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Infiltration into frozen soil plays an important role in soil freeze–thaw and snowmelt-driven hydrological processes. To better understand the complex thermal energy and water transport mechanisms involved, the influence of antecedent moisture content and macroporosity on infiltration into frozen soil was investigated. Ponded infiltration experiments on frozen macroporous and non-macroporous soil columns revealed that dry macroporous soil produced infiltration rates reaching 103 to 104 mm day−1, two to three orders of magnitude larger than dry non-macroporous soil. Results suggest that rapid infiltration and drainage were a result of preferential flow through initially air-filled macropores. Using recorded flow rates and measured macropore characteristics, calculations indicated that a combination of both saturated flow and unsaturated film flow likely occurred within macropores. Under wet conditions, regardless of the presence of macropores, infiltration was restricted by the slow thawing rate of pore ice, producing infiltration rates of 2.8 to 5.0 mm day−1. Reduced preferential flow under wet conditions was attributed to a combination of soil swelling, due to smectite-rich clay (that reduced macropore volume), and pore ice blockage within macropores. In comparison, dry soil column experiments demonstrated that macropores provided conduits for water and thermal energy to bypass the frozen matrix during infiltration, reducing thaw rates compared with non-macroporous soils. Overall, results showed the dominant control of antecedent moisture content on the initiation, timing, and magnitude of infiltration and flow in frozen macroporous soils, as well as the important role of macropore connectivity. The study provides an important data set that can aid the development of hydrological models that consider the interacting effects of soil freeze–thaw and preferential flow on snowmelt partitioning in cold regions.  相似文献   


The accuracy of six combined methods formed by three commonly-used soil hydraulic functions and two methods to determine soil hydraulic parameters based on a soil hydraulic parameter look-up table and soil pedotransfer functions was examined for simulating soil moisture. A novel data analysis and modelling approach was used that eliminated the effects of evapotranspiration so that specific sources of error among the six combined methods could be identified and quantified. By comparing simulated and observed soil moisture at six sites of the USDA Soil Climate Analysis Network, we identified the optimal soil hydraulic functions and parameters for predicting soil moisture. Through sensitivity tests, we also showed that adjusting only the soil saturated hydraulic conductivity, Ks , is insufficient for representing important effects of macropores on soil hydraulic conductivity. Our analysis illustrates that, in general, soil hydraulic conductivity is less sensitive to Ks than to the soil pore-size distribution parameter.

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor D. Hughes

Citation Pan, F., McKane, R.B. and Stieglitz, M., 2012. Identification of optimal soil hydraulic functions and parameters for predicting soil moisture. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57 (4), 723–737.  相似文献   

