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We use two series of eight-month UHF radar observations collected during the dry and wet seasons of AMMA field campaign. The ultimate goal is to do preliminary work to know whether the lowest layers are suitable for wind energy applications. Surface wind is usually weak in West Africa, but the regular occurrence of a nocturnal low level jet (NLLJ) could provide interesting conditions for wind energy. This work is two-fold: it first aims at improving our knowledge about the NLLJ in West Africa regarding its structure and its variability during the year. Then, special attention is paid to the first 200 m agl, to study the possibility to use the sub-jet wind as a source of energy. A set of enhanced radio-soundings is taken to help to understand the dynamics and thermodynamics and to find a way to extrapolate the wind at low level, where the UHF radars do not provide data.  相似文献   

We have observed a number of strong echoes with the European incoherent-scatter (EISCAT) UHF (930-MHz) radar at angles 83.5° and 78.6° with the geomagnetic field and at about 100-km altitude north in the auroral zone. The echoes are shortlived and occur in single 2- or 10-s data dumps. They are offset by 125–130 kHz with respect to the transmitted frequency. In most cases the offset compares well with the frequency of gyro lines in the incoherent-scatter spectrum, as given by the standard linear dispersion relation. But sometimes the measured offsets deviate significantly from the model calculations, and the interpretation in terms of gyro lines becomes questionable. The discrepancy could possibly be explained by local deviations in the magnetic field from the model (IGRF 1987), which are generated by incoming particle beams. A more serious problem with the gyro-line theory is how the line can be excited at altitudes where the collisional damping is substantial. The high intensity and short lifetime of the signal point to a fast-growing plasma instability as the likely excitation mechanism, if the gyro-line interpretation is correct. The cause of the instability could be the same particle beams as those causing the disturbances in the magnetic field. Alternatively, the observations may be interpreted as meteor head echoes. The large Doppler shifts, the short lifetimes and the altitudes of the signals support this explanation. The main difficulty is that the distribution of measured offsets appears to be different in magnetically active conditions and in less active conditions. Also, the occurrence of echoes does not seem to follow the expected changes in meteor density. More observations in different conditions are needed to decide between the two interpretations. As it is, we are inclined to believe in the meteor head echo theory, the objections to the gyro-line theory being more fundamental.  相似文献   

The CUTLASS Finland radar, which comprises an integral part of the SuperDARN system of HF coherent radars, provides near continuous observations of high-latitude plasma irregularities within a field-of-view which extends over some four million square kilometres. Within the Finland radar field-of-view lie both the EISCAT mainland and EISCAT Svalbard incoherent scatter radar facilities. Since the CUTLASS Finland radar commenced operation, in February 1995, the mainland EISCAT UHF radar has been run in common programme 1 and 2 modes for a total duration exceeding 1000 h. Simultaneous and spatially coincident returns from these two radars over this period provide the basis for a comparison of irregularity drift veloCity and F-region ion veloCity. Initial comparison is limited to velocities from four intervals of simultaneous radar returns; intervals are selected such that they exhibit a variety of veloCity signatures including that characteristic of the convection reversal and a rapidly fluctuating veloCity feature. Subsequent comparison is on a statistical basis. The velocities measured by the two systems demonstrate reasonable correspondence over the veloCity regime encountered during the simultaneous occurrence of coherent and incoherent scatter; differences between the EISCAT UHF measurements of F-region ion drift and the irregularity drift velocities from the Finland radar are explained in terms of a number of contributing factors including contamination of the latter by E-region echoes, a factor which is investigated further, and the potentially deleterious effect of discrepant volume and time sampling intervals.  相似文献   

During a coordinated campaign devoted to wave-turbulence interactions, measurements with the high vertical resolution PROUST radar and radiosounding have been performed in an upper level potential vorticity anomaly. This campaign took place during September 1996 at St Santin, France, (44° 39′N, 2° 12′E), where the radar is located. Radiosonde data reveal, along the eastern part of the nomaly, the presence of a saturated wave field, while the radar observes turbulent activity in regions of wave-induced windshears. Characteristic parameters of the a saturation mechanism determined by the radar and radiosondes are in generally good agreement with the saturation onset conditions provided by linear saturation theory. The predicted relationship between vertical wavelength, period and energy dissipation rate proposed by the saturated-cascade theory is also assessed, although the proportionality factor is smaller than foreseen. When approaching the jetstream region, modulation by the wave field of the background windshear gives rise to Kelvin–Helmholtz instabilities whose convective billows are observed by the radar.  相似文献   

