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Tidal flat ecosystem simulators are used to clarify the effects of stranded fuel oil on tidal flat ecosystems. Results show that oil spills increase the periphyton on sediment by decreasing the predation stress caused by deposit feeders. About a month after an oil spill, the total population density of the macrobenthos recovered. The oxidation-reduction potential in the surface sediment drops to a negative value after the oil spill, and the anaerobic condition throughout the sediment seems to be responsible for the decrease in the population density of the macrobenthos. The infiltration volume of seawater into the oil-stranded sediment decreases to a third of that without the oil spill. The recovery of infiltration volume after about a month coincides with the recovery of the population density of the macrobenthos. This result suggests that the macrobenthic population is highly dependent on the infiltration of seawater.  相似文献   

A specific monitoring program was implemented in the estuaries of Cantabria (northern Spain) in order to assess the medium-term effects (2003-2005) of the Prestige oil spill (POS) on benthic macroinvertebrate communities. A control-impact design was adopted, examining four unaffected and five oil-affected estuaries. High mortalities and significant differences in overall richness and diversity between the control and impacted estuaries were not detected. Some changes in the temporal evolution of species abundance were observed for some key species, but these could not be related to the spillage event. It was not possible to ensure that low magnitude effects had not occurred, due to the high range of natural variability of benthic communities, the confounding effects of other contamination sources and the absence of previous reference conditions.  相似文献   

A statistical oil spill response model is developed and validated by means of actual oil slick observations reported during the Prestige accident and trajectories of drifter buoys. The model is based on the analysis of a database of hypothetical oil spill scenarios simulated by means of a Lagrangian transport model. To carry out the simulations, a re-analysis database consisting of 44-year hindcast dataset of wind and waves and climatologic daily mean surface currents is used. The number of scenarios required to obtain statistically reliable results is investigated, finding that 200 scenarios provide an optimal balance between the accuracy of the results and the computational effort. The reliability of the model was analyzed by comparing the actual data with the numerical results. The agreement found between actual and numerical data shows that the developed statistical oil spill model is a valuable tool to support spill response planning.  相似文献   

In January 1990, an oil spill damaged salt marshes along the banks of the Arthur Kill (New York and New Jersey, USA). In the years following the spill, Spartina alterniflora seedlings were planted at a number of the oil damaged sites and successfully reestablished at these sites. In 1996, the National Marine Fisheries Service began a study to compare the benthic invertebrate assemblages at the reestablished S. alterniflora marshes to those at nearby existing marshes in the Arthur Kill. Oligochaetes, nematodes, and the small tube-building polychaete, Manayunkia aestuarina were the dominant taxa in the study. Significant differences were found in the abundances of all invertebrate individuals, oligochaetes, and nematodes between the September and May sampling times but not between reestablished and existing marshes. Although benthic invertebrate community structure was similar at reestablished and existing marshes three to four years after planting, the functional similarity of these marshes was not assessed in this study.  相似文献   

The BP MC252 well failure in the Gulf of Mexico, April 2010 caused concern for crude oil and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAHs) exposure along the sandy beaches of the Florida Panhandle. We began collections of Coquina clams (Donax spp.) from the surf zone of Florida Panhandle beaches to monitor PAH contamination to compliment analysis of surf zone sand samples. These clams had higher levels of PAHs relative to ambient sand, and this allowed us to continue to monitor PAH levels after sand concentrations fell below limits of detection. PAH levels in the Coquina tissues were highly variable, perhaps indicative of the heterogeneous distribution of oil and tar on the beaches and exposure to tar particles. Overall, PAH levels decreased continuously in both sand and Coquina tissues, reaching limits of detection within one and two years respectively after oil landed on Florida Panhandle beaches. Our work suggests these surf zone molluscs may be used to monitor pollutant exposure along high energy sandy beach shorelines.  相似文献   

A small experimental oil spill was conducted on the northern tip of Baffin Island Nunavut, Canada (72 degrees 31' N, 79 degrees 50' W) in August 1981, and the natural weathering of the oil has been followed by periodic visits. This paper reports on the chemical composition of oil collected in August 2001. The vast majority of the initial oil has gone, but small patches remain. Some samples remain essentially unaltered despite their 20 years of exposure to the elements, while others show that biodegradation and photooxidation can play important roles in removing the majority of the components of the oil. Using 17alpha(H)21beta(H)hopane as a conserved marker within the oil, we show that the most biodegraded sample has lost more than 87% of the hydrocarbons initially present, while another has lost a substantial proportion of its initial chrysene and alkylated congeners. Potential explanations for the different weathering patterns seen in samples collected from this small site are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Spills from wrecks are a potential major source of pollution in the deep ocean. However, not much is known about the fate of a spill at several kilometers depth, beyond the oceans continental shelves. Here, we report the phase distribution of hydrocarbons released from the wrecks of the Prestige tanker, several years after it sank in November 2002 to depths between 3500 and 3800 m. The released oil reached the surface waters above the wrecks without any signs of weathering and leaving an homogenous signature throughout the water column. At depths of several kilometers below the sea surface, the occurrence and spread of the deep sea oil spill could be evaluated better by quantifying and characterizing the dissolved hydrocarbon signature, rather than just the investigation of hydrocarbons in the suspended particulate matter.  相似文献   

