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《Quaternary Science Reviews》2005,24(1-2):173-194
The climate history and dynamics of the Greenland Ice Sheet are studied using a coupled model of the depositional provenance and transport of glacier ice, allowing simultaneous prediction of the detailed isotopic stratigraphy of ice cores at all the major Greenland sites. Adopting a novel method for reconstructing the age–depth relationship, we greatly improve the accuracy of semi-Lagrangian tracer tracking schemes and can readily incorporate an age-dependent ice rheology. The larger aim of our study is to impose new constraints on the glacial history of the Greenland Ice Sheet. Leading sources of uncertainty in the climate and dynamic history are encapsulated in a small number of parameters: the temperature and elevation isotopic sensitivities, the glacial–interglacial precipitation contrast and the effective viscosity of ice in the flow law. Comparing predicted and observed ice layering at ice core sites, we establish plausible ranges for the key model parameters, identify climate and dynamic histories that are mutually consistent and recover the past depositional elevation of ice cores to ease interpretation of their climatic records. With the coupled three-dimensional model of ice dynamics and provenance transport we propose a method to place all the ice core records on a common time scale and use discrepancies to adjust the reconstructed climate history. Analysis of simulated GRIP ice layering and borehole temperature profiles confirms that the GRIP record is sensitive to the dynamic as well as to the climatic history, but not enough to strongly limit speculation on the state of the Greenland Ice Sheet during the Eemian. In contrast, our study indicates that the Dye 3 and Camp Century ice cores are extremely sensitive to ice dynamics and greatly constrain Eemian ice sheet reconstructions. We suggest that the maximum Eemian sea-level contribution of the ice sheet was in the range of 3.5–4.5 m.  相似文献   

