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The effectiveness of the electrical resistivity method has been studied using various configurations with different spacings over the Southern Boundary Fault in the northwestern part, and across a dolerite dyke named “Salma dyke” in the central part, of the Raniganj Coalfield, India. It has been observed that the delineation of the fault and the dyke was made possible under differential tropical weathering conditions. Geoelectric sections across the fault and the dyke have been prepared on the basis of Schlumberger sounding results. In profiling, Wenner, two-electrode, half-Schlumberger and part of Al-Chalabi's configurations were applied over the Southern Boundary Fault. Across the dyke, alpha-, beta-, and gamma-Wenner, Schlumberger, half-Schlumberger and two-electrode configurations were employed. Azi-muthal two-electrode sounding was also studied over the fault. The interpretation of the results of apparent resistivity profiles across the Southern Boundary Fault suggests that the Wenner and two-electrode configurations possess certain diagnostic features which help in mapping a single lithological contact, provided sufficient resistivity contrast exists. Although Schlumberger configuration seems to be quite suitable, other configurations may also be usefully employed over the dyke.  相似文献   

观测地壳浅层电阻率随时间变化以寻找地震信息是地电阻率方法的目的。实际工作中,在保证观测精度的前提下,发现正常(无震)情况的地电阻率仍然存在着复杂的变化,给定量和定性分析地震异常带来相当大的困难。 本文分析了一些台站正常地电阻率的变化规律,并在此基础上提出“变化电性剖面模式”,来阐明一些台站正常地电阻率变化的复杂过程及其产生的可能原因。从此观点出发,导出以二层电性剖面为特征的台站正常地电阻率相对似年变化幅度公式。通过典型计算,提出获取平稳的正常原始资料是解决上述困难问题的方向,并指出了获取平稳正常变化资料的具体途径。  相似文献   

地电阻率正常变化的初步研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
观测地壳浅层电阻率随时间变化以寻找地震信息是地电阻率方法的目的。实际工作中,在保证观测精度的前提下,发现正常(无震)情况的地电阻率仍然存在着复杂的变化,给定量和定性分析地震异常带来相当大的困难。 本文分析了一些台站正常地电阻率的变化规律,并在此基础上提出“变化电性剖面模式”,来阐明一些台站正常地电阻率变化的复杂过程及其产生的可能原因。从此观点出发,导出以二层电性剖面为特征的台站正常地电阻率相对似年变化幅度公式。通过典型计算,提出获取平稳的正常原始资料是解决上述困难问题的方向,并指出了获取平稳正常变化资料的具体途径。  相似文献   

Conventional electrical prospecting can be extended to the search for deep-seated hydrocarbon deposits, by using the steel casings of drill-holes as vertical line sources. These sources produce at depth a density of current higher than the density created by point sources located at the ground surface. Several tests have shown that the contrast of conductivity between resistive hydrocarbon deposits and the surrounding salt water produces relevant anomalies on a resistivity map obtained with vertical line sources, especially where there exists a superficial masking effect caused by a highly resistive layer. In a survey carried out in the USSR, combined measurements were performed, both with line source and with surface point sources. The detected residual resistivity anomaly roughly delineates the contours of the known hydrocarbon deposit.  相似文献   

The transient electromagnetic fields observed by the MPPO-1 equipment in practice over geological structures cannot always be adequately explained by Maxwell's equation when the imaginary part of the conductivity of the rocks is neglected. If, for any reason, the conductivity of the rocks is a complex function of frequency such that the imaginary part is appreciable the model calculations must include this. This explains why some observed transient electromagnetic decay curves change sign with time.  相似文献   

文本提出用理论计算来消除复杂地形对视电阻率影响的方法。借助数学公式解析单元地形的线源畸变电场和点源畸变电场,计算并编制出量板,再将单元地形的视电阻率畸变曲线组合迭加,就能近似地取得复杂地形的改正曲线。文中举出实例,阐明了这种地形改正方法的应用和效果。  相似文献   

葛为中 《地球物理学报》1977,20(04):299-311
文本提出用理论计算来消除复杂地形对视电阻率影响的方法。借助数学公式解析单元地形的线源畸变电场和点源畸变电场,计算并编制出量板,再将单元地形的视电阻率畸变曲线组合迭加,就能近似地取得复杂地形的改正曲线。文中举出实例,阐明了这种地形改正方法的应用和效果。  相似文献   

