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随机选取池塘专养(M1)、日本沼虾套养(M2)以及水库放养(M3)三种养殖模式养成的肛长(25.91±3.26)cm的日本鳗鲡作为研究材料, 比较研究了三者间在表皮色差、背肌组织物理特性和肌肉营养成分组成及含量上的差异。结果表明: (1) M1表皮色差与M2、M3均具显著差异(P<0.05), 三者背、腹间的体色差异程度呈M1>M2>M3 (P<0.05); (2) 背肌物性指标中均具显著差异的为粘着性、弹性和回复性, 前者测定值呈M1>M3>M2 (P<0.05), 后两者均呈M3>M1>M2 (P<0.05), M3背肌最发达, M1纵肌肌束纤维排列较M2紊乱; (3) 肌肉营养成分中仅水分和灰分含量均具显著差异, 依次呈M3>M1>M2 (P<0.05)和M3>M2>M1 (P<0.05), 蛋白质含量高于脂肪含量的仅为M3; (4) 三者间肌肉脂肪酸、氨基酸组成均完全相同, 含量排序也均基本一致, 但多种不饱和脂肪酸含量却均具显著差异(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

根据137°E断面1967~1995年冬、夏季的温、盐资料,计算和分析该断面的地转流;分析144°E断面上投放卫星跟踪漂流浮标的漂移轨迹;结合CSK图集中的海面重力势分布,对副热带逆流、北赤道流和北赤道逆流几个特征的相同点和不同点进行比较,得出若干有益的结论:(1)副热带逆流、北赤道流、北赤道逆流,并不是单纯的单支海流,而是存在着两支或多支现象;(2)流速结构的带状分布,东、西向流相互交错间隔出现,流层较浅,均为表层流或近表层流;(3)多年平均而言,3支海流的流速以北赤道逆流最强,北赤道流次之,副热带逆流最弱;流量则不同,北赤道流最大,副热带逆流最小,北赤道逆流居中.3支海流的流速夏季均大于冬季,但流量稍有差异:副热带逆流和北赤道流均具有夏强、冬弱的特点,而北赤道逆流为冬强、夏弱;(4)冬季,副热带逆流的源地,位于巴士海峡和台湾以东副热带脊的一个暖脊中心附近海域;(5)冬季,卫星跟踪漂流浮标的漂移轨迹,基本上反映出北赤道流和北赤道逆流的路径.但因副热带逆流区为涡旋频繁区,致使浮标漂移轨迹难以反映出副热带逆流的路径.  相似文献   

Based on the current measurement data from the R/V Ryofu Maru of JMA in the equatorial area along 137°E (1972–83) and 155°E (1972–79) the structures of the zonal velocity of the Equatorial Undercurrent (EUC) and the North Equatorial Countercurrent (NECC) and their variations are systematically analyzed in detail. At 155°E, the current at the equator and 100–300 m depth was a typical eastward EUC, it intensified in 1973–75, i.e., in the non-El Niño period. While the corresponding current at 137°E was mostly westward, and the origin of the EUC shifted to north of the equator around 0.5–1.5°N owing to the influence of the New Guinea Coast. The EUC origin disappeared in early July, 1982. Comparing with the EUC disappearance at 159°W, the average speed of an eastward travelling wave would be∼1.1m/s. The velocity core of the NECC at 137°E generally shifted northward in winter and southward in summer, and was stronger in summer and weaker in winter. The fluctuations of the NECC were closely related to those of the wind stress curl over the region 2–10°N, 160°E–150°W.  相似文献   

