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Archean felsic volcanic rocks form a 2000 m thick succession stratigraphically below the Helen Iron Formation in the vicinity of the Helen Mine, Wawa, Ontario. Based on relict textures and structures, lateral and vertical facies changes, and fragment type, size and distribution, the felsic volcanic rocks have been subdivided into (a) lava flows and domes (b) hyalotuffs, (c) bedded pyroclastic flows, (d) massive pyroclastic flows, and (e) block and ash flows.Lava flows and domes are flow-banded, massive, and/or brecciated and occur throughout the stratigraphic succession. Dome/flow complexes are believed to mark the end of explosive eruptive cycles. Deposits interpreted as hyalotuffs are finely bedded and composed dominantly of ash-size material and accretionary lapilli. These deposits are interlayered with bedded pyroclastic flow deposits and probably formed from phreatomagmatic eruptions in a shallow subaqueous environment. Such eruptions led to the formation of tuff cones or rings. If these structures emerged they may have restricted the access of seawater to the eruptive vent(s), thus causing a change in eruptive style from short, explosive pulses to the establishment of an eruption column. Collapse of this column would lead to the accumulation of pyroclastic material within and on the flanks of the cone/ring structure, and to flows which move down the structure and into the sea. Bedded pyroclastic deposits in the Wawa area are thought to have formed in this manner, and are now composed of a thicker, more massive basal unit which is overlain by one or more finely bedded ash units. Based on bed thickness, fragment and crystal size, type and abundance, these deposits are further subdivided into central, proximal and distal facies.Central facies units consist of poorly graded, thick (30–80 m) basal beds composed of 23–60% lithic and 1–8% juvenile fragments. These are overlain by 1–4 thinner ash beds (2–25 cm). Proximal facies basal beds range from 2–35 m in thickness and are composed of 15–35% lithic and 4–16% juvenile fragments. Typically, lithic components are normally graded, whereas juvenile fragments are inversely graded. These basal beds are overlain by ash beds (2–14 in number) which range from 12 cm to 6 m in thickness. Distal basal beds, where present, are thin (1–2 m), and composed of 2–8% lithic and 6–21% juvenile fragments. Overlying ash beds range up to 40 in number.The climax of pyroclastic activity is represented by a thick (1000 m) sequence of massive, poorly sorted, pyroclastic flow deposits which are composed of 5–15% lithic fragments and abundant pumice. These deposits are similar to subaerial ash flows and appear to mark the rapid eruption of large volumes of material. They are overlain by felsic lavas and/or domes. Periodic collapse of the growing domes produced abundant coarse volcanic breccia. The overall volcanic environment is suggestive of caldera formation and late stage dome extrusion.  相似文献   

The Hianana Volcanics consist of bedded tuff and dacitic lava that form a locally mappable unit within the extensive, Late Permian silicic volcanic sequence of northeastern New South Wales. Principal components of the bedded tuff are crystal and volcanic lithic fragments ranging from coarse ash to lapilli, accompanied by variable amounts of fine ash matrix. Well denned plane parallel thin bedding is characteristic. Sandwave bed forms, including low‐angle cross‐beds and wavy beds, are confined to an area of 2–3 km2 coinciding with the thickest sections (70 m) of bedded tuff. A high‐aspect ratio flow of porphyritic dacitic lava overlies the bedded tuff in the same area. The setting, lithofacies, extent and geometry of the bedded tuffs of the Hianana Volcanics are comparable with modern tuff rings which are composed of the deposits from base surges generated by explosive phreatomagmatic eruptions at primary volcanic vents. Many of these have also discharged lava late in their activity. Proximal parts of the Hianana tuff ring were buried by the porphyritic lava after the phreatomagmatic eruptions had ceased. In more distal sections, the bedded tuff is less than 10 m thick and dominantly comprises fine grained, plane parallel, very thin beds and laminae; these features suggest an origin by fallout from ash clouds that accompanied the phreatomagmatic eruptions. The distal ash was covered and preserved from erosion by a layer of welded ignimbrite, the source of which is unknown.  相似文献   

