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A model of buoyancy- and momentum-driven industrial plumes in a freely convective boundary layer is proposed. The development combines the Lagrangian similarity models of Yaglom for non-buoyant releases in the convective surface layer with the Scorer similarity model for industrial plumes. Constraints on the validity of the extension of Yaglom’s model to the entire convective planetary boundary layer, arrived at by consideration of Batchelor’s formulation for diffusion in an inertial subrange, are often met in practice. The resulting formulation applies to an interval of time in which the entrainment of the atmosphere by the plume is balanced by the entrainment of the plume by the atmosphere. It is argued that during this interval, both maximum plume rise and ground contact are achieved. Further examination of the physical interrelationship with the Csanady-Briggs formulation serves to consolidate the model hypotheses, as well as to simplify the derivation of maximum ground-level concentrations. Experimental evidence is presented for the validity of the model, based on Moore’s published data.  相似文献   

An important challenge in large-eddy simulationsof the atmospheric boundarylayer is the specification of the subgrid-scale(SGS) model coefficient(s)and, in particular, how to account for factorssuch as position in the flow,grid/filter scale and atmospheric stability.A dynamic SGS model (thatassumes scale invariance of the coefficients)is implemented in simulationsof a neutral boundary layer with a constantand uniform surface flux of apassive scalar. Results from our simulationsshow evidence that the lumpedcoefficient in the eddy-diffusion modelcomputed with the dynamic proceduredepends on scale. This scale dependence isstronger near the surface, and itis more important for the scalar than for thevelocity field (Smagorinskycoefficient) due to the stronger anisotropicbehaviour of scalars. Based onthese results, a new scale-dependent dynamicmodel is developed for theeddy-diffusion lumped coefficient. The newmodel, which is similar to theone proposed earlierfor the Smagorinsky coefficient,is fully dynamic, thus not requiring anyparameter specification or tuning.Simulations with the scale-dependent dynamicmodel yield the expected trendsof the coefficients as functions of positionand filter/grid scale.Furthermore, in the surface layer the newmodel gives improved predictionsof mean profiles and turbulence spectra ascompared with the traditionalscale-invariant dynamic model.  相似文献   

一个对流边界层大涡模式的建立与调试   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:12  
蔡旭晖  陈家宜 《大气科学》1995,19(4):415-421
本文介绍一个适合于对流边界层的大涡模式的建立及其调试结果。该大涡模式建立过程中注重于计算的节省,同时也强调原理与方法的简单和合理性。模式的调试表明,对于平坦均一地形的情况,模拟可以获得合理的结果。调试同时显示了模式对较低水平分辨率的适用条件,以及模式应用于模拟较大水平范围问题的可能性。  相似文献   

We perform large-eddy simulation (LES) of a moderately convective atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) using a prognostic subfilter-scale (SFS) model obtained by truncating the full conservation equations for the SFS stresses and fluxes. The truncated conservation equations contain production mechanisms that are absent in eddy-diffusivity closures and, thus, have the potential to better parametrize the SFS stresses and fluxes. To study the performance of the conservation-equation-based SFS closure, we compare LES results from the surface layer with observations from the Horizontal Array Turbulence Study (HATS) experiment. For comparison, we also show LES results obtained using an eddy-diffusivity closure. Following past studies, we plot various statistics versus the non-dimensional parameter, Λ w /Δ, where Λ w is the wavelength corresponding to the peak in the vertical velocity spectrum and Δ is the filter width. The LES runs are designed using different domain sizes, filter widths and surface fluxes, in order to replicate partly the conditions in the HATS experiment. Our results show that statistics from the different LES runs collapse reasonably and exhibit clear trends when plotted against Λ w /Δ. The trends exhibited by the production terms in the modelled SFS conservation equations are qualitatively similar to those seen in the HATS data with the exception of SFS buoyant production, which is underpredicted. The dominant production terms in the modelled SFS stress and flux budgets obtained from LES are found to approach asymptotically constant values at low Λ w /Δ. For the SFS stress budgets, we show that several of these asymptotes are in good agreement with their corresponding theoretical values in the limit Λ w /Δ → 0. The modelled SFS conservation equations yield trends in the mean values and fluctuations of the SFS stresses and fluxes that agree better with the HATS data than do those obtained using an eddy-diffusivity closure. They, however, underpredict considerably the level of SFS anisotropy near the wall when compared to observations, which could be a consequence of the shortcomings in the model used for the pressure destruction terms. Finally, we address the computational cost incurred due to the use of additional prognostic equations.  相似文献   

