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During the BERLIOZ field phase on 20 July 1998 a 40 km wide ozone-plume 30 to 70 km north of Berlin in the lee of the city was detected. The ozone mixing ratio inside the plume was app. 15 ppb higher than outside, mainly caused by high ozone precursor emissions in Berlin, resulting in a net chemical ozone production of 6.5 ppb h–1, which overcompensates ozone advection of –3.6 ppb h–1 andturbulent diffusion of –1.1 ppb h–1. That means, although moreozone leaves the control volume far in the lee of Berlin than enters it at the leeside cityborder and although turbulent diffusion causes a loss of ozone in the leeside control volume the chemical production inside the volume leads to a net ozone increase. Using a semi-Lagrangian mass budget method to estimate the net ozone production, 5.0 ppb h–1 are calculated for theplume. This means a fraction of about 20% of ozone in the plume is producedby local emissions, therefore called `home made' by the Berlin emissions. For the same area KAMM/DRAIS simulations using an observation based initialisation, results in a net production rate between 4.0 and 6.5 ppbh–1, while the threefold nested EURAD model gives 6.0 ppbh–1. The process analysis indicates in many cases goodagreement (10% or better) between measurements and simulations not only in the ozone concentrations but also with respect to the physical and chemical processes governing the total change. Remaining differences are caused by different resolution in time and space of the models and measurements as well as by errors in the emission calculation.The upwind-downwind differences in PAN concentrations are partly similar to those of ozone, because in the BERLIOZ case they are governed mainly by photochemical production. While in the stable boundary layer at night and windward of Berlin 0.1 to 0.3 ppb are detected, in the centre of the plume at noon concentrations between 0.75 ppb and 1.0 ppb are measured. The O3/PAN ratio is about 80 to 120 and thus due to the relatively lowPAN concentrations significantly higher than found in previous studies. The low PAN formation on 20 July, was mainly restricted by the moderate nonmethane hydrocarbon levels, whereas high PAN concentrations of 3.0 ppb on 21 July, are caused by local production in the boundary layer and by large scale advection aloft.  相似文献   


This study was carried out to quantify the physical processes of lakes in the Tibetan Plateau using the Community Land Model, version 4.5 (CLM4.5), coupled with a physically based, 10-layer lake model developed by the National Center for Atmospheric Research. The CLM was forced with 10?km resolution reanalysis data to attempt to understand detailed lake processes and how these processes affect lake surface temperature. In this study, we simulated seasonal and interannual variations of lake surface temperature for Lake Qinghai, Zhaling Co, and Nam Co in the Tibetan Plateau and compared these simulations with observations. The results showed that the CLM4.5 lake model simulations reproduced the observed lake surface temperatures for Lake Qinghai and Zhaling Co well but reproduced those for Nam Co poorly. Through detailed analysis, we found that the simulated biases for Nam Co result largely from the unrealistic parameterization of eddy diffusivity. By expanding this parameter, the lake surface temperature simulations improved remarkably. In addition, erroneous lake ice cover simulations contributed to the simulated lake surface temperature bias in the cold seasons.  相似文献   

边界层过程对"98·7"长江流域暴雨预报影响的数值试验研究   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
通过ETA模式对"98@7"长江流域暴雨过程的数值试验研究,讨论了行星边界层过程对暴雨数值预报的影响,结果表明边界层过程在这次暴雨预报中有重要作用.具体结论为:(1)降水大范围落区是受大尺度流场所决定的,但边界层过程对暴雨预报具有重要的作用;(2)不考虑边界层过程会影响对天气系统的正确预报,包括影响大气低层的运动场、水汽及大气不稳定度,从而影响暴雨的预报;(3)从时间层次上看,由于地表通量有着显著的日变化,边界层过程的作用不仅与暴雨本身发生发展及消亡的阶段有关,也与各阶段的时间(白天或夜间)有联系;(4)在空间范围内,边界层过程对大气的影响是通过大气流场重新分布来影响降水的环境条件,故地表通量分布和低层流场的相互配置作用十分重要.长江南北的情况有所不同,长江流域南侧区是地表通量的大值区,也是长江流域雨区水汽和不稳定能量的源区,它对长江流域的暴雨可能有着更为重要的作用.  相似文献   

