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Pyroclastic flows from the 1991 eruption of Unzen volcano,Japan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pyroclastic flows from Unzen were generated by gravitational collapse of the growing lava dome. As soon as the parental lobe failed at the edge of the dome, spontaneous shattering of lava occurred and induced a gravity flow of blocks and finer debris. The flows had a overhanging, tongue-like head and cone- or rollershaped vortices expanding outward and upward. Most of the flows traveled from 1 to 3 km, but some flows reached more than 4 km, burning houses and killing people in the evacuated zone of Kita-kamikoba on the eastern foot of the volcano. The velocities of the flows ranged from 15 to 25 m/s on the gentle middle flank. Observations of the flows and their deposits suggest that they consisted of a dense basal avalanche and an overlying turbulent ash cloud. The basal avalanche swept down a topographic low and formed to tongue-like lobe having well-defined levees; it is presumed to have moved as a non-Newtonian fluid. The measured velocities and runout distances of the flows can be matched to a Bingham model for the basal avalanche by the addition of turbulent resistance. The rheologic model parameters for the 29 May flow are as follows: the density is 1300 kg/m3, the yield strength is 850 Pa, the viscosity is 90 Pa s, and the thickness of the avalanche is 2 m. The ash cloud is interpreted as a turbulent mixing layer above the basal avalanche. The buoyant portions of the cloud produced ash-fall deposits, whereas the dense portions moved as a surge separated from the parental avalanche. The ash-cloud surges formed a wide devastated zone covered by very thin debris. The initial velocities of the 3 June surges, when they detached from avalanches, are determined by the runout distance and the angle of the energy-line slope. A comparison between the estimated velocities of the 3 June avalanches and the surges indicates that the surges that extended steep slopes along the avalanche path, detached directly from the turbulent heads of the avalanches. The over-running surge that reached Kita-Kamikoba had an estimated velocity higher than that of the avalanche; this farther-travelled surge is presumed to have been generated by collapse of a rising ash-cloud plume.  相似文献   

The eruption of Unzen Volcano commenced on 17 November 1990. Phreatic and phreatomagmatic eruptions occurred by early May 1991. No large-scale explosive eruptions preceded the extrusion of lava domes. Lava domes appeared in a summit crater on 20 May 1991, and they grew on the steep slope of Mt. Fugen at Unzen Volcano. Rockfalls from the margins of the domes frequently generated pyroclastic flows. Major pyroclastic flows occurred on 3 June, 8 June, and 15 September 1991. The 3 June pyroclastic flow killed forty-three persons. Many of the pyroclastic flows seem to have resulted from the simple rockfalls, except one flow on 8 June, which was accompanied by an explosion from the crater. Many of the rockfalls that generated pyroclastic flows were witnessed. As of November 1991. Unzen Volcano was still active with a nearly constant magma-supply rate of about 0.3 × 106 m3/d. The total magma output exceeded 45 × 106 m3 by the beginning of November 1991. The volume of the lava domes is more than 23 × 106 m3.  相似文献   

To understand the oxidation state and process of oxidation of lava domes, we carried out magnetic petrological analyses of lava samples obtained from domes and block-and-ash-flow deposits associated with the 1991–1995 eruption of Unzen volcano, Japan. As a result, we recognize three different types of magnetic petrology, each related to deuteric high-temperature oxidation during initial cooling. Type A oxides are characterized by homogenous titanomagnetite and titanohematite, indicating a low oxidation state and high titanomagnetite concentrations. Type B oxides are weakly exsolved and contain titanohematite laths and rutile lenses, indicating a higher oxidation state. Type C oxides, which represent the highest oxidation state, are completely exsolved and composed of Ti-poor titanomagnetite, titanohematite, rutile, and pseudobrookite, indicating high hematite concentrations. Some grains in Types A and B show indications of reduction, which was related to interaction with volcanic gases subsequent to high-temperature oxidation. In terms of geological occurrence, the oxidation processes probably differed for endogenous and exogenous domes. Endogenous dome lavas are oxidized concentrically and are classified into the three types according to their location within the dome: samples from the surface are strongly oxidized and classified as Type C, while the inner part is unoxidized and classified as Type A. Exogenous dome lavas are unoxidized and assigned to Type A. Some samples show signs of reduction, which may have occurred around fumaroles. We propose that location within the dome and the process of dome growth are the factors that control oxidation.  相似文献   

