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Nonemployment income from investments, pensions, welfare benefits, and so forth provides one third of total personal income in the United States. Spatial concentrations of this income occur in places such as Florida, Michigan, Arkansas and the Great Plains. These concentrations result largely from the presence of older persons who are the principal recipients of nonemployment income. In turn, spatial concentrations of older persons result from “aging in place,” which typifies the Great Plains, or from amenity-bound immigration by older persons, which characterizes Florida.  相似文献   

西藏自治区农牧民收入结构分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
李祥妹  刘键  钟祥浩 《地理研究》2004,23(4):561-569
依据入户调查资料 ,文章重点分析了现阶段西藏农牧民的收入结构 ,包括收入来源、收入性质、现金收入等内容 ,探索了不同地区 (农区、牧区、半农半牧区、一江两河农业开发区、城郊区等 )及不同收入段农牧民收入结构和收入来源的差异。通过分析发现西藏农牧民收入有以下特征 :①收入以实物为主 ,现金收入和可支配收入少 ;②城郊区农牧民收入多样化指数高 ,农牧民收入高 ,收入多样化指数与农牧民收入正相关 ;③低收入农户收入来源单一 ,抗风险能力弱 ,收入增加困难 ;④从生活质量看农区优于牧区 ,半农半牧区农牧民生活质量最差 ;⑤影响农牧民人均收入的主要因子为人均生产性投入、区域通达度等。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(7):611-635
As firms increasingly rely upon intangible assets such as human capital, innovative capacity, and brand equity, they are less able to tap traditional sources of capital such as bank or debt financing. Equity finance (the offering of ownership shares through public stock markets) is frequently the only means of finance available to knowledge-based firms or firms with few fixed assets. The intent of this research is to chart the spatial patterns of equity investment growth in the U.S. metropolitan system using the market capitalizations of 7,926 U.S. firms. Given the necessity of capital for economic growth, these patterns are of obvious importance to geographers. It is shown that volumes of equity investment are both highly skewed towards large firms, the service and FIRE sectors, and a core of metropolitan headquarters sites. Equity capital was found to flow away from Manufacturing Belt cities and towards cities dominated by smaller firms. In addition, it was found that changes in the volume of equity investment in locally headquartered firms is positively correlated to changes in personal income, population, and total employment.  相似文献   

中国城市投资环境分析   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
程连生 《地理学报》1995,50(3):240-247
本文运用熵的原理探讨了中国城市投资环境的熵状态特点和熟化类型,并在此基础上提出了完善城市投资环境的若干措施。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(3):198-209
In the 1980s, foreign investment in China's cities experienced a northeastward movement from the southern coast to the central coast, and began to penetrate into inland cities, Foreign investment clustered in coastal delta areas and along the Changliang and Huanghe rivers. To understand these spatial patterns, a linear regression model is established. Cities with better power supplies, seaports, water transportation, communication, and investment incentives provided more favorable locations for foreign investment. Agglomerated cities had a better chance of attracting foreign investment than widely separated cities, with larger cities not necessarily attracting more foreign investment. Regression residuals also are analyzed for insights into spatial trends of foreign investment. Urban foreign investment in the near future probably will continue to accumulate in the coastal delta areas. Provincial capitals likely will be favorable locations for foreign investment that will further penetrate from the coastal areas into interior regions.  相似文献   

This paper reviews economic development trends, for the 1965–1975 period, in the 173 daily urban systems identified by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. Changes in employment, earnings, and non-earnings sources of personal income are reported. Growth in the South and West was found to be relatively independent of linkages with the northeastern industrial heartland. Exports of services from all of the nation's largest cities have become significant components in their economic bases, helping to offset declines in manufacturing.  相似文献   

巨额贸易顺差和收入差距扩大是目前中国经济的两大突出问题。为明确两者的关系,在理论上分析收入分配差距对进口贸易的影响后,使用1999—2014年中国287个地级及以上城市的面板数据进行检验。结果表明:收入分配差距的扩大总体上会减少进口,加剧贸易失衡。对中小型城市、中西部地区城市、经济不发达或欠发达城市而言,收入分配差距的扩大会抑制其进口;而对大型和特大型城市、东部地区城市和发达地区城市而言,收入分配差距的扩大会促进其进口。相应地调整收入分配的政策与措施、刺激落后地区的经济发展将有助于中国扩大进口、改变对外贸易失衡的现状。  相似文献   

