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在基础饲料中添加质量分数0、0.02%、0.05%、0.20%、0.50%的褐藻酸寡糖,饲喂体质量(17.61±0.16)g的大菱鲆(Scophthalmus maximus L)70 d,研究褐藻酸寡糖对大菱鲆肠道结构、消化酶活性及表观消化率的影响。结果表明:1)褐藻酸寡糖处理组的肠道微绒毛长度与对照组差异无统计学意义(P0.05),肠道皱襞高度与对照组差异无统计学意义(P0.05),杯状细胞大于对照组(P0.05);2)饲料中添加褐藻酸寡糖对大菱鲆肠道内蛋白酶和淀粉酶活性影响无统计学意义(P0.05),0.02%和0.05%褐藻酸寡糖实验组中的脂肪酶活性与对照组差异有统计学意义(P0.05);3)褐藻酸寡糖对饲料干物质消化率、蛋白质消化率以及脂肪消化率影响无统计学意义(P0.05)。在大菱鲆饲料中添加褐藻酸寡糖可增大肠道杯状细胞,促进肠道脂肪酶活性,但对肠绒毛长度,皱襞高度,淀粉酶、蛋白酶活性,表观消化率无影响。  相似文献   

A 9-week feeding trial was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary carbohydrate to lipid ratio(CHO:LIP) on the growth performance and feed utilization of juvenile turbot Scophthalmus maximus(initial body weight 8.75 g ± 0.04 g). Four isonitrogenous and isoenergetic low protein level(39%) diets were formulated with increasing ratios of dietary carbohydrate to lipid(2:18, 6:18, 18:12 and 28:6). A high protein level(50%) diet with the 2:12 ratio of carbohydrate to lipid was used as the control. Results showed that the survival rate, contents of moisture, crude protein and ash in muscle were not significantly affected by dietary treatments. With the dietary CHO:LIP ratio increased from 2:18 to 18:12, weight gain rate significantly increased(P 0.05). Higher dietary CHO:LIP ratio(28:6) resulted in the significantly decreased weight gain rate(P 0.05). Meanwhile, this treatment also resulted in the highest daily feed intake and liver glycogen content, as well as the lowest feed efficiency(P 0.05). Muscle glycogen content in fish fed the diet with 2:12 or 2:18 CHO:LIP ratio was significantly lower than those fed with the other three diets(P 0.05). The present results confirmed that the juvenile turbot can utilize carbohydrate. Furthermore, the appropriate ratio of dietary carbohydrate to lipid was important to the growth and feed utilization of turbot. The proper CHO:LIP ratio based on the growth performance in the present study was determined to be 18:12 when the dietary protein level was 39%.  相似文献   

The dietary protein requirement of juvenile turbot(initial average weight, 38.2 g ± 0.1 g) reared indoor in aerated aquaria was determined in this study. Five energy equal experimental diets were formulated with fish meal as protein source, which contained different concentrations of protein(47.2%, 51.0%, 54.6%, 59.3% and 63.6% of dry diet). Three groups of fish with 18 individuals in each, were cultured in 300-L tanks and fed twice a day for 8 weeks. During culture, temperature was controlled between 15.0 and 18.0℃, salinity was controlled between 28.5 and 32.0, acidity was controlled between p H7.8 and p H8.5, and ammonia nitrogen was maintained below 0.03 mg L-1 and dissolved oxygen was maintained about 7 mg L-1. Results showed that the growth of fish was significantly affected by dietary protein content(P 0.05). Specific growth rate(SGR) of turbot increased when dietary protein content varied between 47.2% and 51.0%(P 0.05), and then kept stable when dietary protein content was higher than 51.0%. Fish which were fed the diet containing 63.6% protein showed the highest SGR while those fed the diet containing 59.3% protein showed the highest feed efficiency rate. No significant difference of feed intake and protein efficiency ratio was found among experimental diets(P 0.05). Broken-line regression analysis of SGR showed that the optimal dietary protein requirement of turbot was about 57.0%.  相似文献   

