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Calcitic flowstones are present in fractures of a Pleistocene breccia near Innsbruck, Austria, and record periods of carbonate precipitation in the unsaturated zone between 101,500 ± 1500 and 70,300 ± 1800 yr, constrained by U-series disequilibrium dates. The occurrence of these speleothems, their low carbon isotopic composition, and the lack of infiltrated siliciclastic material demonstrate that the central Inn valley - which harbored one of the most extensive valley glaciers during the last glacial maximum - was ice-free during Marine Isotope Stages 5c to 5a. Climatically warm periods are separated by distinct drops in the oxygen isotopic composition of the speleothem calcite, attributed to strong and possibly seasonally biased atmospheric cooling. During these intervening stadials, which mirror those identified in the Greenland ice cores and marine sea-surface temperature records, calcite deposition apparently came to a halt, but the Inn Valley remained ice-free. The youngest calcite layer formed between ∼74,000 and ∼70,000 yr and places a maximum age limit on the likely expansion of alpine glaciers during the Marine Isotope Stage 5/4 transition, consistent with other speleothem records.  相似文献   

西藏扎布耶湖晚更新世沉积物230 年代学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马志邦  马妮娜  张雪飞  王宇 《地质学报》2010,84(11):1641-1651
本文应用全溶样品的等时线模式,较成功地测定了藏北高原西南部扎布耶盐湖SZK01孔岩芯中含不等量碳酸盐粘土的230Th/238U年龄,建立了青藏高原腹地海拔4000 m以上湖泊120 ka以来连续的同位素年龄标尺,从而为扎布耶盐湖及其周缘地区古环境古气候演化研究奠定了时间坐标。根据230Th/238U年龄数据,SZK01孔的平均沉积速率约为68 cm/ka。然而不同层段的沉积速率差异较大,变化在20.8~128.8 cm/ka,其快慢变化反映了该湖从短命深湖、动荡浅湖、滨湖到盐湖的环境变化,与高分辨率SZK02孔的研究结果相一致。讨论了测年模式的适应性﹑样品的U封闭性和应用的优越性,提出开展湖区及周边各类型水体的U、Th同位素化学行为研究和检验沉积物中多源Th对定年的影响将是今后年代学研究的重要内容。  相似文献   

A late glacial to early Holocene lacustrine and peat succession, rich in conifer remains and including some palaeolithic flint artefacts, has been investigated in the Palughetto intermorainic basin (Venetian Pre‐Alps). The geomorphological and stratigraphical relationships, 14C dates and pollen analyses allow a reconstruction of the environmental history of the basin and provide significant insights into the reforestation and peopling of the Pre‐Alps. The onset of peat accumulation is dated to 14.4–14.1 kyr cal. BP, coinciding with reforestation at middle altitudes that immediately post‐dates the immigration of Larix decidua and Picea abies subsp. europaea. Plant macrofossils point to the expansion of spruce about 14.3 kyr cal. BP, so far one of the earliest directly dated in the late glacial period of southern Europe. The previous hypothesis of an early Holocene spruce immigration in the Southern Alps from Slovenia needs reconsideration. Organic sedimentation stopped at the end of the Younger Dryas and was followed by the evolution of hydromorphic soils containing lithic artefacts, anthropic structures and wood charcoal. The typological features of the flint implements refer human occupation of the site to the end of the recent Epigravettian. Charcoals yielded dates either consistent with, or younger than, the archaeological chronology, in the early and middle Holocene. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The scarcity of numerical dates of the arid areas in southern Africa is a challenge for reconstructing paleoclimate. This paper presents a chronological reconstruction in the central part of the Namib Desert, Namibia, for the last 420,000 yr. It is based on 230Th/U dates (TIMS) from a large stalagmite and a thick flowstone layer in a small cave located in the hyper-arid central Namib Desert. The results provide for the first time evidence of three or possibly four succeeding wet periods of decreasing intensity since 420 ka through which speleothem deposited at approximately 420–385 ka, 230–207 ka and 120–117 ka following the 100-ka Milankovitch cycle. Speleothem growth was not recorded for the Holocene. These wet periods interrupted the predominantly dry climate of the Namib Desert and coincided with wet phases in deserts of the northern hemisphere in the Murzuq Basin, Sahara, the Negev, Israel, the Nafud Desert, Saudi Arabia, and the arid northern Oman, Arabian Peninsula.  相似文献   

