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Abstract— Triggered by re‐evaluation of a 1960s report on the regional geology of the northeastern border region of Jordan and following Landsat satellite image investigation, a 5.5 km diameter, complex, circular structure was discovered in the central eastern region of the Kingdom of Jordan. Initial ground truthing revealed complex geological structures involving Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene strata, and including a prominent outer rim rising up to 60 m above the surrounding plain, an intermediate ring of up to 20 m elevation within a ring syncline, and a central zone of stratigraphically uplifted sedimentary strata characterized by intense macroscopic (folding and faulting, widespread cataclasis) and locally mesoscopic (cataclasis) deformation. Ten sites with shatter cone development in fine‐grained sandstone or limestone have been mapped to date, mostly in the outer parts of the central uplifted area. This finding confirms that the Jebel Waqf as Suwwan structure was formed as the result of the impact of an extraterrestrial projectile. Search for impact‐diagnostic micro‐deformation has been rather unsuccessful: only 1 quartz grain with both planar deformation features and planar fractures has been detected in a sandstone sample to date. The overall majority of the approximately 70 samples investigated by micropetrographic analysis consist of extremely fine‐grained chert, siltstone, or marly limestone. Cataclasis is widespread in chert and limestone, also on the micro‐scale. Considering the severely limited amount of characteristic impact microdeformation, and the stratigraphic situation within the central uplift, it is likely that a relatively deep level of the central uplift is currently exposed. The extensive drainage demonstrated for this region supports the conclusion that this impact structure could be quite deeply eroded‐especially as its geology involves some relatively soft lithologies (marls, limestones). The age of this impact event is at present poorly constrained at post‐Middle to Lower Eocene.  相似文献   

Comets with large gas production offer a unique chance to observe a H2-flux of about 105 photon cm–2 s–1 sr–1 (1 Rayleigh) at wavelengths 8497.4 Å, 8560.2 Å and 8747.9 Å-i.e., where photon counting methods are still applicable. In the following it will be shown that population of the vibrational levels, giving rise to these quadrupole overtone transitions, is dominated by photodissociation of methane, and that the emission even of quadrupole lines is not attenuated by collisional quenching. Wavelength scanning by ±1 Å is shown to be enough to discriminate between cometary and atmospheric emissions by phase-sensitive subtraction techniques. Solid angle of <10–7 sr has to be used, whence follows that a large ground-based telescope combined with a tilting Fabry-Perotfilter is best suited for detection of the near-infrared H2-emissions at reasonable counting rates and sufficient rejection of the atmospheric background.Since H2 is supposed to be formed mainly by the photolysis of CH4, the optimum time for detection will be during approach to perihelion when, because of its high vapor pressure, methane will vaporize from the cometary nucleus. Variation of the source strength of both CH4 and its photolysis product H2 with time are particularly valuable indicators for the structure of the nucleus, its thermal history and conditions of formation. A high-resolution tilting filter photometer, which allows phase-sensitive background subtraction was used for the first time for near-infrared observations on the dust coma of Comet Kohoutek (Barbieriet al., 1974). The same technique was successfully used for the determination of an upper limit for CH4 production at 3.3 by airborne observations on the same comet (Cosmoviciet al., 1974).  相似文献   

Jeptha Knob is a deformed structure, 4.5 km in diameter, composed entirely of carbonate rocks in the stable craton of North America. At Jeptha Knob, conventional evidence of meteorite impact, shock metamorphism, has not been found. I used calcite twin analysis to test the hypothesis that Jeptha Knob is a meteorite impact crater. Calcite twinning gives differential stresses of >170 MPa in rocks that were 600 to ≈800 m below the surface when the rocks were deformed. Under these conditions, high differential stresses cannot be explained by tectonic processes. In addition, twin intensities are >150 twins/mm which are >50% higher than the highest twin intensities observed in limestone from a wide variety of tectonic settings. Twin intensities and differential stresses are the same magnitudes as those found at Serpent Mound, a proven impact structure. Consistent with meteorite impact, differential stresses increase toward the center of the structure. If one accepts that Jeptha Knob is a marine impact crater, then (1) the presence of high temperature (>250°C) thick twins in calcite from a resurge deposit; (2) the extensive dolomitization of the central uplift with water/rock ratios >1.0; and (3) two episodes of calcite twin recorded incremental strains, are explained.  相似文献   

