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Detailed geomorphological mapping has revealed evidence for the development of plateau icefields in the central fells of the English Lake District during the Loch Lomond (Younger Dryas) Stadial (ca. 12.9–11.5 ka). The largest plateau icefield system, which covered an area of approximately 55 km2 (including outlet glaciers), was centred on High Raise. To the west, smaller plateau icefields developed on Grey Knotts/Brandreth and Dale Head, covering areas of 7 km2 and 3 km2 respectively. The geomorphological impact of these plateau icefields appears to have been minimal on the summits, where the survival of blockfields and other frost‐weathered debris (mostly peat‐covered) implies the existence of at least patches of protective, cold‐based ice. Ice‐moulded bedrock at some plateau edges, however, documents a transition to wet‐based, erosive conditions. Prominent moraine systems were produced by outlet glaciers, which descended into the surrounding valleys where their margins became sediment traps for supraglacial debris and inwash. In some valleys, ice‐marginal moraines record successive positions of outlet glaciers, which actively backwasted towards their plateau source. This interpretation differs from that of previous workers, who assumed an alpine style of glaciation, with reconstructed glaciers emanating from corries and valley heads. It is likely that plateau icefields were more common at this time in upland Britain than hitherto has been appreciated. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Comprehensive studies on a stalagmite from the Panlong cave, Guilin, have shown that the isotopic records and sedimentary characteristics can reflect the changes of both palaeotemperatures and palaeorainfall, that is to say, it is possible to get some information about the changes in climate of the area from the speleothem. The results suggest that: (1) the Younger Dryas event might have persisted in the area from 11 300 to 10 800 a B.P.; (2) from 9000 to 7000 a B.P., the climate got warmer and wetter, and the summer monsoon was gradually enhanced; (3) from 7000 to 4500 a B.P., the climate was warm and wet, and the summer monsoon prevailed; and (4) from 4500 a B.P. on, the summer monsoon was weakened and the modern climate pattern appeared, but there were several cold and dry periods, namely, from 4000 to 2500 a B.P., ca. 2400 a B.P. and < 1000 a B.P.  相似文献   

In the west-central part of Lago Argentino, the Puerto Bandera moraines are clearly detached from longer, more prominent moraines of the last glaciation and from shorter and smaller Neoglacial moraines. Scientists have long speculated about the age of the Puerto Bandera moraines. Detailed geomorphologic studies in the western area of Lago Argentino, including stratigraphic profiles at Bahía del Quemado in the northern branch (Brazo Norte), indicate that the Puerto Bandera moraines were deposited by three pulses of ice. Each of the three pulses is represented by single moraine ridges and belts of tightly arranged ridges. The timing of the three glacier advances was established by radiocarbon dating, including data published by John Mercer. The oldest moraine system, formed during the Puerto Bandera I substade, was deposited ca. 13,000 14C yr B.P. Moraines of the Puerto Bandera II substade were deposited ca. 11,000 14C yr B.P. The youngest moraine system was deposited during a minor readvance, shortly before 10,390 C14 yr B.P., and thus appears to have occurred some time during the European Younger Dryas interval. After this third substade, the ice tongues retreated into the interior branches of Lago Argentino and have remained there since. Evidence found at Bahía del Quemado, together with data provided by other authors, attests to a significant climatic change by the middle Holocene, which we believe occurred during the Herminita advance, the first Holocene glacial readvance recognized within the area.  相似文献   

