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黏土中鱼雷锚抗拔承载力数值分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
瑜璐  张金利  杨庆  杨钢 《海洋工程》2019,37(6):122-129
基于Abaqus软件,针对预埋在一定深度鱼雷锚的抗拔承载力进行3D数值分析,探讨了锚型、土体类型、拉拔荷载倾角、拉拔荷载水平分量与锚翼夹角等多种因素对拉拔承载力的影响。计算结果表明:在均质土、正常固结土和两层土体中,带4个锚翼鱼雷锚增加56.22 m2的锚翼侧面积,其拉拔承载力比无锚翼的提高1.9倍以上;当锚翼侧面积相同时,增加锚翼的宽度可以有效提高锚的承载力;拉拔荷载倾角α在30°~45°范围内,可获得较大拉拔承载力;锚翼宽度越大,拉拔荷载水平分量与锚翼间的夹角β对鱼雷锚水平承载力影响越明显;经归一化的V-H包络线公式对工程应用中预测鱼雷锚的承载力有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

王煦  韩聪聪  刘君 《海洋工程》2021,39(2):53-61
相比于已有动力锚(鱼雷锚、多向受荷锚等),新型轻质动力安装锚借助助推器安装,具有质量轻、埋深大、承载效率高、在海床中下潜容易等特点。良好的水动力学特性(较小的拖曳阻力系数及稳定的下落垂直度)是确保动力安装锚准确、有效地安装到指定地点并贯入到设计深度的前提。通过4组10个工况的模型试验,研究了轻质动力安装锚的终端速度和拖曳阻力系数,及轻质动力安装锚和助推器的组合锚在水中自由下落时的方向稳定性。试验结果表明:优化后轻质动力安装锚的拖曳阻力系数为0.51~0.55,这有助于提高组合锚在水中的下落速度,从而提升组合锚的沉贯深度;增大助推器尾翼展弦比和选用轻质材料制作尾翼能减小组合锚的下落偏角,提高组合锚的方向稳定性。  相似文献   

介绍了国外鱼雷现状,探究其航程、航速、作战深度等总体性能指标,给出国外鱼雷对我国同类装备的启示:1)走系列化发展之路;2)持续提高自导性能、推进减振降噪;3)创新鱼雷战斗部技术;4)轻型鱼雷朝着多功能、多用途方向发展;5)根据最大射程需求选择助飞鱼雷运载系统技术途径; 6)更高的航速、更远的航程、更大的作战深度已经不是国外鱼雷的发展重点。相关研究值得我国鱼雷装备发展借鉴。  相似文献   

迄今为止世界上各种鱼雷防御装备林林总总、不一而足,而且层出不穷。分析了目前鱼雷软、硬杀伤手段的不足,重点分析了反鱼雷鱼雷(ATT)的局限性,对比空中反导系统,指出了目前ATT技术的误区。最后给出了一种近距离鱼雷防御的方法:多发深弹在水下形成可移动的弹阵,采用深弹协同作战的方式防御鱼雷。  相似文献   

反鱼雷鱼雷(Anti-torpedo torpedo,ATT)作为一种可主动搜索并拦截多种制导类型来袭鱼雷的硬杀伤武器,毁伤概率高,成为各国水下防御的重要发展方向。在介绍现有鱼雷制导类型和各种鱼雷防御手段特点的基础上,指出了 ATT 武器的优势,整理了国外 ATT 武器发展现状,详述各国 ATT 武器的发展历程和基本特点。最后,对 ATT 武器的作战使用开展研究,仿真分析不同条件下 ATT 对来袭鱼雷的拦截概率,为开展 ATT 武器研制及其作战使用研究提供支撑。  相似文献   

鱼雷作为水下最重要的进攻武器之一,可针对水下及水面目标发起非对称隐蔽攻击。随着近几十年电子技术的发展,鱼雷更加智能化,杀伤力更大。因此反鱼雷任务成为现代海战中一项重要的课题。主要介绍了国外近年装备的鱼雷型号,并对国外鱼雷对抗用声诱饵作了介绍,最后对声诱饵的未来发展趋势做了展望,为今后我国发展声诱饵技术提供参考。  相似文献   