New 40Ar/39Ar geochronology places time constraints on several stages of the evolution of the Penninic realm in the Eastern Alps. A 186±2 Ma age for seafloor hydrothermal metamorphic biotite from the Reckner Ophiolite Complex of the Pennine–Austroalpine transition suggests that Penninic ocean spreading occurred in the Eastern Alps as early as the Toarcian (late Early Jurassic). A 57±3 Ma amphibole from the Penninic subduction–accretion Rechnitz Complex dates high-pressure metamorphism and records a snapshot in the evolution of the Penninic accretionary wedge. High-pressure amphibole, phengite, and phengite+paragonite mixtures from the Penninic Eclogite Zone of the Tauern Window document exhumation through ≤15 kbar and >500 °C at 42 Ma to 10 kbar and 400 °C at 39 Ma. The Tauern Eclogite Zone pressure–temperature path shows isothermal decompression at mantle depths and rapid cooling in the crust, suggesting rapid exhumation. Assuming exhumation rates slower or equal to high-pressure–ultrahigh-pressure terrains in the Western Alps, Tauern Eclogite Zone peak pressures were reached not long before our high-pressure amphibole age, probably at ≤45 Ma, in accordance with dates from the Western Alps. A late-stage thermal overprint, common to the entire Penninic thrust system, occurred within the Tauern Eclogite Zone rocks at 35 Ma. The high-pressure peak and switch from burial to exhumation of the Tauern Eclogite Zone is likely to date slab breakoff in the Alpine orogen. This is in contrast to the long-lasting and foreland-propagating Franciscan-style subduction–accretion processes that are recorded in the Rechnitz Complex.  相似文献   

The large, extensive tufa deposits of the semi‐arid Naukluft Mountains, Namibia are potentially important palaeoenvironmental indicators in an area with few proxy records. Tufas are reliable indicators of increased moisture availability, and have been shown to be amenable to 234U–230Th dating, although two challenges are detrital contamination and open‐system behaviour. Densely cemented tufa facies are good candidates for dating, minimising these problems. We report attempts to date five densely‐cemented units, which are only found rarely within the Naukluft deposits. We applied a detailed methodology using multiple subsample analysis, measurement of insoluble residues, application of ‘isochron’ mixing lines, and attempted open‐systems modelling, alongside observations of micromorphology and cathodoluminescence in order to assess the validity of any obtained dates. Surprisingly, densely cemented tufas were found not always to be suitable for dating. Two units contained detrital contamination, which could not be corrected for using a single leachate correction or ‘isochron’ methods. Two units contained ‘excess 230Th’. This could result under a closed‐system if initial (234U/238U) was sufficiently high. Alternatively this may be the result of open‐system behaviour, and loss of uranium, or incorporation of initial unsupported 230Th, which render samples unsuitable for 234U–230Th dating. Micromorphological appearance and cathodoluminescence behaviour are used to explore these possibilities. This study exemplifies the need for careful sample selection, and highlights the importance of analysing multiple subsamples from any tufa sample. The detailed methodology applied proves to be a powerful tool for identifying the range of problems that can be encountered when selecting suitable candidate samples for successful dating. It also shows that semi‐arid tufa sequences may contain very little material suitable for dating. A reliable age of c 80 ka was obtained for a banded unit within a large fluvial barrage, with less reliable dates suggesting tufa deposition during times since >350 ka through to the late Holocene. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the southern sector of the Southern Brasília Belt, late Neoproterozoic arc–passive margin collision resulted in juxtaposition of an arc‐derived nappe (the Socorro–Guaxupé Nappe) over a stack of passive margin‐derived nappes (the Andrelândia Nappe Complex) that lies on top of autochthonous basement of the São Francisco Craton. (U–Th)–Pb monazite ages are reported from the high‐grade nappes of the Andrelândia Nappe Complex to better constrain the high‐temperature retrograde evolution. For residual HP granulites from the uppermost Três Pontas–Varginha Nappe, (U–Th)–Pb ages of c. 662 and 655 Ma from low yttrium monazite inclusions in the rims of, or associated with garnet are interpreted to date the late‐stage close‐to‐peak prograde evolution, whereas an age of c. 648 Ma from a similar low yttrium monazite inclusion is interpreted to record post‐peak recrystallization with melt via factures in garnet. For the same nappe, ages of 640–631 Ma retrieved from higher yttrium areas or cores in monazite grains that occur both as inclusions in garnet and in the matrix are interpreted to record growth of monazite either by local breakdown of garnet (±older monazite) and mass exchange with a matrix melt reservoir along cracks or growth from residual melt in the matrix as it crystallized during high‐pressure, close‐to‐isobaric cooling close to the solidus, the temperature of which, at a given pressure, varies with bulk composition of the residual granulites. (U–Th)–Pb ages in the range 620–588 Ma from lower yttrium areas in these monazite grains and from matrix‐hosted patchy monazite are interpreted to date exhumation, as recorded by close‐to‐isothermal decompression and subsequent close‐to‐isobaric cooling. Older monazite ages in this group are interpreted to record late‐stage interaction with melt close to the solidus whereas younger monazite ages are interpreted to record recrystallization of monazite by dissolution–reprecipitation owing to ingress of alkali fluid from the Carmo da Cachoeira Nappe beneath as fluid was released by crystallization of in‐source melt at the solidus. In the underlying Carmo da Cachoeira Nappe, higher yttrium areas in monazite and one single domain monazite yield chemical ages of 619–616 Ma, which are interpreted to date growth as in‐source melt crystallized close to the solidus along the high‐pressure, close‐to‐isobaric segment of the retrograde P–T evolution. Younger (U–Th)–Pb ages of 600–595 Ma retrieved from lower yttrium areas and one single domain monazite are interpreted to record recrystallization of monazite by dissolution–reprecipitation owing to release of fluid at the solidus during exhumation of this nappe. Monazite from the Carvalhos Klippe, interpreted to be correlative with the uppermost nappe, yields a wide range of (U–Th)–Pb ages: for two zoned grains, c. 619 and c. 614 Ma from higher yttrium cores, and c. 583 and c. 595 Ma from lower yttrium rims; and, 592–580 Ma from single domain grains in one sample, and ages of c. 593 and c. 563 Ma from monazite in a second sample. Ages younger than 605 Ma are interpreted to date a fluid‐induced response to the early stages of orogenic loading associated with terrane accretion in the Ribeira Belt to the southeast. The results reported here demonstrate that ages retrieved from monazite that grew close to the solidus in residual granulites from a single tectonic unit will vary from sample to sample according to differences in the solidus temperatures. Further, we show that monazite inclusions may yield ages that are younger than the host mineral and confirm the propensity of monazite to record evidence of tectonic events that are not always registered by other high‐temperature mineral chronometers.  相似文献   

