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The Land Information System (LIS) is an established land surface modeling framework that integrates various community land surface models, ground measurements, satellite-based observations, high performance computing and data management tools. The use of advanced software engineering principles in LIS allows interoperability of individual system components and thus enables assessment and prediction of hydrologic conditions at various spatial and temporal scales. In this work, we describe a sequential data assimilation extension of LIS that incorporates multiple observational sources, land surface models and assimilation algorithms. These capabilities are demonstrated here in a suite of experiments that use the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) and assimilation through direct insertion. In a soil moisture experiment, we discuss the impact of differences in modeling approaches on assimilation performance. Provided careful choice of model error parameters, we find that two entirely different hydrological modeling approaches offer comparable assimilation results. In a snow assimilation experiment, we investigate the relative merits of assimilating different types of observations (snow cover area and snow water equivalent). The experiments show that data assimilation enhancements in LIS are uniquely suited to compare the assimilation of various data types into different land surface models within a single framework. The high performance infrastructure provides adequate support for efficient data assimilation integrations of high computational granularity.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to assess the influence of sensor locations and varying observation accuracy on the assimilation of distributed streamflow observations, also taking into account different structures of semi-distributed hydrological models. An ensemble Kalman filter is used to update a semi-distributed hydrological model as a response to measured streamflow. Various scenarios of sensor locations and observation accuracy are introduced. The methodology is tested on the Brue basin during five flood events. The results of this work demonstrate that the assimilation of streamflow observations at interior points of the basin can improve the hydrological models according to the particular location of the sensors and hydrological model structure. It is also found that appropriate definition of the observation accuracy can affect model performance and consequent flood forecasting. These findings can be used as criteria to develop methods for streamflow monitoring network design.  相似文献   

太湖叶绿素a同化系统对于不同参数的敏感性将直接影响到该系统能否精确的估算太湖叶绿素a的浓度分布.利用2009年4月21日环境一号卫星(HJ-1B CCD2)影像数据反演太湖叶绿素a浓度场信息.以此作为背景场信息,结合基于集合均方根滤波的太湖叶绿素a同化系统,分析和评价了样本数目、同化时长、背景场误差、观测误差和模型误差对于同化系统性能的影响.结果表明:从计算成本、系统运行时间和同化效果等方面分析,当集合样本数目达到30~40左右时同化系统取得了较好的结果;同化系统对于背景场误差的估计变化不是很敏感,即初始场的估计是否准确对于同化系统的性能影响不是很大;同化系统对于模型误差和观测误差的变化较为敏感,不同的测试点位由于水体动力学性质不一,其敏感性的表现形式有所差异;利用数据同化方法可以有效地估算太湖叶绿素a浓度.  相似文献   

Variational data assimilation in the transport of sediment in river   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The variational method of data assimilation is used to solve an inverse problem in the transport of sediment in river, which plays an important role in the change of natural environment. The cost function is defined to measure the error between model predictions and field observations. The adjoint model of IAP river sedimentation model is created to obtain the gradient of the cost function with respect to control variables. The initial conditions are taken as the control variables; their optimal values can be retrieved by minimizing the cost function with limited memory quasi-Newton method (LMQN). The results show that the adjoint method approach can successfully make the model prediction well fit the simulated observations. And it is expected to use this method to solve other inverse problems of river sedimentation. But some numerical problems need to be discussed before applying to real river data. Project partially supported by the State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modelling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences  相似文献   