用添加质量分数为0.00%(对照组)、0.02%、0.05%、0.20%、0.50%褐藻酸寡糖(alginate oligosaccharides,AOS)的基础饲料饲养初始体质量为(17.61±0.16)g的大菱鲆(Scophthalmus maximus)幼鱼10周,研究AOS不同添加量对大菱鲆幼鱼生长、血液学指标、非特异性免疫的影响。结果表明:与对照组相比,在4个不同添加量组中,增重率、特定生长率差异无统计学意义(P0.05);各组血液中白细胞含量均提高,差异有统计学意义(P0.05),血红蛋白、红细胞压积及红细胞数差异无统计学意义(P0.05);血清中谷丙转氨酶、谷草转氨酶、总胆固醇、甘油三酯、高密度脂蛋白含量降低,但差异无统计学意义(P0.05);0.02%、0.05%、0.20%组的血清中酸性磷酸酶活力高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05),但超氧化物歧化酶、溶菌酶活力与对照组差异无统计学意义(P0.05),其中0.05%、0.20%组碱性磷酸酶明显高于对照组(P0.05);添加AOS组肝脏中的酸性磷酸酶活力以及超氧物歧化酶SOD活力与对照组相比差异无统计学意义(P0.05);攻毒试验发现,大菱鲆幼鱼对腹水病的疾病抵抗力随添加量的增加而升高。在本实验条件下,饲料中添加AOS对大菱鲆幼鱼生长性能和血液学指标并无显著影响,但可提高其非特异性免疫功能。建议添加量为质量分数0.05%。  相似文献   

Turbot(Scophthalmus maximus L.),a carnivorous fish species with high dietary protein requirement,was chosen to examine the expression pattern of peptide and amino acid transporter genes along its digestive tract which was divided into six segments including stomach,pyloric caeca,rectum,and three equal parts of the remainder of the intestine.The results showed that the expression of two peptide and eleven amino acid transporters genes exhibited distinct patterns.Peptide transporter 1(Pep T1) was rich in proximal intestine while peptide transporter 2(PepT2) was abundant in distal intestine.A number of neutral and cationic amino acid transporters expressed richly in whole intestine including B~0-type amino acid transporter 1(B~0AT1),L-type amino acid transporter 2(LAT2),T-type amino acid transporter 1(TAT1),proton-coupled amino acid transporter 1(PAT1),y~+L-type amino acid transporter 1(y~+LAT1),and cationic amino acid transporter 2(CAT2) while ASC amino acid transporter 2(ASCT2),sodium-coupled neutral amino acid transporter 2(SNAT2),and y~+L-type amino acid transporter 2(y~+LAT2) abundantly expressed in stomach.In addition,system b~(0,+) transporters(rBAT and b~(0,+)AT) existed richly in distal intestine.These findings comprehensively characterized the distribution of solute carrier family proteins,which revealed the relative importance of peptide and amino acid absorption through luminal membrane.Our findings are helpful to understand the mechanism of the utilization of dietary protein in fish with a short digestive tract.  相似文献   

【目的】探讨低磷饲料中添加谷氨酸对松浦镜鲤肠道消化酶活性及肠道形态的影响。【方法】将初始体质量(5.07±0.02)g的松浦镜鲤450尾随机分为5组,其中4个实验组在低磷(NaH_2PO_3质量分数1.5%)饲料中分别添加质量分数0%、0.5%、1.0%和2.0%的谷氨酸(Glu),分别为G0、G0.5、G1.0、G2.0组,同时以正常磷饲料(2.0%NaH2PO3)为对照(C组),实验周期为8周。【结果】G1组前肠和后肠的蛋白酶活性显著高于G0组,与C组差异不显著;G1前肠脂肪酶活性显著高于G0、G0.5和G2组,C和G1组中肠脂肪酶活性显著高于G0组;C和G1组中肠淀粉酶活性显著高于其他各组(P 0.05),各组间前肠和后肠淀粉酶活性差异不显著(P 0.05)。各添加组的松浦镜鲤幼鱼前肠和后肠的皱襞高度显著高于G0组,且前肠的皱襞高度与C组相比差异不显著;C组后肠的皱襞高度显著高于其他各组(P 0.05)。G2组前肠的绒毛宽度与C组相比差异不显著(P0.05),其他各组的松浦镜鲤幼鱼前肠的绒毛宽度显著低于C组(P0.05);中肠和后肠的绒毛宽度各组间没有显著差异(P 0.05)。各添加组的松浦镜鲤幼鱼前肠的基层厚度与C组比没有显著差异(P 0.05)。中肠和后肠的基层厚度各组间没有显著差异(P 0.05)。肠体指数和肠长指数各组间没有显著差异(P 0.05)。添加Glu组的前肠绒毛高度及密度均显著增加,且排列整齐。【结论】低磷饲料中添加谷氨酸可以增加松浦镜鲤幼鱼肠道消化酶活性并改善肠道形态结构。  相似文献   