The lake-breeze at Taihu Lake generates a different specific heat capacity between the water body and the surrounding land. Taihu Lake has a significant impact on the atmospheric conditions and the air quality in the Yangtze River Delta. This phenomenon is referred to as the Taihu Lake effect. In this study, two simulations were conducted to determine the impact of the Taihu Lake effect in the reference experiment(R-E) and sensitivity experiments(NO TH). The control simulations demonstrated that the meteorological field and the spatial distribution of ozone(O3) concentrations over Taihu lake obviously changed once the land-use type of water body was substituted by cropland. The surface temperature of Taihu Lake was reduced under the impact of Taihu Lake, and a huge temperature difference caused a strong lake-breeze effect. The results also showed that the difference in the average concentrations of O3 between the R-E and NO TH experiments reached 12 ppbv in most areas of Taihu Lake, all day, on 20 May 2014. During daytime(0800–1600 LST, LST=UTC+8), the influence of the Taihu Lake effect on O3 in the Suzhou region was not significant. However, the influence of the Taihu Lake effect on O3 in the Suzhou region was obvious during nighttime(1800–2400 LST). The larger changes in the physical and chemical processes were horizontal and vertical advections under the influence of the Taihu Lake effect in Taihu Lake.  相似文献   

2011年7月29日山西大暴雨过程的多尺度特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1°×1°的NCEP再分析资料、红外辐射亮温(TBB)、多普勒雷达和气柱水汽总量等资料,对2011年7月28-29日发生在山西境内的区域性暴雨进行多尺度特征分析。结果表明:(1)乌拉尔山阻高崩溃,西风槽东移、副高进退是此次暴雨发生的环流特征;(2)850 hPa低涡切变和700 hPa暖式切变线及地面冷锋是暴雨发生的中α尺度触发系统;(3)〉30 dBZ的雷达回波呈南北向位于地面冷锋与700 hPa切变线之间,雷达回波随地面冷锋和700 hPa切变线的东移而东移;(4)低空低涡切变受500 hPa强盛西南气流的引导向东北移动,暴雨落区始终与低涡切变相伴随;(5)暴雨过程山西境内共有9个中β尺度对流云团活动,山西西南部的暴雨主要由5个中β尺度对流云团的相继移入并在自动站极大风速风场切变线附近触发对流发展所致;山西东南部的大暴雨则是3个中β尺度对流云团合并发展的结果,中γ尺度气旋是导致局地大暴雨发生的直接影响系统;(6)暴雨发生在气柱水汽总量空间分布图中水汽锋的南部和东部及靠近气柱水汽总量的大值区一侧,水汽锋的形成比降水开始提前17 h,比暴雨发生提前24 h以上,对暴雨的短期、短时预报有指示意义。  相似文献   

使用2016年1月至2018年12月FY-2G卫星逐小时总云量产品和江西省26个测站的地面总云量观测资料,分析了两者在江西地区相关性的时空分布特征。结果表明:江西地区卫星总云量和地面观测总云量在数值和演变趋势上一致性较好,两者的总体相关系数超过0.60,但空间分布不均匀,大型水体(鄱阳湖和柘林湖)附近相关系数较低,低于0.45,江西省南部地区相关系数也不高,低于0.50。两者的相关系数在时间上也分布不均,其中14时的相关系数最高。此外,基于FY-2G卫星总云量产品和最小二乘法采用分段建模的方式,构建了江西省地面观测云的回归模型,且模拟的地面总云量在数值和演变趋势上更加接近观测的地面云量。  相似文献   

李喜仓  白美兰  马玉峰  刘克利  冯晓晶  杨晶 《气象》2011,37(12):1572-1577
基于呼和浩特市近50年逐日定时地面气象资料、2002—2006年的逐日07时和19时各标准层探空资料、2001—2006年逐日主要污染物浓度和主要污染源源强、1961—2006年社会经济数据、2002年城区建设现状及1996—2010年城市总体规划资料,利用区域边界层模式模拟方法,研究了呼和浩特市城区建设发展对大气环境的影响。结果表明:(1)呼和浩特市城区发展后(规划后)气温高于现状(规划前),城区中心气温与周边地区气温差增大,城市热岛效应增强;(2)呼和浩特城区规划后冬季气流汇集辐合区域增多,辐合能力增强,从而使冬季大气污染加剧;(3)呼和浩特市城区扩展后引起的下垫面热力与动力参数变化,将导致气流场发生显著变化,使得污染物的辐合能力增强。总体而言,呼和浩特市城区规划后虽增加了部分绿地等面积,但建筑物的增高增密、下垫面性质的改变,将使大气环境扩散能力减弱,大气污染加重。  相似文献   

