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It is a very complicated problem to estimate evapotranspiration (ET) over a large area of land surface. In this paper, the evapotranspiration estimation models for dense vegetation and bare soil are presented, based on the information of parameters like vegetation cover-degree and surface albedo. Combined with vegetation cover-degree data, a model for regional evapotranspiration estimation over the heterogeneous landscape is derived. Through a case study using remote sensing data over Northwest China, the accuracy of the model for regional evapotranspiration estimation is checked. The result shows that the accuracy of the model is satisfactory. The features of evapotranspiration over Northwest China are also discussed with the application of the model.  相似文献   

中国西北地区蒸发散量计算的遥感研究   总被引:49,自引:0,他引:49  
自然陆面区域蒸发散的教育处是一个复杂的问题,在利用遥感资料求取地表特征参数的基础上,首先建立了2种极端条件下(裸露地表和全植被覆盖)的裸土蒸发和全植被覆盖蒸散计算模型,然后结合植被覆盖度给出非均匀陆面条件下的区域蒸发散计算方法,实测资料验算表明该模型具有较高的计算精度,最后利用该模型对我国西北5省区的蒸发散量进行了计算,并对该研究区蒸发散的特点进行了分析。  相似文献   

Estimation of net primary productivity in China using remote sensing data   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 IntroductionAs a major part of terrestrial ecosystem, vegetation plays an important role in the energy, matter and momentum exchange between land surface and atmosphere. Through the process of photosynthesis, land plants assimilate carbon in atmosphere and incorporate into dry matter while part of carbon is emitted into atmosphere again through plant respiration. The remainder of photosynthesis and respiration is called net primary productivity (NPP), which is important in the global carbon…  相似文献   

Evapotranspiration (ET) is an important parameter for water resource management. Compared to the traditional ET computation and measurement methods, the ET computation method based on remote sensing has the advantages of quickness, precision, raster mapping and regional scale. SEBAL, an ET computation model using remote sensing method is based on the surface energy balance equation which is a function of net radiance flux, soil heat flux, sensible heat flux and latent heat flux. The former three fluxes can be computed through the parameters retrieved from remote sensing image, then the latent heat flux can be obtained to provide energy for ET. Finally we can obtain the daily ET. In this study SEBAL was applied to compute ET in the Yellow River Delta of China where water resource faces a rigorous situation. Three Landsat TM images and meteorology data of 1999 were used for ET computation, and spatial and temporal change patterns of ET in the Yellow River Delta were analysed.  相似文献   

Evapotranspiration (ET) is an important parameter for water resource management. Compared to the traditional ET computation and measurement methods, the ET computation method based on remote sensing has the advantages of quickness, precision, raster mapping and regional scale. SEBAL, an ET computation model using remote sensing method is based on the surface energy balance equation which is a function of net radiance flux, soil heat flux, sensible heat flux and latent heat flux. The former three fluxes can be computed through the parameters retrieved from remote sensing image, then the latent heat flux can be obtained to provide energy for ET. Finally we can obtain the daily ET. In this study SEBAL was applied to compute ET in the Yellow River Delta of China where water resource faces a rigorous situation. Three Landsat TM images and meteorology data of 1999 were used for ET computation, and spatial and temporal change patterns of ET in the Yellow River Delta were analysed.  相似文献   

The main biochemicals (such as lignin, protein, cellulose, sugar, starch, chlorophyll and water) of vegetation are directly or indirectly involved in major ecological processes, such as the functions of terrestrial ecosystems (i.e., nutrient-cycling processes, primary production, and decomposition). Remote sensing techniques provide a very convenient way of data acquisition capable of covering a large area several times during one season, so it can play a unique and essential role provided that we can relate remote sensing measurements to the biochemical characteristics of the Earth surface in a reliable and operational way. The application of remote sensing techniques for the estimation of canopy biochemicals was reviewed. Three methods of estimating biochemical concentrations of vegetation were included in this paper: index, stepwise multiple linear regression, and stepwise multiple linear regression based on a model of the forest crown. In addition, the vitality and potential applying value are stressed.  相似文献   

The main biochemicals (such as lignin, protein, cellulose, sugar, starch, chlorophyll and water) of vegetation are directly or indirectly involved in major ecological processes, such as the functions of terrestrial ecosystems (i.e., nutrient-cycling processes, primary production, and decomposition). Remote sensing techniques provide a very convenient way of data acquisition capable of covering a large area several times during one season, so it can play a unique and essential role provided that we can relate remote sensing measurements to the biochemical characteristics of the Earth surface in a reliable and operational way. The application of remote sensing techniques for the estimation of canopy biochemicals was reviewed. Three methods of estimating biochemical concentrations of vegetation were included in this paper: index, stepwise multiple linear regression, and stepwise multiple linear regression based on a model of the forest crown. In addition, the vitality and potential applying value are stressed.  相似文献   

