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库车河流域小提坎里克组火山岩主要为一套流纹岩建造,富碱(Na2O+K2O=6.89~8.46%)、高钾(K2O/Na2O=1.6~2.1)、铝含量12.83~14.78%(平均为14.18%),低钙(1.06~2.51%,平均为1.50%)、低镁(MgO=0.27~0.44%,平均为0.37%),Fe2O3*=1.29%~2.68%(平均为2.17%)。其铝饱和指数A/CNK为0.98~1.15,为过铝质高钾钙碱性-钾玄质花岗岩类。流纹岩的轻稀土强烈富集,重稀土亏损,明显富集Rb、Th、U、K、Pb等大离子亲石元素,亏损Sr、Nb、Ta、P、Ti等元素,具明显的铕负异常(δEu为0.46~0.54)。主微量元素特征显示其壳源成因,原岩为变质杂砂岩,源区有石榴石、角闪石、斜长石的残留。对两个流纹岩样品中的锆石进行LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年龄测定,获得288.3 Ma和290.3 Ma的形成年龄,与西部温宿和拜城地区的小提坎里克组火山岩为同期火山活动产物。该套火山岩具有同碰撞过铝质S型花岗岩特征,结合区域上广泛分布的二叠纪后造山花岗岩,认为西南天山洋至少在早二叠世已经闭合。  相似文献   

研究区位于郯庐断裂南、北两段过渡带构造蜂腰部位,其内充填厚达7000m的古近纪火山-沉积岩系。本文选取火山岩最发育的沙河街组7口代表性钻井进行研究。结果表明,这些始新世火山岩主要为玄武质岩石和粗面质岩石,Si O_2含量为45.20%~59.55%,以碱性系列为主。玄武质岩石弱富集大离子亲石元素和Ti,不亏损Nb、Ta等高场强元素。粗面质岩石具有与玄武质岩石相似的地球化学特征,但Sr、P和Ti明显亏损。玄武质岩石的I_(Sr)=0.7033~0.7042、ε_(Nd)(t)=3.56~5.86,粗面质岩石的I_(Sr)=0.7035~0.7045、ε_(Nd)(t)=3.25~4.46,二者的Sr-Nd同位素组成一致,均与OIB相似。综合研究认为,始新世火山岩是弧后拉张环境下,曾遭受俯冲板片流体交代的地幔岩石部分熔融的产物。岩浆在岩浆房内分异演化形成了两种不同类型的岩石。郯庐断裂辽河段从中生代的板缘环境到古近纪陆内裂谷带,其控制因素可能来源于欧亚大陆板块和太平洋板块间的相互作用。在此过程中郯庐断裂系活化并发生大规模走滑运动,导致辽河裂谷盆地同期地幔来源的火山岩浆活动。  相似文献   

The dominantly metasedimentary schists and gneisses of the Inishkea Division of the Erris Complex form a distinct rock group, structurally overlying the Grenvillian Annagh Division orthogneisses and underlying Dalradian metasediments, in the northwest County Mayo metamorphic inlier. A regression line for the Inishkea Division schists, defined by Rb–Sr whole rock analysis, suggests a metamorphic age of about 800 Ma, with a provenance age of about 1000–1300 Ma. The major and trace element chemistry is distinct from both the Annagh Division and Dalradian rocks, although sometimes similar to that of the Erris Group, and it suggests that the Inishkea Division originated as greywackes with associated intrusives. Local variations of the chemistry exist, but no systematic subdivision of the Division has been made. Amphibolite pods within the schists are metamorphosed and deformed tholeiite dykes, which are similar in chemistry to the younger metadolerites seen in the Annagh Division. While the geochemistry suggests that the Inishkea Division rocks are similar to both the Moine Assemblage and Grampian Group rocks of Scotland, the isotopic data suggest that they may have been deposited and then initially metamorphosed during the interval between the Grenville metamorphism of the Moine Assemblage and the onset of Dalradian and Erris Group deposition.  相似文献   