Abstract The late Pleistocene Kamitakara Pyroclastic Flow Deposit (KPFD) and its correlative Kasamori (Ks22) Tephra in central Japan are found to preserve stable thermoremanent magnetization (TRM) and detrital remanent magnetization (DRM), respectively. Untilted site‐mean declinations of the KPFD are characterized by a fairly large scatter with easterly deflection, while those of the Ks22 show significantly smaller deflections. Because northerly paleomagnetic directions consistently characterize shallow marine sediments intercalating the Ks22 layer, the directional discordance is not attributed to different acquisition timing between TRM and DRM, but is probably due to a recent tectonic rotation in central Japan. Large scatter in TRM declinations of the KPFD implies that a number of right‐lateral active faults around the depositional area of the pyroclastic flow raised differential rotation of crustal blocks in central Japan, even during the late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

We use a well-monitored eruption of Tungurahua volcano to test the validity of the frictional behaviour, also called Mohr–Coulomb, which is generally used in geophysical flow modelling. We show that the frictional law is not appropriate for the simulation of pyroclastic flows at Tungurahua. With this law, the longitudinal shape of the simulated flows is a thin wedge of material progressively passing, over several hundreds of metres, from an unrealistic thickness at the front (<<1 mm) to some tens of centimetres. Simulated deposits form piles which accumulate at the foot of the volcano and are more similar to sand piles than natural pyroclastic deposits. Finally, flows simulated with a frictional rheology are not channelised by the drainage system, but affect all the flanks of the volcano. In addition, their velocity can exceed 150 m s−1, allowing pyroclastic flows to cross interfluves at bends in the valley, affecting areas that would not have been affected in reality and leaving clear downstream areas that would be covered in reality. Instead, a simple empirical law, a constant retarding stress (i.e. a yield strength), involving only one free parameter, appears to be much better adapted for modelling pyroclastic flows. A similar conclusion was drawn for the Socompa debris avalanche simulation (Kelfoun and Druitt, J Geophys Res 110:B12202, 2005).  相似文献   

 A basaltic andesite lava flow from Porri Volcano (Salina, Southern Tyrrhenian Sea) is composed of two different magmas. Magma A (51 vol.% of crystals) has a dacitic glass composition, and magma B (18 vol.% of crystals), a basaltic glass composition. Magma B is hosted in A and consists of sub-spherical enclaves and boudin-like, banding and rolling structures (RS). Four types of RS have been recognized: σ–type;δ–type; complex σ-δ–types and transitional structures between sub-spherical enclaves and rolling structures. An analysis of the RS has been performed in order to reconstruct the flow kinematics and the mechanism of flow emplacement. Rolling structures have been selected in three sites located at different distances from the vent. In all sites most RS show the same sense of shear. Kinematic analysis of RS allows the degree of flow non-coaxiality to be determined. The non-coaxiality is expressed by the kinematic vorticity number Wk, a measure of the ratio Sr between pure shear strain rate and simple shear strain rate. The values of Wk calculated from the measured shapes of microscopic RS increase with increasing distance from the vent, from approximately 0.5 to 0.9. Results of the structural analysis reveal that the RS formed during the early–intermediate stage of flow emplacement. They represent originally sub-spherical enclaves deformed at low shear strain. At higher strain, RS deformed to give boudin-like and stretched banding structures. Results of the kinematic analysis suggest that high viscosity lava flows are heterogeneous non-ideal shear flows in which the degree of non-coaxiality increases with the distance from the vent. In the vent area, deformation is intermediate between simple shear and pure shear. Farther from the vent, deformation approaches ideal simple shear. Lateral extension processes occur only in the near-vent zone, where they develop in response to the lateral push of magma extruded from the vent. Lateral shortening processes develop in the distal zone and record the gravity-driven movement of the lava. The lava flow advanced by two main mechanisms, lateral translation and rolling motion. Lateral translation equals rolling near the vent, while rolling motion prevailed in the distal zones. Received: 6 November 1997 / Accepted: 29 November 1997  相似文献   

