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A numerical investigation of the chaotic rotation of large planetary satellites before their synchronous spin-orbital resonance locking with regard to tidal friction is carried out. The rotational dynamics of seven large satellites greater than 1000 km in diameter and with known inertial parameters (Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto (J1–J4), Tethys (S3), Iapetus (S8), and Ariel (U1)) in the epoch of synchronous resonance locking is modeled. All of these satellites have a small dynamic asymmetry. The planar case is considered in which the satellite’s axis of rotation is orthogonal to the plane of orbit. The satellites possessing an initial rapid rotation pass through various resonant states during the tidal evolution. Here, the probability of their locking into these states exists. The numerical experiments presented in this paper have shown that, with a rather high arbitrariness in the choice of initial states, the satellites during the course of the tidal evolution of their rotational motion have passed without interruption through the regions of the 5: 2, 2: 1, and 3: 2 resonances in the phase space and are locked into the 1: 1 resonance. The estimate for the tidal deceleration time is obtained both theoretically and on the numerical experimental basis.  相似文献   

The system of Saturn's inner satellites is saturated with many resonances. Its structure should be strongly affected by tidal forces driving the satellites through several orbit–orbit resonances. The evolution of these satellites is investigated using analytic and numerical methods. We show that the pair of satellites Prometheus and Pandora has a particularly short lifetime (<20 Myr) if the orbits of the satellites converge without capture into a resonance. The capture of Pandora into a resonance with Prometheus increases the lifetime of the couple by a few tens of Myr. However, resonances of the system are not well separated, and capture results in a chaotic motion. Secondary resonances also disrupt the resonant configurations. In all cases, the converging orbits of these two satellites result in a close encounter. The implications for the origin of Saturn's rings are discussed.  相似文献   

The majority of planetary satellites whose spin period is known are observed to be in synchronous spin-orbit resonance. The commonly accepted explanation for this observation is that it is due to the effects of tidal evolution. However, cosmogonic theories state that the formation of planetary and satellite systems occurs within a primordial solar nebula and circumplanetary nebulae, respectively. In this paper the influence of nebular drag on the capture into spin-orbit resonance is analysed. The results show that the torques generated are important for these resonances in a wide range of cases. Using the protojovian nebula model by Lunine and Stevenson (1982), conservative estimates of the despinning time scales for the Galilean satellites are computed. In comparison the despinning time scale from tidal effects are several orders of magnitude larger.on leave of absence from Departamento de Matemática, Faculdade de Engenharia de Guaratinguetá, UNESP, CP 205, 12500-000, Guaratinguetá, SP, Brazil  相似文献   

Tidal heating in Enceladus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Jennifer Meyer  Jack Wisdom 《Icarus》2007,188(2):535-539
The heating in Enceladus in an equilibrium resonant configuration with other saturnian satellites can be estimated independently of the physical properties of Enceladus. We find that equilibrium tidal heating cannot account for the heat that is observed to be coming from Enceladus. Equilibrium heating in possible past resonances likewise cannot explain prior resurfacing events.  相似文献   

Ke Zhang  Douglas P. Hamilton 《Icarus》2008,193(1):267-282
We investigate the orbital history of the small neptunian satellites discovered by Voyager 2. Over the age of the Solar System, tidal forces have caused the satellites to migrate radially, bringing them through mean-motion resonances with one another. In this paper, we extend our study of the largest satellites Proteus and Larissa [Zhang, K., Hamilton, D.P., 2007. Icarus 188, 386-399] by adding in mid-sized Galatea and Despina. We test the hypothesis that these moons all formed with zero inclinations, and that orbital resonances excited their tilts during tidal migration. We find that the current orbital inclinations of Proteus, Galatea, and Despina are consistent with resonant excitation if they have a common density . Larissa's inclination, however, is too large to have been caused by resonant kicks between these four satellites; we suggest that a prior resonant capture event involving either Naiad or Thalassa is responsible. Our solution requires at least three past resonances with Proteus, which helps constrain the tidal migration timescale and thus Neptune's tidal quality factor: 9000<QN<36,000. We also improve our determination of Qs for Proteus and Larissa, finding 36<QP<700 and 18<QL<200. Finally, we derive a more general resonant capture condition, and work out a resonant overlap criterion relevant to satellite orbital evolution around an oblate primary.  相似文献   