Very few high‐resolution and directly dated terrestrial archives of the last glacial period exist for the western Mediterranean region, yet this is a key locality for recording sub‐millennial North Atlantic and Mediterranean climate change. Here, we present evidence of effective precipitation changes based on growth history and δ13C of calcite in a Mallorcan stalagmite that grew between 112 and 48 ka. Effective precipitation in Mallorca appears to have been sensitive to proximal sea surface temperature variations and at certain times, ca. 76 ka for example, changed rapidly from moist to arid conditions in only a few centuries. A sea‐level highstand during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5a interrupted growth. Regrowth started promptly after this, but effective precipitation decreased markedly for much of the later part of MIS 5a, and also for shorter periods correlative with Heinrich events H8 (ca. 90 ka) and H6 (ca. 65 ka), with growth ceasing during H5 (ca. 48 ka). Arid episodes in Mallorca appear to be expressions of extremely cold periods recorded further north in Europe and occur contemporaneously with rapid decreases in Greenland temperature. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In 2011, a programme of field research was undertaken to effect the stabilization of an unstable section in the West Ravine at the key Neanderthal occupation site of La Cotte de St Brelade on the Channel Island of Jersey. As part of this essential remedial work the threatened section was analysed to characterize its archaeological and palaeoenvironmental potential as well provide optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dates. The work determined, through two concordant OSL dating programmes, that the section formed part of an extensive sequence of sedimentation spanning >105 to <48 ka. Furthermore, reanalysis of the archive determined that the sediment sequence examined contained the stratigraphic equivalent of deposits lying below those that have previously produced Neanderthal fossils. Through our work, we can now constrain these younger sediments to being younger than 48 ka. The combined results suggest that this sequence now represents the recovery of an extensive dataset, thought lost to science through complete excavation, which holds the potential to throw light on the disappearance of Neanderthal populations from the Atlantic‐edge outpost on the north‐west frontier of their world.  相似文献   

