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Variations in composition between and within Saalian till types of The Netherlands are demonstrated with reference to grain-size distribution, fine-gravel petrography and heavy-mineral composition. Several factors explain different aspects of the compositional variations. Firstly, a compositional layering results from differences in the amount of local material that has been assimilated in successive till hands. Secondly, a petrographic stratification is present in the erratic components, which is most strikingly expressed by the occurrence of flint-poor till overlying till rich in flints. This feature is interpreted to have been inherited from an englacial debris stratification which is related to the distribution of source rock types in the up-glacier area. Finally, a predominantly lateral variation in till composition is present, reflected best in the assemblages of the indicator pebbles, resulting from deposition by ice streams of different source and direction of flow.  相似文献   

Micropaleontological analysis of a silt intraclast in till exposed near Steenwijk in the northern Netherlands revealed an acritarch flora of Late Silurian–Early Devonian age, of southeastern Baltic Basin origin. The age of this assemblage contrasts with what is known about the palynomorph content of Dutch tills. Petrologic analysis of the silt intraclast provides further insight in the direction and mode of Saalian glacier transport.  相似文献   

Contamination of gold ring and natural gold grains into plastic capsules used in INAA analysis and the fine fraction of till (0.064 mm) have been studied. An artificial contamination of till samples with a gold ring caused Au contents of 100–600 ppb in the fine fraction. A few rubbings of plastic capsules with a gold ring gave Au amounts of 15–170 ng per capsule. Natural gold grains of sizes 0.1–1.0 mm added into “gold-free” till samples before drying and sieving caused Au contents of 1–27 ppb into the fine fraction. In a regional geochemical survey an anomaly of a few hundreds of square kilometers with concentrations of 100–600 ppb Au in the fine fraction of till was observed. Later studies showed that this area was very low in Au, concentrations being generally below one ppb. The anomaly was interpreted as a contamination caused by the gold rings of the samplers.  相似文献   

The REE (rare earth element) content of a wide variety of clay mineral groups have been analyzed using radiochemical neutron activation and have been found to be quite variable in absolute REE content (range of ∑REE = 5.4–1732) and less variable in relative REE content (range of chondritenormalized La/Lu = 0.9–16.5). The variable REE content of the clay mineral groups is probably determined by the REE content of the source rock from which the clay mineral was derived and not from the separate minerals in the rock.The clay-sized fractions of the Havensville and Eskridge shales of Kansas and Oklahoma have similar relative REE distributions and identical negative Eu anomaly size as the composite of NAS (N. American shales), but an absolute REE content (range of ∑REE = 46–348) that may differ significantly from the composite of NAS. The clay-sized fraction of samples from any given outcrop did not vary much in absolute or relative REE content, but samples from northern Oklahoma, probably composed of continental to near-shore marine sediments, have higher absolute REE contents and higher La/Lu ratios than samples of marine deposits in Kansas (e.g. mean ∑REE in Oklahoma = 248; mean ∑REE in Kansas = 69–116). The differencess in the REE content between samples in Oklahoma and Kansas may be caused by chemical weathering processes in the source area, exchange reactions in the environment of deposition, or diagenesis and do not appear to be a result of the different clay minerals.Most samples have Eu anomalies relative to chondrites (range of Eu/Sm ratios of samples = 0.035–1.17; chondrites = 0.35). Some montmorillonites and kaolinites are anomalous in Eu relative to the NAS (range of Eu/Sm ratios of samples = 0.056–0.21; NAS = 0.22). These anomalies may be inherited from source rocks with Eu anomalies originally produced by igneous processes, or they may be produced by chemical weathering processes in the source area.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2005,24(12-13):1499-1520
The provenance of Late Quaternary Ross Embayment till was investigated by comparing the coarse sand composition of East and West Antarctic source area tills with till samples from across the Ross Sea. The West Antarctic samples from beneath the Whillans (B) and Kamb (C) ice streams are petrologically distinct from samples of lateral moraines flanking several East Antarctic outlet glaciers. The characteristic assemblage of four West Antarctic samples includes felsic intrusive and detrital sedimentary lithic fragments, plagioclase and abundant quartz. In contrast, most of the ten East Antarctic till samples contains abundant mafic intrusive and detrital sedimentary lithic fragments as well as less abundant quartz. The distinctive composition of these source areas can be linked to 33 samples from 20 cores of Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) age till distributed across the Ross Sea. Western Ross Sea till samples exhibit mineralogic and lithological similarities to East Antarctic till samples, although these western Ross Sea tills contain higher percentages of felsic intrusive and extrusive lithic fragments. Eastern Ross Sea till samples are compositionally similar to West Antarctic till, particularly in their abundance of quartz and dearth of mafic and extrusive lithic components. Central Ross Sea till exhibits compositional similarities to both East and West Antarctic source terranes including a mafic lithic component, and marks the confluence of ice draining from East and West Antarctica during the LGM, thus West Antarctic-derived ice streams did not advance into the western Ross Sea. This indicates that even if pre-LGM equivalents of the present Siple Coast ice streams existed, they did not simply expand allowing West Antarctic-derived ice to dominate the LGM Ross Ice Sheet.  相似文献   