A 3-month feeding experiment was conducted in an in-door seawater system to investigate the effect of dietary vitamin E(Ve) on the sperm quality of turbot(Scophthalmus maximus). D-α-tocopherol acetate was supplemented to the basal(control) diet(65.14 mg kg–1 Ve) to obtain low and high levels of dietary Ve(244.60 mg kg–1, LVe; 721.60 mg kg–1, HVe). Compared with the control, sperm concentration was significantly increased in Ve-supplemented groups(LVe and HVe); while relative sperm volume and testis-somatic index were significantly increased in group HVe only. Sperm motility duration was significantly longer in group HVe than in the control, but no significant difference was observed in percent motility among groups. Sperm size, the uniformity of mitochondrial size, and the integrity of mitochondria cristae and plasma membrane were improved by dietary Ve, especially in HVe. The content of Ve in testis and liver as well as polyunsaturated fatty acids in sperm increased with dietary Ve. These results suggested that dietary Ve, especially at the high level(721.60 mg kg–1), significantly improved sperm concentration and motility duration and maintained normal sperm morphology of turbot.  相似文献   

An 8-week feeding trial was conducted to determine the optimal dietary protein-to-lipid ratio for juvenile Nibea albiflora with an initial weight of(11.76 ± 0.20) g.Nine experimental diets containing different concentrations of protein(40%,47%,or 54%) and lipids(5%,9%,or 13%) in a 3 × 3 factorial experimental design were tested in triplicate groups of fish,while the protein-to-energy(P/E) ratios of the diets varied in the range of 19.74–28.32 mg k J~(-1).Results showed that fish fed diets containing 9% or 13% lipids with 54% protein exhibited significantly higher weight gains and specific growth rates than those fed other diets.The feed conversion rate of fish fed the diet with 40% protein and 5% lipids was significantly poorer than that of fish fed other diets.The protein efficiency rate of fish fed diets with 5% lipids was significantly lower than that of fish fed 9% or 13% lipid diets.Carcass lipid and energy contents were positively correlated with dietary lipid level regardless of protein level.Fish fed a 54% protein diet showed the highest trypsin activity.The intestinal lipase activity of fish fed the diet containing 13% lipids was significantly higher than that of fish fed 5% or 9% lipid diets.These results demonstrate the high protein dietary requirements of N.albiflora.A diet containing 54% protein and 9%–13% lipids with a P/E ratio of 26.2–27.81 mg protein k J~(-1) can be considered optimal for juvenile N.albiflora.  相似文献   

The biochemical composition of the turbot skin was investigated. The moisture level of the skin was found to be 51.4%. Based on dry matter content, there were relatively high protein(82.1%) and lipid(13.1%) concentrations in the turbot skin. Mineral element analysis revealed that the turbot skin had high Ca content(2069.0 mg kg^-1), and the concentrations of toxic heavy metals Hg and Pb were less than 0.005 mg kg^-1, which indicates that the turbot skin is a safe resource for collagen production. The sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis(SDS-PAGE) analysis showed that acid-soluble collagen(ASC) extracted from the turbot skin was type-I collagen. The imino acid content of the ASC was 241.6 per 1000 amino acids, which suggests a relatively high denaturation temperature. The Fourier transform infrared(FTIR) spectra of ASC reflected a highly stable structure, and the measured denaturation temperature of ASC was 29.5℃, which is higher than those from many temperate fishes. ASC was the most soluble at pH 4.0, and when the pH values were below or above 4.0, the solubility decreased rapidly. The ASC exhibited a relatively high solubility when NaCl concentration was lower than 2%. These results show that turbo skin can be employed as a source for producing collagen with high quality.  相似文献   