Ke Zhang  Douglas P. Hamilton 《Icarus》2007,188(2):386-399
We investigate the orbital resonant history of Proteus and Larissa, the two largest inner neptunian satellites discovered by Voyager 2. Due to tidal migration, these two satellites probably passed through their 2:1 mean-motion resonance a few hundred million years ago. We explore this resonance passage as a method to excite orbital eccentricities and inclinations, and find interesting constraints on the satellites' mean density () and their tidal dissipation parameters (Qs>10). Through numerical study of this mean-motion resonance passage, we identify a new type of three-body resonance between the satellite pair and Triton. These new resonances occur near the traditional two-body resonances between the small satellites and, surprisingly, are much stronger than their two-body counterparts due to Triton's large mass and orbital inclination. We determine the relevant resonant arguments and derive a mathematical framework for analyzing resonances in this special system.  相似文献   

Thermal histories of the small icy Saturnian satellites Mimas, Tethys, Dione, Rhea, and Iapetus are constructed by assuming that they formed as homogeneous ice-silicate mixtures. The models include effects of radiogenic and accretional heating, conductive and subsolidus convective heat transfer, and lithospheric growth. Accretional heating is unlikely to have melted the water ice in the interiors of these bodies and solid state creep of the predominately ice material precludes melting by radiogenic heating. Mimas is so small that its thermal evolution is essentially purely conductive; at present it is a cold, nearly isothermal body. Any subsolidus convection or thermal activity in Mimas would have been confined to a brief period in its early history and would have been due to a warm formation. The four largest satellites are big enough and contain sufficient heat-producing silicates that solid state convection beneath a rigid lithosphere is inevitable independent of initial conditions. Dione and Rhea have convective interiors for most of their thermal histories, while Tethys and Iapetus have mainly conductive thermal histories with early periods of convective 0activity. The thermal histories of the five satellites for the last 4 by are independent of initial conditions; at present they have cold, conductive interiors. The model thermal histories are qualitatively consistent with the appearances of these satellites: Mimas has an ancient heavily cratered surface, Tethys and probably Iapetus have both heavily cratered and more lightly cratered areas, and Dione and Rhea have extensively modified surfaces. Because of their similar sizes and densities, Mimas and Enceladus are expected to have similar surfaces and thermal histories, but instead Enceladus has the most modified surface of all the small icy Saturnian satellites. Our results suggest a heat source for Enceladus, in addition to radiogenic and accretional heating; tidal dissipation is a possibility. Because the water ice in these bodies does not melt, resurfacing must be accomplished by the melting of a low-melting-temperature minor component such as ammonia hydrate.  相似文献   

A stochastic model of the Earth-Moon tidal evolution taking into account fluctuating effects of the continental drift is described. The above effects caused by alternation of periods of consolidation and disintegration of continents are specified as a combination of cyclic variations and superimposed random perturbations of the ocean eigenoscillation spectrum. The solution is found with use of one-mode and multi-mode resonance approximations. In other words, we assume that the ocean response to the Moon's forcing is due to one or several resonant modes predominant over all other ocean eigenoscillations. For the multi-mode resonance approximation, the model ensures a proper time scale of the Earth-Moon tidal evolution and qualitative agreement of predicted changes in the number of solar days and synodic months per year with paleontological and sedimentological data. Moreover, it makes possible fitting of model estimates of tidal energy dissipation to those derived from global paleotide models for different periods of the Phanerozoic.  相似文献   

Voyager 2 images show parts of Enceladus' surface to be very smooth, lacking craters down to the resolution limit of 4 km. This absence of craters indicates geologically recent resurfacing, probably due to internal melting. However, calculations of current heating mechanisms, including radioactive decay and tidal heating due to Enceladus' resonance with Dione, yield heating rates too small to cause melting. The orbital mean motion of Janus (1980S1) is slightly less than twice that of Enceladus and, according to theoretical calculations, is currently decreasing as Janus' orbit evolves outward due to resonant torques from Saturn's rings. If Janus were ever locked into a stable 2:1 orbital commensurability with Enceladus, the resulting angular momentum transfer could have sufficiently enhanced the eccentricity of Enceladus' orbit for the ensuing tidal heating to have melted Enceladus' interior. The existence of a Laplace-like three-body resonance including Dione, although unlikely, would have increased heating. If Janus were indeed held in resonance with Enceladus until recently (107–108 years B.P.) when the lock was disrupted by an unspecified event (possibly a catastrophic collision which simultaneously created the coorbital pair, or by the influence of Dione) both the recent internal activity of Enceladus and the proximity of Janus to Saturn's rings may be explained. However, the predicted rapid time scale for ring evolution due to resonant torques from Saturn's inner moons remains a major problem.  相似文献   

