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Reverse geocoding, which transforms machine‐readable GPS coordinates into human‐readable location information, is widely used in a variety of location‐based services and analysis. The output quality of reverse geocoding is critical because it can greatly impact these services provided to end‐users. We argue that the output of reverse geocoding should be spatially close to and topologically correct with respect to the input coordinates, contain multiple suggestions ranked by a uniform standard, and incorporate GPS uncertainties. However, existing reverse geocoding systems often fail to fulfill these aims. To further improve the reverse geocoding process, we propose a probabilistic framework that includes: (1) a new workflow that can adapt all existing address models and unitizes distance and topology relations among retrieved reference data for candidate selections; (2) an advanced scoring mechanism that quantifies characteristics of the entire workflow and orders candidates according to their likelihood of being the best candidate; and (3) a novel algorithm that derives statistical surfaces for input GPS uncertainties and propagates such uncertainties into final output lists. The efficiency of the proposed approaches is demonstrated through comparisons to the four commercial reverse geocoding systems and through human judgments. We envision that more advanced reverse geocoding output ranking algorithms specific to different application scenarios can be built upon this work.  相似文献   

Geocoding has become a routine task for many research investigations to conduct spatial analysis. However, the output quality of geocoding systems is found to impact the conclusions of subsequent studies that employ this workflow. The published development of geocoding systems has been limited to the same set of interpolation methods and reference data sets for quite some time. We introduce a novel geocoding approach utilizing object detection on remotely sensed imagery based on a deep learning framework to generate rooftop geocoding output. This allows geocoding systems to use and output exact building locations without employing typical geocoding interpolation methods or being completely limited by the availability of reference data sets. The utility of the proposed approach is demonstrated over a sample of 22,481 addresses resulting in significant spatial error reduction and match rates comparable to typical geocoding methods. For different land‐use types, our approach performs better on low‐density residential and commercial addresses than on high‐density residential addresses. With appropriate model setup and training, the proposed approach can be extended to search different object locations and to generate new address and point‐of‐interest reference data sets.  相似文献   

The widespread use of Internet-based mapping and geospatial analysis has caused an increase in the demand for online geocoding services. Although such services provide convenience, low (or free) cost and immediate solutions, their characteristics, sometimes, overshadow the expectation of producing quality of geocoded results. In recent years, several geocoding techniques have emerged, including rooftop geocoding, but they have yet to receive much attention in the literature. This paper examines and compares the quality of online rooftop and street geocoding services based on match rates and positional accuracy. Six geocoding services by five providers (i.e., Microsoft Virtual Earth, Google, Geocoder.us, MapQuest, and Yahoo!) were evaluated using addresses in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Results of the comparison indicate that rooftop geocoding produces slightly lower match rates but significantly higher positional accuracy than street geocoding. The hybrid service, which combines the two techniques, produces match rates as high as other street geocoding services but improves in positional accuracy close to the level of rooftop geocoding. Geocoding services employing reference databases with similar quality trend to produce compatible match rates and positional accuracy. This paper examines the sensitivity of different address types on geocoding quality. The results reveal that both rooftop and street geocoding produce high match rates and high accuracy for residential addresses. However, positional accuracies of agricultural and industrial address types are not very reliable due to the small sample sizes. With these, it is recommended to use online rooftop geocoding services if high positional accuracy is the priority, use street geocoding if high match rate is the priority, and use the hybrid approach if both high match rates and high positional accuracy are required.  相似文献   

随着我国城市化和信息化的发展,地址编码已经成为建设数字城市的基础工作。地址匹配是地址编码的关键环节,但面临着中文地址分词困难的问题。本文基于Lucene检索引擎,结合三叉树分词词典机制和基于规则的地址分词技术,设计了具有地址分词和地址匹配功能的地址匹配引擎,并构建了Rest风格的在线地址匹配服务,取得了良好的应用效果。  相似文献   