Snowmelt water supplies streamflow and growing season soil moisture in mountain regions, yet pathways of snowmelt water and their effects on moisture patterns are still largely unknown. This study examined how flow processes during snowmelt runoff affected spatial patterns of soil moisture on two steep sub‐alpine hillslope transects in Rocky Mountain National Park, CO, USA. The transects have northeast‐facing and east‐facing aspects, and both extend from high‐elevation bedrock outcrops down to streams in valley bottoms. Spatial patterns of both snow depth and near‐surface soil moisture were surveyed along these transects in the snowmelt and summer seasons of 2008–2010. To link these patterns to flow processes, soil moisture was measured continuously on both transects and compared with the timing of discharge in nearby streams. Results indicate that both slopes generated shallow lateral subsurface flow during snowmelt through near‐surface soil, colluvium and bedrock fractures. On the northeast‐facing transect, this shallow subsurface flow emerged through mid‐slope seepage zones, in some cases producing saturation overland flow, whereas the east‐facing slope had no seepage zones or overland flow. At the hillslope scale, earlier snowmelt timing on the east‐facing slope led to drier average soil moisture conditions than on the northeast‐facing slope, but within hillslopes, snow patterns had little relation to soil moisture patterns except in areas with persistent snow drifts. Results suggest that lateral flow and exfiltration processes are key controls on soil moisture spatial patterns in this steep sub‐alpine location. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A Gumbel distribution for maxima is proposed as a model for the depths of interrill overland flow. The model is tested against three sets of field measurements of interrill overland flow depths obtained on shrubland and grassland hillslopes at Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed, southern Arizona. The model is found to be a satisfactory fit to 81 of the 90 measured distributions. The shape δ and location λ parameters of all fitted distributions are strongly correlated with discharge. However, whereas a common relationship exists between discharge and δ for all depth distributions, the relationships with λ vary systematically downslope. Using the Gumbel distribution as a model for the distribution of overland flow depths, a probabilistic model for the initiation of rills is developed, drawing upon the previous work of Nearing. As an illustration of this approach, we apply this model to the shrubland and grassland hillslopes at Walnut Gulch. It is concluded that the presence of rills on the shrubland, but not on the grassland, is due to the greater runoff coefficient for the shrubland and/or the greater propensity of the shrubland for soil disturbance compared with the grassland. Finally, a generalized conceptual model for rill initiation is proposed. This model takes account of the depth distribution of overland flow, the probability of flow shear stress in excess of local soil shear strength, the spatial variability in soil shear strength and the diffusive effect of soil detachment by raindrops. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Preferential flowpaths transport phosphorus (P) to agricultural tile drains. However, if and to what extent this may vary with soil texture, moisture conditions, and P placement is poorly understood. This study investigated (a) interactions between soil texture, antecedent moisture conditions, and the relative contributions of matrix and preferential flow and (b) associated P distributions through the soil profile when fertilizers were applied to the surface or subsurface. Brilliant blue dye was used to stain subsurface flowpaths in clay and silt loam plots during simulated rainfall events under wet and dry conditions. Fertilizer P was applied to the surface or via subsurface placement to plots of different soil texture and moisture condition. Photographs of dye stains were analysed to classify the flow patterns as matrix dominated or macropore dominated, and soils within plots were analysed for their water‐extractable P (WEP) content. Preferential flow occurred under all soil texture and moisture conditions. Dye penetrated deeper into clay soils via macropores and had lower interaction with the soil matrix, compared with silt loam soil. Moisture conditions influenced preferential flowpaths in clay, with dry clay having deeper infiltration (92 ± 7.6 cm) and less dye–matrix interaction than wet clay (77 ± 4.7 cm). Depth of staining did not differ between wet (56 ± 7.2 cm) and dry (50 ± 6.6 cm) silt loam, nor did dominant flowpaths. WEP distribution in the top 10 cm of the soil profile differed with fertilizer placement, but no differences in soil WEP were observed at depth. These results demonstrate that large rainfall events following drought conditions in clay soil may be prone to rapid P transport to tile drains due to increased preferential flow, whereas flow in silt loams is less affected by antecedent moisture. Subsurface placement of fertilizer may minimize the risk of subsurface P transport, particularily in clay.  相似文献   

Based on important factors that affect soil moisture spatial distribution, such as the slope gradients, land use, vegetation cover, and surface water diffusion characteristics together with field measurements of soil moisture data obtained from the surface soil under different land use structures, a soil moisture spatial distribution model was established. The diffusion degree coefficient of surface water for different vegetations was estimated from soil moisture values obtained from field measurements. The model can be solved using the finite unit method. The soil moisture spatial distribution on the hill slopes in the Loess Plateau were simulated by the model. A comparison of the simulated values with measurement data shows that the model is a good fit.  相似文献   