【目的】探讨高淀粉饲料中添加精氨酸对松浦镜鲤(CyprinuscarpioL.)肠道消化酶活性及肠道形态的影响。【方法】选用初始体质量(6.84±0.02)g的松浦镜鲤360尾,随机分为5组,每组4个重复,每个重复18尾鱼。实验饲料分为5组,分别在45%水平的高淀粉饲料中添加质量分数0%、0.6%、1.2%、1.8%、2.4%的精氨酸,实验周期为8周,进行肠道消化酶和形态的测定。【结果】前、中、后肠的淀粉酶活性,各组之间没有显著差异(P> 0.05);添加2.4%精氨酸组的前肠脂肪酶活性显著高于对照组(P <0.05),中肠和后肠的脂肪酶活性各组间没有显著差异(P>0.05);前、中、后肠蛋白酶活性随精氨酸添加量的增加而增加,添加1.8%和2.4%精氨酸组的前肠和中肠蛋白酶活性显著高于对照组(P<0.05),添加2.4%精氨酸组后肠的蛋白酶活性显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。高淀粉饲料中添加Arg显著影响了肠道皱襞高度,但对肠绒毛宽度和肌层厚度没有显著影响。2.4%精氨酸组前肠皱襞高度显著高于其他各组(P <0.05),1.8%精氨酸组中肠和后肠皱襞高度显著高于对照组(P <0.05)。1.2%、1.8%和2.4%组肠体指数显著高于对照组(P <0.05),2.4%精氨酸组肠长指数显著高于对照组(P <0.05)。各组前、中、后肠肠绒毛密度没有显著差异,且排列较整齐。【结论】高淀粉饲料中添加1.8%~2.4%精氨酸可以增加松浦镜鲤肠道消化酶活性,同时改善了松浦镜鲤的肠道形态结构。  相似文献   

以鱼粉、酪蛋白和明胶为蛋白源,分别以20%添加水平的葡萄糖、糊精、蔗糖、玉米淀粉、小麦淀粉和马铃薯淀粉为糖源,配制成6种不同糖源的等氮等能饲料,研究不同糖源对方斑东风螺幼螺生长性能、饲料利用、消化酶活性、糖原含量、蛋白质含量及肉壳比的影响。结果表明:方斑东风螺幼螺的增重率、特定生长率、饲料系数、蛋白质效率,消化酶活性、糖原含量、蛋白质含量及肉壳比均受到糖源种类的显著影响(P<0.05)。增重率、特定生长率从高至低依次为小麦淀粉组、玉米淀粉组、马铃薯淀粉组、糊精组、葡萄糖组、蔗糖组;饲料系数及蛋白质效率均以小麦淀粉组表现最好,与马铃薯淀粉组和玉米淀粉组无显著性差异,显著优于糊精组、葡萄糖组及蔗糖组。消化酶活性的分析结果表明,淀粉酶活性最高的是蔗糖组和小麦淀粉组,糊精组次之,葡萄糖组和马铃薯淀粉组的淀粉酶活性最低;各处理组脂肪酶活性存在显著差异,从高至低分依次为马铃薯淀粉组>小麦淀粉组>糊精组>玉米淀粉组>蔗糖组、葡萄糖组;蛋白酶活性以小麦淀粉组最高,其次为蔗糖组,其他糖源组并无显著差异;而内脏团糖原和肌糖原含量,除了葡萄糖组外,其他各组差异不显著(P>0.05);蛋白质含量以葡萄糖组最高,小麦淀粉组最低,而肉壳比则刚好相反,以小麦淀粉组和玉米淀粉组最高,葡萄糖组最低。以生长、饲料利用率和消化酶活性为评价指标,方斑东风螺饲料中采用小麦淀粉作为糖源效果最优。  相似文献   

A turbot(Scophthalmus maximus) cell line named SMSP was obtained from the spleen. The origin of the cells was identified by morphology, chromosome number and COI gene. The optimal basic medium, serum concentration and growth temperature of the cells were detected. SMSP cell line is mainly composed of fibroblast-like cells. Most of the SMSP cells contained 44 chromosomes, and the sequence of COI gene confirmed that the cells were originated from turbot. The optimal culture conditions were 24℃,DME...  相似文献   