“龙王”台风期间高频地波雷达数据分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
OSMAR2003岸基高频地波雷达系统由武汉大学电波传播实验室研制并于2005年应用于福建沿海,能够全天候、大面积探测台湾海峡内海洋表面动力学要素. 本文首先将0519号台风期间高频地波雷达的测量数据与局部点的浮标数据对比,然后又对大面积海域内雷达测量风场与uikSCAT卫星遥感数据进行了对比分析. 结果表明高频地波雷达较好地反映了台风期间台湾海峡内风场的空间分布及其发展变化情况,具有一定的灾害性海洋天气监测能力.  相似文献   

北京MST雷达探测中间层-低热层观测结果初步分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
北京MST雷达是子午工程建设的国内仅有的两部MST雷达之一,为研究其在中间层-低热层MLT区域的探测能力以及数据可靠性,本文应用北京MST雷达2012、2013两年高模式数据,从数据获取率、与廊坊流星雷达测风对比以及风场时空分布特征三个方面进行初步分析.结果是:(1)数据获取率日变化特征为:白天65~100km均可获取数据,数据获取率的高值区主要集中在70~80km,最大值可达80%;夜间主要集中在80~100km,数据获取率在30%及以下.表明该MST雷达白天可以探测到电离层D层和E层低层,夜间D层消失,只探测到E层低层.季节变化特征为:夏季白天可获取数据的时间和高度区间都比较大,春季次之,冬季最小.夏季白天以及日落后1h内可探测到120km.(2)对北京MST雷达与廊坊流星雷达2012年5月份、80~100km高度区间测量的水平风进行对比分析,二者测风结果在时空分布上有很好的一致性,表明MST雷达探测数据是可靠的.(3)2012年和2013年相应月份平均的纬向风、经向风时空分布特征有较高的一致性,并与HWM07模式结果也基本一致.上述初步分析结果表明,北京MST雷达对中间层-低热层60~120km高度区域已具备较强的探测能力,所得结果将可用于MLT过程揭示与驱动因子研究,并可与该高度上其他探测手段作综合研究.  相似文献   

The temporal and spatial evolution of a deep-reaching anticyclonic eddy(AE) is studied using a combination of satellite measurements, moored observations and ocean model reanalysis data in the South China Sea(SCS). Three evolutionary stages in eddy's lifecycle are identified from changes in eddy dynamical characteristics estimated from satellite altimetry: birth(22 days), growth(64 days), and decay(47 days). Similar patterns are also distinguished from dynamic signals in HYCOM.Further, flows reversal and upwelling of cold water below 1500 m were captured by the in-situ records when this energetic,highly nonlinear and long-lived(over 19 weeks) AE passed by our mooring position. Its detailed vertical structure is examined through temperature anomalies, vertical shear of horizontal velocities, and horizontal streamlines estimated from ocean model reanalysis data. Results from the model reveal a mesoscale AE with first-mode baroclinic structure: a bowl-shaped anticyclonic flow in the upper ocean connected to a slant-cylinder cyclonic flow at depth, with a transition layer at depths between 400 and 700 m. It is in good agreement with moored observations but showing a shallower transition depth, suggesting a slight deficiency in the model due to limited deep-sea observations. Last, we estimate eddy heat transport at different depths and stages along the AE's path based on the model data. The result reveals that pronounced heat fluxes occur during growth stage(depths 400 m),counting for 73.03% of the total value. In the decay stage, major heat transport occurs at deeper depth(depths 700–1500 m).Dynamical characteristics suggest that the vertical structure and temporal evolution of the eddy play significant roles in basinscale movement and heat transferring. Considering that mesoscale eddies are ubiquitous in the SCS, our results support a recently-proposed mechanism, whereby upper ocean flows produce changes in the deep-sea circulation, potentially influencing boundary layer dynamics. For the first time to track and link an individual AE observed by satellite altimetry and ocean model,comparisons indicate that assimilative HYCOM outputs may be useful for examining the deep ocean properties within the SCS,especially under the impact of such an intensified surface-detected eddy.  相似文献   