Lodgement till and flow till are depositcd in quite different environments. In Weichselian depmits, they can be distinguishcd by the setting of the sediments, the fabric, geotechnical characters, and the morphological appearance. These indications support each other. Of the outlined methods, the morphological is the most convenient in practice. Since flow till normally exists together with meltwater sediments it is suggested that systematic morphological mapping will be time-saving and most profitable for the prospecting of economically important clay, sand, and gravel deposits.  相似文献   

Deposition of till by melt-out was described as early as a hundred years ago, and today the criteria which provide evidence to support an interpretation of melt-out till are available. The most important criteria are (P1) the presence of unlithified, sorted and stratified sediments within or interstratified with the till(s). (P2) the presence of a statistically preferred orientation of stone axes closely related to ice-flow condition, and (P3) a configuration of till with a recognizable textural or lithological property closely related to the configruation of englacial debris with regard to P1. Based on P1 and P2 and on regional aspects, tills composing ridges transverse to the dircetion of ice flow are interpreted as mult-out till and flow till. The interpretation of till genesis must be based on the balnce of probability, as absolute proof is unrealistic in most cases.  相似文献   

In three pits in the Leuvenumsche Beek Valley (near Ermelo and Elspeet), massive and diffusely banded clean gravelly sands, found in association with sandy sediments showing some similarities to the Bouma sequence, were interpreted as originating from sediment gravity flows. The flows, which came to rest on a ca. 6° paleoslope, probably originated from slumping of parts of the ice-pushed ridges at either side of an ice-marginal lake.Major characteristic features in the three sand pits studied are U-shaped channel forms with a maximum depth and width of 10 × 25 rmm. The fills consist of sand and gravels, locally containing giant sand-clasts. The sediments just below the base of these channel-forms are commonly distorted and folded. Especially the massive more sandy fills are surrounded by a finer-grained diffusely bedded and inversely graded zone.These sedimentary features suggest that “rigid” sediment plugs sheared downslope, generating a finer-grained shear zone around the plug scouring a slide scar till its present semi-cylindrical form and preserving the steep sides (exceeding the angle of repose) of the channel-form by “freezing”.The U-shaped channel forms (plugged troughs) are locally overlain by shallower gently sided trough structures, with mainly diffusely banded infillings. Very shallow and often smaller troughs are found again on top of these massive and diffusely banded infillings. The sediments in these troughs consist of repetitions of two types of microsequences: (1) thickly bedded sequences of normally graded massive sands, near-horizontal stratifications, plane beds and cross-bedded sets; and (2) thinly bedded sequences of relatively thick units TA and thin units TC and TD of the Bouma sequence.The repetitions of the microsequences are interpreted as flow pulsations. Upwards thinning of the sequence, together with a finer grain size may point to waning flow conditions. Their association with plugged troughs is suggestive of retrogressive flow-slides.  相似文献   

