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国内外尚无人对冰力掩蔽效应进行专门研究。通过低温冰工程实验室内的冰力模型试验,研究了多桩柱结构在不同位置时桩柱间对冰力的掩蔽效应,探索了冰力掩蔽效应的机理和规律,得到了不同冰厚、不同桩柱直径、不同冰攻角、桩柱间不同位置时的冰力掩蔽系数。研究结果可供工程应用。  相似文献   

SHI  Qing-zeng 《中国海洋工程》2002,16(4):561-568
The effect of the cone spacing of a conieal structure on the ice force is studied by model experiments. The ice force reduction coefficient presented in this paper expresses the relationship between the ice force and the arrangement of cones. The experiments prove that the mode of the ice failure before the boundary of upward-downward bending cone (UDBC) is crushing. A conclusion can also be drawn from the experiments that the ice force on the boundary of UDBC is by far less than that on a vertical pile with the same diameter. Moreover, the ice force frequencies on upright and inve-rted cones are obtained under the field condition of the platform JZ20-2, respectively. The results show that the alterna-tion of the ice force on UDBC can hardly induce resonance of platform JZ20-2.  相似文献   

To study ice-induced vibration of a compliant conical structure,a series of model tests were performed from 2004 to 2005.In the tests,the ice sheet before the compliant conical structure was found to fail in two-time breaking.From 2005 to 2006,this type of ice failure was studied through more groups of tests.The tests show that two-time breaking is the typical failure of ice before steep conical structures,and is controlled by other factors at the same time,such as ice speed and the angle of the cone.  相似文献   

Spectrum and self-excite characters are the two significant characters of the dynamics of sea ice. The spectrum character of sea ice is mainly shown by the spectrum of ice force. The spectrum character of the sea ice is its intrinsic attributes. When the spectrum of ice force from the dynamic response of ice and structure interaction are evaluated, the effect of dynamic character of the structure must be eliminated. In this paper, the ice force spectrum at Bohai Bay and Liaodong Bay is evaluated from the displacement and strain responses of a single degree and a multi-degree freedom structure. The evaluated ice force spectrum can be used to define the spectrum character of ice in the analysis of ice induced vibration.  相似文献   

Characteristics of the Function of Ice Force on Vertical Cylindrical Piles   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A lot of tests on ice forces on vertical cylindrical piles are conducted in the ice basin of ice laboratory in Tianjin University to identify the characteristics of ice forces on fixed platforms in the Bohai Gulf. A function of ice forces is simplified on basis of test data, and the charateristics of the ice forces including the amplitude of the force and the breaking frequency of the ice sheet is detailed by use of the Fast-Fourier-Transform method. The results show that the ice breaking frequency presents a linear relationship with the ratio of ice moving velocity to ice thickness at low velocities. At high velocities, the frequency remains constant with the increase of the ratio of ice moving velocity to ice thickness. These conclusions are compared those published in literature.  相似文献   

Non-Simultaneous Failure of Ice in Front of Multi-Leg Structures   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
SHI  Qingzeng 《中国海洋工程》2002,16(2):183-192
Because the multi-leg jacket structure is the major type of offshore structures in the Bohai Sea, the study of non-si-multaneous failure of i鏴 on multi-leg structures is important. However, the non-simultaneous failure has not been consid-ered in engineering design until now, obviously resulting in costly design and notable waste. To resolve this problem, this paper, by means of analysis of experimental data, calculates the coefficient of the non-simultaneous failure for the double-pile structure, the square four-leg structure, the single-line multi-pile structure, and the conical structure, respectively, and provides some reference criteria for engineering design.  相似文献   

- Usually, the action of sea ice on offshore engineering structures is one of the controlling loads in cold waters engineering structure design. The reasonable selection of environmental condition and the physical mechanical properties of ice in the region are directly related to the structure design, operation and safety. In this paper, the sea ice force acting on the structure, the physical mechanical properties of ice and the selection of parameters in calculation are discussed. Some suggestions are proposed as to the calculation of various kinds of ice loads acting on the structure.  相似文献   

