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We investigate the late-time dynamics of a four-dimensional universe based on the effective action of a Brans-Dicke scalar field in the presence of the matter source term, conformal coupling of the scalar curvature to the scalar field, a dynamical cosmological constant and Gauss-Bonnet higher-order terms in the scalar curvature. Many new interesting features are revealed and discussed in some details.  相似文献   

A U(1)-symmetric Yang-Mills-Higgs (i.e., an Abelian Higgs) sunspot's model is recognized to originate from a massless, complex-valued scalar field coupled minimally to electromagnetic gauge potentials in the background of a (globally)conformally symmetric semi-metric spacetime, whose metric structure is described by the generalized Einstein equations with nonvanishing (positive-valued) cosmological constant. It is shown, in particular, that non-linearity (selfcoupling) of the scalar field appears due to a non-zeroness of the cosmological term, whereas its non-zero vacuum amplitude is induced by the (Ricci scalar) curvature of the Sun's spacetime manifold.  相似文献   

The scalar field theory on the background of cosmological models with n(n ≥ 1) spaces of constant curvature is considered. We take the integrable case of Ricci flat internal spaces. The coupling between the scalar and the gravitational fields includes the minimal coupling as well as the conformal case. In the ground state of the scalar field we find the conditions for vacuum instability realized for most of the possible solutions to Einstein's equations if the coupling parameter takes appropriate values. For the excited states of the scalar field we show the induction of massive modes and discuss their properties.  相似文献   

We consider a late closed universe of which scale factor is a power function of time using observational data from combined WMAP5+BAO+SN Ia dataset and WMAP5 dataset. The WMAP5 data give power-law exponent, α=1.01 agreeing with the previous study of H(z) data while combined data gives α=0.985. Considering a scalar field dark energy and dust fluid evolving in the power-law universe, we find field potential, field solution and equation of state parameters. Decaying from dark matter into dark energy is allowed in addition to the non-interaction case. Time scale characterizing domination of the kinematic expansion terms over the dust and curvature terms in the scalar field potential are found to be approximately 5.3 to 5.5 Gyr. The interaction affects in slightly lowering the height of scalar potential and slightly shifting potential curves rightwards to later time. Mass potential function of the interacting Lagrangian term is found to be exponentially decay function.  相似文献   

We examine the spectrum of perturbations for a scalar field with an arbitrary curvature coupling parameter in the de Sitter stage of cosmological expansion when a cosmic string is present. These perturbations are caused by vacuum fluctuations in the field and serve as seed perturbations for the formation of galaxies in the postinflationary stage. A cosmic string disrupts the homogeneity of a de Sitter space, so that the spectrum of the perturbations depends on the distance from the string. This dependence is oscillatory in character with a period on the order of the perturbation wavelength.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze higher-dimensional spherical perfect fluid collapse in \(f(R,T)\) theory for minimally coupled models. We use Darmois junction conditions by taking Lemaître-Tolman-Bondi geometry as an interior region and Schwarzschild metric as an exterior spacetime. The solution of field equations is obtained for constant scalar curvature. We determine mass in two regions of the collapsing object and discuss the formation of apparent horizons. We conclude that modified curvature term tends to slow down the collapse rate.  相似文献   

Theories with Lagrangians nonlinear in the curvature scalar can be reduced by appropriate transformations to a form similar to the Brans-Dicke model. This may enable us to have extended inflation in the early universe without the difficulties of introducing scalar fields.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the implications of a noncommutative formulation of branch-cut quantum gravity. Based on a mini-superspace structure that obeys the noncommutative Poisson algebra, combined with the Wheeler–DeWitt equation and Hořava–Lifshitz quantum gravity, we explore the impact of a scalar field of the inflaton-type in the evolution of the Universe's wave function. Taking as a starting point the Hořava–Lifshitz action, which depends on the scalar curvature of the branched Universe and its derivatives, the corresponding wave equations are derived and solved. The noncommutative quantum gravity approach adopted preserves the diffeomorphism property of General Relativity, maintaining compatibility with the Arnowitt–Deser–Misner Formalism. In this work we delve deeper into a mini-superspace of noncommutative variables, incorporating scalar inflaton fields and exploring inflationary models, particularly chaotic and nonchaotic scenarios. We obtained solutions to the wave equations without resorting to numerical approximations. The results indicate that the noncommutative algebraic space captures low and high spacetime scales, driving the exponential acceleration of the Universe.  相似文献   