康磊  刘良  曹玉亭  王超  杨文强  梁莎 《岩石学报》2013,29(9):3039-3048
出露于阿尔金构造带南缘北部塔特勒克布拉克复式花岗质岩体东段的片麻状花岗岩, SiO2为71.88%~73.92%, Al2O3为13.39%~14.14%, K2O+Na2O为8.18%~8.85%, K2O/Na2O=1.54~2.33, A/CNK介于1.02~1.09之间, 属高钾钙碱性系列的弱过铝质岩石。该岩石富集大离子亲石元素(LILE), 亏损Nb、Ta、P、Ti等高场强元素(HFSE); ∑REE较高且变化范围大(∑REE=98.57×10-6~579.1×10-6, 平均338.8×10-6), 具有明显的负Eu异常(δEu=0.22~0.71, 平均0.34), LREE相对富集, 轻重稀土分馏明显。Nb/Ta=11.78~15.83、Zr/Hf=34.94~36.82及Th/U=8.4~12.7, 结合源岩判别图解, 推断其源区物质主要来源于上地壳的变泥砂质沉积岩类。微量元素及稀土元素特征暗示原岩部分熔融残留相的矿物组合可能为石榴石+斜长石+金红石, 全岩Zr饱和温度计计算结果显示部分熔融温度>800℃, 推断该岩石形成于麻粒岩相条件下云母和角闪石脱水诱发的部分熔融。该岩石LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb原位定年结果为: 761±54Ma(上交点年龄), 451±1.7Ma(核部)和411.3±1.8Ma(边部), 锆石核部Th/U平均为0.64, 边部Th/U平均为0.05。结合区内超高压榴辉岩的原岩形成时代、峰期变质与退变质时代分别为约750Ma、500Ma与450Ma的研究资料(Liu et al., 2012)综合分析, 塔特勒克布拉克片麻状花岗岩的原岩时代为782.3±6.9Ma, 可能与罗迪尼亚超大陆裂解事件有关; 花岗岩结晶年龄为451±1.7Ma, 形成于俯冲碰撞造山后抬升阶段, 对应于区内深俯冲陆壳的折返时代, 此时超高压变质岩石发生了麻粒岩相的退变质作用, 随后411.3±1.8Ma又受到另一期地质事件的改造。  相似文献   

蒋浩  刘俊来  张雎易  郑媛媛 《岩石学报》2016,32(9):2707-2722
花岗岩(脉)在中下地壳韧性剪切带中普遍发育,如何正确鉴别剪切带中剪切前、剪切期及剪切后花岗岩(脉)以及正确理解剪切过程中构造变形与岩浆作用之间的关系一直是一个重要课题。本文以辽南金州拆离断层带为研究对象,选取中部地壳伸展作用过程中具有不同变形表现的花岗岩(脉)开展宏观-微观构造观察、石英EBSD组构分析及锆石LA-ICP-MS年代学测试等工作,从而进一步丰富构造-岩浆关系判别准则。剪切前花岗岩(脉)多变形强烈且具有后期固态变形叠加在早期高温岩浆组构之上的特点,而剪切期的花岗岩由于侵位的时间不同,岩石的变形程度也会不同。剪切晚期侵入的岩脉遭受了较弱的晶内塑性变形,而剪切早期的岩脉可以显示岩浆流动或结晶后高温至中温固态变形。从组构特点上看,剪切前和剪切期花岗质岩石石英c轴组构大多表现为中高温组构叠加有低温组构的特点。剪切后的花岗质岩石仅发生微弱的晶内变形或未变形而显示低温或无规律的组构特征。对五个典型的样品进行年代学测试,其结果符合相应的期次划分类型。应用宏观构造、显微构造与组构分析,结合年代学测试综合分析,对于辽南变质核杂岩构造-岩浆活动性进行了精细划分,包括134~130Ma初始伸展阶段,130~115Ma峰期伸展与强烈岩浆活动阶段,以及115Ma前后伸展作用结束。  相似文献   