The authors propose to use a modified geophysical radiolocator for the detection and investigation of local quasi-plasma anomalies in the atmosphere. This radiolocator should control the large region of the atmosphere, filled with scattering objects, connected with the precipitation of radioactive substances. Such phenomena could arise in connection with earthquakes and could also be caused by technogenic origins. Contrary to standard radar, the noise of scattering objects is the aim of the analysis of geophysical radar. The discussion of technical characteristics of such radar is presented.  相似文献   

Mesospheric observations were obtained by the EISCAT UHF and VHF radars during the solar proton event of March 1990. We present the first comparison of incoherent-scatter spectral measurements from the middle mesosphere using simultaneous, co-located observations by the two radars. VHF spectra observed with a vertical antenna were found to be significantly narrower than model predictions, in agreement with earlier UHF results. For antenna pointing directions that were significantly away from the vertical, the wider VHF radar beam gave rise to broadening of the observed spectra due to vertical shears in the horizontal wind. In this configuration, UHF spectral measurements were found to be more suitable for aeronomical applications. Both radar systems provide consistent and reliable estimates of the neutral wind. Spectral results using both the multipulse and pulse-to-pulse schemes were intercompared and their suitability for application to combined mesosphere - lower thermosphere studies investigated.  相似文献   

The aspect sensitivity of SOUSY-VHF-radar oblique-beam echoes from the troposphere and lower stratosphere has been examined for a number of jet stream passages during the years 1990 - 1992. When the core of the jet is overhead or nearly so, vertical profiles of the aspect sensitivity display two notable features. First, the distinction between mainly isotropic and strongly aspect-sensitive echoes in the troposphere and the lower stratosphere, respectively, often reported for measurements made during calm conditions, does not necessarily prevail in the vicinity of the jet stream. Second, echoes obtained at altitudes near the height of the horizontal wind maximum are found to be more aspect sensitive for beams directed parallel to the horizontal flow or nearly so, than for other beam directions. It is demonstrated that time-averaged horizontal wind speeds estimated from the radar data, taking into account the reduced effective oblique-beam zenith angle resulting from aspect sensitivity, may exceed uncorrected wind speeds by as much as 10 m s−1 in these circumstances. Implications for wind profiling and for describing the backscattering process are discussed. Doppler spectral widths examined for one jet stream passage are found to be narrower in a beam aligned with the horizontal wind at heights near the wind speed maximum than corresponding widths measured in a beam projected at right angles to the jet. The narrowest spectra thus coincide with the most aspect-sensitive echoes, consistent with the hypothesis that such returns result from specular backscattering processes.  相似文献   

Coastal mesoscale eddies were evidenced during a high-frequency radar campaign in the Gulf of Lions (GoL), northwestern Mediterranean Sea, from June 2005 to January 2007. These anticyclonic eddies are characterized by repeated and intermittent occurrences as well as variable lifetime. This paper aims at studying the link between these new surface observations with similar structures suggested at depth by traditional acoustic Doppler current profiler measurements and investigates the eddy generation and driving mechanisms by means of an academic numerical study. The influence of the wind forcing on the GoL circulation and the eddy generation is analyzed, using a number of idealized configurations in order to investigate the interaction with river discharge, buoyancy, and bathymetric effects. The wind forcing is shown to be crucial for two different generation mechanisms: A strong northerly offshore wind (Mistral) generates a vortex column due to the bathymetric constraint of a geostrophic barotropic current, which can surface after the wind relaxes; a southerly onshore wind generates a freshwater bulge from the Rhône river discharge, which detaches from the coast and forms a well-defined surface anticyclonic eddy based on buoyancy gradients. These structures are expected to have important consequences in terms of dispersion or retention of biogeochemical material at local scales.  相似文献   