New outcrops of Middle Carboniferous glacigenic deposits found in the Guandacol Formation (western Paganzo Basin) are described in this paper. The study locality of Los Pozuelos Creek (northwestern Argentina) includes coarse-grained diamictites, rhythmites, laminated pebbly mudstones and shales that represent an expanded column of the Gondwanic glaciation in this region. Thirteen lithofacies recorded at the measured section have been grouped into three facies associations. Facies Association I is composed of coarse-grained massive and stratified diamictites (lithofacies Dmm, Dms, Dmg, Dcs), laminated siltstones with dropstones (Fld) and interstratified sandstones and mudstones (Fl, Sr). These rocks represent both tillites and resedimented diamictites closely associated to small water bodies where laminated siltstones with dropstones and stratified sandstones and mudstones were deposited. Facies Association II comprises couplets of matrix-supported thinly bedded diamictites (Dmld) and laminated mudstones with dropstones (Fld). This facies association results from the combination of three different processes, subaqueous cohesionless debris flows, coeval rainout of ice-rafted debris and settling of fine-grained particles from supension. Finally, Facies Association III is made up of laminated mudstones without dropstones, thin marl levels and scarce fine- to very fine-grained sandstones. This assemblage clearly suggests sedimentation in a deep marine environment below the wave base.The architecture of the glacigenic deposits has been investigated using photomosaic panels. The geometry of the depositional bodies and facies suggest that Los Pozuelos Creek outcrops exhibit a well preserved three-dimensional example of a grounding-line system. In particular, three different subenvironments of a morainal bank were interpreted: a bank-front, a bank-core and a bank-back. The bank-front assemblage is characterized by coarse-grained, mainly resedimented, diamictites grading laterally to prograding clinoforms composed of interbedded matrix-supported thinly bedded diamictite and mudstones. The bank-core assemblage is formed by a stacking of coarse-grained diamictites where at least five major erosional surfaces, bounding four multistory diamictite bodies, can be recognized. Finally, the bank-back assemblage corresponds to discontinuous intervals of striated lodgement till, and coarse-grained resedimented diamictites showing important post-depositional deformation. The retrogradational stacking of the morainal banks indicate an overall glacial retreat and a glacioeustatic sea-level rise. Erosional surfaces at the base of each morainal bank suggest intervening short term episodes of ice advance.The new data presented here confirm the existence of "true" tillites in western Paganzo Basin and suggest several (at least four) pulses of glacial advance and retreat during the Namurian glaciation in the region and permit a more refined interpretation of the glacial deposits in the Huaco area.  相似文献   

珠江口盆地荔湾3-1气田珠江组深水扇沉积相分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
根据已钻井取芯段岩相分析,从荔湾3-1气田珠江组深水扇沉积体系中划分出巨厚层和厚层块状砂岩相、厚层正粒序砂岩相、厚层逆粒序砂岩相、平行—板状斜层理砂岩相、滑塌变形砂岩相、薄层砂岩夹层相、薄层(粉)砂岩与泥岩互层相、厚层粉砂岩相、厚层泥岩相和层状深水灰岩相等10种岩相类型和识别出砂岩相组合、泥岩相组合、(粉)砂岩与泥岩互...  相似文献   

The Ilchulbong tuff cone, Cheju Island, South Korea   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Ilchulbong mount of Cheju Island, South Korea, is an emergent tuff cone of middle Pleistocene age formed by eruption of a vesiculating basaltic magma into shallow seawater. A sedimentological study reveals that the cone sequence can be represented by nine sedimentary facies that are grouped into four facies associations. Facies association I represents steep strata near the crater rim composed mostly of crudely and evenly bedded lapilli tuff and minor inversely graded lapilli tuff. These facies suggest fall-out from tephra finger jets and occasional grain flows, respectively. Facies association II represents flank or base-of-slope deposits composed of lenticular and hummocky beds of massive or backset-stacked deposits intercalated between crudely to thinly stratified lapilli tuffs. They suggest occasional resedimentation of tephra by debris flows and slides during the eruption. Facies association III comprises thin, gently dipping marginal strata, composed of thinly stratified lapilli tuff and tuff. This association results from pyroclastic surges and cosurge falls associated with occasional large-scale jets. Facies association IV comprises a reworked sequence of massive, inversely graded and cross-bedded (gravelly) sandstones. These facies represent post-eruptive reworking of tephra by debris and stream flows. The facies associations suggest that the Ilchulbong tuff cone grew by an alternation of vertical and lateral accumulation. The vertical buildup was accomplished by plastering of wet tephra finger jets. This resulted in oversteepening and periodic failure of the deposits, in which resedimentation contributed to the lateral growth. After the eruption ceased, the cone underwent subaerial erosion and faulting of intracrater deposits. A volcaniclastic apron accumulated with erosion of the original tuff cone; the faulting was caused by subsidence of the subvolcanic basement within the crater.  相似文献   

