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Auriferous cherts in the Middle Carboniferous Jinchang Formation are the dominant host rocks of auriferous quartz veins and mixed orebodies comprised of gold-bearing quartz veins and cherts in the Mojiang gold deposit.The rocks exhibit sedimentary texture and structure and are composed of hot-water deposited minerals.The FeO,Fe2O3,Au and Ag contents of the auriferous cherts are high;the Cr,Ni and Co contents are also high but significantly variable;MnO/TiO2 and TFe/TiO2 ratios are relatively higy.As viewed from a few diagrams that distinguish different chert formations,the auriferous cherts are in or near the range of hot-water deposited cherts.Because the correlation coefficients between Au contents and those of Cr, Ni of the rocks are negative,a great Au amount in the cherts might not be brought about by later hydrothermal alterations.The rare-earth elements,O and Si isotopic compositions of the auriferous cherts demonstrate that the cherts belong to hot-water deposited rocks.The later hydrothermal alterations made the petrochemical compositions of the cherts deviate from the characteristics of hot-water deposition.In general,the geological and geochemical features of the auriferous cherts demonstrate that the rocks were formed by hot water deposition.  相似文献   

Spectral Reflectance Features of Rocks and Ores and Their Applications   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The spectral reflectance features of rocks and minerals are correlated with their composition,col-or,grain size and surface state.Different wall rocks,altered rocks and ores have their spectral reflectance features,which are very helpful for the explanation of remote sensing data and searching for mineral deposits by remote sensing.After the treatment of spectrum data and searching for mineral deposits by remote sensing.After the treatment of spectrum data of rocks and ores and physical and chemical parameters in the mathematical statistics,we analyzed the laboratorial spectrum dataand put forward better wave bands(520-590,650-710,730-760,770-860,1560-1760,2200 and 2300-2400nm) for distinguishing rocks and ores.  相似文献   

Nd model ages(TDM) of the Pre-Mesozoic crustal rock samples from Southeast China range from 1.2 to 3.5Ga.Two age peaks of 1.4Ga and 1.8 Ga are observed in the histogram of TDM model ages.Available U-Pb zircon inheritance ages are concentrated around 1.2-1.4Ga,1.8Ga and 2.5Ga,respectively.The combined use of Sm-Nd and U-Pb zircon inheritance ages suggests that the formation of the Precambrian curst is of episodic character.The oldest crustal nucleus may have been formed during the Late Archean(2.5Ga or older?).A rapid production of the crust took place 1.8 Ga ago,consistent with the global crust formation event at 1.7-1.9Ga.Another important episode of the addition of juvenile crustal material from the mantle in Southeast China took place 1.2-1.4Ga ago,during which the pre-existing crust was strongly reworked and/or remelted.  相似文献   

Guizhou is one of the dominating karst regions,where laterite is widespread,in China.Seventy-two laterite samples were taken from twelve laterite sections in the karst areas of Guizhou Province,which are possessed of typical subtropical karst geomphological and ecological environmental features and have evolved completely from dolostones and limestones.In terms of the major,trace and REE deta for thd samples this paper discusses the geochemical characteristics of laterite in the karst areas with an attempt to disclose the geochemical process and evolutionary rule of laterite formation.There have been involved three important pedogenetic geochemical precesses in the formation of laterite in the karst areas:(1)enrichment of silicon and aluminum and depletion of calcium and magnesium;(2)enrichment of iron and manganese;and(3) enrichment of aluminum and depletion of silicon.During the formation and evolution of laterite,obvious enrichment and differentiation of trace elements such as Cu,Pb,Zn,Ni,Co,Cr,Pb,F,Cl,and As can be observed,but for the rare-earth elements,their enrichment is remarkable against a weak differentiation.The REE distribution patterns in the laterite are similar to those of its parental carbonate rocks.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the background features, formation and distribution of the chemical el-ements K, Na, Ca, Mg, Si, Fe, Mn, Cr, Ni,V, Co, Ti, Mo, Cu, Pb, Zn, As, Hg, Cd, Be, Li, Sr, B,F, Cl, Br and I in the groundwater in the region of the middle and lower reaches of the YangtzeRiver and their relations to the composition of the water-bearing media, properties of the overly-ing rocks and soils, redox environment, and groundwater flow condition, mineralization and pHof groundwater.  相似文献   

Studied in this paper are the mode of occurrence, petrology, petrochemistry, Sn abundance and REE geochemistry of Sn-mineralized granitoids in the Mt. Hengduanshan Region. The results show that the concentration of Sn increases with decreasing LREE but increasing HREE in the complex plutons associated with Sn mineralization. Generally, LREE< 150ppm, HREE> 50ppm, δEu = 0.01–0.14 and symmetrically “V” -shaped curves representing the REE patterns are the important indices of Sn enrichment and mineralization. This project was finantially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   

