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Collision of the oceanic Lough Nafooey Island Arc with the passive margin of Laurentia after 480 Ma in western Ireland resulted in the deformation, magmatism and metamorphism of the Grampian Orogeny, analogous to the modern Taiwan and Miocene New Guinea Orogens. After 470 Ma, the metamorphosed Laurentian margin sediments (Dalradian Supergroup) now exposed in Connemara and North Mayo were cooled rapidly (>35 °C/m.y.) and exhumed to the surface. We propose that this exhumation occurred mainly as a result of an oceanward collapse of the colliding arc southwards, probably aided by subduction rollback, into the new trench formed after subduction polarity reversal following collision. The Achill Beg Fault, in particular, along the southern edge of the North Mayo Dalradian Terrane, separates very low-grade sedimentary rocks of the South Mayo Trough (Lough Nafooey forearc) and accreted sedimentary rocks of the Clew Bay Complex from high-grade Dalradian meta-sedimentary rocks, suggesting that this was a major detachment structure. In northern Connemara, the unconformity between the Dalradian and the Silurian cover probably represents an eroded major detachment surface, with the Renvyle–Bofin Slide as a related but subordinate structure. Blocks of sheared mafic and ultramafic rocks in the Dalradian immediately below this unconformity surface probably represent arc lower crustal and mantle rocks or fragments of a high level ophiolite sheet entrained along the detachment during exhumation.Orogenic collapse was accompanied in the South Mayo Trough by coarse clastic sedimentation derived mostly from the exhuming Dalradian to the north and, to a lesser extent, from the Lough Nafooey Arc to the south. Sediment flow in the South Mayo Trough was dominantly axial, deepening toward the west. Volcanism associated with orogenic collapse (Rosroe and Mweelrea Formations) is variably enriched in high field strength elements, suggesting a heterogeneous enriched mantle wedge under the new post-collisional continental arc.  相似文献   

The NW-SE trending Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone (SSZ) is the internal part of the Zagros continental collision zone, which mainly consists of metamorphic rocks deformed in a dextral transpressional zone. This dextral transpression is attributed to brittle deformation related to late Cenozoic Arabia-Eurasia oblique continental collision. Major NW-trending faults, including the Dalan, Garmdareh, Yasechah, Sheida, and Ben faults, are reverse faults with a dextral strike-slip component. These faults were displaced by NW-trending synthetic and NE-trending antithetic faults. There are also E-trending thrusts and N-trending normal faults developing in directions that are, respectively, almost normal and parallel to the major shortening direction. The NW-trending Ben, Yasechah, and Sheida faults are NE-dipping faults, and the Dalan and Garmdareh faults are SW-dipping faults. These faults indicate the presence of a transpressive flower structure zone that probably led to the exhumation of Jurassic high-grade metamorphic rocks, such as eclogite, in the central part of the study area.  相似文献   


This study provides some of the first integrated P-T-t constraints for the evolution of the Finnmarkian tectonothermal event within the northern Scandinavian Caledonides. Samples from units within the Seve Nappe of the Singis-Tjuoltajaure region contain assemblages which allow the application of well calibrateted thermoharometers. New results include : I ) Eclogite grade rocks of the Aurek Assemblage yield temperatures and pressures in excess of 12 kb and 730° С. 2) Temperatures and pressures obtained for seven samples from the Savotjåkka Assemblage range from 571766” С and 8.9-13.6 kb. These pressures correspond to burial depths of approximately 30-45 km during the Finn-markian (190 Ma) for the outer margin of Baltica. when combined with 40Ar/39Ar data, uplift rates of .2-.4 mm/yr during the early Finnmarkian arc obtained, and 3) Within the Vidja Assemblage a pressure and temperature of 7.3 ± 1.7 kb and 616 ± 60° is obtained. These conditions are consistent with the interpretation of a late Finnmarkian (450 Ma) Intra-Seve juxtaposition of the Vidja and Aurek Assemblages after approximately 20-30 km of slow uplift from peak pressures recorded during the early Finnmarkian.