A global ocean data assimilation system based on the ensemble optimum interpolation (EnOI) has been under development as the Chinese contribution to the Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment. The system uses a global ocean general circulation model, which is eddy permitting, developed by the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. In this paper, the implementation of the system is described in detail. We describe the sampling strategy to generate the stationary ensembles for EnOI. In addition, technical methods are introduced to deal with the requirement of massive memory space to hold the stationary ensembles of the global ocean. The system can assimilate observations such as satellite altimetry, sea surface temperature (SST), in situ temperature and salinity from Argo, XBT, Tropical Atmosphere Ocean (TAO), and other sources in a straightforward way. As a first step, an assimilation experiment from 1997 to 2001 is carried out by assimilating the sea level anomaly (SLA) data from TOPEX/Poseidon. We evaluate the performance of the system by comparing the results with various types of observations. We find that SLA assimilation shows very positive impact on the modeled fields. The SST and sea surface height fields are clearly improved in terms of both the standard deviation and the root mean square difference. In addition, the assimilation produces some improvements in regions where mesoscale processes cannot be resolved with the horizontal resolution of this model. Comparisons with TAO profiles in the Pacific show that the temperature and salinity fields have been improved to varying degrees in the upper ocean. The biases with respect to the independent TAO profiles are reduced with a maximum magnitude of about 0.25°C and 0.1 psu for the time-averaged temperature and salinity. The improvements on temperature and salinity also lead to positive impact on the subsurface currents. The equatorial under current is enhanced in the Pacific although it is still underestimated after the assimilation.  相似文献   

This paper comparatively assesses the performance of five data assimilation techniques for three-parameter Muskingum routing with a spatially lumped or distributed model structure. The assimilation techniques used include direct insertion (DI), nudging scheme (NS), Kalman filter (KF), ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) and asynchronous ensemble Kalman filter (AEnKF), which are applied to river reaches in Texas and Louisiana, USA. For both lumped and distributed routing, results from KF, EnKF and AEnKF are sensitive to the error specification. As expected, DI outperformed the other models in the case of lumped modelling, while in distributed routing, KF approaches, particularly AEnKF and EnKF, performed better than DI or nudging, reflecting the benefit of updating distributed states through error covariance modelling in KF approaches. The results of this work would be useful in setting up data assimilation systems that employ increasingly abundant real-time observations using distributed hydrological routing models.  相似文献   

Application of altimetry data assimilation on mesoscale eddies simulation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Mesoscale eddy plays an important role in the ocean circulation. In order to improve the simulation accuracy of the mesoscale eddies, a three-dimensional variation (3DVAR) data assimilation system called Ocean Variational Analysis System (OVALS) is coupled with a POM model to simulate the mesoscale eddies in the Northwest Pacific Ocean. In this system, the sea surface height anomaly (SSHA) data by satellite altimeters are assimilated and translated into pseudo temperature and salinity (T-S) profile data. Then, these profile data are taken as observation data to be assimilated again and produce the three-dimensional analysis T-S field. According to the characteristics of mesoscale eddy, the most appropriate assimilation parameters are set up and testified in this system. A ten years mesoscale eddies simulation and comparison experiment is made, which includes two schemes: assimilation and non-assimilation. The results of comparison between two schemes and the observation show that the simulation accuracy of the assimilation scheme is much better than that of non-assimilation, which verified that the altimetry data assimilation method can improve the simulation accuracy of the mesoscale dramatically and indicates that it is possible to use this system on the forecast of mesoscale eddies in the future.  相似文献   

A new 3DVAR-based Ocean Variational Analysis System (OVALS) is developed. OVALS is capable of assimilating in situ sea water temperature and salinity observations and satellite altimetry data. As a component of OVALS, a new variational scheme is proposed to assimilate the sea surface height data. This scheme considers both the vertical correlation of background errors and the nonlinear temperature-salinity relationship which is derived from the generalization of the linear balance constraints to the nonlinear in the 3DVAR. By this scheme, the model temperature and salinity fields are directly adjusted from the altimetry data. Additionally, OVALS can assimilate the temperature and salinity profiles from the ARGO floats which have been implemented in recent years and some temperature and salinity data such as from expendable bathythermograph, moored ocean buoys, etc. A 21-year assimilation experiment is carried out by using OVALS and the Tropical Pacific circulation model. The results show that the assimilation system may effectively improve the estimations of temperature and salinity by assimilating all kinds of observations. Moreover, the root mean square errors of temperature and salinity in the upper depth less than 420 m reach 0.63℃ and 0.34 psu.  相似文献   

