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V. R. Tagirov V. S. Ismagilov E. E. Titova V. A. Arinin A. M. Perlikov J. Manninen T. Turunen K. Kaila 《Annales Geophysicae》1998,17(1):66-78
Results of simultaneous TV observations of pulsating auroral patches and ELF-VLF-emissions in the morning sector carried out in Sodankylä (Finland) on February 15, 1991 are presented. Auroral pulsating activity was typical having pulsating patches with characteristic periods of about 7 s. Narrow-band hiss emissions and chorus elements at intervals of 0.3–0.4 s formed the main ELF-VLF activity in the frequency range 1.0–2.5 kHz at the same time. The analysis of auroral images with time resolution of 0.04 s allowed perfectly separate analysis of spatial and temporal variations in the auroral luminosity. Mutual correspondence between the behaviour of the luminous auroral patches and the appearance of ELF noise type hiss emissions and VLF chorus trains was found in two intervals chosen for analysis. While the hiss emissions were associated with the appearance of luminosity inside a limited area close to the zenith, the structured VLF emissions were accompanied by rapid motion of luminosity inside the area. The spatial dimension of the pulsating area was about 45–50 km and luminosity propagated inside it with velocity of about 10–12 kms. We discuss a new approach to explain the 5–15 s auroral pulsation based on the theory of flowing cyclotron maser and relaxation characteristics of ionosphere. 相似文献
The VLF-wave frequency modulation efficiency as a function of magnetosphere plasma parameters under the weak pitch-angle diffusion regime is studied. The study is based on the VLF growth-rate modulation both in the magnetosphere equatorial plane and after integrating along the magnetic field line. It is shown that for the typical quiet magnetosphere plasma parameters the relative shift of the maximum intensity frequency m/m is approximately equal to relative disturbance of the magnetic field in the magnetosphere equatorial plane, but may exceed it when both electron temperature anisotropy and the parameter are small; here is the total-to-warm electron content ratio and is the electron parallel beta. It is also shown that relative shift of the maximum intensity frequency m/m after integrating along the field line is not less than 50% from its value at the equatorial plane, which allows the use of the equatorial-plasma-parameter data to estimate the VLF frequency modulation on the ground. The upper cut-off frequency modulation is considered as well. The calculated theoretical sonagrams show that this frequency modulation may be related to the non-dispersive and to the inverted-V structures of QP hiss. 相似文献
《Journal of Atmospheric and Solar》2007,69(13):1513-1523
In this study, the variations of average amplitude of the very-low-frequency (VLF) signal thunderstorm origin propagating over areas of strong (magnitude >5) earthquakes are considered. Despite the non-stationary state of thunderstorms, a decrease in the amplitude of its VLF signals was usually detected 3–6 days before an earthquake, with subsequent recovery on the day of the event. The effect is similar to the attenuation of the signal amplitude of low-frequency radio stations that is observed for several days before the occurrence of an earthquake. These influences of earthquakes on thunderstorm VLF signals are recorded along different paths (different azimuths and different distances to the earthquake epicenter). The probability that an earthquake of strong magnitude will induce changes in the thunderstorm VLF signal is 60–70%. 相似文献
VLF ground data from Porojarvi in N. Finland has been presented. Spectrograms reveal frequent occurrence of power line harmonic radiation (PLHR), originating from the Finnish power system and from heavy industrial plant. The radiation is seen to penetrate the magnetosphere since numerous occurrences of PLHR triggered emissions are seen. Risers predominate but fallers and hooks are also observed. A well-established 1D Vlasov simulation code has been used to simulate these emissions, using plausible magnetospheric data for a range of L values from L = 4 to L = 5.5. The code is able to reproduce risers fallers and hooks in close agreement with observations. The results shed considerable insight into the generation structure of both risers and fallers. 相似文献
