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Geographic features change over time, this change being the result of some kind of event. Most database systems used in GIS are relational in nature, capturing change by exhaustively storing all versions of data, or updates replace previous versions. This stems from the inherent difficulty of modelling geographic objects and associated data in relational tables, and this is compounded when the necessary time dimension is introduced to represent how these objects evolve. This article describes an object‐oriented (OO) spatio‐temporal conceptual data model called the Feature Evolution Model (FEM), which can be used for the development of a spatio‐temporal database management system (STDBMS). Object versioning techniques developed in the fields of Computer Aided Design (CAD) and engineering design are utilized in the design. The model is defined using the Unified Modelling Language (UML), and exploits the expressiveness of OO technology by representing both geographic entities and events as objects. Further, the model overcomes the limitations inherent in relational approaches in representing aggregation of objects to form more complex, compound objects. A management object called the evolved feature maintains a temporally ordered list of references to features thus representing their evolution. The model is demonstrated by its application to road network data. 相似文献
Rémy Thibaud Géraldine Del Mondo Thierry Garlan Ariane Mascret Christophe Carpentier 《Transactions in GIS》2013,17(5):742-762
Defining a model for the representation and the analysis of spatio‐temporal dynamics remains an open domain in geographical information sciences. In this article we investigate a spatio‐temporal graph‐based model dedicated to managing and extracting sets of geographical entities related in space and time. The approach is based on spatial and temporal local relations between neighboring entities during consecutive times. The model allows us to extract sets of connected entities distant in time and space over long periods and large spaces. From GIS concepts and qualitative reasoning on space and time, we combine the graph model with a dedicated spatial database. It includes information on geometry and geomorphometric parameters, and on spatial and temporal relations. This allows us to extend classical measurements of spatial parameters, with comparisons of entities linked by complex relations in space and time. As a case study, we show how the model suggests an efficient representation of dunes dynamics on a nautical chart for safe navigation. 相似文献
Linwang Yuan Zhaoyuan Yu Shaofei Chen Wen Luo Yongjun Wang Guonian Lü 《Transactions in GIS》2010,14(Z1):59-83
Introducing Clifford algebra as the mathematical foundation, a unified spatio‐temporal data model and hierarchical spatio‐temporal index are constructed by linking basic data objects, like pointclouds and Spatio‐Temporal Hyper Cubes of different dimensions, within the multivector structure of Clifford algebra. The transformation from geographic space into homogeneous and conformal space means that geometric, metric and many other kinds of operators of Clifford algebra can be implemented and we then design the shortest path, high‐dimensional Voronoi and unified spatial‐temporal process analyses with spacetime algebra. Tests with real world data suggest these traditional GIS analysis algorithms can be extended and constructed under Clifford Algebra framework, which can accommodate multiple dimensions. The prototype software system CAUSTA (Clifford Algebra based Unified Spatial‐Temporal Analysis) provides a useful tool for investigating and modeling the distribution characteristics and dynamic process of complex geographical phenomena under the unified spatio‐temporal structure. 相似文献
Forests play a critical role in sustaining the human environment. Most forest fires not only destroy the natural environment and ecological balance, but also seriously threaten the security of life and property. The early discovery and forecasting of forest fires are both urgent and necessary for forest fire control. This article explores the possible applications of Spatio‐temporal Data Mining for forest fire prevention. The research pays special attention to the spatio‐temporal forecasting of forest fire areas based upon historic observations. An integrated spatio‐temporal forecasting framework – ISTFF – is proposed: it uses a dynamic recurrent neural network for spatial forecasting. The principle and algorithm of ISTFF are presented, and are then illustrated by a case study of forest fire area prediction in Canada. Comparative analysis of ISTFF with other methods shows its high accuracy in short‐term prediction. The effect of spatial correlations on the prediction accuracy of spatial forecasting is also explored. 相似文献
Konstantin Greger 《Transactions in GIS》2015,19(1):129-150
Detailed population information is crucial for the micro‐scale modeling and analysis of human behavior in urban areas. Since it is not available on the basis of individual persons, it has become necessary to derive data from aggregated census data. A variety of approaches have been published in the past, yet they are not entirely suitable for use in the micro‐scale context of highly urbanized areas, due mainly to their broad spatial scale and missing temporal scale. Here we introduce an enhanced approach for the spatio‐temporal estimation of building populations in highly urbanized areas. It builds upon other estimation methodologies, but extends them by introducing multiple usage categories and the temporal dimension. This allows for a more realistic representation of human activities in highly urbanized areas and the fact that populations change over time as a result of these activities. The model makes use of a variety of micro‐scale data sets to operationalize the activities and their spatio‐temporal representations. The outcome of the model provides estimated population figures for all buildings at each time step and thereby reveals spatio‐temporal behavior patterns. It can be used in a variety of applications concerning the implications of human behavior in urban areas. 相似文献