River discharge is currently monitored by a diminishing network of gauges, which provide a spatially incomplete picture of global discharges. This study assimilated water level information derived from a fused satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) image and digital terrain model (DTM) with simulations from a coupled hydrological and hydrodynamic model to estimate discharge in an un‐gauged basin scenario. Assimilating water level measurements led to a 79% reduction in ensemble discharge uncertainty over the coupled hydrological hydrodynamic model alone. Measurement bias was evident, but the method still provided a means of improving estimates of discharge for high flows. The study demonstrates the potential of currently available synthetic aperture radar imagery to reduce discharge uncertainty in un‐gauged basins when combined with model simulations in a data assimilation framework, where sufficient topographic data are available. The work is timely because in the near future the launch of satellite radar missions will lead to a significant increase in the volume of data available for space‐borne discharge estimation. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) is well known and widely used in land data assimilation for its high precision and simple operation. The land surface models used as the forecast operator in a land data assimilation system are usually designed to consider the model subgrid-heterogeneity and soil water thawing and freezing. To neglect their effects could lead to some errors in soil moisture assimilation. The dual EnKF method is employed in soil moisture data assimilation to build a soil moisture data as- similation framework based on the NCAR Community Land Model version 2.0 (CLM 2.0) in considera- tion of the effects of the model subgrid-heterogeneity and soil water thawing and freezing: Liquid volumetric soil moisture content in a given fraction is assimilated through the state filter process, while solid volumetric soil moisture content in the same fraction and solid/liquid volumetric soil moisture in the other fractions are optimized by the parameter filter. Preliminary experiments show that this dual EnKF-based assimilation framework can assimilate soil moisture more effectively and precisely than the usual EnKF-based assimilation framework without considering the model subgrid-scale heteroge- neity and soil water thawing and freezing. With the improvement of soil moisture simulation, the soil temperature-simulated precision can be also improved to some extent.  相似文献   

Catchment scale hydrological models are critical decision support tools for water resources management and environment remediation. However, the reliability of hydrological models is inevitably affected by limited measurements and imperfect models. Data assimilation techniques combine complementary information from measurements and models to enhance the model reliability and reduce predictive uncertainties. As a sequential data assimilation technique, the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) has been extensively studied in the earth sciences for assimilating in-situ measurements and remote sensing data. Although the EnKF has been demonstrated in land surface data assimilations, there are no systematic studies to investigate its performance in distributed modeling with high dimensional states and parameters. In this paper, we present an assessment on the EnKF with state augmentation for combined state-parameter estimation on the basis of a physical-based hydrological model, Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). Through synthetic simulation experiments, the capability of the EnKF is demonstrated by assimilating the runoff and other measurements, and its sensitivities are analyzed with respect to the error specification, the initial realization and the ensemble size. It is found that the EnKF provides an efficient approach for obtaining a set of acceptable model parameters and satisfactory runoff, soil water content and evapotranspiration estimations. The EnKF performance could be improved after augmenting with other complementary data, such as soil water content and evapotranspiration from remote sensing retrieval. Sensitivity studies demonstrate the importance of consistent error specification and the potential with small ensemble size in the data assimilation system.  相似文献   


There is great potential in Data Assimilation (DA) for the purposes of uncertainty identification, reduction and real-time correction of hydrological models. This paper reviews the latest developments in Kalman filters (KFs), particularly the Extended KF (EKF) and the Ensemble KF (EnKF) in hydrological DA. The hydrological DA targets, methodologies and their applicability are examined. The recent applications of the EKF and EnKF in hydrological DA are summarized and assessed critically. Furthermore, this review highlights the existing challenges in the implementation of the EKF and EnKF, especially error determination and joint parameter estimation. A detailed review of these issues would benefit not only the Kalman-type DA but also provide an important reference to other hydrological DA types.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor F. Pappenberger  相似文献   

The proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) method is used to construct a set of basis functions for spanning the ensemble of data in a certain least squares optimal sense. Compared with the singular value decomposition (SVD), the POD basis functions can capture more energy in the forecast ensemble space and can represent its spatial structure and temporal evolution more effectively. After the analysis variables are expressed by a truncated expansion of the POD basis vectors in the ensemble space, the control variables appear explicitly in the cost function, so that the adjoint model, which is used to derive the gradient of the cost function with respect to the control variables, is no longer needed. The application of this new technique significantly simplifies the data assimilation process. Several assimilation experiments show that this POD-based explicit four-dimensional variational data assimilation method performs much better than the usual ensemble Kalman filter method on both enhancing the assimilation precision and reducing the computation cost. It is also better than the SVD-based explicit four-dimensional assimilation method, especially when the forecast model is not perfect and the forecast error comes from both the noise of the initial filed and the uncertainty of the forecast model. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 40705035), National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2007AA12Z144), Knowledge Innovation Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant Nos. KZCX2-YW-217 and KZCX2-YW-126-2), and National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2005CB321704)  相似文献   

An explicit four-dimensional variational data assimilation method   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A new data assimilation method called the explicit four-dimensional variational (4DVAR) method is proposed. In this method, the singular value decomposition (SVD) is used to construct the orthogonal basis vectors from a forecast ensemble in a 4D space. The basis vectors represent not only the spatial structure of the analysis variables but also the temporal evolution. After the analysis variables are ex-pressed by a truncated expansion of the basis vectors in the 4D space, the control variables in the cost function appear explicitly, so that the adjoint model, which is used to derive the gradient of cost func-tion with respect to the control variables, is no longer needed. The new technique significantly simpli-fies the data assimilation process. The advantage of the proposed method is demonstrated by several experiments using a shallow water numerical model and the results are compared with those of the conventional 4DVAR. It is shown that when the observation points are very dense, the conventional 4DVAR is better than the proposed method. However, when the observation points are sparse, the proposed method performs better. The sensitivity of the proposed method with respect to errors in the observations and the numerical model is lower than that of the conventional method.  相似文献   

This paper examines the potential for improving Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) hydrologic predictions of root-zone soil moisture, evapotranspiration, and stream flow within the 341 km2 Cobb Creek Watershed in southwestern Oklahoma through the assimilation of surface soil moisture observations using an Ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF). In a series of synthetic twin experiments assimilating surface soil moisture is shown to effectively update SWAT upper-layer soil moisture predictions and provide moderate improvement to lower layer soil moisture and evapotranspiration estimates. However, insufficient SWAT-predicted vertical coupling results in limited updating of deep soil moisture, regardless of the SWAT parameterization chosen for root-water extraction. Likewise, a real data assimilation experiment using ground-based soil moisture observations has only limited success in updating upper-layer soil moisture and is generally unsuccessful in enhancing SWAT stream flow predictions. Comparisons against ground-based observations suggest that SWAT significantly under-predicts the magnitude of vertical soil water coupling at the site, and this lack of coupling impedes the ability of the EnKF to effectively update deep soil moisture, groundwater flow and surface runoff. The failed attempt to improve stream flow prediction is also attributed to the inability of the EnKF to correct for existing biases in SWAT-predicted stream flow components.  相似文献   