This study provides new constraints which need to be considered in future tectonic models. These constraints include : I ) The Savopakte Assemblage records high pressures and high temperatures during the Finnmarkian and 2) Finnmarkian uplift rates of .2-.4 mm/yr were likely for marginal Baltica after peak metamorphism. Rates of this magnitude may be accounted for solely by slow erosion and do not require (but do not preclude) more complex tectonic interpretations. A tectonic model provided by the Late Cenozoic thrust belts of the Apennine system of the mediterranean region, may lead to new insights into the Early Paleozoic evolution of the Scandinavian Caledonides.  相似文献   

The Ordovician sedimentary rocks of the southeastern Lachlan Fold Belt in the Mystery Bay area are folded into two approximately coaxial and subhorizontally plunging fold series: F1 and F2. Regional domains with internally consistent F1 and F2 trends are juxtaposed along strike‐slip faults. Locally developed kink bands commonly have a close spatial relationship with the domain boundaries.

A faulted domain boundary is exposed in coastal rocks at Mystery Bay between north‐northeasterly trending turbidites and northwesterly trending complexly deformed cherts and pelites of the Wagonga Beds. South of the boundary fault, F1 and F2 trends in the turbidite succession exhibit a segmented 75° counterclockwise rotation about a near‐vertical axis within a 750 m wide zone parallel with the coast, relative to regional trends preserved farther south. The rotation zone hosts prolific subvertical kink bands and crenulations. The turbidite succession youngs towards the east and hence its present position is incompatible with its projected along‐strike position on the western limb of a major anticline exposing the older Wagonga Beds.

At least three generations of faulting are recognized. Within the coastal Wagonga Beds, a set of post‐F1 faults is subparallel to the tectonic grain and probably had vertical motion. Two systems of post‐F2 strike‐slip faults include a conjugate system in coastal outcrops, with offsets indicative of layer‐normal shortening; and a series of northerly trending faults, with probable sinistral displacements, recognized from inland exposures.  相似文献   

周建波  韩伟  宋明春 《岩石学报》2016,32(4):1171-1181
胶莱盆地位于苏鲁造山带的北缘,其莱阳群沉积对反演郯庐断裂和苏鲁造山带中生代的折返过程具有重要的制约作用。本文利用LA-ICP-MS方法对莱阳盆地的莱阳群碎屑岩和青山群火山岩进行锆石U-Pb年龄测定,分析其年龄谱特征,探讨其沉积物源区,进而为苏鲁造山带的折返机制提供依据。(1)莱阳盆地发育莱阳群和青山群为代表的中生代沉积岩,锆石年龄测试得到莱阳群形成时代为125±0.6Ma;青山群形成时代为119±1Ma,表明两者都是早白垩世中-晚期的沉积产物;(2)超高压带北缘莱阳盆地与合肥盆地的碎屑锆石年龄谱对比表明,莱阳盆地的沉积物无论沉积时代还是物源区均明显不同与郯庐断裂西侧的合肥盆地,表明郯庐断裂应该形成于两个盆地形成之前,可能为三叠纪-早侏罗世之间;(3)莱阳盆地内发育大量的华北型碎屑物质,进一步表明在扬子大陆板块俯冲过程中华北板块曾经仰冲到扬子板块之上;(4)莱阳盆地发育少量的新元古代岩浆和印支期变质锆石的年龄,表明早白垩世苏鲁超高压变质岩已经折返到地表;(5)超高压变质岩与中生代岩浆岩同时作为莱阳盆地的物源,结合五莲拆离断层的同期活动和莱阳盆地的同时代沉积,说明苏鲁超高压带中生代的折返具有与变质核杂岩类似的大型伸展构造背景。  相似文献   

The Las Aguaditas Formation in the Argentine Precordillera of San Juan is the only Ordovician carbonate sequence deposited on a slope. Spiculites, mudstones and calcisiltites represent the autochthonous sediments, characterized by a fine lamination, rare fossils and their dark colour. The pelagic fauna consists of rare radiolarians/calcispheres, trinucleid trilobites, graptolites and conodonts. The latter are typical of an open marine environment and proved a Llanvirn—Llandeilo age for the Las Aguaditas Formation.In the upper part of the succession there are several intercalations of megabreccias. Their thickness decreases from about 20 to 4 m towards the top of the formation, accompanied by an increasing amount of carbonate turbidites. The clasts of the breccias are derived from the slope as well as the platform. Each of the megabreccia horizons represents a system of channels, lobes and interchannel deposits, which together form a slope apron. On top of the lower breccia a small biostrome developed, where bryozoans and crinoids are preserved in an autochthonous position.Sedimentation of the Las Aguaditas Formation started with the drowning of the underlying carbonate platform (San Juan limestones). Near the Arenig-Llanvirn boundary, a rapid ecstatic sea-level rise led to the deposition of graptolitic black shales and mudstones. Upwards, allochthonous carbonates become increasingly abundant. The onset of megabreccia deposition coincides with a major relative sea-level fall, caused by block movements in connection with rifting. The subsequent transition from breccia formation towards turbiditic sedimentation corresponds to an environmental shift from the slope towards the toe of slope and basin and marks a renewed moderate sea-level rise. Correspondence to: M. Keller  相似文献   

