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By using the basic theories of physical geography, land resources and ecology, this article analyzes the soil quality of the rural-urban marginal area in Kaifeng. Computer techniques, based on soil samples analysis, are used to study soil quality changes in the Kaifeng’s rural-urban marginal area. While focusing on nutrient circle key links of input and output in soil, relying on numerous practical survey data, this article reveals clearly the impact of land use change on soil quality.  相似文献   

秦明周  赵杰 《地理学报》2000,55(5):545-554
运用自然地理学、土地资源学和生态学等多学科的基本理论,以开封市为例,通过可对照的土壤采样分析,选取pH、全氮、有机质、速效氮、速效磷、速效钾、阳离子代换量等养分因子,经标准化处理,运用经修改的内梅罗公式,尝试性地评价了城乡结合部土壤的总体质量,并对比分析了典型的、不同的土地利用方式及其变化条件下的土壤质量变化,定量地说明了城乡结合土壤质量的变化,证实了目前的维持、提高土壤质量、高产出的方法只能是高  相似文献   

Taking the typical karst agricultural region, Xiaojiang watershed in Luxi of Yunnan Province as a research unit, utilizing the groundwater quality data in 1982 and 2004, the aerial photos in 1982 and TM images in 2004, supported by the GIS, we probe into the law and the reason of its space-time change of the groundwater quality over the past 22 years in the paper. The results show: (1) There were obvious temporal and spatial changes of groundwater quality during the past 22 years. (2) Concentrations of,SO42-,NO3-,NO2-,Cl-,and the pH value, total hardness, total alkalinity increased significantly, in which NH4+,NO3-, and NO2- of groundwater exceeded the drinking water standards as a result of non-point pollution caused by the expansion of cultivated land and mass use of the fertilizer and pesticide. (3) Oppositely, Ca2+ and HCO3- showed an obvious decline trend due to forest reduction and degradation and stony desertification. Meantime, there was a dynamic relation between the groundwater quality change and the land use change.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Ecological environment such as water, soil, etc. are very fragile in the karst area because of the special geological background. With the fast increase of the population and rapid social and economic development in karst area, contradictio…  相似文献   

红壤丘陵区土地可持续利用中的干旱约束与调控研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
本文选择红壤丘陵区江西余江县作为研究样点 ,运用Zi指数等定量方法衡量区域干旱问题 ,辨识区域存在的干旱及其类别等级 ;运用“制约强度指数”衡量干旱对土地农业利用的约束程度。研究表明 ,红壤丘陵区一定频度的干旱 ,制约着土地利用的过程、形式与效果及其时空变异性 ,其制约强度与土地利用的方式及其结构、作物种类等密切相关。旱地的盲目扩展等不适当人为活动 ,在水利效用受局限之后对干旱成灾的影响作用日渐突出。科学的调控不仅需要完善水利工程网络建设 ,对水源利用采取蓄、引、节、保措施 ,也需要改进土地利用模式与技术 ,重视修订总体规划并进行土地利用的结构性调整。  相似文献   

孔祥斌  张凤荣  王茹  徐艳 《地理研究》2005,24(2):213-221
以北京市大兴区为城乡交错带的分析样区,对1982年、2000年土地利用方式变化和两期不同土地利用方式的土壤养分变化情况进行分析。结果表明:与1982年相比,2000年土壤有机质含量在不同土地利用方式下增加的顺序为:果园>水浇地>稻田>菜地>林地>旱地; 土壤全氮含量增加的顺序为:稻田>菜地>水浇地>果园>旱地>林地;土壤碱解效氮含量增加的顺序为稻田>水浇地>菜地>果园>旱地>林地;土壤速效磷含量增加的顺序为果园>水浇地>稻田>旱地>菜地>林地;土壤速效钾含量在不同土地利用方式下变化规律为, 在果园和稻田中略有增加,在其他利用方式中有不同程度降低。水稻田转变为水浇地、菜地、果园后,土壤有机质、全氮、碱解氮含量增加幅度顺序为旱地>果园>水浇地>菜地;速效磷含量增加的顺序为果园>水浇地>菜地>旱地。旱地转变为果园、水浇地后,除速效钾含量降低外,其他养分含量都有不同程度的提高。沙荒地转变为旱地、水浇地、菜地、果园、林地后,除速效钾含量降低外,其他养分含量都有不同程度的增加。  相似文献   