Consideration is given to the use of a configuration of four electrodes set in a square array for resistivity measurements. It is found that, by passing current successively between different pairs of electrodes, an apparent resistivity can be determined which is both more sensitive to the position of the array centre and less dependent on orientation than the measures usually obtained with colinear arrays of electrodes. At the same time the observations made enable the degree of the departure of local conditions from conditions of lateral homogeneity to be assessed. Theoretical and practical examples of the use of this electrode system are given and the use of the system both as a tool in mapping and in depth investigations is considered. It is shown that provided electrode spacings are suitably arranged the results of a probe carried out using the square array can be interpreted by conventional methods. The system is shown to have particular advantages in the investigation of lateral resistivity variations and the reduced dependence on orientation makes possible the recasting of interpretation data in an orientationally invariant form with a consequent drastic reduction in the number of type curves required for a particular problem.  相似文献   

电阻率层析成像方法技术近年发展概况   总被引:8,自引:7,他引:8  
本文对近年来电阻率层析成像在方法技术方面的进展作了简要介绍,并对几种具有代表性的方法,表述了它们各自的优缺点,提出了继续研究的方向。  相似文献   

Nomograms are presented for the purpose of rapid computation of the apparent resistivity functions from the field data for symmetrical and unsymmetrical linear electrode arrays.  相似文献   

This paper describes how, using a surface linear array of equally spaced electrodes, potential data can be obtained for use in electrical resistivity imaging. The aim is to collect a complete data set which contains all linearly independent measurements of apparent resistivity on such an array using two-, three- or four-electrode configurations. From this primary data set, it is shown that any other value for apparent resistivity on the array can be synthesized through a process of superposition. Numerical tests show that such transformations are exact within the machine error for calculated data but that their use with real field data may lead to noise amplification.  相似文献   

The propagation of Love seam-waves across washouts of coal seams was studied by calculating synthetic seismograms with a finite-difference method. Seam interruption, seam end and seam thinning models were investigated. The horizontal offset, the dip of the discontinuities and the degree of erosion served as variable parameters. Maximum displacement amplitudes, relative spectral amplitudes and phase and group slowness curves were extracted from the synthetic seismograms. Both seam interruption and seam thinning reduce the maximum displacement amplitudes of the transmitted Love seam-waves. The degree of amplitude reduction depends on the horizontal offset and the degree of erosion. It is four times greater for a total seam interruption than for an equivalent seam thinning with a horizontal offset of four times the seam thickness. In a seam cut vertically, the impedance contrast between the coal and the washout filling determines the maximum displacement amplitudes of the reflected Love seam-waves. They diminish by a maximum factor of four in oblique interruption zone discontinuities with a dip of maximum 27°, and by a maximum factor of ten in a seam thinning with a degree of erosion of at least 22%. The analysis of the relative spectral amplitudes indicates a preferential transmission of those phases with frequencies below, and a preferential reflection of those phases with frequencies above the first mode Airy-phase. The relative spectral amplitudes of the reflected Love seam-waves show a distinct interference pattern of the waves reflected at both interruption zone discontinuities. The dispersion analysis reveals a flattening of the phase and group slowness curves with increasing frequencies, horizontal offset and degrees of erosion. These results imply that a detection of washouts in-mine will be possible in a frequency range including at least the first mode Airy-phase. An interference pattern and a flattening of the dispersion curve indicate a washout rather than other seam obstructions and leads to an estimate of the washout dimension.  相似文献   

预报地震的地电阻率台址电性结构特征参数的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以地下浅部水平层状介质模型为基础,依据电测深资料,计算研究了表征台址电性结构具有抑制干扰能力和映震能力的特征参数:干扰系数α、γ和异常系数β及其物理特性和应用。综合研究结果表明,特征参数比电测深曲线和电性参数更直观、定量地表征台址电性条件的优劣,应用更广泛。  相似文献   