The effects of soil water content (SWC) on the formation of run‐off in grass swales draining into a storm sewer system were studied in two 30‐m test swales with trapezoidal cross sections. Swale 1 was built in a loamy fine‐sand soil, on a slope of 1.5%, and Swale 2 was built in a sandy loam soil, on a slope of 0.7%. In experimental runs, the swales were irrigated with 2 flow rates reproducing run‐off from block rainfalls with intensities approximately corresponding to 2‐month and 3‐year events. Run‐off experiments were conducted for initial SWC (SWCini) ranging from 0.18 to 0.43 m3/m3. For low SWCini, the run‐off volume was greatly reduced by up to 82%, but at high SWCini, the volume reduction was as low as 15%. The relative swale flow volume reductions decreased with increasing SWCini and, for the conditions studied, indicated a transition of the dominating swale functions from run‐off dissipation to conveyance. Run‐off flow peaks were reduced proportionally to the flow volume reductions, in the range from 4% to 55%. The swale outflow hydrograph lag times varied from 5 to 15 min, with the high values corresponding to low SWCini. Analysis of swale inflow/outflow hydrographs for high SWCini allowed estimations of the saturated hydraulic conductivities as 3.27 and 4.84 cm/hr in Swales 1 and 2, respectively. Such estimates differed from averages (N = 9) of double‐ring infiltrometer measurements (9.41 and 1.78 cm/hr). Irregularities in swale bottom slopes created bottom surface depression storage of 0.35 and 0.61 m3 for Swales 1 and 2, respectively, and functioned similarly as check berms contributing to run‐off attenuation. The experimental findings offer implications for drainage swale planning and design: (a) SWCini strongly affect swale functioning in run‐off dissipation and conveyance during the early phase of run‐off, which is particularly important for design storms and their antecedent moisture conditions, and (b) concerning the longevity of swale operation, Swale 1 remains fully functional even after almost 60 years of operation, as judged from its attractive appearance, good infiltration rates (3.27 cm/hr), and high flow capacity.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between temperature, evaporation and soil moisture using a planetary boundary layer (PBL) model. It focuses on illustrating and quantifying the effect of soil moisture on the evolution of daytime temperatures. A simple convective PBL model coupled with the Penman–Monteith (PM) equation is used to estimate evapotranspiration. Following calibration and sensitivity analysis, the model was used to simulate the relative impact of dry and wet soil moisture conditions on daytime temperatures by changing the surface resistance parameter in the PM equation. It was found that the maximum temperature that can be reached during a day is constrained by the amount of soil moisture and the available net radiation, confirming previously published results. Higher temperatures can be reached with greater net radiation and dry soil moisture conditions. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Previous studies on semi-arid ecosystems have shown high values of soil moisture variability (SMV) primarily induced by the combined effects of non-uniform precipitation, incoming solar radiation, and soil and vegetation properties. However, the relative impact of these various factors on SMV has been difficult to evaluate due to limited availability of field data. In addition, only a limited number of studies have analysed the role of landscape morphology on SMV. Here we use numerical simulations of a simple hydrological model, the Bucket Grassland Model, to systematically analyse the effect of each contributing factor on SMV on two different landscape morphologies. The two different landform morphologies represent landscapes dominated respectively by either diffusive erosion or fluvial erosion processes. We conducted various simulations driven by a stochastically generated 100-year climate time series, which is long enough to capture climatic fluctuations, in order to understand the effect of various soil moisture controlling factors on the spatiotemporal SMV. Our modelling results show that the fluvial dominated landscapes promote higher spatial SMV than the diffusive dominated ones. Further, the role of landform morphology on SMV is more pronounced in regions where the spatial variability of incoming solar radiation and precipitation is high.  相似文献   

Soil surface crusts are widely reported to favour Hortonian runoff, but are not explicitly represented in most rainfall‐runoff models. The aim of this paper is to assess the impact of soil surface crusts on infiltration and runoff modelling at two spatial scales, i.e. the local scale and the plot scale. At the local scale, two separate single ring infiltration experiments are undertaken. The first is performed on the undisturbed soil, whereas the second is done after removal of the soil surface crust. The HYDRUS 2D two‐dimensional vertical infiltration model is then used in an inverse modelling approach, first to estimate the soil hydraulic properties of the crust and the subsoil, and then the effective hydraulic properties of the soil represented as a single uniform layer. The results show that the crust hydraulic conductivity is 10 times lower than that of the subsoil, thus illustrating the limiting role the crust has on infiltration. Moving up to the plot scale, a rainfall‐runoff model coupling the Richards equation to a transfer function is used to simulate Hortonian overland flow hydrographs. The previously calculated hydraulic properties are used, and a comparison is undertaken between a single‐layer and a double‐layer representation of the crusted soil. The results of the rainfall‐runoff model show that the soil hydraulic properties calculated at the local scale give acceptable results when used to model runoff at the plot scale directly, without any numerical calibration. Also, at the plot scale, no clear improvement of the results can be seen when using a double‐layer representation of the soil in comparison with a single homogeneous layer. This is due to the hydrological characteristics of Hortonian runoff, which is triggered by a rainfall intensity exceeding the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the soil surface. Consequently, the rainfall‐runoff model is more sensitive to rainfall than to the subsoil's hydrodynamic properties. Therefore, the use of a double‐layer soil model to represent runoff on a crusted soil does not seem necessary, as the increase of precision in the soil discretization is not justified by a better performance of the model. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A distributed, dynamic, process-based model for interrill overland flow that has previously been shown to predict accurately both total runoff and runoff hydraulics for a site on semi-arid shrubland is assessed in terms of (i) its portability, (ii) its sensitivity to the quality of data inputs, and (iii) its sensitivity to the size of cell used in the model. It is found that the model can be used at another site, but only after modifications to take account of the local controls of runoff routing. The model is portable, but not readily so. The model is sensitive to both the quality of data input and the size of cell. Data input cannot be reduced by use of stochastic distribution of model parameters without significant loss of accuracy in model predictions, particularly of runoff hydraulics. Larger cells produce poorer predictions of the runoff hydrograph. It is concluded that process-based modelling of interrill runoff may not be a realistic tool for predicting soil erosion, but is one that may be useful for identification of our present poor understanding of erosion processes. Such models help to define the research agenda for soil erosion studies. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