利用有限元法用于二阶湍流闭合大气对流边界层模式,并模拟了Wangara试验33天的对流边界层的发展过程,计算结果表明,该模式能真实的模拟出对流边界层的发展过程,并且准确地反映对流边界层中湍流扩散和输送过程。  相似文献   

曾庆存  程雪玲  吴琳 《大气科学》2018,42(3):448-462
对我们在南海海域建立的大气边界层观测站的资料进行分析表明,在冷涌和热带气旋(包括强台风)过境的大风期间,在边界层底层10 min平均的水平风速u基本不随高度而变,甚至大都伴随有明显的上升气流w。而且风场脉动中含有强相干性的阵风扰动( v g,频率位于1/60~1/600 Hz频段),以及近于随机性的高频湍流脉动( v t,频率大于1/60 Hz),它们的特性以及w都可以很好地用水平风速u来参数化表示。取实测的(u,w)和脉动 v '= v g+ v t,或取实测的u与参数化的 v g、 v t和w,应用拉格朗日随机模式作数值模拟,结果表明:由破头浪发射出来的浪花和飞沫水滴(半径rp为10~500 μm)有相当大的一部分可以飞离大气底层而进入100 m高以上的大气中,继而对进入大气中的海盐气溶胶通量有重要贡献,不可以被忽略。在水滴的垂直传输过程中,阵风扰动起了极重要的作用,而在w>0且较显著时w更起重要作用。我们对上扬率(可上升至100 m以上高度的水滴数与由海面发射出的水滴数之比)作出了初步的参数化公式,有很高的精度,主要的参量是无量纲量u2/(rqg),其中rp和g分别是水滴半径和重力加速度。  相似文献   

Mesoscale measurements of the vertical dispersion coefficient 2 by using a composite turbulence water tank were validated through a comparison with CONDORS (Convective Diffusion Observed with Remote Sensors) field data, and were analysed with respect to the intensity of the thermal flux, mechanical turbulence, and plume release height.It seems possible to correct the plume z values for different release heights below 0.5zi (zi is the mixing height) by applying an equation expressing the height dependency of turbulence intensity. The downwind distance where the plume's mass centre height approaches its final level was also analysed with respect to the above three parameters, and an empirical equation to estimate the downwinddistance derived.  相似文献   

对流边界层中地面源的铅直扩散模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对流边界层(CBL)中高架源浓度轴线下倾而地面源浓度轴线上升。本文分析了形成这种相反的几何图象的机理,从而认为:只要能够恰当模拟CBL中铅直湍流结构的特征,一个粒子随机扩散模式应既能模拟高架源的扩散,也能模拟地面源的扩散。因此,用作者早先模拟高架源的模式模拟了地面源的铅直扩散,同样获得较好的结果,进一步证实了模式的有效性。本文还应用Thomson准则检验了模式,讨论了它在理论上的合理性和适用范围。  相似文献   

大气对流边界层发展的模拟研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
罗涛  袁仁民  孙鉴泞 《高原气象》2006,25(6):1001-1007
室内水槽模拟是大气边界层研究的一种重要手段。利用室内模拟水槽对大气边界层的发展进行了模拟,通过处理平均温度廓线和光斑图像得到了对流边界层顶部位置h2和边界层高度zi。结果表明,不同测量方法得到的结果一致性很好,与实际大气的边界层发展情况也较为接近。同时,根据试验情况确定初始条件和边界条件,使用边界层参数化模型进行了数值模拟,其结果与室内模拟的结果也较吻合。  相似文献   