We consider the effect of a supernova (SN) explosion in a very massive binary that is expected to form in a portion of Population III stars with the mass higher than  100 M  . In a Population III binary system, a more massive star can result in the formation of a black hole (BH) and a surrounding accretion disc. Such BH accretion could be a significant source of the cosmic reionization in the early Universe. However, a less massive companion star evolves belatedly and eventually undergoes a SN explosion, so that the accretion disc around a BH might be blown off in a lifetime of companion star. In this paper, we explore the dynamical impact of a SN explosion on an accretion disc around a massive BH, and elucidate whether the BH accretion disc is totally demolished or not. For the purpose, we perform three-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations of a very massive binary system, where we assume a BH of  103 M  that results from a direct collapse of a very massive star and a companion star of  100 M  that undergoes a SN explosion. We calculate the remaining mass of a BH accretion disc as a function of time. As a result, it is found that a significant portion of gas disc can survive through three-dimensional geometrical effects even after the SN explosion of a companion star. Even if the SN explosion energy is higher by two orders of magnitude than the binding energy of gas disc, about a half of disc can be left over. The results imply that the Population III BH accretion disc can be a long-lived luminous source, and therefore could be an important ionizing source in the early Universe.  相似文献   

A simple way to couple an interface dynamo model to a fast tachocline model is presented, under the assumption that the dynamo saturation is due to a quadratic process and that the effect of finite shear layer thickness on the dynamo wave frequency is analogous to the effect of finite water depth on surface gravity waves. The model contains one free parameter which is fixed by the requirement that a solution should reproduce the helioseismically determined thickness of the tachocline. In this case it is found that, in addition to this solution, another steady solution exists, characterized by a four times thicker tachocline and 4–5 times weaker magnetic fields. It is tempting to relate the existence of this second solution to the occurrence of grand minima in solar activity. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We have developed a statistical framework that uses collisional evolution models, shock physics modeling, and scaling laws to determine the range of plausible collisional histories for individual meteorite parent bodies. It is likely that those parent bodies that were not catastrophically disrupted sustained hundreds of impacts on their surfaces—compacting, heating, and mixing the outer layers; it is highly unlikely that many parent bodies escaped without any impacts processing the outer few kilometers. The first 10–20 Myr were the most important time for impacts, both in terms of the number of impacts and the increase of specific internal energy due to impacts. The model has been applied to evaluate the proposed impact histories of several meteorite parent bodies: up to 10 parent bodies that were not disrupted in the first 100 Myr experienced a vaporizing collision of the type necessary to produce the metal inclusions and chondrules on the CB chondrite parent; around 1–5% of bodies that were catastrophically disrupted after 12 Myr sustained impacts at times that match the heating events recorded on the IAB/winonaite parent body; more than 75% of 100 km radius parent bodies, which survived past 100 Myr without being disrupted, sustained an impact that excavates to the depth required for mixing in the outer layers of the H‐chondrite parent body; and to protect the magnetic field on the CV chondrite parent body, the crust would have had to have been thick (approximately 20 km) to prevent it being punctured by impacts.  相似文献   

The approximate composition of the Tunguska meteorite remnants obtained by averaging the results of several measurements is presented. It is pointed out that the matter of the cosmic-body remnants was enriched with alkaline and alkaline-earth elements. The composition of the meteorite matter was extremely heterogeneous. The upper limit of the density of the Tunguska cosmic body has been estimated at 2.8 g/cm3. It is suggested that, due to interaction with the Earth’s atmosphere, the cosmic body disintegrated into fragments from 10?7 to 10?3 m in size, with the majority of the matter being ejected to the upper atmospheric layers. Calculations of the rate and the time of the sedimentation of particles in the atmosphere have shown that the change in atmosphere transparency is controlled by particles larger than 10?5 m in radius.  相似文献   

An analysis is made of the periodicity hypothesis of the ages of large craters, based on the compilation by Grieve with the addition of recently identified craters. A method earlier proposed by Broadbent is used to derive a period, and the significance of the derived period is tested by a Monte Carlo experiment. In accordance with the result of Stothers, the ages of large craters  ( D >30 km)  are shown to exhibit a period close to 37.5 Myr. Monte Carlo experiments show, however, that the derived period is far from being statistically significant. A subset of crater data earlier adopted by Napier for the purpose of similar investigation is also tested, and it is shown that they also exhibit a similar period at an almost identical level of confidence. A brief discussion is made of the relation between the derived period and that associated with faunal mass extinctions.  相似文献   