The importance of soil moisture inputs and improved model physics in the prediction of the daytime boundary-layer structure during the Southern Great Plains Hydrology Experiment 1997 (SGP97) is investigated using the non-hydrostatic fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University/National Center for Atmospheric Research (PSU/NCAR) Mesoscale Model MM5. This is Part II of a two-part study examining the relationship of surface heterogeneity to observed boundary-layer structure. Part I focuses on observations and utilizes a simple model while Part II uses observations and MM5 modelling. Soil moisture inputs tested include a lookup table based on soil type and season, output from an offline land-surface model (LSM) forced by atmospheric observations, and high-resolution ( 800 m) airborne microwave remotely sensed data. Model physics improvements are investigated by comparing an LSM directly coupled with the MM5 to a simpler force-restore method at the surface. The scale of land surface heterogeneities is compared to the scale of their effects on boundary-layer structure.The use of more detailed soil moisture fields allowed the MM5 to better represent the large-scale (hundreds of km) and small-scale (tens of km) horizontal gradients in surface-layer weather and, to a lesser degree, the atmospheric boundary-layer (ABL) height, which was evaluated against observations measured by differential absorption lidar (DIAL). The benefits of coupling an LSM to the MM5 were not readily evident in this summertime case, with the model having particular difficulty simulating the timing of maximum surface fluxes while underestimating the depth of the mixed layer.  相似文献   

An unprecedented heavy rainfall event occurred in Henan Province, China, during the period of 1200 UTC 19-1200 UTC 20 July 2021 with a record of 522 mm accumulated rainfall. Zhengzhou, the capital city of Henan, received 201.9 mm of rainfall in just one hour on the day. In the present study, the sensitivity of this event to atmospheric variables is investigated using the ECMWF ensemble forecasts. The sensitivity analysis first indicates that a local YellowHuai River low vortex(YHV) in the southe...  相似文献   

本文从分析天气形势、物理量场特征、自动站逐时资料变化特征等人手,对2012年7月8日一9日临汾市局部暴雨天气过程进行了分析。结果表明:(1)此次降水过程是在西风槽东移,副高西进北抬有利的环流背景下产生的。700hPa中尺度低压和低层辐合线以及东路冷空气是本过程的主要触发系统。(2)降水过程中边界层出现了明显的中尺度辐合线和切变线以及低涡环流,短时强降水与小尺度的低涡环流相对应。(3)物理量场上,降雨前期暴雨区有强的上升运动、较高的能量积累和层结不稳定,但低层辐合很弱,中低层湿度只在某层次上达到饱和。  相似文献   

结合廊坊城区地形地貌、市政工程、排水设施现状等,应用二维非恒定流基本方程和一维明渠非恒定流方程算法,构建城市积涝模型,结合区域自动站雨量实时监测数据、数值预报和预报员主观精细化降水预报,建立廊坊城市积涝动态预报预警系统,可实时估算、预报城市积水深度、积水时间等,预报并进行了业务试运行。系统以2012年7月21日廊坊市特大暴雨引起的城市积涝过程为例对系统进行了验证,结果表明:预报积水深度与实际积水情况比较接近,预报结果对城市防洪减灾有指导意义。  相似文献   

 Based on the China Rural Statistical Yearbook of 1984-2003 published by State Statistics Bureau, and the annual temperature in the same period, impacts of temperature change, agricultural input, and planting area on grain production were analyzed for different regions of China during the last 20 years. The results show that the main characteristic of climate warming has obviously promoted the increase of grain yield in Northeast China, but to some extent suppressed it in North China, Northwest China and Southwest China, and shown no obvious effect on it in East China and Central-South China. The increase in agricultural input facilitated the grain production obviously in various regions in the early stage of the past 20 years, but showed no obvious effect in the late stage. The continuous reduction in sown area had a significant negative effect on the grain production in East China and Central-South China.  相似文献   

