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随人工智能技术发展,智能船舶因其无人化、智能化的特点而与传统国际法律制度产生碰撞。当前,国际海事组织将制定“海上自主水面船舶规则”工作提上日程,航行安全问题作为其中的高度优先事项,受到各国广泛关注。船舶适航作为承运人的主要义务之一,是保障航行安全的先决条件。但智能船舶是否需要符合适航标准,如果适用会产生哪些法律障碍并如何解决等诸多问题亟待研究。对此,应修订《国际海上避碰规则》并明确智能船舶适船技术标准,明确岸基操作人员的法律地位并制定其资格取得、培训、值班标准,明确安全配员标准及需船员在船承担的职责的履行方式。  相似文献   

在实际的工程运用中,领航者–跟随者算法无法解决无人艇在编队形成过程中的相互碰撞问题,往往需要提前确定编队初始状态,避免编队无人艇之间的相互碰撞。针对该缺陷,将速度障碍法引入领航者–跟随者算法,并将威胁评价引入速度障碍法中,以解决无人艇在编队过程中的相互碰撞问题。建立了无人艇的运动仿真平台,并对提出的无人艇编队控制策略进行了仿真试验。试验表明:该算法提高了编队控制的稳定性,降低了编队形成过程中的碰撞风险。  相似文献   

无人船运动控制方法综述   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为实现无人船海上自主作业,无人船运动控制的快速性、准确性以及鲁棒性亟待提高。首先从全驱动控制和欠驱动控制角度,分别概括了国内外无人船航向控制、航速控制、轨迹跟踪控制以及路径跟踪控制的主流控制方法。其次,归纳总结了处理海洋环境不确定扰动的研究进展,包括扰动的建模和消除、抑制扰动的主流方法。最后,总结了无人船运动控制现状与存在的问题,并从工程应用和理论研究两个角度对未来的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

测向是无人船自动控制所需的一项重要数据,然而其通常会受到自身精度、航向突变和环境等影响,目前准确的动态测向还存在一定困难。针对所研发无人船的转向特性,在实验室内通过HMR3000电子罗盘转动实验模拟了无人船常规和极端两种转动情况,选择不同的滤波参数分析了IIR滤波特性,最后获得适用于本无人船的测向滤波参数。在无人船的湖试中,基于该电子罗盘的航向自动跟踪控制效果良好。实验结果验证了该滤波参数选择的正确性,可用于无人船的最佳滤波。  相似文献   

为了促进无人船技术得到快速发展,较系统地综述了无人船监测与测量的基本原理、主要性能和典型应用,同时对无人船的船身结构、动力系统、测量载荷等硬件设备以及数据处理、岸基控制等软件系统做了较为详细的阐述。最后对当前无人船测量技术发展中存在的难题进行了深入分析与探讨,以期我国的无人船监测与测量技术能够得到较为迅速的发展并得到广泛的应用,满足社会发展的需要。  相似文献   

针对水面无人艇路径规划中单独使用模拟退火算法存在的不足,以提高无人艇在执行任务时的安全性为研究目的,解决传统无人艇在航行中未考虑来往船只而导致的碰撞危险,提出了模拟退火算法与粒子群算法相结合的混合路径规划算法,利用该算法的高收敛性和容易跳出局部最优等特点,结合避碰规则,实现海事无人艇在同一静态环境下对遇、交叉和追越三种会遇局面的最优路径规划。仿真结果表明:本文提出的算法可以实现无人艇在复杂水域条件下快速路径规划,使与他船的自动避碰行为成为可能,给出的路径规划具有可行、有效,能够为无人艇安全的航行、顺利的执行任务提供保障。  相似文献   

受到全球高度重视的海洋环境保护问题为海商法提供了观念更新、制度创新的推动力。环境时代的海商法在法律生态化理念的引领下,更新立法指导思想,将生态保护要求和可持续发展的思想融入海商海事法律制度中,确保海商法、海事行政执法的各项制度、措施不违背海洋生态环境的原理,容纳和满足海洋环境保护的要求,推动海商法朝着与环境友好、有利于实现可持续发展的方向改革。  相似文献   

针对含有模型参数不确定性、外界干扰与抖振现象的无人船编队问题,提出了一种基于扰动观测器的非奇异模糊终端滑模编队控制方法。首先,将领航者–跟随者与人工势场法相结合,获得无人船的编队构型并保证无碰撞现象;其次,基于Lyapunov能量函数设计出模糊控制规则,消除了控制器中的抖振问题;进而,提出了一种扰动观测器来补偿未知动态和外界干扰,增强了系统的鲁棒性和稳定性。通过理论分析和仿真结果验证了所提控制方法的有效性。基于所设计的编队控制方法,无人船最终可形成期望的编队构型。  相似文献   