The lead isotopic compositions of feldspars and ores from granitoid rocks andassociated hydrothermal ore deposits in eastern China are strictly controlled by the nature and age of basement rocks in different tectonic belts.In eastern China,at least five discrete plumbotectonic provinces can be distinguished:the North China platform province,the Qinling province,the Lower Yangtze prov-ince,the Nanling province and the Southeast China coastal province.Each province is marked for unique types of mineralization and ore-metal assemblages.  相似文献   

The Apennine-Maghrebian fold-and-thrust belt devel-oped from the latest Cretaceous to Early Pleistocene at the subduction-collisional boundary between the Euro-pean and the westward-subducted Ionian and Adria plates. Large parts of the Mesozoic oceanic lithosphere were subducted during an Alpine phase from the Late Cretaceous to Middle Eocene. The chain developed through the deformation of major paleogeographic internal domains (tectono-sedimentary sequences of the Ligurian-Piedmont Ocean) and external domains (sedi-mentary sequences derived from the deformation of the continental Adria-African passive mareinL The continu-ity of the Apennine chain is abruptly interrupted in the Calabrian Arc by the extensive klippe of Kabylo-Calabrian crystalline exotic terranes, derived from deformation of the European passive margin.Major complexities (sharp deflections in the arcuate configuration of the thrust belt, out-of-sequence propagation of the thrusts) are referred to contrasting rheology and differential buoyancy of the subducted lithosphere (transitional from conti-nental to oceanic) and consequent differential roll-back of the Adria plate margin, and to competence contrasts in the Mesozoic stratigraphic sequences,where multiple d&#233;collement horizons at different stratigraphic levels may have favored significant differential shortening.From the Late Miocene, the geometry of the thrust belt was strongly modified by extensional fault-ing, volcanic activity, crustal thinning and formation of oceanic crust correlated with the development of the Tyrrhenian Basin.  相似文献   

1 Introduction The Lop Nur Salt Lake, located in the eastern part of the Tarim Basin, Xinjiang, China, has become a playa in the Quaternary. It is under the jurisdiction of Ruoqiang County, Xinjiang, being ~450 km east of Korla City, the capital of the Bayingolin Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture (Fig. 1), and 300 km south of the seat of Shanshan County. The geographic coordinates are 90o00'–91o30' E and 39o40'– 41o20' N. Field survey and drilling since 1995 have revealed an occurren…  相似文献   

官伟  徐怀民  李涵  程磊  马永辉 《现代地质》2019,33(2):401-411
永1井区位于准噶尔盆地腹部昌吉凹陷,中晚侏罗世受燕山运动的影响在盆地腹部形成车莫隆起带,使得下伏西山窑组地层受到超覆、削蚀,形成了一系列岩性、地层及复合油气藏。在油气运聚成藏过程中不整合体的结构发挥了重要作用,故对不整合结构进行了三级层次划分:一级为盖层和不整合体层;二级将不整合体层分为上覆层、不整合层及下伏层;三级是成藏要素级,包括运聚层、隔挡层、风化黏土层和风化淋滤带。借助测井资料,运用岩性、物性、岩石学特征等分析不整合体纵向结构,研究区不整合体三级结构发育完整。地震资料结合测井资料,通过自然伽马反演明确不整合体结构层中运聚层和隔挡层的展布。风化淋滤带厚度自高部位向凹陷方向逐渐减薄,风化黏土层反之,二者具有较好的负相关性。不整合体的结构控制了本区最重要的两类储盖组合,分别是不整合体上覆层-不整合体盖层的储盖组合及不整合体下伏层-风化黏土层的储盖组合。  相似文献   

海拉尔盆地是叠置于内蒙-大兴安岭古生代碰撞造山带之上的中新生代盆地,总体上呈北东向展布,由3坳、2隆5个一级构造单元组成,自西向东依次为扎贲诺尔坳陷、嵯岗隆起、贝尔湖坳陷、巴彦山隆起和呼和湖坳陷, 其中贝尔凹陷是贝尔湖坳陷南部的1个二级构造单元。贝尔凹陷的控陷断层为1个上凸、2个上凹断层转折组合构成的犁式正断层,在深部发育伸展双重构造。在犁式正断层上盘由于上凸断层转折产生的活动轴面与断层面为同旋向剪切,而上凹断层转折产生的活动轴面与断层面为反旋向剪切,在断层上盘形成2个背斜中间夹1个向斜的构造组合。由活动轴面与固定轴面之间滚动面的宽度确定控陷断层F1在早白垩世南屯期晚期的水平伸展量为6 850 m。贝尔坳陷伸展断层转折褶皱的几何学和运动学特征,反映了断层滑移速率、构造沉降速率和沉积速率对凹陷内沉积地层变形特征的影响和构造活动对沉积作用和油气地质条件的制约。贝尔凹陷南屯组上段内部角度不整合的形成与变形作用中的剥蚀作用和沉积间断无关,而是由于半地堑从略欠补偿充填向过补偿充填状态转变时,沉积速率相对于构造沉降速率显著增加所致。  相似文献   