Modelling palaeoglaciers in mountainous terrain is challenging due to the need for detailed ice flow computations in relatively narrow and steep valleys, high-resolution climate estimations, knowledge of pre-ice topography, and proxy-based palaeoclimate forcing. The Parallel Ice Sheet Model (PISM), a numerical model that approximates glacier sliding and deformation to simulate large ice sheets such as Greenland and Antarctica, was recently adapted to alpine environments. In an attempt to reconstruct the climate conditions during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) on Mount Dedegöl in SW Turkey, we used PISM and explored palaeoglacier dynamics at high spatial resolution (100 m) in a relatively small domain (225 km2). Palaeoice-flow fields were modelled as a function of present temperature and precipitation. Nine different palaeoclimate simulations were run to reach the steady-state glacier extents and the modelled glacial areas were compared with the field-based and chronologically well-established ice extents. Although our results provide a non-unique solution, best-fit scenarios indicate that the LGM climate on Mount Dedegöl was between 9.2 and 10.6 °C colder than today, while precipitation levels were the same as today. More humid (20% wetter) or arid (20% drier) conditions than today bring the palaeotemperature estimates to 7.7–8.8 or 11.5–13.2 °C lower than present, respectively.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the processes governing bedrock bedform evolution in ice sheet and ice stream areas in central West Greenland, and explores the evidence for a cross‐shelf ice stream at the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). To the east of Sisimiut the formation of streamlined bedforms with high elongation ratios and high bedform density has been controlled by geological structure and topography in slow‐flowing ice sheet areas. At the coast, the effects of regional flow convergence, caused by coastal fjord orientation, routed ice into the Sisimiut/Itilleq area where it formed an ice stream onset zone. This funnelled ice into an offshore trough (Holsteinsborg Dyb), resulting in a southwesterly regional ice flow direction and the formation of a topographically routed ice stream (Holsteinsborg Isbrae). To the south of this, striae and bedform evidence show that local valley glaciers initially flowed east to west across the coast, but were later redirected by the Itilleq Fjord ice which turned southwestward due to diffluent flow and deflection by Holsteinsborg Isbrae. Roches moutonnées in this area have low elongation ratios and high bedform density, but do not provide unequivocal support for ice streaming, as they are a product of both bedrock structure and changes in ice flow direction, rather than enhanced flow velocities. Cosmogenic surface exposure ages limit maximum ice sheet surface elevation to ca. 755–810 m above sea level in this region. Such ice thickness enabled Holsteinsborg Isbrae to reach the mid/outer continental shelf during the LGM, and to contribute to the formation of a trough mouth fan and the Outer Hellefisk moraines. Initial deglaciation across this region was driven by rising sea level and increasing air temperatures prior to the Bølling Interstadial at ca. 14.5 cal. ka BP. Between 12 and 10 cal. ka BP both increased air and ocean temperatures post the Younger Dryas, and peak sea‐level rise up to the marine limit, caused accelerated thinning and marginal retreat through calving, although dating evidence suggests ice streams remained along the inner shelf/coast boundary until at least ca. 10 cal. ka BP, their longevity maintained by increased ice thickness and ice discharge. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The sedimentary record from the Ugleelv Valley on central Jameson Land, East Greenland, adds new information about terrestrial palaeoenvironments and glaciations to the glacial history of the Scoresby Sund fjord area. A western extension of a coastal ice cap on Liverpool Land reached eastern Jameson Land during the early Scoresby Sund glaciation (≈the Saalian). During the following glacial maximum the Greenland Ice Sheet inundated the Jameson Land plateau from the west. The Weichselian also starts with an early phase of glacial advance from the Liverpool Land ice cap, while polar desert and ice‐free conditions characterised the subsequent part of the Weichselian on the Jameson Land plateau. The two glaciation cycles show a repeated pattern of interaction between the Greenland Ice Sheet in the west and an ice cap on Liverpool Land in the east. Each cycle starts with extensive glacier growth in the coastal mountains followed by a decline of the coastal glaciation, a change to cold and arid climate and a late stage of maximum extent of the Greenland Ice Sheet. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The offshore and coastal geomorphology of southwest Greenland records evidence for the advance and decay of the Greenland Ice Sheet during the Last Glacial Maximum. Regional ice flow patterns in the vicinity of Sisimiut show an enlarged ice sheet that extended southwestwards on to the shelf, with an ice stream centred over Holsteinsborg dyb. High level periglacial terrain composed of blockfield and tors is dated to between 101 and 142 ka using 26Al and 10Be cosmogenic exposure ages. These limit the maximum surface elevation of the Last Glacial Maximum ice sheet in this part of southwest Greenland to ca 750–810 m asl, and demonstrate that terrain above this level has been ice free since MIS 6. Last Glacial Maximum ice thickness on the coast of ca 700 m implies that the ice sheet reached the mid to outer continental shelf edge to form the Outer Hellefisk moraines. Exposure dates record ice surface thinning from 21.0 to 9.8 ka, with downwasting rates varying from 0.06 to 0.12 m yr−1. This reflects strong surface ablation associated with increased air temperatures running up to the Bølling Interstadial (GIS1e) at ca 14 ka, and later marine calving under high sea levels. The relatively late retreat of the Itilleq ice stream inland of the present coastline is similar to the pattern observed at Jakobshavn Isbræ, located 250 km north in Disko Bugt, which also retreated from the continental shelf after ca 10 ka. We hypothesise that the ice streams of West Greenland persisted on the inner shelf until the early Holocene because of their considerable ice thickness and greater ice discharge compared with the adjacent ice sheet.  相似文献   

The Greenland Ice Sheet is thinning at an accelerating pace and the ice sheet's contribution to sea-level rise has doubled in less than a decade. New data show rapid and widespread changes in the behaviour of the ice sheet, particularly along the coastal margin. These changes coincide with a decade of sustained Arctic warming of up to 3 °C. Decay of the Greenland Ice Sheet in response to global warming will not only be governed by increased surface melting during longer and warmer summers but also by a speed-up of coastal glaciers that drain the interior ice sheet. A precise estimate of sea-level rise in the twenty-first century relies on improved theoretical treatment of these glaciers in computer models.  相似文献   