The Dupi Tila Formation is composed of yellow to light brown medium to very fine moderately hard to loose sandstone, siltstone, silty clay, mudstone and shale with some conglomerates with clasts of petrified wood. The lithofacies of matrix supported conglomerate, trough cross bedded conglomerate, massive sandstone, trough cross bedded sandstone, planar cross bedded sandstone, ripple cross laminated sandstone-siltstone, flaser laminated sandstone-shale, lenticular laminated sandstone-siltstone-shale, parallel laminated sandstone-siltstone, wavy laminated shale, parallel laminated blue shale, and mudstone are delineated within this formation. Based on the grain size, sedimentary structures, water depth and genesis of individual facies, facies are grouped into three types of facies associations like (i) coarse-grained conglomerate facies association in relation to tractive current deposits of alluvial fan set up at the base of litho-succession (FAC), (ii) medium to fine-grained sandstone-siltstone-mudstone facies association or facies association in relation to strong tide (FAT) characterizing the middle part of litho-succession, (iii) very fine-grained sandstone-siltstone-mudstone facies association in relation to less frequent weak tide or heterolithic facies association (FAHL) characterizing upper part of litho-succession and shallow marine facies association (FASM) composing the uppermost litho-succession. Presence of gluconite indicates that the depositional environment was shallow to deep marine. The dominant paleoflow direction during the deposition of Dupi Tila Formation was toward southeast to southwestern direction. The rivers were of braided type at the piedmont alluvial depositional set up at the lower part, which later changed to estuarine-tidal flat type environmental set up in the middle part to upper part and paleo-environment was shallow marine in the uppermost part.  相似文献   

The Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) Kenilworth Member of the Blackhawk Formation (Mesaverde Group) is part of a series of strand plain sandstones that intertongue with and overstep the shelfal shales of the western interior basin of North America. Analysis of this section at a combination of small (sedimentological) and large (stratigraphical) scales reveals the dynamics of progradation of a shelf-slope sequence into a subsiding foreland basin. Four major lithofacies are present in the upper Mancos and Kenilworth beds of the Book Cliffs. A lag sandstone and channel-fill shale lithofacies constitutes the thin, basal, transgressive sequence, which rests on a marine erosion surface. It was deposited in an outer shelf environment. Shale, interbedded sandstone and shale, and amalgamated sandstone lithofacies were deposited over the transgressive lag sandstone lithofacies as a wave-dominated delta and its flanking strand plains prograded seaward. Analysis of grain size and primary structures in Kenilworth beds indicates that there are four basic strata types which combine to build the observed lithofacies. The fine- to very fine-grained graded strata of the interbedded facies are tempestites, deposited out of suspension by alongshelf storm flows (geostrophic flows). There is no need to call on cross-shelf turbidity currents (density underflows) to explain their presence. Very fine- to fine-grained hummocky strata are likewise suspension deposits created by waning storm flows, but were deposited under conditions of more intense wave agitation on the middle shoreface. Cross-strata sets in this region are bed-load deposits that accumulated on the upper shore-face, in the surf zone. Lag strata are multi-event, bed-load deposits that are the product of prolonged storm winnowing. They occur on transgressive surfaces. While the graded beds are tempestites in the strict sense, all four classes of strata are storm deposits. The distribution of strata types and their palaeocurrent orientations suggests a model of the Kenilworth transport system driven by downwelling coastal storm flows, and probably by a northeasterly alongshore pressure gradient. The stratification patterns shift systematically from upper shoreface to lower shoreface and inner shelf lithofacies partly because of a reduction in fluid power expenditure with increasing water depth, but also because of progressive sorting, which resulted in a decrease in grain size in the sediment load delivered to successive downstream environments. The Kenilworth Member and an isolated outlier, the Hatch Mesa lentil, constitute a delta-prodelta shelf depositional system. Their rhythmically bedded, lenticular, sandstone and shale successions are a prodelta shelf facies, and may be prodelta plume deposits. Major Upper Cretaceous sandstone tongues in the Book Cliffs are underlain by erosional surfaces like that beneath the Blackhawk Formation, which extend for many tens of kilometres into the Mancos shale. These surfaces are the boundaries of Upper Cretaceous depositional sequences. The sequences are large-scale genetic stratigraphic units. They result from the arranging of facies into depositional systems; the depositional systems are in turn stacked in repeating arrays, which constitute the depositional sequences. The anatomy of these foreland basin sequences differs  相似文献   

In western Anatolia, a thick volcanic succession of andesitic to rhyolitic lavas and volcaniclastic rocks crops out extensively. On Foça Peninsula, the westernmost part of the region, a dominantly rhyolitic sequence is exposed where massive rhyolites occur as dome or domelike stubby lava flows. These rhyolite domes vertically and laterally pass into blanketing volcaniclastic sequences. The gradational boundary relations and the facies characteristics of the surrounding volcaniclastic sequences indicate that the silicic domes directly intruded a subaqueous environment and were shattered upon sudden contact with water to form hyaloclastic blankets.