西北地区主要农作物遥感估产信息系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了西北地区主要农作物遥感估产过程中背景数据的类型及获取,信息系统的基本内容和基本结构。介绍了资源环境(背景)信息系统、数据库系统、GIS空间信息提取、估产模型库系统、专家知识库系统和人工神经网络、基于INTERNET的数据发布等各个子模块的基本结构和功能。并描述了各个模块之间的相互关系。西北地区农作物遥感估产信息系统的建成,可及时、客观、准确地提供农作物的长势情况,粮食产量,为有关部门(如农业部门、政府决策部门)的相关决策提供科学数据和依据。  相似文献   

珠江口红树林湿地演变与现状的遥感分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 Introduction Half of the mangrove wetlands in China are situated in Guangdong province (Wang and Chen, 1998). The province used to have various types of wild mangrove forests along its coastal areas. The rapid expansion of urban areas and the fast deve…  相似文献   

Mangrove forests have important ecological functions in protecting the environment. However, the mangrove wetlands have been largely lost because of intensified human activities in the study area. Remote sensing can be conveniently used for the inventory of mangrove forests because field investigation is very difficult. In this study, a knowledge-based system is developed to retrieve spatio-temporal dynamics of mangrove wetlands using multi-temporal remote sensing data. Radar remote sensing data are also used to provide complementary information for the quantitative analysis of mangrove wetlands. Radar remote sensing is able to penetrate mangrove forests and obtain the trunk information about mangrove structures. The integration of radar remote sensing with optical remote sensing can significantly improve the accuracies of classifying mangrove wetland types and estimating wetland biomass.  相似文献   

基于过程模型的河北平原冬小麦产量和蒸散量模拟   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
本文结合作物参数的遥感信息反演和气象要素的空间尺度扩展方法 ,建立以GIS背景数据库为支撑的冬小麦生长模型 ,研究河北平原农田生态系统生物量和蒸散量的区域分布特征。结果显示 ,河北平原 1990年高产区主要集中在保定中南部、石家庄中部、邢台中部和邯郸东部的南北条带上 ,单产在 6 0 0 0~ 84 0 0kghm- 2 之间 ,廊坊东部、沧州大部分、衡水中部、邢台东部和西部太行山区等是低产区 ,单产低于 30 0 0kghm- 2 。总体而言 ,该地区实际产量与光温生产潜力对比仍有较大差距。在冬小麦生长期 ,蒸散量主要在 30 0~ 5 0 0mm之间 ,水分利用效率低于2 0kghm- 2 mm- 1,其中小于 8kghm- 2 mm- 1的概率分布占 4 2 %左右。农业水资源不足 ,水分利用效率低 ,是该地区冬小麦生产面临的严重问题。  相似文献   

城市绿量测算模式及信息系统   总被引:55,自引:0,他引:55  
周坚华 《地理学报》2001,11(1):14-23
作者提出了以彩红外航片判读和计算机模拟技术测算绿量、建立绿量数据库、及对该数据库的GIS化开发形成绿量信息管理系统的一整套理论技术与方法。  相似文献   

XU Feng  GUO Suoyan 《地理学报》2002,12(4):435-442
This paper discussed the spatial distribution of soil erosion in China at the end of the 20th century based on the second national soil erosion survey. The result indicated soil erosion is still the prime environmental problem in China. Soil erosion mainly occurs in the western regions of China, and the slight erosion type, ion the whole, exerts the greatest impact on soil erosion pattern. The distribution of water erosion shows the impact of landforms: slight water erosion mainly in mountainous and hilly areas, and half of violent water erosion on the loess landforms. Farmland, forestland and grassland are the major land use types of slight hydraulic erosion distribution, while the serious hydraulic erosion and slight wind erosion mainly occur on grassland. Thus, the conservation of the grassland is the key to either hydraulic and wind erosion control. The huangmian soil (a major type of cultivated soil developed from loess mother material) is the one facing the most serious threat from soil erosion in Chinas soil resources. Further discussion on the soil erosion distribution still needs more research on the method and relevant data analysis.  相似文献   

This paper discussed the spatial distribution of soil erosion in China at the end of the 20th century based on the second national soil erosion survey. The result indicated soil erosion is still the prime environmental problem in China. Soil erosion mainly occurs in the western regions of China, and the slight erosion type, ion the whole, exerts the greatest impact on soil erosion pattern. The distribution of water erosion shows the impact of landforms: slight water erosion mainly in mountainous and hilly areas, and half of violent water erosion on the loess landforms. Farmland, forestland and grassland are the major land use types of slight hydraulic erosion distribution, while the serious hydraulic erosion and slight wind erosion mainly occur on grassland. Thus, the conservation of the grassland is the key to either hydraulic and wind erosion control. The huangmian soil (a major type of cultivated soil developed from loess mother material) is the one facing the most serious threat from soil erosion in Chinas soil resources. Further discussion on the soil erosion distribution still needs more research on the method and relevant data analysis.  相似文献   