High-frequency monitoring was conducted to quantify the frequency and controlling factors of preferential flow (PF) in a monsoon-influenced sub-humid mountainous catchment (6.48 km2) of Northern China. Rainfall was measured using nine bucket raingauges. Soil moisture probes were set up at 12 sites to observe the PF. Overall, 129 rainfall events were identified during the years 2014–2016. The average PF occurrence was 41%, which increased to 71% during heavy rainfall events (>20 mm) revealing a strong influence of the amount and intensity of rainfall. The study also revealed that the PF increased with antecedent soil moisture. Soil moisture was much higher on flat sites compared to sloping sites, providing evidence that the topography has a strong influence on rainfall infiltration and runoff which, subsequently, influence soil moisture variation and the occurrence of PF. Our findings provide valuable insights into the hydrological processes for studies in regions with similar environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Rill development studies have focused almost exclusively on surface erosion processes and critical threshold hydraulic conditions. Characteristic rill features, such as arcuate headcuts and knickpoints, are morphologically similar to the ‘theatre-headed’ valleys which have been associated with ‘sapping’ processes at various scales. This paper reports on laboratory experiments designed to identify linkages between surface flow hydraulics, subsurface moisture conditions and rill development. Experiments were carried out in a 16·57 m2 flume under simulated rainfall with soil samples up to 0·15 m depth in which moisture conditions were monitored by miniature time-domain reflectometer probes. Tests showed complex responses in which some rill incision reflected surface flow conditions, but major rill system development with markedly enhanced sediment yield was closely associated with high soil moisture contents. It was not possible to measure seepage forces directly, but calculation and observation indicate that these were less important than reduction in soil strength with saturation, which resulted in increased effective runoff erosivity. This caused concentrated undercutting along the water table at rill walls, while slightly stronger surface layers above the water table formed microscarps. These retreated along the water table into interrill surfaces, producing residual pediment transport slopes. The microscarps eventually disappeared when the water table reached the surface, eliminating differential soil strength. The experiments showed complex relationships between surface and subsurface erosional processes in evolving rill systems, strongly influenced by soil moisture dynamics. The very small topographic and hydraulic head amplitudes indicate that seepage forces and ‘sapping’ were minimal. The dominant effect of soil moisture was reduction of soil strength with saturation, and increased runoff entrainment. Experimental conditions were not unusual, either for agricultural fields or natural hillslopes, and the intricate interrelationship of surface and subsurface erosion processes observed is probably not uncommon. Attempts to link specific morphologic features at rill scale to dominance of surface or subsurface processes alone are therefore unlikely to be successful or reliable. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Relationships between gravimetric soil moisture content (w) and matric potential (ϕ), and between volumetric soil moisture content (θv) and pressure head (h) were approximated for the unsaturated zone on Long Island, New York. Soil samples were collected from two sites using a hand auger. The soil moisture content was determined using the filter‐paper (wf) and gravimetric (w) methods, respectively. The wf was then used in an empirical equation to estimate ϕm. Each set of ϕm and w was combined with a straight‐line empirical model to obtain a wm) relationship. Soil ϕm was converted to h, and w to the volumetric moisture content θv, in order to produce a θv(h) curve. Graphical and statistical comparison showed that the resulting θv(h) curves fell within one order of magnitude of similar curves generated by a more sophisticated non‐linear model developed previously. The simplicity and low cost of the filter‐paper approach described in this study recommends it for preliminary studies of hydraulic properties in the unsaturated zone. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Soil Conservation Service curve number (CN) method commonly uses three discrete levels of soil antecedent moisture condition (AMC), defined by the 5‐day antecedent rainfall depth, to describe soil moisture prior to a runoff event. However, this way may not adequately represent soil water conditions of fields and watersheds in the Loess Plateau of China. The objectives of this study were: (1) to determine the effective soil moisture depth to which the CN is most related; (2) to evaluate a discrete and a linear relationship between AMC and soil moisture; and (3) to develop an equation between CN and soil moisture to predict runoff better for the climatic and soil conditions of the Loess Plateau of China. The dataset consisted of 10 years of rainfall, runoff and soil moisture measurements from four experimental plots cropped with millet, pasture and potatoes. Results indicate that the standard CN method underestimated runoff depths for 85 of the 98 observed plot‐runoff events, with a model efficiency E of only 0·243. For our experimental conditions, the discrete and linear approaches improved runoff estimation, but still underestimated most runoff events, with E values of 0·428 and 0·445 respectively. Based on the measured CN values and soil moisture values in the top 15 cm of the soil, a non‐linear equation was developed that predicted runoff better with an E value of 0·779. This modified CN equation was the most appropriate for runoff prediction in the study area, but may need adjustments for local conditions in the Loess Plateau of China. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to assess the degree of preferential flow in an unsaturated soil column using two different models: the dual-porosity model, MACRO, and the kinematic wave approach (KWA) based on boundary-layer flow theory. The soil column experiments consisted of six infiltrations with intensities varying from 15 to 101 mm h?1. Bromide solution was also infiltrated at an intensity of 79 mm h?1 and a concentration of 80 mg l?1. Both MACRO and the KWA indicated the absence of pure preferential flow. The KWA indicated intermediate flow with dispersion of the wetting front with depth, whereas MACRO indicated flow dominated by the diffusion of capillary potential. These results shed light on the transition between flows dominated by momentum dissipation and by diffusion of capillary potential. The absence of pure macropore flow in the structured sandy soil is mainly due to efficient lateral mass exchange in this material.  相似文献   

