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在综合分析矿区地质资料基础上,通过矿山揭露地质现象,对阿尔巴列克铜矿控矿构造特征及构造控矿机制进行研究.认为矿体定位受多级冲断-褶皱构造控制,克孜勒陶.库斯拉甫断裂、塔木一卡兰古断裂是叠瓦逆冲断层组,为区内Ⅰ级构造;夹于一级断层间褶皱及NNW向断裂,为Ⅱ级构造;在Ⅱ级构造间,有NNE向断裂组,为Ⅲ级断裂构造.将此构造控矿模式用于矿山找矿实践,取得较好找矿效果.  相似文献   

阳山金矿产于勉阳-略阳板块缝合带中,经历了以逆冲推覆构造为主的复杂构造改造。通过构造研究把阳山金矿内的构造分出四期。第一期构造变形表现为由北向南逆冲,为韧性变形,构造置换明显、完全,形成透入性面理,剪切褶皱、无根褶皱、S-C组构、压力影、旋转碎斑、多米诺骨牌、石香肠等构造发育,构造岩为糜棱岩、超糜棱岩、构造片岩,并伴随有大规模的花岗岩岩浆活动,形成于三叠纪末-早侏罗世。第二期构造变形为由南向北的伸展构造,主要表现对第一期面理的改造和再利用,多为韧性变形,可见剪切褶皱、旋转碎斑等构造,构造岩为糜棱岩,顺层张性石英脉的发育,并伴随有大规模的岩浆活动,形成于侏罗纪末-早白垩世早期。第三期构造为脆韧性变形,为由南向的北逆冲推覆构造,主要表现为对先期构造的改造,使阳山金矿区南部面理产状发生倒转,形成膝折构造,构造岩为糜棱岩、初糜棱岩,形成于早白垩世晚期。第四期构造为表层次脆性的由南向北的伸展构造,形成构造角砾岩、碎裂岩等脆性构造岩,同时有石英脉和方解石脉顺断层侵入,本期构造形成于古近纪。  相似文献   

滇东南微细浸染型金矿构造控矿型式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
滇东南微细浸染型金矿的形成与该区构造关系密切,总体受右江裂谷系控制。主干断裂严格控制金矿的带状分布,次级断裂进一步控制成矿带内矿体的具体空间位置或定位。认为逆冲推覆构造为该区微细浸染型金矿的控矿构造型式,归纳出该区微细浸染型金矿在构造中的分布规律,并据此提出新的找矿思路与找矿方向。  相似文献   

长江中下游多金属成矿带逆冲推覆构造的控矿作用初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张开均  施央申 《江苏地质》1996,20(3):172-176
长江中下游多金属成矿带中逆冲推覆构造的控矿作用表现在两个方面:1.深部的韧性推覆拆离剪切,控制作为主导成矿要素的中生代花岗岩的形成;2.浅表的台阶式推覆构造是重要的成矿构造,其控矿具有系统性和层控性等特征。  相似文献   

金窝子矿田控矿构造复杂,成矿条件独特,金矿化类型多样。经研究,金窝子矿田的形成与中天山地块向北山裂谷带逆冲推覆作用有关。逆冲推覆造就了金窝子矿田北、中、南3个不同性质的断裂带及不同的金矿化物理、化学环境,并分别控制了金矿田与其相关的金矿化类型及其成矿作用和金矿成矿系列。  相似文献   

本文从构造分析的角度出发,指出安徽巢湖煤田的基本构造型式为大型的平卧褶皱,以及在此基础上,沿倒转翼及其以下构造部位发育起来的推覆构造。  相似文献   

陈道焕 《广东地质》1995,10(3):73-77
沿连阳煤田西侧、总体呈南北走向、往东倾斜的连县-寨岗逆冲断层将中泥盆统至下二叠统由东往西逆冲于上二叠统至中三叠统之上;逆冲断层的上盘和下盘在断裂、褶皱构造特征、沉积建造、地球物理场等方面都存在差异;据此推断,连阳煤田可能存在推覆构造而不仅是简单的复向斜构造。F2断层以东为推覆系统,以西为下伏系统,整个煤田显示出以断坪为主,断坪和断坡闪替出现的台阶式断裂构造特征。  相似文献   

