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Topographic controls upon soil macropore flow   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Macropores are important components of soil hydrology. The spatial distribution of macropore flow as a proportion of saturated hydraulic conductivity was tested on six humid–temperate slopes using transects of tension infiltrometer measurements. Automated water table and overland flow monitoring allowed the timing of, and differentiation between, saturation‐excess overland flow and infiltration‐excess overland flow occurrence on the slopes to be determined and related to tension‐infiltrometer measurements. Two slopes were covered with blanket peat, two with stagnohumic gleys and two with brown earth soils. None of the slopes had been disturbed by agricultural activity within the last 20 years. This controlled the potential for tillage impacts on macropores. The proportion of near‐surface macropore flow to saturated hydraulic conductivity was found to vary according to slope position. The spatial patterns were not the same for all hillslopes. On the four non‐peat slopes there was a relationship between locations of overland flow occurrence and reduced macroporosity. This relationship did not exist for the peat slopes investigated because they experienced overland flow across their whole slope surfaces. Nevertheless, they still had a distinctive spatial pattern of macropore flow according to slope position. For the other soils tested, parts of slopes that were susceptible to saturation‐excess overland flow (e.g. hilltoes or flat hilltops) tended to have least macropore flow. To a lesser extent, for the parts of slopes susceptible to infiltration‐excess overland flow, the proportion of macropore flow as a component of infiltration was also smaller compared with the rest of the slope. The roles of macropore creation and macropore infilling by sheet wash are discussed, and it is noted that the combination of these may result in distinctive topographically controlled spatial patterns of macropore flow. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

J. Holden  T. P. Burt 《水文研究》2002,16(13):2537-2557
Blanket peat covers the headwaters of many major European rivers. Runoff production in upland blanket peat catchments is flashy with large flood peaks and short lag times; there is minimal baseflow. Little is known about the exact processes of infiltration and runoff generation within these upland headwaters. This paper presents results from a set of rainfall simulation experiments performed on the blanket peat moorland of the North Pennines, UK. Rainfall was simulated at low intensities (3–12 mm h?1), typical of natural rainfall, on bare and vegetated peat surfaces. Runoff response shows that infiltration rate increases with rainfall intensity; the use of low‐intensity rainfall therefore allows a more realistic evaluation of infiltration rates and flow processes than previous studies. Overland flow is shown to be common on both vegetated and bare peat surfaces although surface cover does exert some control. Most runoff is produced within the top few centimetres of the peat and runoff response decreases rapidly with depth. Little vertical percolation takes place to depths greater than 10 cm owing to the saturation of the peat mass. This study provides evidence that the quickflow response of upland blanket peat catchments is a result of saturation‐excess overland flow generation. Rainfall–runoff response from small plots varies with season. Following warm, dry weather, rainfall tends to infiltrate more readily into blanket peat, not just initially but to the extent that steady‐state surface runoff rates are reduced and more flow takes place within the peat, albeit at shallow depth. Sediment erosion from bare peat plots tends to be supply limited. Seasonal weather conditions may affect this in that after a warm, dry spell, surface desiccation allows sediment erosion to become transport limited. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Many peatlands have been subjected to wildfire or prescribed burning, but it is not known how these fires influence near‐surface hydrological processes. Macropores are important flowpaths in the upper layers of blanket peat and were investigated through the use of tension disc infiltrometers, which also provide data on saturated hydraulic conductivity. Measurements were performed on unburnt peat (U), where prescribed burning had taken place 2 years (B2), 4 years (B4) and >15 (B15+) years prior to sampling, and where a wildfire (W) had taken place 4 months prior to sampling. Where there had been recent burning (B2, B4 and W), saturated hydraulic conductivity was approximately three times lower than where there was no burning (U) or where burning was last conducted >15 years ago (B15+). Similarly, the contribution of macropore flow to overall infiltration was significantly lower (between 12% and 25% less) in the recently burnt treatments compared to B15+ and U. There were no significant differences in saturated hydraulic conductivity or macropore flow between peat that had been subject to recent wildfire (W) and those that had undergone recent prescribed burning (B2 and B4). The results suggest that fire influences the near‐surface hydrological functioning of peatlands but that recovery in terms of saturated hydraulic conductivity and macropore flow may be possible within two decades if there are no further fires. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

