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美国《油气杂志》日前公布2009年度世界主要国家的石油产量,中国仅次于俄罗斯、沙特阿拉伯、美国,排名世界第四,占世界石油总产量的5.4%。根据中国石化协会最新发布的统计数据,2009年,中国石油产量为1.89亿吨。  相似文献   

陈其慎 《地质与勘探》2018,54(6):1091-1098
从进口集中度、进口来源国稳定性、运输通道风险和进口量占世界比例四个指标入手,构建了海外石油供应风险评价方法,定量评价了2000年至2017年中国海外石油供应风险变化趋势,结果显示,过去17年,中国海外石油供应风险整体呈不断增长趋势。通过分析中国海外石油供应风险不断提高的原因,研判未来中国海外石油供应风险趋势,提出了提高中国石油供应安全的对策建议:一是努力提高核能、太阳能、水电、风能等新能源供应比例,力争到2030年将石油消费量控制在总能源消费的13%以内;二是全力保障中东石油供应安全,持续推进中俄石油资源合作,巩固、提升中亚石油资源供应能力,加强与非洲、东南亚、南美等地的石油合作;三是平衡多渠道来源,到2025年,力争进口来源实现中东1/4,俄罗斯及中亚1/4,美洲1/4,非洲及东南亚等地1/4,真正实现中国石油资源供应安全。  相似文献   

印度拥有全球18%的人口,消费全球约5%的一次能源,创造了全球8%左右GDP,是全球发展最快的国家之一,探讨印度未来能源需求对中国获取境外能源的影响具有重要的战略意义。本文在分析印度社会经济发展和能源消费的基础上,利用人均能源消费"S"形模型对2030年印度一次能源需求进行了预测并探讨了其对中国获取境外能源的影响。研究认为2030年以前,印度未来能源需求不会对中国境外获取天然气和铀矿资源产生较大影响。而由于中印两国石油进口量较大且与所有的增长都存在叠加,将影响全球石油的供需格局。同时鉴于两国石油进口来源地具有高度重叠性,印度未来能源需求的增加,将对中国境外获取石油资源产生重要的影响。  相似文献   

石油安全对一个国家的经济发展具有重大意义.随着中国经济的持续快速增长,以及受国内石油资源短缺、石油地缘政治等因素的影响,国内石油供需矛盾进一步加剧,石油安全问题日益显现.为科学地评价中国石油安全的程度,先从国内资源禀赋、国内生产能力、国际市场可得性和国家应急保障能力4个方面设计了石油安全评价指标体系;然后,再采用德尔菲法、主成分分析法,选取国内原油储采比、国内原油储量替代率、国内石油消费对外依存度、国内石油进口集中度、国际原油价格和国内石油储备水平6个要素指标,构成一个新的综合指标,即石油安全度;最后,以石油安全度为工具,对中国近年来石油安全的形势进行了定量评价.  相似文献   

石油安全对一个国家的经济发展具有重大意义。随着中国经济的持续快速增长,以及受国内石油资源短缺、石油地缘政治等因素的影响,国内石油供需矛盾进一步加剧,石油安全问题日益显现。为科学地评价中国石油安全的程度,先从国内资源禀赋、国内生产能力、国际市场可得性和国家应急保障能力4个方面设计了石油安全评价指标体系;然后,再采用德尔菲法、主成分分析法,选取国内原油储采比、国内原油储量替代率、国内石油消费对外依存度、国内石油进口集中度、国际原油价格和国内石油储备水平6个要素指标,构成一个新的综合指标,即石油安全度;最后,以石油安全度为工具,对中国近年来石油安全的形势进行了定量评价。  相似文献   

石油安全对一个国家的经济发展具有重大意义。随着中国经济的持续快速增长,以及受国内石油资源短缺、石油地缘政治等因素的影响,国内石油供需矛盾进一步加剧,石油安全问题日益显现。为科学地评价中国石油安全的程度,先从国内资源禀赋、国内生产能力、国际市场可得性和国家应急保障能力4个方面设计了石油安全评价指标体系;然后,再采用德尔菲法、主成分分析法,选取国内原油储采比、国内原油储量替代率、国内石油消费对外依存度、国内石油进口集中度、国际原油价格和国内石油储备水平6个要素指标,构成一个新的综合指标,即石油安全度;最后,以石油安全度为工具,对中国近年来石油安全的形势进行了定量评价。  相似文献   