Exposure to traffic‐related pollutants is associated with both morbidity and mortality. Because vehicle‐exhaust are highly localized, within a few hundred meters of heavily traveled roadways, highly accurate spatial data are critical in studies concerned with exposure to vehicle emissions. We compared the positional accuracy of a widely used U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) roadway network containing traffic activity data versus a global positioning system (GPS)‐validated road network without traffic information; developed a geographical information system (GIS)‐based methodology for producing improved roadway data associated with traffic activities; evaluated errors from geocoding processes; and used the CALINE4 dispersion model to demonstrate potential exposure misclassifications due to inaccurate roadway data or incorrectly geocoded addresses. The GIS‐based algorithm we developed was effective in transferring vehicle activity information from the less accurate USGS roadway network to a GPS‐accurate road network, with a match rate exceeding 95%. Large discrepancies, up to hundreds of meters, were found between the two roadway networks, with the GPS‐validated network having higher spatial accuracy. In addition, identifying and correcting errors associated with geocoding resulted in improved address matching. We demonstrated that discrepancies in roadway geometry and geocoding errors, can lead to serious exposure misclassifications, up to an order of magnitude in assigned pollutant concentrations.  相似文献   

Record linkage is a frequent obstacle to unlocking the benefits of integrated (spatial) data sources. In the absence of unique identifiers to directly join records, practitioners often rely on text‐based approaches for resolving candidate pairs of records to a match. In geographic information science, spatial record linkage is a form of geocoding that pertains to the resolution of text‐based linkage between pairs of addresses into matches and non‐matches. These approaches link text‐based address sequences, integrating sources of data that would otherwise remain in isolation. While recent innovations in machine learning have been introduced in the wider record linkage literature, there is significant potential to apply machine learning to the address matching sub‐field of geographic information science. As a response, this paper introduces two recent developments in text‐based machine learning—conditional random fields and word2vec—that have not been applied to address matching, evaluating their comparative strengths and drawbacks.  相似文献   

Geocoding urban addresses usually requires the use of an underlying address database. Under the influence of the format defined for TIGER files decades ago, most address databases and street geocoding algorithms are organized around street centerlines, associating numbering ranges to thoroughfare segments between two street crossings. While this method has been successfully employed in the USA for a long time, its transposition to other countries may lead to increased errors. This article presents an evaluation of the centerline‐geocoding resources provided by Google Maps, as compared to the point‐geocoding method used in the city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil, which we took as a baseline. We generated a textual address for each point object found in the city's point‐based address database, and submitted it to the Google Maps geocoding API. We then compared the resulting coordinates with the ones recorded in Belo Horizonte's GIS. We demonstrate that the centerline segment interpolation method, employed by the online resources following the American practice, has problems that can considerably influence the quality of the geocoding outcome. Completeness and accuracy have been found to be irregular, especially within lower income areas. Such errors in online services can have a significant impact on geocoding efforts related to social applications, such as public health and education, since the online service can be faulty and error‐prone in the most socially demanding areas of the city. In the conclusion, we point out that a volunteered geographic information (VGI) approach can help with the enrichment and enhancement of current geocoding resources, and can possibly lead to their transformation into more reliable point‐based geocoding services.  相似文献   

矢量线要素匹配是当前空间数据匹配领域的研究焦点之一。本文提出了一种提高已有匹配算法正确率的线要素动态化简方法。首先,对待匹配双方利用开方根规律分别确定各自的化简阈值范围;其次,令化简参数在线要素各自的阈值范围内以一定的步长变化,对每条线要素分别进行化简,每完成一次化简,重新计算待匹配双方的匹配相似度,并与上一次化简后的匹配相似度进行比较,最终得到最高的匹配相似度值;最后,根据获取的最高匹配相似度来判断其是否成功匹配。该算法是一种以动态化简来带动动态匹配的过程。通过化简提取线要素主要形态,降低了局部细节对已有匹配算法的影响,从而提高了匹配正确率。试验验证及对比分析证明了本方法的科学性和普适性。  相似文献   