The proper orthogonal decomposition technique is used to analyze wind-profiler observations from the surface to the top of the convective boundary layer. The mesoscale thermal structures are identified by decomposing the vertical velocity measurements into a sequence of characteristic modes with random coefficients. Results show that the first two dominant modes contribute over 85 % to the average kinetic energy. These most energetic modes also show mixed-layer similarity, which indicates that the non-local static instability plays a major role in determining the structure of the most energetic modes. Reconstruction of the vertical wind profiles by the first two dominant modes shows that they represent the most significant thermal structures. The probability distributions of the random coefficients related to these first two dominant modes are also analyzed and found to be Gaussian.  相似文献   

A land-surface model (LSM) is coupled with a large-eddy simulation (LES) model to investigate the vegetation-atmosphere exchange of heat, water vapour, and carbon dioxide (CO2) in heterogeneous landscapes. The dissimilarity of scalar transport in the lower convective boundary layer is quantified in several ways: eddy diffusivity, spatial structure of the scalar fields, and spatial and temporal variations in the surface fluxes of these scalars. The results show that eddy diffusivities differ among the three scalars, by up to 10–12%, in the surface layer; the difference is partly attributed to the influence of top-down diffusion. The turbulence-organized structures of CO2 bear more resemblance to those of water vapour than those of the potential temperature. The surface fluxes when coupled with the flow aloft show large spatial variations even with perfectly homogeneous surface conditions and constant solar radiation forcing across the horizontal simulation domain. In general, the surface sensible heat flux shows the greatest spatial and temporal variations, and the CO2 flux the least. Furthermore, our results show that the one-dimensional land-surface model scheme underestimates the surface heat flux by 3–8% and overestimates the water vapour and CO2 fluxes by 2–8% and 1–9%, respectively, as compared to the flux simulated with the coupled LES-LSM.  相似文献   

我国西部高原大气边界层中的对流活动   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
利用 1 998年第 2次青藏高原野外试验中的多普勒声雷达探测、低空探测观测以及卫星观测资料对高原大气边界层内的对流现象进行分析研究。声雷达探测到了高原边界层内有强烈的对流活动。这种对流泡中心的垂直速度可超过 1m/s,并存在尺度为 1个多小时的周期性 ,表现为中小尺度的有组织的湍流活动。高原边界层强对流得以发展和维持的物理机制是 :强辐射加热、复杂的地形地貌形成的下垫面不均一性造成边界层斜压性、边界层内的平流活动等 ,这些现象都有利于对流的发展。在这些条件的作用下 ,边界层内可以产生一系列有组织的强湍流大涡旋活动 ,这些大涡旋形成的热泡在向上发展的过程中有的能够发生合并 ,变得更大也更为猛烈 ,达到凝结高度以上可形成对流云 ,并发生充分的对流混合。成云过程凝结潜热释放更有利于对流运动进一步发展 ,使对流云逐步发展成更大的对流云团 ,从而产生卫星云图中显示的云团发展过程。  相似文献   

A laboratory convection tank has been established following thepioneering work of Willis and Deardorff, but with many improvements and enhancements thattake advantage of modern technology. The main emphasis in the current design was toprovide the ability to conduct a virtually unlimited number of realizations under essentiallyidentical conditions in order to obtain reliable statistics on the dispersion of plumes and puffsreleased within the simulated atmospheric convective boundary layer. Described herein is the tankitself and its auxiliary systems, including a laser-induced-fluorescence and video-imaging system for makingnon-intrusive, full-field measurements of concentrations, and the interfacing of varioussubsystems with a master controller that automates essentially all operation and measurement functions.The current system provides unprecedented resolution, control, and data volumes. Exampleresults are presented from two types of releases: continuous plumes and instantaneous puffs.These data sets clearly show penetration of the highly buoyant plumes and puffs into theinversion above the convective boundary layer, gravity spreading within the inversion, andrapid diffusion within the mixed layer. They also show extreme `spottiness' in the instantaneousconcentration cross-sections.  相似文献   

