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Siphonophores are commonly considered to be useful indicators of water masses and water-mass movement, but their employment as such across the wider Southern Ocean has not so far been attempted. We redress this here using archived samples, collected during January–February 1993 along a transect from Cape Town to the South African National Antarctic Expedition (SANAE) base in Antarctica, and compare the patterns generated with those determined from a prior analysis of whole assemblages at lower taxonomic resolution. Twenty-one species were identified from 18 of the original 53 samples collected, and two distinct assemblages were confirmed as separated by the Sub-Antarctic Front. That to the south was characterised by low diversity and high abundance and was dominated by cold-water specialists, whereas that to the north comprised a larger number of subtropical and temperate species at low abundance. Assemblage structure was strongly influenced by the mixed layer depth, sea surface salinity and chlorophyll a concentration, as well as mesozooplankton biomass. Congruence with the whole-assemblage study was high, indicating that this taxon can be suitably employed as a proxy in studies such as this. The study emphasises the value of archived plankton samples and makes a plea for better curation.  相似文献   

Abstract. Proportions of foraminifers, tintinnids, polycystine radiolarians, pteropods and crustacean larval stages were estimated in a collection of 76 vertically stratified (0 – 100 m) 30 µm net microplankton samples from 16 stations along the Argentine shelf-slope (around 200 m isobath – between 40 and 56° S), covered on 13 – 18 November 1996. Tintinnids were identified to species. Relative abundances of the microzooplankton assessed and chlorophyll a values allow to define two contrasting groups of stations: 'deep' and 'shallow'. The former, located in pelagic, purely subantarctic Malvinas Current waters, hosted higher proportions of foraminifers and lower proportions of tintinnids, as well as less chlorophyll a (all differences were significant at the 0.1 % level). 'Shallow' stations were located in the area of the thermohaline front where the Patagonian Current comes in contact with the Malvinas Current, and were generally characterized by higher chlorophyll a levels (up to 3.7 µg Chl a  · l–1). The distribution of tintinnid species, on the other hand, allowed no discrimination between these two areas, although some of the dominant forms showed much higher relative abundances in one of the two groups of stations. Twenty-six tintinnid taxa were recorded, yet only 6 accounted for 95 % of the specimens identified. Tintinnid taxocoenoses were characterized by a few abundant species and many rare ones. Numbers of tintinnid species and specific diversity did not differ noticeably with depth and latitude. Cape Horn Current waters were detected in the area by the presence of expatriated organisms presumably originating at mid-latitudes in the South Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

Using inverse methods a circulation for a new section along 32°S in the Indian Ocean is derived with a maximum in the overturning stream function (or deep overturning) of 10.3 Sv at 3310 m. Shipboard and Lowered Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) data are used to inform the choice of reference level velocity for the initial geostrophic field. Our preferred solution includes a silicate constraint (−312 ± 380 kmol s−1) consistent with an Indonesian throughflow of 12 Sv. The overturning changes from 12.3 Sv at 3270 m when the silicate constraint is omitted to 10.3 Sv when it is included. The deep overturning varies by only ±0.7 Sv as the silicate constraint varies from +68 to −692 kmol s−1, and by ±0.3 Sv as the net flux across the section, driven by the Indonesian throughflow, varies from −7 to −17 Sv with an appropriately scaled silicate flux constraint. Thus, the overturning is insensitive to the size of the Indonesian throughflow and silicate constraint within their apriori uncertainties. We find that the use of the ADCP data adds significant detail to the horizontal circulation. These resolved circulations include the Agulhas Undercurrent, deep cyclonic gyres and deep fronts, features evidenced by long term integrators of the flow such as current meter and float measurements as well as water properties.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Infauna, including foraminifera and metazoans, were enumerated and identified from five types of seep habitats and two adjacent non-seep habitats. Collections were made with the deep submergence research vessel 'Alvin' from three areas of active seepage in the Gulf of Mexico (Alaminos Canyon [2220 m], Atwater Canyon [1930 m], and Green Canyon lease block 272 [700 m]) and on the Blake Ridge Diapir [2250 m], which is located off the southeastern coast of the United States. The seep habitats sampled included four types of microbial mats ( Beggiatoa , Thioploca , thin and thick Arcobacter ) and the periphery of a large mussel bed. Sediments under large rhizopod protists, xenophyophores, were sampled adjacent to the mussel bed periphery. A non-seep site, which was >1 km away from active seeps, was also sampled for comparison. Densities of most taxa were higher in the Gulf of Mexico seeps than in Blake Ridge samples, largely because densities in the thick microbial mats of Blake Ridge were significantly lower. Diversity was higher in the Thioploca mats compared to other microbial-mat types. Within an ocean basin ( i.e. , Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico) we did not observe significant differences in meiofaunal or macrofaunal composition in Beggiatoa versus Thioploca mats or thin versus thick Arcobacter mats. Foraminifera represented up to 16% of the seep community, a proportion that is comparable to their contribution at adjacent non-seep communities. In general, the observed densities and taxonomic composition of seep sites at the genus level was consistent with previous observations from seeps ( e.g. , the foraminifers Bolivina and Fursenkoina , the dorvilleid polychaete Ophryotrocha ).  相似文献   