An action of general form is proposed for a Universe containing matter, radiation and dark energy. The latter is interpreted as a tachyon field non-minimally coupled to the scalar curvature. The Palatini approach is used when varying the action so the connection is given by a more generic form. Both the self-interaction potential and the non-minimally coupling function are obtained by constraining the system to present invariability under global point transformation of the fields(Noether Symmetry). The only possible solution is shown to be that of minimal coupling and constant potential(Chaplygin gas). The behavior of the dynamical properties of the system is compared to recent observational data, which infers that the tachyon field must indeed be dynamical.  相似文献   

The environment, such as an accretion disk, could modify the signal of the gravitational wave from astrophysical black hole binaries. In this article, we model the matter field around intermediatemass binary black holes by means of an axion-like scalar field and investigate their joint evolution. In detail, we consider equal mass binary black holes surrounded by a shell of axion-like scalar field both in spherically symmetric and non-spherically symmetric cases, and with different strengths of the scalar field. Our result shows that the environmental scalar field could essentially modify the dynamics. Firstly,in the spherically symmetric case, with increase of the scalar field strength, the number of circular orbits for the binary black hole is reduced. This means that the scalar field could significantly accelerate the merger process. Secondly, once the scalar field strength exceeds a certain critical value, the scalar field could collapse into a third black hole with its mass being larger than that of the binary. Consequently,the new black hole that collapses from the environmental scalar field could accrete the binary promptly and the binary collides head-on with each other. In this process, there is almost no quadrupole signal produced, and, consequently, the gravitational wave is greatly suppressed. Thirdly, when the scalar field strength is relatively smaller than the critical value, the black hole orbit could develop eccentricity through accretion of the scalar field. Fourthly, during the initial stage of the inspiral, the gravitational attractive force from the axion-like scalar field could induce a sudden turn in the binary orbits, hence resulting in a transient wiggle in the gravitational waveform. Finally, in the non-spherical case, the scalar field could gravitationally attract the binary moving toward the center of mass for the scalar field and slow down the merger process.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate static cylindrically symmetric solution in metric f(R) gravity by taking matter in the form of dust. The assumption of constant Ricci scalar curvature is taken to find the solution. The energy distribution of this solution is explored by applying Landau-Lifshitz energy-momentum complex. In addition, we explore the stability as well as constant scalar curvature conditions for some viable f(R) models along with their energy distribution. It is interesting to mention here that these models satisfy the above mentioned conditions.  相似文献   

We explore the late-time dynamics of a four-dimensional homogeneous and isotropic universe based on a modified Brans-Dicke scalar tensor theory in the presence of string corrections and Gauss-Bonnet curvature corrections. Many original and attractive cosmological features are revealed and discussed in some details.  相似文献   

We consider a cosmological model in which a scalar field is non-minimally coupled to scalar torsion and a vector field through two coupling functions in the framework of teleparallel gravity. The explicit forms of the coupling functions and the scalar field potential are explored, under the assumption that the Lagrangian admits the Noether symmetry in the Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker (FLRW) space–time. The existence of such symmetry allows to solve the equations of motion and achieve exact solutions of the scale factor, scalar and vector fields. It is found that the vector field contributes significantly in the accelerating expansion of the universe in the early times, while the scalar field plays an essential role in the late times.  相似文献   