A relic impact structure was recognized within the strewn field of the Agoudal iron meteorite. The heavily eroded structure has preserved shatter cones in a limestone basement, and remnants of autochthonous and allochthonous breccias. Fragments of iron incorporated into the allochthonous breccia have a chemical composition (Ni = 5.16 wt%, Ir = 0.019 ppm) similar to that of the Agoudal meteorite, supporting a syngenetic origin of the strewn field and the impact structure. The total recovered mass of Agoudal meteorite fragments is estimated at approximately 500 kg. The estimated size of the SE–NW‐oriented strewn field is 6 × 2 km. Model calculations with minimal preatmospheric size show that a similar meteorite strewn field plus one small crater with observed shock effects could be formed by fragmentation of a meteoroid approximately 1.4 m in diameter with an impact angle of approximately 60° from the horizontal. However, the most probable is an impact of a larger, 3–4 m diameter meteoroid, resulting a strewn field with approximately 10 craters, 10–30 m in diameter each, plus numerous meteorite fragments. The calculated scattering area of meteorite shrapnel ejected from these impact craters could completely cover the observed strewn field of the Agoudal meteorite.  相似文献   

It is currently believed that it is impossible to construct a radiative sunspot model in magnetohydrostatic equilibrium unless magnetic fields below the surface are excessively large (> 100 kG). This belief is based on results obtained using the mixing length theory of convection. We wish to point out that by using a different theory of convection, due to Öpik (1950), it is possible to compute a radiative sunspot model in which the field becomes no greater than 9000 G. By applying two boundary conditions, (i) depth of spot equals depth of convection zone, (ii) magnetic field has zero gradient at the base of the spot, we show that a radiative spot has a unique effective temperature for a given Wilson depression, . For = 650 km, we find T e = 3800K ; for = 150 km, T e = 3950K. According to our model, spots having T e cooler than these values should not exist.  相似文献   

Oued Awlitis 001 is a highly feldspathic, moderately equilibrated, clast‐rich, poikilitic impact melt rock lunar meteorite that was recovered in 2014. Its poikilitic texture formed due to moderately slow cooling, which judging from textures of rocks in melt sheets of terrestrial impact structures, is observed in impact melt volumes at least 100 m thick. Such coherent impact melt volumes occur in lunar craters larger than ~50 km in diameter. The composition of Oued Awlitis 001 points toward a crustal origin distant from incompatible‐element‐rich regions. Comparison of the bulk composition of Oued Awlitis 001 with Lunar Prospector 5° γ‐ray spectrometer data indicates a limited region of matches on the lunar farside. After its initial formation in an impact crater larger than ~50 km in diameter, Oued Awlitis 001 was excavated from a depth greater than ~50 m. The cosmogenic nuclide inventory of Oued Awlitis 001 records ejection from the Moon 0.3 Ma ago from a depth of at least 4 m and little mass loss due to ablation during its passage through Earth's atmosphere. The terrestrial residence time must have been very short, probably less than a few hundred years; its exact determination was precluded by a high concentration of solar cosmic ray‐produced 14C. If the impact that excavated Oued Awlitis 001 also launched it, this event likely produced an impact crater >10 km in diameter. Using petrologic constraints and Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera and Diviner data, we test Giordano Bruno and Pierazzo as possible launch craters for Oued Awlitis 001.  相似文献   

The Summanen structure is located in Central Finland and is one of Finland's 12 known meteorite impact structures. In 2017, the discovery of Summanen was based on numerous shatter cone boulders with planar deformation features (PDFs) and a circular electromagnetic anomaly, which is 2.6 km in diameter. The site was revisited in 2020 and 2022, and shatter cone-bearing outcrops were discovered. PDFs and feather features were identified in samples from these outcrops. A total of 38 PDF sets in 27 quartz grains resulted in rational crystallographic orientations concentrating on {10 1 ¯ 4}, {10 1 ¯ 3}, {10 1 ¯ 2}, and {11 2 ¯ 2}, implying shock pressures of 2–20 GPa. Gravity measurements were taken, and the electrical conductivity of the structure was studied. The gravimetric results revealed a circular negative anomaly of about 4 km in diameter, with an amplitude of −3.5 mGal. Excluding the gravitational effect of water and Quaternary sediments reduces the anomaly to −1.6 mGal. A bowl-shaped conductive layer, likely containing relict saline water in the impact-fractured bedrock, was identified to a depth of 240 m. Topographic and bathymetric data were combined to determine the impact's effect and interpret the level of erosion. Cobbles of sedimentary sand- and siltstones were found on the coastline of Lake Summanen. Based on their similarity to those found in the Söderfjärden impact crater with a Cambrian age, it is likely that these rocks and post-impact infill are also of a similar age.  相似文献   

