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With the aid of perturbation analysis of vibration frequencies and mode shapes it is shown that any lower vibration mode of a torsionally coupled building may be approximated as a linear combination of three vibration modes of the corresponding torsionally uncoupled system (a system with coincident centres of mass and resistance but all other properties are identical to the actual system): one translational mode along each of the two principal axes of resistance and one mode in torsional vibration. This result provides the motivation for a simpler—relative to the standard—procedure for analysing the response of torsionally coupled multistorey buildings to earthquake ground motion. To illustrate the application and accuracy of this procedure two numerical examples are presented.  相似文献   

A method to determine the approximate normal modes and the modal damping for torsionally coupled buildings on an elastic foundation is presented. The modal damping is determined by an iterative procedure which matches the approximate normal mode solution with the rigorous solution. The response quantity to be matched is selected in a consistent and logical manner. The normal modes and the damping ratios thus found are then used to determine the seismic response of the interaction system by the response spectrum technique.  相似文献   

The work presented in this paper investigates the effect of the foundation flexibility on the coupled lateral-torsional response of single-storey buildings excited by translational ground motion. The eccentricity between the centre of mass and the centre of resistance is considered to be the only cause of coupling of the lateral and torsional response of the building. The study is confined to the steady-state response of rigidly supported and flexibly supported torsionally coupled buildings subjected to harmonic free-field ground displacement perpendicular to the direction of the eccentricity. In the case of the flexibly supported building the foundation medium is assumed to be an elastic homogeneous isotropic half-space. The effect of the controlling parameters on lateral-torsional coupling is investigated. It is concluded that for a particular range of values of these parameters (representing most cases of actual buildings) their effect on the coupling of lateral and torsional response is not qualitatively affected by increases in the flexibility of the foundation medium.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of the design recommendations made by various major building codes to account for torsional coupling effects is evaluated with respect to the parametric responses to earthquake ground motion of a simple single-storey asymmetric building model supported on an elastic foundation. The objectives are to determine the extent to which the response trends observed in previous studies of asymmetric rigidly based buildings are affected by changes in the flexibility of the foundation medium and to comment on and suggest necessary amendments to the design recommendations in order that suitable allowance be made for the resultant changes in the magnitude of torsional coupling effects. It is concluded that whilst the qualitative effects of torsional coupling are not affected by soil–structure interaction, their magnitude depends significantly on the frequency content of the free-field motion. The response to the El Centro earthquake record is conservatively accounted for by assuming the structure to be supported on a rigid foundation. An allowance for increased response effects due to soil–structure interaction is suggested for incorporation in the torsional design recommendations when European earthquake records are employed.  相似文献   

A study is made of the effect of soil-structure interaction on the coupled lateral and torsional responses of asymmetric buildings subjected to a series of historical free-field earthquake base motions. It sh shown that for particular classes of actual buildings the equivalent rigid-base responses are significantly increased for structures founded on medium-stiff soils, and hence the assumption of the major building codes that a conservative estimate of response is obtained by considering the structure to be fixed rigidly at its base is shown to be inconsistent with the presented dynamic results. It is shown that foundation interaction produces greatest amplification of torsional coupling effects for structures subjected to a particular class of European strong-motion earthquake records, identified by similarities in their spectral shape, for which the vibrational energy of the ground motion is distributed approximately uniformly over the range of frequencies which are of interest for real structures. It is recommended that provision be made in the torsional design procedures of building codes for the increase in the coupled torsional response due to soil-structure interaction as indicated in this study. Such provision should be based on the results of comprehensive parametric studies employing a wide selection of earthquake records and accounting for expected variations in localized soil conditions.  相似文献   

This paper presents an efficient procedure to determine the natural frequencies, modal damping ratios and mode shapes for torsionally coupled shear buildings using earthquake response records. It is shown that the responses recorded at the top and first floor levels are sufficient to identify the dominant modal properties of a multistoried torsionally coupled shear building with uniform mass and constant eccentricity even when the input excitation is not known. The procedure applies eigenrealization algorithm to generate the state‐space model of the structure using the cross‐correlations among the measured responses. The dynamic characteristics of the structure are determined from the state‐space realization matrices. Since the mode shapes are obtained only at the instrumented floor (top and first floors) levels, a new mode shape interpolation technique has been proposed to estimate the mode shape coefficients at the remaining floor levels. The application of the procedure has been demonstrated through a numerical experiment on an eight‐storied torsionally coupled shear building subjected to earthquake base excitation. The results show that the proposed parameter identification technique is capable of identifying dominant modal parameters and responses even with significant noise contamination of the response records. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A generalized multi‐mode pushover analysis procedure was developed for estimating the maximum inelastic seismic response of symmetrical plan structures under earthquake ground excitations. Pushover analyses are conducted with story‐specific generalized force vectors in this procedure, with contributions from all effective modes. Generalized pushover analysis procedure is extended to three‐dimensional torsionally coupled systems in the presented study. Generalized force distributions are expressed as the combination of modal forces to simulate the instantaneous force distribution acting on the system when the interstory drift at a story reaches its maximum value during seismic response. Modal contributions to the generalized force vectors are calculated by a modal scaling rule, which is based on the complete quadratic combination. Generalized forces are applied to the mass centers of each story incrementally for producing nonlinear static response. Maximum response quantities are obtained when the individual frames attain their own target interstory drift values in each story. The developed procedure is tested on an eight‐story frame under 15 ground motions, and assessed by comparing the results obtained from nonlinear time history analysis. The method is successful in predicting the torsionally coupled inelastic response of frames responding to large interstory drift demands. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A parametric study is carried out to evaluate the seismic displacements at the flexible edge of torsionally unbalanced (TU) structural systems. Guidelines are provided to estimate these displacements so that they can be incorporated in the formulation of the displacement-based seismic design approach for the design of TU buildings. The ability of three code procedures to estimate the flexible-edge displacement is examined to show that not all procedures lead to conservative estimates. Finally, it is shown that elastic spectrum analysis incorporating accidental torsion effect is a viable means to estimate the flexible-edge displacements.  相似文献   