In and around these rhyolite domes, we have defined six different volcanic and volcaniclastic facies, consisting of: (1) massive rhyolite; (2) massive perlite; (3) hyaloclastic breccias; (4) rhyolite pumice and lithic fragment-bearing volcaniclastic rocks; (5) subaqueous welded ignimbrites; and (6) brecciated perlite. The massive rhyolite facies have distinct structures from the centers to the peripheries of the domes and stubby lava flows. Massive lava facies gradually pass into hyaloclastic breccias and massive perlite facies, indicating water-magma interaction during the emplacement. Phreatomagmatic explosive activity and doming caused the subaqueous pyroclastic flows on the flanks of the volcanic center. Welding in the upper parts of these pyroclastic flow deposits indicates the high-temperature emplacement of the pyroclastic material and relatively slow cooling caused by the cushioning effect of the gas-vapor mixture and rapid deposition of younger pyroclastic units.  相似文献   

Hybrid event beds comprising both clean and mud‐rich sandstone are important components of many deep‐water systems and reflect the passage of turbulent sediment gravity flows with zones of clay‐damped or suppressed turbulence. ‘Behind‐outcrop’ cores from the Pennsylvanian deep‐water Ross Sandstone Formation reveal hybrid event beds with a wide range of expression in terms of relative abundance, character and inferred origin. Muddy hybrid event beds first appear in the underlying Clare Shale Formation where they are interpreted as the distal run‐out of the wakes to flows which deposited most of their sand up‐dip before transforming to fluid mud. These are overlain by unusually thick (up to 4·4 m), coarse sandy hybrid event beds (89% of the lowermost Ross Formation by thickness) that record deposition from outsized flows in which transformations were driven by both substrate entrainment in the body of the flow and clay fractionation in the wake. A switch to dominantly fine‐grained sand was accompanied initially by the arrest of turbulence‐damped, mud‐rich flows with evidence for transitional flow conditions and thick fluid mud caps. The mid and upper Ross Formation contain metre‐scale bed sets of hybrid event beds (21 to 14%, respectively) in (i) upward‐sandying bed set associations immediately beneath amalgamated sheet or channel elements; (ii) stacked thick‐bedded and thin‐bedded hybrid event bed‐dominated bed sets; (iii) associations of hybrid event bed‐dominated bed sets alternating with conventional turbidites; and (iv) rare outsized hybrid event beds. Hybrid event bed dominance in the lower Ross Formation may reflect significant initial disequilibrium, a bias towards large‐volume flows in distal sectors of the basin, extensive mud‐draped slopes and greater drop heights promoting erosion. Higher in the formation, hybrid event beds record local perturbations related to channel switching, lobe relocations and extension of channels across the fan surface. The Ross Sandstone Formation confirms that hybrid event beds can form in a variety of ways, even in the same system, and that different flow transformation mechanisms may operate even during the passage of a single flow.  相似文献   

The 3.2 km-thick late Precambrian Kongsfjord Formation Submarine Fan shows well-developed middle-fan facies-associations. Channel deposits are characterised by discrete packets of coarse-grained, medium to thick-bedded, amalgamated sandstone turbidites and other mass-flow deposits, generally 10 to 30 m thick. Individual beds, or packets of beds, wedge out and channel bases cut down by up to 11 m over a lateral distance of 150 m. Channel deposits often comprise a thinning-and-fining-upward sequence although they vary greatly in clarity. Interchannel deposits occur as packets, tens of centimetres to 25 m thick, of thin and very thin bedded Bouma Tcde siltstones and mudstones. Palaeocurrents within interchannel deposits commonly diverge from those of adjacent channel sandstones. Within the interchannel deposits, isolated beds or packets of beds occur that are both thicker bedded and coarser grained than the surrounding beds; these unusual deposits are sheet-like or fill small channels, and are interpreted as crevasse splays, lobes and channels. Packets, up to a few metres thick, of laterally discontinuous siltstone turbidites occur immediately above some of the channel sandstones, rarely below, and in some cases within interchannel deposits. These siltstones are thin to medium-bedded, show Bouma Tcd, with Tc often as climbing-ripple lamination, and commonly show soft-sediment deformation as slides, slumps, liquefaction and fluidisation structures. Palaeoflow within these packets, compared to adjacent channel sandstones, diverges by up to 90°, and in some cases channel sandstones are seen to pass laterally into these deposits with a swing in palaeocurrents from parallel to the inferred channel axis, to perpendicular to it. These deposits are thought to be levees. Channel-margin deposits are most distinctive, and they are recognised by extreme lateral wedging of channel sandstones, with concomitant thinning and fining of individual beds and their amalgamation towards the channel axis. Sliding and slumping of channel margin deposits is common. Throughout the Kongsfjord Formation Submarine Fan, channel sandstone palaeocurrents suggest a sediment-transport direction to the NE quadrant, although some channels funnelled sediment towards the southeast.  相似文献   