A method to compute several scalar quantities of cosmic microwave background (CMB) maps on the sphere is presented. We consider here four type of scalars: the Hessian matrix scalars, the distortion scalars, the gradient-related scalars and the curvature scalars. Such quantities are obtained directly from the spherical harmonic coefficients   a ℓ m   of the map. We also study the probability density function of these quantities for the case of a homogeneous and isotropic Gaussian field, which are functions of the power spectrum of the initial field. From these scalars it is possible to construct a new set of scalars which are independent of the power spectrum of the field. We test our results using simulations and find good agreement between the theoretical probability density functions and those obtained from simulations. Therefore, these quantities are proposed to investigate the presence of non-Gaussian features in CMB maps. Finally, we show how to compute the scalars in the presence of anisotropic noise and realistic masks.  相似文献   

The equivalence of Lagrangian containing gravitational, electromagnetic, scalar, and torsion fields is discussed. It is shown that the equation for the variation of the scalar field leads to a torsion wave equation generated by electromagnetic field leads to a torsion wave equation generated by electromagnetic fields. The system is proved to be equivalent to a Proca field coupling torsion non-minimally to a massive photon and having the scalar Higgs field as a strength of this photon-torsion coupling. The generalized Maxwell equations containing the scalar fields are obtained. The torsion potential around the Sun or a more massive collapsing star in the weak field limit is estimated.  相似文献   

Recently, Innaiah and Reddy (1985) obtained a flat Robertson-Walker-type solution for the Einstein field equations with the trace-free energy-momentum tensor of a conformally invariant scalar field as source. Here we show that the field equations force the scalar field to be independent of time. Furthermore, we obtain open and closed Robertson-Walker-type solutions and observe that, once again, the scalar field has to be independent of time.  相似文献   

The phase space of a cosmological model with a scalar field coupled to curvature is discussed in detail for any value of the coupling constant ξ and any power law (ϕ2n) potential. The results obtained generalize previous studies with minimal coupling (ξ = 0) and quadratic or quartic potentials to the entire parameter space (ξ, n). In many cases one finds global attractors and inflationary trajectories, with or without the correct Friedmannian limit. If the coupling constant is positive, a forbidden region cuts out a large part of the phase space, while, if it is negative, escaping regions may occur. Semi-classical instability of vacuum states and singularity-free trajectories are also discussed.  相似文献   

Motivated by the holographic principle, it has been suggested that the dark energy density may be inversely proportional to the area A of the event horizon of the universe. However, such a model would have a causality problem. In this work, we consider the entropy-corrected version of the holographic dark energy model in the non-flat FRW universe and we propose to replace the future event horizon area with the inverse of the Ricci scalar curvature. We obtain the equation of state (EoS) parameter ω Λ, the deceleration parameter q and WD¢\Omega_{D}' in the presence of interaction between Dark Energy (DE) and Dark Matter (DM). Moreover, we reconstruct the potential and the dynamics of the tachyon, K-essence, dilaton and quintessence scalar field models according to the evolutionary behavior of the interacting entropy-corrected holographic dark energy model.  相似文献   

The problem of electromagnetic field interacting with viscous fluid without and with zero-mass scalar field has been studied. It has been shown that electromagnetic field cannot interact with viscous fluid for spherically-symmetric Robertson-Walker metric. Exact solutions corresponding to the problem of electromagnetic field interactions in presence of viscous fluid and zero-mass scalar field have been obtained subject to various physical conditions. It presents a scope for the study of imperfect fluid FRW models showing the existence of the electromagnetic field due to the presence of zero-mass scalar field.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate spherically symmetric perfect fluid gravitational collapse in metric f(R) gravity. We take non-static spherically symmetric metric in the interior region and static spherically symmetric metric in the exterior region of a star. The junction conditions between interior and exterior spacetimes are derived. The field equations in f(R) theory are solved using the assumption of constant Ricci scalar. Inserting their solution into junction conditions, the gravitational mass is found. Further, the apparent horizons and their time of formation is discussed. We conclude that the constant scalar curvature term f(R 0) acts as a source of repulsive force and thus slows down the collapse of matter. The comparison with the corresponding results available in general relativity indicates that f(R 0) plays the role of the cosmological constant.  相似文献   

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