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This paper concerns analysis of the impact of construction of urban tunnels on adjacent pile foundations. It is carried out using an elastoplastic three‐dimensional finite element modelling. Numerical simulations are performed in two stages, which concern, respectively, the application of the pile axial loading and the construction of the tunnel in presence of the pile foundations. Analysis is carried out for both single piles and groups of piles. Results of numerical simulations show that tunneling induces significant internal forces in adjacent piles. The distribution of internal forces depends mainly on the position of the pile tip regarding the tunnel horizontal axis and the distance of the pile axis from the centre of the tunnel. Analysis of the interaction between tunneling and a group of piles reveals a positive group effect with a high reduction of the internal forces in rear piles. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Tire/ground interaction has been an important issue in terramechanics, transportation and pavement engineering. Characterization of tire/ground interaction has been majorly investigated based on empirical approaches and field tests. So far very few dynamic tire/ground interaction models have been presented. This paper presents a three‐dimensional finite element model for tire/ground interaction. The rubber material is modeled as nearly incompressible finite strain hyperelasticity instead of being modeled as a rigid wheel. The tire is also modeled as bias type and steel rebars are embedded within the tire structure. The tire model is combined with the ground model to form a tire/ground interaction model. Both single tire/ground interaction and four‐tire vehicle/pavement interaction models are presented, which allow us to investigate a lot of issues easily and accurately, such as compaction, pavement response and pavement damage. Numerous simulations are carried out to demonstrate that the dynamic tire/terrain interaction model can be used to predict the dynamic ground response due to moving vehicle. Different tire rolling conditions can be easily incorporated into the tire/ground interaction model, which further substantiates the broad application of the model in transportation and pavement engineering. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Piles may be subjected to lateral soil pressures as a result of lateral soil movements from nearby construction‐related activities such as embankment construction or excavation operations. Three‐dimensional finite element analyses have been carried out to investigate the response of a single pile when subjected to lateral soil movements. The pile and the soil were modelled using 20‐node quadrilateral brick elements with reduced integration. For compatibility between the soil–pile interface elements, 27‐node quadrilateral brick elements with reduced integration were used to model the soil around the pile adjacent to the soil–pile interface. A Mohr–Coulomb elastic–plastic constitutive model with large‐strain mode was assumed for the soil. The analyses indicate that the behaviour of the pile was significantly influenced by the pile flexibility, the magnitude of soil movement, the pile head boundary conditions, the shape of the soil movement profile and the thickness of the moving soil mass. Reasonable agreement is found between some existing published solutions and those developed herein. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two‐dimensional slope stability analysis for a slope with a row of drilled shafts needs a mechanism to take into account the three‐dimensional effect of the soil arching due to the spaced drilled shafts on slope. To gain a better understanding of the arching mechanisms in a slope with evenly spaced drilled shafts socketed into a stable stratum (or a rock layer), the three‐dimensional finite element modelling technique was used for a comprehensive parametric study, where the nonlinear and plastic nature of the soil and the elastic behavior of the drilled shafts as well as the interface frictions were modelled. Various factors were varied in the parametric study to include (1) the rigidity of the drilled shafts as influenced by its diameter, modulus of elasticity, and total length; (2) shafts spacing and location on the slope; (3) the material properties of rock and the socket length of shaft; and (4) the soil movement and strength parameters. Evidences of soil arching and reduction in the stresses and displacements through the load transfer mechanisms due to the presence of the drilled shafts were elucidated through the finite element method (FEM) simulation results. Design charts based on regression analysis of FEM simulation results were created to obtain a numerical value of the load transfer factor for the arching mechanism provided by the drilled shafts on the slope. Observations of the arching behavior learned from the FEM simulations provide an insight into the behavior of drilled shafts stabilized slope. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The dynamic behaviour of pile groups subjected to an earthquake base shaking is analysed. An analysis is formulated in the time domain and the effects of material nonlinearity of soil, pile–soil–pile kinematic interaction and the superstructure–foundation inertial interaction on seismic response are investigated. Prediction of response of pile group–soil system during a large earthquake requires consideration of various aspects such as the nonlinear and elasto‐plastic behaviour of soil, pore water pressure generation in soil, radiation of energy away from the pile, etc. A fully explicit dynamic finite element scheme is developed for saturated porous media, based on the extension of the original formulation by Biot having solid displacement (u) and relative fluid displacement (w) as primary variables (uw formulation). All linear relative fluid acceleration terms are included in this formulation. A new three‐dimensional transmitting boundary that was developed in cartesian co‐ordinate system for dynamic response analysis of fluid‐saturated porous media is implemented to avoid wave reflections towards the structure. In contrast to traditional methods, this boundary is able to absorb surface waves as well as body waves. The pile–soil interaction problem is analysed and it is shown that the results from the fully coupled procedure, using the advanced transmitting boundary, compare reasonably well with centrifuge data. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the modeling of some aspects, such as the formulation of constitutive equations for sediment material or finite element approach for basin analysis, related to mechanical compaction in sedimentary basins. In addition to compaction due to gravity forces and pore‐pressure dissipation, particular emphasis is given to the study of deformation induced by tectonic sequences. The numerical model relies upon the implementation of a comprehensive constitutive model for the sediment material formulated within the framework of finite poroplasticity. The theoretical model accounts for both hydromechanical and elasticity–plasticity coupling due to the effects of irreversible large strains. From the numerical viewpoint, a finite element procedure specifically devised for dealing with sedimentary basins as open systems allows to simulate within a two‐dimensional setting the process of sediment accretion or erosion. Several basin simulations are presented. The main objective is to analyze the behavior of a sedimentary basin during the different phases of its life cycle: accretion phase, pore‐pressure dissipation phase and compressive/extensional tectonic motions. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of a numerical model for compensation grouting which is a useful technique for the protection of surface structures from the potentially damaging movements arising from tunnel construction. Pipes are inserted into the ground between the tunnel and the overlaying structure from an access shaft. Buildings on the surface are instrumented and movements are carefully monitored. Once the deformations exceed a certain Trigger Level, grout is injected into the ground to prevent damage. In the finite element model described here, compensation grouting is modelled by applying an internal pressure to zero‐thickness interface elements embedded in the mesh. An ‘observational algorithm’ is used, where the deformations of the surface are monitored and used to control the injection process. Example analyses of compensation grouting are given for three‐dimensional tunnel construction underneath a greenfield site. Different strategies are used to control the injection process and their effectiveness in preventing surface movement is assessed. The numerical model is shown to replicate general behaviour expected in the field and is capable of modelling the control of ground surface movements at a greenfield site. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A three‐dimensional finite‐element model of contaminant migration in fissured clays or contaminated sand which includes multiple sources of non‐equilibrium processes is proposed. The conceptual framework can accommodate a regular network of fissures in 1D, 2D or 3D and immobile solutions in the macro‐pores of aggregated topsoils, as well as non‐equilibrium sorption. A Galerkin weighted‐residual statement for the three‐dimensional form of the equations in the Laplace domain is formulated. Equations are discretized using linear and quadratic prism elements. The system of algebraic equations is solved in the Laplace domain and solution is inverted to the time domain numerically. The model is validated and its scope is illustrated through the analysis of three problems: a waste repository deeply buried in fissured clay, a storage tank leaking into sand and a sanitary landfill leaching into fissured clay over a sand aquifer. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In a previous publication we developed a new mixed least‐squares method for poro‐elasticity. The approximate solution was obtained via a minimization of a least‐squares functional, based upon the equations of equilibrium, the equations of continuity and weak forms of the constitutive relationships for elasticity and Darcy flow. The formulation involved four independent types of variables: displacements, stresses, pore pressures and velocities. All of them were approximated by linear continuous triangles. Encouraged by the computational results, obtained from the two‐dimensional implementation of the method, we extended our formulation to three dimensions. In this paper we present numerical examples for the performance of continuous linear tetrahedra within the context of the mixed least‐squares method. The initial results suggest that the method works well in the nearly and entirely incompressible limits for elasticity. For poro‐elasticity, the obtained pore pressures are stable without exhibiting the oscillations, which are observed when the standard Galerkin formulation is used. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The accuracy of the computed stress distribution near the free surface of vertical slopes was evaluated in this study as a function of the element size, including aspect ratio. To accomplish this objective, a parametric study was carried out comparing stresses computed using the finite element method (FEM) to those obtained from a physical model composed of photoelastic material. The results of the study indicate a reasonable agreement between a gelatin model and the FEM model for shear stresses, and an overall good agreement between the two models for the principal stresses. For stresses along the top of the slope, the height of the element tends to be more important than width or aspect ratio, at least for aspect ratios up to 4. In all cases, the greatest difference between the two models occurs in the vicinity of the slope. Specifically, if H is defined as the slope height, an element height of H/10 appears to be adequate for the study of stresses deep within the slope, such as for typical embankment analyses. However, for cases where tensile stresses in the vicinity of the slope face which are critical, such as for the stability analysis of steep slopes, element heights as small as H/32, or higher‐order elements, are necessary. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Concrete‐faced rockfill dam (CFRD) is a popular alternative to traditional dam types in the last two decades. The modelling of CFRD involves complex multi‐body contact and strong geometry and material nonlinearities. We present a numerical approach for the modelling of CFRDs in this paper. Based on the dual‐mortar finite element method, the presented approach considers different parts of rockfill and all concrete slabs as independent deformable continuum. The multi‐body contacts are modelled using Lagrange multipliers with a weak form segment‐to‐segment contact strategy. To alleviate instability induced by strong geometry nonlinearity in the slab–slab contact, we propose a mixed type of constraints for the tangential contact. A general transformation scheme is introduced to simplify the implementation of contact constraints. Three‐dimensional analysis of Tianshengqiao‐1 CFRD is performed. The nonlinear and time‐dependent deformation of the rockfill is considered. We study the influence of the rockfill deformation on the reliability of the concrete face. Three major concerns of the face, that is, the axial compression, the slab–slab separation and the face‐rockfill separation, are discussed in detail. The numerical results are compared with data from in‐situ observation. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Failure in geotechnical engineering is often related to tension‐induced cracking in geomaterials. In this paper, a coupled meshless method and FEM is developed to analyze the problem of three‐dimensional cracking. The radial point interpolation method (RPIM) is used to model cracks in the smeared crack framework with an isotropic damage model. The identification of the meshless region is based on the stress state computed by FEM, and the adaptive coupling of RPIM and FEM is achieved by a direct algorithm. Mesh‐bias dependency, which poses difficulties in FEM‐based cracking simulations, is circumvented by a crack tracking algorithm. The performance of our scheme is demonstrated by two numerical examples, that is, the four‐point bending test on concrete beam and the surface cracks caused by tunnel excavation. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