全球新仙女木事件的恢复及其触发机制研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李潮流  康世昌 《冰川冻土》2006,28(4):568-576
大约发生在12.9~11.6 ka BP的新仙女木事件(YD)在气候突变的研究中占有重要地位,然而对其触发时间、触发地点、触发机制以及YD事件是否是一个全球性的事件一直存在很大争议,并且该事件触发机制的研究对目前全球温度快速升高背景下未来气候变化的预测也有很大的意义.综述了近年来世界范围内YD事件恢复的最新研究,分析了该事件在全球不同区域发生时间和强度的异同,目前北半球对该事件的记录比较一致,南半球还有很大分歧.介绍了YD事件的可能触发机制,YD事件的触发除了北大西洋温盐环流终止之外,也可能受到诸如太阳辐射减少和赤道大洋的影响.最后讨论了有待加强的研究区域和未来的研究方向.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a special issue devoted to the sequence of events in and around Glen Roy during the Loch Lomond or Younger Dryas Stadial, the short but important cold period dated to between ∼12,900 and 11,700 years ago, during which glaciers last expanded to occupy the Scottish Highlands, and during the subsequent transition to warmer conditions at the start of the Holocene. The Glen Roy area is internationally famous for the ‘Parallel Roads’, pre-eminent examples of ice-dammed lake shorelines which were formed during the stadial. What makes these shorelines unique, however, is their role as distinctive time markers, allowing the order of formation of landforms and sediments to be construed with unprecedented detail. Varved lake sediments preserved within Glen Roy and nearby Loch Laggan provide a precise timescale – the Lochaber Master Varve Chronology (LMVC) – for establishing the rates and timing of some of the events. This introductory paper first sets the geological context for those new to this topic, with a digest of key advances in understanding made between the nineteenth century and the publication of the LMVC in 2010. It then summarises the evidence and ideas that have emerged from new research investigations reported in this special issue for the first time, and which shine new light on the subject. Two final sections synthesise the new data and consider future prospects for further refinement of the precise sequence and timing of events. A major conclusion to emerge from this new body of work is that the ice-dammed lakes, and the glaciers that impounded them, persisted in the area until around 11,700 to perhaps 11,600 years ago. This conflicts with recently promoted suggestions that the last glaciers in Scotland were already in a state of considerable decline by ∼12,500 years ago.  相似文献   


新仙女木(Younger Dryas,简称YD)事件是发生在末次冰消期升温过程中北半球的一次急剧降温事件。文章基于福建西部仙云洞石笋(编号:XYⅣ-14)9个高精度230Th年龄和233个氧同位素分析,建立了12.68~11.25 ka B.P.时段平均分辨率达7 a的东亚夏季风强度的演变序列。该石笋氧同位素记录最为显著的特征是在11.89~11.51 ka B.P.时δ18O在380±95 a内偏负约1.3‰,指示了YD事件缓慢的结束过程。与基于年层时标的我国北方苦栗树洞、南京葫芦洞和神农架青天洞石笋记录对比发现,仙云洞记录的YD结束过程的时间(380±95 a)明显比苦栗树洞、葫芦洞和青天洞记录(38 a、10 a和11 a)长300多年。仙云洞石笋所记录的YD事件缓慢结束的特征与低纬菲律宾Palawan洞穴石笋记录十分相似。分析结果表明,受热带西太平洋海气耦合的影响,低纬水文循环过程的变化比高纬的气候突变要缓慢的多。


新仙女木事件在罗布泊湖相沉积物中的记录   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对罗布泊CK-2钻孔湖相沉积物磁化率、粒度、碳酸盐和有机质含量的测定以及地球化学元素的多元统计分析, 探讨了我国西北极端干旱区域的环境对全球气候变化的响应.结果显示各代用指标均一致揭示了发生在12.8~11.6kaBP间非常明显的低温期, 且降温幅度大, 变化迅速.这次冷事件在时间坐标以及发生特点上都与格陵兰冰心记录的末次冰消期中的新仙女木事件相对应, 为新仙女木事件的全球性特征提供了新的证据.这说明在我国新疆的极端干旱区, 其气候与环境的变化也与北半球高纬度地区有着密切的联系; 由主成分分析结果, 揭示了我国西北地区的西风气候区有别于东南季风气候区的水热配置特点, 即冷期湿润, 暖期干旱, 并提出了该事件信号从北大西洋传送到罗布泊地区的潜在机制.   相似文献   

刘殿兵 《地质论评》2012,58(2):341-349
新仙女木事件(Younger Dryasevent,YD事件)为末次冰消期发生的快速降温事件,作为典型突变气候事件,它一直是国际古气候关注热点,其研究的开展促进和深化了科学界对千年尺度突变气候事件的理解和认识。近年来,随着高分辨率地质记录涌现,YD事件时空差异性日益突出。对比和认识这些区域之间事件细节结构及转型模式异同有助于甄别其相位关系,探讨不同环境快速重组对高、低纬突变气候事件的响应方式,进而验证早期驱动—响应假说,为其动力学机制建立及未来相似边界条件下气候预测提供基本地质证据和理论模型。本文从YD事件区域响应方式入手,通过总结和对比模拟研究及地质记录,对YD事件已有研究存在的争议进行回顾,提出有待加强的研究区域和未来研究方向。  相似文献   