A detailed analysis of the VLF/ELF wave data obtained during a whistler campaign under All India Coordinated Program of Ionosphere Thermosphere Studies (AICPITS) at our low latitude Indian ground station Jammu (geomag. lat. = 22° 26′ N, L = 1.17) has yielded two types of unusual and unique whistler-triggered VLF/ELF emissions. These include (1) whistler-triggered hook emissions and (2) whistler-triggered long enduring discrete chorus riser emissions in VLF/ELF frequency range during night time. Such types of whistler-triggered emissions have not been reported earlier from any of the ground observations at low latitudes. In the present study, the observed characteristics of these emissions are described and interpreted. Dispersion analysis of these emissions show that the whistlers as well as emissions have propagated along a higher geomagnetic field line path with L-values lying ∼L = 4, suggesting that these triggered emissions are to be regarded as mid-latitude emissions. These waves could have propagated along the geomagnetic field lines either in a ducted mode or in a pro-longitudinal (PL) mode. The measured intensity of the triggered emissions is almost equal to that of the source waves and does not vary throughout the period of observation on that day. It is speculated that these emissions may have been generated through a process of resonant interaction of the whistler waves with energetic electrons. Parameters related to this interaction are computed for different values of L and wave amplitude. The proposed mechanism explains some aspects of the dynamic spectra. 相似文献
Summary Quarter-gyrofrequency plasmaspheric emissions with spectral properties differing from those of discrete plasmaspheric emissions, usual in active intervals, have been observed by low-altitude Intercosmos 24 and Magion 2 satellites during periods in which geomagnetic activity decreases. Their occurrence in satellite records shows very good correlation with simultaneously observed subauroral electron temperature enhancements and increase of electron temperature anisotropyT
being larger than T
. An analysis of the observed wave characteristics is given. Propagation of the emissions within the plasmasphere is discussed. It is shown that the region where they are observed at low altitudes can be closely connected along geomagnetic field lines with the equatorial region of their origin. 相似文献
In this paper we have tried to present, coherently, a review of the observations of natural VLF radio emissions, termed chorus, that have been made on the ground and aboard satellites, and also their dependence on various geomagnetic phenomena. We have highlighted current theoretical interpretations of the generation and propagation of chorus signals. 相似文献
Space and ground-based experiments have shown evidence of natural short-period VLF emissions in which separate spectral elements are repeated with a periodicity of 2–7 s. Their basic morphological properties are found on the basis of original experimental data. In our opinion, excitation of such emissions is the result of quasi-linear relaxation effects that compensate for natural spectral dispersion. The quasi-linear relaxation of the energetic electron distribution function incrementally changes wave cyclotron instability and hence the VLF emission spectral forms. Some properties of the quasi-linear interaction of whistler waves with magnetospheric radiation belt electrons are studied. It is shown that quasi-linear relaxation can increase the cyclotron instability at the leading edge of an electromagnetic pulse. This effective saturation of absorption facilitates the division of VLF hiss-like emission into separate electromagnetic pulses without spectral modification from one pulse to the next. Some features and manifestations of this effective saturation of absorption are discussed. The results are important for a better understanding of temporal and spatial structures of VLF whistler-mode emissions and energetic electron fluxes. 相似文献
B. Singh 《Annales Geophysicae》1997,15(8):1005-1008
A detailed analysis of the VLF emissions data obtained during occasional whistler campaigns at the low-latitude ground station Agra (geomagnetic latitude 17°1 N, L = 1.15) has yielded some unusual discrete VLF emissions of the rising type. These include (1) emissions occurring at time intervals increasing in geommetrical progression, (2) emissions occuring simultaneously in different frequency ranges and (3) emissions observed during daytime. In the present study, the observed characteristics of these emissions are described and interpreted. It is shown that the increasing time delay between different components of the emissions match closely with the propagation time delays between different hops of a whistler of dispersion 19 s1/2, the unusual occurrence of the emissions in two different frequency ranges approximately at the same time may possibly be linked with their generation at two different locations, and the occurrence of emissions during daytime may be due to propagation under the influence of equatorial anomaly. 相似文献
J. Manninen Yu. V. Fedorenko N. G. Kleimenova O. V. Kozyreva A. S. Nikitenko 《Geomagnetism and Aeronomy》2014,54(1):32-38