Poor palatability is a limiting factor for replacing fishmeal with other protein sources in aquaculture. The water-soluble molecules with low molecular weights are the major determinants of the palatability of diets. The present study was conducted to investigate the palatability of water-soluble extracts from single protein source(single extract pellets) and the mixture of these extracts with different proportions(blended extract pellets) in juvenile turbot(Scophthalmus maximus). Then according to the palatability of blended extract pellets, an optimal mixture proportion was selected, and a new protein source made from raw protein materials with the selected proportion was formulated to replace fishmeal. Summarily, the palatability of single extract pellets for turbot was descendent from fishmeal to pet-food grade poultry by-product meal, wheat gluten meal, soybean meal, peanut meal, meat and bone meal, and corn gluten meal. Subsequently, according to the palatability of single extract pellets, 52 kinds of blended extract pellets were designed to test their palatability. The results showed that the pellets presented remarkably different palatability, and the optimal one was diet 52(wheat gluten meal: pet-food grade poultry by-product meal: meat and bone meal: corn gluten meal = 1:6:1:2). The highest ingestion ratio(the number of pellets ingested/the number of pellets fed) was 0.73 ± 0.03, which was observed in Diet 52. Then five isonitrogenous(52% crude protein) and isocaloric(20 k J g~(-1) gross energy) diets were formulated by replacing 0(control), 35%, 50%, 65% and 80% of fishmeal with No.52 blending proportion. After a 10-weeks feeding trial, a consistent feed intake was found among all replacement treatments. Replacement level of fishmeal up to 35% did not significantly influence final body weight, specific growth rate, feed efficiency ratio, and protein efficiency ratio of turbot. Therefore, the water-soluble extracts of protein sources play an important role in improving the palatability of non-fishmeal protein sources in aquafeed.  相似文献   

研究0、300、600、900、1 200、1 500 mg/kg 6个L-肉碱添加水平对牙鲆(Paralichthys olivaceus)幼鱼生长、生化组成和血液指标的影响。结果表明:添加量为1 200 mg/kg的处理组牙鲆幼鱼的增重率和特定生长率显著提高,饲料系数显著降低(P<0.05);随着饲料中L-肉碱含量的增加,肝指数呈现下降趋势,且在添加量为900~1 500 mg/kg时,各组较对照组差异显著(P<0.05);饲料中添加L-肉碱显著降低各实验组脏体比(P<0.05),而对各处理组间存活率和肥满度均无影响(P<0.05);肌肉和肝脏中的脂肪含量与L-肉碱添加量呈负相关,当添加量为1 200~1 500 mg/kg时,较对照组差异显著(P<0.05);肌肉中的蛋白含量与L-肉碱添加量呈正相关,但各组差异不显著(P<0.05);饲料中添加L-肉碱降低血清中的谷草转氨酶、胆固醇、甘油三酯和尿素氮含量,且添加量1 200 mg/kg组各指标含量均显著低于对照组(P<0.05);各处理组的血糖含量较对照组均有所增加,其中1 200 mg/kg组血糖含量较对照组提高41.6%(P<0.05);血清中总蛋白和低密度脂蛋白均随着L-肉碱添加量的增加而呈下降趋势,高密度脂蛋白却得以提升,但差异均不显著(P<0.05)。分析认为,在本实验条件下,饲料中添加L-肉碱可促进牙鲆幼鱼生长,且降脂效果显著。建议L-肉碱最适添加量为1 200 mg/kg。  相似文献   

在以豆粕、酪蛋白、鱼粉(质量分数分别为33%、17%、15%)为蛋白源的基础饲料中分别添加质量分数0、0.4%、0.8%、1.2%、1.5%和2.0%的胆固醇,制成6种等氮等能饲料,养殖初始体质量为(24.00±0.19)g的军曹鱼幼鱼(Rachycentron canadum)8周,研究胆固醇对其生长、体成分、血液生化指标和脂代谢相关酶活性的影响。结果表明:添加低水平胆固醇对军曹鱼生长有改善作用,而高水平胆固醇对生长有抑制作用,与对照组比较,增重率(WGR)(P0.05)、成活率(SR)(P0.05)、饲料系数(FCR)(P0.05)在0.4%组较佳,随添加量的增加,各组幼鱼有增重率、成活率降低,饲料系数增大趋势。幼鱼肝体比、脏体比、肝脏病变率有增大趋势。添加胆固醇后,全鱼、肝脏和肌肉中粗脂肪0-0.4%组有上升趋势,0.4%-2.0%组有下降趋势;鱼体粗蛋白有上升趋势,肝脏中胆固醇有先降后升趋势,但水分和灰分的变化不大(P0.05)。血清中总胆固醇(TC)、低密度胆固醇(LDL-C)有上升趋势。肝脏中激素敏感性脂肪酶(HSL)有先升后降趋势。在以豆粕为主要蛋白源的饲料中添加少量胆固醇(0.4%组)可一定程度上改善军曹鱼幼鱼生长,影响机体脂代谢,但过多添加会抑制生长,并造成肝脏病变。以SR为判据,饲料中军曹鱼对胆固醇最适需要量为0.566%。  相似文献   

