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Coastal upwelling systems are regions with highly variable physical processes and very high rates of primary production and very little is known about the effect of these factors on the short-term variations of CO2 fugacity in seawater (fCO2w). This paper presents the effect of short-term variability (<1 week) of upwelling–downwelling events on CO2 fugacity in seawater (fCO2w), oxygen, temperature and salinity fields in the Ría de Vigo (a coastal upwelling ecosystem). The magnitude of fCO2w values is physically and biologically modulated and ranges from 285 μatm in July to 615 μatm in October. There is a sharp gradient in fCO2w between the inner and the outer zone of the Ría during almost all the sampling dates, with a landward increase in fCO2w.CO2 fluxes calculated from local wind speed and air–sea fCO2 differences indicate that the inner zone is a sink for atmospheric CO2 in December only (−0.30 mmol m−2 day−1). The middle zone absorbs CO2 in December and July (−0.05 and −0.27 mmol·m−2 day−1, respectively). The oceanic zone only emits CO2 in October (0.36 mmol·m−2 day−1) and absorbs at the highest rate in December (−1.53 mmol·m−2 day−1).  相似文献   

Since 1987, twice weekly, hydrological variables have been monitored at a fixed station in the Ría de Vigo (NW Spain), aiming to examine the time scales of variability and the relationships to meteorological conditions. The present paper analyses: (1) the advantage of Box-Jenkins transfer function (TF) models (single output–multiple input), a type of linear stochastic model, to describe the dynamic behaviour of the system; and (2) the coupling between the Ría and meteorological events at the time scale of autonomy of this coastal inlet affected by the Iberian coastal upwelling, approximately a fortnightly period. In order to achieve these objectives, thermohaline properties have been used to characterize the estuarine ecosystem (output variables), while wind regime, runoff in the drainage basin and incoming solar radiation have been considered as the main forcing variables (input variables). The use of the amplitude time series, derived from principal component analysis (PCA) applied to the deseasonalized meteorological variables, is also explored as a different set of input variables.When compared with standard regression models, all TF models built to describe thermohaline behaviour had reduced residual variance. Similar TF models, as well as percentage of explained variance, were also obtained when meteorological variables or the amplitude time series were used as input variables. The fitted TF models provided an insight into the ‘ inertial ’ behaviour of the system and the time scales of coupling of the system with the forcing variables. The plausible physical mechanisms which link the response of the system with the observed meteorological variability are also discussed. As could be expected, bottom thermohaline properties show a stronger inertial behaviour than the surface ones, which is particularly marked for bottom temperature. Besides, the shelf domain, by means of upwelling-downwelling events, strongly influences surface and bottom temperature, as well as bottom salinity; by contrast, surface salinity is mainly influenced by the effect of wind along the main axis of the Ría and runoff. In relation to the time scales of coupling between the system and the forcing variables, thermohaline properties show a dependance with the meteorological conditions in, at least, the immediately preceding fortnight period. It was concluded that: (1) TF models that incorporate meteorological information described the dynamic behaviour of the system adequately; and (2) this type of model can be useful as a first approximation to develop more sophisticated (deterministic) models, since, with the purpose of modelling any state variable of the system, both the coupling between different domains and the time scales of the interactions must be taken into account.  相似文献   

The Ría de Ribadeo, a small embayment in NW Spain, was observed for the first time using three months of ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) current meter records and three CTD (Conductivity Temperature Depth) surveys. A wave driven circulation pattern arises from the observations, instead of the shelf wind driven circulation of other Galician Rias. Based on ADCP records, a unidirectional flow in the horizontal velocity field coexists with the classic two-layer circulation (bidirectional flow). The proposed horizontal circulation pattern can then be explained as a wave driven inflow. This flow enters the ria through the west side, describes an anticlockwise gyre inside of it, and flows out through the east side. Numerical simulations run with the HAMSOM (Hamburg Shelf Ocean Model) agreed with observations, confirming the proposed pattern.  相似文献   

Seasonal monitoring of the levels of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in two green macroalgae (Ulva and Enteromorpha) was carried out at 22 sampling sites in four embayments (rías) on the northwest coast of Spain. Sediments were also analysed to determine the concentrations of these elements as well as organic matter, organic carbon, iron and texture. In addition, accumulations of Ulva were monitored. Nitrogen levels in algae were similar to those found in comparable studies, whereas carbon concentrations were generally higher and those of phosphorus were lower. As a result the macroalgae were relatively enriched by carbon and nitrogen compared with phosphorus. Seasonal variations in algal tissue nitrogen and phosphorus followed the usual pattern for temperate zones, with minimum levels in summer and maximum levels in winter. Variations in carbon concentrations were much less accentuated. The low levels of P in the algae appear to indicate limitation by this element, however, comparison of the monthly changes in nitrogen and phosphorus in Ulva with the critical concentrations of these elements suggests dual nutrient limitation in this alga in summer. By contrast, the sediments were more enriched by phosphorus; high retention of this element by the sediment may explain the low levels in algae. The highest accumulations of Ulva occurred in spring and summer; hydrodynamic factors appeared to be important in determining the extent of these accumulations.  相似文献   