The use of environmental data in biogeographic studies of the deep sea is providing greater insight into the processes underlying large‐scale patterns of diversity. Recent surveys of Australia's western continental margin (~100–1100 m) provide systematic sampling of invertebrate megafauna along a gradient of 22° of latitude (13–35° S). Diversity patterns of decapod crustaceans were examined and we investigated the relative importance of environmental and spatial predictor variables on both species richness (alpha diversity) and species turnover. Distance‐based linear models (DistLM) indicated a suite of variables were important in predicting species turnover, of which temperature and oxygen were the most influential. These reflected the oceanographic features that dominate distinct depth bathomes along the slope. The numbers of species within samples were highly variable; a small but significant increase in diversity towards the tropics was evident. Replicated sampling along the margin at ~100 m and ~400 m provided an opportunity to compare latitudinal patterns of diversity at different depths. On the shallow upper slope (~400 m) temperature was disassociated from latitude and the latter proved to be the best predictor of sample species richness. The predictive power of latitude over other variables indicates that proximity to the highly diverse Indo‐West Pacific (IWP) may be important, especially considering that almost 40% of species in this study had a wide IWP distribution. In the management of Australia's marine environments, geomorphic surrogates have been emphasised when defining areas for protection. We found sea‐floor characteristics were relatively less important in predicting richness or community composition.  相似文献   

The impact of human activities such as fishing has been identified as a main factor in diversity loss in the open ocean. This paper studies the diversity patterns and environmental characteristics of the bycatch assemblages in Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) and Free School sets (sets made on schools of tuna) from the tropical tuna purse seine fishery in the eastern Atlantic Ocean (35°W–15°E and 20°N–15°S). Data were collected from scientific observer programmes carried out between 2003 and 2011 on board Spanish and French fleets. The results showed different structure and diversity patterns of the bycatch assemblages depending on the fishing mode, with higher number of species and diversity found in FAD sets than in Free School sets. Bycatch assemblages showed preferences for specific oceanographic characteristics of the Atlantic Ocean, such as the equatorial and seasonal coastal upwelling systems, the Cape Lopez front system and the Guinea dome. The type of set and sea surface temperature play an important role to describe the diversity patterns of these species. These results confirm the importance of integrating different methods to study the marine ecosystem towards the correct implementation of the Ecosystem Approach to Fishery Management (EAFM).  相似文献   

A shallow subtidal (3 m deep) meiofaunal assemblage in Los Abrigos Bay, Tenerife, Canary Islands was sampled during May 2000-April 2001. Themain aims were to (1) find temporal variations inmeiofaunal assemblage structure and overall abundance, as well as in the most abundant meiofaunal species throughout the study period, and (2) identify environmental variables (sedimentary composition, organic matter content, and total nitrogen) that better explain meiofaunal assemblage structure during the study year. The most abundant species were the nematodes Siphonolaimus sp. 2 and Catanema sp., which represented 46.2% of the overall meiofaunal abundances and varied significantly throughout the study duration. Overall meiofaunal abundance and the most abundant taxonomic groups (nematodes, copepods, and oligochaetes) showed significant temporal variations during the study period. Nematodes overwhelmingly dominated during the study period, ranging from 78% in May to 97.34% in February. Multivariate analyses showed seasonality inmeiofaunal community structure during the study year, with the lowest abundances in May.  相似文献   

