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The Luobusa ophiolite in the Indus—Yarlung Zangbo sutureof southern Tibet hosts the largest known chromite deposit inChina. The podiform chromitites occur in a well-preserved mantlesequence consisting of harzburgite with abundant lenses of dunite.The harzburgites have relatively uniform bulk-rock compositionswith mg-numbers [100 Mg/(Mg + Fe)] ranging from 89 to 91 andshow flat, unfractionated, chondrite-normalized platinum groupelement (PGE) patterns. Their accessory chromite varies widelyin cr-number [100Cr/(Cr + Al)] (18–66). These rocks areessentially residua left after extraction of mid-ocean ridgebasalt (MORB)-type magmas. The podiform chromitites displaynodular, massive, disseminated and banded textures and typicallyhave dunite envelopes that grade into the surrounding harzburgiteand diopsidic harzburgite with increasing pyroxene contents.They consist of relatively uniform chromite with high cr-numbers(74–82), have strongly fractionated, chondrite-normalizedPGE patterns with enrichment in Os, Ir and Ru relative to Rh,Pt and Pt, and are believed to have formed from a boniniticmagma produced by a second stage of melting. Dunites containaccessory chromite intermediate in composition between thoseof harzburgite and chromitite and are believed to be the productsof reaction between new boninitic magmas and old MORB-type peridotites.The melt-rock reaction removed pyroxene from the peridotitesand precipitated oli-vine, forming dunite envelopes around thechromitite pods. The melts thus became more boninitic in compositionand chromite saturated, leading to precipitation of chromitealone. The interplay of melt-rock interaction, chromite fractionationand magma mixing should lead to many fluctuations in melt composition,producing both massive and disseminated chromitites and phaselayering within individual podiform bodies observed in the Luobusaophiolite. KEY WORDS: boninitic magmas; dunite envelope; melt—rock interaction; MORB peridotities; podiform chromitites *Corresponding author. Present address: Department of Geology, Laurentian University, Sudbury, Ont, Canada P3E 2C6.  相似文献   

The composition of gases trapped in olivine, orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene in Iherzolite xenoliths collected from different locations in eastern China has been measured by the vacuum stepped-heating mass spectrometry. These xenoliths are hosted in alkali basalts and considered as residues of partial melting of the upper mantle, and may contain evidence of mantle evolution. The results show that various kinds of fluid inclusions in Iherzolite xenoliths have been released at distinct times, which could be related to different stages of mantle evolution. In general, primitive fluids of the upper mantle (PFUM) beneath eastern China are dominated by H2, CO2 and CO, and are characterized by high contents of H2 and reduced gases. The compositions of PFUM are highly variable and related to tectonic settings. CO, CO2 and H2 are the main components of the PFUM beneath cratons; the PFUM in the mantle enriched in potassic metasomatism in the northern part of northeastern China has a high content of H2, while CO2 a  相似文献   

<正>We report the discovery of an in-situ natural moissanite in Cr-spinel hosted by dunite of the Luobusa ophiolite,Tibet.The dunite envelopes a podiform chromitite,separating it from the harzburgite in which the chromitite occurs(Fig.1).The moissanite occurs as a twinned grain,  相似文献   

Listwanite from the Luobusa ophiolite,Tibet,forms a narrow,discontinuous band along the eastern part of the southern boundary fault. We undertook a detailed petrographic and geochemical study to understand the mineral transformation processes and the behaviour of major and trace elements during listwanite formation. Three alteration zones characterized by distinct mineral components and texture are recognized and,in order of increasing degree of alteration,these are: zoneIII is rich in serpentine minerals; zoneII is rich in talc and carbonates; and zoneI is mainly composed of carbonates and quartz. Geochemical data for the three alteration zones show significant modification of some major and trace elements in the protolith,although some oxides show linear correlations with Mg O. Gold mineralization is recognized in the Luobusa listwanite and may signify an important target for future mineral exploration. Gold enrichment occurs in both zoneI and zoneIIand is up to 0.91 g/t in one sample from zoneI. We show that CO2-rich hydrothermal fluids can modify both the occurrence and composition of chromite grains,indicating some degree of chromite mobility. Low-Cr anhedral grains are more easily altered than high-Cr varieties. The compositions of chromite and olivine grains in the listwanite suggest a dunite protolith.  相似文献   