伊拉克油气资源丰富,探明石油储量超过1125亿桶,天然气储量110万亿立方英尺。中国2001年石油进口量的55%来自中东,中东局势紧张,会直接影响中国石油的稳定供应。通过详细分析伊拉克石油资源状况,结合中国实际情况,探讨其对中国能源安全战略的影响,认为中国在摸清家底,加强国内油气地质勘查工作,包括全国油气资源战略选区工作,提高石油地质储量,增加国内生产能力的同时,应积极拓展中亚—俄罗斯、中东—北非和南美石油市场,实现原油进口地区的多元化,以降低对中东石油进口的依赖程度。  相似文献   

为摆脱单一的石油经济依赖,破解制约工业发展的资源瓶颈,沙特阿拉伯于2016年提出“2030愿景”,提升矿业对国家经济发展的贡献,使之逐步成为该国工业转型的第三大支柱,为此沙特地质调查机构做出了一系列矿产资源勘查战略部署安排.沙特地质调查局主管沙特矿产资源勘查开发工作,并多次组团来我国开展合作洽谈,多年间与中国核工业集团、中国地质矿业总公司、中国石油化工集团等单位开展合作,推动了沙特阿拉伯地盾水系沉积物及重砂样品高精度地球化学勘查项目、沙特岩心库建设项目、沙特铀钍资源调查项目、Al Masane铜-锌-金矿山项目、沙特廷布冶炼厂项目等多个项目的合作. 2020年,中国地质调查局成功中标沙特地球化学调查和岩心数据库建设项目,中国地质调查技术方法再次被国际认可,也为推进中沙两国地调机构的实质性合作奠定了坚实基础,丰富了共建“一带一路”倡议下合作新内涵.  相似文献   

“双碳目标”已成为我国能源发展基本国策。如何开展这一大背景下的石油地质研究及如何推动能源多元化发展,是石油科技工作者面前的现实问题。本文对2000—2020年我国二氧化碳排放、油气能源消费、油气储量、产量等进行分析研究后认为,在“碳达峰”与“碳中和”应对全球气候变化的大背景之下,21世纪内石油和天然气仍将担任能源家族中的重要角色。我国石油工业要立足于理论和实践的自主创新,实现“万米级的超深层常规油气革命和纳米级超致密储层的非常规页岩油气革命”,实现超常规发展和低碳绿色转型发展。油田注水开发是我国提高采收率的核心技术,今后应大力推广注二氧化碳驱油技术,以达到增油与减排的双重目的,创新二氧化碳捕集与埋存技术以发展石油工业的减碳产业。21世纪为能源发展的多元化时代,水电、风能和太阳能等3类可再生能源开发利用是实现双碳目标的基本保障,地热能、生物质能和海洋能是重要推手;22世纪人类将建成一个由可再生能源和新能源保障的经济社会,氢能源将是未来最具发展潜力的新能源。  相似文献   

能源合作是“一带一路”战略的重要内容,我国作为世界最大的能源消费国,每年要从世界各地进口大量能源资源特别是油气资源,并且对外依存度逐年攀升,油气安全问题令人担忧.实施“一带一路”战略,加强与沿途国家的能源合作,能为我国能源安全提供保障.天然气作为清洁、高效能源,对缓解能源短缺和环境污染具有重要作用,在世界能源消费结构中占据重要地位.通过对“一带一路”主要能源国家天然气产量、消费量、进/出口贸易量数据的搜集与分析,明确了主要国家天然气供需及贸易特点,并且提出了一些在“一带一路”合作框架下更有力地发展我国天然气行业的建议.  相似文献   