The Eiffel Tower edifice is situated in the Lucky Strike hydrothermal vent field at a mean depth of 1690 m on the Mid‐Atlantic Ridge (MAR). At this 11‐m‐high hydrothermal structure, different faunal assemblages, varying in visibly dominant species (mussels and shrimp), in mussel size and in density of mussel coverage, were sampled biologically and chemically. Temperature and sulphide (∑S) were measured on the different types of mussel‐based assemblages and on a shrimp‐dominated assemblage. Temperature was used as a proxy for calculating total concentrations of CH4. Based on the physico‐chemical measurements, two microhabitats were identified, corresponding to (i) a more variable habitat featuring the greatest fluctuations in environmental variables and (ii) a second, more stable, habitat. The highest temperature variability and the highest maximum recorded temperatures were found in the assemblages visibly inhabited by alvinocaridid shrimp and dense mussel beds of large Bathymodiolus azoricus, whereas the less variable habitats were inhabited by smaller‐sized mussels with increasing bare surface in between. Larger mussels appeared to consume more ∑S compared with smaller‐sized (<1 cm) individuals and thus had a greater influence on the local chemistry. In addition, the mussel size was shown to be significantly positively correlated to temperature and negatively to the richness of the associated macrofauna. The presence of microbial mats was not linked to specific environmental conditions, but had a negative effect on the presence and abundance of macro‐fauna, notably gastropods. Whereas some taxa or species are found in only one of the two microhabitats, others, such as polychaetes and Mirocaris shrimp, cross the different microhabitats. Temperature was proposed to be a more limiting factor in species distribution than ∑S.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of southern blue whiting (Micromesistius australis) inhabiting waters of the southwest Atlantic Ocean (52°‐53°S and 57°‐62°W) was studied through histological analysis of the ovaries. During 2003, the spawning peak occurred at the beginning of September south of the Malvinas Islands. Batch fecundity of this species ranged from 35 000 (41 cm total length, TL) to 245 000 (62 cm TL) oocytes and relative batch fecundity was 122 ± 43 (Mean ± SD, n = 24) oocytes per gram somatic weight. The average proportion of mature females with stage‐0 post‐ovulatory follicles was 0.25 for September 2003, which indicated a spawning frequency of 4 days during the peak of the season. Large females produced more egg batches than small spawners during the same period, but no significant relationship was found between oocyte dry weight and female size of southern blue whiting.  相似文献   

Marine benthic trophic relationships and food web structures may be influenced by benthic–pelagic coupling processes, which could also be intensified by the physical dynamics of marine fronts. In this work, we employed stable isotope (δ13C and δ15N) analysis to investigate the influence of the Southwest (SW) Atlantic shelf-break front (SBF; 38–39°S, 55–56°W; Argentina) on an epibenthic trophic web. Epibenthic organisms were sampled, at depths of ~ 100 m, with a non-selective dredge from a sandy bottom community located in frontal (F) and marginal (M) areas. The SBF position and the chlorophyll-a (chl-a) concentrations were inferred using satellite data of the sea surface temperature (SST) and satellite chl-a concentration, respectively. The most noticeable shifts in stable isotopes between the sampled areas were those of the Patagonian scallop, Zygochlamys patagonica13C), and those of the sea urchin, Sterechinus agassizi15N). Diet analyses inferred from stable isotopes and mixing models demonstrated that the dominant component of this community, Z. patagonica, had variable contributions to higher trophic levels between areas. More importantly, the epibenthic assemblage in F areas showed δ13C-enriched and δ15N-depleted isotopic signatures with respect to the M areas. Collectively, this evidence suggests that frontal dynamics promotes the accumulation of δ13C-enriched phytoplankton in the seabed in F areas, while in M areas the more degraded organic matter becomes more important in the trophic web, decreasing the δ15N isotopic signature of the assemblage. Therefore, the trophic web was sustained by fresher food in F areas than in M areas, demonstrating the role of frontal dynamics in the shaping of these communities.  相似文献   

Reef development varies considerably around the high, raised‐limestone islands of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI). Here we examine the modern assemblages at 30 sites for coral composition, colony density, colony size, and fidelity. We defined four reef types and hypothesize the presence of environmentally driven ecological stasis, whereby the environment continuously selects for coral species membership, defines colony sizes, and over time creates the noted reef types. Our results show that constructional spur‐and‐groove reefs supported significantly larger coral‐colony sizes and higher coral species richness compared with high‐relief interstitial framework, low‐relief incipient, and non‐constructional coral assemblages. Non‐constructional reefs supported much smaller coral colony sizes, despite similar population densities, and were consistently found in association with high wave exposure. The distinct coral assemblages found on interstitial framework and low‐relief incipient reefs were not affiliated with any wave exposure regime, but were located adjacent to large watersheds and on islands with unique geological history. These assemblages were nested within the spur‐and‐groove species pool. Overall, modern coral cover was well predicted by bathymetric slope and watershed size, while species richness was additively influenced by two proxies of pollution, suggesting the latter is better suited for establishing management targets. In contrast with previous studies that suggested modern assemblages were biologically controlled in the CNMI, we show reef assemblages and reef development are highly influenced by long‐term environmental forcing.  相似文献   