The WKB-method is used for the derivation of both the complex dispersion relation and displacement functions for Love channel-waves that propagate in a coal seam of varying thickness. The constant Q-model is used to describe the anelastic friction. With numerical solutions of the absorption-dispersion relation, the influence of thickness changes on the phase velocity and absorption coefficient of Love seam-waves is analysed at various frequencies. It is shown that the changes in the seam thickness can be optimally detected around the average Airy-phase frequency. An equivalence is pointed out between the wave guide structures: homogeneous with varying seam thickness and horizontally inhomogeneous with constant seam thickness.  相似文献   

Seismic dynamic deconvolution is the mathematical basis on which a degree of unification in different prospecting methods is possible, relative to the parameter identification in horizontally stratified media. There is a basic structure which has some immediate applications to the inversion of resistivity data and possibly to other problems. For resistivity soundings there exists a key equation which is parallel to the energy conservation law in the theory of synthetic seismograms.  相似文献   

玉溪盆地是云南地区地震活动频度高、强度大的高潜在危险区之一。为了建立直接服务于该区域防震减灾的"标准"结构模型,利用电阻率层析成像技术探测了玉溪盆地盆山过渡带的电性结构以及隐伏并穿过玉溪盆地西缘的普渡河断裂。在数据采集中,作为地震浅层反射勘探的重要补充,共布设了6条电阻率层析成像测线来控制该断裂。使用的观测装置为Wennerα,电极间距为6m,最大隔离系数为30~75,每个排列的电极数目为112~288个。探测结果表明,玉溪盆地内的普渡河断裂分为NNE走向的东西两支;断裂带的宽度由南向北先从温泉镇到黑村附近逐渐变宽,经莲池小学、梅园村到玉昆钢厂附近后逐渐变窄;断裂的上盘为低阻破碎带,下盘为较均匀的高阻结构。东支(F1-2)的视倾向在梅园村及以北为SE/S,在莲池小学及以南为NW,视倾角为56°~73°;西支(F1-1)的视倾向为SE/E/S,视倾角为38°~66°。地震勘探结果认为普渡河断裂的东西两支的倾向在整个玉溪盆地内均为SE/E,视倾角为75°~80°,这与我们的结果略有差异。  相似文献   

受压岩石电阻率的方向性及其在地震预报中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了受压岩石电阻率的方向性,结果表明,沿着压力方向岩石电阻率变化最小,垂直压力方向岩石电阻率变化最大,与压力方向成45°夹角的岩石电阻率变化居中。  相似文献   

联合利用天然地震和人工地震测深资料对祁连山—河西走廊地区进行地壳三维速度结构反演,获得了该区地壳三维速度结构图像.给出了按5km间隔的中、上地壳速度切面和地壳速度结构与莫霍界面等深线图.综合大地热流实测结果和深部岩石物性等,建立了下地壳部分熔融的韧性模型.给出了计算地震波速度和电阻率的方法与公式,进行了部分熔融状态下深部电性与地震波速度的联合数值模拟和联合解释,其结果与实测的基本一致.分析了各构造单元之间下地壳电阻率、速度与热流的关系,对下地壳部分熔融程度进行了估计.  相似文献   

联合利用天然地震和人工地震测深资料对祁连山-河西走廊地区进行地壳三维速度结构反演,获得了该区地壳三维速度结构图像.给出了按5km间隔的中、上地壳速度切面和地壳速度结构与莫霍界面等深线图.综合大地热流实测结果和深部岩石物性等,建立了下地壳部分熔融的韧性模型.给出了计算地震波速度和电阻率的方法与公式,进行了部分熔融状态下深部电性与地震波速度的联合数值模拟和联合解释,其结果与实测的基本一致.分析了各构造单元之间下地壳电阻率、速度与热流的关系,对下地壳部分熔融程度进行了估计.  相似文献   

联合利用天然地震和人工地震测深资料对祁连山—河西走廊地区进行地壳三维速度结构反演,获得了该区地壳三维速度结构图像.给出了按5km间隔的中、上地壳速度切面和地壳速度结构与莫霍界面等深线图.综合大地热流实测结果和深部岩石物性等,建立了下地壳部分熔融的韧性模型.给出了计算地震波速度和电阻率的方法与公式,进行了部分熔融状态下深部电性与地震波速度的联合数值模拟和联合解释,其结果与实测的基本一致.分析了各构造单元之间下地壳电阻率、速度与热流的关系,对下地壳部分熔融程度进行了估计.  相似文献   

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