Field-based structural analysis of an exhumed, 10-km-long strike-slip fault zone elucidates processes of growth, linkage, and termination along moderately sized strike-slip fault zones in granitic rocks. The Gemini fault zone is a 9.3-km-long, left-lateral fault system that was active at depths of 8–11 km within the transpressive Late-Cretaceous Sierran magmatic arc. The fault zone cuts four granitic plutons and is composed of three steeply dipping northeast- and southwest-striking noncoplanar segments that nucleated and grew along preexisting cooling joints. The fault core is bounded by subparallel fault planes that separate highly fractured epidote-, chlorite-, and quartz-breccias from undeformed protolith. The slip profile along the Gemini fault zone shows that the fault zone consists of three 2–3-km-long segments separated by two ‘zones’ of local slip minima. Slip is highest (131 m) on the western third of the fault zone and tapers to zero at the eastern termination. Slip vectors plunge shallowly west-southwest and show significant variability along strike and across segment boundaries. Four types of microstructures reflect compositional changes in protolith along strike and show that deformation was concentrated on narrow slip surfaces at, or below, greenschist facies conditions. Taken together, we interpret the fault zone to be a segmented, linked fault zone in which geometrical complexities of the faults and compositional variations of protolith and fault rock resulted in nonuniform slip orientations, complex fault-segment interactions, and asymmetric slip-distance profiles.  相似文献   

Lower Palaeozoic sediments crop out on the southern coast of County Wexford, Ireland, comprising three distinctive lithostratigraphical units: from west to east the Cahore Group, the Blackhall Formation of the Ribband Group and the Cullenstown Formation. The three units are largely devoid of macrofossils and thus their ages have to date been uncertain and, in the case of the Cullenstown Formation, speculative. In the Cahore Group, a diverse assemblage of acritarchs composed of seventeen species has been recorded indicating a middle Early Cambrian age. This is similar to the age of the lithologically identical Bray Group to the north, in County Wicklow. In the Ribband Group, two very distinct assemblages have been noted. Both are poorly preserved, but diagnostic species have been determined giving a biostratigrapical range of early Mid‐Cambrian to Llanvirn. Palynomorphs have been recorded for the first time from the Cullenstown Formation allowing comparison with eastern Newfoundland where a similar, less diverse assemblage has been recorded. The age indicated is latest Mid‐Cambrian to early Late Cambrian. Overall, despite generally poor preservation of the organic matter, some 45 acritarch species have been distinguished, among which one new combination is proposed: Retisphaeridium postae instead of Cymatiosphaera postae. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

何祥丽  李海兵  王焕  张蕾  孙知明  司家亮 《岩石学报》2020,36(10):3209-3224

断裂蠕滑可以连续释放部分构造应力,但仍可能造成重大的地质灾害,甚至具有发生大地震的可能性。断层岩是断裂作用中的直接产物,其物质组成和内部构造可为揭示断裂带滑移机制提供关键信息。2008年Mw 7.9汶川地震中破裂的龙门山灌县-安县断裂带具有蠕滑性质,是探究大陆内部蠕滑断裂滑移机制的最佳案例。本文以龙门山灌县-安县断裂带地表探槽和深部钻孔的断层岩为研究对象,通过碎屑统计、X射线粉末衍射矿物分析、光学显微镜和扫描电镜观测,结果显示该断裂带断层泥碎屑含量和颗粒大小均小于断层角砾岩,其粘土矿物含量高达50%以上,且断层岩中普遍发育粘土-碎屑组构以及拖尾构造、似S-C组构等多种压溶构造。综合分析发现压溶作用、低摩擦系数物质以及颗粒滑移对灌县-安县断裂带的蠕滑变形都发挥着重要作用,并且三者相辅相成,因此认为灌县-安县断裂带的蠕滑过程主要是压溶作用和摩擦-颗粒滑移机制共同作用,该认识可更好地了解地震周期并为区域防震减灾提供科学依据。