The global issue of atmospheric variations and global warming caused by diverse anthropogenic behaviors is a global concern. There is apprehension about preserving an uncontaminated atmosphere and attaining optimal nuclear and geothermal energy utilization with agriculture sector development. In this regard, this paper investigates the influence of nuclear energy, geothermal energy, agriculture development, and urbanization on carbon emissions and ecological footprint from 1990Q1 to 2019Q4 in the case of China. The findings of unit root tests reveal that all variables are stationary at first integration order, and cointegration test findings confirm the presence of long-run relationships among series. The quantile autoregressive distributive lag (QARDL) method findings demonstrate that nuclear energy, geothermal energy, and urbanization statistically correlate with CO2 emissions and ecological footprint across all quantiles, indicating that these determinants have contributed to environmental degradation. Whereas agricultural development has a statistically significant and negative influence on the environment, implying that agriculture has a pollution-mitigation impact. Based on these empirical findings, several policy implications are presented to preserve environmental quality to achieve the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) target.  相似文献   

伍天洪  王毅  王传刚 《中国地质》2007,34(3):486-489
石油、天然气、煤炭和砂岩型铀矿在同一盆地共同富集成藏为多种能源矿产的协同勘探提供了有利条件。地震和测井方法在各个能源矿产的勘探开发中都得到了广泛的应用。多种能源矿产的协同勘探应该利用现有的丰富的油气煤勘探开发资料(地震资料和测井资料)寻找砂岩型铀矿。鄂尔多斯盆地周边西缘逆冲带、天环凹陷、伊盟隆起和晋西挠折带这些砂岩型铀矿的远景区,据资料统计钻探油气井已达300口以上,为砂岩型铀矿勘探积累了丰富的地震和测井资料。  相似文献   

浅层地热能是绿色环保可再生清洁能源,其开发利用对建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会具有重要意义。介绍了上海开展浅层地热能的科研工作与开发应用成功实践,探讨了产业化发展中应重视和加强的技术和管理等方面的主要关键问题。  相似文献   

海洋可再生能源属于无碳能源,包括潮汐能、潮流能、波浪能、温差能、盐差能和风能等多种形式。文章介绍了国内外海洋无碳能源的开发利用现状,重点阐述了我国海洋无碳能源储量、分布及其开发利用条件,以及我国海洋无碳能源发展存在的问题和开发利用前景。开发利用海洋无碳能源符合碳中和发展需求,在能源转换中占有重要地位,对沿海和海岛经济发展、生态环境保护和海洋国防建设具有十分重要的战略意义。  相似文献   

在奥地利Hohe Tauern的Schlatenkees冰川上布置了两组地震仪测量网,用电动力垂直地震仪记录到了约1200次冰震。找出了地震学参数彼此之间的几种关系。并根据优势频率,将冰震分成了4组。记录到的震动事件的震深为25—130m,震源半径为12—67m,地震矩为4.23×10~5—6.52×10~7Nm,地震能为9.1—1.34x10~5J,应力降为0.16—32.04hPa。  相似文献   

山西沁水盆地煤层气成藏的微观动力能条件研究   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
吴财芳  秦勇  傅雪海  曾勇 《现代地质》2005,19(3):449-457
煤层气成藏的微观动力能条件主要包括煤储层的孔隙—裂隙系统、煤储层的生气作用和储气作用两个方面。以山西沁水盆地为例,深入剖析了煤储层的孔隙—裂隙系统及其发育历程、煤储层的生气作用与能量聚散,阐明了煤层气成藏的微观动力能对成藏效应的控制作用。结果表明:构造作用对储层渗透率具有明显的控制作用,成烃增压致使能量聚集,成为盖层突破作用的主要驱动力,而能量放散则主要是通过煤储层孔隙—裂隙系统的产生、发展。根据上述研究成果,沁水盆地煤层气成藏的地质区划结果为:盆地南部的有利区带为阳城和晋城的北部地区,包括潘庄、樊庄、郑庄等地区;盆地中部的有利区带为安泽—沁源地区,位于盆地西斜坡的中南部;盆地北部的可能有利区带为寿阳东南部地区,位于榆次东北部和阳泉西南部之间。  相似文献   

