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Power spectrum analysis of the Bouger gravity values in the Eastern Alps suggests that the gravity field may be separated into long and short wavelength components. The long wavelength component is assumed to be caused by Alpine crustal thickening. This long wavelength component was subjected to a gravimetric single density-interface inversion procedure, giving a gravimetric Mohorovi?i? model which is generally in good agreement with Moho-depths derived by refraction and reflection seismology. The residual high-frequency gravity component correlates well with the main surface geological units in the Eastern Alps. Apparent density mapping by applying an inverse density deconvolution filter to the short wavelength gravity component gives density values for the upper crust which correspond well with averaged density values from rock samples.  相似文献   

The study of rock stresses and their changes is of great importance for safety in mines. To detect dangerous stress accumulations in coal mines an empirical method, Jahn's drilling test, is generally used. An experimental survey to solve the same problem by geophysical measurements was undertaken in a Hungarian coal mine. The basic idea was to determine the easily measurable seismic velocities instead of the more difficult to measure stresses in the rocks, since there is a monotonic relation between them. During the survey seismic transmission-type measurements were carried out in the fore-field of longwall faces between the top and tail roads. The seismic velocity data obtained were processed using an iterative algebraic reconstruction technique to determine the ‘velocity field’, i.e., the seismic velocity distribution, of the area covered by the ray paths. By periodically repeating the measurements in the same area, it was possible to follow the changes in the stress conditions caused by mining operations.  相似文献   

我国绝对重力观测结果和重力测量精度   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
文内给出全国36个点绝对重力观测结果。观测结果表明,在国家重力基本网的一些点上,其重力值新测绝对重力值之间存在明显偏差。  相似文献   

Results of a gravity survey conducted over Raniganj coalfield, one of the Gondwana basins of Damodar Valley in north-eastern part of India, are presented. The gravity field was separated into regional and residual components. The residual Bouguer anomaly map shows that the coalfield is characterized by a gravity low of about—32 mGal associated with Gondwana sediments. The deepest part of basin is found to be located near Asansole (23° 40’N, 86° 55’E), where the maximum thickness of sediments is estimated to be about 1.3 miles (2.08 km). The faults along the northern as well as the southern boundaries are found to be normal. The Gondwana sediments appear to continue eastward beneath alluvium and laterite of Bengal basin as far as 87° 25’E.  相似文献   

康滇地区重力场分离、密度反演与地壳构造   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
蒋福珍  方剑 《地震学报》2001,23(4):391-397
康滇地区位于我国著名的南北向活动构造带的南端,是中蒙经向中轴强地震带和巨大的地壳厚度变化带的一部分.由于该地区是地震活动的预测危险区,且资源非常丰富,引起了广大地学工作者的关注.本文采用对地壳内部密度分布最为敏感的重力场资料进行场分离、平差、反演等数学处理,求出地壳平均密度和深度10~100km各层的密度分布;综合其它地球物理资料进行分析.结果表明,康滇菱形块体与其东侧和西侧不论在构造特征还是地球物理场特征方面皆存在差异.  相似文献   

Wavenumber domain expressions for bodies with elliptical cross-section and of ellipsoidal shape have been developed both for homogeneous bodies and for certain bodies of density/magnetization varying linearly with depth or, more generally, according to a polynomial with depth. The simple expressions thus obtained lend themselves to an easy analysis, especially for long and short wavelengths. At the long-wavelength end of the spectra their decay is governed by an exponential with a decay “depth” equal to the depth to the center of mass. At the short-wavelength end this depth is replaced by the depth to the upper focus of the ellipsoid (or the elliptic cross-section). For vertically inhomogeneous ellipsoids the decay rate is also dependent on the product of the vertical gradient of density/magnetization and their semi-axes.  相似文献   

中国东海和邻区重力测量结果及其构造意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文根据1977和1979年利用ZYZY型海洋重力仪,在中国东海及邻区获得的重力测量数据,对仪器的测量精度再次进行了评定,编制了自由空间异常,布格异常和地壳厚度等基础图件,参考有关地质和地球物理资料,对研究区的地壳结构特征进行了初步探讨  相似文献   

Magneto-telluric measurements were carried out at a group of eight sites, from Braunschweig to Lübeck, to determine the resistivity values associated with the North German conductivity anomaly. The data were analyzed for scalar and tensor apparent resistivities over the period range 5–2000 seconds. The results in general indicate very conductive (?I Ω-m) sediments overlying a resistive basement which is strongly lineated. Interpreted basement depth (?6 km) is compatible with published seismic refraction data. Principal conductivity axes in the basement appear to be directly related to trends of salt domes and major troughs. A major change in axis direction occurs near the center of the North German anomaly.  相似文献   