The plateaus between 400 and 800 m a.s.l. around the water-divides on central and eastern Janieson Land are covered by the 'Jameson Land Drift' up to 50 m thick glacial. placiotluvial and glaciolacustrine deposits. A high content of far-travelled wcsterii rocks indicates the overriding by extensive glaciers channelled from the west through the Scoresby Sund basin. The Jameson Land Drift deposits have bccn lithostratigraphically divided into two groups. each representing the sedimentary successions from one glaciation in the wider sense of the word. sediments from the lower Lollandselv glaciation are upwards delimited by a distinct periglacial surface. TL-dates suggest a prc-Saalian (approximately isotope stages 11–9) age. The following Scoreshby Sund glaciation . when most of the studied Jameson Land Drift sediments were laid down. is of Saalian age (e. isotope stages 8 6). The deposits from the Scoresby Sund glaciation are interpreted as representing a complete glaciation deglaciation succession, including proglacial sandur and glaciolacustrine sediments. followed by till deposition, with an overlying succession of glaciolacustrinc and glaciofluvial sediments. From 200–250 m to c . 400 m a.s.l. there is a driftless area, exposing Jurassic sandstones, probably a result of intensive and long-lasting periglacial erosion. Extensive occurrences of tors and of glaciofluvially (subglacially as well as subaerially) eroded canyons and channels characterize the landscape. A similar. although less well defined. upper driftless zone is found above c 500 m a.s.l. on northern Jameson Land, north of the drift-covered plateaus. During the Wcichsclian (isotope stages 5d 2). thick glacial. fluvial and marine deposits were laid down in a coastal zone below c . 200 m a.s.l., and only cold-based local ice caps seem to have existed on the interior plateaus of Jameson Land. The now driftless areas were characterized by periglacial erosion during this period.  相似文献   

Chemical analyses of surface snow and dated deep ice core samples from central Greenland suggest that Zn, Pb and sulfate are presently being deposited there at two to three times the natural rates. No recent increases in Cd or V concentrations were observed. Pre-1900 ice shows no measurable effect of the activities of man and represents a good natural aerosol baseline. High enrichment factors relative to average crustal material were observed for Zn, Pb, Cd and sulfate in all samples indicating a natural source other than continental dust is responsible. A high temperature process or vapor phase origin for these enriched elements, possibly volcanism, seems likely.  相似文献   

Chronology of the last recession of the Greenland Ice Sheet   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new deglaciation chronology for the ice‐free parts of Greenland, the continental shelf and eastern Ellesmere Island (Canada) is proposed. The chronology is based on a new compilation of all published radiocarbon dates from Greenland, and includes crucial new material from southern, northeastern and northwestern Greenland. Although each date provides only a minimum age for the local deglaciation, some of the dates come from species that indicate ice‐proximal glaciomarine conditions, and thus may be connected with the actual ice recession. In addition to shell dates, dates from marine algae, lake sediments, peat, terrestrial plants and driftwood also are included. Only offshore and in the far south have secure late‐glacial sediments been found. Other previous reports of late‐glacial sediments (older than 11.5 cal. kyr BP) from onshore parts of Greenland need to be confirmed. Most of the present ice‐free parts of Greenland and Nares Strait between Greenland and Ellesmere Island were not deglaciated until the early Holocene. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The glacial geomorphology of the Waterville Plateau (ca. 55 km2) provides information on the dynamics of the Okanogan Lobe, southern sector of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet in north‐central Washington. The Okanogan Lobe had a profound influence on the landscape. It diverted meltwater and floodwater along the ice front contributing to the Channeled Scabland features during the late Wisconsin (Fraser Glaciation). The glacial imprint may record surge behaviour of the former Okanogan Lobe based on a comparison with other glacial landsystems. Conditions that may have promoted instability include regional topographic constraints, ice marginal lakes and dynamics of the subglacial hydrological system, which probably included a subglacial reservoir. The ice‐surface morphology and estimated driving stresses (17–26 kPa) implied from ice thickness and surface slope reconstructed in the terminal area also suggest fast basal flow characteristics. This work identifies the location of a fast flowing ice corridor and this probably affected the stability and mass balance of the south‐central portion of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet. Evidence for fast ice flow is lacking in the main Okanogan River Valley, probably because it was destroyed during deglaciation by various glacial and fluvial processes. The only signature of fast ice flow left is the imprint on the Waterville Plateau. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

格陵兰冰盖表面消融研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
杨康 《冰川冻土》2013,35(1):101-109
冰盖表面消融是格陵兰冰盖物质平衡的重要组成部分, 已成为近年来格陵兰冰盖研究的热点. 格陵兰冰盖表面消融研究的关键在于理解冰盖融水的产生、 运移和释放等水文过程, 需要解决如下关键科学问题: 1) 冰盖表面产生了多少融水;2)冰盖表面水文系统具有什么特征; 3)冰盖表面融水如何影响冰盖运动; 围绕这些科学问题, 总结了格陵兰冰盖表面消融的研究进展. 冰盖表面消融建模、 冰盖表面湖的信息提取与面积特征变化、 深度反演与体积量算等是目前研究冰盖表面融水量的主要途径, 冰盖表面湖、 冰盖表面径流、 锅穴与冰裂隙等表面水文要素的空间分布规律研究则可用于揭示冰盖表面水文系统特征, 冰盖表面融水与冰盖运动速率的关系、 表面融水进入冰盖内部与底部的水文过程是目前揭示表面融水如何影响冰盖运动的主要手段.  相似文献   