This study determined effects of an oil spill on subtropical benthic community production and respiration by monitoring CO2 fluxes in benthic chambers on intertidal sandflats during emersion before and after an accidental spill. The oil spill decreased sediment chlorophyll a concentrations, altered benthic macrofaunal community, and affected ecological functioning by suppressing or even stopping microalgal production, increasing bacterial respiration, and causing a shift from an autotrophic system to a heterotrophic system. Effects of the oil spill on the macrofauna were more severe than on benthic microalgae, and affected sedentary infauna more than motile epifauna. Despite the oil spill’s impact on the benthic community and carbon metabolism, the affected area appeared to return to normal in about 23 days. Our results suggest that the prompt response of benthic metabolism to exposure to petroleum hydrocarbons can serve as a useful indicator of the impact of an oil spill.  相似文献   

Coastal reclamation and modifications are extensively carried out in Bahrain, which may physically smother the coastal and subtidal habitats resulting in changes to abundance and distribution of macrobenthic assemblages. A microcosm laboratory experiment using three common macrobenthic invertebrates from a proposed reclaimed coastal area was preformed to examine their responses to mud burial using marine sediment collected from a designated borrow area. Significant difference in numbers of survived organisms between control and experimental treatments with a survival percentage of 41.8% for all of the selected species was observed. The polychaete Perinereis nuntia showed the highest percentage of survival (57.1%) followed by the bivalve Tellinavaltonis (42.3%) and the gastropod Cerithidea cingulata (24.0%). Quantifying species responses to sediment burial resulted from dredging and reclamation will aid in predicting the expected ecological impacts associated with coastal developments and subsequently minimizing these impacts and maintaining a sustainable use of coastal and marine ecosystems in the Arabian Gulf.  相似文献   

To study the correlation between nutrient enrichment derived from fish farming activities and changes in macrobenthic assemblages, a one-year field study was conducted in Kau Sai Bay marine fish culture zone of Hong Kong. Bimonthly sediment samples were collected at six stations: two at the fish cages, two near the boundary of the fish culture area, and two reference sites further away from the culture area. Sediment physico-chemical characteristics in terms of silt/clay fraction, moisture content, total organic carbon (TOC), total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) and total phosphorus (TP) were analyzed. The macrobenthos (>0.5 mm) present in the sediment were sorted, identified and enumerated. On average, TOC, TKN and TP levels at the fish cage stations were 82.8%, 128.5% and 1315.7% higher than those at the reference stations, respectively. As a result, the N:P molar ratio was greatly reduced from 8.75 at the reference stations to 1.83 at the fish cage stations. Univariate and multivariate analyses revealed that diversity of macrofauna was significantly reduced and community structure differed at the fish cage stations relative to the reference sites. The intermediary stations near the fish culture area showed a transitional state of disturbance. Faunal diversity was negatively correlated with nutrient level, reflecting the adverse impacts of nutrient enrichment derived from fish farming activities on the benthic assemblages. Whilst in subtropical Asia-Pacific trash fish is the major feed for fish culture resulting in a higher nutrient loading and nutrient ratio accumulated in the sediment beneath the fish rafts, the effects of nutrient enrichment on macrobenthic assemblages are comparable to that in temperate waters owing to relatively high sediment metabolism rate and smaller fish culture scale in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

To determine the impact of genetic toxicity caused by the Hebei Spirit oil spill on December 7, 2007, we measured DNA damage in the blood cells of striped beakperch in vitro after exposure to extracts from sediments in the Taean area. The objective of this study was to investigate temporal changes of toxic effects caused by residual PAHs in the sediments up to 18 months after an oil spill. In conclusion, DNA damage had reduced over this 18-month period; that is, the sediments recovered quickly from the oil pollution. In addition, statistically significant correlations between PAHs and DNA damage were observed. Because the comet assay is sensitive to DNA damage induced by genotoxic substances from the polluted sediments, the comet assay can be considered a useful tool as a biomarker in investigating genetic toxicity in environmental monitoring and elucidating the recovery of oil pollution after oil spill as well.  相似文献   