2015年5月19—20日华南地区不同性质暴雨成因和预报分析   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
孔期  林建 《气象》2017,43(7):792-803
利用常规地面、高空和自动站观测资料以及NCEP 1°×1°逐6 h再分析资料,结合多普勒雷达回波和卫星资料,对比分析了2015年5月19—20日华南暴雨过程中不同性质暴雨对应的天气背景、垂直结构特征及直接造成暴雨的中尺度对流系统活动特征。结果表明:此次华南暴雨过程3个强降水中心分别与3个中尺度对流系统相关。(1)广西北部在850 hPa低涡切变线及α中尺度锋面气旋影响下,暴雨区斜压锋生结构明显,整层大气强烈上升。地面冷锋后中尺度线状对流活跃,排列紧密,持续时间较长,降雨量大。大尺度模式有较高的可参考性。(2)广东中北部暴雨区受边界层弱冷空气触发,线状对流系统在其南侧高温高湿环境中新生并传播,排列松散,移动速度较快,总降雨量不及广西北部,但局部雨强突出。边界层中尺度辐合线及γ中尺度气旋对强降水起重要作用。中尺度模式有一定的反映,预报难度较大。(3)广东东南部暴雨由暖区边界层风速辐合及地形海岸线作用产生,其降水质心低,降水效率高。模式的预报能力十分有限。针对不同特点的暴雨预报,数值模式的预报能力不同,而预报员在对天气特征准确把握的基础上,综合考虑不同数值模式的结果,有望得到更准确的预报。  相似文献   

采用盆栽试验,研究了南京和北京土壤中Pb污染对青菜生长的影响。结果表明:土壤质地对青菜生长有明显的影响;在土壤Pb含量低的处理水平下,对青菜的生长有一定影响;低含量范围内,青菜中Pb含量随土壤Pb处理含量的增加出现先升后降的变化趋势;在100mg/kg时,青菜的生长受到抑制,植株中Pb的含量高于对照组和200mg/kgPb处理。  相似文献   

将有限区域流函数、速度势求解中常用的两种张驰法(即理查逊法和加速利布曼法)与调和—余弦谱展开法(H-C法)进行了比较,理论研究表明:H-C法单独考虑边界影响分量,物理意义明确,且不会丢失边界上的天气系统;从计算上看,H-C法重建的风场能精确还原原始风场,且计算效率明显高于两种张驰法,即收敛更快。通过在台风Bilis(0604)暴雨增幅过程诊断中的应用发现,常用的两种张驰迭代方法在求解有限区域流函数和速度势的问题上效果都不是很好,即:用理查逊法和加速利布曼法计算的流函数和速度势重建的风场与原始风场差别较大,不能准确还原原始风场;用H-C法不仅计算效率高,还原的风场与原始风场差异极小,且不受南边界较强的西南季风涌影响,在暴雨增幅前期能较好地反映与暴雨增幅相关的强辐合信号。因此,可用H-C法计算得到的无辐散风和无旋风对有限区域的天气系统进行更深入的动力结构分析。  相似文献   

Rate constants for the gas-phase reactions of OH radicals, NO3 radicals and O3 with the C7-carbonyl compounds 4-methylenehex-5-enal [CH2=CHC(=CH2)CH2CH2CHO], (3Z)- and (3E)-4-methylhexa-3,5-dienal [CH2=CHC(CH3)=CHCH2CHO] and 4-methylcyclohex-3-en-1-one, which are products of the atmospheric degradations of myrcene, Z- and E-ocimene and terpinolene, respectively, have been measured at 296 ± 2 K and atmospheric pressure of air using relative rate methods. The rate constants obtained (in cm3 molecule–1 s–1 units) were: for 4-methylenehex-5-enal, (1.55 ± 0.15) × 10–10, (4.75 ± 0.35) × 10–13 and (1.46 ± 0.12) × 10–17 for the OH radical, NO3 radical and O3 reactions, respectively; for (3Z)-4-methylhexa-3,5-dienal: (1.61 ± 0.35) × 10–10, (2.17 ± 0.30) × 10–12, and (4.13 ± 0.81) × 10–17 for the OH radical, NO3 radical and O3 reactions, respectively; for (3E)-4-methylhexa-3,5-dienal: (2.52 ± 0.65) × 10–10, (1.75 ± 0.27) × 10–12, and (5.36 ± 0.28) × 10–17 for the OH radical, NO3 radical and O3 reactions, respectively; and for 4-methylcyclohex-3-en-1-one: (1.10 ± 0.19) × 10–10, (1.81 ± 0.35) × 10–12, and (6.98 ± 0.40) × 10–17 for the OH radical, NO3 radical and O3 reactions, respectively. These carbonyl compounds are all reactive in the troposphere, with daytime reaction with the OH radical and nighttime reaction with the NO3 radical being predicted to dominate as loss processes and with estimated lifetimes of about an hour or less.  相似文献   

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