地球内部物质密度的分布决定了地球表面及外空的重力场,不过在特定的条件下,也可以根据地面或外空的重力场推求地球内部异常密度的分布。本文在单层位理论的基础上,利用上述资料确定了我国大陆下面地球深部的异常密度,试用分离重力场长、短波长的方法,求出了地球外层—岩石层内异常密度的侧向分布,对此,还初步作了地球物理的解释,其结果与地震测深的较为一致。  相似文献   

由地面、卫星重力资料研究岩石层密度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
地球内部物质密度的分布决定了地球表面及外空的重力场,不过在特定的条件下,也可以根据地面或外空的重力场推求地球内部异常密度的分布。本文在单层位理论的基础上,利用上述资料确定了我国大陆下面地球深部的异常密度,试用分离重力场长、短波长的方法,求出了地球外层-岩石层内异常密度的侧向分布,对此,还初步作了地球物理的解释,其结果与地震测深的较为一致。  相似文献   

The ground follow-up of a magnetic and radiometric air survey had to cope with the usual dilemma to check a great number of anomalies within a short time. A limited aggregate of magnetic anomalies, expected to correspond to magnetite quartzites was statistically selected for ground identification by this method: the ratios length/width times amplitude were listed for all coherent contours and the calculation of the standard deviation per unit area resulted in different key-numbers for a new lithological “Salem Unit” and for the charnockitic or gneissic environment. The ground work thus directed and reduced by 85% yielded a substantial potential of iron ore. This was supported by by abundant determinations of the magnetic susceptibilities, confirming the sources of anomalies and revealing the amenabilities of iron ores for the magnetic separation process. The lines of truncation of anomalies were found to represent a system of local and regional faults and shear zones, which segregated the area into different tectonic blocks. These sutures have also provided the ways of intrusion for alkaline and basic magmae in the style of a “Rift” structure, housing several carbonatites and impregnations of metal sulphides. The airborne radiometrics obtained many uranium indications by gamma ray spectrometry. However, they led only to disseminated uranium-silicates, associated with syenites, granites and pegmatites, each emanating a characteristic photon energy spectrum. But in general the radiation of thorium prevails, marking northern Madras as a “Thorium Province”.  相似文献   

文中对腾冲火山区1998—2004年水准及重力观测资料进行了分析,发现垂直形变量大多在±10mm之内,重力变化为几十μGal,火山锥体和断层附近点位活动异常较大,可综合应用多源mogi模型和断层模型解释,断层的活动可使相邻测点的形变方向相反;垂直形变和重力的逐年变化表明火山岩浆处于一种活动状态。将火山区点位各时间段的重力梯度展布在形变-重力关系解释图中,发现数据主要落在Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅳ和Ⅴ区,结合形变量对压力源等效体积的估算,初步认为火山区岩浆目前活动程度较低,暂没有喷发的危险  相似文献   

Seismic refraction measurements were made in two areas of the Baltic Sea in June 1967. The refraction data were obtained in the course of the transmission measurements program of Operation MILOC BALTIC 67. Three profile pairs were obtained, two in the area south of Öland Island, Sweden, the third to the east, north of the peninsula of Hel, Poland. The water depths vary from 60 to 90 meters between the areas. The receiving positions for the two profiles south of Oland Island are only 46 km apart but the structures differ markedly. The northern section, only 500 m thick, shows a rather thin sedimentary cover above 350 m of 3.7 km/sec material that in turn overlies 5.6 - 5.9 km/sec velocity material. The southern section, almost 2 km thick, has an equivalent amount of low velocity material, and a layer about 1 km thick having velocity 4.8 km/sec that overlies 6.0 km/sec velocity material. The eastern profile shows high velocity material, 5.6 km/sec, at 2.5 km depth. Correlation of the layers determined by seismic refraction with nearby geology suggests that the structural change south of Öland Island may represent the boundary of the Sarmatian Shield in this region.  相似文献   