研究了大豆浓缩蛋白作为饵料蛋白源对中华绒螯蟹幼蟹消化酶活力的影响,初步探讨了中华绒螯蟹对饵料蛋白源的内在适应机理。根据中华绒螯蟹的营养需求,用大豆浓缩蛋白替代鱼粉作为蛋白源配制成6种近似等蛋白等能的饵料,其中大豆浓缩蛋白在饵料中的含量分别为0、11%、22%、33%、44%和56%(分别替代鱼蛋白质量的0、18.64%、37.93%、56.90%、77.19%和100%),对照饵料全部以鱼粉作为蛋白源。用上述6种饵料喂养中华绒螯蟹50 d后,测定蟹肝胰腺各种消化酶活力。结果表明:随着饵料中大豆浓缩蛋白含量的升高,胃蛋白酶和胰蛋白酶活力均呈降低之势。当大豆浓缩蛋白含量达到44%时,与全鱼粉对照组相比,胃蛋白酶和胰蛋白酶活力显著性降低(P<0.05);同时,淀粉酶稍呈升高之势,而纤维素酶则稍呈降低的趋势;A/T比例呈显著上升的趋势,当大豆浓缩蛋白含量达44%时,与对照组有显著性差异,说明河蟹对植物蛋白有很强的适应性。  相似文献   

研究了大豆浓缩蛋白作为饵料蛋白源对中华绒螯蟹幼蟹消化酶活力的影响.初步探讨了中华绒螯蟹对饵料蛋白源的内在适应机理。根据中华绒螫蟹的营养需求.用大豆浓缩蛋白替代鱼粉作为蛋白源配制成6种近似等蛋白等能的饵料,其中大豆浓缩蛋白在饵料中的含量分别为0、11%、22%、33%、44%和56%(分别替代鱼蛋白质量的0、18.64%、37.93%、56.90%、77.19%和100%),对照饵料全部以鱼粉作为蛋白源。用上述6种饵料喂养中华绒螫蟹50d后.测定蟹肝胰腺各种消化酶活力。结果表明:随着饵料中大豆浓缩蛋白含量的升高,胃蛋白酶和胰蛋白酶活力均芏降低之势。当大豆浓缩蛋白含量达到44%时,与全鱼粉对照组相比.胃蛋白酶和胰蛋白酶活力显著性降低(P〈0.05);同时,淀粉酶稍呈升高之势,而纤维素酶则稍呈降低的趋势;A/T、比例呈显著上升的趋势。半大豆浓缩蛋白含量达44%时,与对照组有显著性差异,说明河蟹对植物蛋白有很强的适应性。  相似文献   

植酸酶对凡纳滨对虾生长性能和体成分的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在凡纳滨对虾饲料中添加不同量微生物植酸酶(0,500,1000,2000 U/kg),观察虾的存活率、增重率、饲料系数及虾体和虾壳成分,研究饲料中添加植酸酶对凡纳滨对虾生长性能的影响。结果表明:饲养8周后,饲料中添加500~2000 U/kg植酸酶对凡纳滨对虾增重率、存活率和饲料利用无显著影响(P>0.05);植酸酶添加各组与对照组虾体的水分、粗蛋白、脂肪、灰分、总钙和总磷含量差异不显著;虾壳中粗灰分和钙含量在500和1000 U/kg组显著高于对照组和2000 U/kg组(P<0.05),虾壳磷含量在各饲料组间差异不显著。血清磷浓度在对照组和2000 U/kg组显著高于500 U/kg组(P<0.05),血清钙浓度在组间差异不显著,血清碱性磷酸酶活性以对照组最高,显著高于500和1000 U/kg组。结果说明,在特定试验条件下,饲料中添加植酸酶对凡纳滨对虾幼虾的虾壳和血清成分有显著影响(P<0.05),对幼虾生长性能影响不显著(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

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