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本文首先介绍了GPS反演大气可降水量的原理方法,并对GPS反演大气可降水量的流程做了重点介绍。然后介绍了河南省地质信息连续采集运行系统,(HNGICS),最后重点介绍了如何利用HNGICS进行大气可降水量的反演及其在各个领域的应用前景。   相似文献   

GPS信号相位延迟中包含很多大气信息,通过一定的方法可以从中获取有价值的大气参数。基于地基GPS相位延迟数据,提出了一种结合经验模式的一维变分同化获取大气折射率的方法。利用GPS相位延迟模拟数据进行同化试验,讨论了背景误差的设置对同化结果的影响,采用实测个例对该方法进行了验证。结果表明,该一维变分同化方法可行,并可获取高精度的0~60 km大气折射率。低层大气背景误差设置的准确程度会对整个高度范围内的同化效果产生影响。首次将同化获取的大气折射率应用于无线电波折射修正,取得了很好的修正效果,修正精度可达1 mm量级。  相似文献   

通过研究时序DInSAR相位模型,利用振幅离差、时间相干系数和统计分析多重方法提取了相干点目标,并根据不同相位分量的时空特性分离出形变相位,继而提取出相干点目标上的沉降速率。以上海市临港新城主城区为实验区,利用24景Envisat ASAR影像,得到了2007-10~2010-02间的沉降速率分布,并分析了冲填土年代对沉降的影响。  相似文献   

基于SBAS的矿区形变监测研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
由于使用的SAR图像较少,缺乏多余观测,传统的DInSAR测得的形变可靠性较差.此外,受InSAR观测周期以及空间和时间基线的限制,多数情况下很难将离散的DInSAR观测连接起来,获得时间上连续的沉降场,从而揭示研究区域的沉降演化情况.运用小基线集(SBAS)技术,通过虚拟观测值的方法,对DInSAR获取的相位进行后处...  相似文献   

DInSAR技术对不同方位形变的敏感性研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
以DEM数据为假想的地面目标,只考虑距离对相位的影响,模拟竖直向、距离向和方位向形变的干涉纹图,从而研究DInSAR技术对空间不同方位形变的敏感性。在所有模拟参数和形变位移大小都相同的情况下,三个不同方位形变所产生的相位从0到2π变化的完整干涉环的数目是各不相同的,揭示DInSAR技术对不同方位地表形变的敏感性存在差异,且敏感性由大到小依次为:竖直向、距离向和方位向。  相似文献   

Landslide studies over large areas call for multidisciplinary analyses supported by accurate ground displacement measurements. At present, conventional techniques can be valuably complemented by innovative satellite techniques such as Differential SAR Interferometry (DInSAR), furnishing huge amounts of data at competitively affordable costs. This work investigates the remote sensed data potential in landslide studies starting from the awareness of the present constraints of the technique. To this end, with reference to a sample area–within the territory of the National Basin Authority of Liri-Garigliano and Volturno rivers (Central-Southern Italy)–for which detailed base and thematic maps are available, quantitative examples of DInSAR data coverage on both different land-uses and landslide-affected areas are shown. Then, an original tool for “a priori DInSAR landslide visibility zoning” is proposed to address the choice of the most suitable image datasets. Finally, referring to the visible zones, the outcomes of DInSAR data for checking/updating landslide inventory maps at 1:25,000 scale highlight appealing perspectives, also holding the promise of obtaining relevant information in the landslide hazard evaluation.  相似文献   

沿海地区DInSAR形变探测:精度与可应用性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
卫星合成孔径雷达差分干涉在区域地表形变探测方面已表现出极好的应用前景。以我国沿海地区的2个典型实验区(即香港新机场和台湾西部地震区)作为研究对象,使用卫星ERS-1/2所获取的多幅SAR影像来探测香港填海地基沉降和台湾地震形变,与地面水准和GPS数据比较,评价干涉结果的实际观测精度,最后分析干涉雷达在沿海地区应用的局限性,并指出潜在的解决途径。  相似文献   