以电力双推进无人船航速航向控制为主要研究问题,使用永磁同步电机作为无人船螺旋桨的驱动电机,采用基于端口受控哈密顿(PCH)方法,有效的降低了系统损耗,使无人船驱动系统输出功率得到了优化。仿真结果表明,系统能较快达到稳定状态,实现了无人船的速度控制要求,提升了无人船系统的续航能力。  相似文献   

水下目标识别是水下无人探测的一项核心技术,在军事和民用领域都有重要的应用。根据当前的水下目标识别研究进展,全面阐述基于声呐图像的水下目标识别原理和方法,对总结研究现状、发现存在的问题以及挖掘潜在的研究方向具有积极意义。针对基于声呐图像的水下目标识别问题,论述了图像去噪、图像分割以及水下目标识别等方面的主要进展,阐述了基于深度学习实现声呐图像目标识别的最新技术发展现状。通过对水下目标处理过程的讨论和分析,指出基于声呐图像的水下目标识别算法中亟需解决的关键科学问题及可能的解决思路,并对该领域的未来发展方向做了进一步的展望。  相似文献   

基于AIS的船舶会遇局面紧迫度量化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来船舶大型化、高速化的发展以及数量的不断递增,导致船舶碰撞概率大大增加。为更好地保障船舶航行安全,提出船舶会遇局面紧迫度这一概念。该概念表征船舶在当前航行状态下由于一定范围内所有其他船舶的存在而处于的会遇局面的紧迫程度,其旨在帮助船舶驾驶员实时感知并掌握船舶在海上航行时所处会遇局面的状况,从而据此加以判断并及时采取措施规避碰撞风险。建立了船舶会遇局面紧迫度的计算模型,该模型以考虑到本船速度的动态圆形领域为空间约束条件,综合考虑其他船舶相对于本船的方位分布和距离这两个指标的影响,基于信息量量化紧迫度。利用2016年1月1日天津港AIS数据进行紧迫度的计算与分析,计算结果与实际相符,该计算模型能够准确反映船舶在航行过程中所处会遇局面的紧迫程度。利用双线性内插法建立天津港区域紧迫度二维彩色平面分布图,其表达效果优于传统热度图。  相似文献   

胶州湾正面临着严重的环境问题,如湿地减少,海域面积不断缩小、纳潮量持续减小;水域污染严重,水质日益恶化;生物资源衰退等,针对这些问题,对涉及胶州湾的各级法律法规进行分析研究,找出了现行法律的欠缺之处:法律体系不完善、海洋执法水平较低、司法救济不足。立法方面,国家立法和地方立法不完善,尚未形成健全有效的胶州湾保护法律体系;执法方面,既往的执法工作取得了积极有效的成果,但执法能力仍然有待提高;司法方面,受制于我国司法体系,司法救济并没有真正到位。针对这些不足提出解决胶州湾法律问题的对策建议,主要有:健全海洋法律体系、提高海洋执法能力、健全司法救济制度。期望为青岛市整治胶州湾环境问题、合理开发利用胶州湾、保护胶州湾海洋环境提供参考。  相似文献   

Hong Kong (HK) has enacted laws providing: (1) Regimes that address pollution prevention responsibilities for parties involved in shipping activities to ensure that ships used in HK waters comply with applicable rules and standards; (2) civil damages remedy for wrongful death, personal injury or property damage caused by an environmental incident; and (3) a system of penalties to address the rare cases where the behavior of the polluter is considered intolerable and must be punished as a criminal offence. Being acquainted with this legal and policy framework is of beneficial interest for the maritime industry in HK. This article first summarizes the existing general legal framework, and later presents the results of an empirical study to determine what repercussions there could be within the HK maritime industry as a result of these laws and policies being applied in cases that result in civil liability compensation and criminal charges. The empirical research demonstrates that the laws and policies are in general sufficient and effective, but that flaws still remain in the limitation of liability scheme, as well as uncertainties as to which particular kinds of environmental violations should result in either civil or criminal enforcement. To address these concerns, it is first suggested that HK should impose greater liability in areas where prior law provided insufficient liability, as this will act as a more potent deterrent; and second, that HK should clearly delineate an appropriate role for criminal enforcement in the environmental regulatory scheme, so as to lessen concerns about over-criminalization.  相似文献   