本文给出精密重磁测量勘查矿泉水的原理,分析方法及实际应用,钻探及化学分析结果证实我们的推断,发现了矿泉水。  相似文献   

The electrical properties of the weathered layer were investigated by means of Geonics VLF-EM 16/16R equipment in two areas of the Andhra Pradesh State. The resistivity and thickness of the weathered layer were found to be variable even over a small survey area. In the area underlain by Precambrian granite-gneiss, most of the recorded VLF-EM anomalies were caused by variations in the resistivity of the weathered layer. Changes in thickness were well reflected in the VLF-EMR curves. The second area was underlain by Cretaceous basalts and dolerites. Quantitative interpretation of the VLF-EMR data with a simple one-dimensional model yielded considerable detail about the weathered layer. For the granitic area, a prior estimate of at least one resistivity parameter of the ground is required. If this is not already available, a limited amount of direct-current resistivity surveying can provide the required information. A study of the EMR data from the basaltic area revealed the presence of a thin, highly conductive layer between the weathered layer and the bedrock. The parameters of this layer were found to be variable, making it necessary to use a set of diagrams for quantitative interpretation. Due to the presence of this highly conductive layer, the EMR data contain little information on the bedrock resistivity. Our field studies suggest that the VLF-EMR method can be used as a fast and inexpensive tool for mapping of the weathered layer in tropical regions with hard rock geology. Such mapping is of considerable importance because the weathered layer is an important source of groundwater.  相似文献   

In comparing the similarity between time, frequency, and phase measurements as used in the induced polarization method of geophysical prospecting, parameters must first be defined and the basis for comparison established. The conditions for mathematical equivalence then follow in a natural sequence. Laboratory measurements are made on a variety of rock samples to indicate the type of comparison and correlation expected from field measurements. Results indicate that frequency domain and phase measurements are equivalent, but two frequency domain measurements are needed to produce the same amount of polarization information as a single phase measurement. Frequency and time domain measurements will be similar but never equivalent due to the basic differences in their respective parameter definitions.  相似文献   

The use of the gravity method to predict rock bursts in mines is based on the relationship between the development of a dilatancy process in the exploited rock mass and the time-dependent gravity anomalies induced by this phenomenon. The differences between successive observations of anomalies and the time behaviour of their trend amplitudes as precursors of preceding changes of rock stability are interpreted. The centres of zones of induced rock density variation are determined by computing the position of singular points of the differences between anomalies. Two gravity surveys have been carried out in the Radbod coal mine (Germany). The first survey took place at the level of the Dickebank seam (depth 1030 m), the second in the Sonnenschein seam (depth 1090 m). The observations were made with Worden and LaCoste-Romberg (D-type) gravimeters. The differences between successive anomalies were less than 100 μGal. In the case of the Dickebank seam, the position of singular points demonstrates the effect of two approaching longwalls on a previously mined-out seam and on the gallery in which the gravity observations were made. In the case of the Sonnenschein seam, the trend amplitudes show distinct variations in the formation of the approaching longwall below the edges of all previously mined-out seams. In particular, the effect of a remnant pillar has caused the largest gravity gradients. This result corresponds to the existence of a zone of rock-burst hazard known from test drilling. The computed singular points are grouped together under the remnant pillar indicating two local hazard zones. Both results, the observed development of rock instability with time and the information about the position of the disturbed rock mass relative to the mine workings, are of importance, subsurface gravity surveying can therefore be a valuable tool for predicting rock-bursts.  相似文献   

Computer-Graphics, the visual display of data in digital and analog form, allows immediate interaction between man and machine. This interaction facility is valuable when the user is engaged in model design. By using such a device in gravity interpretation, the geophysicist can overcome the slow process of model simulation constrained by the conventional input/output devices, also maximum control over running programmes can be exerted if needed.  相似文献   

In the Kapurdi block of the Barmer lignite field in western Rajasthan, India, lignite occurs as a number of discontinuous seams of varying thickness up to a few m. The country rock is a succession of clay, sand and various members of the clay-sand family. The overburden, comprising sand, Fuller's earth, bentonitic clay, clayey sand/sandy clay and clay, is thick and, electrically, highly conductive. Both its thickness (40–90 m) and conductivity (0.5–1.0 S/m) are highly variable. The lignite seams may occur anywhere in the clay-sand sequence below this overburden. A ten-layered electrical model of the Kapurdi area was parameterized on the basis of galvanic resistivity sounding and core drilling results. This model was then validated by electromagnetic sounding measurements made with a 200 × 200 m square loop transmitter and energizing current of variable frequency (80 Hz to 11 kHz), using central induction sounding techniques. With a loop of this size, only formations in the overburden could be mapped. Subsequent computer modeling has shown that a larger loop of size, say, 800 m and a frequency band of 30–500 Hz are required to map formations below–as well as those within–the overburden. Even then only various clay-sand interfaces can be mapped, i.e., only over-burden thickness and the likely depth range of lignite seams (if they occur) can be estimated. Direct mapping of lignite seams is not feasible in practice. This is true of loop-dipole, as well as central induction sounding. It is interesting that skin depth need not always be a factor limiting depth of exploration in electromagnetic prospecting.  相似文献   

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