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Conclusion Urban and rural development arek inextricably related, that regional planning can play important roles as catalyst for agriculture and rural development; and that a system of growth centres and/or agropolitan policy which can be important in achieving economic growth with social equity, will be far more influential. Again if the National Planning Authority, Regional Planning Agency and the policy of growth centre in the rural areas of the recommended regions is pursued, it will not only increase agricultural productivity or a path to agricultural transformation for deleterious effects of migration to corporate farming but also could, over time help to reduce the pressure on the urban areas by providing counter-magnets to migration and we envisage, will bring about a national regional planning budget which should be operated on yearly basis.  相似文献   

Although Ethiopia has seen a reduction in refugee flows over the past decade, documented and undocumented labour migration has significantly increased. International migration has changed from that born out of conflict to irregular migration mainly driven by economic reasons. The source of migrants has expanded from urban centres to include rural areas, making them an important source of low-skilled labour for the international labour market. Based on a qualitative study, this paper explores the process and pattern of Ethiopian migration to South Africa, an emerging destination in the global South. This migration corridor is increasingly characterised by its irregularity. The paper also reflects how migration patterns shape the pattern of remittance flow, along with the way in which migrants and their networks substitute the function of financial institutions engaged in the remittance industry. It also highlights the features of remittances utilisation in emerging rural migrant community in Southern Ethiopia.  相似文献   

The recent history of resettlement in Ethiopia is briefly reviewed and the caused, flow patterns and some demographic impacts of the 1984/85 government-sponsored resettlement migration are examined with the objective of identifying motivations and constraints in the migration process, analysing changes in population distribution and examining policy implications. Famine was the major push factor in migration, but traditional reactions of peasants to drought and overpopulation caused more drought victims to leave their homes spontaneously for relief and transit centres than as recruits of the government-sponsored resettlement programme. However, motivation to migrate and distances travelled to centres showed strong regional variation, indicating the severity of the famine and traditional adaptive strategies. Changes in rural population density were significant in several awrajas (districts) but were reduced by return migration. Problems associated with this emergency resettlement programme are reflected in difficulties during programme implementation, generally low agricultural production of settlers and high rates of return migration. Further studies are needed on the ecological impact of settler migration in both sending and receiving areas, peasant coping behaviour, as well as the evolution of new settler migration patterns in the new settlement areas in W Ethiopia.  相似文献   

Dr. David King 《GeoJournal》1988,16(2):201-209
Most towns in Papua New Guinea are small and the hierarchy comprises many isolated outstations and small towns. As a response to changes in economic policy the largest towns are growing rapidly at the expense of the small service centres. Changes in the population structure of these large towns have resulted in high rates of natural increase, while rural urban migration is steadily bringing in newcomers, to face urban unemployment and a lack of adequate housing. A secondary urban problem arises from the colonial legacy of urban zoning, which exacerbates the housing shortage and has created artifical socioeconomic residential areas. Although social differences are relatively small, the policy of economic growth will increase the gap between rich and poor, while urban unemployment and lack of housing have reached a crisis level in the rapidly growing big towns.  相似文献   

Rapid urbanization through rural-urban migration (hitherto controlled by legislation) is developing in Zimbabwe with the advent of black majority rule. Although some advocate its encouragement to relieve pressures on Tribal Trust Lands, rapid urbanization will nevertheless pose severe planning problems. Although current public sector development proposals represent a conceptual advance, a comprehensive urbanization strategy has yet to emerge. This paper considers such a strategy, relating the country's varying regional development potential to a scheme of classification for proposed growth centres and rural service centres, based on their different characteristics and locations. It is concluded that an hierarchy of growth centres, evaluated by economic efficiency criteria, should be developed in the formerly white-controlled national economic core. In the peripheral, basically subsistent Tribal Trust Lands, a limited number of rural service centres should be developed, based on social/equity criteria. The choice and location of these various development centres, and their phasing should contribute to building up a dynamic national urban system that is nationally and regionally integrated, in contrast to past dualism, and will more effectively serve the needs of planned urbanization and of regional development.  相似文献   