The Middle Ordovician Rosroe Formation consists of some 1350 m of coarse, mainly siliciclastic to volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks, deposited in a submarine fan environment, and is restricted to the southern limb of the South Mayo Trough, western Ireland. Discrete allochthonous blocks, reaching 5 m in size, are present in the formation at several localities. Conodonts recovered from these blocks, collected from two separate locations, are of late Early and mid Mid Ordovician age. The conodonts have high conodont‐alteration indices (CAI 5) indicative of temperatures as high as 300o to max. 480 °C; some found in the Lough Nafooey area have abnormally high indices (CAI 6), which correspond to temperatures of about 360o to max. 550 °C. The oldest fauna is dominated by Periodon aff. aculeatus and characterized by Oepikodus evae typical of the Oepikodus evae Zone (Floian Stage; Stage Slices Fl2–3, Lower Ordovician). The younger conodont assemblage, characterized by Periodon macrodentatus associated with Oistodella pulchra, is referred to the P. macrodentatus conodont Biozone (lower Darriwilian; Stage Slices Dw1–2). The Rosroe conodont assemblages are of Laurentian affinity; comparable faunas are well known from several locations along the east to south‐eastern platform margin of Laurentia and the Notre Dame subzone of central Newfoundland, Canada. The faunal composition from the limestone blocks suggests a shelf edge to slope (or fringing carbonate) setting. The faunal assemblages are coeval with, respectively, the Tourmakeady Formation (Floian–Dapingian) and Srah Formation (Darriwilian) in the Tourmakeady Volcanic Group in the eastern part of the South Mayo Trough and probably are derived from the same or similar laterally equivalent short‐lived carbonate successions that accumulated at offshore ‘peri‐Laurentian’ islands, close to and along the Laurentian margin. During collapse of the carbonate system in the late Mid Ordovician, the blocks were transported down a steep slope and into deep‐water by debris flows, mixing with other rock types now found in the coarse polymict clastics of the Rosroe Formation. The faunas fill the stratigraphical ‘gap’ between the Lower Ordovician Lough Nafooey Volcanic Group and the upper Middle Ordovician Rosroe Formation in the South Mayo Trough and represent a brief interval conducive to carbonate accumulation in an otherwise siliciclastic‐ and volcaniclastic‐dominated sedimentary environment. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

南澜沧江火山弧带红豆山花岗斑岩属于过铝质钾玄岩性S型花岗岩,SiO_2含量为71.1%~74.4%,全碱含量高(K_2O+Na_2O=8.4%~9.4%),富钾(K_2O/Na_2O=3.9~5.0),铝饱和指数(A/CNK)为1.06~1.21;具轻稀土元素富集特征,负Eu异常(δ Eu=0.53~0.74);相对富集大离子亲石元素(LILE,如Rb、Ba、Th、U等),但亏损Sr、P、Ti等元素。地球化学特征表明,红豆山花岗斑岩具火山弧花岗岩与同碰撞花岗岩的特征,为活动大陆边缘弧的产物。红豆山花岗斑岩的LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄为220.3±3.6Ma,形成于晚三叠世。红豆山花岗斑岩的地球化学特征和形成时代与小定西组基性火山岩非常相似,两者是同一期岩浆活动不同阶段的产物。  相似文献   

Palaeoseismological and archaeoseismological studies in the Kurai fault zone, along which the Kurai Range is thrust onto Cenozoic deposits of the Chuya intramontane basin, led to the identification of a long reverse fault scarp 8.0 m high. The scarp segments are primary seismic deformations of large ancient earthquakes. The scarp’s morphology, results of trenching investigations, and deformations of Neogene deposits indicate a thrusting of the piedmont plain onto the Kurai Range, which is unique for the Gorny Altai. Similarly for Northern Tien Shan, we explain this by the formation of both a thrust transporting the mountain range onto the depression and a branching thrust dislocation that forms the detected fault scarp. In a trench made in one of the scarp segments, we identified the parameters of the seismogenic fault – a thrust with a 30° dipping plane. The reconstructed displacement along the fault plane is 4.8 m and the vertical displacement is 2.4 m, which indicates a 7.2–7.6 magnitude of the ancient earthquake. The 14C age of the humus-rich loamy sand from the lower part of the colluvial wedge constrains the age of the earthquake at 3403–3059 years BP. Younger than 2500 years seismogenic displacements along the fault scarp are indicated by deformations of cairn structures of the Turalu–Dzhyurt-III burial mound, which was previously dated as iron age between the second half of I BC and I AD.  相似文献   