The production of fresh drinking water from brackish groundwater by reverse osmosis (BWRO) is becoming more attractive, even in temperate climates. For successful application of BWRO, the following approach is advocated: (1) select brackish source groundwater with a large volume and a composition that will yield a concentrate (waste water) with low mineral saturation; (2) maintain the feed water salinity at a constant level by pumping several wells with different salinities; (3) keep the permeate-to-concentrate ratio low, to avoid supersaturation in the concentrate; (4) keep the system anoxic (to avoid oxidation reactions) and pressurized (to prevent formation of gas bubbles); and (5) select a confined aquifer for deep well injection where groundwater quality is inferior to the membrane concentrate. This approach is being tested at two BWRO pilot plants in the Netherlands. Research issues are the pumping of a stable brackish source water, the reverse osmosis system performance, membrane fouling, quality changes in the target aquifer as a result of concentrate disposal, and clogging of the injection well. First evaluations of the membrane concentrate indicate that it is crucial to understand the kinetics of mineral precipitation on the membranes, in the injection wells, and in the target aquifer.  相似文献   

Improved multiparameter records from the northern Barents Sea margin show two prominent freshwater pulses into the Arctic Ocean during MIS 5 that significantly disturbed the regional oceanic regime and probably affected global climate. Both pulses are associated with major iceberg-rafted debris (IRD) events, revealing intensive iceberg/sea ice melting. The older meltwater pulse occurred near the MIS 5/6 boundary (∼131,000 yr ago); its ∼2000 year duration and high IRD input accompanied by high illite content suggest a collapse of large-scale Saalian Glaciation in the Arctic Ocean. Movement of this meltwater with the Transpolar Drift current into the Fram Strait probably promoted freshening of Nordic Seas surface water, which may have increased sea-ice formation and significantly reduced deep-water formation. A second pulse of freshwater occurred within MIS 5a (∼77,000 yr ago); its high smectite content and relatively short duration is possibly consistent with sudden discharge of Early Weichselian ice-dammed lakes in northern Siberia as suggested by terrestrial glacial geologic data. The influence of this MIS 5a meltwater pulse has been observed at a number of sites along the Transpolar Drift, through Fram Strait, and into the Nordic Seas; it may well have been a trigger for the North Atlantic cooling event C20.  相似文献   

Thin sections and scanning electron microscopy of quartz sand grains from till show clearly that a number of grains have been modified in place. The irregular grains result from the action of circulating alkaline groundwater, episodically concentrated by evaporation on fracture surfaces within grains and on concave surfaces produced by fracture during glacial transport. Evaporation increases the pH of the pore water and localizes its effect in small pores with a high capillary potential. Subsequent dilution by rainwater or snow meltwater flushes the system so that evaporation can repeat the process again. Solution rounding in terrigenous sediments has a number of ramifications for any interpretation based on textural maturity of the sediment.  相似文献   

Till stratigraphical investigations in Berlin have been evaluated using the gravel counting method (4–12.5 mm). The results are compared with studies of several authors from the coastal area north of Berlin (Rügen and Stoltera Cliff near Warnemünde); the gravel counting results from Stoltera Cliff (Cepek 1973) are re-evaluated by means of cluster analysis, and a new stratigraphical interpretation of the sequence in the cliff is given. These results, together with a discussion of correlation problems of Weichselian and especially Saalian tills south of the Baltic Sea, lead to the following hypothesis: it is proposed that the ice margin of each glaciation has been nourished by several ice flows coming from different directions, for the most part turning from north-northeast at onset to east-northeast in later phases. Consequently, differences of composition are found in tills of the same age.  相似文献   

