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Based on regular arrays in a U-Pb diagram of data points of zircons from polymetamorphic rocks of the Alps quantitative models are developed that include several episodic lead losses, continuous lead losses during discrete periods and combinations of both.The data from the Alps can be explained by assuming an initial age of the zircons of 2000 and/or 2500–2600 m.y. and three episodic lead losses 520–580 m.y., 300 m.y. and 30 m.y. ago with regionally varying intensities of the events as can be seen from the efficiency parameters which define the shape of the discordia. On the other hand, zircon data from North American basement rocks satisfy a model assuming a discrete interval of continuous lead loss that starts with the time of uplift of the rocks.The Th-U-Pb diagrams are valuable for recognising whether the history of the zircons and their host rock is a complex one or not which is not always noticeable in a U-Pb diagram.  相似文献   

介绍一种在三氏算法(戎嘉树等人于20世纪70年代初提出的一种用岩石化学成分计算花岗岩类实际矿物含量的方法)的基础上经长期实践并不断创新而发展起来的一种新的实际矿物含量的计算方法。该方法针对准铝质花岗岩类、铝过饱和、铝强过饱和花岗岩类分别设计了相应的计算方法,同时也兼顾了碱交代花岗岩及碱长花岗岩,不仅适用于新鲜岩石,也适用于部分蚀变的岩石。该方法在处理岩石化学分析数据的归纳和组合上尽量与实际存在的矿物相结合,力求计算结果与岩石中实际存在的矿物相符。计算过程中提出了长石的修正系数χ,用其修正岩石中钾长石和斜长石的含量,从而确保计算结果与实际相符。计算得到主要造岩矿物(Q、Or、Pl、Bi、Ms、Hb)的含量和反映岩石化学特征的两类参数(Ot、AnPl、K-Na、a、b、Mg)及相关图解。该方法不仅可以计算出岩石中主要造岩矿物的含量,同时还可以反映岩石化学特征、演化过程及其成矿专属性等。  相似文献   

余国  谢谟文  胡庆忠  靳玉鹏 《岩土力学》2019,40(7):2781-2788
结合GIS(geographic information systems,地理信息系统)的空间数据处理能力,将潘家铮法从二维扩展到三维,提出一个基于栅格柱体单元的库岸滑坡滑速计算方法。建立了基于栅格柱体单元的三维滑坡滑速计算分析模型,给出了模型参数在GIS中的空间计算表达式。其次,通过对计算模型进行受力分析,结合牛顿运动定律,选取了沿滑体滑动方向和垂直方向来建立动力平衡方程,从而求解三维滑坡滑速。在GIS中开发出一个三维滑坡滑速计算扩展模块,并通过实例与潘家铮法所得结果进行对比。结果表明,该方法比潘家铮法计算的最大速度结果大15.2%,比启动加速度结果大32.8%,比达到最大速度的滑动时间短1 s。  相似文献   

南京直立人的U/Th和U/Pa年代   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国直立人化石的准确定年对于研究人类演化有着极为重要的意义。1993~1994年在南京汤山葫芦洞发现的两个直立人头盖骨化石和一枚牙化石被称为“南京直立人”。其中1号头盖骨化石之上的方解石钙板的U/Th年龄为53.3_(-1.2)~(+1.5)万年;但考虑到定年的准确性,则为53.3_(-3.0)~(+3.5)万年。其~(231)Pa/~(235)U活度比值为0.998±0.006。这表明“南京直立人”的年代应该大于50万年。与”南京直立人”伴生的动物牙化石U/Th年代为18.5~29.0万年;U/Pa年代为13.7~17.2万年。此外,对于同一颗牙化石,牙釉的年龄小于牙本质的年龄。同一样品的U/Pa年龄也显著小于其U/Th年龄。因此,牙化石的U摄取过程并不符合U早期摄取模式。多数牙化石分析点在~(234)U/~(238)U-~(230)Th/~(238)U图上落在位于U早期摄取和线性摄取模式曲线之间,指示牙化石的U摄取过程很可能介于上述两种模式之间。如果这一假设成立,那么牙化石的U/Th和U/Pa线性摄取模式年龄则为其年代的上限。因为不受U摄取过程~(234)U/~(238)U变化的影响,U/Pa线性摄取模式年龄比U/Th较为可靠。最小的U/Pa线性摄取模式年龄为1Ma,这是”南京直立人”上限年龄的估计。从定年结果看,”南京直立人”可能生活在海洋同位素(MIS)16阶段,但这不是最终结论。  相似文献   