The glacial geomorphology of Teesdale and the North Pennines uplands is analysed in order to decipher: a) the operation of easterly flowing palaeo-ice streams in the British-Irish Ice Sheet; and b) the style of regional deglaciation. Six landform categories are: i) bedrock controlled features, including glacitectonic bedrock megablocks or ‘rubble moraine’; ii) discrete mounds and hills, often of unknown composition, interpreted as weakly streamlined moraines and potential ‘rubble moraine’; iii) non-streamlined drift mounds and ridges, representing lateral, frontal and inter-ice stream/interlobate moraines; iv) streamlined landforms, including drumlins of various elongation ratios and bedrock controlled lineations; v) glacifluvial outwash and depositional ridges; and vi) relict channels and valleys, related to glacial meltwater incision or meltwater re-occupation of preglacial fluvial features. Multiple tills in valley-floor drumlin exposures indicate that the subglacial bedform record is a blend of flow directions typical of areas of discontinuous till cover and extensive bedrock erosional landforms. Arcuate assemblages of partially streamlined drift mounds are likely to be glacially overridden latero-frontal moraines related to phases of “average glacial conditions” (palimpsests). Deglacial oscillations of a glacier lobe in mid-Teesdale are marked by five inset assemblages of moraines and associated drift and meltwater channels, named the Glacial Lake Eggleshope, Mill Hill, Gueswick, Hayberries and Lonton stages. The Lonton stage moraines are thought to be coeval with bedrock-cored moraines in the central Stainmore Gap and likely record the temporary development of cold-based or polythermal ice conditions around the margins of a plateau-based icefield during the Scottish Readvance.  相似文献   

The position of the Inland Ice margin during the late Wisconsin-Würm glaciation (ca. 15,000 yr BP) is probably marked by offshore banks (submarine moraines?) in the Davis Strait. The history of the Inland Ice since the late Wisconsin-Würm can be divided into four principal phases: (1) Relatively slow retreat from the offshore banks occurred at an average rate of approximately 1 km/100 yr until ca. 10,000 yr BP (Younger Dryas?) when the Taserqat moraine system was formed by a readvance. (2) At ca. 9500 yr BP, the rate of retreat increased markedly to about 3 km/100 yr, and although nearly 100 km of retreat occurred by ca. 6500 yr BP, it was punctuated by frequent regional reexpansions of the Inland Ice that formed extensive moraine systems at ca. 8800-8700 yr BP (Avatdleq-Sarfartôq moraines), 8400-8100 yr BP (Angujârtorfik-Fjord moraines), 7300 yr BP (Umîvît moraines), and 7200-6500 yr BP (Keglen-Mt, Keglen moraines). (3) Between 6500 and 700 yr BP, discontinous ice-margin deposits and ice-disintegration features were formed during retreat, which may have continued until the ice margin was near or behind its present position by ca. 6000 yr BP. Most of the discontinuous ice-margin deposits occur within 5–10 km of the present ice margin, and may have been formed by two main phases of readvance at ca. 4800-4000 yr BP and 2500-2000 yr BP. (4) Since a readvance at ca. 700 yr BP, the Inland Ice margin has undergone several minor retreats and readvances resulting in deposition of numerous closely spaced moraines within about 3 km of the present ice margin. The young moraines are diffieulto to correlate regionally, but several individual moraines have the following approximate ages: A.D. 1650, 1750, and 1880–1920.Inland Ice fluctuations in West Greenland were very closely paralleled by Holocene glacial events in East Greenland and the eastern Canadian Aretic. Such similarity of glacier behavior over a large area strongly suggests that widespread climatic change was the direct cause of Holocene glacial fluctuations. Moreover, historical advances of the Inland Ice margin followed slight temperature decreases by no more than a few decades, and 18O data from Greenland ice cores show that slight temperature decreases occurred frequently throughout the Holocene. Therefore, we conclude that construction of the major Holocene moraine systems in West Greenland was caused by slight temperature decreases, which decreased rates of ablation and thereby produced practically immediate advances of the ice sheet margin, but did not necessarily affect the long-term equilibrium of the ice sheet.  相似文献   