The role of coastal lagoons and estuaries as sources or sinks of inorganic carbon in upwelling areas has not been fully understood. During the months of May–July, 2005, we studied the dissolved inorganic carbon system in a coastal lagoon of northwestern Mexico during the strongest period of upwelling events. Along the bay, different scenarios were observed for the distributions of pH, dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and apparent oxygen utilization (AOU) as a result of different combinations of upwelling intensity and tidal amplitude. DIC concentrations in the outer part of the bay were controlled by mixing processes. At the inner part of the bay DIC was as low as 1800 μmol kg−1, most likely due to high water residence times and seagrass CO2 uptake. It is estimated that 85% of San Quintín Bay, at the oceanic end, acted as a source of CO2 to the atmosphere due to the inflow of CO2-rich upwelled waters from the neighboring ocean with high positive fluxes higher than 30 mmol C m−2 d−1. In contrast, there was a net uptake of CO2 and HCO3 by the seagrass bed Zostera marina in the inner part of the bay, so the pCO2 in this zone was below the equilibrium value and slightly negative CO2 fluxes of −6 mmol C m−2 d−1. Our positive NEP and ΔDIC values indicate that Bahía San Quintín was a net autotrophic system during the upwelling season during 2005.  相似文献   

Abstract. The population biology of the portunid crab Liocarcinus arcuatus is analyzed over a yearly cycle in beach zones and mussel raft culture areas in the Ria de Arousa.
The breeding cycle of this species has two annual peaks, which result in two annual cohorts that are recruited in different areas. The growth rate is higher in the group settled in spring than in autumn, and, especially, in the culture areas compared with the beach zones. There are movements from the beach zones to the raft polygons related to reproductive and feeding behavior as well as growth. The role of mussel culture in the dynamics of this species is discussed.  相似文献   

Carbonate system parameters (pH and alkalinity) were used to estimate the coastal water CO2 fluxes off central Chile (30°S) during September 2007. Coastal waters rich in nitrate and silicate were strongly CO2 supersaturated and normally poor in chlorophyll a. MODIS satellite chlorophyll a data suggest that phytoplankton biomass remained particularly low during September 2007 although coastal waters were highly fertilized with nitrate and silicate. The phytoplankton gross primary productivity in macronutrient-rich waters was very low with the exception of shallow waters (e.g. within or near bays). Several iron-enrichment bottle experiments show that fCO2 rapidly decreases during iron-enrichment treatments compared to controls. This suggests that iron limitation of phytoplankton growth (mainly diatoms) plays a role in maintaining high-CO2 outgassing by preventing rapid interception of upwelled CO2.  相似文献   

During CREAMS expeditions, fCO2 for surface waters was measured continuously along the cruise tracks. The fCO2 in surface waters in summer varied in the range 320–440 μatm, showing moderate supersaturation with respect to atmospheric CO2. In winter, however, fCO2 showed under-saturation of CO2 in most of the area, while varying in a much wider range from 180 to 520 μatm. Some very high fCO2 values observed in the northern East Sea (Japan Sea) appeared to be associated with the intensive convection system developed in the area. A gas-exchange model was developed for describing the annual variation of fCO2 and for estimating the annual flux of CO2 at the air-sea interface. The model incorporated annual variations in SST, the thickness of the mixed layer, gas exchange associated with wind velocity, biological activity and atmospheric concentration of CO2. The model shows that the East Sea releases CO2 into the atmosphere from June to September, and absorbs CO2 during the rest of the year, from October through May. The net annual CO2 flux at the air-sea interface was estimated to be 0.032 (±0.012) Gt-C per year from the atmosphere into the East Sea. Water column chemistry shows penetration of CO2 into the whole water column, supporting a short turnover time for deep waters in the East Sea. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Cold filaments associated with Eastern Boundary Currents are typically narrower than 100 km but can be several hundred kilometers long, extending from the coast to the open ocean in upwelling areas. One such structure, observed off Península de Mejillones (23°S, Chile), was studied with both satellite images and two 5-days hydrographic cruises carried out during January 1997. The study used a coastal grid of 31 stations in an area of 165 ×155 km2, approximately. The spatial distribution of the filament and its change between cruises are described from the horizontal distributions of dynamic height, temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen. The filament was a shallow feature (thickness <100 m) and extended at least 165 km toward the open ocean. A meandering northward current flowed at the borders of the filament, separating oceanic and coastal waters of different physical properties. Comparisons of cross sections of the filament near the coast and in the oceanic zone show the ascent of the shallow salinity minimum (SSM), and its extension toward the ocean, bound to the filament. It is concluded that Subantarctic Water ((SAAW) distinguish by low salinity, high dissolved oxygen) and Equatorial Subsurface Water ((ESSW) high salinity, low dissolved oxygen, high nutrient content) form this filament, and that their relative proportions depend on the strength of the coastal upwelling. Thus, the knowledge of the dynamics of these structures is fundamental to better understanding of the spatial distribution of important biological variables, such as nutrients and chlorophyll, in the coastal ecosystem.  相似文献   