Positional error is the error produced by the discrepancy between reference and recorded locations. In urban landscapes, locations typically are obtained from global positioning systems or geocoding software. Although these technologies have improved the locational accuracy of georeferenced data, they are not error free. This error affects results of any spatial statistical analysis performed with a georeferenced dataset. In this paper we discuss the properties of positional error in an address matching exercise and the allocation of point locations to census geography units. We focus on the error's spatial structure, and more particularly on impacts of error propagation in spatial regression analysis. For this purpose we use two geocoding sources, we briefly describe the magnitude and the nature of their discrepancies, and we evaluate the consequences that this type of locational error has on a spatial regression analysis of pediatric blood lead data for Syracuse, NY. Our findings include: (1) the confirmation of the recurrence of spatial clustering in positional error at various geographic resolutions; and, (2) the identification of a noticeable but not shockingly large impact from positional error propagation in spatial auto‐binomial regression analysis results for the dataset analyzed.  相似文献   

地址匹配是地理编码过程中一个关键环节,是实现数据空间化的关键技术之一。针对当前中文地址匹配方法的精确率、匹配率和时间开销不能兼顾的问题,本文提出了一种多策略中文地址匹配方法。通过建立轻量级的词典进行中文地址分词,同时构建多叉树存储分词后的地址数据,匹配过程中结合模糊匹配和层级回溯匹配共同完成地址匹配工作,最终基于真实数据进行了试验。试验结果表明,该方法在匹配率、精确率和时间开销3个指标上较当前其他匹配方法表现得更加均衡。  相似文献   

Using geographic information systems to link administrative databases with demographic, social, and environmental data allows researchers to use spatial approaches to explore relationships between exposures and health. Traditionally, spatial analysis in public health has focused on the county, ZIP code, or tract level because of limitations to geocoding at highly resolved scales. Using 2005 birth and death data from North Carolina, we examine our ability to geocode population‐level datasets at three spatial resolutions – zip code, street, and parcel. We achieve high geocoding rates at all three resolutions, with statewide street geocoding rates of 88.0% for births and 93.2% for deaths. We observe differences in geocoding rates across demographics and health outcomes, with lower geocoding rates in disadvantaged populations and the most dramatic differences occurring across the urban‐rural spectrum. Our results suggest that highly resolved spatial data architectures for population‐level datasets are viable through geocoding individual street addresses. We recommend routinely geocoding administrative datasets to the highest spatial resolution feasible, allowing public health researchers to choose the spatial resolution used in analysis based on an understanding of the spatial dimensions of the health outcomes and exposures being investigated. Such research, however, must acknowledge how disparate geocoding success across subpopulations may affect findings.  相似文献   

Today, many services that can geocode addresses are available to domain scientists and researchers, software developers, and end‐users. For a number of reasons, including quality of reference database and interpolation technique, a given address geocoded by different services does not often result in the same location. Considering that there are many widely available and accessible geocoding services and that each geocoding service may utilize a different reference database and interpolation technique, selecting a suitable geocoding service that meets the requirements of any application or user is a challenging task. This is especially true for online geocoding services which are often used as black boxes and do not provide knowledge about the reference databases and the interpolation techniques they employ. In this article, we present a geocoding recommender algorithm that can recommend optimal online geocoding services by realizing the characteristics (positional accuracy and match rate) of the services and preferences of the user and/or their application. The algorithm is simulated and analyzed using six popular online geocoding services for different address types (agricultural, commercial, industrial, residential) and preferences (match rate, positional accuracy).  相似文献   

地图目标匹配作为空间数据整合和更新的一个不可缺少的过程,有重要的研究意义。中误差是一种衡量地图精度和质量的数值指标,其范围作为制图和综合的重要的标准之一,常用其大小评价空间数据的质量,不同比例尺或来源的地图数据均有不同的中误差大小和阈值。面状要素在很多地图中占有很大的比例,本文将中误差引入面实体匹配的过程,结合相邻面实体邻近聚集算法,提出一种基于中误差和邻近关系的面实体匹配算法,可以有效解决多尺度空间数据匹配的阈值大小和多对多关系难确定的问题,实验结果表明该方法具有良好的稳定性和可靠性。  相似文献   