J. Holden  T. P. Burt 《水文研究》2003,17(6):1227-1237
A key parameter used in wetland hydrological and landform development models is hydraulic conductivity. Head recovery tests are often used to measure hydraulic conductivity, but the calculation techniques are usually confined to rigid soil theory. This is despite reports demonstrating the misapplication of rigid soil theory to non‐rigid soils such as peats. Although values of hydraulic conductivity calculated using compressible techniques have been presented for fenland peats, these data have never, to the authors' knowledge, been compared with such calculations in other peat types. Head recovery tests (slug withdrawal) were performed on piezometers at depths ranging from 10 to 80 cm from the surface on north Pennines blanket peats. Results were obtained using both rigid and compressible soil theories, thus allowing comparison of the two techniques. Compressible soil theory gives values for hydraulic conductivity that are typically a factor of five times less than rigid soil calculations. Hydraulic conductivity is often assumed to decrease with depth in upland peats, but at the study site in the northern Pennines it was not found to vary significantly with depth within the range of peat depths sampled. The variance within depth categories was not significantly different to the variance between depth categories showing that individual peat layers did not have characteristic hydraulic conductivity values. Thus, large lateral and vertical differences in hydraulic conductivity over short distances create problems for modelling but may help account for the high frequency of preferential flow pathways within what is otherwise a low matrix hydraulic conductivity peat. Hydraulic conductivity was found to vary significantly between sampling sites, demonstrating that hillslope‐ or catchment‐scale variability may be more important than plot‐scale variability. Values for compressibility of the peats are also reported. These generally decline with depth, and they also vary significantly between sampling sites. There are implications for the way in which measurements of hydraulic conductivity and other properties of blanket peat are interpreted, as the effects of environmental change in one part of a peat catchment may be very different to those in another. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

There is global concern about headwater management and associated impacts on river flow. In many wet temperate zones peatlands can be found covering headwater catchments. In the UK there is major concern about how environmental change, driven by human interventions, has altered the surface cover of headwater blanket peatlands. However, the impact of such land‐cover changes on river flow is poorly understood. In particular, there is poor understanding of the impacts of different spatial configurations of bare peat or well‐vegetated, restored peat on river flow peaks in upland catchments. In this paper, a physically based, distributed and continuous catchment hydrological model was developed to explore such impacts. The original TOPMODEL, with its process representation being suitable for blanket peat catchments, was utilized as a prototype acting as the basis for the new model. The equations were downscaled from the catchment level to the cell level. The runoff produced by each cell is divided into subsurface flow and saturation‐excess overland flow before an overland flow calculation takes place. A new overland flow module with a set of detailed stochastic algorithms representing overland flow routing and re‐infiltration mechanisms was created to simulate saturation‐excess overland flow movement. The new model was tested in the Trout Beck catchment of the North Pennines of England and found to work well in this catchment. The influence of land cover on surface roughness could be explicitly represented in the model and the model was found to be sensitive to land cover. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The effects of vegetation root distribution on near‐surface water partitioning can be two‐fold. On the one hand, the roots facilitate deep percolation by root‐induced macropore flow; on the other hand, they reduce the potential for deep percolation by root‐water‐uptake processes. Whether the roots impede or facilitate deep percolation depends on various conditions, including climate, soil, and vegetation characteristics. This paper examines the effects of root distribution on deep percolation into the underlying permeable bedrock for a given soil profile and climate condition using HYDRUS modelling. The simulations were based on previously field experiments on a semiarid ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) hillslope. An equivalent single continuum model for simulating root macropore flow on hillslopes is presented, with root macropore hydraulic parameterization estimated based on observed root distribution. The