内蒙狼山地区的控矿构造研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
狼山地区中元古代沉积了一套具拉张型过渡壳性质的岩石建造,并混有含矿火山喷发物质。中元古代晚期褶皱回返过程中,经历了多次断裂作用和褶皱变形。在狼山南东缘,顺层滑动断裂和逆冲推覆构造导致了热液蚀变和混合岩化,促使成矿元素迁移到裂隙发育、有利交代作用的白云石大理岩中富集成矿。狼山北西侧,则由于强烈的褶皱叠加作用,促使矿层在褶皱转折端等有利部位加厚,形成厚大工业矿体。从而提出了东升庙型的断裂控矿模式和霍各乞型褶皱控矿模式。  相似文献   

杨中柱  李忠臣 《辽宁地质》2000,17(2):114-120
普兰店元台逆冲覆构造为典型双重塑冲构造,以上叠式扩展而成。在自南向北逆冲过程中,形成褶皱推覆体,滞后断层,撕裂断层,反冲断层,并进一步形成构造窗和飞来峰。推覆构造形成于J2-J3,逆冲推覆后期,花岗闪长斑岩逆冲推覆构造就位,其所携带的成矿热液中有利部位富成金矿。  相似文献   

汝州煤田位于华北板块南缘逆冲推覆构造带豫西段前锋部位,区内逆冲推覆构造较发育。其滑脱面倾角浅部较陡,深部较缓,表现为上陡下缓、凹面向上的铲状形态,向深部逐渐交汇于同一断裂。该区构造在剖面上时而出现断坡,时而出现断坪,其变化与岩层的软硬程度等因素有关。通过对逆冲推覆、滑覆构造的特征分析,推断出该区推覆下掩盖的二1煤体构造形态特征。  相似文献   

Discussion on Induan-Olenekian Boundary in Chaohu, Anhui Province, China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper proposes a scheme for the definition of the Lower Triassic Induan-Olenekian boundary (IOB) based on investigation of sections in Chaohu, Anhui Province, China as well as data accumulated from other studies elsewhere. The conodont Neospathodus waageni is suggested as the index fossil of the boundary. According to the FAD of N. waageni, the IOB is at the base of bed 25-2 of the West Pingdingshan Section in Chaohu, 42.19 m above the Permian-Triassic boundary, and it is slightly higher than the base of the Flemingites-Euflemingites Ammonoid Zone at the section.  相似文献   

河北东北部兴隆煤田区逆冲构造的特征及其区域构造意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
兴隆煤田及邻区的逆冲构造系基底卷入变形的厚皮逆冲构造,并具有典型的断坪-断坡式几何学结构。断层上盘逆冲方向指向NNW,沿着主干逆冲断层发生的倾向位移量约为13.1km,逆冲断层及相关褶皱变形所造成的局部表层地壳缩短率约32.3%。对兴隆逆冲构造的几何学结构、运动学性质及其地层效应的分析表明,在中家胡同到黄土粱近东西向一线以南的区域.寻找到因逆冲断层作用导致的隐伏煤田的可能性是极小的。主干逆冲断层上、下盘地层大面积陡立乃至倒转的特征,更容易用断展褶皱,尤其是三角形剪切断展褶皱模型做出合理解释。该逆冲构造主要逆冲断层的上、下盘盖层岩系不整合于基底结晶变质岩系之上,地层序列发育完整而且可以一一对应,不存在沿着相对软弱层发育的大规模逆冲断层之断坪,因此,将该逆冲构造作为区域上承德逆冲构造的根带是不合适的。  相似文献   

安徽巢湖地区下三叠统综合层序   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
印度阶一奥伦尼克阶界线的全球层型候选剖面之一位于安徽巢湖地区;巢湖地区的下三叠统也是国际上同期地层中生物地层序列最有代表性、多重地层学手段应用齐备、研究效果最好的地层序列之一。根据巢湖地区3条代表性下三叠统剖面的岩石地层、生物地层和碳同位素地层的最新研究成果归纳出本区早三叠世综合地层序列,作为区域地层对比研究的标准.巢湖的下三叠统明确包含8个牙形石带和6个菊石带。它们具有区域甚至全球对比意义;巢湖地区早三叠世碳同位素δ^13Ccarb的演变呈现2个显著的漂移周期,这种有特色的碳同位素漂移,不仅具有地层学价值,而且可能对于三叠纪初的生物复苏和生态系演变具有指导意义.在综合地层序列基础上,将3条剖面的古地磁学研究成果链接,形成了巢湖地区完整的早三叠世磁性地层序列,包括5个主要的正向极性带和5个反向极性带,这也是目前在本区乃至华南获得的最完整的早三叠世磁极性序列之一.这些为该区域乃至全球相关地层研究树立了一个基本格架。  相似文献   