The development corridor concept has been regarded as an important development instrument in spatial planning and geography for many decades. Expanding literature on the theme indicates that development centres or nodes play an important role in the establishment of such corridors. Flows of goods and information between such centres are essential in creating conditions that are potentially favourable for further urban development along the communication axes connecting such centres. Combined, the various nodes form a unique flexible exchange environment allowing for dynamic synergies of interactive growth to achieve scope economies aided by fast and reliable corridors of transport and communication infrastructure. In the South African development sphere, there is strong belief that functional relationships between nodes can play a decisive role in the establishment of development corridors. The research showed that the degree to which economic activities are concentrated in the greater Gauteng region; the resulting current or emerging multinodal structural composition; and the flows of economic activities between the various nodes result in the creation of development corridors that channel and focus economic growth between networks of cities. This confirms the importance of corridors as spatial and economic development instruments. The research concluded that the core cities of Johannesburg and Pretoria are the central driving force in corridor development in Gauteng. They feature as the most dominant nodes, exerting great forces of attraction on the distribution of development and economic growth in the region. The research also suggests a degree of polycentrism whereby economic growth is channelled between networks of cities, however development potential is most favourable in areas in close proximity to primary centres and tends to be functionality driven.  相似文献   

Socialist industrialization, with its multiple economic and social consequences, has helped Romania to become, within a short stage of development, an industrial-agrarian country, with a well-balanced and dynamic economy. The changing structure of its industry is characterized chiefly by the ever increasing importance of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, machine building and chemicals. The well-balanced regional distribution of industry is based on geographical, economic and social criteria, such as distance from sources of raw material or consumption centres, intensive use of transport and the use of the available industrial basis, the raw materials, and labour. Unlike the previous periods, the geographical distribution of industry today is characterised by four great industrial areas —the south, the south-west, the centre and the east as well as other more restricted areas and an important number of industrial centres.  相似文献   

The absence of service centres that are required to facilitate economic and social development is a characteristic feature of the peripheral areas of Sri Lanka. One of the objectives of the Mahaweli Development Project is the setting up of a hierarchy of service centres in the recently developed areas of the Northern Dry Zone. The settlement programme of System H of the Project area was completed in 1984. Within a decade, 8 Townships and 26 Village Centres were established to serve more than 23,000 families.A comprehensive study of the pre-project situation and the changes taking place in the Galnewa region of System H indicated that the new hierarchy of service centres as well as the linkages that promote or result from the interaction among settlements have made a significant contribution to its socio-economic development. Problems that exist today can be solved and the experience gained so far has been valuable in planning the development of the remaining areas of the Project.  相似文献   

R.C. Estall 《Geoforum》1983,14(2):133-147
Studies of economic development in the USA in the 1970s emphasized the strong growth of manufacturing in non-metropolitan areas and stressed the break implied with historical patterns of spatial concentration. Much of this growth took place, however, either in counties adjacent to existing metropolitan areas or in counties where existing urban centres were, as a consequence, raised to metropolitan size. Thus when new job growth is assessed on the basis of current definitions of SMSAs, the share of national manufacturing employment contained in metropolitan centres has increased. There has been no marked break with the historical pattern which has chiefly been one of growth of manufacturing employment at the metropolitan periphery. Important variations of experience occur, however, at the regional level and also according to the size of metropolitan areas. A study of the kinds of industry concerned in both metropolitan and non-metropolitan growth and in differential regional growth helps to explain the processes involved. The increasing role of ‘non-production’ workers in manufacturing also becomes a key feature here.  相似文献   

Afolayan AA 《GeoJournal》1985,11(2):183-193
The paper sets out to test whether or not the movement pattern of people in Nigeria is step-wise. It examines the spatial order in the country and the movement pattern of people. It then analysizes the survey data and tests for the validity of step-wise migration in the country. The findings show that step-wise migration cannot adequately describe all the patterns observed. The multistep moves of the people is an indication of the complexity of factors influencing human mobility behaviour. Moreover, the preponderance of circuitory movement pattern is an indication of the socio-cultural life of the people. The urban-urban movement pattern that was observed is used as a basis for advocating for the development of intermediate urban centres, in addition to the rural areas. This is seen as a way of alleviating the increasing convergence of people on Lagos.  相似文献   

U-deposit hosted in hydrothermally altered tuffs in Mexico, together with weathering profiles from Cameroon were studied as natural analogues of radionuclide release and migration. Using petrological and spectroscopic methods (infrared and electron paramagnetic resonance), we have distinguished successive secondary mineral parageneses and the behaviour of radionuclides.