In order to clarify the time relation of the expansion of a gas pocket and failure of its overlying plug of lava during Vulcanian eruptions, infrasound records and video images of the Vulcanian eruption that occurred at Sakurajima volcano on January 2, 2007 were analyzed with respect to their origin times. Weak (≤3 Pa) and slowly increasing air pressure preceded the impulsive compression phase by 0.25–0.32 s, and a longer-period rarefaction phase of infrasound waves was recognized at all microphone stations. The velocity of the compression phase was assumed to be supersonic (ca. 400 m/s) up to 850 m above the crater bottom from other recent explosions. On the other hand, the propagation velocity of the preceding weak signal was regarded to be similar to the air sound velocity because the lack of impulsiveness is unlikely to be related to the main compression phase. Therefore, the estimated origin time of the main compression phase was delayed by 0.5–0.7 s from the preceding phase. The origin time of the preceding phase coincided with the onset of the isotropic expansion process of the pressurized gas pocket, which was obtained by the waveform inversion of the explosion earthquake. In contrast, the origin time of the main impulsive phase coincided with the time when the expansion rate reached its peak. This observation suggests that the volumetric increase of the gas pocket caused swelling of the surface of the crater bottom and its subsequent failure. When the expansion velocity exceeded a threshold level, the main impulsive compression phase radiated with a high velocity by the sudden releases of the pressurized gases. The volumetric change at the source was estimated to be 280–560 m3 from the preceding phase of the infrasound. This volume change indicates that the vertical displacement of the swelling ground was on the order of 1.0 m, assuming the radius of the lava plug was ca. 10 m.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work is to highlight some methodological aspects related to the observation of possible anomalies in the temporal decay of aftershocks temporal series following a mainshock with magnitude M ≥ 7.0. In this paper we present the results for the Taiwan seismic sequence started on 20 September 1999 (M = 7.7) by tuning some seismic parameters that show considerable variations during the aftershock decay process. In here we also present the results obtained using a fractal approach for the seismic sequence. Earthquakes belong to a class of phenomena known as multifractals. In general it is important to define the fractal dimension D, but sometimes is not useful if we are describing a natural phenomenon; so it is necessary to define D 0 called box-counting dimension and D 2 called correlation dimension, usually D 0D 2. In the elaborations of the fractal dimensions, for this sequence, we have obtained values lesser than 1, with a greater tendency of aftershocks to clusterize in time before a large aftershock. This is coherent with the possible existence of seismic anomalies, that could occur before the large aftershock. We also report the results obtained by using the delta/sigma method described firstly in [Caccamo et al., 2005] and later applied to different seismic sequence. The observed temporal series of the aftershocks per day can be considered as a sum of a deterministic and a stochastic contribution. If the decay can be modeled as a non-stationary Poissonian process, the number of aftershocks in a small time interval Δt is the mean value n(t) Δt, with a standard deviation (δ = √n(tt. Investigating both aftershock behavior and a wide spectrum of parameters may find the key to explain better the mechanism of seismicity as a whole.  相似文献   

The edifice of Stromboli volcano gravitationally collapsed several times during its volcanic history (>100 ka–present). The largest Holocene event occurred during the final stage of the Neostromboli activity (∼13–5 ka), and was accompanied by the emplacement of phreatomagmatic and lahar deposits, known as the Secche di Lazzaro succession. A stratigraphic and paleomagnetic study of the Secche di Lazzaro deposits allows the interpretation of the emplacement and the eruptive processes. We identify three main units within the succession that correspond to changing eruption conditions. The lower unit (UA) consists of accretionary lapilli-rich, thinly bedded, parallel- to cross-stratified ash deposits, interpreted to indicate the early stages of the eruption and emplacement of dilute pyroclastic density currents. Upward, the second unit (UB) of the deposit is more massive and the beds thicker, indicating an increase in the sedimentation rate from pyroclastic density currents. The upper unit (UC) caps the succession with thick, immediately post-eruptive lahars, which reworked ash deposited on the volcano’s slope. Flow directions obtained by Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) analysis of the basal bed of UA at the type locality suggest a provenance of pyroclastic currents from the sea. This is interpreted to be related to the initial base-surges associated with water–magma interaction that occurred immediately after the lateral collapse, which wrapped around the shoulder of the sector collapse scar. Upward in the stratigraphy (upper beds of UA and UB) paleoflow directions change and show a provenance from the summit vent, probably related to the multiple collapses of a vertical, pulsatory eruptive column.  相似文献   

