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If the observed relativistic plasma outflows in astrophysical jets are magnetically collimated and a single-component model is adopted, consisting of a wind-type outflow from a central object, then a problem arises with the inefficiency of magnetic self-collimation to collimate a sizeable portion of the mass and magnetic fluxes in the relativistic outflow from the central object. To solve this dilemma, we have applied the mechanism of magnetic collimation to a two-component model consisting of a relativistic wind-type outflow from a central source and a non-relativistic wind from a surrounding disc. By employing a numerical code for a direct numerical solution of the steady-state problem in the zone of super-fast magnetized flow, which allows us to perform a determination of the flow with shocks, it is shown that in this two-component model it is possible to collimate into cylindrical jets all the mass and magnetic fluxes that are available from the central source. In addition, it is shown that the collimation of the plasma in this system is usually accompanied by the formation of oblique shock fronts. The non-relativistic disc-wind not only plays the role of the jet collimator, but it also induces the formation of shocks as it collides with the initially radial inner relativistic wind and also as the outflow is reflected by the system axis. Another interesting feature of this process of magnetic collimation is a sequence of damped oscillations in the width of the jet.  相似文献   

The evolution of the central stars of planetary nebulae, interpreted as hot white dwarfs with liquefying cores, towards the cold white dwarf stage is discussed and theoretical (non-computational) evolutionary tracks are built for such central stars as they cool towards the crystallizing region. The conclusions seem to hint a picture in which crystalline white dwarfs can be looked at as final stages of the central stars of planetary nebulae.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the space and velocity distributions of old neutron stars (aged 109 to 1010?yr) in our Galaxy. Galactic old Neutron Stars (NSs) population fills a torus-like area extending to a few tens kiloparsecs above the galactic plane. The initial velocity distribution of NSs is not well known, in this work we adopt a three component initial distribution, as given by the contribution of kick velocities, circular velocities and Maxwellian velocities. For the spatial initial distribution we use a Γ function. We then use Monte Carlo simulations to follow the evolution of the NSs under the influence of the Paczyński Galactic gravitational potential. Our calculations show that NS orbits have a very large Galactic radial expansion and that their radial distribution peak is quite close to their progenitors’ one. We also study the NS vertical distribution and find that it can well be described by a double exponential low. Finally, we investigate the correlation of the vertical and radial distribution and study the radial dependence of scale-heights.  相似文献   

This paper is aimed at exploring the effects of diffusion on the structure and evolution of low-mass helium white dwarfs. To this end, we solve the multicomponent flow equations describing gravitational settling and chemical and thermal diffusion. The diffusion calculations are coupled to an evolutionary code in order to follow the cooling of low-mass, helium core white dwarf models having envelopes made up of a mixture of hydrogen and helium, as recently suggested by detailed evolutionary calculations for white dwarf progenitors in binary systems. We find that diffusion causes hydrogen to float and the other elements to sink over time-scales shorter than evolutionary time-scales. This produces a noticeable change in the structure of the outer layers, making the star inflate. Thus, in order to compute accurately the mass–radius relation for low-mass helium white dwarfs we need to account for the diffusion processes during (at least) the white dwarf stages of the evolution of these objects. This should be particularly important when studying the general characteristics of binary systems containing a helium white dwarf and a pulsar.
In addition, we present an analytic, approximate model for the outer layers of the white dwarf aimed at interpreting the physical reasons for the change in the surface gravity for low-mass white dwarfs induced by diffusion.  相似文献   