退耕还林工程对农户生计的影响——以贵州省关岭县为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以关岭县3个退耕村及1个未退耕村为对象,采用参与式方法调查退耕还林工程对农户经济收入和粮食产量的影响。调查发现,由于耕地面积减少了,退耕农户的粮食产量均不同程度下降;但由于退耕还林释放的农村剩余劳动力通过外出务工获得了高于过去种地的经济收益或通过畜牧业增加了收入,退耕地上种植的经济林产生了可观的经济效益,耕地减少后农民增加了单位面积上的农业投入,且国家提供的退耕还林补贴高于实际种地的收益.绝大多数退耕农户经济收入都有不同程度的增加。为巩固退耕还林建设成果,提出了从树种选择、农作物种植结构调整、畜牧业、基础设施建设、农村能源建设、生态移民、为农村剩余劳动力转移创造有利条件等方面推进后续产业发展的建议。  相似文献   

The impact of recent economic reforms in China on Chinese cities has influenced both the rate and spatial pattern of their development. In this research, three groups of cities are analyzed: those in special economic zones, opened coastal cities, and inland provincial level capital cities. Eighteen variables were selected to determine the impact of the reforms. Major conclusions of the research are: (1) current urban reforms deviate sharply from earlier socialist Chinese practice; (2) urban growth has responded strongly and positively to the economic activities advocated by the urban reforms (e.g., foreign investment, foreign trade, individual entrepreneurship, and development of a market economy); and (3) urban reforms have resulted in distinctly different spatial impacts among the three types of cities, with those in the special economic zones and in the coastal areas benefitting more than inland cities.  相似文献   

农户水土保持行为与生态环境变化关系密切,分析农户水土保持行为响应机理对退耕还林政策的实施具有重要意义。通过对江西省丰城市梅林镇多元回归模型分析,结果表明:(1)农户水土保持行为与退耕还林实施力度、退耕地收入与退耕还林后补偿比重成正相关,与退耕补偿年限成负相关;(2)农户水土保持投入减少反映农户家庭收入结构发生变化:从农业为主的收入阶段向以非农业或农业与非农业收入为主的阶段转变;(3)退耕还林政策实施农户水土保持行为响应以效益引导型为主。据此,提出相关建议。  相似文献   

胡语宸  刘艳军  孙宏日 《地理科学》2020,40(9):1450-1459
中国快速城镇化过程中已经出现了城市增长与收缩并存的现象,其中收缩型城市中又以资源型城市较为典型。研究城市增长与收缩过程及其影响因素有助于优化资源型城市发展路径以及制定合理的规划策略。本研究以黑龙江省鸡西市、鹤岗市、双鸭山市、七台河市为研究案例,从城市比较研究的思路入手,利用均方差决策法、偏最小二乘法等方法定量化表征4市城市增长与收缩过程并分析其影响因素。结果表明:① 4市并不是处于持续收缩的状态,而是增长与收缩交替进行。② 从城市增长与收缩过程的影响因素方面看,鸡西市主要受居民收入与消费情况影响,鹤岗市主要受产业及投资影响,双鸭山市主要受制造业和外部投资影响,七台河市主要受煤炭产量影响。③ 从差异性角度分析,城市增长与收缩过程以及影响因素的差异主要由替代产业选择差异、城市间竞争、外部性影响所决定。  相似文献   

中国三大地带经济增长差异的系统分析   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:24  
中国的城乡差异是独特的,以人均GDP作为衡量标准来描述区域差异和进行国际比较不甚确切,文章以统计数据为基础 ,在考察了三大地带农民人均纯收入和城市居民可支配收入差异的基础上,对1978-1998年20年间三大地带经济不平衡发展作了系统分析,通过定量计算得结论;三大地带之间的差距虽然明显,但不可怕,造成三大地带经济增长差异的原因,除了历史基础和自然条件以外,首先是投入强度(尤其是人均外商直接投资额),其次是出口能力和经济体制(所有制结构),产业结构和社会文化因素也有一定影响。为缓解三大地带的差距,并保证国家整体经济实力的持续增强,近期的投资重点应放在中部地带,尤其是中部城市。  相似文献   

小城镇可持续发展的区域透视   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
小城镇可持续发展是当今可持续发展研究的重点领域之一,目前绝大部分研究仅仅局限于就小城镇论小城镇,笔者认为区域才是小城镇可持续发展的基础,是小城镇赖以生存的环境,小城镇是区域社会生产力发展到一定阶段的产物,小城镇和它所在的区域是互相依存、互相促进的。只有当二者为互动关系时,才能促进小城镇可持续发展。笔者从理论与实证研究角度,阐述影响小城镇可持续发展的区域环境、区域经济、区域社会、区域与小城镇的整体性等因素,认为小城镇可持续发展是一个多层次、多因素的庞大的系统,推动其发展的包括内部环境与外部环境,并构建区域与小城镇可持续发展的“火箭”模型。  相似文献   

中国城市土地有偿使用的地域差异及分等研究   总被引:33,自引:2,他引:33  
城市土地的级差收益不仅存在于城市内部,而且在城市之间也有反映。本文以级差地租理沦和区位论为基础,分析了影响城市土地收益地区差异的主要因素因子,采用多因素综合评价的方法,把全国的城市分为七个等级,为国家制定土地有偿使用的宏观政策提供依据。  相似文献   