As the number of ships for marine transportation increases with the globalisation of the world economy, waterways are becoming more congested than before. This situation will raise the risk of collision of the ships; hence, an automatic collision avoidance system needs to be developed. In this paper, a novel approach based on deep reinforcement learning (DRL) is proposed for automatic collision avoidance of multiple ships particularly in restricted waters. A training method and algorithms for collision avoidance of ships, incorporating ship manoeuvrability, human experience and navigation rules, are presented in detail. The proposed approach is investigated not only by numerical simulations but also by model experiments using three self-propelled ships. Through the systematic numerical and experimental validation, it is demonstrated the developed approach based on the DRL has great possibility for realising automatic collision avoidance of ships in highly complicated navigational situations.  相似文献   

This study contributes to solving the problem of how to derive a simplistic model feasible for describing dynamics of different types of ships for maneuvering simulation employed to study maritime traffic and furthermore to provide ship models for simulation-based engineering test-beds. The problem is first addressed with the modification and simplification of a complicated and nonlinearly coupling vectorial representation in 6 degrees of freedom (DOF) to a 3 DOF model in a simple form for simultaneously capturing surge motions and steering motions based on several pieces of reasonable assumptions. The created simple dynamic model is aiming to be useful for different types of ships only with minor modifications on the experiment setup. Another issue concerning the proposed problem is the estimation of parameters in the model through a suitable technique, which is investigated by using the system identification in combination with full-scale ship trail tests, e.g., standard zigzag maneuvers. To improve the global optimization ability of support vector regression algorithm (SVR) based identification method, the artificial bee colony algorithm (ABC) presenting superior optimization performance with the advantage of few control parameters is used to optimize and assign the particular settings for structural parameters of SVR. Afterward, the simulation study on identifying a simplified dynamic model for a large container ship verifies the effectiveness of the optimized identification method at the same time inspires special considerations on further simplification of the initially simplified dynamic model. Finally, the further simplified dynamic model is validated through not only the simulation study on a container ship but also the experimental study on an unmanned surface vessel so-called I-Nav-II vessel. Either simulation study results or experimental study results demonstrate a valid model in a simple form for describing the dynamics of different types’ ships and also validate the performance of the proposed parameter estimation method.  相似文献   

In September 1997, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) adopted an international convention protocol to reduce air pollution from ships, in order to achieve sustainable maritime development. This protocol has been approved by 15 member countries and will be enforced in May 2005. Pollutants emitted from ships, such as nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds, sulfur oxides, etc. will be regulated by this convention through ship inspections and issuance of certificates. Ships belonging to maritime countries such as Taiwan, which sail around the world and berth in commercial ports, must obey this convention. This study has investigated possible strategies, which may be adopted by maritime countries to conform to this IMO convention in order to reduce the air pollution from ships. A sea-going ship must prepare EIAPP and IAPP certificates for inspection by port-state-control officials, when the ship is anchored at a maritime port. These port-state-control officials may also require the continuous detection and sampling of a ship's emissions, while it is berthed at the port. Legislative support is necessary for successful implementation of these safeguards. It is suggested, therefore, that the administration of both navigational and environmental protection, in maritime countries, cooperate in the revision of relevant federal laws, to implement the provisions of the MARPOL 73/78/97 convention; in this way, the air pollution from ships can be effectively controlled. Installation of advanced detection equipment can effectively detect any ships’ violations of air pollution regulations. The Harbor Affairs’ Bureau should also establish a database of air pollution inspections for ships berthed within their harbor, requiring that ships’ equipment comply with the requirements of the MARPOL convention, for the reduction of air pollution.  相似文献   

Michael Faure  Hui Wang   《Marine Policy》2008,32(4):592-606
The limitation of liability (known as financial caps) of the ship owner has a long tradition in maritime law in general and in the marine oil pollution compensation regime in particular. This paper uses the economic instrument to critically analyze such a mechanism, in order to answer the question if the financial caps are indeed a historical mistake.  相似文献   

国际海洋划界技术发展与探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
国际海洋划界的地理环境复杂,涉及学科多,既有法律问题也有技术方法问题。适用于海域划界的国际法原则有多种,在这些海域划界原则指手下涉及了多种因素,并形成了多种划界方法,这样必将使划界工作变得异常复杂。GIS、决策支持系统等技术的应用将在国际海洋划界的管理方面提供强有力的支持,并成为重要的决策工具。  相似文献   

为解决传统海运产业统计方法数据质量不高、时效性差、统计产品陈旧短缺、公信力不足等的问题,提出基于AIS大数据挖掘分析开展海运统计的方法.详细阐述了基于AIS大数据的海运统计分析技术路线、大数据平台技术架构,以及电子围栏分析、航行事件分析、航次分析和统计指标生成等关键模型算法.以2019年3月至5月全球大宗货品船舶的AIS数据应用为例表明,该方法可提供港口、海上通道和大宗货品三方面的海运大数据统计指标,为实现海运即时化、准确化、精细化的统计分析与展现提供了新思路.  相似文献   

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