For the study on the ice-induced vibration of a compliant mono-cone structure,a series of model tests were performed from 2004 to 2006.In these tests,the ice sheet before the compliant conical structure was found to be failed in two-time breaking.Based on this important finding,model tests study of the ice force on a compliant multi-cone structure were performed from 2006 to 2007.in these tests,the ice sheet broke before each single cone non-simultaneously.The exciting energy of the total ice force was found to be in a wide range of frequencies,and the structure can be easily excited with nonlinear resonance.  相似文献   

基于实测动冰力时程的海洋平台结构冰振反应分析   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
冰激平台结构振动是影响渤海石油钻采平台冬季正常生产和安全的主要因素。本文采用实测冰压力时程,对渤海辽东湾北部的JZ20-2MUQ平台结构进行了冰振反应分析,计算了不同设计冰厚、不同冰作用方向和标高及平台桩腿有无正倒锥体(一种破冰装置)的结构反应,探讨了正倒锥体对减轻冰力和结构反应的作用,发现了结构冰激振动的一些特征,为在该平台上实施振动控制方案提供了依据  相似文献   

A New Model for Ice Forces on A Conical Structure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ice force is an important factor to be taken into account for offshore structures in cold regions, and the calculation method of the ice force is meaningful for the offshore structure design. The cone is now used as an optimal ice-resistant structure because it can cause bending failure of the ice sheet. The interaction between an ice sheet and a conical structure is studied in this paper and Croasdale‘s model is modified based on field observations. The newly built model separates the ice sheet into the emersed part and the floating part, and the equilibrium analyses are canied out respectively. The bending moment distribution of the ice sheet is analyzed for the determination of the position of bending failure, which serves as a supplementary restraint. The analytic solution of the ice foree on a conical structure is obtained it is verified with the experimental data of previous researches.  相似文献   

1.Introduction Inthedesignofoceanengineeringstructuresforcoldregioncountries,iceloadsarealwaysthe controlloads,andthedesignofice resistingstructuresisoneoftheimportantdesignaspects.Fornat uralseaice,theflexuralstrengthisalwaysonethirdofthecompressivestrength.Soconicalstructures thatcouldinducethebendingfailureoficesheetsarewidelyusedinthedesignsofice resistingstruc tures.Forexample,theplatformKullukintheBeaufortSeaisaninvertedconicalstructure,andan upward downwardbendingconeisusedonplatformJ…  相似文献   

海洋平台结构的冰力作用模型   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
首先分析了工程中静冰力计算中普遍应用的Korzhavin -Afanasev公式和Schawz公式 ,提出了统一的静冰力模型 ,给出了挤压破坏、屈曲破坏和弯曲破坏冰力系数函数CI(t)。应用该冰力模型分析了自激振动产生的条件 ,指出冰屈曲破坏和弯曲破坏动冰力可以作为强迫振动模型 ,冰挤压破坏动冰力则需要考虑CI(t)与冰阻尼的耦合效应。最后应用冰力一般模型计算单自由度结构的响应  相似文献   

介绍了海冰观测中冰样压缩机的重要作用;阐述了冰压机各组成部分的设计原理和操作步骤;列出了表征海冰单轴抗压强度性能的部分参数和计算方法;对整机标定的方法提出了设计方案。  相似文献   

In respect of an offshore berthing pillar, the test study result of current force acting on mooring ships is described in this paper. Empirical and semi-empirical relationships of current force coefficient are given according to the angle between the flow direction and the ship's longitudinal axis, which are coincident with the result of theoretical analysis.  相似文献   

ZHANG  Yunliang 《中国海洋工程》2002,16(3):273-282
The sea ice is idealized as an elastic-brittle material. When an ice sheet moves toward a structure, the dynamic in-teraction between ice and the structure is analyzed by the DDA (Discontinuous Deformation Analysis) approach, where the ice sheet and the structure are considered as assemblages of blocky masses. This has the advantages that the whole process of collision between the ice and structure can be shown visually vvith a series of pictures. Meanwhile, the dynamic response of the structure at each time step after the bumping of the ice against the structure is calculated. And with the aid of inverse analysis developed by the authors, the time history of the resultant ice force exerting on the structure is evaluated. A numerical example shows that the proposed approach is suitable to the simulation of the ice-breaking process and reasonable result of ice force acting on the structure can be obtained.  相似文献   