2006 年以来,房地产业成为流入中国的外商直接投资集中的主要行业之一。对这一时期中国35 个重点城市的房地产外资区位进行分析,发现房地产外资集中的地区仍分布在北京、上海、广州等特大型城市,但同时表现出向长江沿岸地区及东北地区的核心城市等内陆地区转移的趋势。面板Tobit 模型的计量结果表明,内资企业的竞争是导致房地产外资区位变化的重要因素。内资企业的竞争优势迫使房地产外资放弃利润率最高的最优区位,转而寻求利润率较低、而市场需求较大的次优区位。各重点城市间土地市场化程度差异的迅速缩小使得房地产外资能够自由选择区位,为房地产外资的这一空间转移策略提供了制度保障。  相似文献   

The concept of transit-rich neighborhoods (TRNs) has become a focus of more interest as it relates to rapidly growing and congested communities, and it has received national attention because of its contribution to smart growth in the United States. Although most investment in transit services has been concentrated in denser central cities, where most transit users, including those of low income, reside, the trend toward the decentralization of poverty has become evident in many metropolitan areas and underscored the need to improve suburban transit services. Many studies pertaining to transit ridership have focused on the physical characteristics of stations, their catchment areas, and equity issues for low-income riders, particularly in central cities, without accounting for the evolving socioeconomic characteristics of the neighborhoods being served. To address this issue, this paper categorizes TRNs based on changing socioeconomic and spatial characteristics and uses multiple regression to examine the relationship between types of TRNs and transit ridership in the Atlanta metropolitan area, focusing on the decentralization of poverty. The results show that suburban TRNs became more diverse in terms of income and race between 2000 and 2009, which suggests that investment in commuter rail transit is an important contribution to social and economic equality at the regional level. Furthermore, poverty rates in suburban areas, compared to those in their downtown and inner-city counterpart TRNs, positively influence the percentage of transit ridership. The increased use of suburban transit services suggests the potential presence of increased latent demand, which is further supported by the decentralization of poverty.  相似文献   

方慧芬  陈江龙  袁丰  高金龙 《地理研究》2021,40(9):2426-2441
房价与人口的关系是人文经济地理学研究的热点领域,本文选取长江三角洲地区作为研究区域,利用区域内41个城市11年(2008—2018年)的数据,分别采用差分GMM模型及LSDVC法,从整体和分组的层面分析城市房价与生育率的关系。整体模拟结果表明,城市房价上涨的速度对于生育率有着显著的负向作用:房价上涨得越快,生育率下降得越快。同时,以房价收入比衡量的居民购房能力对生育率也有着显著的影响,居民购房能力下降得越快,生育率也下降得越快。分组研究的结果表明,不同房价水平的城市,生育率受购房能力影响程度不同,中等房价水平及较低房价水平的城市,其生育率更容易受到购房能力波动的影响。基于以上研究结果,提出严控房价涨幅速度、适当提高购房补贴、提高居民收入等政策建议,以期提高区域内居民整体生育意愿,促进人口增长。  相似文献   

An examination of the locational characteristics of intended foreign equity joint venture (EJV) investment in China during the period 1979 to 1985 indicates that foreign EJV investment was highly concentrated in the coastal region, in the more developed areas of the provinces, and in large cities. The locational characteristics, however, differed between economic sectors and between countries of origin of investment. Although foreign EJV investment became spatially more dispersed through time, the impacts on the development of inland regions and backward areas in China remained limited.  相似文献   

Although it has been suggested that structural adjustment policies have slowed Third World urban growth and have stimulated a spatial deconcentration of economic activity, this paper argues that African cities continue to grow and mainly through peri-urban development. This investment comes mainly from domestic sources and migrants' remittances, and tends to be in consumption rather than production. Reasons include cultural factors, lack of confidence in the national economy and in the state's long-term economic objectives, an increasing demand for housing, improvements in intraurban transport, and a desire to spread investment risk among a range of alternatives including housing.  相似文献   

中国城市流动人口房租收入比时空格局及驱动因素   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
针对2012~2016年中国城市不同职业流动人口房租收入比时空变动特征及驱动力的研究表明:①流动人口房租收入比整体上呈“东高西低,南高北低”分异态势,较高及以上等级房租收入比地市集中于东部沿海发达地区及中西部省会城市。②各职业房租收入比逐渐形成金字塔形结构,但职业间房租收入比差距较大。③东部地区流动人口房租收入比多呈向下和平稳混杂分布,中部地区呈向下、平稳和向上镶嵌分布,西部地区以平稳为主,向上转移为辅。④经济、人口、社会及预期因素对房租收入比的解释力依次降低,消费水平、租赁户比例、地产投资密度、人口吸引力及收入水平是影响房租收入比的关键因素。  相似文献   

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