讨论了悬浮式反鱼雷深弹对鱼雷的被动定位与炸点控制方法。 采用矢量水听器检测鱼雷辐射噪声的线谱并测量目标方向,根据高速目标频率与方位变化,通过目标运动分析(TMA)方法预测目标的最近距离。 当该距离小于深弹装药破坏半径时,即发出起爆控制信号,实现炸点控制。 计算机仿真验证了该方法的可行性。  相似文献   

中国海军的鱼雷研制从60年代初仿制苏制鱼雷开始,到20世纪70年代就开始独立研制鱼三型深水反潜和鱼四型潜射反舰鱼雷了。80年代末我国在仿制轻型反潜鱼雷的同时,开始研制新一代的鱼五型线导反潜鱼雷和火箭推进反潜鱼雷(RAT)。到20世纪90年代,中国海军已先后装备了自制的热动力导引鱼雷,潜对潜、潜对舰电动声导鱼雷、空投反潜  相似文献   

伞式吸力锚作为一种新型海上风电基础,现已在数值模拟方面进行了大量的研究,但缺少相应的室内试验。本文对伞式吸力锚(USAF)水平静力承载特性和波致土体液化中伞式吸力锚承载特性进行了室内模型试验,并与无锚枝吸力锚(SAF)进行了对比试验。研究发现,USAF的锚枝使得锚体转动中心升高,锚体承载性能得到提升;在波致液化海床土中,USAF的承载性能优于SAF,并且具有一定的防冲刷效果。  相似文献   

介绍了一种拥有自主知识产权的海工固结锚技术,描述了该新型锚的内部结构和工作原理;并在室内对不同设计参数和使用工况的锚开展了垂向上拔试验,初探了其抗拔能力。初步试验表明:该新型锚具有超高的抓重比;其次生固结体显著增加了锚体的剪切面积,从而大大提升了锚体的抗拔力;锚体结构上宜具有多个喷管且喷管管径较粗,安装过程中对固化剂的推进速度应较缓。该新型锚应具有良好的应用前景,但需对此进一步深入研究,以满足其设计和工程应用的要求。  相似文献   

The penetration depth of torpedo anchor in two-layered soil bed was experimentally investigated. A total of 177 experimental data were obtained in laboratory by varying the undrained shear strength of the two-layered soil and the thickness of the top soil layer. The geometric parameters of the anchor and the soil properties (the liquid limit, plastic limit, specific gravity, undrained shear strength, density, and water content) were measured. Based on the energy analysis and present test data, an empirical formula to predict the penetration depth of torpedo anchor in two-layered soil bed was proposed. The proposed formula was extensively validated by laboratory and field data of previous researchers. The results were in good agreement with those obtained for two-layered and single-layered soil bed. Finally, a sensitivity analysis on the parameters in the formula was performed.  相似文献   

Gravity installed anchors (GIAs) are released from a height of 30–150 m above the seabed, achieving velocities up to 19–35 m/s at the seabed, and embed to depths of 1.0–2.4 times the anchor length. Challenges associated with GIAs include the prediction of anchor initial embedment depth, which determines the holding capacity of the anchor. Based on the coupled Eulerian–Lagrangian approach, a numerical framework is proposed in this paper to predict the embedment depth of GIAs, considering the effects of soil strain rate, soil strain-softening and hydrodynamic drag (modeled using a concentrated force), with the anchor-soil friction described appropriately. GIAs are influenced by the hydrodynamic drag before penetrating into the soil completely, hence the anchor accelerates less than the previous investigations in shallow penetration, even decelerates directly at the terminal impact velocity. The hydrodynamic drag has more influence on OMNI-Max anchors (with an error of ∼4.5%) than torpedo anchors, and the effect becomes more significant with increasing impact velocity. An extensive parametric study is carried out by varying the impact velocity, strain rate and strain-softening parameters, frictional coefficient, and soil undrained shear strength. It is concluded that the dominant factor affecting the penetration is the soil undrained shear strength, then are the impact velocity, strain rate dependency and frictional coefficient, and the minimal is the strain-softening of soil. In addition, although the strain rate dependency is partly compensated by the softening, the anchor embedment depth accounting for the effects of strain rate and strain-softening is lower than that for ideal Tresca soil. Strain rate dependency dominates the combined effects of strain rate and strain-softening in the dynamic installation of GIAs, on which should pay more attention, especially for the calibration of the related parameters and the measured solutions. In the end, the theoretical model based on the bearing resistance method is extended by accounting for the hydrodynamic drag effect.  相似文献   