Chromite deposits in the northern Oman ophiolite: Mineralogical constraints   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chromite deposits in the northern Oman ophiolitic complex occur in three structural contexts, i.e., (1) at the base of the cumulate series, (2) in the top kilometer of the mantle sequence, and (3) in the deeper parts of the mantle. Types 1 and 2 are characterized by the diversity of interstitial silicates where in decreasing order of abundance olivine, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, plagioclase, and amphibole occur, as opposed to type 3 which contains only olivine. They differ however in ore texture. Similar silicates also occur as euhedral inclusions in chromite crystals, but their proportions are reversed. The composition of the interstitial silicates is comparable to that found in early cumulates. Type-1 and type-2 chromite deposits crystallized from a magma similar to that from which the basal cumulates formed (Al2O3, 15.1–16.1 wt%; FeO/MgO, 0.55–0.60). The type-3 chromites were derived from a magma of much lower Al2O3 content (12.5 wt%). It is considered that they belong to an older episode in the magmatic evolution of the complex.  相似文献   

正Ophiolites along the E-W trending Yarlung-Tsangpo Suture(YTS),which separates the Indian plate from the Eurasian plate,have been regarded as relics of the NeoTethyan Ocean.The Xigaze ophiolite in the central YTS  相似文献   

Structural mapping in the Southern half of the Oman ophiolite has revealed a palaeoridge organization with similarities to an EPR microplate, forming in superfast spreading conditions. A NW-trending propagator was rapidly opening in a lithosphere no more than 1 Myr older and itself created in a NE-SW ridge system. The NW-trending propagator, underlined by small mantle diapirs, was active or dying when detached as part of a future ophiolite. Local thrusting of the future ophiolite was also initiated very early, between 1 and 5 Myr after ridge accretion; it was accompanied by a 40° rotation within this time lapse. Such an activity supports the comparison of the Oman palaeoridge system with an oceanic microplate, and provides evidence to suggest the existence of thrusts at active microplates.  相似文献   

The Bela arc-basin ophiolite (BABO) is a complex of ophiolite and melange outcrops that formed in the tectonic setting of an oceanic volcanic arc and its adjoining forearc basin. The BABO contains typically podiform segregations of chromite, whose microprobe compositions display a variation trend separate from that of the chromian spinel from surrounding peridotites, but similar to that in the latter igneous differentiates (pyroxenites and an andesite). The podiform chromitite and associated dunite were derived by mantle-melt reaction and cumulate-melt crystallization. Both exhibit conformable relations and are cogenetic. Chromite characteristics conform to the suprasubductionzone setting of the BABO, with two components distinguished from the whole-rock geochemistry, field relations, and chromite chemistry—a remnant forearc basin toward the southwest and an adjacent arc-trench gap toward the northeast. Individual ophiolite massifs within the BABO display differences in degree of partial melting and may have originated from different depths within the mantle.  相似文献   

In the ophiolite series of N. Oman numerous small and large elongated podiform chromite deposits occur within the peridotite complex at a certain level of 100–200 meters below the layered zone, which grades into the overlying gabbro complex. The chromite grains were corroded after their deposition; their composition shows a large variation in Cr/Al ratio and a small variation in Cr/Fe ratio. The chromium is thought to have been liberated from clino-pyroxenes during partial melting of lherzolitic upper mantle material. Precipitation of large quantities of chromite at the specific level below the gabbro complex is related to the plagioclase- /spinel-lherzolite transition, but the influence of a change in oxygen fugacity is also considered.  相似文献   

High-Al chromite from the Kudi chromitites contains a wide range of mineral inclusions. They include clinopyroxene, amphibole, phlogopite, olivine, orthopyroxene, apatite, base-metal sulfides, calcite and brucite. The modal abundance of inclusions vary greatly among different grains of chromite. The common inclusions are clinopyroxene and amphibole, which occur as monomineral or polymineral associated with other minerals. The shapes of these inclusions tend to follow the growth plane of host chromite. Mineral assemblages and textures demonstrate that some inclusions(olivine, clinopyroxene) are trapped during magmatic stage, and most of the inclusions(e.g., amphibole, phlogopite) are trapped during recrystallization of chromite. Sulfide inclusions are pentlandite, chalcopyrite and cubanite. They occur either as isolated grains or together with silicate minerals, and formed from the separation of sulfide-bearing liquid from silicate magma. The parental magma of chromitites contains Al_2O_3 15.0wt%–16.5wt%, TiO_20.30wt%–1.05wt% based on calculation with the composition of chromite, similar to parental magma of high-Al chromitites from elsewhere and the estimated melt composition is comparable with that of MORB. Considering the high-Mg olivine in disseminated chromitite and abundant hydrous inclusions, we propose that Kudi chromitites formed beneath a volcanic front during the subduction initiation of Proto-Tethys.  相似文献   