The tectonically and cryovolcanically resurfaced terrains of Ganymede attest to the satellite's turbulent geologic history. Yet, the ultimate cause of its geologic violence remains unknown. One plausible scenario suggests that the Galilean satellites passed through one or more Laplace-like resonances before evolving into the current Laplace resonance. Passage through such a resonance can excite Ganymede's eccentricity, leading to tidal dissipation within the ice shell. To evaluate the effects of resonance passage on Ganymede's thermal history we model the coupled orbital-thermal evolution of Ganymede both with and without passage through a Laplace-like resonance. In the absence of tidal dissipation, radiogenic heating alone is capable of creating large internal oceans within Ganymede if the ice grain size is 1 mm or greater. For larger grain sizes, oceans will exist into the present epoch. The inclusion of tidal dissipation significantly alters Ganymede's thermal history, and for some parameters (e.g. ice grain size, tidal Q of Jupiter) a thin ice shell (5 to 20 km) can be maintained throughout the period of resonance passage. The pulse of tidal heating that accompanies Laplace-like resonance capture can cause up to 2.5% volumetric expansion of the satellite and contemporaneous formation of near surface partial melt. The presence of a thin ice shell and high satellite orbital eccentricity would generate moderate diurnal tidal stresses in Ganymede's ice shell. Larger stresses result if the ice shell rotates non-synchronously. The combined effects of satellite expansion, its associated tensile stress, rapid formation of near surface partial melt, and tidal stress due to an eccentric orbit may be responsible for creating Ganymede's unique surface features.  相似文献   

Richard Greenberg 《Icarus》1981,46(3):415-423
The Laplace resonance among the Galilean satellites Io, Europa, and Ganymede is traditionally reduced to a pendulum-like dynamical problem by neglecting short-period variations of several orbital elements. However, some of these variations that can now be neglected may once have had longer periods, comparable to the “pendulum” period, if the system was formerly in deep resonance (pairs of periods even closer to the ratio 2:1 than they are now). In that case, the dynamical system cannot be reduced to fewer than nine dimensions. The nine-dimensional system is linearized here in order to study small variations about equilibrium. When tidal effects are included, the resulting evolution is substantially the same as was indicated by the pendulum approach, except that evolution out of deep resonance is found to be somewhat slower than suggested by extrapolation of the pendulum results. This slower rate helps support my hypothesis that the system may have evolved from deep resonance, although other factors still need to be considered to determine whether that hypothesis is quantitatively viable.  相似文献   

A. Williamson  R. Erdélyi 《Solar physics》2014,289(11):4105-4115
We explore the notion of resonant absorption in a dynamic time-dependent magnetised plasma background. Very many works have investigated resonance in the Alfvén and slow MHD continua under both ideal and dissipative MHD regimes. Jump conditions in static and steady systems have been found in previous works, connecting solutions at both sides of the resonant layer. Here, we derive the jump conditions in a temporally dependent, magnetised, inhomogeneous plasma background to leading order in the Wentzel–Kramers–Billouin (WKB) approximation. Next, we exploit the results found in Williamson and Erdélyi (Solar Phys. 289, 899, 2014) to describe the evolution of the jump condition in the dynamic model considered. The jump across the resonant point is shown to increase exponentially in time. We determined the damping as a result of the resonance over the same time period and investigated the temporal evolution of the damping itself. We found that the damping coefficient, as a result of the evolution of the resonance, decreases as the density gradient across the transitional layer decreases. This has the consequence that in such time-dependent systems resonant absorption may not be as efficient as time progresses.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe a model for the tidal evolution of an orbit-orbit resonance between two satellites of the same planet. We let the system evolve till infinity or until the resonance is destroyed. We find that there are asymptotic values for the eccentricities and inclinations. We list the possible final stages that a resonance can achieve, we give a few examples, and finally we discuss the limitations of the model and its possible applications to real systems.  相似文献   

The recent numerical simulations of Tittemore and Wisdom (1988, 1989, 1990) and Dermottet al. (1988), Malhotra and Dermott (1990) concerning the tidal evolution through resonances of some pairs of Uranian satellites have revealed interesting dynamical phenomena related to the interactions between close-by resonances. These interactions produce chaotic layers and strong secondary resonances. The slow evolution of the satellite orbits in this dynamical landscape is responsible for temporary capture into resonance, enhancement of eccentricity or inclination and subsequent escape from resonance. The present contribution aims at developing analytical tools for predicting the location and size of chaotic layers and secondary resonances. The problem of the 3:1 inclination resonance between Miranda and Umbriel is analysed.  相似文献   