A grain of light‐blue sulfate material was reported in the lunar highlands regolith meteorite PCA 02007 (Satterwhite and Righter 2013). Allocated grains of that material are, in fact, aluminosilicate glass with a chemical composition like that of the bulk meteorite and other lunar highlands regoliths. The calcium sulfate detected in PCA 02007 was likely a surface coating, and reasonably of Antarctic (not lunar) origin.  相似文献   

A closed system of two-dimensional equations describing the dynamics of rotating, gravitating gas disks is derived. It is an integrodifferential system for barotropic disks and a differential system for polytropic disks. For both barotropic and polytropic disks, these equations differ both from the dynamical equations used in the literature for astrophysical disks and from the traditional equations of two-dimensional hydrodynamics. The sufficient conditions under which the dynamics of a disk can be described in a two-dimensional formulation are obtained. The first condition reflects the thin-disk approximation. The second condition imposes a limit on the characteristic times of processes studied in a two-dimensional formulation. In most cases this condition limits the characteristic frequency of a process to the disk's rotational frequency.Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 39, No. 3, pp. 441–466, July–September, 1996.  相似文献   

In the present paper, the problem of whether the interplanetary matter has a tendency to accumulate around the Lagrangian libration pointsL 4 andL 5, is examined statistically. It is concluded that: (1) If the particles are initially assumed to be distributed uniformly, they keep the uniformity ever after around the libration points. (2) If the particles receive random stochastic perturbations, their distribution tends to become uniform even if initially they have non-uniform distributions. (3) If the particles mutually collide inelastically, they have a tendency to avoid the regions near the libration points. Therefore, the interplanetary matter will not tend to accumulate near the libration points. Even if the observations of the libration cloud so far reported are confirmed, the clouds are likely to be but temporary objects.  相似文献   

We show within the framework of the restricted three body problem that
  1. Only in the immediate neighbourhood of the Lagrangian pointsL 4 andL 5 the distribution of a cloud of particles tends to become uniform under the influence of random stochastic perturbations. No consequences can be derived from this fact for a tendency of dispersion of clouds librating at arbitrary distances around the Lagrangian points.
  2. From an elementary inspection of the Jacobi integral we cannot conclude that mutual completely inelastic collisions tend to drive the particles away from the vicinity of the libration points.
Finally the motion of a particle within the libration cloud, approximated as a resisting medium, is briefly examined.  相似文献   

Abstract— Numerous circular depressions north of Burghausen in eastern Bavaria, with diameters ranging from meters to tens of meters in size and dispersed over an area of at least 11 times 7 km, are suspected to have an extraterrestrial origin since they resemble other small meteorite impact craters. The depressions are bowl‐shaped, have high circularity and a characteristic rim. Most of them were formed in unconsolidated glacial gravels and pebbles intermixed with fine‐grained sand and clay. Magnetic investigations reveal weak anomalies with amplitudes of less than ±10 nano Tesla (nT). In some cases, the origins of the anomalies are suspected to be due to human activity within the structures. So far, no traces of meteoritic material have been detected. An evident archaeological or local geological explanation for the origin of the craters does not exist. A World War I and II explosive origin can be excluded since trees with ages exceeding 100 years can be found in some craters. One crater was described in 1909. Carbon‐14 dating of charcoal found in one crater yielded an age of 1790 ± 60 years. Hence, a formation by meteorite impacts that occurred in Celtic or early medieval times should be considered. A systematic archaeological excavation of some structures and an intensified search for traces of meteoritic material are planned.  相似文献   

The possibility is investigated that a significant fraction of the X-ray background in the energy range 0.2–0.28 keV originates in the geocorona through bremsstrahlung. It is concluded that the geocoronal flux must be substantial at some times and the possibility exists that an observable geocoronal background exists at all times. The existing data on the soft X-ray background is found to be compatible with the hypothesis of a geocoronal component.  相似文献   

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