Sixteen surface microlayer samples and corresponding subsurface water samples were collected in the western North Atlantic during April–May 2003 to study the distribution and cycling of dimethylsulfide (DMS) and dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) and the factors influencing them. In the surface microlayer, high concentrations of DMS appeared mostly in the samples containing high levels of chlorophyll a, and a significant correlation was found between DMS and chlorophyll a concentrations. In addition, microlayer DMS concentrations were correlated with microlayer DMSPd (dissolved) concentrations. DMSPd was found to be enriched in the microlayer with an average enrichment factor (EF) of 5.19. However, no microlayer enrichment of DMS was found for most samples collected. Interestingly, the DMS production rates in the microlayer were much higher than those in the subsurface water. Enhanced DMS production in the microlayer was likely due to the higher concentrations of DMSPd in the microlayer. A consistent pattern was observed in this study in which the concentrations of DMS, DMSPd, DMSPp (particulate) and chlorophyll a in the microlayer were closely related to their corresponding subsurface water concentrations, suggesting that these constituents in the microlayer were directly dependent on the transport from the bulk liquid below. Enhanced DMS production in the microlayer further reinforces the conclusion that the surface microlayer has greater biological activity relative to the underlying water.  相似文献   

The southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) is spreading at rates (34–38 mm yr−1) that fall within a transitional range between those which characterize slow and intermediate spreading center morphology. To further our understanding of crustal accretion at these transitional spreading rates, we have carried out analysis of magnetic anomaly data from two detailed SeaBeam surveys of the MAR between 25°–27°30′S and 31°–34°30′S. Within these areas, the MAR is subdivided into 9 ridge segments bounded by large- and short-offset discontinuities of the ridge axis. From two-dimensional Fourier inversions of the magnetic anomaly data we establish the history of spreading within each ridge segment for the past 5 my and the evolution of the bounding ridge-axis discontinuities. We see evidence for the initiation and diminishment of small-offset discontinuities, and for the transition of rigid large-offset transform faults to less stable short-offset features. Individual ridge segments display independent spreading histories in terms of both the sense and amount of asymmetric spreading within each which have given rise to changes through time in the lengths of bounding ridge-axis discontinuities. Over the past 3–5 my, the short-offset discontinuities within the area have lengthened/shortened by approximately the same amount (∼ 10 km). During this same time period, larger-offset transform faults have remained comparatively constant in length. A shift in plate motion at anomaly 3 time may have given rise to change in the length of short-offset second-order discontinuities. However, the pattern of lengthening/shortening short-offset discontinuities we see is not simply related to the geometry of the plate boundary in these regions which precludes a simply relationship between plate motion changes and response at the plate boundary. We document a case of rapid (minimum 60 mm yr−1) small-scale rift propagation, occurring between 2.5 and 1.8 my, associated with transition of the Moore transform fault to an oblique-trending ridge-axis discontinuity. Propagation across the Moore discontinuity and similar propagation within the 31°–34°30’S area may be associated with the reduced age contrast in lithosphere across second-order discontinuities. Total opening rates within our northern survey area decreased from anomaly 4′ to 2 time and rates within both areas have increased since the Jaramillo. Total opening rates measured for anomaly intervals differ along the plate boundary significantly, more than expected with changing distance to the pole of rotation. These differences imply a degree of short-term non-rigid plate behaviour which may be associated with ridge segments acting as independent spreading cells. Magnetic polarity transition widths from our inversion studies may be used to infer a zone of crustal accretion which is 3–6 km wide, within the inner floor of the rift valley. A systematic increase of transition width with age would be expected if deeper crustal sources dominate the magnetic signal in older crust but this is not observed. We present results from three-dimensional analysis of magnetic anomaly data which show magnetization highs located at the intersection of the MAR with both large- and short-offset discontinuities. Within the central anomaly the highs exceed 15 A m−1 compared with a background of approximately 8–10 A m−1 and they persist for at least 2.5 my. The highs may be caused by eruption of fractionated strongly magnetized basalts at ridge-axis discontinuities with both large and small offsets.  相似文献   