19562000年中国潜在蒸散量变化趋势   总被引:55,自引:3,他引:55  
利用19562000年全国580个气象站的逐月气候资料,采用FAO推荐的彭曼-孟蒂斯公式计算潜在蒸散量,对中国及十大流域这45年的潜在蒸散量时空分布特征和变化趋势进行了分析,并采用偏相关分析方法,对造成潜在蒸散量变化的主要气候影响因子进行了探讨。结果表明:45年中除松花江流域外,全国绝大多数流域的年和四季的潜在蒸散量均呈现减少趋势,南方各流域(西南诸河流域除外)年和夏季潜在蒸散量减少趋势尤其明显。19802000年和19561979年两时段多年平均年潜在蒸散量差值表明,我国大部地区19802000年时段较前一时段减少,山东半岛、黄河和长江源区、西南诸河的中西部以及宁夏等地则增多。分析还表明,全国及大多数流域的年和四季潜在蒸散量与日照时数、风速、相对湿度等要素关系密切,但这45年日照时数和/或风速的明显减少可能是导致大多数地区潜在蒸散量减少的主要原因。  相似文献   

西北地区生长季参考作物蒸散变化成因的定量分析   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
曹雯  申双和  段春锋 《地理学报》2011,66(3):407-415
基于FAO Penman-Monteith 公式计算了我国西北地区126 个测站1961-2009 年的生长季(4-10 月) 参考作物蒸散(ET0) 对平均气温、风速、相对湿度和太阳辐射的敏感系数,并结合各气象因子的多年变化特征定量讨论参考作物蒸散变化的原因。结果表明:风速和气温的敏感性虽然相对较低,但因其显著变化,成为引起ET0变化的主导因子,贡献达到-5.22%和3.29%;太阳辐射和相对湿度敏感性较大,但因变化小,贡献仅为-0.76%和0.63%。空间上,气温在西北地区对ET0 变化多为正贡献,风速和太阳辐射多为负贡献;相对湿度在西部多为负贡献,东部为正贡献。估算的4 个气象因子共同作用引起的ET0变化在趋势、数值和空间分布上均与ET0的实际变化基本一致,两者的相关系数高达0.99,表明结合敏感性分析和气象因子的多年变化来解释西北地区ET0变化的原因兼具合理性和可行性。而且该方法弥补了趋势分析法、相关分析法和敏感性分析法的不足,为定量分析ET0变化成因提供一条新思路  相似文献   

The transformation of land cover, in particular coniferous forest, constitutes one of the most notable agents of regional-to-global-scale environmental change. Remote sensing provides an excellent opportunity for providing forest cover information at appropriate spatial and temporal scales. The optimal exploitation of remote sensing relies on the link between known forest cover and the remotely sensed dataset. This paper explores the accuracy of three methods – vegetation indices, regression analysis and neural networks – for estimating coniferous forest cover across the United States Pacific Northwest. All methods achieved a similar accuracy of forest cover estimation. However, in view of the benefits and limitations of each, the neural network approach is recommended for future consideration.  相似文献   

中国西北空中可降水量的年内非均匀性特征   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
利用NCAR/NCEP资料,通过引进表征时间分配特征的参数集中度和集中期对西北上空大气可降水量年内非均匀性特征进行分析,结果表明:一致性异常分布是西北上空大气可降水量集中度和集中期的最主要的空间分布特征;西北地区上空大气可降水量集中度和集中期近45年来主要表现为2~4年、6~8年的高频振荡;西北上空大气可降水量集中度异常强弱年其水汽输送特征存在显著差异,在集中度异常强年,西北东南部西南季风水汽输送较常年偏强,其余区域西风带水汽输送较常年偏强,由于充足的水汽供应使得整个西北地区上空大气可降水量与常年相比偏多;反之亦然。  相似文献   

中国西北极端降水事件年内非均匀性特征分析   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
 基于中国西北五省(区)1960—2004年112个台站逐日降水资料,根据百分位值方法定义了不同台站的极端降水阈值,引入了表征时间分配特征的新参数——极端降水事件集中度和集中期,对中国西北极端降水事件的年内非均匀性特征进行了分析,结果表明:西北年极端降水事件集中度及集中期的平均和异常空间分布都存在很大的区域差异,并且其异常空间分布均可分为6个关键区;而从时间演变来看,各个关键区年极端降水事件的集中度与集中期均表现出了显著的年代际振荡特征,但各分区年代际变化特征并不一致;另外西北东、西部年极端降水事件集中度与集中期表现出反向的变化趋势。  相似文献   

基于遥感和GIS的中国20世纪90年代毁林开荒状况分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
毁林开荒过程是一种林地变为耕地的土地利用变化过程,可以通过遥感和GIS技术对这一过程进行监测。本文通过覆盖全国的TM影像数据,对20世纪90年代林地转为耕地的面积及其空间分布进行分析,从而对全国毁林开荒过程进行遥感监测。结果表明,该时期有17630km2的林地被开垦为耕地。不同面积等级的开垦过程在不同流域分布也不同:面积小于10hm2和介于10~100hm2的被开垦林地较广泛地分布于各大流域;而面积介于100~1000hm2的被开垦林地主要分布于松辽流域、黑龙江流域和东北东部流域、长江流域、珠江流域和云南省所在流域;大于1000hm2的被开垦林地则几乎全部分布于松辽流域、黑龙江流域和东北东部流域。坡度大于3°的毁林开荒地面积占总面积的295%;对土壤侵蚀背景的分析表明,土壤侵蚀强度以微度和轻度为主  相似文献   

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