In the U-deposit, the mineral parageneses show that uranium migration is mainly controlled by the redox potential and silica activity of the altering solutions. The high silica content of the solutions is caused by the intense alteration of volcanic rocks. Two types of secondary clay mineral parageneses are evidenced: a kaolinization, intense where uranium is accumulated in the welded tuffs, and a smectitization mainly developed in the underlying weakly welded tuffs.

Several types of kaolinite have been defined according to their genesis (fillings in fissures and feldspar pseudomorphs), their location relative to a breccia pipe where uranium has accumulated (core and rim of the pipe; surrounding rhyolitic tuffs), and particle morphology, structural order and substitutional Fecontent. It is shown that the variations of the concentration of paramagnetic defect centres, always more than ten times as important than those measured in weathering kaolinites, are only correlated to the location of the kaolinites. The highest values correspond to the breccia pipe kaolinites, e.g. kaolinites located in the uranium accumulation zones. Moreover, one or two main defects centres are detected depending on the intimate association of kaolinites with uranium-bearing minerals. Besides, in weathering kaolinites from U-depleted laterites, defect centre concentrations are correlated to the total Fe203 content in bulk samples. This means that the defect centre acts as a memory of the travel of uranium when this element was sorbed onto iron gels in the first stage of weathering.

It is concluded that paramagnetic defect centres in kaolinites might allow an efficient fingerprint of successive irradiations in the natural analogues under study and could be an useful tool to control radionuclides migration through kaolinite-containing clayey materials such as those used for waste repository.

A better understanding of radiation efficiency as well as accurate dose-ratekaolinite-containing clayey materials such as those used for waste reposit estimation are needed for a quantitative tracing of the migration ofA better understanding of radiation efficiency as well as accurate dose-ratekaolin radionuclide elements. With this aim, a simulation has been undertaken withestimation are needed for a quantitative tracing of the migration of various radiations sources. We have determined for each irradiation the parameters of the paramagnetic centres created in order to understand the way they are forming. The knowledge of the parameters governing the formation and the stability of the radiation centres in kaolinites allow to use this mineral as a natural dosimeter.  相似文献   

“亚洲深部构造图”是《亚州陆海大地构造图》的基础图件之一.“亚洲深部构造图”给出,在不同的壳体中不同的大地构造单元,深部构造处于明显差异的状态,在不同的壳体现处于相同大地构造发展阶段的区域,深部构造状态有明显的共性。这反映不同壳体里不同、大地构造单元是地球动力学的结果.在亚洲区域深部,存在两个可能的物质流汇聚带:特提斯带和环太平洋带。存在一些可能的物质流发散中心.其中大陆区的最大发散中心位于中亚。西藏高原由于位于北面的中亚发散中心(向南)和南面的印度洋北部发散中心(向北)的深部物质池蠕动聚合,形成了独特的构造区。由于西藏深部物质流聚合以南北向为主.东亚岛弧带深部物质流聚合以东西向为主,在亚洲东部古陆上形成了东经105°左右的横桓在此洲大陆中部的南北构造带。这些特征,构成了亚洲区域的主要构造格局。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the spatial patterns of internal migration in Russia using data on net migration gain/loss in 2200 municipal formations (MFs) in Russia for the 2012–2013 period. These MFs are grouped into age categories that correspond with different life-course stages. We define 16 classes of MFs with similar migration balance patterns for multiple age groups and characterize the most typical classes. The results of our analysis show that age-specific migration patterns are determined by the spatial characteristics of MFs—in particular, a municipality’s localization in the centreperiphery system and the advantages of the geographic location (e.g., resort area, natural resources). We find that a city’s population size and administrative status are also important migration factors. In addition, we reveal differences in inter-regional and intra-regional migration and define their structural characteristics. An analysis of age-specific net migration contributes to our understanding of internal migration factors and allows us to assess the impact of migration on a municipality’s age structure. In large cities and regional centres, migration results in younger populations, while in peripheral areas, it speeds up population ageing. In most of the MFs that we analysed, the migration of youth and adults ‘moves’ in opposite directions. This factor accelerates the impact of migration on the population age structure in areas of destination and origin and significantly influences a municipality’s current and prospective demographic parameters as well as the population’s patterns of settlement and spatial concentration or de-concentration both nationally and regionally.  相似文献   

