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地处伏牛山与外方山系交汇处的嵩县石场村自然景观优美.历史文化厚重,是众多游人争相往之的旅游热地,在那里,古人留下的石头用具琳琅满目、不胜枚举,石质建筑鳞次栉比、特色鲜明,石雕更是栩栩如生、惟妙惟肖,宛如一座天然的“石头”乐园,让人心驰神往、洗连忘返。  相似文献   

A case study is presented of a regional development model for valley economies in the mountain areas of Beijing, China. The nature and framework of the valley economy model are described and the development of the model, which is specific to the mountain areas of Beijing, is analyzed. Five different valley economy models applied in the Beijing mountain areas are compared. The major purpose of the valley economy model is to develop the regional economy, including the selection of appropriate industries, the allocation of industrial space, the establishment of supply chains and the integration of various industries. Pilot experiments using the valley economy model have been conducted in seven counties(districts) in Beijing: Pinggu, Huairou, Changping, Mentougou, and Fangshan districts, and Yanqing and Miyun counties. Five models for developing the Beijing mountain areas have been explored, including: creative cultural industries, characteristic industry clusters, the promotion of large tourist areas, natural scenic tourism and folk cultural tourism. Each model has its own unique features and potential to help in the regional development of mountain areas.  相似文献   

○引言:一个历史学家那铿锵的回声 "今后中国可能继续保持其典型的矛盾而避免极端.这种办法也是环境逼然.实际上,一方面既要扶持私人资本,一方面又要防制其过度发展,也是孙中山在《三民主义》里揭橥的宗旨,已在半个世纪之前宣布流传.很可能这也是发展较迟的国家今后通用的办法.只是在中国一切未成定型之前,这种两端讨好的办法免不了产生一种照片上双重曝光的印象.以一个国家追求两种'主义',也使人猜想他们所代表的力量必将斗争得你死我活……可是有思想的观察者不会忽视当前问题之所在.耕地不足、人口过剩,以及如工业化和保护环境之冲突等基本问题绝不会因革命成功而扫除.自然之灾害仍将不断发生,虽说救灾的能力已较前加强.中国经济完全由货币操纵之后,先进国家繁荣及市场不景气之周期也会随着发生."  相似文献   

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