Seismic building codes include design provisions to account for the torsional effects arising in torsionally unbalanced (asymmetric) buildings. These provisions are based on two alternative analytical procedures for determining the design load for the individual resisting structural elements. A previous study has shown that the linear elastic modal analysis procedure may not lead to conservative designs, even for multistorey buildings with regular asymmetry, when such structures are excited well into the inelastic range of response. The equivalent static force procedure as recommended by codes may also be deficient in accounting for additional ductility demand in the critical stiff-edge elements. This paper addresses the non-conservatism of existing static torsional provisions and examines aspects of element strength distribution and its influence on inelastic torsional effects. A recommendation is made for improving the effectiveness of the code-type static force procedure for torsionally unbalanced multistorey frame buildings with regular asymmetry, leading to a design approach which estimates conservatively the peak ductility demand of edge elements on both sides of the building. The modified approach also retains the simplicity of existing code provisions and results in acceptable levels of additional lateral design strength. It has recently been adopted by the new Australian earthquake code, which is due to be implemented early in 1993.  相似文献   

An analytical study of the seismic response of typical base isolated structures mounted on rubber bearings is presented. Isolated buildings are liable to have closely spaced lower modes of vibration with small eccentricity between centres of mass and rigidity. The isolated structure is modelled as a rigid deck with lumped masses supported on axially inextensible elastomeric rubber bearings. This simplified system has three degrees of freedom (dof), two translations and one rotation in the horizontal plane. The Green's functions for the displacement response of the 3 dof system are derived for both undamped and damped cases with small and large eccentricities. The small eccentricity case is taken from a specific isolated building, while the large eccentricity case arises from the 5 per cent accidental eccentricity which is required by various seismic codes. An interaction equation for normalized displacements is established for an idealized flat velocity spectrum or hyperbolic acceleration spectrum. An isolated building on rubber bearings would have its fundamental period fall into this range of a design spectrum. Numerical results for the specific building subjected to the El Centro earthquake of 1940 are presented. Both the time history and the response spectrum modal superposition analysis were performed. In the response spectrum analysis, the Complete Quadratic Combination (CQC) showed superiority over the Square Root of the Sum of Squares (SRSS) in estimating maximum responses. It is concluded that the effect of torsional coupling on the transient response of base isolated structures is insignificant, due to the combined effect of the time lag between the maximum translational and torsional responses and the influence of damping in the isolation system which for elastomeric bearings can be as high as 8 to 10 per cent.  相似文献   

This paper addresses some fundamentally contradictory conclusions drawn by Tso and Ying1 and the authors2 regarding the additional seismic ductility demand in asymmetric building structures and the adequacy of certain code torsional provisions. It also clarifies a number of issues arising from the different approaches employed in the two studies. The Mexico 76 and 87 code torsional provisions are taken as examples. Results show that the structural element at the stiff edge is the more critical and that the Mexico 76 code torsional provisions (among others) are inadequate, substantially underestimating the strength demand of this element. On the other hand, the Mexico 87 code torsional provisions are found to be over-conservative. Recommendations are also given for improving the form and effectiveness of these code torsional provisions.  相似文献   

高层楼群耦联消振理论及参数分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对于由主楼和一个或多个辅楼组成的高层楼群,当楼群之间通过空中交通连接结构使各高楼耦联时,如果调整辅楼的刚度和质量,使辅 的等效自振周期与场地地震动卓越周期接近,则可以使主楼的振动反应达到最小,实现消振的目的;同时辅楼的振动幅值也接近最小值,而并不会达到最大值,根据实例计算绘制的动力反应随频率变化的曲线证明了这一结论。  相似文献   