Structural and fabric analysis of the well-exposed Hilti mantlesection, Oman ophiolite, suggests that shear zone development,which may have resulted from oceanic plate fragmentation, wasinfluenced by pre-existing mantle fabric present at the paleo-ridge.Detailed structural mapping in the mantle section revealed agently undulating structure with an east–west flow direction.A NW–SE strike-slip shear zone cuts across this horizontalstructure. The crystal preferred orientation (CPO) of olivinewithin the foliation is dominated by (010) axial patterns ratherthan more commonly observed (010)[100] patterns, suggestingthat the horizontal flow close to the Moho involved non-coaxialflow. Olivine CPO within the shear zone formed at low temperatureis characterized by (001)[100] patterns and a sinistral senseof shear. The olivine CPO becomes weaker with progressive mylonitizationand accompanying grain size reduction, and ultimately developsinto an ultra-mylonite with a random CPO pattern. The olivine[010]-axis is consistently sub-vertical, even where the horizontalfoliation has been rotated to a sub-vertical orientation withinthe shear zone. These observations suggest that the primarymechanical anisotropy (mantle fabric) has been readily transformedinto a secondary structure (shear zone) with minimum modification.This occurred as a result of a change of the olivine slip systemsduring oceanic detachment and related tectonics during cooling.We propose that primary olivine CPO fabrics may play a significantrole in the subsequent structural development of the mantle.Thus, the structural behavior of oceanic mantle lithosphereduring subduction and obduction may be strongly influenced byinitial mechanical anisotropy developed at an oceanic spreadingcenter. KEY WORDS: mantle lithosphere; anisotropy; shear zone; olivine CPO; Oman ophiolite  相似文献   

Nature of the Moho Transition Zone in the Oman Ophiolite   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
The Moho Transition zone of ophiolites is dominantly composedof dunite, with various types of segregations (gabbros, pyroxenites,and chromitites). Representing a level of magmatic exchangebetween asthenospheric mantle and the constructing ocean crust,it records active melt circulation below a spreading ridge axisand offers the opportunity of observing the distribution ofmelt locally percolating and ponding in a deforming porous matrix.In the Oman ophiolite, the Moho Transition Zone has a thicknessvarying from ten to hundreds of meters; its thickness and compositionare related to the geometry of the asthenospheric mantle flow:thick Moho Transition Zones are on top of mantle diapirs characterizedby vertical flow, whereas thin Moho Transition Zones are presentin areas of horizontal mantle flow. A large high-temperatureplastic strain is recorded in thin Moho Transition zones, incontrast to thick ones where the strain is weaker and heterogeneous.Thick Moho Transition Zones display an intense magmatic activityexpressed by diffuse melt impregnations, dikes and sills. Inthese thick zones, we have studied the geometry of the meltcirculation at various scales. We present here the analysisof textures and lattice fabrics which record high-temperatureplastic strain and allow us to quantify it Melt circulates withinthe dunites and can locally destroy the solid framework, inrelation to a viscosity drop and the sharp overturn of mantleflow observed in this type of transition zone. KEY WORDS: Oman; ophiolite; Moho Transition Zone; textures *Corresponding author  相似文献   

Using the secondary spinel standard, the authors have precisely measured the Fe3+/∑ Fe values of spinels in mantle xenoliths from Cenozoic basalts in eastern China, and estimated the oxygen fugacities recorded by 63 mantle xenoliths through olivine-orthopyroxene-spinel oxygen barometry. The results indicate that the oxygen fugacities of the lithospheric mantle in eastern China are higher in the south than in the north. Among them, the oxygen fugacity of the North China craton lithospheric mantle is the lowest, similar to that of the oceanic mantle, while that of Northeast and South China are the same as that of the global continental mantle. The variations of mantle redox state in eastern China are mainly controlled by the C-O-H fluids derived from the asthenospheric mantle. According to the mantle oxidation state, it can be concluded that the C-O-H fluids in the lithospheric mantle of eastern China consist mainly of CO2 and minor H2O, but CH4-rich fluids should come from the asthenosphere where the ox  相似文献   