We compare high-resolution infrared observations of the CO 2–0 bands in the 2.297–2.310 μm region of M dwarfs and one L dwarf with theoretical expectations. We find a good match between the observational and synthetic spectra throughout the 2000–3500 K temperature regime investigated. None the less, for the 2500–3500 K temperature range, the temperatures that we derive from synthetic spectral fits are higher than expected from more empirical methods by several hundred kelvin. In order to reconcile our findings with the empirical temperature scale, it is necessary to invoke warming of the model atmosphere used to construct the synthetic spectra. We consider that the most likely reason for the back-warming is missing high-temperature opacity due to water vapour. We compare the water vapour opacity of the Partridge–Schwenke line list used for the model atmosphere with the output from a preliminary calculation by Barber & Tennyson. While the Partridge–Schwenke line list is a reasonable spectroscopic match for the new line list at 2000 K, by 4000 K it is missing around 25 per cent of the water vapour opacity. We thus consider that the offset between empirical and synthetic temperature scales is explained by the lack of hot water vapour used for computation of the synthetic spectra. For our coolest objects with temperatures below 2500 K, we find best fits when using synthetic spectra which include dust emission. Our spectra also allow us to constrain the rotational velocities of our sources, and these velocities are consistent with the broad trend of rotational velocities increasing from M to L.  相似文献   

The Green Bank Equation for the number of communicative civilizations, N, in our Galaxy is reconsidered in view of recent information on the multiplicity of solar-type stars and the possibilities of forming habitable planets around them. Our results are contingent upon the statistical validity of Abt and Levy's work of stellar multiplicity and upon features of Heppen-heimer's theory of planet formation in binary systems. It is concluded that N may have been overestimated by a factor of at least 50.  相似文献   

We present stellar radial velocity data for the Draco dwarf spheroidal (dSph) galaxy obtained using the AF2/WYFFOS instrument combination on the William Herschel Telescope. Our data set consists of 186 member stars, 159 of which have good quality velocities, extending to a magnitude   V ≈19.5  with a mean velocity precision of ≈2 km s−1. As this survey is based on a high-precision photometric target list, it contains many more Draco members at large radii. For the first time, this allows a robust determination of the radial behaviour of the velocity dispersion in a dSph.
We find statistically strong evidence of a rising velocity dispersion consistent with a dark matter halo that has a gently rising rotation curve. There is a <2 σ signature of rotation about the long axis, inconsistent with tidal disruption as the source of the rising dispersion. By comparing our data set with earlier velocities, we find that Draco probably has a binary distribution and fraction comparable to those in the solar neighbourhood.
We apply a novel maximum likelihood algorithm and fit the velocity data to a two parameter spherical model with an adjustable dark matter content and velocity anisotropy. Draco is best fit by a weakly tangentially anisotropic distribution of stellar orbits in a dark matter halo with a very slowly rising rotation law  ( v circ∝ r 0.17)  . We are able to rule out both a mass-follows-light distribution and an extended halo with a harmonic core at the 2.5 to 3 σ significance level, depending on the details of our assumptions about Draco's stellar binary population. Our modelling lends support to the idea that the dark matter in dwarf spheroidals is distributed in the form of massive, nearly isothermal haloes.  相似文献   

Intermediate resolution (/ 25 000) CCD spectra of the oxygen triplet at 7770 Å have been analyzed to determine oxygen abundances in a sample of metal-deficient stars with metallicities covering the range –2.5[Fe/H]–0.2. Important oxygen overabundances ([O/Fe]1) are found in the more metal deficient stars of the sample. We briefly discuss the information that these observations provide about the early nucleosynthesis history and chemical evolution of the Galaxy.  相似文献   

A photoelectric light curve of BL And is presented along with the first CCD light curve of GW Tau. Both objects are short-period eclipsing binaries and were observed in 2003 or 2004. Photometric elements were computed using the latest version of the Wilson–Van Hamme code. The results reveal that BL And is a semidetached system with the primary component filling its Roche lobe and the secondary one almost filling but still detached, while GW Tau is a marginal-contact binary system with a small degree of contact ( f = 10.9 per cent) and a large temperature difference of about 3100 K. All available eclipse times, including new ones, were analysed for each system. It was found that the orbital period of BL And is decreasing at the rate of  d P /d t =−2.36 × 10−8 (±0.09) d yr−1  while that of GW Tau may be decreasing or oscillating. We think period decrease is more probable. The derived configuration and secular period decrease for BL And combined with the asymmetry of the light curve indicate that this system may evolve from the present semidetached phase into a contact stage, with mass transfer from the primary component to the secondary one through the L 1 point, or that it might just undergo the broken stage predicted by the theory of thermal relaxation oscillations. In contrast, GW Tau is a marginal-contact binary in poor thermal contact and may be at the beginning of the contact phase.  相似文献   