Based on the 1st order cnoidal wave theory, the wave diffraction around the pier group inshallow water is studied in this paper. The formulas for calculating the nonlinear wave forces are also presented here. In order to verify the theoretical results, model tests are conducted in the wave flume in The State Key Laboratory of Coastal and Offshore Engineering located in Dalian University of Technology. The range of the wave parameters in the experiments is characteristic wave period T g/d~(1/2) = 8.08- 22.86, characteristic wave height H/ d= 0.1 ~ 0.45. The results obtained from the experiments agree with the theoretical results quite well. It is shown that, in shallow water the nonlinear wave forces acting on a pier group are greater than those calculated by linear wave theory, the value of increment in wave force increases with the increases of the nonlinearity of the wave. In the wave range studied in this paper, the nonlinear wave force can reach over 4 times the force calculatecd by linear wave theory. Thus, it is suggested that, when Tg / d~(1/2)> 8, the wave force on the piers in the pier group in shallow water should be calculated by using the cnoidal wave theory.  相似文献   

滩海桶形基础极限水平承载力研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
桶形基础是90年代初期发展起来的一种新型海洋工程结构,与传统的海洋结构基础型式相比有很多优点。但是,目前尚无计算桶形基础的承载力的规范依据和简单实用的计算方法。文章在分析与研究室内、外模型试验结果的基础上,利用Winkler假定,按空间问题推出了一个形式简单的桶形基础水平极限承载力计算公式,并由试验结果验证了这一公式的合理性。  相似文献   

受全球气候变化的影响,极区海浪尤其是北极海浪在过去几十年发生了显著的变化,使得海冰边缘区海冰与海浪的相互作用愈发显著。本文从物理海洋学的角度出发,较系统地总结了海冰对海浪作用研究的国内外现状,从理论和实测的角度分别探讨了海冰对海浪能量的耗散及其引起的波动频散关系的变化,同时分析了当前海冰覆盖海域海浪的数值模拟与现场观测研究,指出了未来开展有冰海域海浪数值模拟与预报所面临的主要问题,并对该方向今后的研究做出展望。总体来看,尽管海冰对海浪作用的机理复杂且与海冰类型高度相关,但是海冰对海浪能量的衰减与传播距离基本呈指数关系,并且海冰会一定程度上影响海浪的传播速度。未来依然需要更多不同海冰类型下海浪的观测数据以开展进一步的机理分析、模型检验和参数校准,进而实现高精度的业务化预报。  相似文献   

甘氨酸镁对南极冰藻促生长作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了甘氨酸镁对南极冰藻的促生长作用。甘氨酸镁已被美国和欧盟等发达国家大量用作新型无公害植物促生长剂和丰产剂。用不同浓度的甘氨酸镁 (0 ,2 5× 1 0 - 6,5 0× 1 0 - 6,1 0 0× 1 0 - 6,2 0 0× 1 0 - 6,40 0× 1 0 - 6)对国家海洋局海洋生物活性物质重点实验室保存的南极冰藻L 1绿藻 (Pyramimonassp.)和 H1硅藻 (Bacillariophyceae )进行培养。实验结果表明 ,甘氨酸镁对南极冰藻 L1绿藻和 H1硅藻有显著促生长作用 ,而且从 L1绿藻和 H1硅藻的生长曲线可以看出 ,甘氨酸镁浓度越高促生长作用越强 ,这将为海洋微藻的培养提供一种新型的生长促进剂  相似文献   

我国渤海每年约有3个月的结冰期,冰与海洋结构的相互作用远较波浪为甚,因此有必要进行冰与海洋结构相互作用的可靠性分析.首先,采用热力学的方法根据每年实测的环境参数对海冰平整冰厚进行数值模拟计算,然后根据计算结果对不同重现期的极值冰厚采用极值统计法给出了极值分布,并与其他文献作比较.其次,以应变速率为海冰强度的主要影响参数,给出了海冰强度的概率分布.最后,以Schwarz公式为静冰力计算公式,结合得到的冰厚和冰强度的概率分布,采用映射变换法进行不同重现期静冰力的可靠度分析计算,并用蒙特卡罗重点抽样法进行模拟.  相似文献   

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