Vertical and horizontal plasma drifts are investigated during the polarization jet (PJ) detection in the F2 ionospheric layer based on the Doppler measurements at the Yakutsk meridian chain of subauroral ionospheric stations. It is shown that the velocities of vertical and horizontal drifts are significantly higher than the background motion during PJ observation periods. The ionospheric plasma motion direction changes from upward to downward on the polar edge of the main ionospheric trough. Doppler measurements on the DPS-4 ionosondes are compared with the simultaneous measurements of the plasma drift on the DMSP satellites during their passage near the Yakutsk meridian. The two kinds of measurements are in good agreement with each other. During the magnetic storm of June 23, 2005, by measurements of the DMSP satellites, the velocities of upward plasma flows were 1.0–1.4 km/s at a satellite altitude of 850 km. In the ionospheric F region, this speed corresponds to 150 m/s. According to satellite measurements, the westward drift velocity reached 2.5 km/s. The development of the polarization jet in the ionosphere was accompanied by a tenfold decrease in the electron density in 15–30 min.  相似文献   

Flow fluctuations inside an anticyclonic eddy in summertime Funka Bay were examined using three moorings and hydrographic data. The flow pattern above a sharp pycnocline with a concave isopycnal structure during the mooring period was characterized by high mean kinetic energy and relatively low eddy kinetic energy. The ratios of eddy to mean kinetic energy were equal to or less than one, and the mean flow field and isopycnal structure indicated the existence of a stable anticyclonic eddy above the sharp pycnocline under approximate geostrophic balance. Larger flow fluctuations with periods longer than 7 days were dominant inside the eddy. The low-frequency flow fluctuations are accompanied by north to northeastward movement of the eddy with deepening of the pycnocline and spin-up of the anticyclonic circulation. The wind field over Funka Bay is characterized by bay-scale wind fluctuations. The bay-scale winds are greatly influenced by the land topography around Funka Bay, resulting in non-uniform structure with significant wind stress curl. The bay-scale wind fluctuations are termed “locally modified wind” in the present study. The locally modified wind has a negative (positive) wind stress curl in the central–northeastern (southwestern) region of Funka Bay. The north to northeastward movement of the eddy is caused by horizontal non-uniform supply of vorticity from the locally modified wind forcing by the Ekman pumping process. Through this process, the anticyclonic circulation is enhanced (weakened) in the central–northeastern (southwestern) part of the eddy, resulting in the eddy moving north to northeastward with the pycnocline deepening and spin-up of the anticyclonic circulation. The locally modified wind forcing induces low-frequency flow fluctuations through the movement of the eddy in summertime Funka Bay.  相似文献   


The stability of a shear flow on a sloping bottom in a homogeneous, rotating system was investigated by means of a laboratory experiment.

The basic flow was driven near a vertical wall of a circular container by a ring-shaped plate that contacted with a free surface of the working fluid and rotated relative to the fluid container. The velocity profile was asymmetric in the radial direction and had only one inflection point. The velocity profile was well expressed by a linear theory for the vertical shear layer.

The effect of the circular geometry was checked by comparing experimental results obtained in two fluid systems in which only the sign of the curvature was opposite and it was confirmed that circular geometry was not essential for the shear flow on the sloping bottom in this experiment.

It was found that the sloping bottom stabilizes the basic flow only when the drift direction of the topographic Rossby wave is opposite to that of the basic flow. The viscous dissipation in both the Ekman layer and the interior region was also important in determining the critical Rossby number.

The eddy fields caused by the instability can be classified into two types: One is the stationary eddy field in which a row of eddies moves along the basic flow without changing form. The other is the flow pattern in which eddies have finite life times and their configuration is not well organized. When the sloping bottom does not stabilize the basic flow, the former flow pattern is realized, otherwise the latter flow pattern appears.

The wave numbers of the eddies in the regular flow pattern were observed as a function of the Rossby number. The relation did not fit to linear preferred modes predicted by an eigenvalue problem.  相似文献   

Observation of a storm approaching from the ocean to the in-land area is very important for the flood forecasting. Radar is generally used for this purpose. However, as rain gauges are mostly located within the in-land area, detection of the mean-field bias of radar rain rate cannot be easily made. This problem is obviously different from that with evenly-spaced rain gauges over the radar umbrella. This study investigated the detection problem of mean-field bias of radar rain rate when rain gauges are available within a small portion of radar umbrella. To exactly determine the mean-field bias, i.e. the difference between the radar rain rate and the rain gauge rain rate, the variance of the difference between two observations must be small; thus, a sufficient number of observations are indispensable. Therefore, the problem becomes determining the number of rain gauges that will satisfy the given accuracy, that being the variance of the difference between two observations. The dimensionless error variance derived by dividing the expected value of the error variance by the variance of the areal average rain rate was introduced as a criteria to effectively detect the mean field bias. Here, the variance of the areal average rain rate was assumed to be the climatological one and the expectation for the error variance could be changed depending one the sampling characteristics. As an example, this study evaluated the rainfall observation over the East Sea by the Donghae radar. About 6.8 % of the entire radar umbrella covered in-land areas, where the rain gauges were available. It was found that, to limit the dimensionless error variance to 2 %, a total of 26 rain gauges are required for the entire radar umbrella; whereas, a total of 24 rain gauges would be required within the in-land area with available for the rain gauge data.  相似文献   

