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Effects of two important factors on earthquake response of high arch dams are considered and combined into one program. These factors are: effects of radiation damping of the infinite canyon and local non-linearity of the contraction joint opening between the dam monoliths. For modeling of rock canyon, the discrete parameters are obtained based on a curve fitting, thus allowing the nonlinear dam system to be solved in the time domain. The earthquake uniform free-field input at the dam-canyon interface is used. An engineering example is given to demonstrate the significant effects of the radiation damping on the structure response.  相似文献   

The effects of incoherency and wave-passage on the nonlinear responses of concrete arch dams are investigated in this study. A double curvature arch dam is selected as a numerical example. The reservoir is modeled as a compressible material and the foundation is modeled as a massless medium. Ground motion time-histories are artificially generated using the Monte Carlo simulation approach. Four different finite element models (FEM) are considered: uniform excitation; incoherence effect; wave passage effect; and both incoherence and wave passage effects. It was revealed that modeling multiple-supports excitation could have a significant impact on the structural response of the dam by inducing a pseudo-static effect. Also, it was concluded that the coherency effect overshadows the wave passage effect and the results obtained from non-uniform excitation of FEM, including the wave passage effect, is close to the results of the FEM when it is uniformly excited.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method for coupled arch dam–foundation–reservoir seismic behaviour analysis. The dam is discretized by finite elements (FE) and the foundation and reservoir are discretized by boundary elements (BE). The opening of contraction joints and the spatial variability of the seismic action is taken into account. The study of Pacoima dam by this method is also presented. The computed results show that no cracks were to be expected due to the vibrations induced during the Feb. 9, 1971 San Fernando earthquake. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

拱坝横缝影响及有效抗震措施的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
大量研究结果和某些拱坝的地震震害表明,横缝对拱坝的地震响应有很大的影响。通过采用非光滑方程组方法以及考虑碰撞时刻动量、动能守恒来模拟横缝所引起的动接触问题,同时为了提高计算效率,采用隐-显式积分方法对坝-基系统的动力平衡方程进行求解。针对在拱坝中上部配筋这一抗震措施,也作了探讨。通过对小湾拱坝的分析,为高拱坝工程抗震措施的选择提供技术依据。  相似文献   

Soil erosion models are essential tools for the successful implementation of effective and adapted soil conservation measures on agricultural land. Therefore, models are needed that predict sediment delivery and quality, give a good spatial representation of erosion and deposition and allow us to account for various soil conservation measures. Here, we evaluate how well a modified version of the spatially distributed multi‐class sediment transport model (MCST) simulates the effectiveness of control measures for different event sizes. We use 8 year runoff and sediment delivery data from two small agricultural watersheds (0·7 and 3·7 ha) under optimized soil conservation. The modified MCST model successfully simulates surface runoff and sediment delivery from both watersheds; one of which was dominated by sheet and the other was partly affected by rill erosion. Moreover, first results of modelling enrichment of clay in sediment delivery are promising, showing the potential of MCST to model sediment enrichment and nutrient transport. In general, our results and those of an earlier modelling exercise in the Belgian Loess Belt indicate the potential of the MCST model to evaluate soil erosion and deposition under different agricultural land uses. As the model explicitly takes into account the dominant effects of soil‐conservation agriculture, it should be successfully applicable for soil‐conservation planning/evaluation in other environments. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Processes of soil erosion and sediment transport are strongly influenced by land use changes so the modelling of land use changes is important with respect to the simulation of soil degradation and its on‐site and off‐site consequences. The reliability of simulation results from erosion models is circumscribed by considerable spatial variation in many parameters. However, most of the currently widely used erosion models at the mesoscale are semidistributed, which leads to difficulties in incorporating a high degree of spatial information, especially land use information, so that the effects of land use changes on soil erosion have hitherto not been investigated in detail using these models. In this article, a grid‐based distributed erosion and sediment transport model is introduced, which simulates the spatial pattern of erosion and deposition rates and sediment transport processes in river channels. In this model, land use affects soil erosion through altering soil loss and influencing sediment delivery. Simulated soil erosion for events recorded in 1989 and 1996 in the Lushi basin in China was analyzed by comparing it with historical land use maps. The results indicated that even relatively minor land use changes had a significant effect on regional soil erosion rates and sediment transport to rivers. The average erosion rate increased from 1989 to 1996, after the transformation of forest to farmland. The results of the study suggest that the proposed soil erosion model can be applied in similar river basins. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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