Rural communities throughout the postindustrial world are in the midst of a significant transition, sometimes referred to as rural restructuring, as traditional land uses, economic activities, and social arrangements transition to those associated with “post-productivist” or “multifunctional” landscapes. Amenity migration, the movement of people based on the draw of natural and/or cultural amenities, can be thought of as both driver and implication of this transition, resulting in significant changes in the ownership, use, and governance of rural lands, as well as in the composition and socioeconomic dynamics of rural communities. In concert with other social, economic and political processes, amenity migration is contributing to the fundamental transformation of rural communities throughout the world. This paper presents a review of the social science literature related to the concept of amenity migration, focusing on the ways in which it has been conceptualized, theorized, and documented by different communities of scholars. We then profile and summarize diverse perspectives on drivers and socioeconomic impacts, highlighting emerging challenges and opportunities related to this type of migration occurring at multiple scales and in multiple sites. The paper also identifies and discusses particular areas where further research is needed.  相似文献   


The role of economic sectoral structure in regional growth and development is widely acknowledged. However, there has been scarce reflection on its role as a policy instrument, particularly for peripheral regions. In reaction, this paper investigates the role of economic sectoral structure as a policy instrument towards more resilient peripheral regions. Through a multiple country policy analysis, the paper determines to what degree economic sectoral structure is reflected in regional development policies of 18 countries with predominantly rural characteristics and lagging regions. Moreover, the role of economic sectoral structure towards more resilient regions is quantified and measured for a specific peripheral region case in South Africa as developing country exhibiting poor economic resilience. The paper highlights related variety as a key ingredient for a region to reach a state of dynamic stability between adaptation and adaptability towards enhanced long-term resilience capacity of the peripheral region. The research concludes that policy focus should support the maintenance of the sectors and industries of comparative advantage on the regional scale, but strongly focus on sectoral comparative advantage within the national scale (if present) to establish a more robust region. This will establish and strengthen the identified peripheral growth centres as centres of national competitiveness and specialisation. Primary policy actions as emanated from the literature and the multiple country policy analysis will promote more efficient sectoral composition as key towards more resilient peripheral regions. It is acknowledged that these policy actions must be informed by a detailed regional economic analysis for different peripheral regions to determine inherent and latent economic potential and link with interdependent industries. This paper will highlight that regional policy should become more explicit by exploiting the role of economic and natural resources as growth engines for the peripheral regional economy in a more effective way through a multi-centred territorial structure.


Rural-urban migration is a widespread process in Sudan. Male migration from the Nuba mountains to Khartoum already started during the colonial time. Up to the present, the percentage of women under the migrants has rapidly increased. The women follow their husbands or move together with their families to the capital. Their living conditions in Khartoum differ from those in rural areas. The migrant women have less opportunities to work outside the house or to move to other housing areas, so that they only have contacts with members of their ethnic group living in the same neighbourhood. Besides the social problems, the women are confronted with economic difficulties. Their aim, to save money for remigration, is nearly impossible to attain.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(22-24):2996-3016
River terraces are well established as an important source of Lower and Middle Palaeolithic artefacts in Europe, large collections having been assembled there during the years of manual gravel extraction. Now that many terrace sequences can be reliably dated and correlated with the oceanic record, potentially useful patterns can be recognized in the distribution of artefacts. The earliest appearance of artefacts in terrace staircases, marking the arrival of the first tool-making hominins in the region in question, is the first of several archaeological markers within fluvial sequences. The Lower to Middle Palaeolithic transition, with the appearance of Levallois, is another. Others may be more regional in significance: the occurrences of Clactonian (Mode 1) industry, twisted ovate handaxes and bout coupé handaxes, for example. IGCP Project no. 449 instigated the compilation of fluvial records from all over the ‘old world’. Comparison between British and Central European sequences confirms the established view that there is a demarcation between handaxe making in the west and flake/core industries in the east. Other centres of activity reported here have been in the Middle East (Syria), South Africa and India. Data from such areas will be key in deciphering the story of the earlier ‘out-of-Africa’ migration, that by pre-Homo sapiens people. There is clear evidence for diachroneity between the first appearances of different industries, in keeping with the well-established idea of northward migration.  相似文献   