Greenland Ice Sheet is one of the two largest ice sheets on the planet. Under the background of climate warming, the melting of the Greenland ice sheet and its contribution to sea level rise has become an international hot issue. The whole melting of the Greenland ice sheet can cause the global sea level to rise by about 7.3 meters. However, the dynamic mechanism that affects the mass balance of ice sheet is still unclear and is the greatest uncertainty source for predicting the rise in sea level in the future. The National Key Research and Development Program of China “A Study of the Monitoring, Simulation and Climate Impact of Greenland Ice Sheet” conducts monitoring and simulation studies on the key processes of instability of the “ice sheet-outlet glacier-sea ice” system, and establishes a satellite-airborne-ground integrated observation system, supporting the numerical simulation and impact research of the ice sheet and its surrounding sea ice, laying the foundation for long-term monitoring and international cooperation in Greenland. This program will work to reduce the uncertainty of sea level change projections by improving the ice sheet dynamic model forced by the ice core records, reveal the driving mechanism of sea ice changes around the ice sheet, focusing on the Northwest Passage, evaluate and forecast the navigation window period. The results of the project will deepen the understanding of the changes and impacts of the Arctic cryosphere, serve the safe navigation and operation of the Northwest Passage, and provide scientific support for the comprehensive risk prevention of coastal zones in China.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(7-8):920-940
Sea-level records from the Gulf of Mexico at the Last Glacial Maximum, 20 ka, are up to 35 m higher than time-equivalent sea-level records from equatorial regions. The most popular hypothesis for explaining this disparity has been uplift due to the forebulge created by loading from Mississippi River sediments. Using over 50 new radiocarbon dates as well as existing published data obtained from shallow-marine deposits within the northern Gulf of Mexico and numerical models simulating the impact of loading due to the Mississippi Fan and glacio-hydro-isostasy, we test several possible explanations for this sea-level disparity. We find that neither a large radiocarbon reservoir, sedimentary loading due to the Mississippi Fan, nor large-scale regional uplift can explain this disparity. We do find that with an appropriate model for the Laurentide Ice Sheet, the observations from the Gulf of Mexico can be explained by the process of glacio-hydro-isostasy. Our analysis suggests that in order to explain this disparity one must consider a Laurentide Ice Sheet reconstruction with less ice from 15 ka to its disappearance 6 ka and more ice from the Last Glacial Maximum to 15 ka than some earlier models have suggested. This supports a Laurentide contribution to meltwater pulse 1-A, which could not have come entirely from its southern sector.  相似文献   

One of the key elements in reconstructing the palaeoglaciology of the northeastern sector of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet is the Keiva ice marginal zone (KIZ) along the southern and eastern coast of Kola Peninsula, including the Keiva I and II moraines. From detailed geomorphological mapping of the KIZ, primarily using aerial photographs and satellite images, combined with fieldwork, we observed the following. (1) The moraines display ice contact features on both the Kola side and the White Sea side along its entire length. (2) The Keiva II moraine is sloping along its length from c. 100 m a.s.l. in the west (Varzuga River) to c. 250 m a.s.l. in the east (Ponoy River). (3) The KIZ was partly overrun and fragmented by erosive White Sea-based ice after formation. From these observations we conclude that the KIZ is not a synchronous feature formed along the lateral side of a White Sea-based ice lobe. If it was, the moraines should have a reversed slope. Rather, we interpret it to be time transgressive, formed at a northeastward-migrating junction between a warm-based Fennoscandian Ice Sheet expanding from the west and southwest into the White Sea depression, and a sluggish cold-based ice mass centred over eastern Kola Peninsula. In contrast to earlier reconstructions, we find it unlikely that an ice expansion of this magnitude was a mere re-advance during the deglaciation. Instead, we propose that the KIZ was formed during a major expansion of a Fennoscandian Ice Sheet at a time pre-dating the Last Glacial Maximum.  相似文献   