We use cosmogenic 10Be surface exposure age techniques at a locality close to Rannoch Moor, western Scottish Highlands, in order to establish the age and chronology of its most recent glaciation. Glacial erratics and an in situ bedrock quartz vein sampled from this site—the summit of Beinn Inverveigh—have yielded zero‐erosion exposure ages of 12.9 ± 1.5 ka to 11.6 ± 1.0 ka, implying complete ice cover of the mountain during the Younger Dryas, or Loch Lomond Stadial. These results fit closely with published 14C dates that bracket the maximum (lateral) extent of ice cap outlet glaciers, and are the first internally consistent ages to specifically address this period of glaciation in Scotland. Furthermore, the dates imply that previous palaeoglaciological reconstructions for this area may have underestimated both the thickness of the former ice cap and, by implication, its volume. © British Geological Survey/Natural Environment Research Council copyright 2007. Reproduced with the permission of BGS/NERC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Geomorphological mapping of locally nourished glaciers was conducted in four glens in the southeastern Monadhliath Mountains, Scotland. Three glaciers are interpreted to be of Younger Dryas age based on geomorphological similarity to features in other Scottish upland areas known to have been glaciated during the Younger Dryas, and on comparison to adjacent ice‐free areas in the lower glens where landform‐sediment assemblages typically reflect peri/paraglacial readjustment during the stadial. Here we reconstruct Younger Dryas glacier termini based on moraine alignments and associated geomorphological and sedimentological evidence. An adjacent wide plateau area at high altitude may have permitted extensive ice accumulation, but no unequivocal geomorphological signature is evident. To establish upper glacier limits, a series of ice profiles are modelled. The results yield a range of realistic glacier configurations bracketed between two distinct scenarios: a valley glaciation with the glaciers' upper limit on the plateau edge, and a low‐domed icecap centred on the plateau with ice flowing radially into the lower glens. Reconstructed equilibrium‐line altitudes are 795 m a.s.l. for the valley‐glacier scenario and 894 m a.s.l. for the icecap scenario. Calculated mean ablation‐season temperatures at the ELA are 1.2°C and 0.4°C for the valley‐glacier and the icecap scenario, respectively, from which we infer mean annual precipitation rates between 323 and 520 mm a?1. Palaeoclimate results indicate a stadial climate in central Scotland 65–79% more arid than at present, comparable to that of western Norway for the stadial and to the present‐day Canadian Arctic.  相似文献   

This paper systematically reviews the glacial geomorphological evidence of the Loch Lomond Stadial (LLS; Younger Dryas) glaciation in Britain (12.9–11.7 ka). The geomorphology of sub‐regions within Scotland, England and Wales is assessed, providing the most comprehensive synthesis of this evidence to date. The contrasting nature of the evidence at the local scale is reviewed and conceptual themes common to multiple sub‐regions are examined. Advancements in glaciological theory, mapping technologies, numerical modelling and dating have been applied unevenly to localities across Britain, inhibiting a holistic understanding of the extent and dynamics of the LLS glaciation at a regional scale. The quantity and quality of evidence is highly uneven, leading to uncertainties regarding the extent of glaciation and inhibiting detailed analysis of ice dynamics and chronology. Robust dates are relatively scarce, making it difficult to confidently identify the limits of LLS glaciers and assess their synchroneity. Numerical models have allowed the glacier–climate relationships of the LLS to be assessed but have, thus far, been unable to incorporate local conditions which influenced glaciation. Recommendations for future research are made that will allow refined reconstructions of the LLS in Britain and contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of glacier–climate interactions during the Younger Dryas.  相似文献   