Artificial neural networks (ANN) are nonlinear models widely investigated in hydrology due to their properties of universal approximation and parsimony. Their performance during the training phase is very good, and their ability to generalize can be improved by using regularization methods such as early stopping and cross-validation. In our research, two kinds of generic models are implemented: the feed-forward model and the recurrent model. At first glance, the feed-forward model would seem to be more effective than the recurrent one on non-stationary datasets, because measured information on the state of the system (measured discharge) is used as input, thereby implementing a kind of data assimilation. This study investigates the feasibility and effectiveness of data assimilation and adaptivity when implemented in both feed-forward and recurrent neural networks. Based on the IAHS Workshop held in Göteborg, Sweden (July 2013), the hydrological behaviour of two watersheds of different sizes and different kind of non-stationarity will be modelled: (a) the Fernow watershed (0.2 km2) in the USA, affected by significant modifications in land cover during the study period, and (b) the Durance watershed (2170 km2) in France, affected by an increase in temperature that is causing a decrease in the extent of glaciers. Two methods were applied to evaluate the ability of ANN to adapt on the test set: (i) adaptivity using observed data to adapt parameter values in real time; and (ii) data assimilation using observed data to modify inaccurate inputs in real time. The goal of the study is thus re-analysis and not forecasting. This study highlights how effective the feed-forward model is compared to the recurrent model for dealing with non-stationarity. It also shows that adaptivity and data assimilation improve the recurrent model considerably, whereas improvement is marginal for the feed-forward model in the same conditions. Finally, this study suggests that adaptivity is effective in the case of changing conditions of the watershed, whereas data assimilation is better in the case of climate change (inputs modification).  相似文献   

The problem of deriving tidal fields from observations by reason of incompleteness and imperfectness of every data set practically available has an infinitely large number of allowable solutions fitting the data within measurement errors and hence can be treated as ill-posed. Therefore, interpolating the data always relies on some a priori assumptions concerning the tides, which provide a rule of sampling or, in other words, a regularization of the ill-posed problem. Data assimilation procedures used in large scale tide modeling are viewed in a common mathematical framework as such regularizations. It is shown that they all (basis functions expansion, parameter estimation, nudging, objective analysis, general inversion, and extended general inversion), including those (objective analysis and general inversion) originally formulated in stochastic terms, may be considered as utilizations of one of the three general methods suggested by the theory of ill-posed problems. The problem of grid refinement critical for inverse methods and nudging is discussed.  相似文献   

The default fractional vegetation cover and terrain height were replaced by the estimated fractional vegetation cover, which was calculated by the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index(NDVI) of Earth Observing System Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer(EOS-MODIS) and the Digital Elevation Model of the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission(SRTM) system. The near-surface meteorological elements over northeastern China were assimilated into the three-dimensional variational data assimilation system(3DVar) module in the Weather Research and Forecasting(WRF) model. The structure and daily variations of air temperature, humidity, wind and energy fields over northeastern China were simulated using the WRF model. Four groups of numerical experiments were performed, and the simulation results were analyzed of latent heat flux, sensible heat flux, and their relationships with changes in the surface energy flux due to soil moisture and precipitation over different surfaces. The simulations were compared with observations of the stations Tongyu, Naiman, Jinzhou, and Miyun from June to August, 2009. The results showed that the WRF model achieves high-quality simulations of the diurnal characteristics of the surface layer temperature, wind direction, net radiation, sensible heat flux, and latent heat flux over semiarid northeastern China in the summer. The simulated near-surface temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed were improved in the data assimilation case(Case 2) compared with control case(Case 1). The simulated sensible heat fluxes and surface heat fluxes were improved by the land surface parameterization case(Case 3) and the combined case(Case 4). The simulated temporal variations in soil moisture over the northeastern arid areas agree well with observations in Case 4, but the simulated precipitation should be improved in the WRF model. This study could improve the land surface parameters by utilizing remote sensing data and could further improve atmospheric elements with a data assimilation system. This work provides an effective attempt at combining multi-source data with different spatial and temporal scales into numerical simulations. The assimilation datasets generated by this work can be applied to research on climate change and environmental monitoring of arid lands, as well as research on the formation and stability of climate over semiarid areas.  相似文献   

在分析地震烈度速报数据传输特点后,提出将卫星通信引入烈度速报系统。通过对目前中国使用较多的北斗卫星、海事卫星、铱卫星系统和VSAT卫星系统进行对比,选取铱星短消息和海事卫星数据流这两种典型通讯方式,设计由通用数字强震仪与卫星通信系统结合地震速报通讯模块组成的实验系统,实现数字强震动记录信息通过卫星信道进行的数据传输,展现卫星通信在地震烈度速报数据传输中的应用前景。  相似文献   




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