Emissions of CO2 have been known for more than a hundred years as fumarolic activity at the terminal crater of El Teide volcano and as diffuse emissions at numerous water prospection drillings in the volcanic island of Tenerife. Large concentrations of CO2 (>10% in volume) have been found inside galleries, long horizontal tunnels excavated for water mining. However, CO2 concentrations of only 2900 ppm have been observed at the surface of the central region of the island (Las Cañadas del Teide caldera). In this work we analysed CO2 concentrations in the subsurface of Las Cañadas caldera, in an attempt to study the vertical distribution of carbon dioxide and, in particular, the low emissions at the surface. This has been done through a series of 17 vertical profiles in two deep boreholes excavated in the Caldera. We found high levels of CO2, varying in time from 13 vol% up to 40 vol% in different profiles directly above the water table, while no significant concentrations were detected above the thermal inversion that takes places in both boreholes at approximately 100 m from the water table. Water analyses also showed high dissolved CO2 levels in equilibrium with the air, and an average 13C value in DIC of +4.7 (PDB), apparently induced by fast CO2 degassing in the bicarbonated water.  相似文献   

常成  罗纲 《地球物理学报》2022,65(8):3006-3024

在斑岩成矿系统中, 岩浆侵入体顶部广泛发育了破裂系统.这些破裂既是导矿流体通道, 也是多种矿体赋存的重要空间, 即成矿空间或容矿空间.然而, 该破裂系统形成的力学机制与原因还缺乏细致、深入的研究.本文开发了一个概念性的热-孔隙流体-应力应变耦合(thermal-hydraulic-mechanical coupled)的二维平面应变有限元模型, 并模拟了斑岩成矿系统的温度、应力、应变、孔隙流体压力的演化及岩浆侵入体周围的破裂形成过程.模型结果显示柱状高温岩浆侵入围岩的热作用导致了围岩中三个有效主应力的变化, 但它们增加或减小的幅度不同, 从而导致了差应力或偏应力在侵入岩体顶部及其与围岩接触带的集中.对于具有较高渗透率顶层的斑岩成矿系统, 这种在侵入岩体周边的差应力或偏应力集中, 最终导致了侵入岩体顶部脉状破裂系统的发育以及岩体与围岩接触带中破裂的发育; 而孔隙流体压力对侵入岩体顶部脉状破裂系统的形成与演化也具有一定的辅助作用.最后, 本文将这个概念性模型应用到青藏甲玛斑岩铜多金属成矿系统, 模拟了甲玛斑岩矿床顶部破裂系统的形成与发育, 模型结果与甲玛矿床的斑岩及角岩矿体的容矿破裂分布一致.本研究为斑岩成矿系统中破裂的产生及其导矿构造、容矿空间的形成和发育提供了力学解释, 也对矿产的勘探与开发有着科学指导意义.


Abstract Interstitial pore waters from Ocean Drilling Program Site 1150, where ~1200 m of sub‐sea‐floor sediment from the upper Japan Trench forearc were recovered, were analyzed for element concentrations and Cl, Sr and B isotopes. Although chlorinity showed profound down‐hole freshening to values as low as ~310 mm (0.55 × seawater) in the deeper part of the claystone‐dominated succession, both Sr and B concentrations showed an overall increase. Sr reached concentrations of up to >250 µm (~3.00 × seawater), whereas B‐enrichment was even stronger (3920 µm; i.e. 9.30 × seawater). The strong variations in concentration correspond to fractionation reactions in the deep, tectonically deformed part of the forearc. The heavily fractured portion of Site 1150 (from ~700 m to the total depth of the hole) has two shear zones that very likely act as conduits that expel deep‐seated fluids to the sea floor. These fluids not only showed the strongest freshening of Cl, but were also characterized by low δ37Cl measurements (down to ?1.1‰), the heaviest δ11B measurements (~40–46‰) and the least radiogenic 87Sr/ 86Sr measurements. The profound isotope anomalies together with the excursions in element concentrations suggest that diagenetic processes operate at that depth. These include clay mineral diagenesis, alteration of tephra from the Japan and Izu Arcs, and possibly transformation of biogenic silica from abundant diatoms. Given the strong enrichment of some mobile elements (e.g. Sr, B, Li), enhanced fluid flow through permeable penetrative faults through the forearc (like the shear zones at Site 1150) could be an efficient mechanism for back‐flux of those elements from the deep forearc into the hydrosphere.  相似文献   

