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Considering a plasma with an initially weak large scale field subject to nonhelical turbulent stirring, Zeldovich (1957), for two‐dimensions, followed by others for three dimensions, have presented formulae of the form 〈b2〉 = f(RM) . Such “Zeldovich relations” have sometimes been interpreted to provide steady‐state relations between the energy associated with the fluctuating magnetic field and that associated with a large scale or mean field multiplied by a function f that depends on spatial dimension and a magnetic Reynolds number RM. Here we dissect the origin of these relations and pinpoint pitfalls that show why they are inapplicable to realistic, dynamical MHD turbulence and that they disagree with many numerical simulations. For 2D, we show that when the total magnetic field is determined by a vector potential, the standard Zeldovich relation applies only transiently, characterizing a maximum possible value that the field energy can reach before necessarily decaying. In 3D, we show that the standard Zeldovich relations are derived by balancing subdominant terms. In contrast, balancing the dominant terms shows that the fluctuating field can grow to a value independent of RM and the initially imposed , as seen in numerical simulations. We also emphasize that these Zeldovich relations of nonhelical turbulence imply nothing about the amount mean field growth in a helical dynamo. In short, by re‐analyzing the origin of the Zeldovich relations, we highlight that they are inapplicable to realistic steady‐states of large RM MHD turbulence. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The intriguing question of the origin of the arm-like magnetic structures seen between the optical spiral arms of certain spiral galaxies is addressed. Using a two-dimensional approximation to the non-linear disc dynamo equation, it is shown that gas streaming along the arms may produce such a field configuration. Another possibility is a spiral modulation of the turbulent diffusivity, associated with an enhancement of turbulence in the interstellar medium within the arms. The effects of a similar modulation of the alpha-effect are also examined. Finally, the consequences of a non-linear feedback of the large-scale field on the turbulent diffusivity ('η-quenching') are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Magnetic fields are observed everywhere in the universe. In this review, we concentrate on the observational aspects of the magnetic fields of Galactic and extragalactic objects. Readers can follow the milestones in the observations of cosmic magnetic fields obtained from the most important tracers of magnetic fields, namely, the star-light polarization, the Zeeman effect, the rotation measures (RMs, hereafter) of extragalactic radio sources, the pulsar RMs, radio polarization observations, as well as the newly implemented sub-mm and mm polarization capabilities. The magnetic field of the Galaxy was first discovered in 1949 by optical polarization observations. The local magnetic fields within one or two kpc have been well delineated by starlight polarization data. The polarization observations of diffuse Galactic radio background emission in 1962 confirmed unequivocally the existence of a Galactic magnetic field. The bulk of the present information about the magnetic fields in the Galaxy comes from anal  相似文献   

Hydrostatic equilibrium of the multiphase interstellar medium in the solar vicinity is reconsidered, with the regular and turbulent magnetic fields treated separately. The regular magnetic field strength required to support the gas is consistent with independent estimates, provided that energy equipartition is maintained between turbulence and random magnetic fields. Our results indicate that a mid-plane value of B 0=4 μG for the regular magnetic field near the Sun leads to more attractive models than B 0=2 μG . The vertical profiles of both the regular and random magnetic fields contain disc and halo components, the parameters of which we have determined. The layer at 1≲| z |≲4 kpc can be overpressured and an outflow at a speed of about 50 km s−1 may occur there, presumably associated with a Galactic fountain flow, if B 0≃2 μG .
We show that hydrostatic equilibrium in a warped disc must produce asymmetric density distributions in z , in rough agreement with H  i observations in the outer Galaxy. This asymmetry may be a useful diagnostic of the details of the warping mechanism in the Milky Way and other galaxies. We find indications that gas and magnetic field pressures are different above and below the warped midplane in the outer Galaxy, and quantify the difference in terms of turbulent velocity and/or magnetic field strength.  相似文献   