A preciously undescribed Lower Triassic sequence of a series of multiple cycles of mud-lime rocks, with the argillaceous content decreasing upward while limestone becomes the dominant lithology in the upper part, contains abundant fossils such as conodonts, ammonoids and bivalves. The Yinkeng Formation is the oldest Triassic unit represented, and it conformably overlies dark-gray thin-bedded argillaceous silicalite and intercalated grayish illite clay interbeds of the Upper Permian of Dalong Formation.Conodont samples collected from west Pingdingshan Section, one of four measured sections in Chaoha,yielded abundant Lower Triassic conodonts from the middle part of the Yinkeng Formation. Most interesting and unmaml is the abundant occurrence of Platyvillosus in seven samples from the Flemingites-Euflemingites bearing (Smithian) mudstone, rhyolitic clay and limestone part of the section. The associated conodonts are Neospathodus dieneri type 1, N. dieneri type 2. N. dieneri type 3, N. cristagalli, N. waagenieowaageni (nov. subsp. ), N. waagenielongata (nov. subsp. ), N. waageniwaageni,N. sp. G (nov. sp. ), N. sp. L (nov. sp. ), N. sp. H (nov. sp. ), N. alberti, N. novaehollandiae,N. peculiaris, N. aff. discretus, N. conservativus, Parachirognathodus sp. and ramiform elements.The species Platyvillosus. which is restricted to a 1.32 m interval, reveals great variety in shape and denticle ornamentation pattern on the platform. The morphological study of the samples indicates that all speciemens with denticles on the upper surface can be included in intraspecific variation in Platyvillosus costatus (Staesche). Platyvillosus hamadai (Koike), marked by smooth upper surface, also appears to be connected by transitional forms in some samples. The fauna corresponds closely with that of the Taho limestone in Japan, although the depositional environments differ. The associated lithologies of the Yinkeng Formation within Chaohu area reflect a deeper and low energy remaining basin of the northern edge of the Lower Yangtze block.  相似文献   

大陆构造、大洋构造和地球构造研究构想   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
大陆动力学和大洋动力学是当前固体地球科学的前沿领域 ,反映处于中期阶段的板块理论正向更加深入、全面、完善的方向发展 ,并走向统一的地球构造学的趋势。中、新生代造山带构造 ,全球高原构造的比较 ,周边洋底构造对欧亚大陆的动力作用 ,应是大陆动力学中优先研究的问题。对全球洋底构造的继续探测 ,用地震各向异性研究地幔的流动或变形 ,布设海底宽频带地震台阵探测地幔细结构 ,将会提供更多的地球内部过程信息。“地球大系统科学”概念的提出 ,将能推进固、液、气三态地球多球层相互作用的研究 ,例如固体地球微动态、固液气三态球层运动的可比较性、不同球层分区性的比较等 ,都是需要深入探讨的问题 ,代表了从整体地球系统开展学科交叉研究的方向  相似文献   

This paper reports a Lower Triassic carbon isotope profile from the North Pingdingshan Section in Chaohu, Anhui Province, China, which was stituated in a deep part of the Lower Yangtze carbonate rapm. The δ(^13C) excursion shows two periods from the Permian-Triassic boundary to the lower Spathian substage, corresponding to the ecosystem undergoing evolution and recovery after the end-Permian mass extinction and related events.The first period starts at the δ(^13C) depletion caused by the mass extinction and evolves with a gradual δ(^13C) increase resulting from the development of some disaster taxa during the Induan. The strong Smithian δ(^13C) depletion in the second period might be formed by the collapse of the disaster ecosystem and the biotic recovery occurred with the explosive increase of bioproductivity in the Spathian. Thus the δ(^13C) excursion in the Lower Triassic expresses patterns of biotic evolution and recovery during the eratic ecosystem that followed the great end-Permian mass extinction.  相似文献   

