显,另外土壤有机质及pH值通过改变土壤理化性质深刻影响着硒的迁移及富集,进而影响土壤硒含量。  相似文献   

The environmental concern favours “dry” waste management systems compared to the more common practice of shallow land burial. With the former, sandwiched soil covers are usually employed. A double barrier concept is presented and discussed for the sandwiched construction. The critical matrix potentials of the two barrier materials appear to have significant influence on the performance of the dual barrier system. Despite some practical problems, the concept appears promising.  相似文献   

碳酸盐岩风化成土过程中的微生物作用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
碳酸盐岩风化作用长期受到广泛关注,有关其成土的物源也一直是颇有争议的问题。基于前人有关碳酸盐岩风化成土作用的研究基础和对有关资料的调研与分析,结合各类研究成果,笔者提出了喀斯特地区岩石微生物的风化成土作用途径:微生物生长对矿物养料的吸收,以及分泌的代谢产物导致碳酸盐岩的破坏分解和一些次生矿物的形成;一些岩石微生物能够通过新陈代谢固定大气中的碳素和氮素,截留由雨水、风尘、大气气溶胶甚至空气流动所带来的土壤颗粒等外来物质。微生物在岩石表面与缝隙中的生长繁殖在碳酸盐岩风化成土这一漫长的地质演化过程中发挥了不可替代的重要作用。  相似文献   

崩落法开采的金属矿山往往会伴随着一系列的地质灾害现象。为保证矿区安全生产,开展崩落法开采引起的岩层移动的时效性研究具有重要意义。以程潮铁矿西区下盘为研究对象,通过将地表10多年GPS监测数据的整理分析,并与现场破坏调查结果和工程地质条件相结合,进而探究不同分区下岩层移动的时效行为。研究结果表明:岩层移动的时效行为与其破坏过程有着密切的关系,不同分区下的岩层移动的时效行为是不同的,可分为初始变形、渐进变形、加速变形和残余变形共4个阶段,分别对应着稳定状态、临界状态、失稳状态以及采矿结束后的蠕变状态;初始变形阶段对应着岩体的初始蠕变过程,渐进变形阶段反映了岩体抵抗自身变形的过程,加速变形阶段与深部破坏面的形成和强烈的应力释放有关;崩落碎石在采矿作业停止后失去了流动空间,在岩体变形挤压下会对围岩提供支撑力进而限制了岩层移动的进一步发展;残余变形时间由岩体的蠕变特性和崩落碎石的压密过程所控制,倾倒滑移区因需要经历一个额外的碎石压密过程而导致残余变形时间更长。  相似文献   

Karst rocky desertification (KRD) is one major type of desertification which is under irrational human impact on the vulnerable eco-geo-environment. In this study, Zhudong fengcong rocky desertification landscape was selected to investigate the land use types distribution law in different rock types and the KRD land in different land use types. KRD data was determined by user–computer interactive interpreting method from Aster images in 2004, according to the exposed ratio of rock, the coverage of vegetation and soil in 0.2 km2 unit, integrating with land utilizing present situation map, hydrogeology map, relief map, vegetation map, soil distribution map, as well as the practical investigation and the population census datum in 2002. Results showed that the occurrence ratio of KRD land is different in land use types and rocky assemblages obviously; land cover has a strong impact upon KRD. The sloping cropland distributed in homogenous limestone has a higher occurrence ratio of light KRD, secondly, is in the limestone interbedded with clastic rock. Light KRD land was dominated by shrubland, and sloping cropland accounts for 11.67% of it, moderate KRD land was dominated by moderate coverage grass slopes, strong and extremely strong KRD was dominated by rocky dry land which is difficult to use.  相似文献   

云南小江流域不同土地利用类型土壤微量元素的对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐烨  邓艳  曹建华  蒋忠诚 《中国岩溶》2018,37(5):752-760
文章对云南小江流域不同土地利用类型(耕地、林地、园地、建设用地、裸地)土壤的微量元素进行空间插值、方差分析和相关性研究,旨在探讨云南小江流域不同土地利用类型微量元素的分布和迁移规律。结果表明:除Mo的含量较低外,小江流域土壤中Cu、Mn、Ni和Zn的含量普遍较高。各微量元素含量在不同土地利用类型中具有明显的差异性,园地土壤微量元素含量最高。微量元素的变异程度均属于中等变异。Cu、Mn、Mo、Ni、Zn的空间分布具有一定的相似性,高值区主要集中在海拔较低的岩溶河谷区右侧和盆底沉积平坝区,主要土壤类型为碳酸盐岩红壤;低值区集中在海拔较高的河谷区左侧和中山区,主要土壤类型为碎屑岩。地貌、土壤母岩和人为活动是影响微量元素分布和迁移的重要因素。   相似文献   

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