For the first time, simultaneous observations of very low frequency (VLF) emissions at auroral latitudes (L = 5.3) are carried out at two points located at close geomagnetic latitudes and spaced in longitude by 400 km: the Finnish Kannuslehto station (Φ = 64.2°) and the Russian Lovozero observatory (Φ = 64.1°). A recording equipment with similar frequency responses was used. The first results of a comparison of simultaneous observations showed that, in the overwhelming majority of cases, bursts of VLF emission appeared at both points synchronously with an identical (more often right-handed) polarization of the magnetic field of VLF waves, which can be evidence in favor of large dimensions of the ionosphere exit region of VLF waves. A simultaneous burst of quasi-periodic VLF emissions that occurred on February 02, 2013, during a substorm at 23–24 UT is discussed in detail. Additionally, VLF bursts were recorded which were observed only at one point, e.g., the appearance of left-hand polarized periodic emissions (PEs) in band 2.5–4.0 kHz with a repetition period of 3–4 s. 相似文献
《Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors》1970,2(3):149-157
Analog spectral analysis of geomagnetic micropulsations recorded simultaneously at pairs of stations differing in longitude and latitude indicates that the pulsations often have the same dominant periods at different stations. This suggests that the periods of micropulsations may be independent of longitude and latitude. Data obtained from a pair of stations separated in longitude indicate that the variations of intensity occur nearly simultaneously at both stations, but there is some indication of a local-time dependence with a maximum near local noon. 相似文献
About 100 breakups of different types and intensities are studied on the basis of Lovozero Observatory data. Magnetic pulsations
in different frequency ranges, VLF emissions, and auroral activity are analyzed using the TV data. It is found that magnetic
pulsations in all frequency ranges lag behind the moment of breakup by 0.5–2.0 min, and bursts of low-intensity broadband
VLF emission hiss are observed 3–10 min before breakup. Hiss leading breakup corresponds to feeble auroras located northward
of a pre-breakup arc. 相似文献
地面VLF人工源可以导致辐射带高能粒子沉降.为研究辐射带粒子加速和沉降机制,乃至实现对辐射带电子"人工控制"的设想,需要在精确计算得到VLF人工源在电离层激发电磁场能量分布的基础上,计算哨声波对辐射带电子的调制作用.以往计算VLF人工源在电离层中激发的电磁场能量分布多基于Cary给出的波导中VLF波衰减率和Helliwell提出的经典电离层吸收曲线,但近期研究表明,这些模型结果存在较为明显的误差.本研究建立了地面VLF信号穿透电离层传播的全波计算模型,将计算结果与DEMETER卫星记录的NWC通讯台激发的电磁响应进行对比.虽然模型没有考虑电离层参数水平不均匀性,但模型计算结果与卫星观测值也有较好的一致性.利用经过验证的全波模型计算了不同地磁参数、电离层参数情况下,不同辐射特性的地面VLF辐射在波导中的衰减和穿透电离层时D/E区的吸收值,探讨了上述参数对电磁波能量在波导和D/E区中衰减的影响规律. 相似文献
Jagdish C. Gupta 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》1983,121(1):125-132
Using Pc1 data gathered at Ottawa (45.4°N, 75.6°W; L = 3.5) during the International Magnetospheric Study (IMS) period, relationships between ssc, Dst, and the occurrence of Pc1 pulsations are examined. It is found that the sudden compressions of the magnetoshere that took place in the postnoon period (13–22 hLT) frequently produced Pc1 pulsations at Ottawa. This pulsational activity took place about 25 to 125 hours after the occurrence of ssc’s of amplitude 5–25 nT and duration 2–6 min. Pc1’s also occur 20 to 40 hours after maximum Dst deviations in the range 50–110 nT, when the ring current has decayed to a considerable extent (5 nT < Dst < 25 nT). In agreement withHeacock andKivinen (1972), it appears that during the storm recovery phase energetic particles of the ring current with anisotropic pitch angle distribution interact with the surrounding cold plasma of the plasmasphere. When stable trapping limit is reached, proton cyclotron instability is triggered and pulsations in the Pc1 period range are generated. 相似文献
《Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors》1970,2(4):294-299
The nature of geomagnetic micropulsations is considered with reference to the response method of analysis. Under the assumption that the magnetosphere is a linear and time-invariant physical system, the system function for pcs and pi2 has been numerically calculated. An investigation of the general input-output relationships shows that the magnetogram recorded on the Earths' surface may be due to either the resonant frequency of the magnetosphere or the input frequency of the solar wind. 相似文献