Due to complex dynamics inherent in the physical models, numerical formulation of subsurface and overland flow coupling can be challenging to solve. ParFlow is a subsurface flow code that utilizes a structured grid discretization in order to benefit from fast and efficient structured solvers. Implicit coupling between subsurface and overland flow modes in ParFlow is obtained by prescribing an overland boundary condition at the top surface of the computational domain. This form of implicit coupling leads to the activation and deactivation of the overland boundary condition during simulations where ponding or drying events occur. This results in a discontinuity in the discrete system that can be challenging to resolve. Furthermore, the coupling relies on unstructured connectivities between the subsurface and surface components of the discrete system, which makes it challenging to use structured solvers to effectively capture the dynamics of the coupled flow. We present a formulation of the discretized algebraic system that enables the use of an analytic form of the Jacobian for the Newton–Krylov solver, while preserving the structured properties of the discretization. An effective multigrid preconditioner is extracted from the analytic Jacobian and used to precondition the Jacobian linear system solver. We compare the performance of the new solver against one that uses a finite difference approximation to the Jacobian within the Newton–Krylov approach, previously used in the literature. Numerical results explores the effectiveness of using the analytic Jacobian for the Newton–Krylov solver, and highlights the performance of the new preconditioner and its cost. The results indicate that the new solver is robust and generally outperforms the solver that is based on the finite difference approximation to the Jacobian, for problems where the overland boundary condition is activated and deactivated during the simulation. A parallel weak scaling study highlights the efficiency of the new solver.  相似文献   

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