A calcitic stalagmite collected from a limestone cave in the Buchan area of eastern Victoria has been dated by three mass-spectrometric uranium series analyses. Two growth phases are represented: the older from 13.4 to 10.6 ka and the younger from 3.2 to 2.1 ka. Oxygen isotope analysis reveals that temperatures were below present-day values at all times, but particularly cool conditions are indicated between 12.3 and 11.4 ka, and Neoglacial conditions occurred at about 3 ka. The older cold climate event is clearly synchronous with the Younger Dryas in Europe and this is the first time that strong evidence for this event has been found in Australia. Carbon isotope variations are interpreted as indicating changes in plant productivity on the surface and are most likely controlled by variations in summer rainfall. They indicate particularly high levels of plant productivity from 11.5 to 11.0 ka. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper considers the impact of the Younger Dryas on the prehistoric inhabitants of Pont d'Ambon, a site in the Dordogne region of southwestern France, through an examination of the zooarchaeological remains from this site. An investigation of patch choice indicates that patch choice evenness declines during the Younger Dryas due to increasing local dominance of the grassland patch. Analyses of demographic composition, cutmark frequency, and marrow processing in the wild European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) assemblage suggest intensified rabbit use during this period. This study thus supports the hypothesis that changing climate had significant impacts on the prehistoric inhabitants of Pont d'Ambon. However, the traditional climate hypothesis—that changing climate negatively impacted the availability of larger fauna, forcing a switch to smaller, lower-ranked prey items—is not supported here. The inhabitants of Pont d'Ambon seem to have adapted to changing climate by efficiently exploiting the new species available to them, and possibly, during the Younger Dryas, by intensifying their use of one of these new species, the European rabbit.  相似文献   

A recent high‐resolution record of Late‐glacial CO2 change from Dome Concordia in Antarctica reveals a trend of increasing CO2 across the Younger Dryas stadial (GS‐1). These results are in good agreement with previous Antarctic ice‐core records. However, they contrast markedly with a proxy CO2 record based on the stomatal approach to CO2 reconstruction, which records a ca. 70 ppm mean CO2 decline at the onset of GS‐1. To address these apparent discrepancies we tested the validity of the stomatal‐based CO2 reconstructions from Kråkenes by obtaining further proxy CO2 records based on a similar approach using fossil leaves from two independent lakes in Atlantic Canada. Our Late‐glacial CO2 reconstructions reveal an abrupt ca. 77 ppm decrease in atmospheric CO2 at the onset of the Younger Dryas stadial, which lagged climatic cooling by ca. 130 yr. Furthermore, the trends recorded in the most accurate high‐resolution ice‐core record of CO2, from Dome Concordia, can be reproduced from our stomatal‐based CO2 records, when time‐averaged by the mean age distribution of air contained within Dome Concordia ice (200 to 550 yr). If correct, our results indicate an abrupt drawdown of atmospheric CO2 within two centuries at the onset of GS‐1, suggesting that some re‐evaluation of the behaviour of atmospheric CO2 sinks and sources during times of rapid climatic change, such as the Late‐glacial, may be required. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In spite of a widespread distribution, the way in which plateau icefields affect the glaciation and deglaciation of adjacent terrains is not particularly well‐known. This paper aims to identify how the deglaciation of the fjord and plateau terrain of north Norway has influenced the glacial geomorphology and relative sea‐level history of both local and adjacent areas and so serve as a model for interpreting similar areas along the continental margins of northwest Europe and elsewhere. The identification of moraines and their relationships with the Main shoreline of northern Norway allows the margins of the Øksfjordjøkelen, Svartfjelljøkelen and Langfjordjøkelen plateau icefields to be identified in the adjacent terrains. In locations where ice margins are uncertain, it is also possible to reconstruct ice limits by means of glacier models appropriately constrained by known local conditions and dates. Earlier glacier margins, characterised in north Norway by ice shelves floating in the local inlets of major fjords, also can be related to known regional shorelines. The distribution of high shoreline fragments, augmented by radiocarbon dates, helps show the extent to which inter‐island channels and outermost parts of fjords can become deglaciated relatively early in comparison with published maps of regional deglaciation. Plateau‐icefield‐centred glaciation became important sometime after 14 000 14C yr BP and was characterised by glacier readvances up to, and in some locations beyond, earlier moraines and raised marine features. Although overlooked until recently, the identification of the influence of plateau icefields on local glaciation, and their interaction with local and regional marine limits, is of great importance in accurate palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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