Many quasars and active galactic nuclei (AGN) appear in radio, optical and X-ray maps as bright nuclear sources from which emerge single or double long, thin jets. When observed with high angular resolution, these jets show evidence of structure, with bright knots separated by relatively dark regions. High percentages of polarization, sometimes more then 50 per cent, indicate the non-thermal nature of the radiation, which is well explained as the synchrotron radiation of the relativistic electrons in an ordered magnetic field.
A strong collimation of jets is probably connected with ordered magnetic fields. The mechanism of magnetic collimation first suggested by Bisnovatyi-Kogan et al. was based on the initial charge separation, which led to the creation of an oscillating electrical current, which in turn produced an azimuthal magnetic field, preventing jet expansion and disappearance. Here we consider magnetic collimation associated with the torsional oscillations of a cylinder with an elongated magnetic field. Instead of initial blobs with charge separation, we consider a cylinder with a periodically distributed initial rotation around the cylinder axis. The stabilizing azimuthal magnetic field is created by torsional oscillations, meaning that charge separation is unnecessary. An approximate simplified model is developed, and an ordinary differential equation is derived and solved numerically, making it possible to estimate quantitatively the range of parameters for which jets may be stabilized by torsional oscillations.  相似文献   

The possibility of magnetic flux expulsion from the Galaxy in superbubble (SB) explosions, important for the α –Ω dynamo, is considered. Special emphasis is put on investigation of the downsliding of the matter from the top of the shell formed by the SB explosion, which is able to influence the kinematics of the shell. It is shown that either Galactic gravity or the development of the Rayleigh–Taylor instabilities in the shell limit the SB expansion, thus making magnetic flux expulsion impossible. The effect of cosmic rays in the shell on the sliding is considered, and it is shown that it is negligible compared with Galactic gravity. Thus the question of the possible mechanism of flux expulsion in the α –Ω dynamo remains open.  相似文献   

Polarization position angle swings of - 180 ° observed in extragalactic radio sources are a regular behavior of variability in polarization. They should be due to some kind of physically regular process. We consider relativistic shocks which propagate through and 'illuminate' regular configurations of magnetic field, producing polarization angle swing events. Two magnetic field configurations (force-free field and homogeneous helical field) are considered to demonstrate the results. It is shown that the properties of polarization angle swings and the relationship between the swings and variations in total and polarized flux density are critically dependent on the configuration of magnetic field and the dynamical behavior of the shock. In particular, we find that in some cases polarization angle swings can occur when the total and polarized flux densities only vary by a very small amount. These results may be useful for understanding the polarization variability with both long and short timescales obser  相似文献   

Large-scale magnetic fields in galaxies are thought to be generated by a turbulent dynamo. However, the same turbulence also leads to a small-scale dynamo which generates magnetic noise at a more rapid rate. The efficiency of the large-scale dynamo depends on how this noise saturates. We examine this issue, taking into account ambipolar drift, which obtains in a galaxy with significant neutral gas. We argue as follows.
(i) The small-scale dynamo generated field does not fill the volume, but is concentrated into intermittent rope-like structures. The flux ropes are curved on the turbulent eddy scales. Their thickness is set by the diffusive scale determined by the effective ambipolar diffusion.
(ii) For a largely neutral galactic gas, the small-scale dynamo saturates, as a result of inefficient random stretching, when the peak field in a flux rope has grown to a few times the equipartition value.
(iii) The average energy density in the saturated small-scale field is subequipartition, since it does not fill the volume.
(iv) Such fields neither drain significant energy from the turbulence nor convert eddy motion of the turbulence on the outer scale into wave-like motion. The diffusive effects needed for the large-scale dynamo operation are then preserved until the large-scale field itself grows to near equipartition levels.  相似文献   