The Alum Shale Formation is a metal-rich black shale, deposited on the Baltoscandian platform between Middle Cambrian and Early Ordovician. These black shales may be of particular economic interest for their relatively high uranium content (100–300 ppm) and their wide distribution from Norway to Estonia. Scandinavian Alum Shale may thus constitute a great potential resource of uranium, as a low grade ore. The Alum Shale Formation is particularly interesting to study the mineralogical expression and content of uranium in series submitted to progressive burial and metamorphism. For this purpose, the behavior of U, P, Ti and organic matter was studied on a series of representative samples from most Alum Shale prospection zones. In southern Sweden, where Alum Shale underwent fairly shallow burial, uranium concentrations have no mineralogical expression except a rather high U content of biogenic phosphates. Calcite concretions (beefs) and fractures recorded the migration of hot overpressured hydrocarbons and brines from thermally mature areas to immature Alum Shale. However, thermal maturation and fluid migration did not allow remobilization of uranium and metals. At the opposite, in northern Sweden, where the series were folded, duplicated and submitted to low grade Greenschist metamorphism during Caledonian orogeny, phospho-silicates U-Si-Ca-P (±Ti ±Zr ±Y) and minor amounts of uraninite are identified and indicate that U, P, and Ti were mobile and precipitated as new phases. The effect of metamorphism is therefore important to consider as the leachability of U, especially during (bio)-hydrometallurgical processes, which will be by far different between the two considered areas.  相似文献   

Internal structures in zircons from granitoids from the late Archaean Darling Range Batholith show secondary features revealed by HF etching, which record reconstitution of the zircons and modification of the distribution of trace elements during post crystallisation cooling of the granitoid. Zircons from the granites commonly contain unzoned to weakly zoned cores surrounded by rims showing oscillatory zoning which has been modified by recrystallisation. The most striking feature is the development of high trace element concentration areas found in zircons from a number of granites. These structures range from enhanced trace element concentrations in primary zones to a single accumulation of most trace elements in one band, about half way between the outer edge and the centre of the zircon. In any zircon the extent of the concentration of trace elements towards the formation of a single trace element band appears to be inversely related to the fading and broadening of primary oscillatory zones in the outer rim. This suggests that the trace element bands formed by migration of trace elements from the outer primary zones to new concentration sites on an inner set of primary zones. This explanation is supported by the formation of multiple curved trace element bands that transgress primary zoning and the determination of younger SHRIMP ages on depleted zircon outer rims compared to remnant primary oscillatory zoned areas of the zircon and unzoned centres. Also observed in some granite zircons is a finely convoluted zoning which overprints oscillatory zoning in parts of a zoned zircon and in rare cases occurs throughout the zircon. This structure is explained in terms of secondary migration and reconcentration of trace elements in curved bands. All structures can be transgressed by generally rounded lobes and patches of low U, weakly nebulously zoned zircon. This is interpreted as a late stage interaction between the zircon and fluids formed during cooling and crystallisation of the granitoid, resulting in recrystallisation of affected parts of the zircon with accompanying loss of trace elements from the zircon. Received: 6 January 1998 / Accepted: 8 May 1998  相似文献   

A symposium on the glacial refugia and migration paths of Central and North European trees was sponsored by the Løvenholm foundation and held at Løvenholm Castle in Jutland, Denmark, in July 1981. Twenty invited lectures were given by participants from twelve European countries. The symposium showed that it may be possible to identify the migration centres and the origin of local populations of the  相似文献   

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