The Lower Cretaceous Britannia Formation (North Sea) includes an assemblage of sandstone beds interpreted here to be the deposits of turbidity currents, debris flows and a spectrum of intermediate flow types termed slurry flows. The term ‘slurry flow’ is used here to refer to watery flows transitional between turbidity currents, in which particles are supported primarily by flow turbulence, and debris flows, in which particles are supported by flow strength. Thick, clean, dish‐structured sandstones and associated thin‐bedded sandstones showing Bouma Tb–e divisions were deposited by high‐ and low‐density turbidity currents respectively. Debris flow deposits are marked by deformed, intraformational mudstone and sandstone masses suspended within a sand‐rich mudstone matrix. Most Britannia slurry‐flow deposits contain 10–35% detrital mud matrix and are grain supported. Individual beds vary in thickness from a few centimetres to over 30 m. Seven sedimentary structure division types are recognized in slurry‐flow beds: (M1) current structured and massive divisions; (M2) banded units; (M3) wispy laminated sandstone; (M4) dish‐structured divisions; (M5) fine‐grained, microbanded to flat‐laminated units; (M6) foundered and mixed layers that were originally laminated to microbanded; and (M7) vertically water‐escape structured divisions. Water‐escape structures are abundant in slurry‐flow deposits, including a variety of vertical to subvertical pipe‐ and sheet‐like fluid‐escape conduits, dish structures and load structures. Structuring of Britannia slurry‐flow beds suggests that most flows began deposition as turbidity currents: fully turbulent flows characterized by turbulent grain suspension and, commonly, bed‐load transport and deposition (M1). Mud was apparently transported largely as hydrodynamically silt‐ to sand‐sized grains. As the flows waned, both mud and mineral grains settled, increasing near‐bed grain concentration and flow density. Low‐density mud grains settling into the denser near‐bed layers were trapped because of their reduced settling velocities, whereas denser quartz and feldspar continued settling to the bed. The result of this kinetic sieving was an increasing mud content and particle concentration in the near‐bed layers. Disaggregation of mud grains in the near‐bed zone as a result of intense shear and abrasion against rigid mineral grains caused a rapid increase in effective clay surface area and, hence, near‐bed cohesion, shear resistance and viscosity. Eventually, turbulence was suppressed in a layer immediately adjacent to the bed, which was transformed into a cohesion‐dominated viscous sublayer. The banding and lamination in M2 are thought to reflect the formation, evolution and deposition of such cohesion‐dominated sublayers. More rapid fallout from suspension in less muddy flows resulted in the development of thin, short‐lived viscous sublayers to form wispy laminated divisions (M3) and, in the least muddy flows with the highest suspended‐load fallout rates, direct suspension sedimentation formed dish‐structured M4 divisions. Markov chain analysis indicates that these divisions are stacked to form a range of bed types: (I) dish‐structured beds; (II) dish‐structured and wispy laminated beds; (III) banded, wispy laminated and/or dish‐structured beds; (IV) predominantly banded beds; and (V) thickly banded and mixed slurried beds. These different bed types form mainly in response to the varying mud contents of the depositing flows and the influence of mud on suspended‐load fallout rates. The Britannia sandstones provide a remarkable and perhaps unique window on the mechanics of sediment‐gravity flows transitional between turbidity currents and debris flows and the textures and structuring of their deposits.  相似文献   