With the increased use of locational information, spatial location referencing and coding methods have become much more important to the mining of both geographical and nongeographical data in digital earth system. Unfortunately, current methods of geocoding, based on reverse lookup of coordinates for a given address, have proven too lossy with respect to administrative and socioeconomic data. This paper proposes a spatial subdivision and geocoding model based on spatial address regional tessellation (SART). Given a hierarchical address object definition, and based on the ‘region of influence’ characteristics of an address, SART creates multiresolution spatial subdivisions by irregular and continuous address regions. This model reflects most of the geographical features and many of the social and economic implications for a given address. It also better reflects the way people understand addresses and spatial locations. We also propose an appropriate method of geocoding for standard addresses (SART-GC). The codes generated by this method can record address footprints, hierarchical relationships, and spatial scales in a single data structure. Finally, by applying our methods to the Shibei District of Qingdao, we demonstrate the suitability of SART-GC for multi-scale spatial information representation in digital earth systems.  相似文献   

地理编码数据库是地理编码技术的重要组成部分,它直接影响到地址匹配的效果。本文在青岛市地址体系的分析研究的基础上,详细阐述了青岛市地理编码数据库的建设流程,包括地址数据获取、地址数据标准化、地址数据入库和地址数据库组织的建设,并对地址数据的更新提出了建议。  相似文献   

针对光学和合成孔径雷达(synthetic aperture radar,SAR)影像间的几何形变和辐射差异造成的配准困难问题,提出一种基于空间几何约束和结构特征的光学影像与SAR影像自动配准方法.首先,利用分块的Harris算子在输入影像上提取分布均匀的特征点,根据有理函数模型对输入影像进行局部几何纠正,实现输入影像...  相似文献   

张正鹏  江万寿  张靖 《测绘学报》2014,43(12):1266-1273
提出一种光流特征聚类的车载全景序列影像匹配方法.采用非参数化的均值漂移特征聚类思想,以SIFT多尺度特征匹配点的位置量和光流矢量,构建了影像特征空间的空域和值域;利用特征空间中对应的显著图像光流特征为聚类条件,实现了全景序列影像的匹配;最后以全景极线几何约束为条件进行粗差的剔除.通过相同、不同内点率以及不同数据的试验对比分析,本文方法在匹配正确点数和正确率方面要优于经典的Ransac法和金字塔Lucas-Kanade光流法,尤其在场景复杂造成的低内点率情况下,算法表现较为稳定,并可较好地剔除由重复纹理、运动物体、尺度变化等产生的匹配点粗差.  相似文献   

地理编码系统中地址匹配引擎的设计与实现   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
分析了地址匹配流程和几种模糊检索技术,选用了全文检索引擎包Lucene设计了地址匹配引擎,实现了基于XML Web Services的地理编码系统。  相似文献   

本文针对多源POI的特征差异性导致同名对象识别难的问题,提出了一种多特征相似性的多源POI匹配方法。兼顾空间与非空间属性,选取名称、位置、地址、分类4个特征进行相似度计算;采用层次分析法对各特征指标进行重要性分析,得到特征权值;根据总相似度对候选匹配对象进行筛选,以确定最终匹配对象。试验结果显示,该方法具有较高的匹配精度,更适用于多源异构POI数据的匹配,可满足多源POI数据的高效匹配需求。  相似文献   

用于末制导的SAR图像多子区实时匹配算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张绍明  陈映鹰  林怡 《测绘学报》2007,36(4):406-413
为实现用于无人飞行器末制导的SAR实时影像与多源基准影像的匹配,提出一种新的基于子区位置关系约束的SAR图像匹配算法。首先将SAR图像进行对数变换,并进行小波包分解,在高频子图部分对小波包系数进行收缩,抑制噪声,然后利用断面检测法提取边缘。匹配中将SAR实时图分为多个子区,用子区灰度标准差和频谱直方图判别其可匹配性,并更新不可匹配区。将各子区位置分布关系用作匹配结果的约束条件。为保证算法实时性,匹配采用基于提升小波的金字塔分层搜索策略。用星载SAR图像和卫星光学图像进行了大样本匹配实验,实验结果表明该方法是一种能在精度、实时性和可靠性方面都能满足导弹末制导要求的实时匹配算法。  相似文献   

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