As a step towards the biological assessment of wetlands in South Africa, this study investigates the influence of biotope characteristics on the spatial distribution of aquatic invertebrates. The aim was to assess whether different wetland biotopes support significantly different invertebrate assemblages in terms of the composition and abundance of microcrustaceans and macroinvertebrate taxa. During October 2006, three different biotopes were sampled within Verlorenvlei and Wave's Edge wetlands (Western Cape, South Africa) using a long-handled sweep net. Composition and abundance of invertebrate assemblages were compared between and within sites for each of the wetlands. Assemblage composition generally differed among biotopes within each wetland, as revealed by cluster analysis and MDS plots. At Verlorenvlei, biotopes formed distinctive clusters with low site-specific variability. Assemblage composition at Wave's Edge revealed coarser groupings with clusters distinguishing between vegetated and non-vegetated biotopes only. Biotopes within each wetland differed significantly in terms of taxon richness, Shannon diversity and mean total invertebrate biomass (g m−3), whilst mean total density (ind m−3) differed only between biotopes in Verlorenvlei. Considerable shifts in invertebrate assemblage structure corresponded to differences in electrical conductivity among sites at Verlorenvlei. For large physico-chemically heterogeneous wetlands such as Verlorenvlei, it is suggested that smaller physico-chemically homogenous zones should be identified a priori and within these areas vegetated biotopes should be sampled over the broadest possible spatial scale, whilst open-water biotopes can be sampled more narrowly. For small, reasonably homogenous wetlands such as Wave's Edge, we suggest a less broad spatial representation of biotopes and instead one should concentrate on increasing the number of sample repetitions per site.  相似文献   

Time series changes in chlorophyll a concentration before and after the Hebei Spirit oil spill that occurred in December 2007 were analyzed using NCEP wind and SeaWiFS/MODIS ocean color data. Prevailing southwesterly winds and northeast/southwestward tidal currents pushed the oil towards Korea’s West Sea coast of Taean. After the oil spill, daily chlorophyll a concentration decreased about 45-50% compared to the normal condition before the oil spill, and this decrease continued for about two weeks. Monthly mean chlorophyll a concentration in December 2007 was lower compared to the average value for the same month between 1998 and 2007, but, in October and November 2007 before the spill and in January-February 2008 after the spill, the concentration value was higher than average for the same period between 1998 and 2007.  相似文献   

Diet and feeding intensity of the portunid crab Polybius henslowii were studied during the spring of 2004 along Galician and Cantabrian continental shelves (NW Iberian Peninsula) between 78 and 287 m. The area had been affected by the Prestige oil spill in November 2002, with different sectors at different levels of pollution: highest in between Miño River and Cape Finisterre (MF) and from there to Estaca de Bares Point (FE) and lowest from Estaca to Cape Peñas (EP). From 37272 specimens collected in 59 bottom hauls, 342 were analysed for stomach fullness and diet composition. Stomach fullness was lower in FE, but with no significant differences among sectors. Diet was a mixture of pelagic and benthic prey: cephalopods (Ilex coindetti), brachyurans (P. henslowii) and polychaetes (Glycera sp.). Other prey were beloniform eggs and fish remains. Two stress markers were also studied in some specimens: Acetylcholinesterase (a neurotoxicity marker) varied among sampled areas, while lipid peroxidation (an oxidative stress marker) did not. Changes in trophic variables, distribution and density were analysed in relation to depth, surface and bottom T, surface Chl a from satellite imagery and tar aggregate concentration in sediments. Along Galician and Cantabrian coasts prey availability, linked to productivity level, seems to be the main factor affecting P. henslowii diet and distribution. Interannual abundance variability seems to be controlled by large-scale climatic conditions (NAO index). This natural variability masks possible effects induced by the oil spill.  相似文献   

The droplet size distribution of dispersed phase (oil and/or gas) in submerged buoyant jets was addressed in this work using a numerical model, VDROP-J. A brief literature review on jets and plumes allows the development of average equations for the change of jet velocity, dilution, and mixing energy as function of distance from the orifice. The model VDROP-J was then calibrated to jets emanating from orifices ranging in diameter, D, from 0.5 mm to 0.12 m, and in cross-section average jet velocity at the orifice ranging from 1.5 m/s to 27 m/s. The d50/D obtained from the model (where d50 is the volume median diameter of droplets) correlated very well with data, with an R2 = 0.99. Finally, the VDROP-J model was used to predict the droplet size distribution from Deepwater Horizon blowouts. The droplet size distribution from the blowout is of great importance to the fate and transport of the spilled oil in marine environment.  相似文献   