王洪新 《岩土力学》2013,34(7):1874-1880
传统的分层总和法不能考虑地基三维变形,计算基础沉降的误差非常大。为了减小分层总和法修正系数的范围,基于侧限压缩试验的e-p曲线,推导了能够考虑三维变形的柔性基础沉降算法。只要把传统算法的分层压缩量乘以一个修正系数,新算法就可以在分层总和法基础上考虑地基土的侧向变形。进一步地,通过调整基础底面的压力分布,推导了条形刚性基础沉降的近似算法。算例分析表明,考虑三维变形的沉降算法可以解决传统分层总和法在计算小尺寸基础时沉降过小的问题。计算表明,小尺寸刚性基础沉降计算结果比传统分层总和法大,大尺寸刚性基础沉降计算结果比传统分层总和法小,这可能是导致分层总和法修正系数范围过大的原因之一。应用文中方法有希望减小分层总和法的一部分误差。  相似文献   

研究了TIMS测定铀矿石样品中234U/238U、230Th/232Th、228Ra/226Ra的方法。建立了铀矿石密闭混酸一次溶样的方法和采用阴离子、阳离子和Sr特效树脂逐级离子交换分离纯化U、Th和Ra的流程,满足了TIMS测量要求。测定结果表明:100~1000 ng的天然铀中234U/238U,其测量精密度从静态多接收的2.34%提高到动态多接收的0.47%;对230Th与232Th丰度接近、质量为1μg左右的钍,采用三带点样技术和法拉第多接收技术测定230Th/232Th,其内精度平均值为0.0048%,外精度为0.028%;采用单带加钽发射剂,ETP跳峰测定50~100 fg镭-228稀释剂中的228Ra/226Ra,其内精度小于0.10%,外精度小于0.20%。比较TIMS和HR-ICP-MS、α能谱法测定234U/238U、230Th/232Th、228Ra/226Ra结果,三者结果相吻合。TIMS测量法样品用量少、快速、准确、精密度高,是U、Th、Ra同位素比值测定方法的又一补充。  相似文献   

In general, accessory minerals are expected to participate in partial fusion of their host rocks to a degree determined simply by their solubilities in the melt. The possibility must be recognized, however, that a given accessory grain may be physically isolated from the melt by inclusion within a residual major mineral. Because of the importance of accessory minerals to crustal-rock trace element and isotope geochemistry, and because of their common existence as inclusions in major phases, we undertook an evaluation of the factors that affect inclusion formation during ultrametamorphism. Three approaches are taken: 1) a review of interfacial energy considerations is used to show that the free energy of the system is lowered by location of accessory minerals at major-phase grain perimeters, and that the magnitude of this effect is proportional to the square of the accessory grain radius; 2) annealing and partial melting experiments (1000° C, 10 and 15 kbar) on rock analogs are described, and the results are shown to confirm the predicted tendency of accessory minerals to occupy grain boundaries; and 3) the results of a study of accessory phase (rutile and zircon) distribution in a migmatite from the Tibetan slab are reported, again in confirmation of the prediction that accessories tend to be situated at majorphase grain perimeters. The latter two aspects of the study reveal that, although included accessory grains are common, their generally small size results in only a minor contribution to the bulk-rock budget of accessory mineral components: Most of the mass of these components is contained within populations of generally larger accessory grains located at major-phase grain boundaries. Accordingly, the assumption that accessory minerals are involved in crustal melting is generally valid.  相似文献   

Clinopyroxene/melt pairs in strongly potassic silicate and carbonatite melts exhibit unusually high U/Th partitioning ratios of ˜ 3 and ˜ 2, respectively. These values are much higher than those found for aluminous clinopyroxenes in peridotite, and have the potential to cause significant (230Th)/(238U) isotope enrichment in volcanics. The potassic silicate (lamproite) and carbonatite melts correspond closely to the main agents of mantle metasomatism, indicating that clinopyroxene in metasomatized regions of the mantle may greatly affect U/Th disequilibria. Recycling of alkali pyroxenite veins in the oceanic lithosphere formed by solidification of melt in the extremities of the MORB melting region presents an alternative to eclogite recycling in MORB and OIB genesis.  相似文献   

High-precision data on U and Th contents and Th/U ratios of zircon obtained using secondary ion mass spectrometry analysis have been collected from the literature. Zircon in the granitic rocks has median values of 350 ppm U, 140 ppm Th, and Th/U=0.52; the recommended zircon-melt partition coefficients are 81 for DU and 8.2 for DTh. In zircon from mafic and intermediate rocks, the median values are 270 ppm U, 170 ppm Th, and Th/U=0.81, and the recommended zircon-melt partition coefficients are 169 for DU and 59 for DTh. The U and Th contents and Th/U ratios of magmatic zircon are low when zircon crystallizes in equilibrium with the melt. Increasing magma temperature should promote higher Th contents relative to U contents, resulting in higher Th/U ratios for zircon in mafic to intermediate rocks than in granitic rocks. However, when zircon crystallizes in disequilibrium with the melt, U and Th are more easily able to enter the zircon lattice, and their contents and Th/U ratios depend mainly on the degree of disequilibrium. The behavior of U and Th in magmatic zircon can be used as a geochemical indicator to determine the origins and crystallization environments of magmatic zircon.  相似文献   