自然海域中曼氏无针乌贼产卵亲体性成熟提前和小型化现象明显,这可能是一种适应性进化,人工干预背景下曼氏无针乌贼繁殖期行为的动态变化值得关注。2020年4-6月室内采用聚焦个体扫描法和定点连续记录法分别观察和记录了曼氏无针乌贼繁殖期的行为活动,并按其生活习性和行为的生物学功能等进行系统化分类,构建了繁殖期行为谱。结果表明,曼氏无针乌贼繁殖期行为谱主要包括三大类12种行为:(1)游泳行为主要分为前进和后退,繁殖期的雌性多处于静潜水底或静浮水中的状态;(2)捕食行为主要分为发现、定位、捕捉和咀嚼等系列动作,曼氏无针乌贼能够快速感知周围17.0-36.0 cm范围内的饵料,捕捉的有效距离为8.0-22.0 cm,能在2.0-10.0 s内完成对饵料的高效捕获;(3)繁殖行为复杂,主要分为求偶、伴游、交配、产卵等,其中求偶行为体现在雄性对雌性的自我展示、追逐配对和争斗护卫等过程,雄性在争斗护卫和伴游过程中的护雌行为尤为激烈。曼氏无针乌贼交配时采用\"头对头\"的方式,平均交配持续时间42.9 s。曼氏无针乌贼对产卵附着基有选择性且偏好于最初的附卵物,卵群对雌性产卵行为有诱导和刺激作用,每次产卵到附卵过程平均用时108.6 s。曼氏无针乌贼繁殖期行为谱特征的研究可为后续曼氏无针乌贼行为机制和基于全生活史的资源保护等方面提供理论依据。  相似文献   

血清中非结合胆红素含量升高与新生儿脑损伤的发展相关,但目前临床上没有方法可以直接测定非结合胆红素的血清水平.从日本鳗鲡(Anguilla japonica)中成功克隆了其UNAG基因,在原核细胞中成功表达UNAG重组蛋白,并通过Ni~(2+)-NTA进行纯化得到含量为1.8 mg/cm~3的UNAG目的蛋白,银染检测说明其纯度较高.利用该基因可以与非结合胆红素结合并发光的特异性,设计了一种新型的非结合胆红素检测方法,结果表明UNAG发光值与胆红素浓度呈良好的线性关系,回归方程为Y=17.96 X+4.333 3(R=0.994 9).该法可用于胆红素浓度的测定.  相似文献   

随机选取池塘专养(M1)、日本沼虾套养(M2)以及水库放养(M3)三种养殖模式养成的肛长(25.91±3.26)cm的日本鳗鲡(Anguilla japonica)作为研究材料,采用生物化学方法测定并比较了不同养殖模式日本鳗鲡养成品血清生化指标和脏器消化酶与抗氧化酶活力。结果表明:(1)在所测16项血清生化指标中,三者间均无显著差异的为TP、ALB、GLB、ALT和CHE(P>0.05),均具显著差异的为CK、CREA和α-HBDH,它们的测定值依次呈M3>M2>M1(P<0.05)、M3>M1>M2(P<0.05)和M2>M1>M3(P<0.05);(2)所测消化酶中,三者均具显著差异的为肝脏蛋白酶、胃蛋白酶、肝脂肪酶及胰腺脂肪酶,它们的测定值均呈M1>M2>M3(P<0.05);(3)所测抗氧化酶中,三者间均无显著差异的为心脏SOD、CAT、POD和肝脏CAT活力(P>0.05),均具显著差异的仅为肝脏POD活力,其测定值呈M1>M3>M2(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

Principal component analysis (PCA) used by meteorologists and oceanographers is a powerful tool for the analysis of the spatial and temporal variability of physical fields. This study is aimed at applying “quasi-local PCA for singular factor” to make the cumulative percentage for the first principal component as great as possible, so that the many-dimension problem can be reduced to a single-dimension one, and at combining PCA with stepwise regression analysis to parameterize the relationship between El Niño events and the anomalies in hydrographic factors along 137°E in summer. The results show that the hydrography on 30–50 m levels at 7–9°N along 137°E in summer is very closely correlated with El Niño events because of the thermocline movement caused by enhanced upwelling in this area during El Niño years.  相似文献   

Results of numerical simulation of currents in the western North Tropical Pacific Ocean by using a barotropic primitive equation model with fine horizontal resolution agreed well with observations and showed that the Mindanao Cyclonic Eddy located north of the equator and east of Mindanao Island exists during most of the year with monthly (and large seasonal) variations in scope, strength and central location. In June, an anticyclonic eddy occurs northeast of Halmahera Island, strength-circulation systems such as the North Equatorial Current, the Mindanao Current and the North Equatorial Countercurrent are all very well reproduced in the simulations.  相似文献   