本文利用经验正交函数(Empirical Orthogonal Function,简称EOF)方法分析了Millstone Hill非相干散射雷达(Incoherent Scatter Radar,简称ISR)近三个太阳黑子周期(1976年2月~2006年4月)的实测电离层160~700 km的电子浓度剖面资料,并分别用Chapman-α函数拟合了平均电子浓度剖面和带有均值的前三阶EOF级数.结果表明:电子浓度剖面的EOF级数的第一阶项主要控制F2层峰值浓度NmF2,第二阶项同时控制F2层的峰高hmF2和等效标高Hm,第三阶项主要控制等效标高Hm.进一步分析了对应的EOF系数的周日变化、季节变化和太阳活动周期变化,这些变化反映了NmF2,hmF2,Hm的气候学变化规律,例如电离层的冬季异常、半年异常等.EOF方法在级数展开方面收敛速度快,很少数低阶项即能反映电子浓度剖面的主要变化,因此可用于提取出电子浓度剖面的主要分布特征及其周日变化与气候学变化特性,并可用于进一步构建相应的经验模式.  相似文献   

It is well known that there are two basic parts of electromagnetic emissions from a thunderstorm cloud. The first one is due to a return stroke and the second is generated by microdischarges on the lightning preliminary stage and between successive return strokes. The purpose of this paper is to consider the second part of electromagnetic emissions from thunderstorm clouds in a frequency range from one to hundreds of MHz. A new approach is developed, which is based on a three-dimensional computer simulation of microdischarge activity in thunderstorm clouds. We suggest that microdischarges on the lightning preliminary stage are connected with the growth of internal electric cell structures in a thunderstorm cloud. The characteristic scale of cells ranges from ten to hundred meters. The source of these cells can be a beam-plasma-like instability in the thunderstorm cloud medium where microdischarges appear as a saturation mechanism for this instability. Interaction of neighboring cells leads to the formation of dynamic chains of microdischarges. Following step-by-step computer simulations, we calculate radio emissions from every microdischarge and sum up the wave amplitudes from all intracloud volume at the reception point. The standard model for a separate microdischarge current is adopted, and the electromagnetic radiation is estimated in the far zone. We obtain the waveforms of electromagnetic field, the temporal development of radiation and the number of electromagnetic pulses. We have found that signal statistics and calculated frequency spectra exhibit a universal power-law (fractal) behavior. The results of simulations are found to be in satisfactory agreement with the experimental data, because the model waveforms demonstrate a close similarity to the observed ones. Also the temporal development with the duration of pulse trains from ten to hundreds of microseconds and the microdischarge number rate up to hundreds of thousands per second are in agreement with the corresponding experimental data.  相似文献   


Quality is key to ensuring that the potential offered by weather radar networks is realized. To achieve optimum quality, a comprehensive radar data quality management system, designed to monitor the end-to-end radar data processing chain and evaluate product quality, is being developed at the UK Met Office. Three contrasting elements of this system are described: monitoring of key radar hardware performance indicators; generation of long-term integrations of radar products; and monitoring of radar reflectivity factor using synthesized observations from numerical weather prediction model fields. Examples of each component are presented and ways in which the different types of monitoring information have been used to both identify issues with the radar product data quality and help formulate solutions are given.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Guest editor R.J. Moore

Citation Harrison, D., Georgiou, S., Gaussiat, N., and Curtis, A., 2013. Long-term diagnostics of precipitation estimates and the development of radar hardware monitoring within a radar product data quality management system. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (7), 1327–1342. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02626667.2013.841316  相似文献   

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