Many stable continental regions have subregions with poorly defined earthquake hazards. Analysis of minor structures (folds and faults) in these subregions can improve our understanding of the tectonics and earthquake hazards. Detailed structural mapping in Pottawatomie County has revealed a suite consisting of two uplifted blocks aligned along a northeast trend and surrounded by faults. The first uplift is located southwest of the second. The northwest and southeast sides of these uplifts are bounded by northeast-trending right-lateral faults. To the east, both uplifts are bounded by north-trending reverse faults, and the first uplift is bounded by a north-trending high-angle fault to the west. The structural suite occurs above a basement fault that is part of a series of north–northeast-trending faults that delineate the Humboldt Fault Zone of eastern Kansas, an integral part of the Midcontinent Rift System. The favored kinematic model is a contractional stepover (push-up) between echelon strike-slip faults. Mechanical modeling using the boundary element method supports the interpretation of the uplifts as contractional stepovers and indicates that an approximately east–northeast maximum compressive stress trajectory is responsible for the formation of the structural suite. This stress trajectory suggests potential activity during the Laramide Orogeny, which agrees with the age of kimberlite emplacement in adjacent Riley County. The current stress field in Kansas has a N85°W maximum compressive stress trajectory that could potentially produce earthquakes along the basement faults. Several epicenters of seismic events (<M2.0) are located within 10 km of the structural suite. One epicenter is coincident with the northwest boundary of the uplift. This structural suite, a contractional stepover between echelon northeast-trending right-lateral faults, is similar to that mapped in the New Madrid Seismic Zone, and both areas currently feature roughly east–west maximum compressive stress trajectory. Based on these similarities, the faults in Pottawatomie County have the potential for seismicity. The results demonstrate that mechanical analysis of minor structural features can improve our knowledge of local earthquake hazards.  相似文献   

Pyrite is consistently found in modern seafloor vesicular basalts and has a sulphur isotopic composition consistent with microbial activity. We present S isotope data from pyrite in Ordovician pillow lavas at localities across the British Isles, which yield a range of δ34S compositions consistent with two components of sulphur: groundmass pyrite (~0 ± 4‰) and 32S‐enriched pyrite in the vesicles (−8‰ to −27‰). The latter are recorded from vesicular lavas in four different terranes, representing different settings at the margins of the Iapetus Ocean. Whereas a component of magmatic sulphate is recognized in the groundmass values, the isotopically light data in the vesicles are consistent with microbial reduction of seawater sulphate in sub‐seafloor lavas. This is consistent with modern examples and indicates considerable longevity for this sub‐seafloor microbial habitat. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Late Pliocene–Pleistocene tectonic evolution of the Apennines is driven by progressive eastward migration of extensional downfaulting superposed onto the Late Miocene–Early Pliocene compressional thrust belt. This process has led to distinct structural domains that show decreasing transcrustal permeability from conditions of pervasive mixing between deep and surface fluids in the hinterland (west) to conditions of restricted fluid circulation and overpressuring in the foreland (east). At present, the highest rates of normal faulting and the strongest seismicity occur in the area bounded by stretched, highly permeable crust to the west and thick, poorly permeable crust to the east. In this area, the seismogenic sources of the largest earthquakes (5<Ms<7) are potentially related to mature normal faults that deeply penetrate thick brittle upper crust, and act as transient high-permeability channels during seismic activity. In this framework, it is plausible that domains of overpressuring govern progressive inception of normal faulting and fluid redistribution in the crust, leading to eastward migration of the belt of maximum seismicity with time.  相似文献   