Geology-based methods for Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment (PSHA) have been developing in Italy. These methods require information on the geometric, kinematic and energetic parameters of the major seismogenic faults. In this paper, we define a model of 3D seismogenic sources in the central Apennines of Italy. Our approach is mainly structural-seismotectonic: we integrate surface geology data (trace of active faults, i.e. 2D features) with seismicity and subsurface geological–geophysical data (3D approach). A fundamental step is to fix constraints on the thickness of the seismogenic layer and deep geometry of faults: we use constraints from the depth distribution of aftershock zones and background seismicity; we also use information on the structural style of the extensional deformation at crustal scale (mainly from seismic reflection data), as well as on the strength and behaviour (brittle versus plastic) of the crust by rheological profiling. Geological observations allow us to define a segmentation model consisting of major fault structures separated by first-order (kilometric scale) structural-geometric complexities considered as likely barriers to the propagation of major earthquake ruptures. Once defined the 3D fault features and the segmentation model, the step onward is the computation of the maximum magnitude of the expected earthquake (M max). We compare three different estimates of M max: (1) from association of past earthquakes to faults; (2) from 3D fault geometry and (3) from geometrical estimate corrected by earthquake scaling laws. By integrating all the data, we define a model of seismogenic sources (seismogenic boxes), which can be directly used for regional-scale PSHA. Preliminary applications of PSHA indicate that the 3D approach may allow to hazard scenarios more realistic than those previously proposed.  相似文献   

Volcanic eruptions can produce large magnetic field changes by thermomagnetic effects, especially when magma cools from high temperatures and acquires a permanent magnetisation from the Earth's magnetic field. After the 2000 eruption of Mt Usu, Japan, significant magnetic field changes were observed not only in the vicinity of the magmatic intrusion but also in an area some distance away that was unlikely to be at a temperature near the Curie Point.  相似文献   

We present the results of a multidisciplinary study of the Ms = 6.2, 1995, June 15, Aigion earthquake (Gulf of Corinth, Greece). In order to constrain the rupture geometry, we used all available data from seismology (local, regional and teleseismic records of the mainshock and of aftershocks), geodesy (GPS and SAR interferometry), and tectonics. Part of these data were obtained during a postseismic field study consisting of the surveying of 24 GPS points, the temporary installation of 20 digital seismometers, and a detailed field investigation for surface fault break. The Aigion fault was the only fault onland which showed detectable breaks (< 4 cm). We relocated the mainshock hypocenter at 10 km in depth, 38 ° 21.7 N, 22 ° 12.0 E, about 15 km NNE to the damaged city of Aigion. The modeling of teleseismic P and SH waves provides a seismic moment Mo = 3.4 1018 N.m, a well constrained focal mechanism (strike 277 °, dip 33 °, rake – 77°), at a centroidal depth of 7.2 km, consistent with the NEIC and the revised Harvard determinations. It thus involved almost pure normal faulting in agreement with the tectonics of the Gulf. The horizontal GPS displacements corrected for the opening of the gulf (1.5 cm/year) show a well-resolved 7 cm northward motion above the hypocenter, which eliminates the possibility of a steep, south-dipping fault plane. Fitting the S-wave polarization at SERG, 10 km from the epicenter, with a 33° northward dipping plane implies a hypocentral depth greater than 10 km. The north dipping fault plane provides a poor fit to the GPS data at the southern points when a homogeneous elastic half-space is considered: the best fit geodetic model is obtained for a fault shallower by 2 km, assuming the same dip. We show with a two-dimensional model that this depth difference is probably due to the distorting effect of the shallow, low-rigidity sediments of the gulf and of its edges. The best-fit fault model, with dimensions 9 km E–W and 15 km along dip, and a 0.87 m uniform slip, fits InSAR data covering the time of the earthquake. The fault is located about 10 km east-northeast to the Aigion fault, whose surface breaks thus appears as secondary features. The rupture lasted 4 to 5 s, propagating southward and upward on a fault probably outcropping offshore, near the southern edge of the gulf. In the shallowest 4 km, the slip – if any – has not exceeded about 30 cm. This geometry implies a large directivity effect in Aigion, in agreement with the accelerogram aig which shows a short duration (2 s) and a large amplitude (0.5 g) of the direct S acceleration. This unusual low-angle normal faulting may have been favoured by a low-friction, high pore pressure fault zone, or by a rotation of the stress directions due to the possible dip towards the south of the brittle-ductile transition zone. This fault cannot be responsible for the long term topography of the rift, which is controlled by larger normal faults with larger dip angles, implying either a seldom, or a more recently started activity of such low angle faults in the central part of the rift.  相似文献   