Much effort has been applied to the study of land use multi‐objective optimization. However, most of these studies have focused on the final land use scenarios in the projected year, without considering how to reach the final optimized land use scenario. To fill this gap, a spatio‐temporal land use multi‐objective optimization (STLU‐MOO) model is innovatively proposed in this research to determine possible spatial land use solutions over time. The STLU‐MOO is an extension of a genetic land use multi‐objective optimization model (LU‐MOO) in which the LU‐MOO is generally carried out in different years, and the solutions at year T will affect the solutions at year T + 1. We used the Wuhan agglomeration (WHA) as our case study area. The STLU‐MOO model was employed separately for the nine cities in the WHA, and social, economic, and environmental objectives have been considered. The success of the experiments in the case study demonstrated the value and novelty of our proposed STLU‐MOO model. In addition, the results also indicated that the objectives considered in the case study were in conflict. According to the results, the optimal land use plan in 2050 can be traced back to 2040, 2030, and 2020, providing a series of Pareto solutions over the years which can provide spatio‐temporal land use multi‐objective optimization solutions to support the land use planning process. 相似文献
Daniel W. Goldberg 《Transactions in GIS》2011,15(6):829-850
Address ranges used in linear interpolation geocoding often have errors and omissions that result in input address numbers falling outside of known address ranges. Geocoding systems may match these input addresses to the closest available nearby address range and assign low confidence values (match scores) to increase match rates, but little is published describing the matching or scoring techniques used in these systems. This article sheds light on these practices by investigating the need for, technical approaches to, and utility of nearby matching methods used to increase match rates in geocode data. The scope of the problem is motivated by an analysis of a commonly used health dataset. The technical approach of a geocoding system that includes a nearby matching approach is described along with a method for scoring candidates based on spatially‐varying neighborhoods. This method, termed dynamic nearby reference feature scoring, identifies, scores, ranks, and returns the most probable candidate to which the input address feature belongs or is spatially near. This approach is evaluated against commercial systems to assess its effectiveness and resulting spatial accuracy. Results indicate this approach is viable for improving match rates while maintaining acceptable levels of spatial accuracy. 相似文献
地址数据的规范化表达是地理编码的前提。首先,通过设计地址要素层次模型,建立地址要素词典库,并存储地址要素名称、地址通名、地址专名、地址要素类型编码等,用于地址要素拆分;其次,采用首次取两个字、再逐次加一字的地址通名切分方法对原始地址数据进行地址要素拆分和规范化,弥补了常用的最大正向分词算法中M系数难以确定的不足,避免了没有意义的循环,提高了查找效率和准确率。最后,基于地址要素组合规则对拆分后的地址要素进行重构获得规范化的地址。 相似文献
Using geographic information systems to link administrative databases with demographic, social, and environmental data allows researchers to use spatial approaches to explore relationships between exposures and health. Traditionally, spatial analysis in public health has focused on the county, ZIP code, or tract level because of limitations to geocoding at highly resolved scales. Using 2005 birth and death data from North Carolina, we examine our ability to geocode population‐level datasets at three spatial resolutions – zip code, street, and parcel. We achieve high geocoding rates at all three resolutions, with statewide street geocoding rates of 88.0% for births and 93.2% for deaths. We observe differences in geocoding rates across demographics and health outcomes, with lower geocoding rates in disadvantaged populations and the most dramatic differences occurring across the urban‐rural spectrum. Our results suggest that highly resolved spatial data architectures for population‐level datasets are viable through geocoding individual street addresses. We recommend routinely geocoding administrative datasets to the highest spatial resolution feasible, allowing public health researchers to choose the spatial resolution used in analysis based on an understanding of the spatial dimensions of the health outcomes and exposures being investigated. Such research, however, must acknowledge how disparate geocoding success across subpopulations may affect findings. 相似文献
Christopher Bone Bart Johnson Max Nielsen‐Pincus Eric Sproles John Bolte 《Transactions in GIS》2014,18(2):161-182
Agent‐based modeling provides a means for addressing the way human and natural systems interact to change landscapes over time. Until recently, evaluation of simulation models has focused on map comparison techniques that evaluate the degree to which predictions match real‐world observations. However, methods that change the focus of evaluation from patterns to processes have begun to surface; that is, rather than asking if a model simulates a correct pattern, models are evaluated on their ability to simulate a process of interest. We build on an existing agent‐based modeling validation method in order to present a temporal variant‐invariant analysis (TVIA). The enhanced method, which focuses on analyzing the uncertainty in simulation results, examines the degree to which outcomes from multiple model runs match some reference to how land use parcels make the transition from one land use class to another over time. We apply TVIA to results from an agent‐based model that simulates the relationships between landowner decisions and wildfire risk in the wildland‐urban interface of the southern Willamette Valley, Oregon, USA. The TVIA approach demonstrates a novel ability to examine uncertainty across time to provide an understanding of how the model emulates the system of interest. 相似文献