王立峰  黄洪勉 《岩土力学》2009,30(1):143-146
试验表明水泥土中掺入适量的纳米硅材料可以大幅度地提高水泥土的抗压强度。在试验的基础上,得出纳米硅水泥土的屈服条件后,采用相关联的流动法则和塑性功硬化条件,建立了纳米硅水泥土的弹塑性本构关系方程。在此基础上,以空间轴对称为研究对象,采用三角形截面的圆环单元,应用虚功原理建立了轴对称条件下纳米硅水泥土有限元方程,用增量刚度法求解,且用Matlab软件编制了有限元程序,在三轴试验条件下验证了该程序的合理性。以某机场水泥土搅拌桩地基处理方法作为工程背景,应用不同纳米硅掺量的水泥土作为地基处理的新材料,与传统水泥土进行了比较,计算结果表明,纳米硅作为水泥土外加剂用于地基处理可有效地减少地基沉降,提高地基承载力,在相同上覆压力下纳米硅水泥土处理后的地基沉降小于普通水泥土材料。  相似文献   

有限元法被广泛用于解决几何和材料非线性的问题,但标准的有限元方法难以有效解决某些材料的大变形问题和计算中的网格扭曲问题。任意拉格朗日-欧拉法(ALE法)吸取了拉格朗日和欧拉法的优点,并克服了两者的缺点,可用于解决仅用拉格朗日或欧拉有限元法所难以解决的问题。基于ALE有限元方法和弹塑性大变形基本原理,研究了岩土工程中土质边坡在自重作用下的稳定问题;计算结果不仅能直观地显示失稳时的大变形状态,并能确定较符合实际的临界滑移面形状;同时分析了含软弱夹层复杂土质边坡的稳定性。结果表明,ALE方法能有效分析土质边坡的稳定性问题,适用于岩土工程的弹塑性分析。  相似文献   

Strain‐softening in geomaterials often leads to ill‐posed boundary‐valued problems (BVP), which cannot be solved with finite element methods without introducing some kind of regularization such as nonlocal plasticity. Hereafter we propose to apply spectral analysis for testing the performance of nonlocal plasticity in regularizing ill‐posed BVP and producing mesh‐independent solutions when local plasticity usually fails. The spectral analysis consists of examining the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the global tangential stiffness matrix of the incremental equilibrium equations. Based on spectral analysis, we propose a criterion for passing or failing the test of constitutive regularization in the context of BVP. If the eigenvalues of the tangential operator are all positive then the regularization succeeds, otherwise it fails and may not prevent artificial mesh‐dependent solutions from appearing. The approach is illustrated in the particular case of a biaxial compression with strain‐softening plasticity. In this particular case, local softening plasticity is found to produce negative eigenvalues in the tangential stiffness matrix, which indicates ill‐posed BVP. In contrast, nonlocal softening plasticity always produces positive eigenvalues, which regularizes ill‐posed BVP. The dominant eigenvectors, which generate localized deformation patterns, have a bandwidth independent of mesh size, provided that the mesh is fine enough to capture localization. These mesh‐independent eigenmodes explain why nonlocal plasticity produces numerical solutions that are mesh‐independent. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