岩石圈地幔结构及其对中国大型盆地的演化意义   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
Pn波是通过莫霍面下方的上地幔顶部的地震波.由于Pn波的速度随温度和物质成分而变化, 以及Pn波各向异性可以反映地幔形变的历史.因此Pn波的速度以及各向异性成为探索岩石圈结构的重要工具.中国岩石圈地幔的Pn速度的特征是很高速的异常区和很低速的异常区呈镶嵌状出现, 反映了地质结构的不均匀性.西部大型盆地(塔里木、准噶尔、吐哈、柴达木和四川盆地) 具有较高的Pn速度和较弱的各向异性, 反映出这些盆地的岩石圈是冷的和坚硬的, 其变形较小.大面积的华北地区, 在太古代的基底下具有明显的Pn波低速度.研究结果表明与这些地区裂谷、岩石圈减薄和地幔上涌区相一致.Pn波各向异性与在最新(和目前正在进行) 的大规模变形期间, 岩石圈地幔沿NNE向右旋简单剪切相一致.华北的金矿藏以及华北和松辽盆地的石油储藏的位置明显地与该区的低Pn波速度区相吻合, 表明该区金属成矿和油储的形成与中、新生代以来在岩石圈地幔中的热活动, 以及壳幔之间的相互作用过程密切相关.   相似文献   

Abstract. The hydrothermal alteration in Ghuzayn Volcanics was associated with mineralization and accumulation of three massive sulfide deposits. The Ghuzayn Volcanics were discriminated into basaltic and andesitic lavas. The crossplots of Zr versus Nb, Y, Hf, La and Lu show that they fall in the same linear fractionation trends with more evolved affinities in the andesitic lavas compared to the less evolved affinities in the basaltic lavas. The immobile trace element contents of the Ghuzayn Volcanics show that they are of oceanic to continental tholeiitic affinity which fall in the fields of back‐arc basin basalt, N‐MORB and island arc tholeiite all meet and match with the field of the Lau‐Tonga back‐arc basin lavas. The ore‐body No. 2 is underlain by a zone of intense argillization and silicification which are so‐called alteration pipe as in some of the Cyprus‐type massive sulfide deposits. The alteration in the proximity of the ore‐body No. 2 is characterized by a zone of epidotization and slight silicification and sulfide disseminations, and surrounded by another zone of slight silicification and sulfide dissemination in the outermost rim around the ore‐body No. 2. The alteration zones in the proximity of the ore‐body No. 2 were divided into Zones I and II based on the abundance of the secondary minerals in the altered basaltic lavas. The Zone I is located in the most northern upper part of the ore‐body No. 2 and characterized by corrensite, saponite and prehnite. However, the Zone II is located in the southern part of the ore‐body No. 2 and characterized by chlorite and epidote. Both alteration zones were formed by different alteration stages. Stage 1 was formed by non to partly reacted fluids, to crystallize Mg‐chlorite and albite at temperatures ranging from 150 to 250d?C. Further, these fluids evolved with time and became Mg‐depleted, Si‐ and metal‐enriched to crystallize Fe2+‐chlorite, epidote, quartz and sulfides at temperatures ranging from 250 to 350d?C in stage 2. Later, these fluids were evolved again to be Mg‐ and Ca‐enriched in stage 3 to crystallize prehnite, laumontite, corrensite and saponite at temperatures ranging from 150 to 220d?C. Late zeolite and calcite have overgrown the previously crystallized phases and crosscutting veins along the altered basaltic lavas in stage 4. Finally, the lavas were cracked and refractured to facilitate penetration of seawater into deeper parts to heat up again and re‐leach the silica and metals in a new mineralizing event.  相似文献   

双沟蛇绿岩中地幔交代作用的质子微探针研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈友红  张旗 《岩矿测试》1996,15(3):168-172
采用空间分辨率高和高灵敏度的质子微探针和微束PIXE技术,测定地幔流体结晶后各组成矿物的微量元素组成及其在不同矿物内的分布状况。对云南双沟蛇绿岩中存在的地幔交代作用进行的研究结果表明,由地幔流体结晶而成的矿物(单斜辉石、尖晶石、石榴石、绿泥石),其微量元素组成与分布特征受地幔交代作用过程的控制。这对于进一步探讨双沟地幔交代作用过程中微量元素的地球化学行为很有意义  相似文献   

