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1 .IntroductionNondestructiveinspection (NDI)isveryimportantforensuringthereliabilityofoffshorestructuresintheirservicelives (Lauraetal.,1 996 ) .Itiswellknownthatdetectionofflawsinvolvesconsider ablestatisticaluncertainties.Asaresult,theprobabilityofdetection (POD)forallflawsofagivensizehasbeenusedintheliteraturetodefinethecapabilityofaparticularNDItechniqueinagivenen vironment.SincethedataofPODusuallyscatterlargely ,itisdifficulttodeterminewhichmodelfitstheavailabledatabest.Thismodelun…  相似文献   

A system reliability estimation method for spatial jacket platforms is developed in this paper,The jacket platform is modeled into three-dimensional assembly of spatial beam and plate elements in Fi-nite Element Method(FEM).The limit failure states correspond to collapse of a series of structural mem-bers which are identified by engineering design criteria.In this paper the following aspects are taken intoaccount:the punching shear and buckiing failures in member failure modes for the tubular joints and tubu-lar columns respectively;incremental loading approach for establishment of the safety margin equations ofsystem failure;the algorithm of enumerating significant failure modes for the structural systems and otherconcepts,such as the false failure mode and the virtual limit state.The final work is devoted to the reliabili-ty analysis for a practical jacket platform presently put into operation on the Bohai Sea.The computed re-sults shows that method suggested in this paper is feasible and effective for  相似文献   

1 .IntroductionInthe whole service period of the platforms ,some damage is unavoidable due to the corrosion,impact ,fatigue and so on.The damage whould cause the structures’ultimate capacity and safety de-crease .Presently,it is generally acceptedthat the detection of damage involes considerable statisticaluncertainties,thus lot of efforts is made for the damage probalility model ,for example Song and Lu(1996) usedthefuzzy-settheoryto estimatethe humanerrorsthroughthe definitionof inspection…  相似文献   

提出了基于风险的海洋结构物无损检测功能分级方法,采用检测概率、错误识别概率和裂纹出现概率度量检测功能,并修正了错误识别概率的取值范围。根据风险值对无损检测功能进行了分级,研究了风险值随检测概率、错误识别概率和裂纹出现概率的变化规律,分析了风险值对检测费用、维修费用及失效费用的敏感性。在此基础上,将基于风险的海洋结构物无损检测功能分级方法应用于优化检测策略,用算例证明了文中所提方法的有效性。  相似文献   

当结构物产生损伤时,结构的动力特性会发生变化,从而引起结构振动响应产生相应的变化。小波变换是奇异性信号的良好检测工具,可以用于识别结构损伤的发生。建立了某海洋平台有限元模型,得到了随机海浪作用下不同损伤工况的结构振动响应。基于小波变换损伤检测,针对不同类型杆件损伤、不同位置杆件损伤、不同程度的噪声污染以及不同方向振动响应信号情况下,分别研究了海洋平台结构的损伤检测问题,得到了一些有用的结论。  相似文献   

1 .Introduction Large civil engineering structures are exposed to various external loads such as earthquakes ,winds ,traffic and wave loads during their lifetime . The structures may become deteriorated and de-graded withtime in an unexpected way, which m…  相似文献   

—In Bohai Gulf,offshore and other installations have collapsed by sea ice due to the fatigueand fracture of the main supporting components in the ice environments.In this paper presented are someresults on fatigue reliability of these structures in the Gulf by investigating the distributions of iceparameters such as its floating direction and speed,sheet thickness,compressive strength,ice forces on thestructures,and hot spot stress in the structure.The low temperature,ice breaking modes and componentfatigue failure modes are also taken into account in the analysis of the fatigue reliability of the offshorestructures experiencing both random ice loading and low temperatures.The results could be applied to thedesign and operation of offshore platforms in the Bohai Gulf.  相似文献   

Ice load is the dominative load in the design of offshore platforms in the ice zone, and the extreme ice load is the key factor that affects the safety of platforms. The present paper studies the statistical properties of the global resistance and the extreme responses of the jacket platforms in Bahai Bay, considering the randomness of ice load, dead load, steel elastic modulus, yield strength and structural member dimensions. Then, based on the above results, an efficient approximate method of the global reliability analysis for the offshore platforms is proposed, which converts the implicit nonlinear performance function in the conventional reliability analysis to linear explicit one. Finally, numerical examples of JZ20-2 MSW, JZ20-2NW and JZ20-2 MUQ offshore jacket platforms in the Bahai Bay demonstrate the satisfying efficiency, accuracy and applicability of the proposed method.  相似文献   

YANG  He-zhen 《中国海洋工程》2003,17(4):495-504
In this paper Nondestructive Damage Detection (NDD) for offshore platforms is investigated under operational conditions. As is known, there is no easy way to measure ambient excitation, so damage detection methods based on ambient excitation have become very vital for the Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) of offshore platforms. The modal parameters (natural frequencies, damping ratios and mode shapes) are identified from structural response data with the Natural Excitation Technique (NExT) in conjunction with the Eigensystem Realization Algorithm (ERA) . A new method of damage detection is presented, which utilizes the invariance property of element modal strain energy. This method is to assign element modal strain energy to two parts, and defines two damage detection indicators. One is compression modal strain energy change ratio (CMSECR); the other is flexural modal strain energy change ratio (FMSECR). The present modal strain energy is obtained by incomplete modal shape and structural stiffness matr  相似文献   