Five stages of faulting were observed in and around the Stephanian Decazeville basin, in the SW French Massif Central, at the southern edge of the Sillon houiller fault. The older stage ends during middle Stephanian time, and corresponds to a strike-slip regime with N–S shortening and E–W extension. Before the end of the middle Stephanian, three other stages were recorded: two strike-slip regimes with NW–SE, then E–W compression and NE–SW, then N–S extension; and finally a NNE–SSW extensional regime during the main subsidence of the basin from the end of the middle Stephanian to late Stephanian. Based on mining documents, a new interpretation of the N–S striking folds of the Decazeville basin is proposed. Folding may not be associated with E–W compression but with diapirism of coal seams along syn-sedimentary normal faults during the extensional phase. A last strike-slip regime with N–S compression and E–W extension may be related to Cainozoic Pyrenean orogeny. At a regional scale, it is suggested that from the end of the middle Stephanian to the late Stephanian, the main faults in the Decazeville basin may represent a horsetail splay structure at the southern termination of the Sillon houiller fault.  相似文献   

Sixty five per cent of the Paleozoic basement of western and central Europe is hidden by a sedimentary cover and/or sea. This work aims to remove that blanket to detect new structures which could used to build a more comprehensive model of the Variscan orogeny. It is based on the interpretation of various forms of data: (a) published gravity maps corrected for the effects of the crust-mantle boundary topography and light sedimentary basins; (b) aeromagnetic maps; (c) measurements of densities; and (d) induced and remanent magnetizations on rocks from Paleozoic outcrops of the upper Rhenish area. From the northern Bohemian Massif to the eastern Paris Basin, the Saxothuringian is characterized by a 500 km long belt of gravity highs, the most important being the Kraichgau high. Most of the corresponding heavy bodies are buried under a post-early Viséan cover. They are interpreted as relics of Late Proterozoic terranes overlain by an Early to Middle Paleozoic sequence, equivalent to the Bohemian terrane in the Bohemian Massif. The most probable continuation of these dense Bohemian terranes toward the west is the Southern Channel-Northern Brittany Cadomian terrane. The gravity lows are correlated with Variscan granites and pre- and early Variscan metagranites.Gravity and magnetic maps demonstrate large-scale displacement in Devonian-Early Carboniferous times along the parallel and equidistant, NW-SE striking, Vistula, Elbe, Bavarian, Bray and South Armorican dextral wrench faults. In the Vosges-Schwarzwald and Central Massif the faults continue with the east-west striking Lalaye-Lubine-Baden-Baden and Marche faults and with south vergent thrusts. The Bavarian faults shift the Kraichgau terrane by 150 km relative to the Bohemian terrane, whereas the offset of the Northern Brittany Cadomian relative to the Northern Vosges-Kraichgau terranes is estimated at 400 km along the Bray fault. Sinistral wrench faults are the NE-SW striking Sillon Houiller, Rheingraben, Rodl, Vitis and Diendorf faults. The southern Vosges-Schwarzwald Devonian-Dinantian basin is interpreted as a pull-apart basin at the south-easterly extremity of the Bray fault. The Bohemian and Kraichgau body form allochthonous terranes which were thrust over the Saxothuringian crust. Thrusting to the north-west was accompanied by back-thrusting and led to the formation of pop-up structures. Contemporaneous dextral and sinistral wrench faulting resulted in transpressive strain during collision. The zonal structure of the Variscides in the sense of Kossmat (1927) is relevant only to the Rhenohercynian Foreland Belt. Kossmat (1927) already spoke of a Moldanubian Region because it displays no real zonal structure. The Saxothuringian Zone was formed by terrane accretion. Their apparent zonal structure is not a pre-collisional feature, but only the result of accretion and collision.  相似文献   


Three large (kilometric-scale) caves were studied in the Buda hills and the main directions of cave corridors, fault planes and mineralized veins were measured. Different stages of mineralizations are recognised: calcite scaleno- hedrons, baryte, silica, gypsum. New investigations of fluid inclusions in the baryte suggest a crystallization temperature of 50 °C and a freshwater fluid source. Microtectonic analysis allows the reconstruction of the successive tectonic events: (1) a NE-SW extensional phase at the Late Eocene-Early Oligocene limit (phase I), (2) a strike-slip phase with NW-SE compression and NE-SW extension during the Late Oligocene-Early Miocene (phase II), (3) a NW-SE transten- sional phase (phase III) and finally (4) a NE-SW extensional phase of Quaternary age (phase IV). The major phase is the strike-slip one, characterized by an important dextral strike- slip zone: the Ferenc-hegy zone. © Elsevier, Paris  相似文献   