边坡稳定的非线性有限元分析   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
谭晓慧  王建国  王印 《岩土力学》2008,29(8):2047-2050
基于有限元强度折减法,进行了边坡的弹塑性材料非线性及大变形几何非线性分析,并考虑了边坡的三维变形情况。在有限元分析中采用的是莫尔-库仑理想弹塑性模型,大变形分析采用的是更新的拉格朗日法。均质边坡的算例分析表明,有限元法与简化的毕肖普法的安全系数计算结果具有相同的规律,即安全系数都随着黏聚力及内摩擦角的增加而增加,随着重度的增加而减小,但是,各种有限元法的计算结果都比相应的毕肖普法的解要大,亦即毕肖普法偏于安全。各种方法对应的安全系数由大到小的顺序依次是:三维小变形有限元分析、二维大变形有限元分析、二维小变形有限元分析,简化的毕肖普法,前二者能更好地反映实际的边坡变形情况,二者的安全系数值也十分接近,因而是较好的方法。  相似文献   

提出基于非侵入式随机有限元法的边坡可靠度分析方法,并编写计算程序NISFEM。采用有限元滑面应力法计算边坡安全系数,将Hermite随机多项式展开与SIGMA/W和SLOPE/W模块有机结合实现边坡可靠度非侵入式随机分析。根据随机多项式展开系数,给出边坡安全系数前4阶统计矩(均值、标准差、偏度和峰度)和Sobol指标解析表达式,并采用Sobol指标进行边坡可靠度参数敏感性分析。最后,以均质土坡可靠度问题为例,证明该方法在边坡可靠度分析中的有效性。结果表明,边坡可靠度分析的非侵入式随机有限元法能够有效地考虑边坡变形对边坡可靠度的影响,计算效率远远高于蒙特卡罗模拟方法(MCS),是解决复杂边坡可靠度问题一种有效地分析手段;黏聚力和内摩擦角变异性对边坡安全系数前四阶统计矩具有明显的影响,重度变异性对安全系数前4阶统计矩几乎没有影响;抗剪强度参数间负相关性对边坡安全系数均值几乎没有影响,但对安全系数标准差、偏度和峰度均有明显的影响。此外,随着抗剪强度参数间负相关性的增加,边坡安全系数由近似正态分布逐渐变为明显的非正态分布。  相似文献   

A constitutive model that captures the material behavior under a wide range of loading conditions is essential for simulating complex boundary value problems. In recent years, some attempts have been made to develop constitutive models for finite element analysis using self‐learning simulation (SelfSim). Self‐learning simulation is an inverse analysis technique that extracts material behavior from some boundary measurements (eg, load and displacement). In the heart of the self‐learning framework is a neural network which is used to train and develop a constitutive model that represents the material behavior. It is generally known that neural networks suffer from a number of drawbacks. This paper utilizes evolutionary polynomial regression (EPR) in the framework of SelfSim within an automation process which is coded in Matlab environment. EPR is a hybrid data mining technique that uses a combination of a genetic algorithm and the least square method to search for mathematical equations to represent the behavior of a system. Two strategies of material modeling have been considered in the SelfSim‐based finite element analysis. These include a total stress‐strain strategy applied to analysis of a truss structure using synthetic measurement data and an incremental stress‐strain strategy applied to simulation of triaxial tests using experimental data. The results show that effective and accurate constitutive models can be developed from the proposed EPR‐based self‐learning finite element method. The EPR‐based self‐learning FEM can provide accurate predictions to engineering problems. The main advantages of using EPR over neural network are highlighted.  相似文献   

UH模型在有限元分析中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
姚仰平  冯兴  黄祥  李春亮 《岩土力学》2010,31(1):237-245
由姚仰平等提出的超固结土统一硬化模型(UH模型)能够描述超固结土的硬化、软化、剪缩和剪胀等应力应变特性以及应力路径对它的影响。通过改进,直线型的Hvorslev线由抛物线型的Hvorslev线代替,UH模型的参数与剑桥模型(Cam-clay模型)的参数相同。应用该模型,对三轴试验进行有限元模拟,分析了与应用Cam-clay模型所得应力应变关系曲线的异同点;针对刚性承压板试验,进行了地基承载力的三维有限元分析,比较了与应用Cam-clay模型和摩尔库仑模型(Mohr-Coulomb模型)等所得p-s曲线的不同,分析了地基中不同点处的应力-应变关系曲线,并与Boussinesq弹性理论计算的应力做了比较;进行了地基固结沉降数值分析,比较了孔压、沉降的变化规律,体现了UH模型的优越性。  相似文献   

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