In this paper, the main problems concerning reliability design of offshore platform structure are described and the general steps for the use of Safety Coefficient Method are presented.  相似文献   

介绍一种新研制的用于近海海洋环境检测的轻型机器人,该机器人由智能检测控制台、水下检测器和控制电缆三部分构成;水下检测器由6个独立密封舱室和尾翼组成,具有一个主推进器和两个侧向推进器。特点是采用了潜艇式ROV结构,大幅降低了成本,适度增大了负载,可以满足一般工程检测的需要。通过在控制台上发出指令,可控制ROV完成前进、后退,上浮、下沉、左右转弯等动作;可以实现一定流速下的动力悬停,可以使ROV保持一定的倾角,以配合实现检测作业。该水下机器人可以检测腐蚀电位、温度、深度等最多16个参数,设计深度为40m。  相似文献   

-This paper reviews the current methodology for dynamic reanalysis. Rayleigh-Ritz approach and receptance approach are discussed in detail. Based on a general finite element structural analysis program SAPS, an eigenproblem re-analysis prorgram ERP was compiled. With a very small change the program can be implemented readily with any general FEM program. Finally, some numerical examples show that the new algorithm is of high precision and efficiency. In the case of local modification in the offshore platform, the efficiency is raised by 20- 50 times when compared with the re-calculation of the whole model.  相似文献   

随着海洋石油天然气资源的不断开发,海洋结构物得到了广泛的应用。长时间持续工作于海洋环境以及一旦失效代价高昂的特点使得海洋结构物的安全问题倍加瞩目。基于风险的检测和维护将海洋结构物的风险与费用相结合,可以在满足安全要求的前提下合理地降低运营费用,是目前国际上研究领域的热点问题。通过分析基于风险的海洋结构物检测和维护的国内外研究现状,对检测及维护操作过程中的一些关键问题和目前主流的研究方法及应用情况做了概述。最后讨论了海洋结构物检测维护研究中存在的一些问题,提出了今后的研究方向。基于风险的检测和维护将是今后一个值得关注的重要课题。  相似文献   

The key consideration in controlling the dynamic response of an offshore guyed tower subjected to environmental loading is the selection of the stiffness characteristics of the cable mooring array. In the present study, each cable in the array consists of three segments: a leading segment attached to the tower, a short heavy middle segment, and a seabed trailing segment attached at the extremity to an anchor pile. A nonlinear static model is presented in algorithmic form that defines the stiffness characteristics of the cable array. The model involves the inelastic static catenary equations coupled with conditions of geometric compatibility, formulated in terms of seven nondimensional system parameters. The effects of varying each of the system parameters on the stiffness characteristics of example cable arrays are presented and the implications for cable design are discussed.  相似文献   

本文从特征值问题出发 ,结合结构系统的有限单元模型并引入单元损伤因子 ,导出了求解单元损伤因子的方程 ,从而可以确定结构的损伤位置和损伤程度。利用简支梁进行了数值模拟 ,建立了简支梁的有限单元模型 ,用不同单元弹性模量的降低来模拟各种不同的损伤工况 ,并对每种工况进行了损伤位置和损伤程度识别 ,数值模拟结果同实际情况吻合很好。  相似文献   

1 .IntroductionTheBohaiGulfisinfestedbyiceinthewholewinter,andoffshorestructuresthereexperiencenotonlywind ,waves ,currentsandearthquake ,butalsoiceloadswhicharecomplicatedbecauseofthedynamicinteractionbetweenicesheetsandstructures.Duanetal.( 2 0 0 0 )hadacomprehensivere viewofthelatestadvancesonice inducedvibration ,fatigueandfractureofoffshorestructures ,payingmuchattentiontothedifferencesinicebreakingmodeanddynamicsofstructuresindifferentice in festedwaters .Theypresentedcriticallythelates…  相似文献   

The Optimal Design of TMD for Offshore Structures   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
This paper presents the optimal design procedure of Tuned Mass Damper(TMD)for re-ducing vibration of an actual steel jacket offshore platform excited by random wave loading.In this study,a frequency domain is taken.The force on the structure is determined by use of the linearized Morisonequation for an input Power Spectral Density(PSD)of wave elevation.The sensitivity of optimum valuesof TMD to characteristic parameters of random wave spectrum is analyzed.An optimized TMD designfor the modeled platform is given based on design conditions and the findings of the study.  相似文献   

地学在近海渔业管理中的应用虽是个刚刚兴起的研究领域,但已向人们展示了它令人振奋的成果。通过分析地学成果的获取、表达及地球物理技术的进展情况,介绍了加拿大地学专家如何成功地将地学成果应用于指导近海渔业捕捞,以及如何利用地学知识评价不同捕捞器材对环境的影响。  相似文献   

The degradation strength of soils under cyclic loading is studied and a method for deter-mining the cyclic degradation strength with cyclic triaxial tests is given in the paper.Furthermore,a dum-my static method for estimating the undrained bearing capacity for offshore soft foundation under waveloads is developed.It can consider the effect of the difference of cyclic stress for different parts of the foun-dation on both the degradation strength of the foundation soil and the bearing capacity so that the esti-mated result can better reflect the real condition of foundation under cyclic loading.The method can be ap-plied to plane and space problem.  相似文献   

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