This review covers developments in ELF and VLF radio-wave propagation research over the last 50 years of the Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics. A review of such a large field, over such a long period, cannot be fully comprehensive and the authors have therefore covered important areas which have they themselves have found interesting. The survey begins with a review of work on natural and man made sources of ELF and VLF radiation. This is followed by sections on experimental and theoretical studies of unperturbed (ambient) ELF and VLF radio propagation. Schumann resonance research, which is currently undergoing a renaissance, is then reviewed. A review of research into transient perturbations of ELF and VLF propagation follows, extending from the early work on nuclear explosions up to the current work on sprites. The review concludes with a brief summary of the VLF navigation systems of the USSR and USA, (Alpha and Omega) whose development and life-span covered most of the last 50 years. 相似文献
G. K. Mukherjee 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》1987,125(5):845-852
The average latitude of theSq(X) focus along the longitude 75°E has been estimated using the Tsyganenko model (Tsyganenko, 1981) of the external magnetic field for storm time conditions of the magnetosphere. It is observed that the shift of the focal latitudes, due to magnetospheric currents, is only about 1 to 2° even during strong storms. It is also shown that the shift is asymmetric about the equator and longitude dependent. The day to day changes in observed focal position are much larger and the magnetospheric currents cannot, therefore, be regarded as a dominant mechanism of focal movement.The paper was presented at the IAGA General Assembly meeting held in Prague, Czechoslovakia, during August 1985. 相似文献
U. Villante M. Vellante M. De Lauretis P. Cerulli-Irelli L.J. Lanzerotti L.V. Medford C.G. Maclennan 《Geophysical Prospecting》1998,46(2):121-140
Geomagnetic fluctuations in the frequency band 2–70 mHz recorded simultaneously at a depth of about 1200 m in the underground Gran Sasso Laboratory (central Italy) and on the earth's surface (approximately along the Laboratory vertical) are compared using multivariate spectral analysis. Experimental problems and analytical techniques adopted for the signal processing are discussed. In particular, a modification of the standard least-squares method for estimating multiple-input transfer functions is proposed. The results show apparent different skin effects for each magnetic field component and a significant coherence between the underground vertical signal and the horizontal signals, suggesting the presence of lateral inhomogeneities in the underground conductivity structure. The results are also consistent with an average resistivity of the intervening medium of the order of 10–20 Ωm and with the presence of a more conductive layer at greater depth. 相似文献
《Journal of Applied Geophysics》2006,58(2):158-175
The interpretation of airborne VLF data represents an important aspect of geophysical mapping of the upper few hundred meters of the Earth's crust, especially in areas with crystalline rocks. We have examined the ability of the single frequency VLF method to provide quantitative subsurface resistivity information using two generic models and standard airborne parameters with a flight altitude of 70 m and a frequency of 16 kHz. The models are long thin conductor (10 m thick, 10 Ω m resistivity and 1 km long) and a wider buried conductive dike (100 Ω m resistivity and 500 m wide). Using standard regularized inversion it turned out that for both models the conductivity of the conductors are underestimated and the vertical resolution is rather poor. The lateral positions of the minimum of the resistivity distributions coincide well with the true positions of the shallow conductors. For deeper conductors the position of the minimum resistivity moves from the edges of the conductor into the conductor. The depth to the minimum of the resistivity anomalies correlates well with the true depth to the top of the conductors although the latter is always smaller than the former.Interpretation of field airborne data collected at 70 m flight height resolved both small scale and large scale near surface conductors (conductance ∼1 S). Deeper conductors show up in the VLF data as very long wavelength anomalies that are particularly powerful in delineating the lateral boundaries of the conductors. Many of the VLF anomalies in the Stockholm area are dominated by these deep conductor responses with some near surface conductors superimposed. The deep conductors often follow topographic lows coinciding with metasediments. We interpret the frequent absence of near surface responses at 70 m flight height as a result of weak coupling between the primary VLF wave and the small scale (in all three dimensions) near-surface conductors.Radio magnetotelluric (RMT) ground measurements were carried out along a short profile coinciding with part of an airborne profile. Using data at 9 frequencies (14–250 kHz) small scale conductors in the upper few tens of meters, not identified from the airborne data, could be well resolved. Large scale deeper conductors could be identified by both methods at nearly the same positions. 相似文献