The principal co-ordinates of non-proportionally damped systems are coupled by non-zero off-diagonal elements in the transformed damping matrix. The effects of this damping coupling are investigated, and it is found that significant errors may occur if the dynamic analysis of such systems is based on a truncated set of the overall system modes, even when the damping coupling between these modes is included in the solution. This effect is illustrated by computed results for an idealized soil-structure system.  相似文献   

The response of the magnetopause surface to time-varying solar wind dynamic pressure is examined. We argue that to a first approximation the magnetopause surface may be considered as analogous to an elastic membrane. Upon displacement from equilibrium resulting from a change in applied external pressure, it moves to a new equilibrium under the equation of motion of a forced, damped, simple harmonic oscillator. We derive this equation of motion by linearising for small perturbations the momentum equation for flow past a nonrigid ellipsoidal body in the Newton-Busemann limit. Though our approach is only an approximation to the real dynamics of the magnetopause boundary, it serves to demonstrate the importance of inertia in the system response. It allows us to estimate the natural eigenperiod of magnetopause oscillation as typically around 7 min, the precise value depending on solar wind conditions. However, the magnetopause eigenoscillation is furthermore found to be strongly damped, regardless of solar wind conditions. One consequence of these properties is that short-period fluctuations in the solar wind dynamic pressure elicit a suppressed magnetospheric response. We outline other theoretical expectations by which our model may be tested against observation, and discuss the implications of our findings for current interpretations of spacecraft observations made in the dynamic magnetopause environment.  相似文献   

This paper examines higher mode effects in systems where the ductile mechanism for seismic design is the base moment‐rotation response. The modal properties of flexural and shear beams with uniform mass and elasticity and with a variable amount of base rotational restraint are derived. As the base fixity is released, the first mode becomes the rigid body rotation of the beam about the base, but the higher modes change much less, particularly for the shear beam model. Most response quantities that are of interest in the seismic design of typical mid‐rise buildings are controlled by the first two lateral modes, except at locations along the height where the second mode contributes little. However, the third and higher lateral modes are more significant for high‐rise buildings. Based on the theory of uniform cantilever shear beams, expressions are developed to avoid the need for a modal analysis to estimate the overturning moment, storey shear, and floor acceleration envelopes. Considering the measured response from the shake table testing of a large‐scale eight‐storey controlled rocking steel braced frame, the proposed expressions are shown to be of similar or better accuracy to a modified modal superposition technique, which combines the higher mode response from an elastic modal analysis with the response associated with achieving the maximum base overturning moment according to an inverted triangular load distribution. Because the proposed method uses only parameters that are available at the initial design stage, avoiding the analysis of a structural model, it is likely to be especially useful for preliminary design. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the analysis of Chinese earthquake history byLee andBrillinger (1979), the autointensity function of the earthquake sequence is estimated, based on a parametric model for the catalog inclusion probabilities. We show that an estimate of the autointensity function with essentially the same features can be obtained by smoothing the data to yield a nonparametric estimate of the inclusion probabilities. In addition, however, we illustrate that a somewhat less smooth estimate would lead to an autointensity function with little structure. The shape of the estimated autointensity function is hence dependent on the assumed smoothness of the inclusion probabilities. This is an issue which cannot be resolved statistically.  相似文献   

The macroelement technique for modelling the nonlinear response of masonry panels is particularly efficient and suitable for the analysis of the seismic behaviour of complex walls and buildings. The paper presents a macroelement model specifically developed for simulating the cyclic in‐plane response of masonry walls, with possible applications in nonlinear static and dynamic analysis of masonry structures. The model, starting from a previously developed macroelement model, has been refined in the representation of flexural–rocking and shear damage modes, and it is capable of fairly simulating the experimental response of cyclic tests performed on masonry piers. By means of two internal degrees of freedom, the two‐node macroelement permits to represent the coupling of axial and flexural response as well as the interaction of shear and flexural damage. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the inelastic seismic response of torsionally unbalanced structural systems with strength distributed using elastic response spectrum analysis. The structural model is a single mass torsionally unbalanced system with lateral load resisting elements spanning in two principal directions. The element strength is distributed based on elastic response spectrum analysis and three different approaches to incorporate accidental torsion are considered: (a) without incorporating accidental torsion; (b) by applying static floor torques; (c) by shifting the location of the centre of mass. The seismic input is bidirectionally applied at the base of the model. It is shown that the inelastic responses depend strongly on the torsional stiffness of the system. For a torsionally stiff system, the torsional response leads to a decrease in the stiff edge displacement; however, for a torsionally flexible system, it tends to increase the stiff edge displacement. Using response spectrum analysis without including accidental torsion may lead to excessive additional ductility demand on the stiff edge element. With accidental torsion effect incorporated, the response spectrum analysis will give a strength distribution such that there will be no excessive additional ductility demands on the lateral load resisting elements.  相似文献   


By using perturbation methods an analytical study has been carried out of large-scale dynamo models, which previously were mainly investigated by numerical methods.  相似文献   

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