The Arequipa June 23, 2001, earthquake with a moment magnitude of Mw 8.4 struck southern Peru, northern Chile and western Bolivia. This shallow (29 km deep) interplate event, occurring in the coupled zone of the Nazca subduction next to the southeast of the subducting Nazca ridge, triggered very localized but widely outspread soil liquefaction. Although sand blows and lateral spreading of river banks and road bridge abutments were observed 390 km away from the epicenter in the southeast direction (nearing the town of Tacna, close to the Chile border), liquefaction features were only observed in major river valleys and delta and coastal plains in the meizoseismal area. This was strongly controlled by the aridity along the coastal strip of Southern Peru. From the sand blow distribution along the coastal area, a first relationship of isolated sand blow diameter versus epicentral distance for a single event is ever proposed. The most significant outcome from this liquefaction field reconnaissance is that energy propagation during the main June 23, 2001, event is further supported by the distribution and size of the isolated sand blows in the meizoseismal area. The sand blows are larger to the southeast of the epicenter than its northwestern equivalents. This can be stated in other words as well. The area affected by liquefaction to the northwest is less spread out than to the southeast. Implications of these results in future paleoliquefaction investigations for earthquake magnitude and epicentral determinations are extremely important. In cases of highly asymmetrical distribution of liquefaction features such as this one, where rupture propagation tends to be mono-directional, it can be reliably determined an epicentral distance (between earthquake and liquefaction evidence) and an earthquake magnitude only if the largest sand blow is found. Therefore, magnitude estimation using this uneven liquefaction occurrence will surely lead to underrating if only the shortest side of the meizoseismal area is unluckily studied, which can eventually be the only part exhibiting liquefaction evidence, depending on the earthquake location and the distribution of liquefaction-prone environments.  相似文献   

Geothermal with features of large reserves and non-pollution has been one of the most important energy. China has significant geothermal resources. There are rich hydrothermal resources in Xinji, which has been in development for 5 years. However, hot water continues to decrease because of extensive exploitation and utilization. We selected exploration area as study area, build a set of numerical models of Guantao formation on the basis of actual geological conditions. We get the distribution of hydraulic conductivity from 1.7 m/d to 1.9 m/d by parameter inversion using historical water level monitoring data, and simulation effect is good. We calculate the maximum permissible exploitation under the limitation of 200 m in depth in 50 years which is about 2.2 million m3/a. The results will provide theoretic support for plan making of geothermal exploitation.  相似文献   

Since April 2001, an Electrokinetic Biofence (EBF) is in operation at the site of a chemical laundry at Wildervank in the Province of Groningen in the Netherlands. The EBF is located at the western part of the building and covers an area of 10×2 m=20 m2. Prior to the installation of the fence, the top soil, heavily polluted with volatile chlorinated hydrocarbons (VOCs), has been removed. The fence consists of a row of alternating cathodes and anodes with a mutual distance of 5 m. Upstream of the line of electrodes, a series of infiltration wells were installed, which have been periodically filled with nutrients. The aim of the EBF is to enhance biodegradation of the VOCs in the groundwater at the zone of the fence by electrokinetic dispersion of the dissolved nutrients in the groundwater. After running the EBF for nearly 2 years, clear results have been observed. The concentration of nutrients in the zone has increased, the chloride index is decreasing, and VOCs are being dechlorinated by bio-activity. The electrical energy for the EBF is being supplied by solar panels.  相似文献   

Bodin et al. [Eng. Geol. 62 (2001) 159] reported three sets of maxima in observed H/V particle-motion spectra, where the longest-period set of peaks provided clear mapping information on the thickness of post-Cretaceous sediments in the Mississippi embayment, but the remaining peaks remained largely unexplained. A review of microtremor array studies for similar sites and similar frequencies suggests that the microtremor field is best interpreted in terms of Rayleigh-wave energy. Use of this approach, with modeling of particle-motion H/V ratios for realistic models of the Mississippi embayment, shows that the [Eng. Geol. 62 (2001) 159] second set of spectral maxima can be associated with higher-mode Rayleigh-wave energy, and may contain information on a possible velocity inversion in the shear-velocity profile of the site. A third spectral maximum appears to be associated with soft soils (loess) and may be able to be used for mapping the near-surface thickness (order 15 m) of this unit.  相似文献   

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