Although the Permian–Triassic Semanggol Formation is widely distributed in northwestern Peninsula Malaysia and is made of various lithofacies, its sedimentology and possible relation with the Permian–Triassic boundary (PTB) were not considered before. In this study, detailed facies analysis was conducted for two sections of the Semanggol Formation at the Bukit Kukus and Baling areas, South Kedah to clarify its sedimentology and relation to the PTB. Four facies from the Permian part of the Semanggol Formation that were identified at the Bukit Kukus section include laminated black mudstone, interbedded mudstone and sandstone, volcanogenic sediments, and bedded chert. In Baling area, the Triassic part of the formation is classified into three members. The lower member comprises of claystone and bedded chert facies, while the middle member is composed of sandstone and claystone interbeds (rhythmite). On the other hand, the upper member is grouped into two main units. The lower unit is mainly claystone and includes two facies: the varve-like laminated silt and clay and massive black claystone. The upper unit is composed of various sandstone lithofacies ranging from hummocky cross stratified (HCS) sandstone to thinly laminated sandstone to burrowed sandstone facies. The HCS sandstones occur as two units of fine-grained poorly sorted sandstone with clay lenses as flaser structure and are separated by a hard iron crust. They also show coarse grains of lag deposits at their bases. The laminated black mudstone at the lowermost part of the Semanggol Formation represents a reducing and quite conditions, which is most probably below the fairweather wave base in offshore environment that changed upwards into a fining upward sequence of tide environment. Abundance of chert beds in the volcanogenic sediments suggests the deposition of tuffs and volcanic ashes in deep marine setting which continues to form the Permian pelagic bedded chert and claystone. The bedded chert in the lower member of the Triassic section suggests its formation in deep marine conditions. The rhythmic sandstone and claystone interbeds of the middle member are suggestive for its formation as a distal fan of a turbidite sequence. Lithology and primary sedimentary structure of the upper member suggest its deposition in environments range from deep marine represented by the varve-like laminated silt and clay to subtidal environment corresponds to the massive black claystone to coastal environment represented by the hummocky sandstone units and reaches the maximum regression at the hiatus surface. Another cycle of transgression can be indicated from the second hummocky unit with transgressive lag deposits that develops to relatively deeper conditions as indicated from the formation of relatively thick laminated sandstone and bioturbated massive sandstone facies that represent tidal and subtidal environment, respectively. Late Permian lithological variation from the radiolarian chert into early Triassic claystone probably resulted from a decrease in productivity of radiolarians and might represent a PTB in the Semanggol Formation. Volcanogenic sediments in the studied section can be used as an evidence for volcanic activities at the end of the Permian, which is probably connected to the nearby volcanic ash layers in the eastern China, the ultimate cause of the PTB in this area. Black mudstone in the Permian part of the studied section may be interrelated to the Latest Permian Anoxia that started to build in the deep ocean well before the event on shallow shelves.  相似文献   

Sediments of the Upper Carboniferous to Lower Jurassic Karoo Supergroup (∼ 4.5 km thick) were deposited in the mid-Zambezi Valley Basin, southern Zambia. The Upper Palæozoic Lower Karoo Group in this area ends with a Late Permian sedimentary unit called the Madumabisa Mudstone Formation. The formation is 700 m thick and comprises four lithofacies grouped into two facies assemblages, collectively interpreted as lacustrine deposits. Sediments of a massive mudrock facies assemblage were deposited from suspension, probably from sediment-laden rivers entering a lake. Concretionary calcilutite beds probably mark the positions of palæosediment-water interfaces where calcite was precipitated. A laminated mudrock facies assemblage is attributed to lacustrine deposition from inflowing rivers at the lake margins and shallow parts of the lake. Repeated thickening-upward cycles are evidence of upward shallowing, interrupted by events of more abrupt deepening. Sandstone interbeds are interpreted as fluvial deposits laid down during low lake stands, with cross-lamination and asymmetrical ripples indicating current rather than wave deposition. A fossil assemblage of ostracods, bivalves, gastropods, fish scales, the alga Botryococcus sp. and fossil burrows is consistent with a lacustrine origin for the formation.  相似文献   

The Udo tuff cone of Cheju Island, South Korea, is a middle Pleistocene basalt tuff cone that has formed by early Surtseyan-type eruptions and later drier hydroclastic eruptions. The tuff cone comprises steep (20–30°) and planar beds of lapillistone, lapilli tuff and tuff that can be grouped into seven sedimentary facies (A-G). Facies A and B comprise continuous to lenticular layers of grain-supported and openwork lapillistone that are inversely graded and coarsen downslope. They suggest emplacement by grain flows that are maintained by gravity-induced stress and grain collisions. Facies C includes poorly sorted, crudely bedded and locally inversely graded lapilli tuff, also suggestive of rapid deposition from highly concentrated grain flows. Facies D includes thinly stratified and mantle-bedded tuff that was probably deposited by fallout of wind-borne ash. Other facies include massive lapilli tuff (Facies E), chaotic lapilli tuff (Facies F) and cross-bedded tuffaceous sandstone (Facies G) that were deposited by resedimentation processes such as debris flow, slide/slump and stream flow, respectively. The grain flows that produced Facies A, B and C are interpreted to have originated from falling pyroclasts, which initially generated highly dispersed, saltating avalanches, in which momentum was transferred by the particles themselves. This transport mechanism is similar to that of debris fall. As the slope gradient was too low to maintain a highly dispersed flow, the debris fall decelerated and contracted due to a decrease in dispersive pressure. The mode of momentum transfer changed to one of collision because contraction of the debris fall resulted in an increase in particle concentration. This transport mechanism is similar to that of common grain flows. Grain segregation occurred in several ways. Initial segregation of ash from lapilli occurred due to their differing terminal fall velocities, and their contrasting degrees of sliding friction with the bed. Percolation of ash into interstices of lapilli during flow (kinematic sieving) augmented further segregation of ash from lapilli. The latter process, along with a dispersive pressure effect, gave rise to vertical inverse size grading. Downdip inverse grading was produced by particle overpassing.  相似文献   