The diverse pelagic fish assemblage of sub-tropical southern Queensland includes fishes with predominantly temperate distributions, such as tailor Pomatomus saltatrix, sardine Sardinops sagax, round herring Etrumeus teres, and Australian anchovy Engraulis australis. The peak spawning seasons of P. saltatrix, S. sagax and E. teres occur during late winter and early spring (June–October). Eggs and larvae of these three species are widely distributed in shelf waters and comprise >50% of the ichthyoplankton assemblage during this period. Mean monthly sea surface temperatures (SSTs) during late winter and early spring range from 21 to 23 °C, and are thus similar to those recorded in southern Australia during summer and autumn, which is the spawning season of these three species in those temperate waters. E. australis eggs occur mainly in inshore waters, and comprise >50% of fish eggs collected during summer and autumn when mean monthly SSTs in southern Queensland exceed 27 °C. E. australis also spawns mainly during summer and autumn in temperate Australia. Hence, water temperature may be less important as a determinant of the spawning season of E. australis than it is for the other three species. The suitability of southern Queensland for spawning by predominantly temperate species during late winter and early spring may contribute to the high diversity of the region's pelagic fish assemblage. Adult P. saltatrix, S. sagax and E. teres appear to migrate northwards into southern Queensland during early winter to spawn, and larvae may be transported southwards into temperate waters by the East Australian Current. This dispersal-migration pattern is similar to those observed for several species, including P. saltatrix, in the western boundary current systems off the east coasts of North America and Africa. Hence, pelagic fishes in ecosystems off the east coast of three continents migrate into sub-tropical waters to spawn, and larvae are transported back into temperate nursery areas by the prevailing current.  相似文献   

采用捕食者.猎物间捕食效应研究方法,研究了日本鳗鲡对3种体长规格日本沼虾的捕食效应.结果表明:(1)日本鳗鲡与日本沼虾的主要活动时段均为17:00至翌日5:00,期间日本沼虾的活动量随其体长规格的增大而减少,日本鳗鲡的主要捕食时段为0:00-5:00,其对体长2.4cm左右的日本沼虾有较强的追捕行为;(2)日本鳗鲡对日...  相似文献   

根据1993年1─2月“实验3”号考察船在霍尼亚拉港(瓜达尔卡纳尔岛)至关岛的断面观测的温、盐度资料,分析了该断面上的地转流结构,计算了南赤道流及北赤道逆流的地转流流速和流量。结果表明:在纬线方向上E向流与W向流呈带状分布,在垂向上也多为E向流与W向流交替出现。在南赤道流和北赤道逆流中都夹有与主流向相反的流动,它们的流量分别约占主流向流量的1/3和1/5。文章还将分析计算结果与手头掌握的文献报道的结果作了比较。  相似文献   

自然条件下, 鳗鲡(Anguilla japonica)自降河入海至性腺发育成熟需洄游数千公里、耗时半 年以上, 且整个过程中不摄食。本文以降海洄游、人工促熟和长期饥饿(20 个月)三种状态下的鳗鲡 为材料, 研究其在性腺发育和饥饿胁迫时的主要生物学指标(包括肥满度、肝体比、脏体比、性腺指 数、含肉率)以及肌肉、肝脏和性腺中的粗蛋白与氨基酸含量的变化情况, 以探讨鳗鲡性腺发育和饥 饿胁迫下的营养物质来源与变化。结果发现: 人工促熟鳗鲡的肝体比、脏体比和性腺指数显著高于 降海洄游鳗鲡(P<0.05), 而含肉率、肝脏和卵巢内的粗蛋白含量、氨基酸总量、必需氨基酸总量以及 非必需氨基酸总量均显著低于降海洄游鳗鲡的含量(P<0.05); 长期饥饿鳗鲡的肥满度、肝体比、含肉 率、肌肉(鲜样)、肝脏内的粗蛋白、氨基酸总量、必需氨基酸总量以及必需氨基酸占氨基酸总量的 比值显著低于降海洄游鳗鲡(P<0.05).结果表明, 鳗鲡性腺发育所需要的营养物质主要来源于肌肉, 其性腺的发育依赖自身营养物质在体内的流动和转化, 肌肉中的必需氨基酸和非必需氨基酸均被利 用, 转化成性腺发育所需要的物质。  相似文献   