Within the Çokkul synform, Caledonian metamorphic rocks of the Middle Köli Nappe Complex (MKNC) are in low-angle fault contact with the basement mylonites derived from the Precambrian Tysfjord granite-gneiss. In the synform, the MKNC is composed of four fault-bounded nappes each of which has a distinct tectonic stratigraphy composed of amphibolite-facies metamorphosed pelitic and psammitic schists with minor lensoidal bodies of mafic and ultramafic rocks. Pelitic rocks from the three structurally lowest nappes contain the low-variance AFM mineral assemblages gar + bio + staur and staur + ky + bio with mu + qtz + ilm, whereas staur and ky are absent from the highest nappe, the Kallakvare nappe. AFM mineral assemblages in the three lowest nappes indicate peak metamorphic temperatures of 610–660°C and peak pressures in excess of 600 MPa. Mineral assemblages from the Kallakvare nappe are not as diagnostic of metamorphic grade. However, rocks from that nappe contain coexisting plagioclases from both sides of the peristerite gap, suggesting lower-grade peak P–T conditions than those of the structurally lower nappes. In addition, biotite from the lower nappes is more Ti-rich than biotite from the Kallakvare nappe. However, gar–bio–mu–plag and gar–bio–ky–plag–qtz thermobarometry suggests that all four nappes equilibrated at approximately 525 ± 25°C and 700 ± 100 MPa. Gibbs method thermodynamic modelling of garnet zoning profiles suggests that the lower three nappes followed clockwise P–T paths that involved heating and compression to a metamorphic peak of approximately 575–625°C, 800 MPa followed by cooling and decompression to 525°C, 700 MPa. P–T paths calculated for the Kallakvare nappe show decompression and minor heating to a peak T of 500–525°C. In the lower nappes, staur and ky grew during the heating phase not seen by the highest nappe. The outer parts of the paths from all four nappes are approximately parallel, possibly recording the emplacement of the Kallakvare nappe onto the already stacked lower three nappes at some time following the metamorphic peak. These P–T paths suggest that the sole fault of the Kallakvare nappe is a normal fault. Garnet zonation thus appears to record a previously unrecognized phase of uplift and tectonic thinning of the MKNC. This event appears to be restricted to the MKNC and to have occurred prior to the emplacement of the MKNC onto the Tysfjord granite-gneiss basement of Baltoscandia under greenschist-facies conditions. It may have been responsible for the uplift and cooling of the MKNC from 25–30 km amphibolite-facies conditions prior to its emplacement onto Baltoscandia under 15–20 km greenschist-facies conditions. The deformation zone associated with this normal fault is relatively narrow, generally less than 1 m thick. If this is typical of other detachment faults in the metamorphic infrastructure of the Scandinavian Caledonides, they may be relatively common, but not often recognized due to the detailed study needed to document them.  相似文献   

The Snowdon caldera of North Wales is host to base metal sulfide-bearing veins and stockworks, mineralized breccias, disseminated sulfides, and localized zones of semi-massive to massive sulfide, with subordinate magnetite-rich veins. The late Ordovician host volcanic sequence accumulated in a shallow marine, back-arc environment in the Welsh Basin, which forms part of the Avalon Zone of the British and Irish Caledonides. New field evidence, sulfur isotopes, and U-Pb dating indicate that the Snowdon mineralization is genetically and temporally related to Late Ordovician magmatism and caldera formation. It is interpreted to represent volcanogenic pipe-style sulfide mineralization, resulting from focused hydrothermal fluids moving along caldera-related faults and simultaneous dispersal of fluids through the volcaniclastic pile. Sulfur isotope data suggest that, whilst a limited contribution of magmatic S cannot be ruled out, thermochemical reduction of contemporaneous Ordovician seawater sulfate was the dominant mechanism for sulfide production in the Snowdon system, resulting in a mean value of about 12‰ in both the host volcanic strata and the mineralized veins. Despite the tectonic setting being prospective for VMS deposits, strata-bound sulfide accumulations are absent in the caldera. This is attributed to the shallow water depths, which promoted boiling and the formation of sub-seafloor vein-type mineralization. Furthermore, the tectonic instability of the caldera and the high energy, shallow marine environment would have limited preservation of any seafloor deposits. The new U-Pb dates for the base (454.26 ± 0.35 Ma) and top (454.42 ± 0.45 Ma) of the host volcanic rocks, indicate that the Snowdon magmatic activity was short lived, which is likely to have limited the duration and areal extent of the ore-forming system. The absence of massive sulfide mineralization is consistent with the general paucity of economic VMS deposits in the Avalon Zone. Despite the highly prospective geological setting this study further illustrates the importance of volcanic facies mapping and associated paleo-environmental interpretations in VMS exploration.  相似文献   