Ounjougou is the name of a large complex of archaeological sites, that were extensively studied between 1997 and 2008 by the international team of the “Human settlement and palaeoenvironment in West Africa” project. This complex is important because well stratified Palaeolithic sites in West Africa are rare, and because it covers a long period of time (most of the Upper Pleistocene and Holocene) and exhibits a wide set of technical cultures. Therefore, for the first time it is possible to propose a chronological framework for the human settlement in this region that can be related to other technical cultures in Africa and to palaeoenvironmental data.The purpose of this paper is to present the OSL dating results obtained from 57 sediment samples that led to this framework. Measurements were first performed between 2004 and 2006 in Oxford (School of Geography), using micro-aliquots (2–10 grains) OSL and ICP-MS for determination of equivalent doses and beta-dose rates, respectively (gamma dose rates being deduced from field gamma spectrometry). More recently, new measurements were done on 28 samples of this former set at the IRAMAT-CRP2A laboratory in Bordeaux, where “true” single quartz grain OSL and high resolution gamma spectrometry measurements were performed. Both sets of results are, for all but two samples, statistically consistent with each other. A consistent chrono-stratigraphic framework can thus be deduced, covering the Upper Pleistocene. It suggests that the region was regularly visited during this time interval and more particularly during Marine Isotope Stage 3, when groups with different technical cultures followed each other relatively rapidly.  相似文献   

Streambank retreat is a complex cyclical process involving subaerial processes, fluvial erosion, seepage erosion, and geotechnical failures and is driven by several soil properties that themselves are temporally and spatially variable. Therefore, it can be extremely challenging to predict and model the erosion and consequent retreat of streambanks. However, modeling streambank retreat has many important applications, including the design and assessment of mitigation strategies for stream revitalization and stabilization. In order to highlight the current complexities of modeling streambank retreat and to suggest future research areas, this paper reviewed one of the most comprehensive streambank retreat models available, the Bank Stability and Toe Erosion Model (BSTEM), which has recently been integrated with several popular hydrodynamic and sediment transport models including the Hydrologic Engineering Center's River Analysis System (HEC‐RAS). The objectives of this paper were to: (i) comprehensively review studies that have utilized BSTEM and report their findings, (ii) address the limitations of the model so that it can be applied appropriately in its current form, and (iii) suggest directions of research that will help make the model a more useful tool in future applications. The paper includes an extensive overview of peer reviewed studies to guide future users of BSTEM. The review demonstrated that the model needs further testing and evaluation outside of the central United States. Also, further development is needed in terms of accounting for spatial and temporal variability in geotechnical and fluvial erodibility parameters, incorporating subaerial processes, and accounting for the influence of riparian vegetation on streambank pore‐water pressure dynamics, applied shear stress, and erodibility parameters. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The European Soil Erosion Model (EUROSEM) is a dynamic distributed model, able to simulate sediment transport, erosion and deposition over the land surface by rill and interill processes in single storms for both individual fields and small catchments. Model output includes total runoff, total soil loss, the storm hydrograph and storm sediment graph. Compared with other erosion models, EUROSEM has explicit simulation of interill and rill flow; plant cover effects on interception and rainfall energy; rock fragment (stoniness) effects on infiltration, flow velocity and splash erosion; and changes in the shape and size of rill channels as a result of erosion and deposition. The transport capacity of runoff is modelled using relationships based on over 500 experimental observations of shallow surface flows. EUROSEM can be applied to smooth slope planes without rills, rilled surfaces and surfaces with furrows. Examples are given of model output and of the unique capabilities of dynamic erosion modelling in general. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sete Cidades is a central volcano with a summit caldera at the western end of São Miguel Island, Azores. Its stratigraphy comprises two main geological groups: the Inferior Group, the units of which date from more than 200 000 years ago through to 36 000 years before present, consisting of thick lava flows and subaerial volcaniclastic deposits that built the base of the central volcano; and the Superior Group which comprises all the activity from the last 36 000 years, including pumice and scoria fallout and PDC deposits with minor lava flows. The volcanostratigraphy is divided into six main formations — Risco, Ajuda, Bretanha, Lombas, Santa Bárbara and Lagoas, each defined by different activity phases in the volcano's evolution.  相似文献   

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