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用双特异探针技术定性定量分析微型原甲藻   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对微型原甲藻核糖体大亚基和小亚基RNA分别设计了大亚基探针(LSU probe)和小亚基探针(SSU probe),发展了对微型原甲藻进行定性和定量分析的双特异探针技术.分析数据表明针对微型原甲藻核糖体大亚基RNA的LSU probe能够特异地将微型原甲藻和其他7种微藻分开,而且检测信号的强弱在一定的范围内与细胞数呈线性关系;由于针对微型原甲藻核糖体小亚基的SSU probe探针由于与具齿原甲藻存在核酸序列一致性,该探针与具齿原甲藻有严重的交叉反应,但未发现与海洋原甲藻和其他藻的交叉反应.另外,研究还优化了破碎微型原甲藻细胞所需的超声时间以及获得探针的特异性所需的S1酶反应温度.本研究为实现对微型原甲藻海水样品的快速准确监测奠定了基础.  相似文献   

Microalgae are photosynthetic microorganisms that function as primary producers in aquatic ecosystems. Some species of microalgae undergo rapid growth and cause harmful blooms in marine ecosystems. Heterocapsa triquetra is one of the most common bloom-forming species in estuarine and coastal waters worldwide. Although this species does not produce toxins, unlike some other Heterocapsa species, the high density of its blooms can cause significant ecological damage. We developed a H. triquetra species-specific nuclease protection assay sandwich hybridization (NPA-SH) probe that targets the large subunit of ribosomal RNA (LSU rRNA). We tested probe specificity and sensitivity with five other dinoflagellates that also cause red tides. Our assay detected H. triquetra at a concentration of 1.5×104 cells/mL, more sensitive than required for a red-tide guidance warning by the Korea Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries in 2015 (3.0×104 cells/mL). We also used the NPA-SH assay to monitor H. triquetra in the Tongyeong region of the southern sea area of Korea during 2014. This method could detect H. triquetra cells within 3 h. Our assay is useful for monitoring H. triquetra under field conditions.  相似文献   

PCNA has been considered as a useful marker for the estimation of growth rates of marine phytoplankton at the species level. Since dinoflagellates are noted for having many prokaryotic features in that they are the only eukaryotes to have permanently condensed chromosomes as well as lacking histones and a nucleosome, the sensitivity to UVB radiation and the validity of PCNA as a maker of growth rate in dinoflagellate need to be evaluated.Prorocentrum donghaiense Lu was investigated to valuate the UVB sensitivity in relation to cellular and molecular aspects of PCNA as a growth indicator.The effects of UVB radiation on PCNA were studied using the methods of western blots technology and whole-cell immunoflurescence with one mono-antibody. UVB changed the cell morphology, halted the growth and increased the cell size, even caused cell death to a certain extent after treatment with UVB radiation in P. donghaiense. Compared with the control, treating the algal cultures in exponential phases with UVB radiation for 24 h caused chromatin release and increases in protein levels of PCNA.  相似文献   

在长江口附近和浙江近海海域,近些年来每年春季几乎都发生大规模的东海原甲藻(Prorocentrum donghaiense)赤潮,时间通常是在4月底或5月初,但2005年却一直到5月底才发生。本文根据近几年在浙江近海进行的多个春季航次的调查资料和有关站位的气象资料,分析了该海区2005年春初的温度特征及其对大规模东海原甲藻赤潮发生的影响,阐明了2005年春季大规模东海原甲藻赤潮迟发的主要物理环境原因。结果表明,2005年3月浙江近海水温比多年同期平均值偏低,且这种情况在近岸区更为明显;与2004年同期相比,2005年春初(4月初)浙江近海水温偏低,2005年和2004年的这种水温差异在近岸和中上层的低盐水里最为明显,而在远岸和下层的高盐水水温差异则相对要小;近岸低盐水最低温度2005年比2004年低约2.6℃;2005年1—3月浙江近海特殊的气象条件(10 a中最低的气温和强劲的偏北大风)和2004/2005年冬季较弱的台湾暖流是形成4月初浙江近海低温特征的主要原因;2004年冬季和2005年春初浙江近水温偏低很可能是2005年春季东海大规模原甲藻赤潮迟发的主要原因。  相似文献   

Partial rDNA sequences of Prorocentrum minimum and Takayama pulchella were amplified,cloned and sequenced,and these sequence data were deposited in the GenBank.Eight oligonucleotide probes(DNA probes)were designed based on the sequence analysis.The probes were employed to detect and identify P.minimum and T. pulchella in unialgal and mixed algal samples with a fuorescence in situ hybridization method using flow cytometry.Epifluorescence micrographs showed that these specific probes labeled with fluorescein isothiocyanate entered the algal cells and bound to target sequences,and the fluorescence signal resulting from whole-cell hybridization varied from probe to probe.These DNA probes and the hybridization protocol we developed were specific and effective for P.minimum and T. pulchella,without any specific binding to other algal species.The hyrbridization efficiency of difierent probes specific to P.minimum was in the order:PMl8S02>PM28S02>PM28S01>PM18S01,and that of the probes specific to T. pulchella was TP18S02>TP28S01>TP28S02>TP18S01.The djfferent hybridization efficiency of the DNA probes could also be shown in the fuorescent signals between the labeled and unlabeled cells demonstrated using flow cytometry.The DNA probes PM18S02,PM28S02,TPl8S02 and TP28S01,and the protocol,were also useful for the detection of algae in natural samples.  相似文献   

Harmful algal blooms recently have been under the spotlight throughout the world, because of their negative impact on the marine environment, aquaculture, fisheries as well as public health. The development of methods for rapid and precise identification and quantification of causative species is essential for the warning and monitoring of blooms, among which the techniques based on taxonomic probes are the most favored. In this study, two harmful algae, i.e., Prorocentrum minimum and Karenia mikimotoi were taken into consideration. The partial large subunit rDNA (D1-D2) of both species were firstly PCR-amplified, cloned and sequenced. The obtained sequences were then introduced to carry out alignment analysis for gene specific regions. Three respective candidate probes for each species were designed and used to screen the optimal probe by performing fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) tests. The results showed that the probes Pmin0443 and Kmik0602 displayed the best hybridization for P. minimum and K. mikimotoi, respectively. Both the specific (taxonomic) (Pmin0443 and Kmik0602) and the control probes (UniC0512 and UniR0499) were used for cross-reactivity tests with other microalgae in our laboratory. The probes Pmin0443 and Kmik0602 are specific and could be served as taxonomic probes introduced into the techniques targeting rRNA, such as FISH, sandwich hybridization, and DNA-microarray assay of P. minimum and K. mikimotoi in the future. Finally, FISH analyses with both probes were performed on the simulated field samples. The probes could hybridize exclusively with the target cells well, and no significant difference (p >0.05) was observed in the cell densities of the samples determined by FISH and light microscopy (LM). All suggest that the probes are specific and could be introduced into FISH for the monitoring of both harmful algae.  相似文献   

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