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越浪式发电装置具有结构稳定、可靠性高等优点。在前人的研究基础上,对越浪式波能发电装置的模型进行了优化设计,通过模型实验研究了该波能发电装置在不同波况、不同干舷高度下对波能的俘获能力以及结构的受力情况。对越浪量的试验结果进行了无量纲分析,分别得出了越浪式模型装置的越浪量关于干舷高度和波高的指数函数拟合曲线,总结了两者对越浪量影响的普遍规律。通过对规则波和不规则波波浪作用下装置受力结果的归纳总结,探讨了波能装置波压力和浮托力变化的一般规律。本研究可为越浪式波能发电装置的研究提供参考依据,为波浪能的利用提供一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

碟形越浪式波能发电装置是1种新型的波能发电装置,本文对其几何形状及尺寸进行了初始设计。通过对装置越浪性能的物理模型试验研究,揭示了装置越浪量与入射波要素的变化关系,得到了不同干舷高度在各入射波要素下装置的波能俘获能力。  相似文献   

应用镜像原理,将正交直墙前单个圆柱的波浪绕射问题,转化为4个对称布置圆柱的4向入射波浪的绕射问题。然后应用速度势的特征展开方法和Graf加法定理,建立了正交直墙前垂直圆柱的波浪绕射解析解。通过数值计算研究了圆柱与正交直墙间距离大小、波浪入射角等因素与圆柱上总波浪作用力的解析关系。  相似文献   

In the design process of berm breakwaters, their front slope recession has an inevitable rule in large number of model tests, and this parameter being studied. This research draws its data from Moghim’s and Shekari’s experiment results. These experiments consist of two different 2D model tests in two wave flumes, in which the berm recession to different sea state and structural parameters have been studied. Irregular waves with a JONSWAP spectrum were used in both test series. A total of 412 test results were used to cover the impact of sea state conditions such as wave height, wave period, storm duration and water depth at the toe of the structure, and structural parameters such as berm elevation from still water level, berm width and stone diameter on berm recession parameters. In this paper, a new set of equations for berm recession is derived using the M5'' model tree as a machine learning approach. A comparison is made between the estimations by the new formula and the formulae recently given by other researchers to show the preference of new M5'' approach.  相似文献   

基于青岛崂山前海直立式防波堤兼码头工程的设计,通过规范计算值与断面物理模型试验数据的对比分析,合理确定断面尺度、堤顶高程和越浪量等重要设计参数。特别是通过多组试验的数据分析,对挡浪墙的外形尺度和护底宽度进行优化,采用通过增大护底块体重量的方式有效地减小护底长度,充分运用试验手段对于设计规范的护底相关规定做出了有益的探索和补充,为深水直立式防波堤的设计改进提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

Prediction of run-up level is a key task in design of the coastal structures. For the design of the crest level of coastal structures, the wave run-up level with a 2% exceedance probability, Ru2%, is most commonly used. In this study, the performance of M5 model tree for prediction of the wave run-up on rubble-mound structures was investigated. The main advantage of model trees, unlike the other soft computing tools, is their easier use and more importantly their understandable mathematical rules. Experimental data set of Van der Meer and Stam was used for developing model trees. The conventional governing parameters were selected as the input variables and the obtained results were compared with Van der Meer and Stam’s formula, recommended by the Coastal Engineering Manual (CEM, 2006). The predictive accuracy of the model tree approach was found to be superior to that of Van der Meer and Stam’s empirical formula. Furthermore, to judge the generalization capability of the model tree method, the model developed based on laboratory data set was validated with the prototype run-up measurements on the Zeebrugge breakwater, Belgium. Results show that the model tree is more accurate than empirical formulas and TS Fuzzy approach in estimating the full-scale run-up.  相似文献   

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