应用深水沉积学和地震沉积学的相关理论,通过岩心观察描述、钻测井资料分析及平面沉积相编图,对下刚果盆地A区块白垩系Pointe Indienne组深水重力流的类型、沉积特征、垂向沉积组合及沉积模式进行了探讨分析,指出该地区发育砂质碎屑流、泥质碎屑流、浊流及与重力流形成过程相关的滑动—滑塌沉积,并总结了该深水重力流的沉积模式。结果表明:砂质碎屑流沉积以块状层理细砂岩为主,含大型漂浮泥砾和泥岩撕裂屑;泥质碎屑流沉积以泥级碎屑为主,含有少量的暗色泥岩碎屑和砂质团块,见“泥包砾”结构;浊流沉积以发育完整或不完整的鲍马序列为特征;滑动—滑塌沉积具有明显的剪切滑移面,可见旋转火焰构造、砂岩扭曲杂乱分布及褶皱变形层;纵向上可识别出4种类型的重力流沉积垂向组合,以多期砂质碎屑流沉积叠置和砂质碎屑流沉积与浊流沉积叠置最为常见;研究区深水重力流沉积可分为上部扇、中部扇和外部扇3部分,上部扇以主水道沉积为主;中部扇以辫状水道和溢岸沉积为主,砂体厚度较大;外部扇以朵叶体沉积和薄层浊积岩为主,砂体厚度相对较薄。  相似文献   


The mid‐Silurian Major Mitchell Sandstone of the Grampians Group outcrops at Mt Bepcha, western Victoria, represent a prograding fluviodeltaic sequence comprising four lithofacies and five ichnofacies. The stratigraphically lowest Interbedded Sandstone/Siltstone Facies is characterised by thin sandstone and siltstone beds with soft‐sediment deformation and scours with gravelly lag deposits. This lithofacies contains Thalassinoides, Palaeophycus, Rhizocorallium and intrastratal burrows, together indicative of the Cruziana Ichnofacies, and is interpreted as a shallow‐marine depositional environment on a low‐energy delta front with minor tidal influences. The overlying Massive Sandstone Facies lacks silt, and consists of predominantly massive and some plane‐laminated sandstone, abundant Skolithos linearis , rare Palaeophycus and a single small Cruziana problematica ; the trace‐fossil assemblage is assigned to the Skolithos Ichnofacies. This facies is believed to have been deposited in a marine high‐energy shoreface environment with continuously shifting sands, affected by periodic flooding events from the mouth of a nearby river. Above this is the Trough Cross‐bedded Facies, which contains trough cross‐bedding with gravelly lag deposits, a northwest palaeocurrent direction and large Taenidium barretti burrows (Burrowed Ichnofacies). This facies also contains abundant plane‐laminated sandstone with a northeast‐southwest palaeocurrent direction and ichnofossils of Scoyenia and Daedalus , representing the Scoyenia Ichnofacies. The Trough Cross‐bedded Facies is interpreted to have been deposited in shallow low‐sinuosity channels by overbank‐flooding events, most likely on a delta plain. The uppermost facies, the Plane‐laminated Facies, contains thin beds of current‐lineated, plane‐laminated graded coarse to fine sandstone that preserve arthropod trackways (Arthropod Ichnofacies). This facies was deposited on a periodically sheet‐flooded, subaerially exposed delta plain.  相似文献   