对断裂数据化处理,得到断裂控制点。以断裂控制点为约束,对断裂进行点插值,以单个统计单元为视窗,统计落入不同栅格内的插值点数目,进而求得插值点落入不同栅格的概率,对变量数据拟合,得到断裂信息维以及相关系数。将该思路应用在金湖凹陷阜二段断裂分形评价中,分别计算了断裂长度信息维、面积信息维。结果表明,90%以上的统计单元相关系数0.9,断裂发育区具有较高的自相似性,断裂总体分形特征曲线的相关系数0.999。金湖凹陷断裂的计算表明,该思路是测量断裂信息维的有效方法,能够提高工作效率,具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

Observed Th/U ratios from Archean basalts have been altered by metamorphism and/or recent weathering. Experimental leaching of Th and U from these basalts suggests that great care is necessary in using directly observed ratios for any petrogenetic models. Calculated Th/U ratios (based on Pb isotopic composition) when used with an index oxide (SiO2) may reveal the depth of formation of these basalts.  相似文献   

龙照  赵明华  张恩祥  刘峻龙 《岩土力学》2010,31(9):2991-2994
假定锚固体与周围岩土体之间剪应力呈倒三角形分布,计算出锚固体顶端弹性位移;基于锚杆抗拔承载机制及变形特性分析,锚固体周围岩土体变形分析采用与抗拔桩类似的剪切位移模型,得到锚固体周围紧贴锚固体表面岩土体的位移;然后根据锚固体与周围岩土体之间的位移协调原理,推导出了锚杆临界锚固长度的简化计算公式。工程算例对比分析结果表明,其计算结果与实测值吻合较好,且计算公式简单易记,取值明确,适用于工程设计中估算锚杆临界锚固长度。  相似文献   

The 230Th/234U/238U age dating of corals via alpha counting or mass spectrometry has significantly contributed to our understanding of sea level, radiocarbon calibration, rates of ocean and climate change, and timing of El Nino, among many applications. Age dating of corals by mass spectrometry is remarkably precise, but many samples exposed to freshwater yield inaccurate ages. The first indication of open-system 230Th/234U/238U ages is elevated 234U/238Uinitial values, very common in samples older than 100,000 yr. For samples younger than 100,000 yr that have 234U/238Uinitial values close to seawater, there is a need for age validation. Redundant 230Th/234U/238U and 231Pa/235U ages in a single fossil coral fragment are possible by Multi-Collector Magnetic Sector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (MC-MS-ICPMS) and standard anion exchange column chemistry, modified to permit the separation of uranium, thorium, and protactinium isotopes from a single solution. A high-efficiency nebulizer employed for sample introduction permits the determination of both 230Th/234U/238U and 231Pa/235U ages in fragments as small as 500 mg. We have obtained excellent agreement between 230Th/234U/238U and 231Pa/235U ages in Barbados corals (30 ka) and suggest that the methods described in this paper can be used to test the 230Th/234U/238U age accuracy.Separate fractions of U, Th, and Pa are measured by employing a multi-dynamic procedure, whereby 238U is measured on a Faraday cup simultaneously with all minor isotopes measured with a Daly ion counting detector. The multi-dynamic procedure also permits correcting for both the Daly to Faraday gain and for mass discrimination during sample analyses. The analytical precision of 230Th/234U/238U and 231Pa/235U dates is generally better than ±0.3% and ±1.5%, respectively (2 Relative Standard deviation [RSD]). Additional errors resulting from uncertainties in the decay constant for 231Pa and from undetermined sources currently limit the 231Pa/235U age uncertainty to about ±2.5%. U isotope data and 230Th/234U/238U ages agree with National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) reference materials and with measurements made by Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry (TIMS) in our laboratory.  相似文献   

陈林  张永兴  冉可新 《岩土力学》2009,30(Z2):219-223
将墙后土体主应力偏转考虑为土体的土拱效应,根据土拱形状计算平均竖直应力,由此得到了对应不同内摩擦角和墙土摩擦角的侧土压力系数。将其用于水平微分单元法,并满足力和力矩平衡条件求解挡土墙主动土压力,得到了挡土墙主动土压力强度、土压力合力和合力作用点的理论公式,并与库仑土压力理论和模型试验数据进行了比较分析。结果表明,挡土墙主动土压力强度为非线性分布,与模型试验结果基本吻合。  相似文献   