The popular concept of a Late Weichselian ice sheet covering the Barents Shelf and confluent with the Scandinavian and Russian ice sheets is based primarily on the 6500 B.P. isobase which rises to the east over Spitsbergen, and to the west over Franz Joseph Land. Analysis of uplift curves from the Spitsbergen archipelago shows, however, that the strongest early Holocene uplift occurs over northeastern Spitsbergen and eastern Nordaustlandet, falling both to east and west, and that the centre of uplift migrates to the southeast during the Holocene. Direct evidence of glacier fluctuation indicates an important Billefjorden Stage of glaciation at about 11,000 to 10,000 B.P., part of whose extent can be defined by moraines and by abrupt changes in the marine limit. The dominant ice masses of the Billefjorden Stage seem to have formed over eastern Spitsbergen, Edgeøya, Barentsøya and southern Hinlopenstretet, and it is the decay of this ice mass which is primarily responsible for the pattern of early Holocene uplift. Stratigraphic evidence suggests the absence of an important glacial event at 18,000–20,000 B.P., but an important phase of Spitsbergen-centred glaciation at about 40,000 B.P., and a glacial phase at 80,000–120,000 B.P. It is suggested that many raised beach sequences outside the Billefjorden readvance show an upper sequence related to deglaciation at about 40,000 B.P., and a lower, Holocene sequence related to decay of the Billefjorden ice. The anomalous pattern of late Holocene uplift may be related to restrained rebound produced by regeneration of ice on the main islands of the archipelago and unrestrained rebound on Hopen and Kong Karls Land, which were incapable of sustaining large ice masses of their own. A pattern of LateGlacial climatic circulation which may have produced ice masses on the east coast of Spitsbergen, west coast of Novaya Zemlya and north coast of Russia is suggested. It is also suggested that this pattern of glaciation produced features which have been wrongly interpreted as evidence of a Barents ice sheet.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(19-21):2316-2321
Traditional ice sheet reconstructions have suggested two distinctly different ice sheet regimes along the East Greenland continental margin during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM): ice to the shelf break south of Scoresby Sund and ice extending no further than to the inner shelf at and north of Scoresby Sund. We report new 10Be ages from erratic boulders perched at 250 m a.s.l. on the Kap Brewster peninsula at the mouth of Scoresby Sund. The average 10Be ages, calculated with an assumed maximum erosion rate of 1 cm/ka and no erosion (respectively, 17.3±2.3 ka and 15.1±1.7 ka) overlap with a period of increased sediment input to the Scoresby Sund fan (19–15 ka). The results presented here suggest that ice reached at least 250 m a.s.l. at the mouth of Scoresby Sund during the LGM and add to a growing body of evidence indicating that LGM ice extended onto the outer shelf in northeast Greenland.  相似文献   

The ice sheet that once covered Ireland has a long history of investigation. Much prior work focussed on localised evidence-based reconstructions and ice-marginal dynamics and chronologies, with less attention paid to an ice sheet wide view of the first order properties of the ice sheet: centres of mass, ice divide structure, ice flow geometry and behaviour and changes thereof. In this paper we focus on the latter aspect and use our new, countrywide glacial geomorphological mapping of the Irish landscape (>39 000 landforms), and our analysis of the palaeo-glaciological significance of observed landform assemblages (article Part 1), to build an ice sheet reconstruction yielding these fundamental ice sheet properties. We present a seven stage model of ice sheet evolution, from initiation to demise, in the form of palaeo-geographic maps. An early incursion of ice from Scotland likely coalesced with local ice caps and spread in a south-westerly direction 200 km across Ireland. A semi-independent Irish Ice Sheet was then established during ice sheet growth, with a branching ice divide structure whose main axis migrated up to 140 km from the west coast towards the east. Ice stream systems converging on Donegal Bay in the west and funnelling through the North Channel and Irish Sea Basin in the east emerge as major flow components of the maximum stages of glaciation. Ice cover is reconstructed as extending to the continental shelf break. The Irish Ice Sheet became autonomous (i.e. separate from the British Ice Sheet) during deglaciation and fragmented into multiple ice masses, each decaying towards the west. Final sites of demise were likely over the mountains of Donegal, Leitrim and Connemara. Patterns of growth and decay of the ice sheet are shown to be radically different: asynchronous and asymmetric in both spatial and temporal domains. We implicate collapse of the ice stream system in the North Channel – Irish Sea Basin in driving such asymmetry, since rapid collapse would sever the ties between the British and Irish Ice Sheets and drive flow configuration changes in response. Enhanced calving and flow acceleration in response to rising relative sea level is speculated to have undermined the integrity of the ice stream system, precipitating its collapse and driving the reconstructed pattern of ice sheet evolution.  相似文献   

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