Analytical solutions of convective waves in the convective boundary layer (CBL) were obtained with two-layer linearized atmospheric equations including Rayleigh friction, which represents the turbulent viscosity in the lower CBL. The analytical model shows that the interaction between the convection in the lower layer and gravity waves in the upper layer is one of the causes for the formation of convective bands. The flow and temperature fields obtained by the analytical model present the main characteristics of convective bands found in field observations. We have also investigated the influences of atmospheric conditions on the characteristics of the bands. Results accord with previous knowledge about these phenomena.  相似文献   

We utilized a Doppler lidar to measure spectra of vertical velocity w from 390m above the surface to the top of the daytime convective boundary layer (CBL). The high resolution 2μm wavelength Doppler lidar developed by the NOAA Environmental Technology Laboratory was used to detect the mean radial velocity of aerosol particles. It operated continuously during the daytime in the zenith-pointing mode for several days in summer 1996 during the Lidars-in-Flat-Terrain experiment over level farmland in central Illinois, U.S.A. The temporal resolution of the lidar was about 1 s, and the range-gate resolution was about 30m. The vertical cross-sections were used to calculate spectra as a function of height with unprecedented vertical resolution throughout much of the CBL, and, in general, we find continuity of the spectral peaks throughout the depth of the CBL. We compare the observed spectra with previous formulations based on both measurements and numerical simulations, and discuss the considerable differences, both on an averaged and a case-by-case basis. We fit the observed spectra to a model that takes into account the wavelength of the spectral peak and the curvature of the spectra across the transition from low wavenumbers to the inertial subrange. The curvature generally is as large or larger than the von Kármán spectra. There is large case-to-case variability, some of which can be linked to the mean structure of the CBL, especially the mean wind and the convective instability. We also find a large case-to-case variability in our estimates of normalized turbulent kinetic energy dissipation deduced from the spectra, likely due for the most part to a varying ratio of entrainment flux to surface flux. Finally, we find a relatively larger contribution to the low wavenumber region of the spectra in cases with smaller shear across the capping inversion, and suggest that this may be due partly to gravity waves in the inversion and overlying free atmosphere.  相似文献   

The dispersion of heavy particles subjected to a turbulent forcing is often simulated with Lagrangian stochastic models. Although these models have been employed successfully over land, the implementation of traditional LS models in the marine boundary layer is significantly more challenging. We present an adaptation of traditional Lagrangian stochastic models to the atmospheric marine boundary layer with a particular focus on the representation of the scalar turbulence for temperature and humidity. In this new model, the atmosphere can be stratified and the bottom boundary is represented by a realistic wavy surface that moves and deforms. Hence, the correlation function for the turbulent flow following a particle is extended to the inhomogenous, anisotropic case. The results reproduce behaviour for scalar Lagrangian turbulence in a stratified airflow that departs only slightly from the expected behaviour in isotropic turbulence. When solving for the surface temperature and the radius of evaporating heavy water droplets in the airflow, the modelled turbulent forcing on the particle also behaves remarkably well. We anticipate that this model will prove especially useful in the context of sea-spray dispersion and its associated sensible heat, latent heat, and gas fluxes between spray droplets and the atmosphere.  相似文献   

用大涡模式研究对流边界层湍流   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用三维对流边界层的大涡模拟模式研究对流边界层湍流统计特征量,模拟结果与前人的同类模拟工作及实验观测结果相比较,得到了一致的结论.    相似文献   

一个中尺度模式中高分辨边界层的参数化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
建立一个高分辨大气边界层模式。然后,把该模式与一个中尺度数值预报模式进行耦合并把模式计算结果与实测结果进行了对比。结果表明,该耦合模式能够模拟出大气边界层的流场、温度场和气压场的特征。  相似文献   

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