为实现区域城乡统筹发展,在界定城乡统筹系统概念、界面和性质的基础上,分析影响城乡统筹发展的主要因素,应用突变理论对城乡统筹系统进行理论研究,并借鉴城市精明增长理论,提出土地精明利用调控城乡统筹系统要素实现城乡统筹发展的思想。城乡统筹系统的界面包括城市与乡村之间的界面、城乡统筹前后的界面和城乡系统间的界面;影响城乡统筹系统的主要因素有城乡现实、农户意愿、政府政策,其中城乡现实是城乡统筹发展的基础,农户意愿是城乡统筹发展自下而上的内在动力,政府政策是城乡统筹发展自上而下的外部引力;以土地为纽带,利用“农地整治、村镇改造、要素配置”3个土地精明工具,通过土地利用数量、结构与利用方式的调整与优化,消除城乡系统之间要素流动的障碍,促进土地、劳动力等要素在城乡之间双向流动,达到增强农村经济活力、保障城市经济发展、缩小城乡差距的目的,最终实现“生活殷实、生产繁荣、福利共享、生态优美”的城乡统筹发展目标。  相似文献   

北京地区土地利用/覆盖变化研究   总被引:93,自引:15,他引:93  
本文利用1975、1984、1991和1997的LandsatTM/MSS数据,对北京地区改革开放以来22年的土地利用/覆盖变化进行了研究。结果表明从1975~1997年,北京地区发生了快速城市化背景下的大规模土地利用/覆盖变化,表现出城镇用地通过大量占用平原区耕地扩展,非城镇用地间结构变化明显的基本特征。同时土地利用/覆盖变化区域差异明显,近郊区和远郊区的土地利用/覆盖变化强度发生了逆转,远郊区土地利用/覆盖变化强度在90年代已经超过近郊区,而且该区高密度城镇用地的重心也向西北方向发生了一定程度的移动,显示出同期北京城镇用地向西北方向扩展的趋势  相似文献   

中国可持续发展问题与土地利用/覆被变化研究   总被引:171,自引:9,他引:171  
刘彦随  陈百明 《地理研究》2002,21(3):324-330
土地利用 /覆被变化 (LUCC)研究 ,已成为全球环境变化和可持续发展领域前沿的核心问题。中国是世界上人多地少、生态与环境问题较为突出的发展中国家 ,目前中国可持续发展所面临的许多问题 ,都与土地利用及其变化有着内在的、必然的联系。因此 ,面向可持续发展战略的实施 ,开展土地利用 /覆被变化的系统研究 ,具有重要的科学价值与战略意义。本文重点对土地利用 /覆被变化与可持续发展重点问题的关系 ,以及面向可持续发展问题的LUCC研究目标、主要内容和技术方法等进行了讨论  相似文献   

徐州城区土地利用变化过程与格局   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:9  
渠爱雪  卞正富  朱传耿  马晓冬  孟召宜  李志江 《地理研究》2009,28(1):97-108,图版4
基于1994、2003年的土地利用现状图,1987、1994、2000、2003和2007年5个时相的Landsat TM遥感影像,构建了矿业城市徐州的城区土地利用时空变化数据库,以此为基础,采用动态度、强度、开发度、耗减度等数量变化模型及重心模型、插值分析、各向异性和扇形分析等空间分析方法,揭示了徐州城区土地利用变化过程与格局特征,并对其驱动力进行分析.研究表明:耕地的减少和建设用地的增加是研究区土地利用变化的总体特征;矿产资源的分布影响城市用地格局,资源生命周期影响城市用地格局演化;城市建设用地扩展空间异性逐步增强,并呈现出阶段性演化特征;研究区土地利用格局及其演化是自然条件、矿产资源、经济因素、城市规划、交通等多因素综合作用的结果.  相似文献   

对绿洲城市土地利用效益进行评价和研究有助于衡量绿洲城市土地利用水平,实现绿洲城市土地的高效协调利用.选取典型干旱区绿洲城市乌鲁木齐,利用多时相TM影像数据,对乌鲁木齐1990-2005年土地利用的基本特征进行分析,在此基础上采用综合指标评价法、灰色关联度和相关数学方法从土地利用的经济、社会和生态效益三方面对1990-2...  相似文献   

三峡库区秭归县和兴山县的土地利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study the arable land changes in two counties (Zigui and Xingshan) in the Three Gorges Reservoir area in China are investigated. The statistical data fTom the officially published statistical books are used to study these changes in the two counties during the past 50 years since 1949. The changes of arable land, changes of arable land per capita, and changes of multiple crop index in Zigui and Xingshan counties are examined. Using an index method, we conclude that the two counties are critical in the sustainable utilization of arable land.  相似文献   

In this study the arable land changes in two counties (Zigui and Xingshan) in the Three Gorges Reservoir area in China are investigated. The statistical data from the officially published statistical books are used to study these changes in the two counties during the past 50 years since 1949. The changes of arable land, changes of arable land per capita, and changes of multiple crop index in Zigui and Xingshan counties are examined. Using an index method, we conclude that the two counties are critical in the sustainable utilization of arable land.  相似文献   