金耀华  钱玉林  吕凡任 《岩土力学》2011,32(10):3071-3074
为提高对沉降计算的可靠性与方便性,提出了一种基于应力路径的实用沉降计算方法。依据应力路径法原理,采用由Skempton(司开普顿)孔隙水压力方程得出的有效应力路径方程来表达应力路径,得出了沉降计算的实用计算式。所提出的计算式具有形式简洁、参数易确定、方便实用等优点。工程实例分析验证了该方法的可靠性,可为实际工程的沉降计算提供参考。  相似文献   

Arguments over the extinction of Pleistocene megafauna have become particularly polarised in recent years. Causes for the extinctions are widely debated with climate change, human hunting and/or habitat modification, or a combination of those factors, being the dominant hypotheses. However, a lack of a spatially constrained chronology for many megafauna renders most hypotheses difficult to test. Here, we present several new U/Th dates for a series of previously undated, megafauna-bearing localities from southeastern Queensland, Australia. The sites were previously used to argue for or against various megafauna extinction hypotheses, and are the type localities for two now-extinct Pleistocene marsupials (including the giant koala, Phascolarctos stirtoni). The new dating allows the deposits to be placed in a spatially- and temporally constrained context relevant to the understanding of Australian megafaunal extinctions. The results indicate that The Joint (Texas Caves) megafaunal assemblage is middle Pleistocene or older (>292 ky); the Cement Mills (Gore) megafaunal assemblage is late Pleistocene or older (>53 ky); and the Russenden Cave Bone Chamber (Texas Caves) megafaunal assemblage is late Pleistocene (~55 ky). Importantly, the new results broadly show that the sites date prior to the hypothesised megafaunal extinction ‘window’ (i.e., ~30–50 ky), and therefore, cannot be used to argue exclusively for or against human/climate change extinction models, without first exploring their palaeoecological significance on wider temporal and spatial scales.  相似文献   

杨光华  范泽  姜燕  张玉成 《岩土力学》2015,36(Z1):76-84
既简便又具有较好精度的刚性桩复合地基沉降计算方法仍是工程实践中迫切需要而又有待于解决的问题,文中提出了一个解决的简化方法。在刚性桩复合地基中,由于桩间土荷载水平不高,将桩间土荷载-沉降曲线近似为线性。当桩的荷载水平不高时,对桩的沉降可按线性考虑,线性关系可按线弹性方程计算得到。若桩可能进入非线性甚至塑性,则假设桩的荷载-沉降曲线满足双曲线规律,可较好地考虑桩的非线性沉降过程。通过计算单桩承载力特征值下的沉降,然后通过双曲线方程特点得到桩的非线性沉降方程。对于有单桩静载试验的情况,提出直接利用单桩试验曲线建立单桩的双曲线方程。最后依据共同作用时桩和桩间土的变形协调条件和静力平衡方程,即可计算其实际基础下复合地基的沉降,从而得到一个刚性桩复合地基沉降计算的简化方法。工程实例表明,简化是方法既简便又具有较好的精度,可为工程实践提供一个有效实用的计算方法。  相似文献   

王成  董倩 《岩土力学》2005,26(Z1):180-182
超长桩稳定性计算是非常重要的问题。桩侧土的弹性抗力为两部分:浅层土体抗力可采用m法的模式,深层土体抗力可采用常数法模式。运用瑞利-里兹法对超长桩进行稳定性分析,得到了超长桩临界荷载公式,并进一步分析了桩的长度系数与桩长的关系,为工程中使用超长桩提供理论参考。  相似文献   

湖南省龙山县莲花洞两根大型石笋LLl(文石-方解石型)和LL5(文石型)ICP-MS230Th结果表明,82个年龄数据并不完全符合石笋生长层序律.根据U/Th同位素比值、沉积和矿物学特征,分析了同位素体系开放度对建立石笋正确年代学模式的影响.莲花洞LLl石笋全新世以来234U/238U对230Th/238U的比值具有谐和性特征并且230Th年龄层序正常,说明文石矿物基本接近U/Th同位素封闭系统,实测年龄基本可靠.10~40 ka期间234U/238U与230Th/238U离散度较大和矿物具有溶蚀、风化现象,表明体系发生U加入/流失作用.LL5石笋60~80 ka期间封闭性较好,实测年龄可信.上述结果表明,同一洞穴中文石石笋U/Th同位素体系开放度与时间的关系并不是线性关系,沉积时水文和物理化学性质以及随后的保存状况是决定洞穴文石石笋同位素封闭性的关键因素.  相似文献   

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