Local studies aimed at assessing the impact of climate variability on crop yield at the individual farm level require the use of weather and climate data. These are often collected at points known as meteorological stations. In West Africa, meteorological stations are sparsely distributed and as a result, are often unable to satisfy the data requirements for such studies. One major problem arising from this is how to estimate values for locations where primary data is not available. General Circulation Models (GCMs) have recently been deployed for weather forecasting and climate change projections but the resolution of their outputs is low requiring downscaling. This article describes a GIS‐based procedure for downscaling GCMs’ outputs for use in studies assessing the impacts of climate variability on crop yield at the farm level. The procedure is implemented with the Hadley Centre's GCM (HadCM2) data, although any other GCM can be used. Results in this study show that the model works best when representing drier months as compared to wet months in all three domains tested. For example, it estimated the rainfall for January (the driest month) better than that of July which is the peak of the rainy season in West Africa. There is also a north‐south pattern influencing the accuracy of estimated rainfall distribution, with stations in the south better represented than those in the north. For the greater part of West Africa where similar climatic conditions persist as in Nigeria, this procedure can be considered suitable for interpolation and downscaling. 相似文献
Vitit Kantabutra J. B. “Jack” Owens Daniel P. Ames Charles N. Burns Barbara Stephenson 《Transactions in GIS》2010,14(Z1):39-58
This article introduces a type of DBMS called the Intentionally‐Linked Entities (ILE) DBMS for use as the basis for temporal and historical Geographical Information Systems. ILE represents each entity in a database only once, thereby mostly eliminating redundancy and fragmentation, two major problems in Relational and other database systems. These advantages of ILE are realized by using relationship objects and pointers to implement all of the relationships among data entities in a native fashion using dynamically‐allocated linked data structures. ILE can be considered to be a modern and extended implementation of the E/R data model. ILE also facilitates storage of things that are more faithful to the historical records, such as gazetteer entries of places with imprecisely known or unknown locations. This is difficult in Relational database systems but is a routine task using ILE because ILE is implemented using modern memory allocation techniques. We use the China Historical GIS (CHGIS) and other databases to illustrate the advantages of ILE. This is accomplished by modeling these databases in ILE and comparing them to the existing Relational implementations. 相似文献
T. Ch. Malleswara Rao G. Jai Sankar T. Roopesh Kumar 《Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing》2012,40(2):191-200
The focus of this work is on developing a new hierarchical hybrid Support Vector Machine (SVM) method to address the problems
of classification of multi or hyper spectral remotely sensed images and provide a working technique that increases the classification
accuracy while lowering the computational cost and complexity of the process. The paper presents issues in analyzing large
multi/hyper spectral image data sets for dimensionality reduction, coping with intra pixel spectral variations, and selection
of a flexible classifier with robust learning process. Experiments conducted revealed that a computationally cheap algorithm
that uses Hamming distance between the pixel vectors of different bands to eliminate redundant bands was quite effective in
helping reduce the dimensionality. The paper also presents the concept of extended mathematical morphological profiles for
segregating the input pixel vectors into pure or mixed categories which will enable further computational cost reductions.
The proposed method’s overall classification accuracy is tested with IRS data sets and the Airborne Visible Infrared Imaging
Spectroradiometer Indian Pines hyperspectral benchmark data set and presented. 相似文献
以车载LiDAR点云数据为研究对象,为提高点云数据的组织与管理效率,提出了一种全局KD树与局部八叉树相结合的混合空间索引结构—KD-OcTree。全局KD树通过分辨器、分割平面的确定,重构点云之间的邻域关系,确保索引结构的整体平衡; 在其叶子节点再构造二级索引结构—局部八叉树,避免了单一八叉树结构点云分布不均衡、树结构深度过大、出现大量无点空间等现象。以3个真实场景数据为测试数据进行试验和对比分析,结果表明,KD-OcTree混合索引不仅能够提高索引构建、邻域搜索的速度,还对分类可靠性产生一定影响。 相似文献
With the wide use of laser scanning technology, point cloud data collected from airborne sensors and terrestrial sensors are often integrated to depict a complete scenario from the top and ground views, even though points from different platforms and sensors have quite different densities. These massive point clouds with various structures create many problems for both data management and visualization. In this article, a hybrid spatial index method is proposed and implemented to manage and visualize integrated point cloud data from airborne and terrestrial scanners. This hybrid spatial index structure combines an extended quad‐tree model at the global level to manage large area airborne sensor data, with a 3‐D R‐tree to organize high density local area terrestrial point clouds. These massive point clouds from different platforms have diverse densities, but this hybrid spatial index system has the capability to organize the data adaptively and query efficiently, satisfying the requirements for fast visualization. Experiments using point cloud data collected from the Dunhuang area were conducted to evaluate the efficiency of our proposed method. 相似文献
时态GIS理论及其数据模型初探 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
时态GIS(Geography Information System)是GIS中的一个新兴的研究领域。传统的GIS记录的只是这个不断变化的世界的某一时刻的影像,这类GIS亦称为静态GIS。如果在GIS中引入时间这个与空间同等重要的因素,或者说是在三维GIS的基础上,增加时间维或者时间变量,就形成了时态GIS。目前对于时空关系模型的研究就是当前时态GIS研究的重点之一。时态GIS数据模型的实现方法主要有两种:一是扩展传统的关系模型,二是采用面向对象的方法。当前时态GIS的研究取得了一些进展,但仍有许多不足之处。本文将结合实际,对未来完善时态GIS模型及系统建设提出一些需求方面的意见和想法。 相似文献