Abstract Widely distributed in Gyangzê‐Chigu area, southern Tibet, NW‐ and nearly E‐W‐trending diabase(gabbro)‐gabbro diorite dykes are regarded as the product of the large‐scale spreading of the late Neo‐Tethys Ocean. In order to constrain the emplacement age of these dykes, zircons of two samples from diabases in Nagarzê were dated by using the U‐Pb SHRIMP method. Two nearly the same weighted mean 206Pb/238U ages were obtained in this paper, which are 134.9±1.8 Ma (MSWD = 0.65) and 135.5 ± 2.1 Ma (MSWD=1.40), respectively. They not only represent the crystallization age of the diabase, but also documented an important spreading event of the Neo‐Tethys Ocean during the late Jurassic and early Cretaceous. This dating result is of great significance to reconstruct the temporal framework of the late Neo‐Tethys Ocean in the Qinghai‐Tibet Plateau.  相似文献   

The existence of the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K/T) boundary in the non-marine succession is expected at Jiayin in the Heilongjiang River area, China. Zircons from a tuff sample from the Baishantou Member of Wuyun Formation in Jiayin were analyzed by the laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) U-Pb dating and fission-track dating methods. Ages of 64.1±0.7 Ma (U-Pb) and 61.7±1.8 Ma (fission-track dating) were obtained, which allow re-evaluation of a previously reported late Maastrichian age for the tuff layer that was in conflict with the paleontological evidence. These results confirm the Danian age of the section in agreement with the paleontological evidence.  相似文献   

The Great Xing'an Range (GXR), Northeast (NE) China, is a major polymetallic metallogenic belt in the eastern segment of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. The newly discovered Xiaokele porphyry Cu (–Mo) deposit lies in the northern GXR. Field geological and geochronological studies have revealed two mineralization events in this deposit: early porphyry‐type Cu (–Mo) mineralization, and later vein‐type Cu mineralization. Previous geochronological studies yielded an age of ca. 147 Ma for the early Cu (–Mo) mineralization. Our 40Ar/39Ar dating yielded 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of 124.8 ± 0.4 to 124.3 ± 0.4 Ma on K‐feldspar in altered Cu‐mineralized diorite porphyrite dikes that represent the overprinting vein‐type Cu mineralization, consistent with zircon U–Pb ages of the diorite porphyrite (126.4 ± 0.5 to 125.0 ± 0.5 Ma). The Cr and Ni contents and Mg# of the Xiaokele diorite porphyrites are high. The diorite porphyrites at Xiaokele are enriched in light rare‐earth elements (REEs), and large‐ion lithophile elements (e.g., Rb, Ba, and K), are depleted in heavy REEs and high‐field‐strength elements (e.g., Nb, Ta, and Ti), and have weak negative εHf(t) values (+0.29 to +5.27) with two‐stage model ages (TDM2) of 1,164–845 Ma. Given the regional tectonic setting in Early Cretaceous, the ore‐bearing diorite porphyrites were likely formed in an extensional environment related to lithospheric delamination and asthenospheric upwelling induced by subduction of the Paleo‐Pacific Plate. These tectonic events caused large‐scale magmatic activity, ore mineralization, and lithospheric thinning in NE China.  相似文献   

The Zhujiachong eclogite in the south‐eastern Dabieshan ultra‐high‐P terrane has been overprinted during retrograde metamorphism, with the development of garnet‐amphibolite mineral assemblages in most rocks in the outcrop. This study is focused on providing age constraints for the retrograde amphibolite facies and greenschist facies mineralogy by 40Ar/39Ar dating. By applying a novel approach of combining three different techniques for extracting argon: laser stepwise heating of single grains and small separates, a spot fusion technique by UV‐laser ablation microprobe on polished sections and an in vacuo crushing technique for liberating radiogenic argon from fluid inclusions, it is demonstrated that an internally consistent thermal history can be derived. The 40Ar/39Ar ages indicate that phengite formed before 265 Ma, probably during the ultra‐high‐P event. Ages associated with amphibolite facies retrograde metamorphism range from 242 to 217 Ma by the analyses of amphibole. Ages of c. 230 Ma were found for the symplectite matrix that formed during retrogression from eclogite pyroxene. Late stage hydrothermal activity leading to the formation of coarse‐grained paragonite and fluid inclusions in vein amphibole was dated at c. 200 Ma. These age results agree well with the mineral crystallization sequence observed from thin‐sections of the retrograded eclogite: phengite → paragonite and amphibole in matrix → amphibole in the corona.  相似文献   

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