Petroleum hydrocarbons persist in salt marsh sediments in Winsor Cove (Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts) impacted from the 1974 spill of No. 2 fuel oil by the barge Bouchard 65. Intertidal sediment cores were collected from 2001 to 2005 and analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPHs). TPHs content was greatest (as high as 8.7 mg g(-1) dry weight) in the surface sediments and decreased with distance landward. Select samples were analyzed for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) with values as high as 16.7 microg g(-1) for total naphthalenes and phenanthrenes/anthracenes. These remaining PAHs are mainly C(4)-naphthalenes and C(1)-, C(2)-, and C(3)-phenanthrenes/anthracenes revealing preferential loss of almost all of the naphthalenes and the parent compound phenanthrene. Inspection of the data indicates that biodegradation, water-washing and evaporation were major removal processes for many of the petroleum hydrocarbons in the marsh sediments. In addition, historical data and photographs combined with their recent counterparts indicate that erosion has physically removed these contaminants from this site.  相似文献   

Effects of nutrients on crude oil biodegradation in the upper intertidal zone   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Oh YS  Sim DS  Kim SJ 《Marine pollution bulletin》2001,42(12):1367-1372
To enhance biodegradation, nutrients in the form of slow-release fertilizer (SRF) were applied to oil-contaminated microcosms (3%, v/v) which simulated intertidal environmental systems. Although nutrient concentrations in the interstitial water were not proportional to those in amended SRF, microbial activity, growth of oil-degrading microorganisms, and oil-degradation rate were closely related to the concentration of nutrients in the interstitial water. Adding nutrients at higher dose (microcosm I, 144.4 mg C/kg sand/day, versus microcosm II, 8.5 mg C/kg sand/day) had a positive effect on oil degradation rate, which was especially obvious during the early phase of treatment. Use of pristane, phytane, and nor-hopane as biomarkers enabled the detection of significant treatment differences in hydrocarbon biodegradation, which were not reliable enough when the data were normalized to sand mass.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of chemical dispersants (Corexit 9500 and SPC 1000) on heavy fuel oil (IFO180 as test oil) has been evaluated under different wave conditions in a flow-through wave tank. The dispersant effectiveness was determined by measuring oil concentrations and droplet size distributions. An analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) model indicated that wave type and temperature significantly (p < 0.05) affected the dynamic dispersant effectiveness (DDE). At higher temperatures (16 °C), the test IFO180 was effectively dispersed under breaking waves with a DDE of 90% and 50% for Corexit 9500 and SPC 1000, respectively. The dispersion was ineffective under breaking waves at lower temperature (10 °C), and under regular wave conditions at all temperatures (10-17 °C), with DDE < 15%. Effective chemical dispersion was associated with formation of smaller droplets (with volumetric mean diameters or VMD ? 200 μm), whereas ineffective dispersion produced large oil droplets (with VMD ? 400 μm).  相似文献   

陈宪  钟中  江静  孙源 《地球物理学报》2019,62(2):489-498
本文利用"模式手术"方法研究了西北太平洋热带气旋(TC)对东亚-西北太平洋区域大尺度环流的影响.结果表明,夏季频繁的西北太平洋TC活动导致东亚夏季风增强,季风槽加深;西太平洋副热带高压东退,位置偏北;东亚副热带高空急流强度增强,北太平洋(东亚大陆)上急流轴偏北(偏南);热带地区(副热带地区)的对流层中低层出现异常上升气流(下沉气流),并且从低纬向高纬呈现异常上升气流和异常下沉气流交替分布特征.在中国东南沿海,TC降水导致夏季降水量明显增加;而在长江中下游和华北地区,TC活动引起的异常下沉气流使夏季降水量显著减少.因此,夏季西北太平洋TC活动对东亚-西北太平洋区域气候有显著影响.  相似文献   

Monitoring of sandy beaches after the Prestige oil spill revealed thick subsurface layers (up to 1 m thick) of grey-coloured sand. These horizons were sometimes found under more than 3 m of clean sand. Examination of the sand by electron microscopy confirmed that the colouring was due to oil-coated sand grains, and revealed a sequence of degradation of buried oil. Further analysis of the sand revealed high concentrations of hydrocarbon in the oil-coated sand and that the main biomarkers were indicative of biodegradation, even though the oil was buried.A set of experiments was designed to analyze the evolution of oil from tar balls to coatings. The results revealed that biodegradation is a secondary process in the changes that take place in the buried oil, and that water flow slows down the appearance of grey sand and that low salinity may hinder the oil degradation process.  相似文献   

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