报道了在北衙金矿区新发现的含矿石英钠长斑岩的特征以及某些罕见的地质现象,如石英正长斑岩侵位于岩溶洞穴,黑云正长斑岩侵位于未固结河湖相沉积物中,并形成诸如微晶与玻璃质基质共生和斑岩与围岩混积等奇特结构构造,并给出了矿区斑岩系统的~(39)Ar/~(40)Ar年龄。年龄结果显示:石英钠长斑岩形成于第三纪早期、年龄为65.56Ma,石英正长斑岩形成于25~33Ma之间,黑云正长斑岩侵位于上新世、两个岩体黑云母的年龄分别为3.66Ma和3.78Ma。矿区石英钠长斑岩、石英正长斑岩和黑云正长斑岩均为碱性斑岩,具有一些相似的地球化学特征,包括岩石中(K_2O+Na_2O)>10%,SiO_2>67%,富轻稀土、与OIB相似的REE稀土分配模式,Sr>400×10~(-6),~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr>0.707。矿区碱性斑岩的REE组成和Nd-Sr-Pb同位素组成显示斑岩成因于含有大洋岛屿玄武岩(OIB)、大洋中脊玄武岩(MORB)、正常沉积岩和上地幔(EMII+PREMA)组分的混合源,我们进一步推断北衙矿区碱性斑岩和滇西其它第三纪碱性斑岩一样成因于被掩埋的古金沙江特提斯大洋岩石圈与其上覆上地幔之间因印度-亚洲大陆俯冲-碰撞而导致的强烈剪切变形所引起和形成的熔体的上侵。  相似文献   

新疆金窝子金矿床形成时代研究及成因机制讨论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
金窝子金矿是新疆东天山—北山金矿集中区东段的一个重要金矿床。对其形成时代及成矿机制一直存在不同认识。由于成矿时代直接关系到对其成矿机制的理解,为此,笔者对金窝子金矿的形成时代及剪切带活动时代进行了精细的~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar年代学研究。结果表明:金窝子金矿形成于早三叠世,为印支早期的产物,与东天山东部地区的区域韧性剪切带的活动时代有很好的耦合关系。  相似文献   

The study area is located on the middle sector of the Malatya-Ovacık Fault Zone (MOFZ) in the eastern Anatolia. Four basaltic flows from bottom to top, which are tholeiitic in character and intercalated with Pliocene sedimentary rocks, were erupted along this fault zone. Chemical compositions of these flows reveal some differences between the first flow and others in terms of high-field strength elements (HFSEs) (e.g. Ti, Zr, Nb). Limited variations in compositions within the first flow and upper flows suggest a limited fractionation range. Trace-element patterns exhibit that all the flows have similar and OIB-like patterns without positive peak at Pb and a trough at Nb—Ta, indicating minimal or no crustal contribution. Rare-earth element (REE) patterns indicate that the first flow has flat patterns with negative Eu anomaly, whereas the upper flows have variable enrichments in LREE and depletions in HREE. La/SmN, Dy/YbN and Zr/Y ratios exhibit that the degree of partial melting decreases from the first flow to upper flows. Higher values of La/YbN ratio for the upper flows and depletions at Y and Yb on the trace-element patterns suggest the presence of garnet as a residual phase, which imply that the depth of partial melting took place solely in the garnet-stability field. OIB-like trace-element patterns and trace-element ratios (e.g. La/Nb, Ce/Y and Zr/Nb) emphasize that the melts forming the Arguvan basalt were originated from the asthenospheric mantle rather than the lithospheric mantle.  相似文献   

本文对秦岭群典型分布区西峡北部一个遭受高级变质作用的碎屑沉积岩样品(黑云斜长片麻岩)进行了锆石年代学研究。阴极发光图像显示锆石普遍具有核-边结构。在U-Pb年龄谐和图上数据点分散分布,年龄变化范围为>3.0Ga到~400Ma。结合以往研究,获得如下结论和认识:(1)秦岭群变质沉积岩的变质原岩形成于古元古代之后,其中一些可能形成于中元古代晚期甚至更晚,原秦岭群是由不同时代地质体组成,需进一步解体; (2)锆石特征表明,岩石遭受加里东期强烈变质,变质作用经历了高角闪岩相-麻粒岩相向角闪岩相的转变过程;(3)秦岭造山带及邻区存在长期复杂的早期演化历史。  相似文献   