在现场和室内条件下研究了日本蟳(Charybdis japonica)对栉孔扇贝(Chlamys farreri)的捕食机制。现场实验表明,成年日本蟳可以捕食壳高小于5.0 cm的栉孔扇贝,其捕食强度随着水温的升高而增大,而壳高大于5.9 cm的栉孔扇贝则可以免遭日本蟳的捕食;相对于栉孔扇贝,日本蟳更倾向于捕食贻贝;室内实验表明水温低于10℃时,日本蟳对大规格扇贝的捕食作用不明显。相同温度条件下,室内实验日本蟳的捕食强度要低于现场,但其温度系数(Q10)差别不大。在上述实验基础上,本文提出了提高底播栉孔扇贝成活率的方法,即选择大规格的扇贝在水温较低的秋、冬季进行底播,同时添加一部分贻贝作为牺牲诱饵以减少日本蟳对扇贝的捕食。  相似文献   

采用酶学分析的方法,以淡水组为对照,进行了盐度变化对花鳗鲡(Anguilla marmorata)[体质量(10.70±0.92)g]和太平洋双色鳗鲡(A. bicolor pacifica)幼鳗[体质量(12.11±0.79)g]鳃丝及肾脏Na+/K+-ATP酶活力影响的研究。结果表明,经不同的盐度(5、10、18)处理,各处理组的花鳗鲡和太平洋双色鳗鲡幼鳗鳃丝Na+/K+-ATP酶活力均呈现先降低后升高最后再降低并趋于稳定的趋势。前者24h时达到最低值,48h时盐度10处理组上升至与对照组无显著差异(P>0.05),而盐度18处理组显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。后者6h时达到最低值,12h时盐度5和18处理组达到最高值,24h时盐度10处理组达到最高值。盐度变化对花鳗鲡和太平洋双色鳗鲡幼鳗肾脏Na+/K+-ATP酶活力影响不明显。太平洋双色鳗鲡幼鳗鳃丝Na+/K+-ATP酶酶活提升速度及提升幅度均强于花鳗鲡幼鳗,故认为在盐度范围0—18时,太平洋双色鳗鲡幼鳗比花鳗鲡幼鳗对盐度变化具有更强的适应能力。  相似文献   

Climatological variability of picophytoplankton populations that consisted of >64% of total chlorophyll a concentrations was investigated in the equatorial Pacific. Flow cytometric analysis was conducted along the equator between 145°E and 160°W during three cruises in November–December 1999, January 2001, and January–February 2002. Those cruises were covering the La Niña (1999, 2001) and the pre-El Niño (2002) periods. According to the sea surface temperature (SST) and nitrate concentrations in the surface water, three regions were distinguished spatially, viz., the warm-water region with >28 °C SST and nitrate depletion (<0.1 μmol kg−1), the upwelling region with <28 °C SST and high nitrate (>4 μmol kg−1) water, and the in-between frontal zone with low nitrate (0.1–4 μmol kg−1). Picophytoplankton identified as the groups of Prochlorococcus, Synechococcus and picoeukaryotes showed a distinct spatial heterogeneity in abundance corresponding to the watermass distribution. Prochlorococcus was most abundant in the warm-water region, especially in the nitrate-depleted water with >150×103 cells ml−1, Synechococcus in the frontal zone with >15×103 cells ml−1, and picoeukaryotes in the upwelling region with >8×103 cells ml−1. The warm-water region extended eastward with eastward shift of the frontal zone and the upwelling region during the pre-El Niño period. On the contrary, these regions distributed westward during the La Niña period. These climatological fluctuations of the watermass significantly influenced the distribution of picophytoplankton populations. The most abundant area of Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus extended eastward and picoeukaryotes developed westward during the pre-El Niño period. The spatial heterogeneity of each picophytoplankton group is discussed here in association with spatial variations in nitrate supply, ambient ammonium concentration, and light field.  相似文献   