sensitivity analysis results indicate that the root macropore effect dominates saturated soil water flow in low conductivity soils (Kmatrix below 10?7 m/s), while it is insignificant in soils with a Kmatrix larger than 10?5 m/s, consistent with observations in this and other studies. At the ponderosa pine site, the model with simple root‐macropore parameterization reasonably well reproduces soil moisture distribution and some major runoff events. The results indicate that the clay‐rich soil layer without root‐induced macropores acts as an impeding layer for potential groundwater recharge. This impeding layer results in a bedrock percolation of less than 1% of the annual precipitation. Without this impeding layer, percolation into the underlying permeable bedrock could be as much as 20% of the annual precipitation. This suggests that at a surface with low‐permeability soil overlying permeable bedrock, the root penetration depth in the soil is critical condition for whether or not significant percolation occurs. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


The theoretical spatial distribution of hydraulic head during infiltration is used to interpret the results of infiltration experiments made in the field on a single, isolated, column of herbaceous peat in a flood-plain wetland in central England. Crusts of different hydraulic resistance were applied to the column surface. These regulated the water influx enabling the hydraulic conductivity of the peat to be estimated at between 1 and 19.5 m day-1. It is inferred that, when the hydraulic gradient changes, water may follow different pathways through the peat. Water moves rapidly through macropores in proportion to the applied hydraulic gradient, and infiltrates the peat matrix from the macropore walls. The results indicate the significance of hydraulic conductivity variations with depth, and the importance of precipitation intensity.  相似文献   

Macropores are a relatively small proportion of the soil volume, but they play an important role in the movement of water and chemicals owing to occasional rapid fluxes through them. The occurrence of macropore flow does not depend on the water content (or potential) of the bluk matrix unless the soil is close to saturation, but depends instead principally upon surface boundary conditions. Accordingly, three control situations of infiltration are recognized: macropore control, application control, and matrix control. These three situations indicate that the two-domain system may be a proper approach for the simulation of macropore soil. In this conceptualization, macropores are defined as channeling pores of different radii in which the flux density (with unit hydraulic gradient) occurring in the minimum sizes of such pores is greater than or equal to the saturated matrix hydraulic conductivity. Recognizing the two structural domains of the macropore and matrix, and possible water flow situations, three flow regions are suggested: matrix, macropore, and transaction. The matrix and the macropore are the two domains, and the transaction represents the exchange of water between the matrix and the macropore. The classic approach of the Richards equation is applicable to describe the flow in the matrix domain. The Hagen-Poiseuille and the Chezy-Manning equations for tube flow can be applied to represent the relationship between the hydraulic conductivity of the macroporosity and the total macroporosity, where the total macroporosity is defined as the ratio of the summed macropore cross-sectional area and the total soil cross-sectional area. An equation describing water flow in the macropore domain is then obtained.  相似文献   

Research shows that water repellency is a key hydraulic property that results in reduced infiltration rates in burned soils. However, more work is required in order to link the hydrological behaviour of water repellent soils to observed runoff responses at the plot and hillslope scale. This study used 5 M ethanol and water in disc infiltrometers to quantify the role of macropore flow and water repellency on spatial and temporal infiltration patterns in a burned soil at plot (<10 m2) scale in a wet eucalypt forest in south‐east Australia. In the first summer and winter after wildfire, an average of 70% and 60%, respectively, of the plot area was water repellent and did not contribute to infiltration. Macropores (r > 0·5 mm), comprising just 5·5% of the soil volume, contributed to 70% and 95%, respectively, of the field‐saturated and ponded hydraulic conductivity (Kp). Because flow occurred almost entirely via macropores in non‐repellent areas, this meant that less than 2·5% of the soil surface effectively contributed to infiltration. The hydraulic conductivity increased by a factor of up to 2·5 as the hydraulic head increased from 0 to 5 mm. Due to the synergistic effect of macropore flow and water repellency, the coefficient of variation (CV) in Kp was three times higher in the water‐repellent soil (CV = 175%) than under the simulated non‐repellent conditions (CV = 66%). The high spatial variability in Kp would act to reduce the effective infiltration rate during runoff generation at plot scale. Ponding, which tend to increase with increasing scale, activates flow through macropores and would raise the effective infiltration rates at larger scales. Field experiments designed to provide representative measurements of infiltration after fire in these systems must therefore consider both the inherent variability in hydraulic conductivity and the variability in infiltration caused by interactions between surface runoff and hydraulic conductivity. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the Lainbach catchment, unconsolidated Pleistocene moraine sediments are widely distributed. Because of the great natural risk of floods, together with extreme loads of sediments, investigations of runoff production processes have been conducted in this area. At hillslope scale three test sites with different states of soil development and vegetation cover were instrumented with V‐shaped weirs, precipitation gauges and measurement devices for electrical conductivity (EC) of discharge water. The EC has been used as a geochemical tracer for hydrograph separation, since the statistical relationship between content of dissolved Ca2+, Mg2+ cations and EC is highly significant for different stages of runoff. This method allows hydrograph separation at high temporal resolution for both the rising and falling limb of the hydrograph. The following results of the investigations can be resumed. If relief conditions are similar, the effectiveness of runoff production decreases with an increasing density of vegetation cover. The runoff delivery ratio decreases as well as the peaks of runoff. In contrast, concentration times of hillslope catchments are equal, even if vegetation cover is of great density and soils are well developed. As a reason for the short reaction times, different runoff production processes have been detected. On bare ground, infiltration excess overland flow intensified by surface sealing processes is the main source for quick runoff. On hillslopes well covered by vegetation, translatory flow processes indicated by soil water with high solute contents force a rapid runoff reaction only a few minutes after rainfall has begun. It is to be assumed that translatory flow is a runoff production process typical for hillslopes covered by vegetation in a steep alpine relief. By means of the areal distribution of the topographic index, concentration of runoff production on a small part of the catchment has been demonstrated for hillslopes densely covered by vegetation. The investigations have shown that there is a lack of studies on runoff production processes in steep alpine relief, as well as a deficit of methods to quantify hydraulic properties of coarse‐grained soils with a wide grain size distribution. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Many remaining areas of tropical rainforest in south‐east Asia are located on landscapes dominated by deep valleys and very steep slopes. Now that logging activities are extending into these steeplands, it is essential to understand how the natural rainforest system behaves if any kind of realistic assessment of the effects of such disturbance is to be made. This paper examines the hydrological behaviour of an undisturbed rainforest system on steep topography in the Temburong District of Brunei, north‐west Borneo. The physical and hydrological properties of the regolith material are generally typical of tropical residual soils. The regolith has a clay texture and a low dry bulk density beneath a superficial litter/organic horizon. The infiltration capacity of the surface soil was several hundred mm h−1. That of the exposed mineral subsoil was an order of magnitude less, similar to the saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) of around 180 mm h−1 at a depth of 150 cm. There was no indication that Ksat reduced with depth except very near the bedrock interface. Soil tensions were measured using a two‐dimensional array of tensiometers on a 30° slope. During dry season conditions, infiltrating rain‐water contributes to soil moisture, and drying of the soil is dominated by transpiration losses. During wet season conditions, perched water tables quickly develop during heavy rainfall, giving rise to the rapid production of return flow in ephemeral channels. No infiltration excess or saturation overland flow was observed on hillslopes away from channel margins. Subsurface storm flow combined with return flow produce stream flow hydrographs with high peak discharges and very short lag times. Storm event runoff coefficients are estimated to be as high as 40%. It is concluded that the most distinctive feature of the hydrology of this ‘steepland rainforest’ is the extremely ‘flashy’ nature of the catchment runoff regime produced by the combination of thin but very permeable regolith on steep slopes. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Soil hydrology was investigated in the Guadelperalón experimental watershed in order to determine the influence of land use and vegetation cover on runoff and infiltration within the Dehesa land system. Five soil–vegetation units were selected: (1) tree cover, (2) sheep trials, (3) shrub cover, (4) hillslope grass and (5) bottom grass. The results of the simulated rainfall experiments performed at an intensity of 56·6 mm h−1 during one hour on plots of 0·25 m2, and the water drop penetration time test indicate the importance of water repellency in the Dehesa land system under drought conditions. Low infiltration rates (c. 9–44 mm h−1) were found everywhere except at shrub sites and in areas with low grazing pressure. Soil water repellency greatly reduced infiltration, especially beneath Quercus ilex canopies, where fast ponding and greater runoff rates were observed. The low vegetation cover as a consequence of a prolonged drought and grazing pressure, in conjunction with the soil water repellency, induces high runoff rates (15–70 per cent). In spite of this, macropore fluxes were found in different locations, beneath trees, on shrub-covered surfaces, as well as at sites with a dominance of herbaceous cover. Discontinuity of the runoff fluxes due to variations in hydrophobicity causes preferential flows and as a consequence deeper infiltration, especially where macropores are developed. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A 40 m × 20 m mowed, grass hillslope adjacent to a headwater stream within a 26‐ha watershed in east‐central Pennsylvania, USA, was instrumented to identify and map the extent and dynamics of surface saturation (areas with the water table at the surface) and surface runoff source areas. Rainfall, stream flow and surface runoff from the hillslope were recorded at 5‐min intervals from 11 August to 22 November 1998, and 13 April to 12 November 1999. The dynamics of the water table (0 to 45 cm depth from the soil surface) and the occurrence of surface runoff source areas across the hillslope were recorded using specially designed subsurface saturation and surface runoff sensors, respectively. Detailed data analyses for two rainfall events that occurred in August (57·7 mm in 150 min) and September (83·6 mm in 1265 min) 1999, illustrated the spatial and temporal dynamics of surface saturation and surface runoff source areas. Temporal data analyses showed the necessity to measure the hillslope dynamics at time intervals comparable to that of rainfall measurements. Both infiltration excess surface runoff (runoff caused when rainfall intensity exceeds soil infiltration capacity) and saturation excess surface runoff (runoff caused when soil moisture storage capacity is exceeded) source areas were recorded during these rainfall events. The August rainfall event was primarily an infiltration excess surface runoff event, whereas the September rainfall event produced both infiltration excess and saturation excess surface runoff. Occurrence and disappearance of infiltration excess surface runoff source areas during the rainfall events appeared scattered across the hillslope. Analysis of surface saturation and surface runoff data showed that not all surface saturation areas produced surface runoff that reached the stream. Emergence of subsurface flow to the surface during the post‐rainfall periods appeared to be a major flow process dominating the hillslope after the August rainfall event. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Since 1999, large-scale ecosystem restoration has been implemented in the Loess Plateau, effectively increasing regional vegetation coverage. Vegetation restoration has significantly elevated the saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) of the near-surface soil layers and increased the vertical heterogeneity of the Ks profile. Many studies have examined the change of runoff due to revegetation, yet the impacts of Ks profile on the soil moisture distribution and runoff generation processes were less explored. In this study, numerical simulations were conducted to investigate how changes in the Ks profile caused by vegetation restoration influenced the hydrological responses at event scale. The numerical simulation results show that the increase of surface Ks caused by vegetation restoration can effectively reduce runoff at event scale. Moreover, the enhancement of vertical heterogeneity of Ks profiles can significantly change the vertical profile of soil water content, prompting more water to percolate into the deep soil layer. When rainfall exceeds a threshold, the accumulation of soil water above the relatively less permeable layer can cause short-term saturation in shallow soil layers, resulting in a transient perched water table. As a result, after the vegetation restoration in the Loess Plateau, though Horton overland flow is still the main runoff generation mechanism, there is a possibility of the emergence of Dunne overland flow under the high vegetation coverage (e.g., NDVI larger than 0.5). This emergence of new runoff generation mechanism, saturation excess runoff, in the Loess Plateau due to the vegetation restoration could provide scientific guidance for water and sediment movement, soil and water conservation practices, and desertification control in the Loess Plateau.  相似文献   