Plutons of the Naraku Batholith were emplaced into Proterozoic metasediments of the northern portion of the Eastern Fold Belt of the Mt Isa Inlier during two intrusive episodes approximately 200 million years apart. Structural relationships and geochronological data suggest that the older plutons (ca 1750 Ma) are contemporaneous with granites of the Wonga Batholith to the west. The Dipvale Granodiorite and the Levian Granite represent these older intrusive phases of the Naraku Batholith, and both contain an intense tectonic foliation, S1, which is interpreted to have formed during the north‐south shortening associated with D1 of the Isan Orogeny. The geometry of S1 form surfaces at the southern end of the Dipvale Granodiorite, and of the previously unrecognised sheeted contact, defines a macroscopic, steeply south‐southwest‐plunging antiform, which was produced by the regional D2 of the Isan Orogeny. S1 form surfaces in the Levian Granite define open F2 folds with wavelengths of several hundred metres. The structural age of emplacement of the Dipvale Granodiorite and the Levian Granite is interpreted to be pre‐ or syn‐ the regional D1. An intense foliation present in some of the younger (ca 1505 Ma) granites that comprise the bulk of the Naraku Batholith is interpreted to represent S3 of the Isan Orogeny. Foliations commonly have similar styles and orientations in both the pre‐D1 and younger plutons. This emphasises the simplicity with which regional fabrics can be, and probably have been, miscorrelated in the Eastern Fold Belt, and that the classification of granites in general on the basis of structural and geometric criteria alone is fraught with danger.  相似文献   

The most southerly exposed Lower Palaeozoic strata in Ireland occur on the southwest coast of County Waterford along a 2.5 km long coastal section at Muggort's Bay where they are surrounded by Devonian rocks. Five formations can be distinguished which, in ascending order, are: the Ballycurreen, Carrickbrean, Rathnameenagh, Moanbrack and Killinoorin formations. The total thickness of the succession is over 1800 m. No macrofossils are present, but the lithologies are largely fine‐grained turbidites and subordinate volcanic rocks which closely resemble the Ribband Group seen elsewhere in southeast Ireland and have previously therefore been classified with it. Palynological analysis was undertaken on 25 samples collected from Muggort's Bay, of which eight were productive. Diagnostic microfossils, comprising acritarchs, chitinozoans and scolecodonts, indicate an Early to Middle Ordovician age for both the Rathnameenagh and the Moanbrack formations. These ages confirm that the strata are part of the Ribband Group which elsewhere has been biostratigraphically dated as ranging from Mid‐Cambrian to Mid‐Ordovician. Reworked mid‐Middle Cambrian acritarchs occur in the Moanbrack Formation and reworked late Middle to early Late Cambrian acritarchs in the Rathnameenagh Formation. Despite generally poor preservation of the organic matter, some 20 acritarch species have been distinguished. Among these, three species belong to the herein revised genus Retisphaeridium for which an emended diagnosis is proposed together with two new combinations, Retisphaeridium capsulatum (Jankauskas, 1976 ) Vanguestaine nov. comb. and Retisphaeridium pusillum (Moczydlowska, 1998 ) Vanguestaine nov. comb. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


In New Zealand, the Marlborough strike-slip faults link the Hikurangi subduction zone to the Alpine fault collision zone. Stratigraphic and structural analysis in the Marlborough region constrain the inception of the current strike-slip tectonics.