The effect of resonant planetary perturbations on the evolution of the orbit of a satellite driven by tidal forces is studied in this paper. The basic equations that govern it are similar to the equations found in orbit-orbit and in spin-orbit couplings. The general form of these equations is: A general treatment of such equations, proposed earlier (J. Kovalevsky, in Dynamical Trapping and Evolution of the Solar system, IAU Colloquium no74, V. V. Markellos and Y. Kozai, eds., 1983) is sketched.In particular, the effects of the large long periodic variations of the excentricity e' of the planet are analysed on an example taken from the lunar theory and the Earth's general theory due to Bretagnon.The argument of the well known planetary term =18 V-16T due to the tidal friction and quasi-periodic variations due to the presence of e' in the expression of the mean motion of the Moon. Their joint effect, has been to produce in the past resonant situations for this argument that repeated more than 100 times. Every such situation can be treated by equation (1).Numerical integration, using conditions that might have occurred while or similar other arguments were quasi resonant, have produced the following results: (a) In some cases, the argument becomes temporarily resonant. Between the capture to and the escape from the resonance, the semi-major axis undergoes oscillations, but the tidal secular evolution is stopped. (b) In other cases, the argument is not trapped into a resonant conditions, but the semi-major axis undergoes a quick change while d/dt is close to zero.A number of arguments that have been quasi resonant in the past history of the Earth-Moon system has been identified from the Chapront and Chapront-Touzé Lunar Theory. It appears that the phenomena described are frequent features in the evolution of the Lunar orbit.  相似文献   

In a previous work (Callegari and Yokoyama, Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astr. 98:5–30, 2007), the main features of the motion of the pair Enceladus–Dione were analyzed in the frozen regime, i.e., without considering the tidal evolution. Here, the results of a great deal of numerical simulations of a pair of satellites similar to Enceladus and Dione crossing the 2:1 mean-motion resonance are shown. The resonance crossing is modeled with a linear tidal theory, considering a two-degrees-of-freedom model written in the framework of the general three-body planar problem. The main regimes of motion of the system during the passage through resonance are studied in detail. We discuss our results comparing them with classical scenarios of tidal evolution of the system. We show new scenarios of evolution of the Enceladus–Dione system through resonance not shown in previous approaches of the problem.  相似文献   

J. Henrard 《Icarus》1983,53(1):55-67
C.F. Yoder's scenario 1979 for the capture into resonance of the first three Galilean satellites is reexamined. A more refined dynamical model for the resonance and for the tidal effects is proposed and analyzed. The results agree qualitatively with those of Yoder but differ numerically by 10 to 20%.  相似文献   

The Galilean satellites’ dynamics has been studied extensively during the last century. In the past it was common to use analytical expansions in order to get simple models to integrate, but with the new generation of computers it became prevalent the numerical integration of very sophisticated and almost complete equations of motion. In this article we aim to describe the resonant and secular motion of the Galilean satellites through a Hamiltonian, depending on the slow angles only, obtained with an analytical expansion of the perturbing functions and an averaging operation. In order to have a model as near as possible to the actual dynamics, we added perturbations and we considered terms that in similar studies of the past were neglected, such as the terms involving the inclinations and the Sun’s perturbation. Moreover, we added the tidal dissipation into the equations, in order to investigate how well the model captures the evolution of the system.  相似文献   

通过结合理论分析和数值模拟方法,可以对热海王星系统HD 106315轨道迁移中的近2:1平运动共振捕获机制以及潮汐作用下的演化过程进行研究.在轨道迁移阶段,初始轨道半长径、初始偏心率以及行星c的偏心率衰减系数K会对系统轨道构型产生影响.数值模拟结果显示当初始轨道半长径分别为ab~0.4 au、ac~0.8 au,偏心率eb和ec均小于0.03时, HD 106315b和HD 106315c在中央恒星的引力作用以及原行星盘粘滞作用下向内迁移, 65000 yr左右两颗行星均可迁移至当前观测位置附近并形成近2:1平运动共振捕获.此外,中央恒星的潮汐效应也可能会对行星系统共振构型产生影响,理论分析表明当行星潮汐耗散系数Q=100时,潮汐效应造成的轨道半长径衰减使系统轨道周期比发生的变化可能是系统脱离共振构型的原因.数值模拟结果显示, HD 106315系统内两颗行星Q103时,来自中央恒星的潮汐效应并不会使行星系统产生明显的偏心率和轨道半长径衰减,不足以使HD 106315行星系统在剩余寿命内脱离2:1平运动共振轨道构型.  相似文献   

The basic parameters describing the angular momentum distribution within the Uranus system and of its tidal evolution have been estimated. The nine satellites orbiting under the synchronous zone of Uranus is the maximum number in the solar system and it makes the Uranus system different compared with any other in the Solar system, however the satellites in question are relatively small and their contribution of the tidal dynamics of the system is small compared with that due to UI and UV. The time for existence of the nine satellites as integrated bodies can be estimated as 1.4 × 109 y (UVI) and more. The total tidal decrease in the Uranus angular velocity of rotation is estimated as 7 × 10–9s–1.  相似文献   

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