选取西秦岭两当地区太阳寺岩组的变质碎屑岩为研究对象,依据CL图像,采用LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb同位素定年方法,探讨两当地区太阳寺岩组的形成时代与物源。两当地区太阳寺岩组的锆石U-Pb年龄及与邻近地层的变质变形关系和时代对比表明,太阳寺岩组的沉积时代为426~420Ma,为晚志留世—末志留世。太阳寺岩组的碎屑锆石年龄谱可分为4组:500~420Ma、955~550Ma、1866~1227Ma和3039~2132Ma。早古生代年龄组呈现最强的烈峰值特征,峰值为438Ma,该组锆石物源以西秦岭北缘构造带为主;新元古代年龄组的碎屑锆石物源为西秦岭北缘构造带和北祁连造山带;中元古代和古元古代—新太古代年龄组的碎屑锆石物源主要来自于北祁连造山带和西秦岭北缘构造带基底岩系。综合分析认为,西秦岭北缘构造带为天水两当地区太阳寺岩组碎屑沉积物的主要源区。  相似文献   

玛因鄂博岩体分布于新疆阿尔泰山南缘玛因鄂博深大断裂北东侧。主体岩石类型包括片麻状英云闪长岩、黑云母花岗闪长岩、二长花岗岩。岩石中含有较高的黑云母,并可见夕线石、堇青石、电气石等富铝特征矿物。锆石的 SHRIMP U—Pb 定年表明该岩体结晶年龄为283Ma。岩石具有低的 SiO_2、CaO、Ba、Sr、Nb、P_2O_5、Al_2O_3/TiO_2比值及高 MgO、FeO~T、Cr、Ni、TiO_2、REE(∑REE=126.8×10~(-6)~218.11×10~(-6))、A/CNK(>1.1)等特征,富集轻稀土((La/Yb)_N=5~11),具有中等的 Eu负异常(δEu=0.52~0.74)。上述特征表明该岩体与典型的高温型强过铝花岗岩相似。岩石的 Nd 同位素分析表明,其 Nd 初始值变化大(-0.3~-3.5),而其中辉长岩体的 Nd 初始值为5.5。基于上述,我们认为花岗岩原始岩浆来源于底侵的玄武岩浆引起的低成熟度碎屑岩部分熔融,并有部分玄武岩浆的加入。结合区域地质资料,推测它形成于后碰撞阶段,属于后碰撞强过铝花岗岩。在阿勒泰地区早二叠纪强过铝花岗岩的界定为阿尔泰乃至中亚造山带的后碰撞花岗岩提供了一种重要的岩石成因类型。  相似文献   

充分利用钻井、测井、分层和地震资料,并结合区域地质背景和前人研究成果对临清坳陷东部地区地震资料进行了详细解释,以此为基础对临清坳陷东部边界—兰聊断层的几何学特征、形成演化及其形成的动力学背景进行了深入分析.研究认为:兰聊断层为—上陡下缓的铲式正断层,在基底发生滑脱;兰聊断层具有多期活动的特征,不同构造阶段断层性质不同;...  相似文献   

南秦岭西乡群孙家河组英安质火山熔岩进行了锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年龄和岩石化学、稀土元素、微量元素等方面的研究。获得的锆石年龄为814.8±5.2Ma,属于晚青白口世。该年龄为研究南秦岭扬子陆块过渡基底的形成时代提供了有力的佐证,并为研究扬子陆块Rodinia超大陆汇聚时限及秦岭造山带的构造演化提供了新证据。  相似文献   

关于辽西北票地区兴隆沟组火山岩时代的再认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邵济安  杨蔚 《地质通报》2008,27(6):912-916
针对近年来关于兴隆沟组火山岩同位素年龄及地层归属方面存在的分歧,通过详细的地质填图已查清,近年报道的2组U-Pb同位素年龄均为贯穿兴隆沟组火山-沉积地层的霏细斑岩脉年龄,兴隆沟组地层仍应归属为下侏罗统.  相似文献   

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