For lack of sufficient observations, the definition of atmospheric moisture fields (including water vapor and clouds) remains a difficult problem whose solution is essential for improved weather forecasts. Moisture fields are under-observed in time and space, primarily because the distribution of water in the atmosphere is highly variable. Because water is important in weather and climate processes, a significant effort has been expended to develop new or improved remote sensing systems to mitigate this problem. One such system uses ground-based Global Positoning System (GPS) receivers to make accurate all-weather estimates of atmospheric refractivity at very low cost. This largely unanticipated application of GPS had led to a new and potentially significant upper-air observing system for meteorological agencies and researchers around the world (Wolfe & Gutman, 2000). The first and most mature use of GPS for this purpose is in the estimation of integrated (total column) precipitable water vapor above a fixed site (Duan et al., 1996, with improvements by Niell, 1996, and Fang et al., 1998). The techniques currently used by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Forecast Systems Laboratory (NOAA/FSL) to collect, process, and distribute GPS water vapor observations are mature and almost ready for transition to operational use. NOAA/FSL has shown that GPS integrated water vapor data can be used effectively in objective (i. e., numerical weather prediction) and subjective weather forecasting. To understand the strengths and limitations of GPS for weather forecasting, it is essential to understant what types of information are currently available to forecasters and modelers, and how models use the data to describe the current and probable future state of the atmosphere. It is also important to understand the current trends in modern weather prediction to ensure that GPS observing system play a significant role in the future. ? 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

徐州煤矿资源开采已造成了大规模的地面沉陷,为了为矿区安全开采和塌陷区环境综合治理提供科学依据,利用雷达差分干涉测量(DInSAR)技术对ALOS PALSAR数据进行处理,获得徐州张双楼煤矿区2011-01-16至2011-03-03期间的地表形变分布图.结果表明,张双楼煤矿在46 d间隔里出现了3处沉降漏斗区域,漏斗中心最大沉降量达到420mm,并且沉降漏斗区域与矿区分布一致,说明DInSAR能够有效地监测矿区地表形变.  相似文献   

成都地区地基GPS观测网遥感大气可降水量的初步试验   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用首个成都地区地基GPS观测网2004年7~9月30 s间隔的测量数据,通过Bernese GPS Soft-ware V4.2解算出30 min间隔的天顶总延迟量,结合自动气象站获得的气象资料计算出30 min间隔的GPS遥感的大气可降水量。与根据气象探空站探测资料算出的可降水量进行统计对比,确定出本次GPS遥感可降水量试验的精度为3.09 mm,两种可降水量时间序列呈现高度的一致性。同时验证了计算对流层加权平均温度的Bevis经验公式在成都地区的适用性。  相似文献   

Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (DInSAR) methodology has been successfully employed to detect water level changes and produce corresponding water level variation maps. In this study, Agia and Kournas lakes, located in Western Crete, Greece, were used as pilot areas to monitor water level change with means of SAR interferometry and auxiliary Earth Observation (EO) data. The water level variation was monitored for the period 2015–2016, using Sentinel-1A imageries and corresponding stage water level data. Landsat 8 data were additionally used to study vegetation regime and surface water extent and how these parameters affect interferograms performance. The results highlighted the fact that the combination of SAR backscattering intensity and unwrapped phase can provide additional insight into hydrological studies. The overall analysis of both interferometric characteristics and backscattering mechanism denoted their potential in enhancing the reliability of the water-level retrieval scheme and optimizing the capture of hydrological patterns spatial distribution.  相似文献   

Just as refraction moves the apparent positions of stars from their true ones, it slightly distorts the view of Earth from space, as well as affecting the angle at which sunlight or moonlight illuminates its surface. The astronomer's problem is to correct the apparent position of a star for refraction, relating the position as observed from Earth to the true position. By contrast, the space observer's problem is to obtain the true (refracted) surface zenith angle z′ of illumination or of viewing, when the zenith angle z0 of the ray in space is known, and to correct for the apparent horizontal displacement of the surface point being viewed. This paper solves the problem of the refraction angle for a spherical atmosphere by a simple, analytic solution, depending only on the surface index of refraction μ0 namely: sin(z0)=μ0 sin(z′). The problem of the apparent horizontal displacement of the point viewed is also solved analytically, but approximately, because the result depends weakly on an assumed vertical structure of the atmosphere. The results are useful primarily in cases where observation must be done at large zenith angle, or low Sun angle.  相似文献   

海洋磁力测量误差补偿技术研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在分析海洋磁力测量主要误差来源的基础上,分阶段建立了能够反映海洋磁力测量误差变化规律的误差模型及相应的误差补偿模型,提出了误差补偿模型的解算方法,讨论了求解过程的稳定性和误差补偿效果的显著性检验等一系列应用中的具体问题,并使用一个实际观测网数据验证了各种补偿方法的有效性和可靠性。  相似文献   

大气折射是对天文测量精度影响较大的因素之一,至今无法将其完全消除,只能尽量减弱.因此,处理好大气折射改正,是提高天文测量精度的一项重要任务.文中分析了大气折射的特点,介绍了传统天文测量对大气折射的处理方法;研究并实现了新的处理大气折射的方法,给出了具体解算公式.新方法的应用,使天文测量的效率、精度都得以大大提高.  相似文献   