Mantle petrology and mineralogy of the Thetford Mines Ophiolite Complex   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The Ordovician Thetford Mines ophiolite complex (TMOC) formed by boninite-fed seafloor-spreading, probably in a fore-arc environment. The mantle section is dominated by foliated harzburgite (≤ 5–6% clinopyroxene), cut by dunitic (± chromitite cores) and orthopyroxenitic veins and dykes. Contrasting structures, textures and mineral compositions allow us to subdivide the mantle. The granular-textured rocks of the Duck Lake Block (DLB) have two steeply-dipping foliations. The older foliation strikes NW, is sub-perpendicular to the Moho, and is interpreted to have resulted from upflow of the asthenosphere beneath the spreading ridge. This fabric is overprinted by a 2nd ductile foliation striking ENE, oriented sub-parallel to the Moho, which we interpreted as having formed by crust–mantle shear as the lithosphere migrated away from the spreading ridge. The DLB mantle has a limited range of spinel Cr# (100Cr / (Cr + Al) = 51–71). Comparison with experimentally determined residual spinel compositions (equilibrium melting) implies a maximum loss of 27–38% melt if the protolith had a fertile MORB mantle composition. However, interstitial-textured clinopyroxene may have high TiO2 (< 0.04wt.%) and Na2O (< 0.27wt.%), and some interstitial spinel has higher TiO2 (< 0.09wt.%), suggesting interaction with (or crystallization from) an “impregnating” melt. Interstitial tremolitic amphibole also indicates the passage of late hydrous fluids. The harzburgite in the Caribou Mountain Block (CMB) has a porphyroclastic texture, with a strong, locally mylonitic foliation striking roughly N–S, parallel to the orientation of seafloor-spreading related paleo-normal faults in the crust. These fabrics and textures imply a colder, lithospheric deformation, possibly related to tectonic denudation (oceanic core complex). This would explain problematic lava/mantle contacts, favour infiltration of seawater, serpentinization, and reduced fO2 conditions. The CMB mantle shows a wider range of mineral compositions than the DLB, with spinel Cr# (28–86) implying ≤ 15–45% of equilibrium melting. Locally higher TiO2 in spinel (< 0.05wt.%) and clinopyroxene (< 0.11wt.%), a local rimward decrease in spinel Cr#, clinopyroxene Cr#, and olivine Fo-content, and traces of interstitial amphibole, are attributed to the circulation of an evolved hydrous melt during peridotite deformation. This suggests that the lower limit to the extent of melting inferred for the CMB (15%), established on the basis of Al-rich spinel rims and neoblasts, is probably too low. On the other hand, the higher inferred degree of depletion of the CMB is probably unaffected by the metasomatic overprint and is a more robust conclusion.  相似文献   

为完整了解华北克拉通的破坏程度和机制,加深对其西部陆块岩石圈地幔的研究十分重要,而位于华北克拉通西部集宁新生代碱性玄武岩中的地幔橄榄岩包体,为研究人员认识该地区的岩石圈地幔的性质和演化起到指示作用.运用LA-ICP-MS和LA-MC-ICP-MS对集宁地区橄榄岩矿物进行原位微区测试,获得其主量、微量元素和Sr同位素成分的数据.根据矿物组成,可以将集宁地区的橄榄岩分为两类:第一类为贫单斜辉石橄榄岩 (单斜辉石体积分数小于8%),它们经历了高程度的部分熔融,可能是古老难熔岩石圈地幔的残留;第二类为二辉橄榄岩 (单斜辉石体积分数大于13%),其熔融程度低,代表了新生饱满的岩石圈地幔.第一类橄榄岩中单斜辉石REE含量整体偏低且轻微富集LREE,第二类橄榄岩中单斜辉石具有LREE富集和轻微亏损两种配分模式,大部分样品的核边有一定的强不相容元素及Sr同位素组成变化.这些微量元素和同位素特征都表明集宁橄榄岩包体经历过交代作用.(La/Yb)N和Ti/Eu比值特征表明它们经历过多阶段的交代作用,交代介质有硅酸盐、碳酸盐熔/流体,这些交代介质可能为来源于古亚洲洋板块俯冲时释放的熔/流体.   相似文献   

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