We investigate the dynamics of magnetic fields in spiral galaxies by performing 3D magnetohydrodynamics simulations of galactic discs subject to a spiral potential using cold gas, warm gas and a two-phase mixture of both. Recent hydrodynamic simulations have demonstrated the formation of interarm spurs as well as spiral arm molecular clouds, provided the interstellar medium model includes a cold H  i phase. We find that the main effect of adding a magnetic field to these calculations is to inhibit the formation of structure in the disc. However, provided a cold phase is included, spurs and spiral arm clumps are still present if β≳ 0.1 in the cold gas. A caveat to the two-phase calculations though is that by assuming a uniform initial distribution, β≳ 10 in the warm gas, emphasizing that models with more consistent initial conditions and thermodynamics are required. Our simulations with only warm gas do not show such structure, irrespective of the magnetic field strength.
Furthermore, we find that the introduction of a cold H  i phase naturally produces the observed degree of disorder in the magnetic field, which is again absent from simulations using only warm gas. Whilst the global magnetic field follows the large-scale gas flow, the magnetic field also contains a substantial random component that is produced by the velocity dispersion induced in the cold gas during the passage through a spiral shock. Without any cold gas, the magnetic field in the warm phase remains relatively well ordered apart from becoming compressed in the spiral shocks. Our results provide a natural explanation for the observed high proportions of disordered magnetic field in spiral galaxies and we thus predict that the relative strengths of the random and ordered components of the magnetic field observed in spiral galaxies will depend on the dynamics of spiral shocks.  相似文献   

The commonly used classical equipartition or minimum‐energy estimate of total magnetic fields strengths from radio synchrotron intensities is of limited practical use because it is based on the hardly known ratio K of the total energies of cosmic ray protons and electrons and also has inherent problems. We present a revised formula, using the number density ratio K for which we give estimates. For particle acceleration in strong shocks K is about 40 and increases with decreasing shock strength. Our revised estimate for the field strength gives larger values than the classical estimate for flat radio spectra with spectral indices of about 0.5–0.6, but smaller values for steep spectra and total fields stronger than about 10 µG. In very young supernova remnants, for example, the classical estimate may be too large by up to 10×. On the other hand, if energy losses of cosmic ray electrons are important, K increases with particle energy and the equipartition field may be underestimated significantly. Our revised larger equipartition estimates in galaxy clusters and radio lobes are consistent with independent estimates from Faraday rotation measures, while estimates from the ratio between radio synchrotron and X‐ray inverse Compton intensities generally give much weaker fields. This may be explained e.g. by a concentration of the field in filaments. Our revised field strengths may also lead to major revisions of electron lifetimes in jets and radio lobes estimated from the synchrotron break frequency in the radio spectrum. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

There is still no consensus as to what causes galactic discs to become warped. Successful models should account for the frequent occurrence of warps in quite isolated galaxies, their amplitude as well as the observed azimuthal and vertical distributions of the H  i layer. Intergalactic accretion flows and intergalactic magnetic fields may bend the outer parts of spiral galaxies. In this paper we consider the viability of these non-gravitational torques to take the gas off the plane. We show that magnetically generated warps are clearly flawed because they would wrap up into a spiral in less than two or three galactic rotations. The inclusion of any magnetic diffusivity to dilute the wrapping effect causes the amplitude of the warp to damp. We also consider the observational consequences of the accretion of an intergalactic plane-parallel flow at infinity. We have computed the amplitude and warp asymmetry in the accretion model, for a disc embedded in a flattened dark matter halo, including self-consistently the contribution of the modes with azimuthal wavenumbers   m = 0  and   m = 1  . Since the m = 0 component, giving a U-shaped profile, is not negligible compared to the m = 1 component, this model predicts quite asymmetric warps, maximum gas displacements on the two sides in the ratio 3 : 2 for the preferred Galactic parameters, and the presence of a fraction ∼3.5 per cent of U-shaped warps, at least. The azimuthal dependence of the moment transfer by the ram pressure would produce a strong asymmetry in the thickness of the H  i layer and asymmetric density distributions in z , in conflict with observational data for the warp in our Galaxy and in external galaxies. The amount of accretion that is required to explain the Galactic warp would give gas scaleheights in the far outer disc that are too small. We conclude that accretion of a flow with no net angular momentum cannot be the main and only cause of warps.  相似文献   

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