The deposits of six glacial episodes, including five till beds and fluvial deposits of one temperate substage, stratigraphically lying between the Holsteinian and Eemian Interglacials have been recognized in the geological record of the Kleszczów Graben, central Poland. Two other temperate substages have been recognized on the basis of well-developed weathering horizons on the tills. The depositional environments and general petrological features of these sediments are described and their stratigraphical position is discussed. The Saalian Complex of the Kleszczów Graben has been subdivided into the Older Saalian (three glacial episodes), the Pilica Interstadial and the Younger Saalian (three glacial episodes and two presumed interstadials). This sequence cannot be simply correlated with other Saalian stratigraphic sequences in Europe, although the pre-Odranian and Odranian (=main Drenthe) tills most probably belong to the Older Saalian, and the Wartanian (Warthe) tills to the Younger Saalian. The geological record presented here suggests that reforestation phases occurred during the Saalian. This contradicts recently developed continental stratigraphics.  相似文献   

Whittecar, G.R. & Mickelson, D. M. 1977 06 01: Sequence of till deposition and erosion in drumlins.
Extensive sand and gravel workings have exposed structural and compositional features of 17 gravel-cored drumlins of late Wisconsin age in eastern Wisconsin. The drumlins are blanketed by 3 m of sandy basal till which truncates lower tills of earlier advanccs, outwash gravels, and an overlying till which is conformable to the gravel bedding and indistinguishable in composition from the surface till. Sands and gravels in the interior of some drumlins are deformed into large overturned folds, and into elastic dikes of fine sand and silt which penetrate to the top of the drumlin and warp overlying gravels. Both the folds and horizontal bedding are truncated by either the drumlin edge or the till blanket.
We interpret the conformable, truncated, and in some cases folded, till as a basal till deposited during glacial advance. The capping, truncating till is viewed as a basal till left by retreating ice.
The following sequence of events is suggested: (1) advance of ice over outwash, and deposition of till in a zone mar the margin; (2) thickening of the ice and erosion of the drumlin shapes; (3) local folding of the gravels and continued erosion; (4) retreat of ice and deposition of basal till under thin ice; (5) deposition of localized ablation till and stratified deposits.  相似文献   

A symposium on the genesis of till entitled Till/Sweden-76 was held in Stockholm 16–18 August 1976. This issue of Boreas contains most of the papers presented at the symposium.  相似文献   

A new reconstruction of the interaction between the Saalian Drente glaciation ice margin and the Rhine–Meuse fluvial system is presented based on a sedimentary analysis of continuous core material, archived data and a section in an ice-pushed ridge. Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) was applied to obtain independent age control on these sediments and to establish a first absolute chronology for palaeogeographical events prior to and during the glaciation. We identified several Rhine and Meuse river courses that were active before the Drente glaciation (MIS 11-7). The Drente glaciation ice advance into The Netherlands (OSL-dated to fall within MIS 6) led to major re-arrangement of this drainage network. The invading ice sheet overrode existing fluvial morphology and forced the Rhine–Meuse system into a proglacial position. During deglaciation, the Rhine shifted into a basin in the formerly glaciated area, while the Meuse remained south of the former ice limit, a configuration that persisted throughout most of the Eemian and Weichselian periods. An enigmatic high position of proglacial fluvial units and their subsequent dissection during deglaciation by the Meuse may partially be explained by glacio-isostatic rebound of the area, but primarily reflects a phase of high base level related to a temporary proglacial lake in the southern North Sea area, with lake levels approximating modern sea levels. Our reconstruction indicates that full 'opening' of the Dover Strait and lowering of the Southern Bight, enabling interglacial marine exchange between the English Channel and the North Sea, is to be attributed to events during the end of MIS 6.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine whether till grain size affects the range and occurrence of micromorphological features associated with subglacial shear. Our till samples were collected from two glaciers in Iceland, and varied in texture from a coarse, sandy clast-rich till (Fjallsjökull) to a fine-grained silty-sandy till (Vestari-Hagafellsjökull). We found a wide range of deformational microstructures that included skelsepic plasmic fabric, intraclasts of pre-existing eroded bedrock (basalt) and weathered clay and ‘mini-shear zones’ between clasts. We classified our micromorphological data into three classes; rotational, intermediate and linear. In addition to these observations, we performed extensive microfabric analysis at different scales on all of our samples. We found that the coarse-grained till contained a greater number and variety of microstructures than the fine-grained till. In addition, the fine-grained till showed a distinct lack of rotational structures that we attribute to the lack of significantly sized clasts in the matrix. We argue that the varied texture of the coarse-grained till provides a greater degree of perturbation within the shearing layer and so more distinct microstructures form. In a more fine-grained till, shearing is more homogeneous since there are less perturbations in the matrix and this leads to a more singular kind of microstructure. Our observations suggest that subglacial shear occurs within a multi-layered patchwork of different grain sizes, competence and pore water pressures. It is these factors that are so crucial in determining the occurrence and type of microstructural evidence we see in subglacial tills.  相似文献   