基于土地系统科学的土地利用转型与城乡融合发展   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
龙花楼  陈坤秋 《地理学报》2021,76(2):295-309
土地系统科学的研究视角可为促进城乡融合发展的土地利用转型研究提供参考借鉴.本文在梳理国际上土地系统科学发展历程基础上,基于土地系统科学研究视角探讨了土地利用转型影响城乡融合发展的理论框架、方式与路径以及促进城乡融合发展的土地利用转型调控途径与措施.土地系统科学致力于监测土地变化,解释驱动因素和反馈机制,理解发生于土地上...  相似文献   

The influence of land use and land cover on ecological environment is a focus of global change research. The paper chooses an industrial city-Shuicheng in Guizhou Province-as a study area because the karst water quality around the city is deteriorating with land use and land cover change. The natural susceptibility of karst water system is an important factor leading to karst water pollution. But land use and land cover change is also a main factor according to the chemical analysis of karst water quality and land use change. So it is a good way to protect karst water through rational planning and managing of land use and land cover.  相似文献   

土地利用变化对水城盆地岩溶水水质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The influence of land use and land cover on ecological environment is a focus of global change research. The paper chooses an industrial city-Shuicheng in Guizhou Province-as a study area because the karst water quality around the city is deteriorating with land use and land cover change.The natural susceptibility of karst water system is an important factor leading to karst water pollution.But land use and land cover change is also a main factor according to the chemical analysis of karst water quality and land use change. So it is a good way to protect karst water through rational planning and managing of land use and land cover.  相似文献   

Understanding the driving forces and mechanism of land use change is a key issue in land change science, and has received much attention over the past 30 years. While many driving forces have been identified, the mechanism of land use change is still unclear, mainly because of limited knowledge of the underlying motivation for land use change. Traditionally, the underlying motivation for land use change was ascribed to people's pursuit of satisfying their own demands or that of profit maximization. However, those theoretical hypotheses combine all productive factors without highlighting certain predominant factor, in this paper, a case study was conducted on the variation of land productivity, capital productivity and labor productivity in agricultural land use in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China. The case study revealed that only labor productivity presented a long-term increasing trend in regional cotton and grain production. This result implies that people's pursuit of increasing labor pro- ductivity is probably the underlying motivation for land use change. Additional details identi- fied in agricultural and non-agricultural land use in China support the above implication. As labor productivity is a determinant of people's living standards, increasing labor productivity means improving people's living standards. Therefore, it is concluded that land use change results from people's pursuit of increasing labor productivity in a changing environment.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Because of modifying land-cover (Turner et al., 1991) and management measures of soil (Dalal, 1986), land use changes can cause significant modifications in soil properties (Islam, 2000; Mcalister, 1998; Braimoh, 2004; Lal, 1996; Shepherd, …  相似文献   

Hu  Can  Song  Min  Zhang  Anlu 《地理学报(英文版)》2023,33(2):245-265
Journal of Geographical Sciences - The dramatic land use changes that occur in rapidly urbanized areas are important inducement to changes in the eco-environmental quality. Investigating urban land...  相似文献   

Supported by RS and GIS, the land use change from 1982 to 2003 were analyzed and the impacts of land use changes on pH value, organic matter, total N, total P, total K, available N, available P, and available K in soil of Xiaojiang watershed, a typical karst agricultural region of Yunnan Province, Southwest China were assessed. The following aspects are concluded. (1) The total land use converted during the past 20 years in Xiaojiang watershed covers an area of 610.12 km2, of which 134.29 km2 of forestland was converted into cultivated land, and 210 km2 of unused land was converted into cultivated land. (2) The rapid growth of population and the economic development were the main driving forces of land use change. (3) With the change in land use, the soil properties have been changed significantly. The pH, organic matter, total N, total P, total K, available N, available P and available K in soil in 1982 were 6.3, 38.02 g kg-1, 1.86 g kg-1, 1.63 g kg-1, 10.94 g kg-1, 114.42 g kg-1, 11.65 mg kg-1 and 64.69 mg kg-1g, respectively; and those in 2003 were 6.73, 25.26 g kg-1, 1.41 g kg-1, 0.99 g kg-1, 12.6 g kg-1, 113.43 mg kg-1, 11.11 mg kg-1 and 151.59 mg kg-1, respectively. Pared samples t-test of the tested indices of soil properties indicate that those indices have changed significantly during the last 20 years. But the soil properties changed differently, due to the differences in land use change. (4) Also, with the change in land use and management measures of soil, the modifications in soil properties which developed from carbonate rocks were more sensitive than those in the soil developed from sandstone.  相似文献   

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