Instability/stability in the North Equatorial Current (NEC) basin is studied based on data obtained from nine moorings deployed at 8.5°N, 10.5°N, 11.0°N, 12.5°N, 13.0°N, 15.0°N, 15.5°N, 17.5°N, and 18.0°N along 130.0°E during cruises in 2015-2017. In low latitudes, the Coriolis parameter and stratification ratio play important roles in NEC stability, whereas velocity shear and the layer depth ratio are important for NEC stability in high latitudes. Beneath the westward NEC, eastward zonal jets occur intermittently centered around 8.5°N, 12.5°N, and 17.5°N along 130.0°E. Similar to the NEC, the main body of these zonal jets also deepens with latitude. In the boundary layer comprising the bottom NEC and upper zonal jets, the growth rate of the NEC is attributed not only to velocity shear but also to zonal jet velocity based on the longwave assumption. Based on the shortwave assumption, the growth rate is proportional to zonal jet velocity but has no relationship with velocity shear. Climatologically, the growth rate in the boundary layer is not zero at 8.5°N, 12.5°N, and 13.0°N, where the velocity shear and zonal jets are larger than at other stations. The instability also occurs at the time node when the zonal jets are strong enough, although the mean zonal jets may disappear at this station.  相似文献   

In 1995 the seasonal development of concentrations of both phytoplankton and larvae of the bivalve Macoma balthica was studied in the coastal zone behind the back-barrier island of Spiekeroog (German Wadden Sea). In July/August larvae reached maximum concentrations of about 1000 to 4200 ind. m−3 (depending on the sampling site and tidal period), probably in relation to a phytoplankton bloom in July. This observation of an unusually late maximum of Macoma larvae is discussed in detail in connection with the recent literature available about spawning of M. balthica in the Wadden Sea.  相似文献   

目前采用的海带苗培育方法已经有50多年的历史,它将21~28℃的自然海水降温至6~8℃用于育苗。缺点是海水降温成本高、管理需要人工多。而本技术在育苗过程中的一定时期,将苗帘集中堆放,在流水黑暗条件下储存配子体14 d,储存期间无需人工管理。以此配子体储存技术,可以将海带育苗平均水温从目前的7℃左右提高到10℃左右。  相似文献   

促性腺激素释放激素(GnRH)在脊椎动物的繁殖过程中起着至关重要的作用,同时也存在于许多无脊椎动物中。利用cDNA末端快速扩增技术(RACE)克隆出曼氏无针乌贼(Sepiella japonica)促性腺激素释放激素(命名为SjGnRH,KP 982885.1)。SjGnRH基因的cDNA全长710 bp,开放阅读框(ORF)为273 bp,编码90个氨基酸,包括一条含有31个氨基酸的信号肽、12个氨基酸的GnRH多肽和44个氨基酸的GnRH相关肽(GAP);SjGnRH与剑尖枪乌贼(Uroteuthis edulis)和真蛸(Octopus vulgaris)的同源性分别为86.7%和73.3%;SjGnRH高度保守的十二肽与剑尖枪乌贼和真蛸的octGnRH相似度达100%,其信号肽的相似性分别为66.7%和54.8%,GAP区的相似性分别为95.5%和77.3%;实时荧光定量PCR(qRT-PCR)结果显示,SjGnRH基因在成熟期的表达具有特异性,在脑中表达量最高,且与其他组织差异显著(P<0.05);采用原位杂交技术检测SjGnRH mRNA在脑内的表达模式,结果表明:SjGnRH在食道上神经团、食道下神经团和视叶的不同部位均有表达,暗示SjGnRH可能参与曼氏无针乌贼的生殖调控作用。  相似文献   

从发病死亡的养殖太平洋双色鳗鲡(Anguilla bicolor pacifica)肝脏中分离到一株优势菌AMSH1,为研究其种属、毒力及中药敏感性,结合BIOLOG微生物鉴定系统和16S r DNA序列分析对该菌株进行鉴定,并通过人工回归感染试验确定其致病性。此外,还研究了10味中药单用、10种双联用和4种三联用对该菌株的体外抑菌作用。结果显示该菌株为类志贺邻单胞菌(Plesiomonas shigelloides)。经人工腹腔注射感染健康太平洋双色鳗鲡,证实该菌具有致病性,半致死量LD50为3.2×105CFU/g。药敏试验结果表明,10味中药均有较好的抑菌效果,其中五倍子(Galla chinensis)、丁香(Eugenia caryophllata)和生地榆(Sanguisorba officinalis)的效果最好,7种双联用复方和1种三联用复方均具有协同抑菌作用。本次引起太平洋双色鳗鲡发病的病原为类志贺邻单胞菌,该菌对太平洋双色鳗鲡的致病性及其中药药敏的研究属首次报道。建议选用含五倍子的中药双联用复方或三联用复方进行防治,皆绿色环保。  相似文献   

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