Six major Neogene basins are investigated. Their infill is composed of marine and freshwater sediments up to 3 km thick; they are characterised by coarse facies derived from the basins bounding relief, high sedimentation rates and asymmetric geometries. Proposed factors that controlled the basins generation are the initial geometry of the strike-slip faults and the progressive strike-slip motion. Two groups of basins are presented: the early Miocene (23 My) basins were generated under wrench tectonics above releasing-jogs between basement faults. The late Miocene (11 My) basins were initiated by halfgrabens tilted along straighter faults during a transtensive stage. Development of faults during Cretaceous to Oligocene times facilitated the following propagation of wrench tectonics. The Pliocene (5 My) to current increasing convergence has shortened the basins and distorted the Miocene array of faults. This study indicates that the Marlborough Fault System is an old feature that connected part of the Hikurangi margin to the Alpine fault since the subduction and collision initiation. © Elsevier, Paris  相似文献   

海南岛奥陶纪火山-碎屑沉积岩矿物、地球化学成分与源区岩性质和沉积构造环境密切相关.岩相学观察和矿物化学分析表明,所研究的岩石主要碎屑矿物由石英、绿泥石(Si:5.8~6.2 a.p.f.u.、Mg/(Mg Fe):~0.45)和自色云母(Si:6.2~6.8 a.p.f.u.、Al:4.5~5.7 a.p.f.u.)组成,含少量的长石(主要为钾长石)、黑云母(Mg/(Mg Fe)=0.43、TiO2=0.01%)和磷灰石等矿物.地球化学特征上,这些岩石普遍具有高SiO2含量(Al2O3/SiO2=0.07~0.19)、相对高的K2O/Na2O比值(1.25~14.71)和高的FeOtotal MgO含量(普遍大于5%,最高达11.5%),但微量元素(含REE)含量普遍低于PAAS(NASC),且REE分布模式显示LREE富集((La/Yb)N=6.1~12.5)、Eu负异常或弱负异常(δEu=0.57~0.86).高的前交代CIA(~84)和PIA(~85)指数、A-CN-K分布模式以及可变的Th/U(2.9~25)比值还说明源区已经历强烈的化学和机械风化作用.低的Ce/Pb比值(2.1~2.8)则反映海南岛早古生代地壳已经历过Pb的富集事件.结合矿物化学成分和区域地质对比,研究区奥陶纪火山-碎屑沉积岩源区主要由变质的岩浆弧花岗闪长岩和弧长英质火山岩组成,少量的铁镁质成分不能排除,因而暗示一个从活动大陆边缘到被动大陆边缘的过渡性沉积构造环境.同时,推测海南岛在早古生代和晚古生代-早中生代可能分别存在一次俯冲增生-碰撞造山事件;海南岛(可能包括华夏地块)应于晚奥陶世后才脱离东冈瓦纳大陆的澳大利亚边缘.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》1998,11(5):233-247
In New Zealand, the Marlborough strike-slip faults link the Hikurangi subduction zone to the Alpine fault collision zone. Stratigraphic and structural analysis in the Marlborough region constrain the inception of the current strike-slip tectonics.Six major Neogene basins are investigated. Their infill is composed of marine and freshwater sediments up to 3 km thick; they are characterised by coarse facies derived from the basins bounding relief, high sedimentation rates and asymmetric geometries. Proposed factors that controlled the basins' generation are the initial geometry of the strike-slip faults and the progressive strike-slip motion. Two groups of basins are presented: the early Miocene (23 My) basins were generated under wrench tectonics above releasing-jogs between basement faults. The late Miocene (11 My) basins were initiated by halfgrabens tilted along straighter faults during a transtensive stage. Development of faults during Cretaceous to Oligocene times facilitated the following propagation of wrench tectonics. The Pliocene (5 My) to current increasing convergence has shortened the basins and distorted the Miocene array of faults. This study indicates that the Marlborough Fault System is an old feature that connected part of the Hikurangi margin to the Alpine fault since the subduction and collision initiation.  相似文献   

The complex geology of central Asia records significant Phanerozoic growth and deformation of continental lithosphere, yet many questions about the timing and mechanisms of these processes remain. The Gobi Altai of southwestern Mongolia preserves much of this history in exposed mountain ranges and sedimentary basins. The Shin Jinst area (near latitude 44 21' to 44° 32', longitude 99°35' to 99° 25') contains important evidence of Paleozoic growth and accretion as well as subsequent Mesozoic and Cenozoic deformation. Detailed mapping and structural data, including data sets on folds and cross-cutting faults, point to repeated episodes of deformation and add to recent work that documents Triassic and Jurassic compression as well as Cenozoic tectonic activity in this region. New 40Ar/39Ar data are interpreted to record Permian to Jurassic convergent margin processes. In particular, these data, in combination with previous studies, suggest that southern Mongolia records protracted deformation throughout the Jurassic that likely resulted from compression associated with the subduction zone at the southern margin of Asia at that time.  相似文献   

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