安徽巢湖平顶山下三叠统牙形石生物地层序列   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
简要介绍安徽巢湖平顶山下三叠统牙形石生物地层研究的最新成果.对平顶山西坡剖面112.8 m厚的下三叠统地层所采集的286件牙形石样品, 经处理后获得2 870余枚牙形石样本, 经鉴定共有11属51种.这些属分别是Hindeodus, Isarcicella(?), Neogondolella, Neospathodus, Platyvillosus, Cratognathodus, Parachirognathus, Pachycladina, Ellisonia, Aduncodina和Cornudina.牙形石生物地层从老到新可划分为9个牙形石带: (1)Hindeodus typicalis- Neogondolella planata带; (2)Neogondolella krystyni带; (3)Neospathodus kummeli带; (4)Neospathodus dieneri带; (5)Neospathodus n. sp. C- Neospathodus n.sp. D带; (6) Neospathodus waageni带; (7)Neospathodus n.sp. M带; (8)Neospathodus eotriangularis带; (9) Neospathodus abruptus- Neospathodus homeri带.牙形石的组合面貌基本可与国内外其他地区牙形石带相对比.但其中牙形石(2), (3), (5), (7), (8)带为巢湖地区首次建立.在下三叠统菊石带控制下所建立的连续的牙形石分带对全球的三叠系阶的对比具有十分重要的意义. 关键词: 牙形石; 牙形石生物地层; 下三叠统; 安徽巢湖.   相似文献   

Since the West Pingdingshan Section in Chaohu was proposed as the candidate of the Global Stratotype Section and Point of the Induan-Olenekian boundary in 2003, the Lower Triassic of Chaohu has been extensively studied. Based on the studies on the Lower Triassic of Chaohu, (1) a continuous conodont zonation is established, which has become an important reference for Lower Triassic stratigraphic correlation over the world; (2) the First Appearance Datum of conodont Neospathodus waageni was suggested and has been basically accepted as the primary marker to define the Induan-Olenekian boundary; (3) a characteristic Lower Triassic excursion of carbon isotopes was brought to light and has been proven to be not only an excellent index for the stratigraphic correlation but also a unique indication for the perturbation of ecological environments in the aftermath of the end-Permian mass extinction; (4) a magnetostratigraphic sequence is constituted with a certain biostratigraphic control in the low-latitude region and it presents an important correlation to the Boreal sequence; (5) a cyclostratigraphic study provides an alternative method to constrain the age of the chronostratigraphic units; and (6) a scheme of the Olenekian subdivision is recently suggested to define the boundary between the Smithian and Spathian Substages. In addition, Chaohu is also the type locality of the Chaohuan Stage, the upper stage of the Lower Triassic in the China Chronostratigraphic System. Thus, the Lower Triassic of Chaohu is not only a classic sequence in South China, but also a key reference sequence to the investigation of the corresponding stratigraphy and geological events over the world. The recent achievements are viewed here for an overall understanding of the sequence. Then the current situation of the Induan-Olenekian and Smithian-Spathian boundaries is discussed to provide a reference for later works.  相似文献   

毕源清  李永杰 《江苏地质》2019,43(2):247-252
安徽巢湖苏湾地区构造格架位于郯庐断裂带东侧滁州—苏湾金多金属矿成矿带。对近年来取得的地质成果,包括成矿地质特征、物化探特征、地球化学特征、矿化蚀变特征等进行系统分析研究,认为灯影组中段为研究区主要赋矿层位,是研究区重要找矿远景区,F1断层为主要控岩控矿构造,地磁异常为寻找类似山里许铁铜金矿的远景部位。  相似文献   

鸟眼构造是碳酸盐岩地层中一种特殊的构造,指示潮上-潮间带沉积环境。安徽巢湖地区三叠系东马鞍山组底部普遍发育一层鸟眼构造,但对其矿物学、地球化学特征及成因还缺乏基本的认识。通过光学显微镜、粉晶X-射线衍射(XRD)、拉曼光谱分析及LA-ICP-MS原位微区元素含量测定等方法,对东马鞍山组鸟眼构造的矿物学及元素地球化学特征进行探究。结果表明:鸟眼内部矿物组合以方解石为主,石英及黏土矿物含量较低,方解石晶粒较大且由核部到边部晶粒逐渐变小,富集Sr、REE等离子半径较大的元素;基质矿物组合以白云石为主,石英及黏土矿物含量多于鸟眼核部,有机质含量较高,主要富集Fe、Cu、Ti等离子半径较小或不易迁移的元素。这些综合信息反映了巢湖东鞍山组鸟眼构造是由成岩阶段基质白云岩化析出Ca,在沉积有机质分解聚集形成的气泡孔洞中重新沉淀形成方解石而成。  相似文献   

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