扬子西缘东吴伸展运动   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
梁定益  聂泽同 《地球科学》1994,19(4):443-453
扬子西缘二叠系中震积岩十分发育,笔者根据震积岩、震积-伸展不整合的存在,厘定了它的时代,确认了东吴运动的存在。指出它是该区晚古生代以来最重要的一次伸展构造事件,多旋回震积岩、化石有序混积与水下边界正断层的多次活动有关。在木里地区,从东吴运动开始,地震、伸展-裂陷。火山活动持续到三叠纪,形成裂陷槽(晚二叠世-早三叠世达到高峰)。在这里,东吴运动实际是裂陷造槽运动。  相似文献   

本文将云蒙山地区挤压伸展体系的构造要素划分为:①四合堂推覆体;②大水峪韧性剪切带;③云蒙山背形构造;④崎峰茶滑脱带;⑤河防口低角正断层;并简述了它们的地质特征。采用X射线衍射法对云蒙山花岗岩及周围不同时代岩石的不同层次变形构造开展了岩石组构特征研究,确定了韧脆性构造变形时的力学性质和主应力方位,对挤压伸展体系变形构造的形成演化进行了运动学和动力学分析。  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地西北缘克-百地区不整合面及其动力学条件   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
不整合及其性质和强度的确定对理解克拉玛依至百口泉地区构造变形历史和油气聚集规律具有重要意义。根据地震资料研究显示,该区二叠纪至中生代地层中存在多个不整合面,且多为构造运动的反映。其中对克-百地区构造形成具有重要影响的有四期,其一发生在中二叠统下乌尔禾组沉积后,主要表现为冲断掀斜运动,使其前的二叠纪沉积向南东方向掀斜抬升,遭受剥蚀;其二发生在三叠纪末期,对克百断裂上盘大侏罗沟断层至百口泉段的构造有重要影响;其三发生在中侏罗世末,该期构造运动在克百断裂带及其上盘表现最为清楚,以冲断为主,局部地区有褶皱现象;其四发生在早白垩世末期,表现为掀斜运动,褶皱和断裂作用相对较弱。克-百地区不同时期、不同构造部位变形的差异性与构造动力条件密切相关。  相似文献   

中祁连地块东段花石山群与湟中群之间的接触关系,前人一般认为是平行不整合或整合关系。但我们对煌中县东岔沟剖面花石山群、但中群和惶源群的沉积、变形、变质特征研究表明:花石山群与下伏惶中群之间存在着沉积环境。构造变形、变质作用的间断或不连续性,接触部位上、下地层产状也不一致。因此认为花石山群与下伏惶中群可能为角度不整合关系。这一角度不整合的确定使得已经建立起来并为广泛接受的中祁连地块东段前寒武纪地展格架等问题需要重新审视和研究。  相似文献   

在东准噶尔卡拉麦里地区的五彩湾一带出露一套具磨拉石特征的火山沉积建造, 下部为具磨拉石特征的砾岩、砂岩, 上部为一套中基性的火山熔岩夹中酸性的火山凝灰岩.1:20万卡拉麦里山幅将其归入下石炭统松喀尔苏组.通过1:5万地质调查研究发现, 该火山沉积建造底部以一套粗砾岩高角度不整合于下-中泥盆统卡拉麦里组之上, 含晚泥盆世植物化石Prelepidodendron sp.(先鳞木), 中上部火山岩LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄为346.8±3.3 Ma, 且被年龄为341.1±4.0 Ma~340.9±5.1 Ma后碰撞花岗岩侵入, 表明其形成时代为晚泥盆世-早石炭世, 时代上对应于北准噶尔地层分区的上泥盆统克安库都克组.该套地层中上部的火山岩的岩石组合为玄武岩、玄武安山岩、夹少量的流纹质凝灰岩, 岩石化学特征上属钙碱性-高钾钙碱性系列, (La/Yb)N=2.97~6.66, Nb、Ta亏损, 部分样品Zr、Ti弱显亏损, Nb/U、Ce/Pb比值分别为7.43~20.88、3.17~12.45.地球化学特征表明其兼具板内火山岩和弧火山岩的某些特点, 形成于后碰撞伸展环境, 是卡拉麦里洋盆于晚泥盆世之前闭合后后碰撞岩浆活动的产物.这一研究成果对广为关注的卡拉麦里洋盆的闭合时间进行了很好的限定.   相似文献   

结合雅江流域上数个大中型工程实践,较系统地研究了雅江流域上碎石层动力触探试验数据,结果表明该区域碎石层可采用动力触探进行原位测试,并可按相关的规定和规范进行修正击数、查取承载力和变形模量。  相似文献   

本文根据断陷盆地规模,盆内盖层厚度,地层产状等要素以及控盆地断裂的几何学和运动学特征,推导了不同类型伸展构造的形成深度和水平伸展计算模式,并以信江裂陷伸展构造,衡山,南雄,会昌热隆伸展构造和新一资重力伸展构造作为实例进行计算,结果表明,三种伸展构造的形成深度明显地分三个层次,反映了不同伸展构造形成的动力学机制特征和热隆隆伸展构造较大的水平伸展,合理地解释了小型断裂盆地内形成盖层厚盖沉积的原因。  相似文献   

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