First generation stars are the oldest stars that were formed in post-big bang, primitive gas, containing no elements heavier than carbon, with ages greater than 14 Gyr and having undergone no evolution so far. Observations over a long time have confirmed that, up to now, no stars with zero metallicity ([Fe/H]) or with [Fe/H]≤ −6 have been found in the Galaxy. To explain this absence, we shall make a theoretical calculation of the probability of detecting first generation stars using Tsuiimoto et al.'s model of chemical evolution of the galactic halo and assuming an initial mass function of the Miller-Scalo form. We use all the observational data on the halo stars to constrain the parameters. Our result is that, if the mass of the cloud that formed the stars is 106–107 M, then the probability of detecting first generation stars is 6.14×10−4–6.14×10−5.  相似文献   

We present spectroscopic observations from the Spitzer Space Telescope of six carbon-rich asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars in the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy (Sgr dSph) and two foreground Galactic carbon stars. The band strengths of the observed C2H2 and SiC features are very similar to those observed in Galactic AGB stars. The metallicities are estimated from an empirical relation between the acetylene optical depth and the strength of the SiC feature. The metallicities are higher than those of the Large Magellanic Cloud, and close to Galactic values. While the high metallicity could imply an age of around 1 Gyr, for the dusty AGB stars, the pulsation periods suggest ages in excess of 2 or 3 Gyr. We fit the spectra of the observed stars using the dusty radiative transfer model and determine their dust mass-loss rates to be in the range  1.0–3.3 × 10−8 M yr−1  . The two Galactic foreground carbon-rich AGB stars are located at the far side of the solar circle, beyond the Galactic Centre. One of these two stars shows the strongest SiC feature in our present Local Group sample.  相似文献   

JHK s near-infrared photometry of stars in the Phoenix dwarf galaxy is presented and discussed. Combining these data with the optical photometry of Massey et al. allows a rather clean separation of field stars from Phoenix members. The discovery of a Mira variable ( P = 425 d), which is almost certainly a carbon star, leads to an estimate of the distance modulus of 23.10 ± 0.18 that is consistent with other estimates and indicates the existence of a significant population of age ∼2 Gyr. The two carbon stars of Da Costa have   M bol=−3.8  and are consistent with belonging to a population of similar age; some other possible members of such a population are identified. A Da Costa non-carbon star is  Δ K s∼ 0.3  mag brighter than these two carbon stars. It may be an asymptotic giant branch star of the dominant old population. The nature of other stars lying close to it in the   K s, ( J − K s)  diagram needs studying.  相似文献   

Collapsing white dwarf stars (or degenerate cores) may occur in binary systems, in the formation of Type I supernovae or in the formation of pulsars. These collapsing configurations may explode their nuclear fuel (12C or16O) by the detonation wave mechanism. A combination of analytical and numerical models is used to investigate the formation of detonation waves. The tentative conclusion is that a detonation wave will form which will lead to the ignition of esentially all the fuel in such a collapsing star. This potentially explosive configuration will be strongly affected, however, by rapid beta processes which occur in the detonated matter and which should cause a fraction of the stellar mass to collapse toward a neutron star state. The nature and effect of such beta processes, which have not yet been incorporated in the dynamical calculations, are discussed.An appendix gives approximate expressions for the pressureP(,T) and the internal energy densityU(,T) for a degenerate relativistic electron gas and an analysis of the errors expected in making such approximations to the standard parametric form of the equation of state. These expressions are useful in analyzing shock waves in a degenerate electron gas.Supported in part by the National Science Foundation [GP-15911, GP-9114, GP-19887] and the Office of Naval Research [Nonr-220 (47)] at the California Institute of Technology, and National Science Foundation Grant GP-12455 at the University of Colorado.  相似文献   

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