Multicorer samples for meiofaunal study were obtained within the framework of the international project CeDAMar, at 21 stations occupied during the DIVA and ANDEEP campaigns (2000, 2002 and 2005) to the southern Atlantic Ocean (Guinea, Angola and Cape Basins) and the Southern Ocean (Weddell and Scotia Seas), respectively. A total of 311 adult Paramesochridae Lang, 1944 (Copepoda, Harpacticoida) was extracted from 437 cores obtained during 83 deployments of the corer at depths between 1107 and 5655 m. All specimens were determined to species based on morphological characteristics. They belonged to 19 species and four genera (Kliopsyllus Kunz, 1962, Leptopsyllus T. Scott, 1894, Paramesochra T. Scott, 1892 and Scottopsyllus Kunz, 1962). Eleven species were restricted to single regions, whereas the others showed a much wider distribution. For example, Kliopsyllus andeep Veit-Köhler, 2004 and Kliopsyllus diva Veit-Köhler, 2005, were both collected from Guinea, Angola and Weddell Abyssal Plains, and Kliopsyllus schminkei Veit-Köhler & Drewes, 2009 occurred in the three West-African basins. This study provides a first insight into the large-scale biogeography of deep-sea harpacticoids, represented by the Paramesochridae, and indicates that distribution ranges, at least in this family, may extend across South Atlantic and Southern Ocean Abyssal Plains.  相似文献   

Although megafaunal organisms play an important role in deep benthic ecosystems and contribute significantly to benthic biomass in the Arctic little is known about their temporal dynamics. Here, we assessed the interannual dynamics of megafaunal organisms from the HAUSGARTEN observatory in the Fram Strait, an area where the effects of climatic forcing are particularly evident. We analysed three congruent camera transects taken in 2002, 2004 and 2007. Environmental parameters were measured in order to be able to put our faunal results into an environmental context.Our results indicate that although the densities of megafaunal species show different patterns over time, most exhibit an overall decrease between 2002 and 2007 and total megafaunal densities decreased regularly from 2002 to 2004 to 2007 (12.16±0.96 to 7.41±0.43 ind m−2). This concurs with a steady increase in bottom-water temperatures and a decrease in the total organic content and microbial biomass of surficial sediments at the same time period. Although suspension feeder densities also decreased, predator/scavenger and deposit feeder densities have declined to such an extent that suspension feeders accounted for almost 100% of the megafauna in 2007. It could thus be argued that the trophic diversity at the central HAUSGARTEN station (2500 m) has decreased. Temperature-related changes in the production of the surface layers may lead to changes in the quality and/or quantity of particles exported to the deep seafloor. The densities of deposit feeders (i.e. holothurians) peaked (1.14±0.13 ind m−2) in 2004, the year following the longest ice cover. These results indicate the importance of ice-related export of particles to the deep seafloor and highlight the need for time-series transects, especially in an era when productive marginal ice zones tend to disappear with the receding sea ice. Although there is a general consensus that the Arctic is in a transition towards a warmer state, only continued observation will allow us to assess if the interannual changes observed are a result of decadal cycles related to the Arctic and North Atlantic Oscillation or if they are indicators of long-term change.  相似文献   

We report the occurrence and distribution of Carapidae larvae in the southwest Atlantic Ocean, between Real River (12°S) and São Tomé Cape (22°S), off Brazil. Carapidae larvae were collected during three oceanographic cruises: spring 1998, winter 1999 and autumn 2000. The hauls were conducted obliquely from a maximum depth of 200 m, during day and night, with bongo nets 330- and 500-μm mesh size. Three species were recorded in this study: Carapus bermudensis, Echiodon dawsoni and Snyderidia canina. Only one C. bermudensis was collected during the winter cruise off the Salvador coast (13°S). Twenty-one larvae of E. dawsoni were collected during the three cruises between 14.5° and 22°S, including some at the banks of Vitória–Trindade Ridge. One S. canina larva occurred, during the spring in the north coast of Rio de Janeiro (22°S).  相似文献   

In reply to the United Nations General Assembly Resolutions on sustainable fisheries, Spain, either by itself or in collaboration with other Nations, has been carrying out studies on vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs) in the high seas of the Atlantic Ocean (areas beyond national jurisdictions) since 2005. Such studies provide advice to the Spanish Government, the Regional Fisheries Management Organizations and the European Union. This paper presents the multidisciplinary methodology used and summarises the following management results: (i) contribution to identification of cold-water corals and provision of evidence to close part (∼16,000 km2) of the Hatton Bank (NE Atlantic) to bottom fishing; (ii) compilation of an international data base to identify VMEs on the slopes of the Grand Banks of Newfoundland, Flemish Pass, and Flemish Cap (NW Atlantic) and to redefine areas currently closed to fishing; (iii) improvement of knowledge about deepwater ecosystems on Walvis Ridge and adjacent seamounts (SE Atlantic) as a pilot project for implementation in this region; and (iv) identification of VMEs and closure of an area (∼41,300 km2) on the high seas of the SW Atlantic. Also discussed are progress and challenges related to identifying and protecting VMEs.  相似文献   

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