重力锚锚固是一种常见的锚固形式。为了能够提供足够的水平承载力,传统型式的重力锚普遍比较笨重,在上拔回收时会产生较大的竖向吸附力,不利于重复利用。针对此问题,设计了一种新型铰接式重力锚,并阐述了其铺设与回收方案。其次采用有限元方法对其整体强度进行了校核,结果均符合规范。最后基于模型试验,对铰接式重力锚在黏土中的运动过程进行了研究,进而确定了其在黏土中的水平承载力和回收时的上拔力。结果表明:相较于传统重力锚,新型铰接式重力锚在确保水平承载性能的基础上,能够大幅减小上拔力,从而有效地降低铺设和回收作业的难度,且可适应多种海底土质,但该锚型仅适用于悬链线式系泊系统。相关研究结果可为实际工程中铰接式重力锚的设计提供参考。  相似文献   

The maximum holding power and the stability of stockless anchors dragged in non-cohesive media are considered. Forces and moments acting on each structural element of the anchor, such as flukes, shank and stabilizing fins, were investigated experimentally, and the results are given in formulae.The maximum holding power of an anchor depends upon its configuration in the sea bed. Considering force resultants and moments acting on all the structural elements, equilibrium equations are formulated and the configuration of a dragged anchor and its maximum holding power can be determined by solving these equations. If its equilibrium configuration cannot be determined under the surface of the sea bed, the dragged anchor will turn over as soon as the flukes come out of the bed. This instability will be called lifting-up.Instability phenomena caused by turning around the shank are analysed by considering the resulting moments acting on the anchor in a disturbed condition from the equilibrium configuration. From the results, stability conditions for lifting-up and turning are proposed for the anchor dragged in noncohesive media, and an anchor of absolute-roll-stability is realized by attaching a pair of proper stabilizing fins.  相似文献   

With the development of offshore engineering, deeply embedded anchors are needed to be penetrated to appreciable depth and attached at the pad-eye. The interaction between anchor chain and soil is a very complex process and has not been thoroughly understood yet. In this paper, the finite element method (FEM) was used to study the interaction of soil-chain system. Results of the analysis show that when the attachment point is at a shallow depth, the load-development characteristics of the chain from FEM are in good agreement with that from the model tests and theoretical analysis. But with the depth increment, the results are different obviously in different methods. This phenomenon is resulted from a variety of reasons, and the plastic zone around the chain was studied to try finding the mechanism behind it. It could be seen that the plastic zone extended in different modes at different depths of attachment points. The interaction between the soil and anchor chain makes the load acting on the anchor decrease, but the soil disturbed surrounding the chain increases the anchor failure possibility. When the anchor bearing capacity is evaluated, these two factors should be considered properly at the same time.  相似文献   

Shu  Shuang  Chen  Chuan  Chen  Hao-ran  Lai  Ying 《中国海洋工程》2022,36(6):871-879
China Ocean Engineering - The six-degree-of-freedom movement of an offshore plate anchor is essential to evaluate anchor performance. As an emerging technology, magnetometer has shown its potential...  相似文献   

基于潜艇被动声呐系统跟踪目标,进行目标运动分析后,发射线导鱼雷攻击水面舰艇的作战背景,建立了鱼雷导引方法、声呐目标分辨和目标运动分析的数学模型,通过仿真研究了鱼雷发射后本艇战术机动对线导鱼雷攻击远距离水面攻击效能的影响。根据鱼雷作战效能蒙特卡洛仿真方法,给出在一定目标运动要素误差下,满足线导鱼雷攻击效能指标的鱼雷发射后的本艇战术机动的要求,并给出了武器系统实现这种要求的设计方案。  相似文献   

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