天文测量中减弱大气折射影响的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大气折射是对天文测量精度影响较大的因素之一,至今无法将其完全消除,只能尽量减弱。因此,处理好大气折射改正,是提高天文测量精度的一项重要任务。文中分析了大气折射的特点.介绍了传统天文测量对大气折射的处理方法;研究并实现了新的处理大气折射的方法,给出了具体解算公式。新方法的应用,使天文测量的效率、精度都得以大大提高。  相似文献   

在基于运动传感器测量数据的机载SAR运动补偿方法中,IMU/GPS测量误差和地物定位误差等非理想因素的存在会导致相位补偿量的不准确,进而引入残余运动误差,影响SAR图像质量.本文针对IMU的各项测量误差、系统延时误差、多普勒中心频率误差、参考DEM误差等影响轨迹测量和地物定位精度的具体因素展开研究,建立了上述因素与残余运动误差之间的函数关系.该函数关系显示,残余运动误差主要来源于航迹测量误差和地物定位误差,航迹测量误差主要根源于IMU/GPS测量单元中加速度计的常值漂移和IMU关于姿态角的测量误差,地物定位误差主要根源于参考DEM误差等因素.本文通过建模分析,完成了对机载SAR运动补偿精度退化机理的研究.  相似文献   

Pseudo-Satellite Applications in Deformation Monitoring   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
In this article, three general classes of potential pseudolite applications for deformation monitoring are described. The first is GPS augmentation with pseudolite(s), which is suitable for circumstances such as urban canyons, or for monitoring in valleys and deep open-cut mines. The second is indoor applications of pseudolite deformation monitoring systems. Pseudolite arrays can, in principle, completely replace the GPS satellite constellation. This could extend the “satellite-based” deformation monitoring applications into tunnels or underground, where GPS satellite signals cannot be tracked. The last case is an inverted pseudolite-based deformation monitoring system, where a “constellation” of GPS receivers with precisely known “orbits” track a mobile pseudolite. The system consists of an array of GPS receivers, the base reference pseudolite, the mobile pseudolite, and a central processing system. However, in the case of such pseudolite-only or hybrid pseudolite-GPS deformation monitoring systems, some additional issues need to be addressed. These include multipath, atmospheric delay effects, and pseudolite location-dependent biases. To address deformation monitoring applications, some practical procedures to mitigate or eliminate their influence are suggested. Some experiments were carried out using NovAtel GPS receivers and IntegriNautics IN200CXL pseudolite instruments. The experimental results indicate that the accuracy of the height component can indeed be significantly improved – the RMS of the vertical component has been reduced by a factor of 4, to the same level as the horizontal components. Their performance will be demonstrated through case study example. ? 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

范凯  刘钝 《全球定位系统》2011,36(1):67-71,75
分析了民用航空应用对全球导航卫星系统性能的严格要求。介绍了GPS系统对其精度、完好性等性能进行增强的措施,及在民用航空中的应用,进一步介绍了未来多卫星导航系统为满足航空应用需求而做的努力。介绍了卫星导航系统目前在我国民用航空中的应用情况,强调了未来卫星导航系统对我国航空应用的重要意义。  相似文献   

Height Assignment Improvement in Kalpana-1 Atmospheric Motion Vectors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The real-time operational use of atmospheric motion vectors (AMVs) at numerical weather prediction (NWP) centers in India are being adversely affected due to inaccurate height assignment of cloud tracers, especially in thin semi-transparent clouds. In India, the operational derivation of AMVs from the Indian geostationary satellite Kalpana-1 began few years ago. A statistical empirical method (SEM) of height assignment, based on a genetic algorithm, is currently used to estimate the height of the retrieved vectors from Kalpana-1. This method has many limitations. In this paper, attempts have been made to implement the widely used and well tested height assignment methods such as the infrared window (WIN) technique, the H2O intercept, and the cloud base method in the Kalpana-1 AMV retrieval algorithm. The new height assignment algorithm significantly improves the statistics of the retrieved winds when compared to radiosondes, especially in high and mid levels winds.  相似文献   

与传统的无线电探空、雷达探测等手段相比,GNSS掩星技术为大气探测提供了一个强有力的工具,其具有无校准、全天候、精度高、垂直分辨率高、全球均匀覆盖等特点.介绍了利用GNSS掩星技术获取地球大气温、压、湿等相关参数大小的研究现状.同时,提出了GNSS掩星技术在气候研究领域的发展方向,将拓宽GNSS掩星技术在全球气候变化研究中的应用.  相似文献   

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