The impact of three-dimensional subsurface heterogeneity in the saturated hydraulic conductivity on hillslope runoff generated by excess infiltration (so-called Hortonian runoff) is examined. A fully coupled, parallel subsurface–overland flow model is used to simulate runoff from an idealized hillslope. Ensembles of correlated, Gaussian random fields of saturated hydraulic conductivity are used to create uncertainty in spatial structure. A large number of cases are simulated in a parametric manner with the variance of the hydraulic conductivity varied over orders of magnitude. These cases include rainfall rates above, equal and below the geometric mean of the hydraulic conductivity distribution. These cases are also compared to theoretical representations of runoff production based on simple assumptions regarding (1) the rainfall rate and the value of hydraulic conductivity in the surface cell using a spatially-indiscriminant approach; and (2) a percolation-theory type approach to incorporate so-called runon. Simulations to test the ergodicity of hydraulic conductivity on hillslope runoff are also performed. Results show that three-dimensional stochastic representations of the subsurface hydraulic conductivity can create shallow perching, which has an important effect on runoff behavior that is different than previous two-dimensional analyses. The simple theories are shown to be very poor predictors of the fraction of saturated area that might runoff due to excess infiltration. It is also shown that ergodicity is reached only for a large number of integral scales (∼30) and not achieved for cases where the rainfall rate is less than the geometric mean of the saturated hydraulic conductivity.  相似文献   

Spatial distribution of soil macroporosity was determined for a forest podzol from tension infiltrometer measurements at the soil surface. Surface‐derived macroporosity values were compared with point infiltration characteristics obtained from soil water content and soil water chemistry measurements during an experimental irrigation, and with parameters of a kinematic wave model applied to soil water content data. Macroporosity estimated by the tension infiltrometer ranged from 0·00087 to 0·0219% of soil volume, and infiltration at these two sites was dominated by propagation of a well‐defined wetting front through the soil profile and bypass flow via soil macropores, respectively. Infiltration at sites with intermediate macroporosities reflected a combination of these two processes, although results were inconclusive at one site owing to lateral flow at the base of the soil profile. There was no agreement between macroporosities estimated by the tension infiltrometer and the kinematic wave model. The maximum soil conductance parameter within the profile at a site, however, was related directly to the surface‐derived macroporosity. The partial agreement between surface‐derived macroporosity estimates and point infiltration characteristics shown here supports the use of tension infiltrometry as a rapid, non‐destructive method of assessing spatial variations in the relative contribution of macropore flow to the infiltration process. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Natural soil pipes are common and significant in upland blanket peat catchments yet there are major problems in finding and defining the subsurface pipe networks. This is particularly important because pipeflow can contribute a large proportion of runoff to the river systems in these upland environments and may significantly influence catchment sediment and solute yields. Traditional methods such as digging soil pits are destructive and time‐consuming (particularly in deep peat) and only provide single point sources of information. This paper presents results from an experiment to assess the use of ground‐penetrating radar (GPR) to remotely sense pipes in blanket peat. The technique is shown to be successful in identifying most of the pipes tested in the pilot catchment. Comparison of data on pipes identified by GPR and verified by manual measurement suggests that pipes can be located in the soil profile with a depth accuracy of 20 to 30 cm. GPR‐identified pipes were found throughout the soil profile; however, those within 10–20 cm of the surface could not be identified using the 100 or 200 MHz antennae due to multiple surface reflections. Generally pipes smaller than 10 cm in diameter could not be identified using the technique although modifications are suggested that will allow enhanced resolution. Future work would benefit from the development of dual‐frequency antennae that will allow the combination of high‐resolution data with the depth of penetration required in a wetland environment. The GPR experiment shows that pipe network densities were much greater than could be detected from surface observation alone. Thus, GPR provides a non‐destructive, fast technique which can produce continuous profiles of peat depth and indicate pipe locations across survey transects. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Most vegetated land surfaces contain macropores that may have a significant effect on the rate of infiltration of water under ponded conditions on the ground surface. Owing to the small-scale variations of the land topography (microtopography), only portions of the land area may get ponded during the process of overland flow. As the macropores transmit water at much higher rates than the primary soil matrix, higher macropore activation in ponded areas produces larger effective infiltration rates into the soil. Therefore, overland flow and infiltration into the macroporous vadose zone are interrelated. Representing the microtopographic variation of the land surface by a simple sine wave function, a method was developed to relate the ponding area to the average ponding depth which was determined by overland flow. A numerical model coupling overland flow and infiltration into the macroporous vadose zone was developed. Overland flow was simulated using the St. Venant equations with the inertia terms neglected. A single macropore model was used to simulate the infiltration into the macroporous vadose zone. The interaction between overland flow and the infiltration into the macroporous vadose zone was analyzed for a hypothetical watershed. The sensitivity analysis revealed that the interaction of macropore flow and overland flow is significant. For the conditions tested, the macropore flow and the overland flow were found to be more sensitive to the macroporosity and less sensitive to the microtopographic surface variation.  相似文献   

The hydraulic properties of the topsoil control the partition of rainfall into infiltration and runoff at the soil surface. They must be characterized for distributed hydrological modelling. This study presents the results of a field campaign documenting topsoil hydraulic properties in a small French suburban catchment (7 km2) located near Lyon, France. Two types of infiltration tests were performed: single ring infiltration tests under positive head and tension‐disk infiltration using a mini‐disk. Both categories were processed using the BEST—Beerkan Estimation of Soil Transfer parameters—method to derive parameters describing the retention and hydraulic conductivity curves. Dry bulk density and particle size data were also sampled. Almost all the topsoils were found to belong to the sandy loam soil class. No significant differences in hydraulic properties were found in terms of pedologic units, but the results showed a high impact of land use on these properties. The lowest dry bulk density values were obtained in forested soils with the highest organic matter content. Permanent pasture soils showed intermediate values, whereas the highest values were encountered in cultivated lands. For saturated hydraulic conductivity, the highest values were found in broad‐leaved forests and small woods. The complementary use of tension‐disk and positive head infiltration tests highlighted a sharp increase of hydraulic conductivity between near saturation and saturated conditions, attributed to macroporosity effect. The ratio of median saturated hydraulic conductivity to median hydraulic conductivity at a pressure of − 20 mm of water was about 50. The study suggests that soil texture, such as used in most pedo‐transfer functions, might not be sufficient to properly map the variability of soil hydraulic properties. Land use information should be considered in the parameterizations of topsoil within hydrological models to better represent in situ conditions, as illustrated in the paper. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Due to the extensive gullying from historically excessive erosion in the loess plateau of China, much of this region is being converted to native grass and shrub vegetation. Tunnel scour and mass wasting are important gully erosion processes resulting from preferential flow through macropores ( pores 〉 1 mm diameter). The objective of this study is to assess the changes with time in macropore flow characteristics of soils on the Loess Plateau following conversion to grass vegetation and the associated degree of mass wasting of gully faces. Ridge areas that had been revegetated for 1 year, 6 years, and 〉 15 years following tilling, and for 6 years following contour-ditching and the adjacent gully faces were characterized for their macropore and soil matrix properties on a 50 cm by 50 cm area. The total number of macropores increased from 11.6/m^2 to 39.6/m2 from 1 to 6 years and to 51.6/m2 after 15 years of revegetation following tillage. The macroporosity increased from 0.0008 m^3/m^3 to 0.0018 m^3/m^3 from 1 to 6 years of revegetation following tillage but the lowest macroporosity (0.0005 m3/m3) was 6 years of revegetation following contour-ditching. The contourditched area had the lowest infiltration rate (95 m/d) through the soil matrix (areas without macropores) with the tilled areas having similar infiltration rates regardless of the number of years of revegetation (averaged 146 m/d). Due to tunnel scour erosion of macropores during infiltration into the area revegetated for 1 year, pore diameters enlarged by more than 200% resulting in this condition having the highest individual macropore infiltration rates (7967 m/d). Macropores in all other areas were stable with no tunnel scour erosion of macropores. The total capacity for infiltration through macropores increased significantly with time following revegetation. The number of macropores on the gully faces was triple (92.8/m2) and the macroporosity quadruple (0.004 m3/m3) that of the ridge surfaces. The upper gully faces exhibited 1.1 slumps m^-1 for a total soil loss of 48622 kg per ha.  相似文献   

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