Structures and textures in till indicating subglacial deposition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Five structural and textural features are discussed: (1) small lenses of sorted material, (2) smudges, (3) small-scale deformations of till matrix and smudges by clasts, (4) clasts consistently striated, and (5) clasts with stoss-and-lee sides. Analyses suggest that these features may be produced by subglacial processes acting in the ice-bed interface. Long axes of small sand lenses and smudges as well as the striation on the upper surface of scattered clasts in lodgement till have a strong preferred orientation in good agreement with the glacier flow direction as indicated by clast fabrics, bedrock striation, and surface fluting of ground moraine. When in traction against the till bed, clasts may plough up till banks. Clasts with stoss-and-lee sides development were also very distinctly oriented as their stoss sides faced significantly up-glacier.
It is concluded (1) that each of the five features discussed is useful as a criterion for subglacial deposition by lodgement, (2) that they indicate important differential movement along the ice-bed interface and therefore suggest a temperate regime in this part of the glacier during the till deposition, (3) that very few orientation measurements of one or more of these features signify the ice movement direction; i.e. a time-saving method to find the paleoflow direction of Pleistocene glaciers, and (4) that taken together with till preconsolidation, mechanical composition, and clast fabric, they may support each other and give good indications of the genesis of Pleistocene tills.  相似文献   

The Quaternary sedimentary succession in Vendsyssel, northern Denmark, contains a unique, high‐resolution record of the last interglacial and glacial periods. There is still much debate, however, about the timing and ice extent in this southwestern part of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet, particularly during the Middle Weichselian. In this study, a detailed lithostratigraphical subdivision is established for the Late Saalian to Middle Weichselian Skærumhede Group on the basis of numerous, up to 250 m deep, boreholes in Vendsyssel. The sediments mainly consist of marine clays, glaciolacustrine sediments and tills, and the total thickness of the Skærumhede Group is up to 140 m. Marine intervals have been used as stratigraphical marker units to separate the formations indicative of ice‐sheet activity in Vendsyssel, and the timing of the events has been constrained by a large number of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and radiocarbon ages. The Skærumhede Group is subdivided into seven formations and two members, reflecting shifts between marine and terrestrial sedimentation caused by fluctuations of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet and changes in sea level. The lowermost Skærumhede Till Formation was deposited directly on top of the bedrock during the Warthe advance c. 160–140 kyr BP. Above, there are fine‐grained marine sediments, subdivided into the Lower, Middle and Upper Skærumhede Clay Formations. The marine formations are separated by the Brønderslev Formation related to the Sundsøre ice advance from the north c. 65–60 kyr BP, and the Åsted Formation, deposited during the Ristinge advance from an east–southeastern direction c. 55–50 kyr BP. The uppermost formation in the group is the Lønstrup Klint Formation, which is an upwards‐coarsening sequence of mainly glaciolacustrine sediments deposited prior to the Kattegat advance c. 30–29 kyr BP. The new evidence from Vendsyssel has shown that the Skærumhede Group covers a large area, and that it can be used as a regional stratigraphical marker horizon. Furthermore, it contributes to a better understanding of the timing and extent of glacial events during the Late Saalian to Middle Weichselian in southwest Scandinavia.  相似文献   

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