在西藏自治区北部区域地质调查过程中 ,在班戈地层分区的下白垩统郎山组之上发现一套厚约 180 0 m的滨海—浅海相碳酸盐岩、陆源细碎屑岩岩石组合 ,该套组合不属于郎山组定义之内 ,且出露良好、层序稳定、标志清楚、厚度巨大、化石丰富 ,并具有很强的可填图性。因此 ,我们将整合于郎山组之上 ,岩性以杂色微—薄层状钙质泥岩、钙质 (粉 )砂岩与泥质生物灰岩的韵律产出为特征 ,产圆笠虫、腹足类、双壳类等化石的地层命名为康曲组 ;将整合于康曲组之上 ,下部以灰—深灰色中薄层状泥质生物灰岩、圆笠虫泥晶灰岩、钙质泥岩等韵律出现为特征 ,上部以灰色中—厚层状含硅质结核圆笠虫泥晶灰岩、圆笠虫泥晶灰岩夹灰绿色薄层状钙质砂岩为特征 ,富含圆笠虫、腕足类、腹足类、双壳类及海胆等化石的地层定名为余穷组。时代均置于早白垩世晚期  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Three transitional submarine fan environments are recognized in the late Precambrian, 3-2 km thick Kongsfjord Formation in NE Finnmark, North Norway, namely: (1) middle to outer fan; (2) fan lateral margin, and (3) fan to upper basin-slope deposits. Middle to outer fan deposits have a high proportion of sandstones, typically showing Bouma T bede with T a in the thicker beds. Deposition was mainly from sheet flows with rare shallow channels. Middle to outer fan deposits are an association of sandstone packets less than 10 m thick but commonly only a few metres thick, interpreted as channels or lobes. Interchannel and fan fringe deposits occur as discrete packets of beds between the thicker bedded and coarser grained channel or lobe deposits. Fan lateral margin deposits are recognized on the basis of their stratigraphic position adjacent to inner/middle fan deposits. They are characterized by: (a) a relatively high proportion of fine-grained sandstone/siltstone turbidites compared to other major fan environments; (b) relatively small channels oriented at various angles to the regional basin slope; (c) lobes associated with channels, and (d) abundant clastic dykes and other soft-sediment deformation. Fan lateral margin deposits are distinguished from the outer fan/basin plain successions on account of the very high proportion of siltstone turbidites comparable with middle fan inter-channel deposits. Fan to upper basin-slope deposits occur at the top of the formation as an alternation of sandstone turbidites, most of which are laterally discontinuous, and very thin-bedded upper basin-slope siltstones with slide deposits.  相似文献   

The Sierra Grande Formation (Silurian-Early Devonian) consists of quartz arenites associated with clast supported conglomerates, mudstones, shales and ironstones. Eight sedimentary facies are recognized: cross-stratified and massive sandstone, plane bedded sandstone, ripple laminated sandstone, interstratified sandstone and mudstone, laminated mudstone and shale, oolitic ironstone, massive conglomerate and sheet conglomerate lags. These facies are interpreted as shallow marine deposits, ranging from foreshore to inner platform environments. Facies associations, based on vertical relationships among lithofacies, suggest several depositional zones: (a) beach to upper shoreface, with abundant plane bedded and massive bioturbated sandstones; (b) upper shoreface to breaker zone, characterized by multistorey cross-stratified and massive sandstone bodies interpreted as subtidal longshore-flow induced sand bars; (c) subtidal, nearshore tidal sand bars, consisting of upward fining sandstone sequences; (d) lower shoreface zone, dominated by ripple laminated sandstone, associated with cross-stratified and horizontal laminated sandstone, formed by translatory and oscillatory flows; and (e) transitional nearshore-offshore and inner platform zones, with heterolithic and pelitic successions, and oolitic ironstone horizons. Tidal currents, fair weather waves and storm events interacted during the deposition of the Sierra Grande Formation. However, the relevant features of the siliciclastics suggest that fair weather and storm waves were the most important mechanisms in sediment accumulation. The Silurian-Lower Devonian platform was part of a continental interior sag located between southern South America and southern Africa. The Sierra Grande Formation was deposited during a second order sea level rise, in which a shallow epeiric sea flooded a deeply weathered low relief continent.  相似文献   

志留系滔河口组是一套发育于北大巴山地区的火山岩-火山碎屑岩-沉积岩组合。在1:10000地质填图和大比例地质剖面实测基础上,通过详细的火山碎屑岩相序和组构分析,本文在滔河口组火山-地层中共识别和划分出22个岩相,5个相组合类型。区域岩相测量与对比揭示,滔河口组火山-沉积宏观序列自下而上由玄武岩相(一般下部为块状粗粒/细粒玄武岩相、上部为枕状玄武岩相)、凝灰角砾岩相、再沉积富辉石火山碎屑砾岩相、无结构或叠瓦状凝灰质粗砾岩相、凝灰质砂岩相、生物灰岩相或泥岩相构成。岩相组合横向变化显示滔河口组古火山活动西强东弱,火山活动类型为斯托柏林型(Strombolian-type eruption)喷发。相对地,研究区西部火山-沉积序列发育较为完整。滔河口组的地层序列与岩石组合与板内火山活动产物相似,本文认为北大巴山地区志留系滔河口组火山岩-火山碎屑岩-沉积岩组合形成于洋岛或海山构造环境,是板内拉伸作用的产物。  相似文献   

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