The option of storing CO2 in subsea rock formations to mitigate future increases in atmospheric CO2 may induce problems for animals in the deep sea. In the present study the deep-sea bivalve Acesta excavata was subjected to environmental hypercapnia (pHSW 6.35, PCO2 = 33,000 μatm) corresponding to conditions reported from natural CO2 seeps. Effects on acid–base status and metabolic rate were related to time of exposure and subsequent recovery. During exposure there was an uncompensated drop in both hemolymph and intracellular pH. Intracellular pH returned to control values, while extracellular pH remained significantly lower during recovery. Intracellular non-bicarbonate buffering capacity of the posterior adductor muscle of hypercapnic animals was significantly lower than control values, but this was not the case for the remaining tissues analyzed. Oxygen consumption initially dropped by 60%, but then increased during the final stages of exposure, which may suggest a higher tolerance to hypercapnia than expected for a deep-living species.  相似文献   

Whitemouth croaker (Micropogonias furnieri) larvae obtained and hydrographic data collected in the Rio de la Plata estuary (35°S–56°W) between 1987 and 2000 were used to explore the early life stages spatial and temporal distribution patterns and their relation to oceanographic features. The spatial distribution, restricted to a band in the inner part of the estuary, coincided with the bottom salinity front and the maximum turbidity zone (MTZ, turbidity front). Larvae were present during the warmest months (October through May) within a range of 14–24.5 °C temperature and 0.9–33 salinity. A vertically stratified sampling performed in the region where the largest abundance was found (December 2005 and March 2006) was used to test the hypothesis that larvae retention occurs in the bottom salinity front.The vertically stratified sampling showed larvae throughout the water column with high predominance in the river–estuary transition zone. A positive correlation between abundance and the bottom salinity horizontal gradient was found. The size analysis showed that the largest individuals (>10 mm SL), probably undergoing the settlement process, inhabited near the bottom and that the smallest (<10 mm SL) were present in the whole water column. Length distribution along the front showed no trend.Results support the estuarine retention hypothesis of previous studies on whitemouth croaker gravid females, eggs distribution and outcomes from a numerical simulation model. Retention in the salinity front/MTZ would allow larvae to benefit from food accumulation in the region, the high turbidity level provide shelter against predators and retention in the estuary secure closeness to the main nursery ground.  相似文献   

Primary production (PP), calcification (CAL), bacterial production (BP) and dark community respiration (DCR) were measured along with a set of various biogeochemical variables, in early June 2006, at several stations at the shelf break of the northern Bay of Biscay. The cruise was carried out after the main spring diatom bloom that, based on the analysis of a time-series of remotely sensed chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), peaked in mid-April. Remotely sensed sea surface temperature (SST) indicated the occurrence of enhanced vertical mixing (due to internal tides) at the continental slope, while adjacent waters on the continental shelf were stratified, as confirmed by vertical profiles of temperature acquired during the cruise. The surface layer of the stratified water masses (on the continental shelf) was depleted of inorganic nutrients. Dissolved silicate (DSi) levels probably did not allow significant diatom development. We hypothesize that mixing at the continental slope allowed the injection of inorganic nutrients that triggered the blooming of mixed phytoplanktonic communities dominated by coccolithophores (Emiliania huxleyi) that were favoured with regards to diatoms due to the low DSi levels. Based on this conceptual frame, we used an indicator of vertical stratification to classify the different sampled stations, and to reconstruct the possible evolution of the bloom from the onset at the continental slope (triggered by vertical mixing) through its development as the water mass was advected on-shelf and stratified. We also established a carbon mass balance at each station by integrating in the photic layer PP, CAL and DCR. This allowed computation at each station of the contribution of PP, CAL and DCR to CO2 fluxes in the photic layer, and how they changed from one station to another along the sequence of bloom development (as traced by the stratification indicator). This also showed a shift from net autotrophy to net heterotrophy as the water mass aged (stratified), and suggested the importance of extracellular production of carbon to sustain the bacterial demand in the photic and aphotic layers.  相似文献   

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